

名称 安徽省亳州市第二完全中学2024-2025学年高三上学期第一次月考英语试卷(含解析,有听力音频有听力原文)
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 通用版
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-10-08 12:04:56


亳州二中 2024—2025 学年高三上学期第一次月考英语试卷
(试卷满分 150 分,考试时间 120 分钟)
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分)
第一节 (共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)
听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
1. What will the man do on Friday
A. Give a lecture. B. Attend a lecture. C. Work on his novel.
2. Why has the man bought the coats
A. It’ll be a cold winter. B. He’ll have an interview. C. His arm and leg hurt.
3. How does the man advise the woman to travel
A. By car. B. By underground. C. By plane.
4. Who is in charge of the Europe department
A. Mr Brown. B. The man. C. The woman.
5. Where are the speakers most probably
A. At the visitors’ center. B. In a school. C. On the school bus.
第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)
听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
听第 6 段材料,回答第 6、7 题。
6. What does the woman think of traveling by plane
A. It’s inconvenient. B. It’s too expensive. C. It saves money.
7. How are the speakers going to New York
A. By air. B. By water. C. By land.
听第 7 段材料,回答第 8、9 题。
8. Who are the intended readers for the woman’s book
A. Adolescents. B. Adults. C. The elderly.
9. What’s the man doing
A. Preparing for an exam. B. Getting ready for a trip. C. Planning for an exhibition.
听第 8 段材料,回答第 10 至 12 题。
10. Why was the woman late
A. She went to Mary’s. B. She had her phone fixed. C. Her car broke down.
11. What did Mary do
A. She got stuck. B. She tried to help others. C. She made up a story.
12. What did Mary see on the road
A. A person. B. An accident. C. An animal.
听第 9 段材料,回答第 13 至 16 题。
13. Who told the woman something about the man
A. Her classmate. B. Her neighbor. C. Her friend.
14. What’s the woman like
A. Friendly. B. Shy. C. Humorous.
15. What’s the most probable relationship between the speakers
A. Friends. B. Colleagues. C. Strangers.
16. When did the woman move
A. About two months ago.
B. About two years ago.
C. About two days ago.
听第 10 段材料,回答第 17 至 20 题。
17. What courses does the school mainly offer
A. Science. B. English. C. Business.
18. Who are the target students of the school
A. Teenagers. B. Young kids. C. Adults.
19. Where will the exhibition be held
A. In the school hall.
B. In the English garden.
C. In No.1 Teaching Building.
20. How can you contact the school
A. By making a call. B. By sending an email. C. By writing a letter.
第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分 50 分)
第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5 分)
阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。
A unique dual chip design enables the spatial experiences on Apple Vision Pro. The powerful M2 chip simultaneously runs visionOS, executes advanced computer vision algorithms, and delivers stunning graphics, all with incredible efficiency. And the brand-new R1 chip is specifically dedicated to process input from the cameras, sensors, and microphones, streaming images to the displays within 12 milliseconds — for a virtually lag-free, real-time view of the world.
Meta Quest 3 is the most powerful Quest device yet. Powered by the Snapdragon XR2 Gen 2 Platform, the Quest 3 features more than twice the graphics processing performance, breakthrough mixed reality features, and a thinner more balanced fit that will expand your reality.
The PS VR2 headset will detect your eye movements, allowing you to interact with other players online in a new and realistic way, resulting in increased emotional responses and expressive sensitivity. Eye-tracking cameras track your gaze as you aim or look around, while advanced point-of-view rendering technology improves the visual experience by adjusting resolution to pinpoint your location and sharpen your focus.
PICO 4 is equipped with self-developed high-precision four-eye environmental tracking and infrared optical positioning system, and the optical sensor is further improved to achieve better tracking and positioning effect. PICO motion tracker can achieve 3DoF spatial positioning, tie it to the leg to achieve leg movement tracking, so that you can be more flexible in the virtual world. You just throw your hands away, move your legs, it can catch your every movement.
21.Which unique technological feature of the Apple Vision Pro enables an unprecedented mixed reality experience for users
A. Eye-tracking system. B. Dual-chip design.
C. Optical sensors. D. High-definition display.
22. Which of the following statements accurately compares the capabilities of the four products mentioned
A. Apple Vision Pro is the only one with a dual-chip design.
B. Meta Quest 3 offers the highest graphics processing performance.
C. PS VR2 detects eye movements for online interaction.
D. PICO 4 lacks a high-precision tracking system.
23. If Simon wanted to buy a product to play a game, which of the following products would be his first choice
A. Apple Vision Pro. B. Meta Quest 3.
C. PS VR2. D. PICO 4.
Wendell Berry was almost 30 when he packed up his life as a New York intellectual and moved to Port Royal, a tiny community in Kentucky where generations of his forebears (祖先) had farmed the land. His friends thought he was mad. But he felt it was his inner calling to record the history of the place.
Since moving to Port Royal in 1964, he has lived as if he were in the 19th century, writing by hand and ploughing his fields with horses. His eight novels and more than 50 short stories are usually set in Port William, a stand-in (代替物) for Port Royal. Nick Offerman, an actor, wanted to adapt his work for the screen. However, the actor was refused.
In Mr Berry’s opinion, humans must take care of the earth that grants them life. “The soil is the greatest connector of lives,” he has written. “Without proper care for it we can have no community.” This philosophy dominates his writings. In The Unsettling of America, published in 1977, Mr Berry criticized the natural damage caused by large agribusinesses. He thinks capitalism has separated farming from culture and disconnected people from nature.
Mr Berry’s fiction explores the decline of values by following Port William’s interconnected clans (家族) as they enter the modern age. In Dismemberment, a short story, Andy Catlett loses a hand to a harvesting machine and becomes a loner. He sees his withdrawal is mistaken and reconnects with the town, finding “the wealth of an intimate history” in belonging to “his ancestral place”. In Hannah Coulter, Mr Berry’s seventh novel, the main character Hannah Coulter grows old after a sad life and anticipates loneliness when her children leave to find work in the city. Instead her hope is restored when her grandson returns to run the farm.
These stories offer insightful advice for readers living through ecological disaster. Though few can return to farming basics, Mr Berry’s messages of building communities, being a good neighbor and resisting the invitation of modern life are still valuable.
24. Why did Mr Berry’s friends think he was mad
A. He moved to live in the countryside. B. He turned down Offerman’s request.
C. He wrote most of his novels by hand. D. He gave up his career as an intellectual.
25. What do Mr Berry’s writings often imply
A. The challenges of farming in old days.
B. The harmony between man and nature.
C. The real benefits of large agribusinesses.
D. The hard lives of his forebears in Kentucky.
26. What do Andy Catlett and Hannah Coulter have in common
A. They are from the same novel. B. They both choose to live alone.
C. They are victims of country life. D. They both find their values again.
27. What would be the best title for the text
A. Wendell Berry: a rural writer living a modern life
B. Wendell Berry: a strong voice for modern farming
C. Discover why Wendell Berry’s rural tales shine
D. Find out how Wendell Berry adapts to new environments
Years ago, I bought a blouse. That same day, I considered putting it on, but for no particular reason I decided not to. That weekend, I again considered wearing the blouse, but the occasion didn’t seem special enough, so again, I passed it up. Fast forward to today, I have never worn that blouse.
What happened here Why do people own so many unused possessions, treating them as though they are too special to use To find out, I ran an experiment in which participants imagined buying a bottle of wine. We had half of the participants imagine considering opening it one night, but deciding not to. Then when we measured how special the wine seemed and participants’ intentions to open it later, we found that those who had imagined holding off on opening it were in fact less likely to intend to open it later. When asked the reason, most assumed they were waiting for a future occasion to open it — a more special occasion.
Why do people fall into this mental trap Prior research points to two main reasons.
First, when options are presented one at a time, rather than all at once, it can be difficult to know when to make a decision. So people often end up “holding out” for an idealized future occasion. Second, regardless of the actual reasons behind their feelings and actions, people often come up with their own explanations after the fact.
Putting these together is a recipe for what psychologists term “specialness spirals”. When you give up using something — for whatever reason — if you believe that you are waiting to use it, the possession will start to feel more special. And as you search for the right occasion day after day, it becomes more tempting to hold out for a future occasion. The less you use it, though, the more special it feels, and the cycle continues. Ultimately, the likelihood of using the possession becomes rarer and rarer. The more this happens, the more stuff you have lying around.
How can you fight specialness spirals Try committing in advance to using an item on a specific occasion. When buying a dress, tell yourself you’ll wear it this weekend. Or when purchasing a candle, plan to light it that day. This strategy encourages you to actually enjoy your possessions.
28. What were the participants asked to imagine doing in the experiment
A. Putting off drinking the wine.
B. Evaluating the quality of the wine.
C. Listing reasons for drinking the wine.
D. Discussing how they would deal with the wine.
29. What does the underlined word “tempting” in paragraph 5 mean
A. Particular. B. Ordinary. C. Inviting. D. Unappealing.
30. What can we learn about specialness spirals
A. They can mislead people into shopping traps.
B. They can lead to a collection of unused stuff.
C. They result from an optimistic attitude to the future.
D. They help explain the psychology of delayed rewards.
31. What is the main purpose of the text
A. To explain a psychological phenomenon.
B. To criticize a wrong consumption concept.
C. To remind people to enjoy their possessions.
D. To encourage people to prepare for a rainy day.
Chinese researchers have taken a bite-sized step toward the future of food with the development of “chicken rice” and “pork rice” — innovative dishes combining cell-cultured meat and staple grains.
The breakthrough, led by the China Meat Food Comprehensive Research Center and the Beijing Academy of Food Sciences, involves cultivating chicken and pork cells directly on rice and other crops.
“These dishes appear just like regular rice varieties — white, brown or purple,” explained Wang Shouwei, the chief scientist behind the project. “But after cooking, they take on the aroma of both rice and meat.”
Beyond taste, the technology offers exciting nutritional possibilities. “We can precisely control the content of protein, amino acids, fiber, carbs and other nutrients,” Wang said. “This allows us to tailor these foods to specific dietary needs.”
The key innovation lies in using rice as a “microcarrier scaffold”. Traditionally, cell-cultured meat production relies on expensive, synthetic carriers.
“These carriers often raise food safety concerns and inflate production costs,” Wang said. “Rice, on the other hand, provides a natural, edible alternative, rich in fiber and other beneficial nutrients.”
The process involves pre-treating rice varieties to create a suitable environment for cell growth. For instance, “pork rice” is produced by cultivating separate batches of pork muscle and fat cells on modified rice grains. These are then combined to create the final product.
Professor Zhou Jingwen, from Jiangnan University, sees the development as a significant leap forward.
“Chicken rice and pork rice represent a new frontier in cell-cultured meat research, and China is poised to be a leader in this field,” he said.
The research team is optimistic about achieving mass production in the near future.
Fitness coach Yao Xiangwei is intrigued by the potential. “High protein, high fiber and healthy carbs — that sounds perfect for people like me,” he said. “Price will be a factor, but I'd definitely try it.”
However, Yao acknowledges the need for public acceptance. “As a new concept, people will likely be curious but cautious,” he said. “It might take some time for these ‘cultivated’ dishes to become mainstream.”
32. What is the main focus of the Chinese researchers’ recent development in the food industry
A. Creating a new type of rice grain.
B. Developing cell-cultured meat dishes combined with rice.
C. Enhancing traditional Chinese dishes with modern technology.
D. Cultivating synthetic carriers for cell-cultured meat.
33. How does using rice as a “microcarrier scaffold” benefit the production of cell-cultured meat
A. It significantly reduces the nutritional value of the meat.
B. It offers a natural, edible alternative to synthetic carriers.
C. It complicates the process of cell growth on the rice.
D. It increases the production costs due to the special treatment required.
34. According to Professor Zhou Jingwen, what does the development of “chicken rice” and “pork rice” signify for China in the field of cell-cultured meat research
A. It indicates a decline in traditional meat consumption.
B. It marks China’s position as a leader in this emerging field.
C. It suggests that China will import more meat from abroad.
D. It shows that China is lagging behind in food technology advancements.
35. What concern does fitness coach Yao Xiangwei mention regarding the potential success of cell-cultured meat dishes
A. The dishes may not contain enough protein for athletes.
B. The public may be hesitant to accept these new food concepts.
C. The production process is too complex to be replicated widely.
D. The price of the dishes will be too low to attract high-end consumers.
第二节 (共 5 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5 分)
In the early morning, when the first rays of sunlight touch the earth, there is a special moment of stillness and calm. 36 . The world seems to awaken slowly, stretching its limbs after a long night’s rest. 37 , as if they too are greeting the new day with joy.
As the sun climbs higher in the sky, the temperature begins to rise gently. 38 . Children can be heard playing in the streets, their laughter echoing through the quiet neighborhoods. The air is filled with the scent of fresh bread from the local bakery, mingling with the sweet fragrance of blooming flowers.
39 . People start their daily routines, heading off to work or school. The streets fill with the sounds of cars and buses, and the hum of conversation. Yet, amidst the hustle and bustle, there is a sense of order and purpose. Everyone has a role to play in the unfolding drama of life.
By midday, the sun reaches its zenith, casting long shadows that dance on the pavement. 40 . In the shade of trees, friends gather to enjoy a leisurely lunch, sharing stories and laughter. The rhythm of life slows down, allowing everyone to catch their breath before the afternoon activities begin.
A. The birds begin to sing their morning songs
B. This is the time when nature truly comes alive
C. It’s a moment of transition, from the peace of dawn to the energy of day
D. As the day progresses, the pace of life quickens
E. But soon, the tranquility gives way to the vibrancy of morning life
F. The warmth of the sun encourages people to step outside
G. Under the bright blue sky, life flourishes in all its forms
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分 30 分)
第一节 (共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)
阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
Do you always overlook your mom’s words when talking with your friends If you’re a teen, that’s fairly ____41____. And new researches may explain why so many adolescents 42 their mom’s voices.
Young kids’ brains are very tuned in to their mothers’ voices. But as they grow up, everything 43 . Teenagers’ brains are more tuned in to strangers’ voices. This obvious 44 usually happens between ages 13 and 14. That’s when teenagers are in the course of puberty (青春期), a roughly decade-long transition into adulthood.
Researchers scanned the brains of 7 to 16-year-olds as they listened to things said by their mothers or by unfamiliar women. The words were purely 45 : teebudieshawlt, keebudieshawlt and peebudieshawlt. As they listened, certain parts of their brains became ____46____. This was especially true in brain regions that help us to pay attention and 47 how to obtain rewards. That’s exactly as it should be. The experiments show that those parts of their brains react more strongly to the unfamiliar voices than to their mothers’.
These areas in the adolescent brains don’t stop 48 mom. It’s just that unfamiliar voices become more rewarding and worthy of attention. “As kids 49 , their survival depends less and less on maternal (母亲的) support. 50 , they rely more and more on their 51 —friends and others closer to their own age. So the brains need to begin paying more attention to that wider world. The brain seems to 52 new needs that come with adolescence.”
However, mothers’ voices still have special power, especially in times of ____53____. Studies also showed that levels of stress hormones (荷尔蒙) ____54____ when stressed-out girls heard their moms’ voices on the phone.
So while both teens and their parents sometimes feel frustrated by missed messages, that’s okay. “That’s the way the 55 functions, and there’s a good reason for it.”
41.A.rare B.common C.impossible D.strange
42.A.tune out B.put up C.show off D.listen to
43.A.matters B.changes C.emerges D.evolves
44.A.shift B.action C.evidence D.ability
45.A.sensible B.regular C.nonstop D.meaningless
46.A.rigid B.numb C.active D.calm
47.A.design B.claim C.inspect D.explore
48.A.responding to B.keeping out C.turning down D.working with
49.A.advance B.struggle C.mature D.shrink
50.A.Otherwise B.Therefore C.Besides D.Instead
51.A.competitors B.strangers C.peers D.relatives
52.A.appeal to B.adjust to C.lead to D.apply to
53.A.relief B.pressure C.absence D.safety
54.A.decreased B.varied C.remained D.topped
55.A.mind B.head C.brain D.heart
第二节 (共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)
阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
Parts of the Middle East are some of the ___56___(hot) inhabited places on Earth. Temperatures in Abu Dhabi can climb to over 50℃. As a result, air conditioning is a 57 (necessary) there, and people tend to spend a lot of time indoors.
But people there haven’t always had air conditioning. ___58___(fortunate), the comeback of an ancient Arabic architectural cooling technique has made this problem a thing of the past.
Mashrabiya refers to the latticed (格子状的) screens often 59 (see) in Islamic architecture that keep buildings cool without completely blocking light. They are designed ___60___(offer) a spot of relief ___61___ the heat within a building. The idea is essentially to stop direct sunlight ___62___(land) on the outside of the building.
That’s 63 inspired the design of Al Bahar Towers, a 25-storey building wrapped in more than 1,000 hexagonal (六边形的) shades with built-in sensors that allow them to respond to the sun’s movements. When the sun hits the shades, they’ll unfold like an umbrella to ward off (抵挡) the heat. ___64___ these measures, the outside of such a building in Abu Dhabi could reach as high as 90 ℃.
So far the technique 65 (help) reduce the building’s need for air conditioning by 50%. Cool, huh
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分 40 分)
最近,“搭子文化(the companion culture)”受到了越来越多的人的关注,人们为了寻找陪伴而选择“暂时性搭子”。你校英文报就“青少年是否应该寻找学习搭子”向全校学生征稿,请你写一篇短文投稿。
注意:写作词数应为 80 左右。
Should teens pursue study partners
第二节读后续写(满分 25 分)
阅读下面文章,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一个完整短文,续写词数应为 150 左右。
In the distant and mysterious star continent, there is a young man named Bruce. He has a pair of eyes that can see the mysteries of the stars, and a heart that never gives up. Bruce lives in a small, quiet village where people make a living by farming and pastoraling, and know little about the mysteries of the starry sky. However, Bruce is always looking up at the stars, and his heart is full of longing for the unknown.
One day, a shooting star streaked across the sky and landed in Bruce’s backyard. Bruce walked over curiously and found that it was actually a strange shaped meteorite, which was engraved with ancient runes. He gently touched the meteorite, suddenly a powerful energy poured into his body, his eyes emerged a series of strange pictures: stars twinkling, the vast universe, mysterious creatures shuttling between the stars...
“It’s the power of the stars!” An old and mysterious voice sounded in Bruce’s ear, “You have been chosen to become the guardian of the star continent. You need to find the scattered pieces of the stars to unlock the power of the stars and protect the peace of the continent.”
Bruce was shocked by this sudden responsibility and mission, but he did not flinch. He says goodbye to his family and embarks on an adventure to find the shards of stars.
During the journey, Bruce encountered various challenges and difficulties. Sometimes he has to navigate dangerous forests, sometimes he has to solve complex puzzles, and sometimes he has to fight against evil forces. However, he never gave up, because he knew that only by finding all the pieces of the stars could he unlock the power of the stars and protect his beloved home.
After countless times of sharpening and experience, Bruce has gradually grown into a brave, wise and responsible young man. He not only found many fragments of stars, but also made a group of like-minded friends. They fought side by side and faced various challenges and difficulties together.
However, as they approach their goal, they encounter a powerful enemy— the leader of the dark forces of the Star continent. ________________________________________________________________________________
After a thrilling battle, Bruce finally defeated the leader of the dark forces with his firm faith and the support of his friends. __________________________________________________________________________________
听力1-5 CABAB 6-10 BCABA 11-15 BCCAC 16-20 ABCCA
21-23BCD 24-27 ABDC 28-31 ACBA 32-35 BBBB 36-40 BAFDG
完形填空:41-45 BABAD 46-50 CDACD 51-55 CBBAC
56. hottest 57. necessity 58. Fortunately 59. seen 60. to offer
61. from 62. landing 63. what 64. Without 65. has helped
Should teens pursue study partners
The companion culture trend is gaining notice as people opt for short-term partnerships to fulfill immediate needs for cooperation, knowledge exchange, and shared experiences.
I am in favor of teens’ pursuing study partners, because these partnerships can help develop essential skills like resilience and teamwork, which are crucial not only for study but also for life in general.
Although having study partners can encourage lively idea exchange and collaborative learning, it’s essential to be careful and avoid distractions. It’s important for teens to find study partners that match their learning style, creating a relationship that benefits both.
【详解】1. 词汇积累
支持:be in favor of→approve
追求:pursue→go after
2. 句式拓展
原 句 : It’s important for teens to find study partners that match their learning style, creating a relationship that benefits both.
拓展句:It’s important for teens to find study partners that match their learning style, so that they can create a relationship that benefits both.
【点睛】【高分句型1】 I am in favor of teens’ pursuing study partners, because these partnerships can help develop essential skills like resilience and teamwork, which are not only crucial for study but also for life in general. (运用了 because 引导的原因状语从句以及 which引导的非限制性定语从句)
【高分句型】 Although having study partners can encourage lively idea exchange and collaborative learning, it’s crucial to be careful and avoid distractions. (运用了 although 引导让步状语从句,动名词作主语,it 作形式主语以及不定式作真正主语)
However, as they approach their goal, they encounter a powerful enemy – the leader of the dark forces of the Star continent. The enemy is surrounded by a dark aura, his eyes gleaming with malice. Bruce and his friends stand firm, ready to face this formidable challenge. The leader attacks with a wave of dark energy, but Bruce and his team bravely counterattack. They use their combined skills and the power of the star fragments they have collected to hold their ground.
After a thrilling battle, Bruce finally defeated the leader of the dark forces with his firm faith and the support of his friends. The continent is filled with cheers and celebration. Bruce realizes that his journey is not just about finding the star fragments but also about growing and learning to protect what he loves. With the power of the stars unlocked, Bruce and his friends continue to work hard to maintain the peace and stability of the star continent, becoming true guardians of this magical land.
①由第一段首句内容“然而,当他们接近目标时,却遭遇了一个强大的敌人——星辰大陆黑暗势力的领袖。”以及第二段首句内容“经过一场惊心动魄的战斗,Bruce 终于凭借坚定的信念和朋友们的支持,击败了黑暗势力的领袖。”可知,第一段可描写 Bruce 和朋友们运用技能与敌人进行了殊死大战。
②由第二段首句内容“经过一场惊心动魄的战斗,Bruce 终于凭借坚定的信念和朋友们的支持,击败了黑暗势力的领袖。”可知,第二段可描写经过这次大战,Bruce 终于成为了这片土地上真正的守护者。
①充满了:be filled with/be full of
②意识到:realize/figure/come to know
③继续:continue/go on
【点睛】【高分句型 1】They use their combined skills and the power of the star fragments they have collected to hold their ground.(运用了省略关系代词的定语从句)
【高分句型 2】Bruce realizes that his journey is not just about finding the star fragments but also about growing and learning to protect what he loves.(运用了 that 引导的宾语从句和 what 引导的宾语从句)
【21 题详解】
细节理解题。根据第一段的第一句“ A unique dualchip design enables the spatial experiences on Apple Vision Pro.(独特的双芯片设计使 Apple Vision Pro 的空间体验成为可能。)”和最后一句“And the brand-new R1 chip is specifically dedicated to process input from the cameras, sensors, and microphones, streaming images to the displays within 12 milliseconds — for a virtually lag-free, real-time view of the world.(全新的 R1 芯片专门用于处理来自摄像头、传感器和麦克风的输入,在 12 毫秒内将图像流式传输到显示器上,实现几乎无延迟的实时世界视图。)”可知,Apple Vision Pro 的双芯片设计为用户提供了前所未有的混合现实体验。故选 B 项。
【22 题详解】
细节理解题。根据第三部分的句子“The PS VR2 headset will detect your eye movements, allowing you to interact with other players online in a new and realistic way, resulting in increased emotional responses and expressive sensitivity.(PS VR2 头显将检测你的眼球运动,让你以一种新的和现实的方式与其他玩家在线互动,从而增加情绪反应和表达灵敏度。)”可知,PS VR2 可以检测在线互动的眼球运动。故 C 项正确。根据第一段的句子“A unique dualchip design enables the spatial experiences on Apple Vision Pro.(独特的双芯片设计使 Apple Vision Pro 的空间体验成为可能。)”可知,A 项中的“唯一一款采用双芯片设计”描述不准确。根据第二部分的句子“Meta Quest 3 is the most powerful Quest device yet. Powered by the Snapdragon XR2 Gen 2 Platform, the Quest 3 features more than twice the graphics processing performance, breakthrough mixed reality features, and a thinner more balanced fit that will expand your reality.(Meta Quest 3 是迄今为止最强大的任务设备。Quest 3 搭载骁龙 XR2 Gen 2 平台,图形处理性能提升两倍以上,具有突破性的混合现实功能,更轻薄、更平衡,将扩展您的现实体验。)”可知,B 项中的“提供最高的图形处理性能”描述不准确。根据最后一部分的句子“PICO 4 is equipped with self-developed high-precision four-eye environmental tracking and infrared optical positioning system, and the optical sensor is further improved to achieve better tracking and positioning effect.(PICO 4 配备了自主研发的高精度四眼环境跟踪和红外光学定位系统,并对光学传感器进行了进一步改进,实现了更好的跟踪定位效果。)”和 “PICO motion tracker can achieve 3DoF spatial positioning, tie it to the leg to achieve leg movement tracking, so that you can be more flexible in the virtual world.(PICO 运动跟踪器可以实现 3DoF 的空间定位,将其绑在腿部上实现腿部运动跟踪,让你在虚拟世界中更加灵活。)”可知,D 项中“缺乏高精度跟踪系统”描述不准确。故选 C 项。
【23 题详解】
推理判断题。根据最后一部分的句子“PICO motion tracker can achieve 3DoF spatial positioning, tie it to the leg to achieve leg movement tracking, so that you can be more flexible in the virtual world. You just throw your hands away, move your legs, it can catch your every movement.(PICO 运动跟踪器可以实现 3DoF 的空间定位,将其绑在腿部上实现腿部运动跟踪,让你在虚拟世界中更加灵活。你只要甩开你的手,移动你的腿,它就能捕捉到你的每一个动作。)”可以推论出,因为 PICO 让你在虚拟世界中更加灵活,所以如果 Simon 想买一个产品来玩游戏,PICO 会是他的第一选择。故选 D 项。
【导语】这是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了 Wendell Berry 搬到农村去住,他觉得记录这个地方的历史是他内心的召唤。在此期间他创作了许多作品,在 Berry 先生看来,人类必须爱护赋予他们生命的地球。他认为资本主义使农业与文化分离,使人与自然分离。
【24 题详解】
细节理解题。根据第一段“Wendell Berry was almost 30 when he packed up his life as a New York intellectual and moved to Port Royal, a tiny community in Kentucky where generations of his forebears (祖先) had farmed the land. His friends thought he was mad.(Wendell Berry 快 30岁时结束了他在纽约的作家生涯,搬到了肯塔基州的一个小社区——罗亚尔港,他的祖先几代人都在这里耕种。他的朋友们都认为他疯了)”可知,Berry 先生的朋友们认为他疯了因为他搬到农村去住了。故选 A 项。
【25 题详解】
推理判断题。根据第三段“In The Unsettling of America, published in 1977, Mr Berry criticized the natural damage caused by large agribusinesses. He thinks capitalism has separated farming from culture and disconnected people from nature.(在 1977 年出版的《美国的不安》一书中,Berry 批评了大型农业综合企业造成的自然破坏。他认为资本主义使农业与文化分离,使人与自然分离)”可知,Berry 先生的作品通常暗示了人与自然的和谐。故选 B。
【26 题详解】
推理判断题。根据倒数第二段“In Dismemberment, a short story, Andy Catlett loses a hand to a harvesting machine and becomes a loner. He sees his withdrawal is mistaken and reconnects with the town, finding ‘the wealth of an intimate history’ in belonging to ‘his ancestral place’. In Hannah Coulter, Mr Berry’s seventh novel, the main character Hannah Coulter grows old after a sad life and anticipates loneliness when her children leave to find work in the city. Instead her hope is restored when her grandson returns to run the farm.(在短篇小说《肢解》中,安迪·卡特利特被收割机夺去了一只手,成为了一个孤独的人。他发现自己的撤退是错误的,并重新与小镇联系起来,发现‘祖籍的家族历史财富’。在 Berry 先生的第七部小说《汉娜·库尔特》中,主人公汉娜·库尔特在经历了一段悲伤的生活后变老,并预料到当她的孩子们去城市找工作时,她会感到孤独。相反,当她的孙子回来经营农场时,她的希望又恢复了)”可知,卡特利特和库尔特的共同点在于两者都重新找到了自己的价值。故选 D 项。
【27 题详解】
主旨大意题。根据最后一段“These stories offer insightful advice for readers living through ecological disaster. Though few can return to farming basics, Mr Berry’s messages of building communities, being a good neighbor and resisting the invitation of modern life are still valuable.(这些故事为生活在生态灾难中的读者提供了深刻的建议。虽然很少有人能回到农耕的基础,但 Berry 先生所传达的建立社区、做一个好邻居以及抵制现代生活邀请的信息仍然很有价值。)”以及上文内容可知,文章主要讲述了 Wendell Berry 搬到农村去住,他觉得记录这个地方的历史是他内心的召唤。在此期间他创作了许多作品,在 Berry 先生看来,人类必须爱护赋予他们生命的地球。他认为资本主义使农业与文化分离,使人与自然分离。所以 C 选项 Discover why Wendell Berry’s rural tales shine(探索 Wendell Berry 的乡村故事为何大放异彩)最符合文章标题。故选 C 项。
【28 题详解】
细节理解题。由文章第二段中“To find out, I ran an experiment in which participants imagined buying a bottle of wine. We had half of the participants imagine considering opening it one night, but deciding not to. Then when we measured how special the wine seemed and participants’ intentions to open it later, we found that those who had imagined holding off on opening it were in fact less likely to intend to open it later.(为了找出答案,我做了一个实验,让参与者想象自己买了一瓶葡萄酒。我们让一半的参与者想象有一天晚上考虑打开它,但最终决定不打开。然后,当我们测量葡萄酒的特殊程度,以及参与者稍后打开它的意愿时,我们发现,那些想象过要推迟打开它的人,实际上不太可能打算稍后打开它。)”可知,在实验中,参与者被要求想象购买了一瓶酒并将推迟喝那瓶酒。故选 A 项。
【29 题详解】
词句猜测题。由文章第五段“And as you search for the right occasion day after day, it becomes more tempting to hold out for a future occasion. The less you use it, though, the more special it feels, and the cycle continues. Ultimately, the likelihood of using the possession becomes rarer and rarer. The more this happens, the more stuff you have lying around.(当你日复一日地寻找合适的场合时,为未来的场合坚持下去变得更加 。然而,你使用它的次数越少,它的感觉就越特别,循环也在继续。最终,使用该东西的可能性越来越小。这种情况发生得越多,你周围的东西就越多。)”可知,最终人们会因为这东西特别而不会使用它,由此推知这里表示“为未来的场合坚持下去决定变得更加有吸引力”,所以猜测 tempting 表“诱人的;吸引人的”意思,与 C 项 Inviting(吸引人的)意思相近。故选 C 项。
【30 题详解】
推理判断题。由文章第五段中“Putting these together is a recipe for what psychologists term “specialness spirals”. When you give up using something-for whatever reason-if you believe that you are waiting to use it, the possession will start to feel more special. And as you search for the right occasion day after day, it becomes more tempting to hold out for a future occasion. The less you use it, though, the more special it feels, and the cycle continues. Ultimately, the likelihood of using the possession becomes rarer and rarer. The more this happens, the more stuff you have lying around.(把这些放在一起就是心理学家所说的“特殊螺旋”的秘诀。当你放弃使用某物时——无论出于什么原因——如果你相信你正在等待使用它,那么拥有它就会开始感觉更特别。当你日复一日地寻找合适的场合时,为未来的场合坚持下去变得更加诱人。然而,你使用它的次数越少,它的感觉就越特别,循环也在继续。最终,使用该东西的可能性越来越小。这种情况发生得越多,你周围的东西就越多。)”可知,“特殊螺旋”指的是人们因期待更特殊场合而不断推迟使用某物品的心理现象,这会导致物品越积越多却未被使用。故选 B 项。
【31 题详解】
推理判断题。通读全文,尤其是由文章第一段“Years ago, I bought a blouse. That same day, I considered putting it on, but for no particular reason I decided not to. That weekend, I again considered wearing the blouse, but the occasion didn’t seem special enough, so again, I passed it up. Fast forward to today, I have never worn that blouse. (几年前,我买了一件衬衫。同一天,我考虑穿上它,但没有特别的原因,我决定不穿。那个周末,我再次考虑穿这件衬衫,但这个场合似乎不够特别,所以我再次拒绝了。快进到今天,我从来没有穿过那件衬衫。)”可知,文章的主要目的是通过作者自身经历引入并解释一种心理现象——为什么人们会拥有许多未使用过的物品,并将它们视为过于特别而不愿使用,即“特殊螺旋”效应,并提出对抗这一现象的策略。故选 A 项。
【32 题详解】
细节理解题。根据第一段“Chinese researchers have taken a bite-sized step toward the future of food with the development of “chicken rice” and “pork rice” — innovative dishes combining cell- cultured meat and staple grains. (随着“鸡肉饭”和“猪肉饭”的开发,中国研究人员朝着食品的未来迈出了一小步,这两种创新菜肴结合了细胞培养的肉类和主粮。)”可知,中国研究人员最近在食品行业发展的主要关注点是开发细胞培养肉与米饭相结合的菜肴。故选 B。
【33 题详解】
细节理解题。根据第六段“Rice, on the other hand, provides a natural, edible alternative, rich in fiber and other beneficial nutrients. (然而,另一方面,大米提供了一种天然的、可食用的替代品,富含纤维和其他有益营养素。)”可知,使用大米作为“微载体支架”对细胞培养肉的生产为合成载体提供了一种天然、可食用的替代品。故选 B。
【34 题详解】
细节理解题。根据第九段““Chicken rice and pork rice represent a new frontier in cell-cultured meat research, and China is poised to be a leader in this field,” he said. (他说:“鸡肉饭和猪肉饭代表了细胞培养肉研究的一个新前沿,中国有望成为这一领域的领导者。”)”可知,周静文教授认为,“鸡肉饭”和“猪肉饭”的发展标志着中国在这一新兴领域的领先地位。故选 B。
【35 题详解】
细节理解题。根据最后一段“However, Yao acknowledges the need for public acceptance. “As a new concept, people will likely be curious but cautious,”(然而,姚承认公众接受的必要性。他说:“作为一个新概念,人们可能会好奇但谨慎。”)”可知,对于细胞培养肉制品的潜在成功,健身教练姚向伟认为公众可能对接受这些新的食品概念犹豫不决。故选 B。
【36 题详解】
根据上文“In the early morning, when the first rays of sunlight touch the earth, there is a special moment of stillness and calm. (在清晨,当第一缕阳光照射到大地上时,会有一个特殊的宁静时刻)”和下文“The world seems to awaken slowly, stretching its limbs after a long night’s rest. (这个世界似乎慢慢苏醒,在长夜休息后伸展四肢)”可知,这个时刻是世界要苏醒的时刻。选项 B“这是大自然真正活起来的时候”和上下文意思一致。故选 B。
【37 题详解】
根据下文“as if they too are greeting the new day with joy. (好像它们也在高兴地迎接新的一天)”可知,这里提到迎接新一天的世界万物的景象。选项 A“鸟儿开始唱晨歌”和下文意思一致。故选 A。
【38 题详解】
根据上文“As the sun climbs higher in the sky, the temperature begins to rise gently. (随着太阳在天空中越来越高,温度开始温和上升)”和下文“Children can be heard playing in the streets, their laughter echoing through the quiet neighborhoods. (可以听到孩子们在街上玩耍的声音,他们的笑声在安静的街区回荡)”可知,太阳出来后人们开始活动。选项 F“温暖的阳光鼓励人们走出家门”和上下文意思一致。故选 F。
【39 题详解】
根据下文“People start their daily routines, heading off to work or school. The streets fill with the sounds of cars and buses, and the hum of conversation. Yet, amidst the hustle and bustle, there is a sense of order and purpose. Everyone has a role to play in the unfolding drama of life. (人们开始他们的日常生活,去上班或上学。街道上充满了汽车和公共汽车的声音,以及谈话的嗡嗡声。然而,在熙熙攘攘中,有一种秩序感和目标感。在人生戏剧的展开中,每个人都有自己的角色)”可知,这里介绍人们开始了一天的忙碌。选项 D“随着时间的推移,生活节奏加快了”和下文意思一致。故选 D。
【40 题详解】
根据上文“By midday, the sun reaches its zenith, casting long shadows that dance on the pavement. (到了中午,太阳达到了顶峰,投下长长的阴影,在人行道上翩翩起舞)”和下文“In the shade of trees, friends gather to enjoy a leisurely lunch, sharing stories and laughter. The rhythm of life slows down, allowing everyone to catch their breath before the afternoon activities begin. (在树荫下,朋友们聚在一起悠闲地享用午餐,分享故事和欢笑。生活节奏变慢了,让每个人都能在下午的活动开始前喘口气)”可知,这里介绍了许多人类及周围的自然环境。选项 G“在明亮的蓝天下,生命百花齐放”和上下文意思一致。故选 G。
41.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:如果你是青少年,这很常见。根据前文“Do you sometimes ignore your mom while chatting with friends If you’re a teen”和后文“Teenagers’ brains are more tuned in to strangers’ voices.”可知,你有时会在和朋友聊天的时候忽略你的妈妈吗?青少年的大脑对陌生人的声音更敏感,所以如果你是青少年,这是很常见的。故选B。
42.考查动词短语辨析。句意:新的研究或许可以解释为什么这么多的青少年不理会妈妈的声音。根据前文的“Do you sometimes ignore your mom while chatting with friends ”和后文的“Young kids’ brains are very tuned in to their mothers’ voices. But as they grow up, everything 3 . Teenagers’ brains are more tuned in to strangers’ voices.”可知,小孩子的大脑对母亲的声音很敏感。但随着他们长大,一切。青少年的大脑对陌生人的声音更敏感。这就解释了为什么这么多的青少年不理会妈妈的声音。故选 A 项。
43.考查动词词义辨析。句意:但随着他们长大,一切都变了。根据前文“Young kids’ brains are very tuned in to their mothers’ voices. But as they grow up, everything”和后文“Teenagers’ brains are more tuned in to strangers’ voices.”可知,小孩子的大脑对母亲的声音很敏感,青少年的大脑对陌生人的声音更敏感。所以随着他们长大,一切都变了。故选 B。
44.考查名词词义辨析。句意:这种转变通常发生在 13 岁到 14 岁之间。根据前文“Young kids’ brains are very tuned in to their mothers’ voices. But as they grow up, everything 3.Teenagers’ brains are more tuned in to strangers’ voices.”可知,小孩子的大脑对母亲的声音很敏感。但随着他们长大,一切都变了。可知这种转变通常发生在 13 岁到 14 岁之间。故选A。
45.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这些词纯粹是没有意义:teebudieshawlt, keebudieshawlt 和 peebudieshawlt。根据后文“teebudieshawlt, keebudieshawlt and peebudieshawlt. As the kids listened, certain parts of their brains became 6 ”可知,当研究人员扫描了 7 到 16 岁的孩子在听母亲或陌生女性说话时的大脑时,全都是一些没有意义的词,但是当给更小的孩子们听时,他们大脑的某些部分变得活跃起来。故选 D。
46. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:当孩子们听时,他们大脑的某些部分变得活跃起来。根据前文“Young kids’ brains are very tuned in to their mothers’ voices.”可知,小孩子的大脑对母亲的声音很敏感。当研究人员扫描了 7 到 16 岁的孩子在听母亲或陌生女性说话时的大脑时,全都是一些没有意义的词,但是当给更小的孩子们听时,他们大脑的某些部分变得活跃起来。故选 C。
47.考查动词词义辨析。句意:在帮助我们发现奖励和集中注意力的大脑区域尤其如此。根据前文的“As the kids listened, certain parts of their brains became ___active____ .This was especially true in brain regions that help us”和后文“ pay attention”可知,当孩子们听时,他们大脑的某些部分变得活跃起来,尤其是在帮助我们集中注意力和探索获取奖励方式的大脑区域。故选 D。
48.考查动词短语辨析。句意:青少年大脑中的这些区域并没有停止对妈妈的反应。根据后文的“However, mothers’ voices still have special power, especially in times of 13 .”可知,母亲的声音仍然具有特殊的力量,尤其是在压力大的时候,所以青少年大脑中的这些区域并没有停止对妈妈的反应。故选 A 项。
49.考查动词词义辨析。句意:随着孩子们的成熟,我们的生存越来越不依赖于妈妈的支持。根据后文“their survival depends less and less on maternal support”可知,随着我们的成熟,我们的生存越来越不依赖于妈妈的支持。故选 C。
50.考查副词词义辨析。句意:相反,我们越来越依赖我们的同龄人、朋友和其他与我们年龄相近的人。根据后文“they rely more and more on their 11—friends and others closer to their own age”可知,随着年龄增长,我们越来越依赖的是同龄人、朋友和其他与我们年龄相近的人,由此与前文构成转折关系。故选 D。
51.考查名词词义辨析。句意:相反,我们越来越依赖我们的同龄人、朋友和其他与我们年龄相近的人。根据后文“friends and others closer to their own age”可知,随着年龄增长,我们越来越依赖的是同龄人、朋友和其他与我们年龄相近的人。故选 C。
52.考查动词短语辨析。句意:大脑似乎适应了青春期带来的新需求。根据后文的“new needs that come with adolescence”可知,对于青春期带来的新需求,大脑似乎适应了。故选 B 项。
53.考查名词词义辨析。句意:然而,母亲的声音仍然具有特殊的力量,尤其是在压力大的时候。根据后文的“Studies also showed that levels of stress hormones (荷尔蒙) 14 when stressed-out girls heard their moms’ voices on the phone.”可知,当压力过大的女孩在电话里听到妈妈的声音时,她们的应激激素水平会下降,所以母亲的声音仍然具有特殊的力量,尤其是在压力大的时候。故选 B 项。
54.考查动词词义辨析。句意:研究还表明,当压力过大的女孩在电话里听到妈妈的声音时,她们的应激激素水平会下降。根据前文“Mothers’ voices still have special power, especially in times of 3”可知,母亲的声音仍然具有特殊的力量,尤其是在压力大的时候,当压力过大的女孩在电话里听到妈妈的声音时,她们的应激激素水平会下降。故选 A。
55.考查名词词义辨析。句意:这就是大脑的连接方式,这是有原因的。根据前文的“Young kids’ brains are very tuned in to their mothers’ voices. But as they grow up, everything 3 . Teenagers’ brains are more tuned in to strangers’ voices.”可知,因为儿童时期需要依赖母亲的支持,因此儿童时期的大脑很听妈妈的话。到了青春期,由于有新的需求,于是大脑对不熟悉的声音更加关注。这就是大脑连接的方式。故选 C。
【导语】本文是一篇说明文。文章主要讲设计师将传统元素 Mashrabiya 用于 Al Bahar 塔为其降温。
【56 题详解】
考查形容词最高级。句意:中东部分地区是地球上最热的有人居住的地方。根据句意和空前的定冠词 the 可知,这里应用最高级表示“中东部分地区是地球上最热的一些地方”。故填 hottest。
【57 题详解】
考查名词。句意:因此,空调是那里的必需品,人们往往在室内度过很多时间。冠词 a 后面应用可数名词单数形式, necessary 的名词为 necessity 表示“必需品”,为可数名词,在本句中作表语。故填 necessity。
【58 题详解】
考查副词。句意:幸运的是,一种古老的阿拉伯建筑冷却技术的回归使这个问题成为过去。此空应为副词作状语,修饰后面句子,且句首时首字母应大写。故填 Fortunately。
【59 题详解】
考查过去分词。句意:Mashrabiya 指的是伊斯兰建筑中常见的格子屏风,它可以在不完全遮挡光线的情况下保持建筑物的凉爽。此处应为非谓语动词作定语,latticed screens 与 see为被动关系,所以应用过去分词作定语。故填 seen。
【60 题详解】
考查动词不定式。句意:它们的设计目的是为建筑物内的热量提供一个缓解点。此处为固定短语 be designed to do 意为“被设计用于做某事”,所以此处使用动词不定式形式。故填 to offer。
【61 题详解】
考查介词。句意:它们的设计目的是为建筑物内的热量提供一个缓解点。此处为固定短语relief from 表示“减轻”。故填 from。
【62 题详解】
考查动名词。句意:这个想法基本上是为了阻止阳光直射到建筑物的外部。此处为固定短语 stop sb (from) doing,表示“阻止某人做某事”,且 from 可以省略。故填 landing。
【63 题详解】
考查表语从句。句意:这就是 Al Bahar Towers 的设计灵感,这是一座 25 层的建筑,被1000 多个六边形阴影包裹着,内置传感器使其能够对太阳的运动做出反应。此处为连接词引导的表语从句,从句中缺主语,由句意知,应用连接代词 what 引导,表“什么”。故填what。
【64 题详解】
考查介词。句意:如果没有这些措施,阿布扎比这样一座建筑的外部温度可能高达 90℃。结合句意可知,这里表示“没有”符合句意,应填介词 without,构成介词短语作状语,且句首时首字母应大写。故填 Without。
【65 题详解】
考查谓语动词。句意:到目前为止,这项技术已经帮助该建筑减少了 50%的空调需求。此处应为谓语动词,主语 the technique 与 help 为主动关系,再由 So far 可知,此处应用现在完成时,且主语为第三人称单数。故填 has helped。
1. W: Friday’s lecture is supposed to be wonderful. Do you want to go
M: I’d like to, but I’ve got to write my novel.
2. W: The forecast says we’ll have a severe winter. Are you prepared
M: Yes. I’ve bought two very warm coats. They cost me an arm and a leg.
3. W: My car has broken down. Could you give me a ride to the art museum
M: Henry is using my car now. Why not take the subway
4. M: What are you reading
W: The year-end report.
M: The report says all departments are making a profit except the Europe department.
W: Well, Mr Brown seems to be the wrong person to head that department.
5. W: Let’s go and show the students around the campus.
M: Why
W: What do you mean
M: Doesn’t the visitors’ center offer a wonderful bus tour
6-7. W: Honey, how are we going to New York Have you decided yet
M: Not yet. Should we fly It can save us a lot of time.
W: But it’s too costly. What about renting a car
M: You don’t know how to drive. I’ll get too tired if I drive all the time.
W: Then let’s take the train. We won’t miss the beautiful scenery on the way.
M: It sounds like a good idea.
8-9. M: Lisa, long time no see. What have you been busy with
W: Well, my publisher wanted me to write a book for teenagers. I must finish it within three months. So I spend most of my time on it now.
M: Well, have you finished it
W: Not yet. There is still one month left. And I’ve finished about three fourths of it. So I’m sure I can finish it before due time.
M: Great.
W: So are you busy with anything recently
M: Not exactly. Actually I’m planning for a trip to New Zealand. But I can’t find anyone to go with me.
W: It’s a pity. I can’t go with you now.
10-12. M: There you are. I’m getting worried.
W: Why didn’t you just call me
M: I tried, but I couldn’t get through.
W: Oh, it’s powered off. Sorry, Dad. I ran into Mary and I went to hers and talked with her for a while there. She told me a story.
M: What did she tell you
W: Well, she was driving home tonight, and she suddenly saw someone on his hands and knees in the middle of the road. She stopped the car and wanted to ask if there was anything she could do. But do you know what happened
M: What happened
W: The person suddenly jumped away and disappeared.
M: Wow. That person was really awesome. Did he know Chinese kung fu
W: Well, Mary later realized it wasn’t a person. It was a deer. She couldn’t help laughing after she realized that.
13-16. W: Hi, I’m Lily. You’re Owen, right
M: Yes.
W: I heard something about you from my new friend Fanny 3 days ago. She said you’re handsome and have a good sense of humor.
M: Really I’m really shy and a little nervous when I’m talking to a stranger.
W: So are you nervous now
M: Yes, a little bit. I haven’t seen you before. Do you live here
W: Yes. But I moved here just about two months ago. So I don’t really know many people here.
M: I’m sure you’ll make many friends here soon. You’re friendly, outgoing and beautiful.
W: Thanks.
M: By the way, have you heard about the robbery that took place last night
W: No. Who got robbed
M: The Smiths. Luckily! they didn’t lose any valuable things but 500 dollars in cash. Anyway, such things hardly happen here. So don’t worry.
17-20 Welcome to Central School of English. Thank you for choosing our school and joining the happy Central School of English family which has been helping people improve their English since 1968. We offer a wide range of quality English courses in London to adults, including Everyday English! English for Business, Examination Preparation and English for Specific Purposes. We are so happy that you have taken time off to be with us today. It is with great pleasure that we have prepared some events that we hope will please you.
At 10:00 am, our headmaster will give a welcome speech. This will be in the school hall. Please be seated by 9:45 am. The speech will last for about half an hour. Following the speech is the guided tour of the exhibition at 10:45 am. Here you can see our achievements in the field of English teaching. The exhibition takes place in the classrooms on the ground floor of No. 1 Teaching Building. After the exhibition, you’ll be taken to the English garden. This is where people gather and practice their oral English. You can meet people from different countries there. Lunch will be served at 12:30 pm. We are so happy that you could be with us today. Please contact us if you have any questions or are interested in any of our classes. You can call 0044-207 580 2863.英语月考试卷参考答案
听力1-5 CABAB 6-10 BCABA 11-15 BCCAC 16-20 ABCCA
21-23BCD 24-27 ABDC 28-31 ACBA 32-35 BBBB 36-40 BAFDG
完形填空:41-45 BABAD 46-50 CDACD 51-55 CBBAC
56. hottest 57. necessity 58. Fortunately 59. seen 60. to offer
61. from 62. landing 63. what 64. Without 65. has helped
Should teens pursue study partners
The companion culture trend is gaining notice as people opt for short-term
partnerships to fulfill immediate needs for cooperation, knowledge exchange, and
shared experiences.
I am in favor of teens’ pursuing study partners, because these partnerships can
help develop essential skills like resilience and teamwork, which are crucial not only
for study but also for life in general.
Although having study partners can encourage lively idea exchange and
collaborative learning, it’s essential to be careful and avoid distractions. It’s important
for teens to find study partners that match their learning style, creating a relationship
that benefits both.
【详解】1. 词汇积累
支持:be in favor of→approve
追求:pursue→go after
2. 句式拓展
原句: It’s important for teens to find study partners that match their learning style, creating a
relationship that benefits both.
拓展句:It’s important for teens to find study partners that match their learning style, so that they
can create a relationship that benefits both.
【点睛】【高分句型 1】 I am in favor of teens’ pursuing study partners, because these
partnerships can help develop essential skills like resilience and teamwork, which are not only
crucial for study but also for life in general. (运用了 because 引导的原因状语从句以及 which
【 高 分 句 型 】 Although having study partners can encourage lively idea exchange and
collaborative learning, it’s crucial to be careful and avoid distractions. (运用了 although 引导让
However, as they approach their goal, they encounter a powerful enemy - the
leader of the dark forces of the Star continent. The enemy is surrounded by a dark
aura, his eyes gleaming with malice. Bruce and his friends stand firm, ready to face
this formidable challenge. The leader attacks with a wave of dark energy, but Bruce
and his team bravely counterattack. They use their combined skills and the power of
the star fragments they have collected to hold their ground.
After a thrilling battle, Bruce finally defeated the leader of the dark forces with
his firm faith and the support of his friends. The continent is filled with cheers and
celebration. Bruce realizes that his journey is not just about finding the star fragments
but also about growing and learning to protect what he loves. With the power of the
stars unlocked, Bruce and his friends continue to work hard to maintain the peace and
stability of the star continent, becoming true guardians of this magical land.
念和朋友们的支持,击败了黑暗势力的领袖。”可知,第一段可描写 Bruce和朋友们运用技
持,击败了黑暗势力的领袖。”可知,第二段可描写经过这次大战,Bruce 终于成为了这片
①充满了:be filled with/be full of
②意识到:realize/figure/come to know
③继续:continue/go on
【点睛】【高分句型 1】They use their combined skills and the power of the star fragments they
have collected to hold their ground.(运用了省略关系代词的定语从句)
【高分句型 2】Bruce realizes that his journey is not just about finding the star fragments but also
about growing and learning to protect what he loves.(运用了 that引导的宾语从句和 what引导
细节理解题。根据第一段的第一句“ A unique dualchip design enables the spatial experiences
on Apple Vision Pro.(独特的双芯片设计使 Apple Vision Pro 的空间体验成为可能。)”和最后
一句 “And the brand-new R1 chip is specifically dedicated to process input from the cameras,
sensors, and microphones, streaming images to the displays within 12 milliseconds — for a
virtually lag-free, real-time view of the world.(全新的 R1 芯片专门用于处理来自摄像头、传感
器和麦克风的输入,在 12毫秒内将图像流式传输到显示器上,实现几乎无延迟的实时世界
视图。)”可知,Apple Vision Pro 的双芯片设计为用户提供了前所未有的混合现实体验。故
选 B项。
细节理解题。根据第三部分的句子“The PS VR2 headset will detect your eye movements,
allowing you to interact with other players online in a new and realistic way, resulting in increased
emotional responses and expressive sensitivity.(PS VR2 头显将检测你的眼球运动,让你以一
VR2 可以检测在线互动的眼球运动。故 C 项正确。根据第一段的句子“A unique dualchip
design enables the spatial experiences on Apple Vision Pro.(独特的双芯片设计使 Apple Vision
Pro 的空间体验成为可能。)”可知,A项中的“唯一一款采用双芯片设计”描述不准确。根据
第 二 部 分 的句 子 “Meta Quest 3 is the most powerful Quest device yet. Powered by the
Snapdragon XR2 Gen 2 Platform, the Quest 3 features more than twice the graphics processing
performance, breakthrough mixed reality features, and a thinner more balanced fit that will expand
your reality.(Meta Quest 3 是迄今为止最强大的任务设备。Quest 3 搭载骁龙 XR2 Gen 2 平
您的现实体验。)”可知,B 项中的“提供最高的图形处理性能”描述不准确。根据最后一部
分 的 句 子 “PICO 4 is equipped with self-developed high-precision four-eye environmental
tracking and infrared optical positioning system, and the optical sensor is further improved to
achieve better tracking and positioning effect.(PICO 4 配备了自主研发的高精度四眼环境跟踪
和 “PICO motion tracker can achieve 3DoF spatial positioning, tie it to the leg to achieve leg
movement tracking, so that you can be more flexible in the virtual world.(PICO 运动跟踪器可以
实现 3DoF 的空间定位,将其绑在腿部上实现腿部运动跟踪,让你在虚拟世界中更加灵
活。)”可知,D项中“缺乏高精度跟踪系统”描述不准确。故选 C项。
推理判断题。根据最后一部分的句子 “PICO motion tracker can achieve 3DoF spatial
positioning, tie it to the leg to achieve leg movement tracking, so that you can be more flexible in
the virtual world. You just throw your hands away, move your legs, it can catch your every
movement.(PICO 运动跟踪器可以实现 3DoF的空间定位,将其绑在腿部上实现腿部运动跟
一个动作。)”可以推论出,因为 PICO 让你在虚拟世界中更加灵活,所以如果 Simon 想买
一个产品来玩游戏,PICO会是他的第一选择。故选 D项。
【导语】这是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了Wendell Berry搬到农村去住,他觉得记录这个
地方的历史是他内心的召唤。在此期间他创作了许多作品,在 Berry 先生看来,人类必须
细节理解题。根据第一段“Wendell Berry was almost 30 when he packed up his life as a New
York intellectual and moved to Port Royal, a tiny community in Kentucky where generations of
his forebears (祖先) had farmed the land. His friends thought he was mad.(Wendell Berry 快 30
几代人都在这里耕种。他的朋友们都认为他疯了)”可知,Berry 先生的朋友们认为他疯了因
为他搬到农村去住了。故选 A项。
推理判断题。根据第三段“In The Unsettling of America, published in 1977, Mr Berry criticized
the natural damage caused by large agribusinesses. He thinks capitalism has separated farming
from culture and disconnected people from nature.(在 1977年出版的《美国的不安》一书中,
与自然分离)”可知,Berry先生的作品通常暗示了人与自然的和谐。故选 B。
推理判断题。根据倒数第二段“In Dismemberment, a short story, Andy Catlett loses a hand to a
harvesting machine and becomes a loner. He sees his withdrawal is mistaken and reconnects with
the town, finding ‘the wealth of an intimate history’ in belonging to ‘his ancestral place’. In
Hannah Coulter, Mr Berry’s seventh novel, the main character Hannah Coulter grows old after a
sad life and anticipates loneliness when her children leave to find work in the city. Instead her
hope is restored when her grandson returns to run the farm.(在短篇小说《肢解》中,安迪·卡特
与小镇联系起来,发现‘祖籍的家族历史财富’。在 Berry 先生的第七部小说《汉娜·库尔特》
卡特利特和库尔特的共同点在于两者都重新找到了自己的价值。故选 D项。
主旨大意题。根据最后一段“These stories offer insightful advice for readers living through
ecological disaster. Though few can return to farming basics, Mr Berry’s messages of building
communities, being a good neighbor and resisting the invitation of modern life are still
耕的基础,但 Berry 先生所传达的建立社区、做一个好邻居以及抵制现代生活邀请的信息
仍然很有价值。)”以及上文内容可知,文章主要讲述了 Wendell Berry 搬到农村去住,他觉
得记录这个地方的历史是他内心的召唤。在此期间他创作了许多作品,在 Berry先生看来,
所以 C选项 Discover why Wendell Berry’s rural tales shine(探索Wendell Berry 的乡村故事为
何大放异彩)最符合文章标题。故选 C项。
细节理解题。由文章第二段中“To find out, I ran an experiment in which participants imagined
buying a bottle of wine. We had half of the participants imagine considering opening it one night,
but deciding not to. Then when we measured how special the wine seemed and participants’
intentions to open it later, we found that those who had imagined holding off on opening it were in
fact less likely to intend to open it later.(为了找出答案,我做了一个实验,让参与者想象自己
被要求想象购买了一瓶酒并将推迟喝那瓶酒。故选 A项。
词句猜测题。由文章第五段“And as you search for the right occasion day after day, it becomes
more tempting to hold out for a future occasion. The less you use it, though, the more special it
feels, and the cycle continues. Ultimately, the likelihood of using the possession becomes rarer
and rarer. The more this happens, the more stuff you have lying around.(当你日复一日地寻找合
适的场合时,为未来的场合坚持下去变得更加 。然而,你使用它的次数越少,
推知这里表示“为未来的场合坚持下去决定变得更加有吸引力”,所以猜测 tempting表“诱人
的;吸引人的”意思,与 C项 Inviting(吸引人的)意思相近。故选 C项。
推理判断题。由文章第五段中“Putting these together is a recipe for what psychologists term
“specialness spirals”. When you give up using something-for whatever reason-if you believe
that you are waiting to use it, the possession will start to feel more special. And as you search for
the right occasion day after day, it becomes more tempting to hold out for a future occasion. The
less you use it, though, the more special it feels, and the cycle continues. Ultimately, the
likelihood of using the possession becomes rarer and rarer. The more this happens, the more stuff
you have lying around.(把这些放在一起就是心理学家所说的“特殊螺旋”的秘诀。当你放弃使
使用。故选 B项。
推理判断题。通读全文,尤其是由文章第一段“Years ago, I bought a blouse. That same day, I
considered putting it on, but for no particular reason I decided not to. That weekend, I again
considered wearing the blouse, but the occasion didn’t seem special enough, so again, I passed it
up. Fast forward to today, I have never worn that blouse. (几年前,我买了一件衬衫。同一天,
对抗这一现象的策略。故选 A项。
细节理解题。根据第一段“Chinese researchers have taken a bite-sized step toward the future of
food with the development of “chicken rice” and “pork rice” — innovative dishes combining cell-
cultured meat and staple grains. (随着“鸡肉饭”和“猪肉饭”的开发,中国研究人员朝着食品的
员最近在食品行业发展的主要关注点是开发细胞培养肉与米饭相结合的菜肴。故选 B。
细节理解题。根据第六段“Rice, on the other hand, provides a natural, edible alternative, rich in
fiber and other beneficial nutrients. (然而,另一方面,大米提供了一种天然的、可食用的替
生产为合成载体提供了一种天然、可食用的替代品。故选 B。
细节理解题。根据第九段““Chicken rice and pork rice represent a new frontier in cell-cultured
meat research, and China is poised to be a leader in this field,” he said. (他说:“鸡肉饭和猪肉饭
教授认为,“鸡肉饭”和“猪肉饭”的发展标志着中国在这一新兴领域的领先地位。故选 B。
细节理解题。根据最后一段“However, Yao acknowledges the need for public acceptance. “As a
new concept, people will likely be curious but cautious,”(然而,姚承认公众接受的必要性。他
功,健身教练姚向伟认为公众可能对接受这些新的食品概念犹豫不决。故选 B。
根据上文“In the early morning, when the first rays of sunlight touch the earth, there is a special
moment of stillness and calm. (在清晨,当第一缕阳光照射到大地上时,会有一个特殊的宁
静时刻)”和下文“The world seems to awaken slowly, stretching its limbs after a long night’s rest.
选项 B“这是大自然真正活起来的时候”和上下文意思一致。故选 B。
根据下文“as if they too are greeting the new day with joy. (好像它们也在高兴地迎接新的一天)”
可知,这里提到迎接新一天的世界万物的景象。选项 A“鸟儿开始唱晨歌”和下文意思一致。
故选 A。
根据上文“As the sun climbs higher in the sky, the temperature begins to rise gently. (随着太阳在
天空中越来越高,温度开始温和上升)”和下文“Children can be heard playing in the streets,
their laughter echoing through the quiet neighborhoods. (可以听到孩子们在街上玩耍的声音,
他们的笑声在安静的街区回荡)”可知,太阳出来后人们开始活动。选项 F“温暖的阳光鼓励
人们走出家门”和上下文意思一致。故选 F。
根据下文“People start their daily routines, heading off to work or school. The streets fill with the
sounds of cars and buses, and the hum of conversation. Yet, amidst the hustle and bustle, there is a
sense of order and purpose. Everyone has a role to play in the unfolding drama of life. (人们开始
己的角色)”可知,这里介绍人们开始了一天的忙碌。选项 D“随着时间的推移,生活节奏加
快了”和下文意思一致。故选 D。
根 据上 文 “By midday, the sun reaches its zenith, casting long shadows that dance on the
pavement. (到了中午,太阳达到了顶峰,投下长长的阴影,在人行道上翩翩起舞)”和下文
“In the shade of trees, friends gather to enjoy a leisurely lunch, sharing stories and laughter. The
rhythm of life slows down, allowing everyone to catch their breath before the afternoon activities
begin. (在树荫下,朋友们聚在一起悠闲地享用午餐,分享故事和欢笑。生活节奏变慢了,
选项 G“在明亮的蓝天下,生命百花齐放”和上下文意思一致。故选 G。
41.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:如果你是青少年,这很常见。根据前文“Do you
sometimes ignore your mom while chatting with friends If you’re a teen”和后文“Teenagers’
brains are more tuned in to strangers’ voices.”可知,你有时会在和朋友聊天的时候忽略你的妈
妈妈的声音。根据前文的“Do you sometimes ignore your mom while chatting with friends ”和
后文的“Young kids’ brains are very tuned in to their mothers’ voices. But as they grow up,
everything 3 . Teenagers’ brains are more tuned in to strangers’ voices.”可知,小孩子的大脑对
解释了为什么这么多的青少年不理会妈妈的声音。故选 A项。
43.考查动词词义辨析。句意:但随着他们长大,一切都变了。根据前文“Young kids’
brains are very tuned in to their mothers’ voices. But as they grow up, everything”和后文
“Teenagers’ brains are more tuned in to strangers’ voices.”可知,小孩子的大脑对母亲的声音
很敏感,青少年的大脑对陌生人的声音更敏感。所以随着他们长大,一切都变了。故选 B。
44.考查名词词义辨析。句意:这种转变通常发生在 13岁到 14岁之间。根据前文
“Young kids’ brains are very tuned in to their mothers’ voices. But as they grow up, everything 3 .
Teenagers’ brains are more tuned in to strangers’ voices.”可知,小孩子的大脑对母亲的声音很
敏感。但随着他们长大,一切都变了。可知这种转变通常发生在 13岁到 14岁之间。故选
keebudieshawlt和 peebudieshawlt。根据后文“teebudieshawlt, keebudieshawlt and
peebudieshawlt. As the kids listened, certain parts of their brains became 6 ”可知,当研究人员
扫描了 7到 16岁的孩子在听母亲或陌生女性说话时的大脑时,全都是一些没有意义的词,
但是当给更小的孩子们听时,他们大脑的某些部分变得活跃起来。故选 D。
46. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:当孩子们听时,他们大脑的某些部分变得活跃起来。
根据前文“Young kids’ brains are very tuned in to their mothers’ voices.”可知,小孩子的大脑对
母亲的声音很敏感。当研究人员扫描了 7到 16岁的孩子在听母亲或陌生女性说话时的大脑
跃起来。故选 C。
此。根据前文的“As the kids listened, certain parts of their brains became ___active____ .This
was especially true in brain regions that help us”和后文“ pay attention”可知,当孩子们听时,
大脑区域。故选 D。
根据后文的“However, mothers’ voices still have special power, especially in times of 13 .”可知,
并没有停止对妈妈的反应。故选 A项。
的支持。根据后文“their survival depends less and less on maternal support”可知,随着我们的
成熟,我们的生存越来越不依赖于妈妈的支持。故选 C。
我们年龄相近的人。根据后文“they rely more and more on their 11—friends and others closer
to their own age”可知,随着年龄增长,我们越来越依赖的是同龄人、朋友和其他与我们年
龄相近的人,由此与前文构成转折关系。故选 D。
我们年龄相近的人。根据后文“friends and others closer to their own age”可知,随着年龄增长,
我们越来越依赖的是同龄人、朋友和其他与我们年龄相近的人。故选 C。
“new needs that come with adolescence”可知,对于青春期带来的新需求,大脑似乎适应了。
故选 B项。
力大的时候。根据后文的“Studies also showed that levels of stress hormones (荷尔蒙) 14 when
stressed-out girls heard their moms’ voices on the phone.”可知,当压力过大的女孩在电话里听
其是在压力大的时候。故选 B项。
声音时,她们的应激激素水平会下降。根据前文“Mothers’ voices still have special power,
especially in times of 3”可知,母亲的声音仍然具有特殊的力量,尤其是在压力大的时候,
当压力过大的女孩在电话里听到妈妈的声音时,她们的应激激素水平会下降。故选 A。
“Young kids’ brains are very tuned in to their mothers’ voices. But as they grow up, everything 3 .
Teenagers’ brains are more tuned in to strangers’ voices.”可知,因为儿童时期需要依赖母亲的
熟悉的声音更加关注。这就是大脑连接的方式。故选 C。
【导语】本文是一篇说明文。文章主要讲设计师将传统元素Mashrabiya 用于 Al Bahar塔为
前的定冠词 the可知,这里应用最高级表示“中东部分地区是地球上最热的一些地方”。故
填 hottest。
考查名词。句意:因此,空调是那里的必需品,人们往往在室内度过很多时间。冠词 a后
面应用可数名词单数形式, necessary的名词为 necessity表示“必需品”,为可数名词,
在本句中作表语。故填 necessity。
此空应为副词作状语,修饰后面句子,且句首时首字母应大写。故填 Fortunately。
考查过去分词。句意:Mashrabiya 指的是伊斯兰建筑中常见的格子屏风,它可以在不完全
遮挡光线的情况下保持建筑物的凉爽。此处应为非谓语动词作定语,latticed screens与 see
为被动关系,所以应用过去分词作定语。故填 seen。
定短语 be designed to do意为“被设计用于做某事”,所以此处使用动词不定式形式。故填 to
relief from表示“减轻”。故填 from。
语 stop sb (from) doing,表示“阻止某人做某事”,且 from可以省略。故填 landing。
考查表语从句。句意:这就是 Al Bahar Towers的设计灵感,这是一座 25层的建筑,被
引导的表语从句,从句中缺主语,由句意知,应用连接代词 what引导,表“什么”。故填
考查介词。句意:如果没有这些措施,阿布扎比这样一座建筑的外部温度可能高达 90℃。
结合句意可知,这里表示“没有”符合句意,应填介词 without,构成介词短语作状语,且句
考查谓语动词。句意:到目前为止,这项技术已经帮助该建筑减少了 50%的空调需求。此
处应为谓语动词,主语 the technique与 help为主动关系,再由 So far可知,此处应用现在
完成时,且主语为第三人称单数。故填 has helped。
1. W: Friday’s lecture is supposed to be wonderful. Do you want to go
M: I’d like to, but I’ve got to write my novel.
2. W: The forecast says we’ll have a severe winter. Are you prepared
M: Yes. I’ve bought two very warm coats. They cost me an arm and a leg.
3. W: My car has broken down. Could you give me a ride to the art museum
M: Henry is using my car now. Why not take the subway
4. M: What are you reading
W: The year-end report.
M: The report says all departments are making a profit except the Europe
W: Well, Mr Brown seems to be the wrong person to head that department.
5. W: Let’s go and show the students around the campus.
M: Why
W: What do you mean
M: Doesn’t the visitors’ center offer a wonderful bus tour
6-7. W: Honey, how are we going to New York Have you decided yet
M: Not yet. Should we fly It can save us a lot of time.
W: But it’s too costly. What about renting a car
M: You don’t know how to drive. I’ll get too tired if I drive all the time.
W: Then let’s take the train. We won’t miss the beautiful scenery on the way.
M: It sounds like a good idea.
8-9. M: Lisa, long time no see. What have you been busy with
W: Well, my publisher wanted me to write a book for teenagers. I must finish it
within three months. So I spend most of my time on it now.
M: Well, have you finished it
W: Not yet. There is still one month left. And I’ve finished about three fourths of it.
So I’m sure I can finish it before due time.
M: Great.
W: So are you busy with anything recently
M: Not exactly. Actually I’m planning for a trip to New Zealand. But I can’t find
anyone to go with me.
W: It’s a pity. I can’t go with you now.
10-12. M: There you are. I’m getting worried.
W: Why didn’t you just call me
M: I tried, but I couldn’t get through.
W: Oh, it’s powered off. Sorry, Dad. I ran into Mary and I went to hers and talked
with her for a while there. She told me a story.
M: What did she tell you
W: Well, she was driving home tonight, and she suddenly saw someone on his
hands and knees in the middle of the road. She stopped the car and wanted to ask
if there was anything she could do. But do you know what happened
M: What happened
W: The person suddenly jumped away and disappeared.
M: Wow. That person was really awesome. Did he know Chinese kung fu
W: Well, Mary later realized it wasn’t a person. It was a deer. She couldn’t help
laughing after she realized that.
13-16.W: Hi, I’m Lily. You’re Owen, right
M: Yes.
W: I heard something about you from my new friend Fanny 3 days ago. She said
you’re handsome and have a good sense of humor.
M: Really I’m really shy and a little nervous when I’m talking to a stranger.
W: So are you nervous now
M: Yes, a little bit. I haven’t seen you before. Do you live here
W: Yes. But I moved here just about two months ago. So I don’t really know many
people here.
M: I’m sure you’ll make many friends here soon. You’re friendly, outgoing and
W: Thanks.
M: By the way, have you heard about the robbery that took place last night
W: No. Who got robbed
M: The Smiths. Luckily! they didn’t lose any valuable things but 500 dollars in cash.
Anyway, such things hardly happen here. So don’t worry.
17-20 Welcome to Central School of English. Thank you for choosing our school
and joining the happy Central School of English family which has been helping
people improve their English since 1968. We offer a wide range of quality English
courses in London to adults, including Everyday English! English for Business,
Examination Preparation and English for Specific Purposes. We are so happy that
you have taken time off to be with us today. It is with great pleasure that we have
prepared some events that we hope will please you.
At 10:00 am, our headmaster will give a welcome speech. This will be in the
school hall. Please be seated by 9:45 am. The speech will last for about half an hour.
Following the speech is the guided tour of the exhibition at 10:45 am. Here you can
see our achievements in the field of English teaching. The exhibition takes place in
the classrooms on the ground floor of No. 1 Teaching Building. After the exhibition,
you’ll be taken to the English garden. This is where people gather and practice their
oral English. You can meet people from different countries there. Lunch will be
served at 12:30 pm. We are so happy that you could be with us today. Please
contact us if you have any questions or are interested in any of our classes. You can
call 0044-207 580 2863.