重庆市第八中学2024-2025学年高三上学期适应性月考卷(一)英语 (含答案,无听力原文含音频)


名称 重庆市第八中学2024-2025学年高三上学期适应性月考卷(一)英语 (含答案,无听力原文含音频)
格式 zip
文件大小 9.9MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-10-08 11:14:29


英 语 试 卷
1. 答题前,考生务必用黑色碳素笔将自己的姓名、准考证号、考场号、座位号在答题卡上填写清楚。
2. 每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。在试题卷上作答无效。
3. 考试结束后,请将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。满分150分,考试用时120分钟。
第一部分 听力 (共两节,满分30分)
第一节 (共5小题; 每小题1.5分, 满分7.5分)
1. What will Chris do next
A. Drink some tea. B. Watch the World Cup. C. Go to sleep.
2. Which flight will the man reserve
A. At 16: 45. B. At 18: 00. C. At 18: 45.
3. Where should the man put his garbage
A. The brown bin. B. The red bin. C. The blue bin.
4. Where does the conversation most probably take place
A. In the living room.
B. In the garden.
C. In the dining room.
5. How does the man feel about learning to paint
A. It's difficult. B. It is time- consuming. C. It's no fun.
第二节 (共15小题; 每小题1.5分, 满分22.5分)
听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有5秒钟的时间阅读各个小题; 听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
6. What are the speakers talking about
A. Favorite attractions. B. Vacation plans. C. Summer jobs.
7, How will the woman go to San Francisco
A. By train. B. By air. C. By sea.
听下面一段对话,回答第8至第10 三个小题。
8. What is the man's job about
A. Observing the planets.
B. Teaching knowledge.
C. Writing research papers.
9. What is the man looking at today
A. Mars. B. Venus. C. The Moon.
10. Where will the woman have lunch
A. At the man's office. B. At a café. C. At her home.
听下面一段对话,回答第11 至第 13 三个小题。
11. What makes the woman surprised about Steve
A. His being in good shape.
B. His tired look.
C. His way of dressing.
12. Where did the woman use to exercise
A. In the open. B. In the gym. C. At home.
13. What does Steve offer to the woman
A. Working out with him. B. Using his guest passes. C. Looking for a trainer.
听下面一段对话,回答第14 至第16 三个小题。
14. What made Miss Johnson choose teaching as a profession
A. Family pressure. B. Her passion. C. Teachers' encouragement.
15. What does Miss Johnson think is the best part of her job
A. Being with children.
B. Winning others' respect.
C. Learning different things.
16. What does Miss Johnson want her students to become
A. Creative thinkers. B. Lifelong learners. C. Good communicators.
听下面一段独白,回答第17 至第20 四个小题。
17. What did the speaker do 9 years ago
A. Go to college. B. Find a job. C. Go travelling.
18. What happened to the speaker in college
A. Heavy study load. B. Too much fun. C. Peer pressure.
19. How does the speaker feel when she talks about her past experiences
A. Thrilled. B. Regretful. C. Thankful.
20. Who is the speaker probably talking to
A. College professors. B. High school students. C. Conservation volunteers.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
第一节 (共15小题; 每小题2.5分, 满分37.5分)
阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
Tour One
Come aboard! For a lap of some of our neighbouring islands, take in the beauty of Shute Harbour, Long Island and the Molle Island. As we cruise above the clear turquoise waters be sure to have a camera as this flight highlights why people come from all over the globe to this beautiful part of Australia.
$259.00 pp (3rd seat $130)
Tour Two
Let us take you to one of Australia's most recognized landmarks, Whitehaven Beach. Take in the view of all 74 Whitsunday islands as we make our way past Hamilton Island, Hazelwood Island and more, before showcasing the second most photographed destination in Australia — Hill Inlet.
$399.00 pp (3rd seat $200.00)
Tour Three
Looking to fill something from your bucket list This is the tour for you! See everything the Whitsunday has on offer in just one hour: Whitsunday Beach, Hill Inlet, Heart Reef and one of the seven natural wonders of the world — THE GTEAT BARRIER REEF ( the GBR).
$749.00 pp (3rd seat $250)
The Package
Jump onboard Airlie Beach Helicopters' newest tour! Your pilot transfers you from Airlie Beach to one of the Whitsunday best kept secrets, Cape Gloucester. Take in the sights of nearby islands and reef systems before touching down on the beach for 1. 5 hrs. Whilst here you have full access to the resort for lunch, drinks and a swim. Wind down, relax and enjoy an afternoon in this hidden piece of paradise.
$449.00 pp (3rd seat $225) — Food and Drinks not included.
21. Which tour is suitable for a tourist who wants to see Hill Inlet but has a tight budget
A. Tour Three. B. Tour Two. C. The Package. D. Tour One.
22. How much will a tourist pay if he wants to see the GBR with two friends
A. $998. B. $2,247. C. $1,748. D. $749.
23. Which tour will a tourist take if he loves activities on the beach
Loading the car with the stuff of our four youngsters was hardly my idea of fun. But precisely on schedule—I had performed that miracle. Perfect plans! With our vacation on Lake Michigan now over, I hurried back into the cottage to find my wife Evi e sweeping the last of the sand from the floor.
“ It's six - thirty — time to leave,” I said. “ Where are the kids ” “I let them run down to the beach for one last look.”I was annoyed. Why had we bothered to rise at dawn if we weren't to get rolling before the worst of the traffic hit They had only to relax in the car while I alone fought the long road home.
I walked with long steps to the beach. There, I spotted my four youngsters had discarded their shoes and were tiptoeing into the water, laughing each time a wave broke over their legs. With the firmness of a father, I cupped my hands to my mouth to order them to stop. But somehow the scolding words stopped short of my lips. The longer I watched, more magical the scene seemed, for it would never be copied.
What changes might we expect after the passing of another year, another ten years The only reality was this moment, this glistening beach and these children with their laughter mixed with the wind and the waves. Why had I rushed from the cottage to scold them Simply in the mood to nag because a long day's drive lay ahead How could I hope to maintain communication with my children, now and later, if I failed to keep youthful memories alive My daughters were signaling to me to join them, and instantly, I ran to them.
Today, years later, my heart still warms to recall our young children's laughter that day. And not infrequently, when they recollected their fondest memories, those few long- ago moments are among their most precious.
24. Why did the author feel annoyed
A. Rising too early bothered him a lot.
B. His carefully planned schedule was disturbed.
C. The packing and loading turned out not fun at all.
D. The road would be locked down for the traffic hit.
25. What made the author decide to change the plan
A. The joyful scene of his children playing.
B. The regret for not joining the children sooner.
C. His wife's sudden interfering in his schedule.
D. The thought of prioritizing family time over work.
26. What's the author's reflection in paragraph 4
A. He regretted scolding, desiring to reconnect.
B. He appreciated the moment, seeking bonding.
C. He anticipated future changes, aiming to stay close.
D. He got tired of the fast pace of life, longing to escape.
27. What did the author mainly want to convey
A. The responsibility of a firm father.
B. The bittersweet memories of the vacation.
C. The insignificance of discipline in parenting.
D. The timeless beauty of cherished family moments.
When I asked my 15- year- old cousin about her ideal occupation, she gave me an unusual answer, saying that she dreams of becoming an online celebrity, which reminded me of a new girl band called“ Sunshine”. These teens have quickly got an ill fame across China because of their“ unattractive” and“ fat” appearance and laughably bad singing skills. But rather than wither at the offence coming from their 430,000 followers on Weibo, they seem to bloom on the criticism.
And following Sunshine's explosion, numerous new bands like“ Power Girls” and “ Love- wings” starring average- looking adolescent girls started popping up on people's mobiles. Lots of ordinary, disadvantaged Chinese teens with no skills but big dreams have looked to unlikely role models such as the Sunshine girls as proof that all it takes is a little self- confidence to get your name in the headlines. It's incredible to witness so many young Chinese girls make spectacles of themselves online in a desperate attempt to stand out from thousands of potential stars.
This kind of grassroots self- promotion is fantastic for Chinese youth who may not otherwise have any opportunities or privileges to be outstanding in China's competitive society, but for those well- educated kids, there is a rising concern among parents that social networking is distracting them from academics.
Sadly, these so- called stars quickly disappear from people's attention once a new band pops up. Besides, they are likely to leave behind the online record of their ridiculous and sometimes scandalous behavior. Prospective employers and even potential husbands or wives will eventually see these photos and videos, which could affect their futures.
The good news is that, in today's Internet age, fame and fortune are easily attainable for otherwise unqualified kids, but the bad news is that their narcissistic (自恋的) addictions to social media will interfere with learning knowledge and real- life skills, leaving an entire generation of wired youth with absolutely no other alternative once their online followers forget about them.
28. What does the underlined word“ wither” in paragraph 1 mean
A. Fade. B. Prosper.
C. Tease. D. Please.
29. Why does becoming an online celebrity rise among the youth
A. Because it just needs self- confidence.
B. Because they are skilled at performance.
C. Because they don't concentrate on academics.
D. Because it is a possible chance to get them ahead.
30. What suffering may so- called stars face
A. They may lose their wealth.
B. They may get their future ruined.
C. They may be sick of people's concern.
D. They may be laughed at by their future employees.
31. What does the author imply in the last paragraph
A. Times change nothing. B. Qualifications bring fortune.
C. A trend can stimulate learning. D. An addiction can affect a whole generation.
Getting angry doesn't just hurt our mental health, it's also damaging to our hearts and gastrointestinal (胃肠的) systems, according to recent research. Of course, it's a common emotion that everyone feels — few of us stay serene when a driver cuts us off or a boss makes us stay late. But getting mad too often or for too long can cause problems.
One recent study looked at anger's effects on the heart. It found that anger can raise the risk of heart attacks because it impairs the functioning of blood vessels. Researchers examined the impact of three different emotions on the heart: anger, anxiety and sadness. One participant group did a task that made them angry, another did one that made them anxious, while a third did an exercise designed to induce sadness. The scientists then tested the functioning of the blood vessels in each participant, and they found that those in the angry group had worse blood flow than those in the others; their blood vessels didn't expand as much.
Doctors are also gaining a better understanding of how anger affects our gastrointestinal system. When someone becomes angry, the body produces numerous proteins and hormones that increase inflammation (炎症) in the body. Chronic in flammation can raise your risk of many diseases. The body's sympathetic nervous system —— or“ fight or flight” system—— is also activated, which shunts blood away from the gut to major muscles. This slows down movement in the GI tract, which can lead to problems like constipation (便秘).
“ If you have an angry conversation every now and again or you get upset every now and again, that's within the normal human experience,” says Antonia Seligowski, a professor at Massachusetts General Hospital.“ When a negative emotion is prolonged, when you' re really having a lot more of it and maybe more intensely, that's where it's bad for your health.” Her group is looking at whether mental- health treatments, like certain types of talk therapy or breathing exercises, may also be able to improve some of the physical problems caused by anger.
32. Why does the author mention“ the driver” and “ the boss” in paragraph 1
A. To show that anger only happens at work.
B. To illustrate that anger is a shared emotion.
C. To suggest that only outside events cause anger.
D. To indicate that anger is often aimed at people in charge.
33. What do we know about anger from paragraph 2 and paragraph 3
A. It improves blood flow. B. It increases nutrient absorption.
C. It enhances digestive movement. D. It triggers the body's sympathetic nervous system.
34. Which statement does Antonia Seligowsk i agree with about occasional anger
A. It is harmful to our health. B. It should be avoided instantly.
C. It should be prolonged constantly. D. It is part of normal human experience.
35. Which of the following can be the best title for the passage
A. The benefits of expressing anger.
B. Mental- health treatment s for anger.
C. Impacts of anger on heart and gastrointestinal health.
D. Long- term physical and psychological effects of anger.
第二节 (共5 小题; 每小题2.5分, 满分12.5分)
Anyone with a story to tell can write a book, either for their own enjoyment or to publish for all to see. But how to create a great story
Start with a big, engaging idea.
Whether you' re writing fiction or nonfiction, you need a concept that will hold your fa scination throughout the long process of writing and editing, and that will also engage your readers. 36 . Write them down, chew them over, and figure out which one you' re most passionate about.
Research your big idea to build your expertise (专业知识).
If you' re writing a nonfiction book, you' ll obviously need to deeply research your subject matter in order to write about it effectively and authentically. 37 . For instance, if you' re writing a crime drama, you might do research into how the police typically investigate crimes of the type you' re depicting.
38 .
If your focus each day is to write about the American Civil War, you may become paralyzed by the immensity of the task. Instead, divide up your larger concept into smaller components that feel more manageable to tackle. For instance, instead of thinking“I need to write about the Civil War,” you might tell yourself, “I'm going to write about General Grant's military strategy today.”
Develop at least one unforgettable character.
Build one or more characters who are complex and rounded, not one- note“ heroes” or“ villains”. Think about some of your favorite characters from books you love. Write down their character traits and use these to help build your own unique characters. 39 .
Emphasi ze conflict and tension in your narrative.
Introduce challenges and obstacles in your book. 40 . The conflict and tension can be both external and internal. Make it hard for your readers to put the book down!
A. Establish daily and weekly writing goals
B. Break your big idea into manageable pieces
C. Brainstorm themes, topics, or ideas that appeal to you
D. To drive your narrative, you should focus on developing a“ big idea”
E. Lead your characters through ups and downs to highlight such tension
F. Even fictional works, though, should be grounded in some degree of reality
G. Your readers may identify with them and care about what happens to them
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
第一节 (共15 小题; 每小题1分,满分15分)
阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
In 2020, Angela Zhao entered her first piano competition. On the day of the event, each 41 had to go up onstage one by one to perform. At first, Angela was 42 . But when she was next up to play, doubts began to flood her mind.
“ What if I played the 43 notes What if I forgot the notes What if I just 44 ” Angela remembered thinking.
As these 45 raced through her mind, Angela watched another girl perform. Once the girl was finished, she walked off stage to where Angela was waiting and did something 46 .
“ She looked at me and smiled with a thumb up,” Angela said. “ Her smile made me think that the 47 is just right for me, and the piano is just right for me. Most 48 , that smile made me think that today I'm just right and that I can 49 on the stage.”
Angela walked out to the piano and 50 her piece. When she was finished, she saw her competitor 51 for her. Such a show of support has stuck with Angela over the years.
“ As a 52 , she helped a shy girl to face the stage and 53 me,” Angela said.
If she could talk to that girl again, Angela would say,“ You changed a 54 of my life, and your kind smile 55 in my memory. And I' ll take that smile as a precious gift.”
41. A. audience B. volunteer C. participant D. judge
42. A. satisfied B. excited C. confused D. nervous
43. A. wrong B. familiar C. proper D. accurate
44. A. missed out B. carried on C. got by D. messed up
45. A. memories B. plans C. worries D. dreams
46. A. unexpected B. embarrassing C. annoying D. unwanted
47. A. performance B. stage C. victory D. atmosphere
48. A. recently B. probably C. importantly D. interestingly
49. A. dance B. walk C. play D. wait
50. A. performed B. composed C. learned D. heard
51. A. searching B. clapping C. crying D. fighting
52.A.competitor B. leader C. listener D. pianist
53. A. pleased B. instructed C. inspired D. respected
54. A. role B. moment C. record D. habit
55. A. flashed B. formed C. disappeared D. remained
第二节 (共10小题; 每小题1.5分, 满分15分)
The Great Barrier Reef (GBR) is the world's largest coral reef system. 56 ( locate) off the coast of Queensland in north- east Australia, it is one of the few biological structures 57 ( visibility) from space. The GBR is one of the seven wonders of the world and 58 ( select) as a World Heritage Site in 1981. It is blessed with breathtaking beauty with 2,900 individual reefs and 900 picturesque tropical islands 59 ( stretch) for over 2,000 kilometers. The reef structure is composed of billions of tiny organisms, 60 support a wide diversity of marine life.
The sheer size of the GBR, as well as its beauty, 61 ( draw) people from all over the world each year. A visitor can enjoy thrilling experiences including helicopter tours, glass- bottomed boat viewing, whale watching, swimming with dolphins and so on. For Australians, the reef is 62 source of pride and enjoyment, with the majority of tourists coming 63 ( special) to Australia to see it.
However, the GBR is under threat. The exploitation of oil and gas is driving industrial 64 ( expand) along much of the norther Queensland coast. Recently, a research group has arrived in Australia to investigate concerns of damage 65 the GBR. Environmentalists are demanding that all industrial development be stopped until an official review of the health of the GBR is carried out.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
第一节 (满分15分)
假定你是李华,你的英国高中生笔友 Mark 最近和好朋友闹了矛盾,他感到十分苦恼。因此发邮件向你倾诉。请你给他回封邮件。
内容包括:1. 给予安慰和鼓励;
2. 提出建议。
注意: 1. 词数80左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Dear Mark,
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua
第二节 (满分25分)
Tucker stood by the back door, his eyes fixed on the winter sky: crystal blue and not a single cloud. His breath made steamy circles on the chilled glass window.“I don't think today's the day, Tucker.” His father walked up beside him and looked outside. “ It has to snow something, doesn't it, Dad ” asked Tucker, a hint of regret in his voice as he surveyed the barren landscape.“ Sure, boy,” his father stroked his fingers through Tucker's hair and strode off toward the basement door.
Tucker's gaze wandered beyond the backyard of his family's new home. Just beyond a cluster of prickly pine trees, the flat ground pushed upward into a steep and empty hillside. Dad's promise of a perfect sledding(乘雪橇) spot echoed in his ears, painting vivid pictures of exhilarating rides down the hill, faster and more thrilling than anything he'd experienced in the city.
Sledding. Tucker's brand- new sled rested in the corner of his room, sandwiched between his dresser(梳妆台) and train table. It was perfect: bright blue with red and orange flames racing up its sides. Tucker loved the feel of the cool, smooth plastic yellow rope. He was sure it would be superfast. If only it would snow.
Determined to find some way to make the most of this snowless day, Tucker went down to the basement where he found his father waist- deep in a sea of flattened cardboard boxes. “ Can you play chess with me, Dad ” Tucker pleaded. His father looked over the wall of boxes.“I promised your mom I'd get all these boxes broken down and ready for recycling. It won't take long, Tucker. In a little while, we' ll find something fun to do, I promise.” But Tucker's eyes had already lit up with a new found idea. As he caught sight of the duct tape (强力防水胶带) next to his father and the ramp (斜坡) formed by the cardboard boxes by accident, inspiration struck.
注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
“ Dad, can I have some cardboard boxes ” Tucker asked.
Tucker held the sled in place.
英语·第10页 (共10页)
英 语 试 题 答 案
56. Located 57. visible 58. was selected 59. stretching 60. which
61. draws 62. a 63. specially 64. expansion 65. to
Dear Mark,
I am sorry to know that you have problems getting along with your best friend. Sometimes it is challenging to maintain sound interpersonal relationships, especially for us teenagers.
I can totally relate to your situation. Our friendships in high school are often intense and close-knit, making conflicts more frustrating. It may even have a negative impact on your study life. However, you may rely on it that your friendship can be repaired as long as you put your heart into it.
From my perspective, effective communication, with both of you keeping attentive to each other’s words and sharing your thoughts and feelings openly, is absolutely essential. You may as well ask your friend out and talk with him so that you can get to the root of your conflict.
I sincerely wish you can break the ice and win back your friend soon!
Yours sincerely.
Li Hua
“Dad, can I have some cardboard boxes ” Tucker asked. “Sure, if you clean up when you’re done,” answered Dad. “And some duct tape (强力防水胶带), too ” Tucker continued. His father smiled, grabbed the duct tape, and tossed it to Tucker. “Have fun.” Tucker wiped his mittened (连指手套) hand across his forehead and gulped the frosty air. Despite the cold, he was sweating from carrying a mountain of cardboard into the backyard. An hour later, Tucker stood on top of the hill under the fading January sun. He had lined the flat brown boxes, one after the other, up the hillside, and taped the undersides together until they had formed a ramp. It ran from the tiptop (最高点) of the sledding hill, past the pine trees, and down to the middle of the backyard.
Tucker held the sled in place. Gripping the steering (转向装置) rope, and moving his feet into position, Tucker took a deep, frosty breath. He let out a scream as the sled raced down the slope, faster and faster. It came to a sudden stop in the crunchy grass. Tucker flew through the air and landed in a giggly heap. He jumped to his feet and raced back up the hill with his sled again and again. When the last of the daylight finally faded away, the cardboard was dirty, crumpled, and ripped (撕扯,剥) from the boy’ many trips down it. But Tucker didn’t mind. He lay back in his sled and gazed up at the darkening sky. Then he stuck out his tongue to catch the first thick, white flake swirling down from above. And he smiled.