

名称 福建省连城县第一中学2024-2025学年高二上学期10月月考英语试题(PDF版含答案,无听力音频有听力原文)
格式 pdf
文件大小 384.9KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 通用版
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-10-08 12:53:33



福建省连城县第一中学 2024-2025学年高二上学期 10月月考英语
第一部分:听力(共两节,满分 30分)
第一节 (共 5 小题;每小题 1. 5 分,满分 7. 5 分)
听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题, 从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选
出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。
1. Where are the speakers probably
A. In a bank. B. In a shop. C. In a hotel.
2. Why does the man call
A. To look for his ring. B. To send his package. C. To ask about a ticket.
3. What are the speakers talking about
A. Fruits. B. Drinks. C. Minerals.
4. When will the movie start
A. At 7: 50 pm. B. At 8: 00 pm. C. At 8: 10 pm.
5. What does the woman want to do
A. Put off the submission date.
B. Inquire more about the budget.
C. Change the way of doing budget.
第二节 (共 15 小题; 每小题 1. 5 分,满分 22. 5 分)
听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三
读各个小题,每小题 5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或
听下面一段对话,回答第 6 和第 7 两个小题。
6. What does the woman say about the china tea set
A. It’s priceless. B. It’s classical. C. It’s well-known.
7. How will the woman deal with the china tea set
A. By collecting it herself.
B. By sending it out as a gift.
C. By selling it at a fair price.
听第 7 段材料,回答第 8、9 题。
8. What does the job position involve according to the man
A. Answering phones. B. Conducting interviews. C. Creating schedules.
9. What does the company offer to its employees
A. Insurance. B. Accommodation. C. High salaries.
听第 8 段材料,回答第 10 至 12 题。
10. What does the man want to do in the beginning
A. Buy a refrigerator. B. Repair a refrigerator. C. Return a refrigerator.
11. What does the woman do with the situation
A. She lowers the price.
B. She corrects the instructions.
C. She explains the method of use.
12. How does the man sound at the end
A. Confused. B. Embarrassed. C. Disappointed.
听第 9 段材料,回答第 13 至 16 题。
13. How often does the man go to the beach
A. Once a week. B. Twice a month. C. Once a month.
14. Why did the man join Heal the Bay
A. His cousin invited him.
B. His parents influenced him.
C. His friend recommended him.
15. Which program did the man take part in
A. Adopt-A-Beach. B. Saturday Warriors. C. Beach Captains.
16. What does the man say about the members of Heal the Bay
A. They’re brave. B. They’re creative. C. They’re warm-hearted.
听第 10 段材料,回答第 17 至 20 题。
17. Who is the speaker probably
A. A teacher. B. A hostess. C. A tourist.
18. What was the original price of the tour package
A. $1, 430. B. $2, 460. C. $2, 860.
19. What does the tour package cover
A. Flight tickets. B. Lunch and dinner. C. A 5-night hotel stay.
20. What does the speaker advise the listeners to do
A. Book in advance.
B. Travel in large groups.
C. Make the most of the promotions.
第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分 50分)
第一节 (共 15小题; 每小题 2.5分,满分 37.5分)
阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。
Shape is a magazine for American women with active lifestyles. This women’s health
magazine covers everything from diet and exercise to psychology. What is great about Shape
is that it knows that it must cover a lot more than Fitness to give women all the information
they need to stay healthy. Besides all the great features included in the print magazine, it also
has an easily accessible website that anyone can use.
Woman’s Day
Woman’s Day not only is specifically a women’s health magazine, but also includes a
little of what Shape has, along with more information on other parts of life: family, money,
travel and style. Many of the articles in Woman’s Day deal with specific diseases that are
common to women, such as heart disease, breast cancer and others.
Women’s Health
From tips to recent health news to articles about world affairs, Women’s Health has
everything that you expect in a women’s health magazine. Another great feature is that
Women’s Health has a great website full of information, as well as articles from past
magazines that you can check out. This is a great resource, since it lets you get to see articles
well at the office.
This magazine covers important topics such as physical fitness, health & beauty, and
mental health. It offers something new in each issue, and it’s always easy to understand. The
workouts are clearly presented with good photos to illustrate every movement, and almost all
can be done without making a trip to the gym.
21.How isWoman’s Day different from the others
A.It gives people a lot of health information.
B.It has a website full of information.
C.It includes many articles about exercise tips.
D.It deals with many topics about life.
22.What makes the workouts in Fitness easy to understand
A.Good examples. B.Illustrative pictures.
C.Interesting stories. D.Important topics.
23.Why does the author write the text
A.To describe some famous websites.
B.To introduce some health magazines for women.
C.To predict the best-selling health magazines.
D.To advertise some fashion magazines for women.
He hurried around the room, touching everything he could reach. I followed, attempting
to intercept (拦截 ) him before he reached the hallway. He approached the front desk and
knocked over all the papers on the table. I assisted him firmly in collecting them. I sensed
eyes watching me, judging my parenting skills.
I should have realised that arriving so early would not have been wise. It was my mistake
to arrive early, as the long wait was difficult for my child. I kept searching my bag and found
a ball, which finally attracted him. A couple waited for their child. They stared at me and my
son, and I heard the words “out of control”. I could feel my face flush red. I wanted to tell
them that my son has a disability and that he’s not being bad; he’s just having trouble waiting.
I sat down and watched him play with the ball, and I tried my best not to cry.
The instructor called the group together, and my son went off to play sports with the other
five-year-olds. I prayed that this time he would follow the rules. I closed my eyes and wished
him to be okay.
“He’ll be fine.” I opened my eyes and looked beside me. “He’ll do great. You are doing
great. You are a great mom. I can see it in all that you do for him,” a lady sat on my right said.
She told me about her brother and her parents and all that her mom did for her brother
over the years. She told me about how he turned out great, got a job and lives on his own now.
We sat and talked, and I felt the tension leave my body.
Before I knew it, the doors opened, and all the kids ran out, including my own, filled with
excitement and pride. “I did it!” he exclaimed. I picked him up. I turned to thank the lady, but
she was gone.
24. What might others in the waiting room expect the author to do
A. Get out of the room. B. Apologize to them.
C. Make her child behave. D. Take her son to the doctor`s.
25. Why did the author’s son make such behavior
A. Because he has bad temper.
B. As his mother’s love makes him behave like that.
C. As he has a physical disability.
D. Because he has difficulty in waiting.
26. What might make the lady’s words convincing to the author
A. Her sincere attitude. B. Her family’s experience.
C. Her brother’s suffering. D. Her sympathy for the author.
27. What did the author want to show through the story
A. True and kind words can change the world.
B. It is difficult for a child to behave himself.
C. Be more patient to a child with disability.
D. Wrong words will make the world worse.
Do you know that the oldest tree is a 5, 000-year old bristlecone pine (狐尾松) located in
the forests of Nevada Unfortunately, many of these precious old-growth trees are starting to
disappear from our planet. The term old-growth refers to trees that are 150 years or older. This
means that many of the trees on the Earth today are younger, smaller, and have shorter
As the Earth’s temperature warms up due to climate change, it is having unintended
effects on the world’s forests. When temperatures rise, trees close their pores (气孔 ) to
prevent the loss of moisture, and this, in turn, slows down the process of photosynthesis (光合
作用). As a result, these trees are shorter and grow slowly, as well as have a high deathrate.
Climate change also increases the possibility of droughts and wildfires. After wildfires, it
takes a while for the forest ecosystems to recover, and in some cases, the forests are lost
permanently. Trees that are stressed are also susceptible (易受影响的) to attacks by bacteria
(细菌). Finally, humans have changed the forest landscape through logging (伐木).
There are some who claim that increased greenhouse gas emission is helping trees grow
faster because CO2 is needed for photosynthesis. While some younger trees may benefit from
this, we are seeing significantly more loss of forests than gain.
Old-growth forests are a storehouse of carbon, and when they die, the stored CO2 is
released into the air worsening the greenhouse effect. Older forests have higher biodiversity,
which is beneficial as each organism has a role to play and there is a wide variety of species.
As these forests disappear, species that once called them “home” are forced to relocate,
affecting the biodiversity of those ecosystems. Unfortunately, some endangered species are
unable to adapt and go extinct.
With trees dying continuously, will future generations miss out on the wonders of forests
28. What is the main idea of the second paragraph
A. Why bacteria may attack old trees.
B. What leads to the rising temperatures.
C. Why old-growth forests are disappearing.
D. How global warming causes natural disasters.
29. What does the underlined word “them” in paragraph 4 refer to
A. Species. B.Roles organisms play. C. Organisms. D.Older forests.
30. The last sentence of the text is actually____________.
A. a doubt B.a blame C. a warning D. a suggestion
31. What is the author’s purpose of writing this text
A.To call on people to protect old-growth trees.
B. To explain the greenhouse effect on trees.
C. To introduce the process of photosynthesis.
D. To urge people to reduce gas emission.
Scientists have long said getting a good night's sleep is important to your health. The U.S.
National Institute of Health says lack of sleep may even increase the risk of cognitive(认
知)decline and Alzheimer's disease. Now,an American team of scientists reports that too much
sleep might be similarly linked to such conditions
Researchers at Washington University School of Medicine did the sleep study. The study
examined 100 adults who had been under medical observation for cognitive ability, the ability
to think,for an average of 4.5 years. The average age of the study subject was 75. Eighty-eight
of the group had been identified as free of cognitive damage.Twelve subjects were judged
very mildly damaged.
During the study, they were asked to complete several tests for signs of cognitive
decline.The tests are combined into a cognitive score-the higher the score, the better. They
also wore electroencephalography(EEG) devices for four to six nights to measure their brain
activity during sleep.
Overall,cognitive scores declined for those who slept less than 4.5 hours or more than 6.5
hours per night -as measured by EEG(脑电图).But the scores stayed the same for those in the
middle of the range.
Dr.Brendan Lacey is the director of the Washington University Sleep Medicine Center
and led the research.He said,“Our study suggests that there is 'a sweet spot’ for total sleep
time for best cognitive performance.Short and long sleep times are associated with worse
cognitive performance,perhaps due to insufficient sleep or poor sleep quality," Lucey added.
Greg Elder is a sleep researcher at Northumbria University in New Castle,Britain. He was
surprised about the findings that sleeping longer than 6.5 hours was linked with cognitive
decline. Elder wrote in The Conversation," Each person's sleep needs are individual. If people
feel rested, there is no need to change how they sleep. " He also noted that it suggests that
sleep quality may be the key, as opposed to simply total sleep time.
32.What does the text mainly talk about
A.The importance of a good night's sleep to health.
B.A study on how to improve your cognitive ability
C.The link between sleeping length and cognitive loss.
D.The result of increasing sleep time for short sleepers
33.What do we know about the 100 participants of the study
A.Most of them don't have cognitive disorders.
B.Some of them are suffering from lack of sleep.
C.All of the participants are more than 75 years old.
D.A few of them are under medical observation.
34.What do the underlined words “a sweet spot” refer to in paragraph 5
A.Poor-quality sleep. B.Insufficient sleep.
C.Too much sleep. D.Amiddle range sleep.
35.What is Greg Elder's attitude toward the findings of the study
A.Supportive. B.Doubtful. C.Indifferent. D.Objective.
第二节(共 5小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5 分)
Household chores like cooking, cleaning, washing the dishes, and making the bed are
never done; they just get repeated like a broken record. Boring! __36__ But there are
science-based reasons for changing your attitude towards chores. It turns out that doing chores
is great for your health.
__37__ As researchers state in a report,doing undemanding tasks allows the mind to
wander. Your mind gets a break, which allows you to consider old problems with new eyes. In
fact, undemanding tasks stimulate (激发 ) more creative ideas than demanding tasks or just
Chores are linked to a lower dementia(痴呆症) risk. To discover what activities might be
linked to a lower rate of dementia, researchers analyzed massive amounts of healthcare data
from the UK Biobank. They found that those most engaged in household chores had a 21
percent lower risk of dementia compared to those least engaged in chores. __38__
Finishing your chores can increase motivation. BJ Fogg, author of Tiny Habits: The
Small Changes That Change Everything, states that the most important skill is recognizing
and celebrating pleting even a small task, like making your bed, can give you
a sense of satisfaction. __39__ Similarly, author Admiral William H. McRaven argues that if
you want to change the world, start off by making your bed.
Chores are good for children's mental health. Children develop a sense of ownership
when they have jobs to do around the house and it makes them feel like they are an important
member of the household. __40__ In my own case, I bond with my daughter by gossiping (闲
聊) and singing while we do chores together.
A. Chores are an opportunity for "me time".
B. Chores can lead to creative problem-solving.
C. Thus, you feel motivated to deal with tasks one after another.
D. In this way, they can be taught to be independent and confident.
E. Like many people, you may regard chores as something annoying.
F. Doing chores with children also improves the parent-child relationship.
G. This result indicated simple changes could make a difference to health.
第三部分 分 语言运用(共两节,满分 30 分)
第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)
阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出可以填入
I love wildlife. So when my friend said that we had a chance to ____41____ brown bears
in the High Tatras, I didn’t think twice about it, and we ____42____ arrangements to go the
following week.
The trip was a great ___43___ ! We walked for hours and stayed in a ____44____
mountain hut(小屋 ) which was usually reserved for park rangers. It actually took us some
trouble even to locate it. As soon as we arrived, our guide ____45____ to us that we would be
fully integrated into their research programme and would be tracking the ____46____ of bears
wearing GPS transmitters. On the first day, we were woken up at sunrise and, after
____47____ some warm clothes, set off into the forest. Our guide walked very ____48____
and we had trouble keeping up with him. Suddenly he ____49____ across a small hill. He
must have caught sight of a bear. We followed him as fast as we could, but by the time we
reached him, the bear had _____50_____ into the bushes. Later in the week, though, we did
manage to observe several bears feeding on berries. We were so excited. Yet, _____51_____
hurrying to take photos, we _____52_____ our breath, stayed about 30 meters away and just
watched them. Our guide insisted that we should keep our _____53_____ from the bears so as
not to _____54_____ them.
Observing bears in their natural habitat(栖息地) was really _____55_____. I had never
experienced anything like that before. If I hadn’t had to go back to school, I would happily
have stayed on for several more weeks.
41. A. hunt B. feed C. protect D. track
42. A. made B. changed C. cancelled D. quit
43. A. deal B. danger C. success D. regret
44. A. safe B. comfortable C. remote D. beautiful
45. A. recommended B. explained C. admitted D. reported
46. A. habits B. leftovers C. photos D. movements
47. A. throwing on B. tidying up C. paving for D. taking off
48. A. cautiously B. rapidly C. steadily D. casually
49. A. moved B. wandered C. paced D. dashed
50. A. disappeared B. looked C. broken D. turned
51. A. due to B. instead of C. apart from D. as for
52. A. ceased B. held C. released D. obtained
53. A. intention B. fear C. bravery D. distance
54. A. attack B. train C. disturb D. feed
55. A. fascinating B. boring C. exhausting D. challenging
第二节(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)
阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
The local government in Shandan County, Gansu Province recently built a 3D database
to ___56___ (digital) map the Great Wall in order to ensure better protection. The database
contains all the information ___57___ (collect) through unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) and
air remote sensing technology and forms millimeter-level high-precision 3D ___58___ (image)
of several sections of the Great Wall.
The Shandan section, ___59___ was mostly built in the Han Dynasty or in the Ming
Dynasty,stretches over 200 km and ___60___ (consider) well-preserved. The existing sections
in Xiakou Village are the main components. During the past years, the local government
___61___ (carry) out several projects to restore the Xiakou section and started ___62___
digitalization project in 2021.
The technical team used UAV photography and remote sensing mapping technologies
___63___ (take) photos of the Great Wall and the surroundings, ___64___ (cover) an area of
about 25 square kilometer. The team then generated (生成) panoramic 3D models based on
data analysis.
The advantage of digitalization is that it can break the limitations of time and space so
that users have enough access ___65___ the understanding of the rich historical and cultural
connotations (含义) of the resources.
This project is among the first batch (一批 ) of digital protection projects of the Great
Wall in Gansu, providing a new approach for heritage protection and research.
第四部分 写作 (共两节,满分 40分)
第一节(满分 15分)
假定你是李华,你的美国朋友 Peter 听说人工智能在中国已经广泛进入人们的日常生
1. 门票可用手机移动支付;
2. 人脸识别进入景区;
3. 邀请他来体验。
注意: 1. 写作词数应为 80 左右;
2. 可适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯。
参考词汇:人脸识别 face recognition;移动支付 mobile payment;景区 tourist attractions
Dear Peter,
Li Hua
第二节(满分 25分)
67. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
Thanksgiving for the Soul
Working as a primary teacher in Pompton Lakes Primary School, New Jersey, I
particularly believed in cultivating (培植 ) love in children from an early age. I wanted
children to experience that it’s more blessed to give than to receive. I wanted them to
understand that love of society and love of life is not just lip service; that people somehow
have to make it come alive. I hoped they could experience a sense of their own power to make
a difference.
There was a rural (乡下的) area nearby where a lot of aged people lived in solitude (孤
独). They either had no family or their children had left to work in big cities. Most of them
lived on government aid to keep body and soul together. An agency, which was in charge of
the elder people in this region, had once told me about a needy grandmother, Mrs. Wilson,
who had lived alone for many years. I had always desired to do something for her. So I came
up with the Thanksgiving plan.
In October, I told the eight-year-olds in my class about my plan. “I’d like all of you to do
extra jobs around the house to earn some money,” I said. “Then we’ll buy food for a
Thanksgiving dinner for a needy grandma who might not have a nice dinner otherwise.”
Early in Thanksgiving week, the boys and girls arrived in class clutching (紧握 ) their
hard-earned money. They had cleared rubbish, set tables, washed dishes, helped with younger
siblings. And now they couldn’t wait to go shopping.
I watched while they ran up and down the supermarket aisles (货架通道 ). At last we
headed toward the checkout, pushing a cart filled with turkey and all the trimmings (配料).
Then someone spotted a “necessity”—flowers, which caught their attention. All kids ran
toward the holiday flowers, with one proposing, “Flowers! We can buy her a bunch of
1. 所续写短文的词数应为 150左右;
2. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好。
“Flowers may not be as practical as food.” I said.________________________________
With a food box and a bunch of flowers, we finally arrived at Mrs. Wilson’s home._____
英 语 答 案
1-5 BABCA 6-10 BACAC 11-15 CBACA 16-20 CBCBA
21-23 DBB 24-27 CDBA 28-31 CDCA 32-35 CADB
36-40 EBGCF
41-45 DACCB 46-50 DABDA 51-55 BBDCA
56. digitally 57. collected 58. images 59. which 60. is considered
61. has carried 62. the 63. to take 64. covering 65. to
Dear Peter,
I`m happy to hear from you. Just as you’ve learned, artificial intelligence is now widely
used in China. Here I’d like to share with you what I experienced during the National Day
First of all, wherever and whenever we went, we could use the mobile payment. More
interestingly, we no longer had to get into tourist attractions with the ID card. We could do it
through a face recognition app now, which really saved time so that we didn’t have to wait in
a queue. What an amazing experience!
I do hope you can come to China and experience all of this when you have spare time.
Looking forward to your coming.
Li Hua
第二节 读后续写 One possible version:
Para. 1 “Flowers may not be as practical as food.” I said. “Food will feed her for the day,
but flowers will delight her for days or longer.” one of them insisted. Looking at the bunches
of blooming flowers neatly arranged there, sweet scent filling the air, I changed my mind.
With my consent, the kids rushed forward, chose a bunch of beautiful purple flowers, and
carefully placed it into the cart. Soon we jumped into the car and drove toward Mrs. Wilson’s
home. The little ones talked and giggled on the way, unable to hold back their excitement.
Para. 2 With a food box and a bunch of flowers, we finally arrived at Mrs. Wilson’s home.
Mrs. Wilson, a little woman with a weary face, came to the door to welcome us. With great
hospitality, she led us into her house. Her mouth was widened with great joy as we carried the
food box in. When one kid sent her the sweet flowers, she simply couldn’t conceal her
excitement, tears glittering in her eyes. Holding the flowers to her nose, she seemed to regain
her youth and vigor. At that moment, the kids had found the power they possessed to make
another life better. Sometimes a bunch of flowers could nourish another soul on a dark
November day.
Text 1
W: I’ll take this coat. Do you receive checks
M: Yes, of course. But could you please follow me to the checkout counter You’re supposed
to pay there.
Text 2
M: Mom, did you see my ring at home The one Lisa bought for me. I can’t find it anywhere
and I’ve already got on the train!
W: Don’t panic, sweetheart! I just picked it up beside your night table. I’ll post it to you
Text 3
M: What would you like to drink, orange, lemon-lime soda or grapefruit juice The
lemon-lime soda has minerals and salt in it, so it’s not that sour like lemonade.
W: Okay, maybe I’ll try the soda as you suggest.
W: Sorry, I’ll have to stay in the office until 7 pm today. So I can’t make it to the restaurant at
6:30 pm.
M: Okay. How about we meet directly at the cinema at 8 pm That’ll leave us 10 minutes to
check in for the movie.
Text 5
W: Mike, can I have a word about the departmental budget forecast this season
M: Sure. Go ahead.
W: Since we’ve never done it in such a detailed way before, it’s taking much longer than I
expected. Would it be acceptable if I put off the submission date by a week
Text 6
M: You’ve made a wise choice, Miss. This china tea set is very valuable. It is made in
Jingdezhen and will make a perfect present.
W: Yes. It looks extremely ancient and delicate. It’s the very thing I’ve been looking for. How
much does it cost
M: $1,088 after discount. W: OK. I’ll take it.
M: Shall I wrap it and send it to anyone
W: There’s no need for that. It’s for my collection and I’ll take it home myself. I don’t want
anyone to break it accidentally.
Text 7
W: Hello, I’m calling for the sales assistant position you’re offering.
M: What would you like to know?
W: Hmm, mainly the tasks, hours and salaries.
M: Okey. You need to cooperate with the sales manager, make the schedule and maintain the
relationship with customers. You’ll work 8 hours every day and 5 days every week. About the
salary, it depends on your performance. And we buy insurance for our employees.
W: Do you provide dormitories and meals
M: Well, only lunch’s provided. We can set up an interview for you if you’re still interested.
Text 8
M: I bought this power-saving refrigerator here last month. But it turned out to waste more
electricity. I need to return it unless you can give me a reasonable explanation.
W: I’m sorry, sir. Please allow us to check it first.
M: No problem. I spent a large amount of money on it, and I must say I’m really disappointed.
W: Sir, are you sure you were using it according to the instructions
M: Not really. Why ask
W: Because the power-saving function is not automatic. You see, there’s a small button here.
You need to press it to enable the power-saving function. Now, do you still insist on returning
it or would you like to give it another try
M: Oh, this is embarrassing. I was being stupid without reading the instructions. I’ll keep it.
Text 9
W: Brenton, did you guys go to the beach last weekend
M: Yep. Actually, we go to the beach every Saturday afternoon — to do beach cleanups. W:
When did you start doing that
M: Last August. My friend Linda went through Heal the Bay’s Speakers Bureau training last
April and said it was an amazing experience. With her recommendation, I joined the
Adopt-A-Beach program and started doing beach cleanups. Then my parents joined me. We
enjoy hearing from others that they appreciate our efforts while we’re doing cleanups.
W: Very meaningful. Do you think there’re any appropriate programs for me
M: Of course. You adore animals, so the Aquarium will be a good choice for you. Besides,
there’s also Beach Captains and Saturday Warriors. And the people at Heal the Bay are
enthusiastic and kind-hearted. They do incredible work and take collective action to solve
issues that affect every single one of us.
Text 10
Good evening, everyone. Welcome to “Net Travel”! After such a long year of work, you must
be eager to get away and have a wonderful holiday trip. In today’s show, I’d like to introduce
an awesome but very economical tour package— a 4-Night All-Inclusive Accommodation
Package to the Caribbean. The tour package’s available from January 5th, 2022, to May 20th,
2022, and costs only $1,430 now — that’s 50% off. With this package, you can enjoy 5 days
and 4 nights of pure luxury in a sea-view room. The room can hold 2 adults with 2 kids at
maximum — perfect for families. This package means a limitless All-inclusive service, which
includes all the meals, entertainment, tours, golf, and baths to the maximum without any
worry. However, transportation from and to the airport is not included. Besides, because of the
discount offer, this package is not combinable with other promotions and does not apply to
large groups or weddings. Last but not least, due to the tourist boom, the rooms are booked up
quickly. So here’s my suggestion, no more hesitation and book your ideal package now!
阅读理解 A篇【导语】本文是应用文。文章是一则广告,主要介绍了份与女性健康的杂
21.细节理解题。根据文章第二段第一句“Women’s Day is not only specifically a women’s
health magazine, but also includes a little of what Shape has, along with more information on
other parts of life: family, money, travel and style.(《Women’s Day》不仅是一本专门为女
方面的信息:家庭、金钱、旅行和时尚)”可知,Women’s Day中含有关于日常生活部分
的内容,这些内容是其余三个杂志没有的。故选 D。
22.细节理解题。根据文章最后一句“The workouts are clearly presented with good photos to
illustrate (说明) every movement, and almost all can be done without making a trip to the
故选 B。
此推知,作者的目的是给女性介绍一些健康杂志。故选 B。
阅读理解 B篇【导语】这是一篇记叙文。作者作为一名患有缺陷的儿子的母亲, 虽然因
为儿子一些“反常”的举动遭受到了别人的不理解, 但是也从一位陌生的女士身上得到了
推理判断题。根据第一段中的“He hurried around the room, touching everything he could
reach. I followed, attempting to intercept(拦截) him before he reached the hallway. He
approached the front desk and knocked over all the papers on the table.(他在房间里跑来跑
前台,打翻了桌上所有的文件。)”以及最后一句“I sensed eyes watching me, judging my
parenting skills.(我感觉到有眼睛盯着我,评判这我的育儿技能。)”可知,作者的儿子在
儿方式,再结合第二段提到的“They stared at me and my son. and I heard the words ‘out of
望作者能够管好她的儿子,让他规规矩矩的。故选 C。
细节理解题。根据第二段中的“I wanted to tell them that my son has a disability and that he’s
not being bad; he’s just having trouble waiting.(我想告诉他们我的儿子患有缺陷, 他本性
样的行为。故选 D。
细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中的“She told me about her brother and her parents and all
that her mom did for her brother over the years.(她告诉我关于她哥哥和她父母的事,以及
她妈妈这些年为她哥哥所做的一切。)”和“We sat and talked, and I felt the tension leave my
者讲述了自己家人的经历之后,作者原本紧张的心才放松了下来。故选 B。
推理判断题。结合倒数第二段“She told me about her brother and her parents and all that her
mom did for her brother over the years. She told me about how he turned out great, got a job
and lives on his own now. We sat and talked, and I felt the tension leave my body.(她告诉我
变世界。故选 A。
阅读理解 C篇【导语】这是一篇说明文。文章主要说明了古树正在消失,今天地球上的
主旨大意题。根据第二段“As the Earth’s temperature warms up due to climate change, it is
having unintended effects on the world’s forests. When temperatures rise, trees close their
pores (气孔) to prevent the loss of moisture, and this, in turn, slows down the process of
photosynthesis (光合作用). As a result, these trees are shorter and grow slowly, as well as
have a high deathrate. Climate change also increases the possibility of droughts and wildfires.
After wildfires, it takes a while for the forest ecosystems to recover, and in some cases, the
forests are lost permanently. Trees that are stressed are also susceptible (易受影响的) to
attacks by bacteria (细菌). Finally, humans have changed the forest landscape through
logging (伐木). (由于气候变化导致地球温度升高,这对世界森林产生了意想不到的影
可知,第二段的主旨是为什么古老森林正在消失。故选 C。
词句猜测题。根据划线词上文“Older forests have higher biodiversity, which is beneficial as
each organism has a role to play and there is a wide variety of species.(古老森林具有更高的
知古老森林是许多物种的家园,以及划线词所在句“As these forests disappear, species that
once called them “home” are forced to relocate, affecting the biodiversity of those
影响了这些生态系统的生物多样性。故划线词指的是“古老森林”。故选 D。
推理判断题。根据最后一段“With trees dying continuously, will future generations miss out
on the wonders of forests (随着树木的不断死亡,子孙后代会错过森林的奇观吗?)”结合
一句反问来警告人们失去古树的后果。故选 C。
推理判断题。根据第一段“Unfortunately, many of these precious old-growth trees are starting
to disappear from our planet.(不幸的是,许多珍贵的古树正开始从我们的星球上消失。)”
和倒数第二段“Old-growth forests are a storehouse of carbon, and when they die, the stored
CO2, is released into the air worsening the greenhouse effect.(古老森林是碳的仓库,当它们
古树。故选 A。
阅读理解 D篇【导语】本文是一篇说明文,介绍研究发现睡眠时间太长也会造成认知能
32.主旨大意题。根据第一段“The U.S. National Institute of Health says lack of sleep may
even increase the risk of cognitive(认知)decline and Alzheimer's disease. Now,an American
team of scientists reports that too much sleep might be similarly linked to such conditions”
短文主要是关于睡眠时间和认知能力下降之间的联系。故选 C。
33.细节理解题 。根据第二段“The study examined 100 adults who had been under medical
observation for cognitive ability, the ability to think,for an average of 4.5 years. The average
age of the study subject was 75. Eighty-eight of the group had been identified as free of
cognitive damage.Twelve subjects were judged very mildly damaged.”(这项研究对 100名
接受认知能力医学观察的成年人进行了调查,观察时间平均为 4.5年。研究对象的平均
年龄为 75岁。其中 88人被确认没有认知损伤。12名受试者被判定有轻微损伤。)可知,
100 个参加试验的人中, 88个认知能力没受损害,12个有轻微的伤害。也就是说多数人认
知没有问题。故选 A。
34.词语猜测题。根据第四段“Overall, cognitive scores declined for those who slept less than
4.5 hours or more than 6.5 hours per night -as measured by EEG(脑电图).But the scores
stayed the same for those in the middle of the range.”(总的来说,根据脑电图描记法的测
量,那些每晚睡眠少于 4.5小时或超过 6.5小时的人的认知得分有所下降。但那些处于
点”,可以让认知表现达到最佳水平。所以划线指的“中度时间的睡眠”。故选 D。
35.推理判断题。根据最后一段 Greg Elder 所述“Each person's sleep needs are individual.
If people feel rested, there is no need to change how they sleep. " He also noted that it
suggests that sleep quality may be the key, as opposed to simply total sleep time.”(每个人的
指出,这表明睡眠质量可能是关键,而不是简单的总睡眠时间)可知,Greg Elder 认为
每个人的睡眠需求不同的,可能睡眠质量是关键而不是睡眠时间。由此推断, Greg Elder
对此研究发现持怀疑态度。故选 B
我毫不犹豫地安排在下周去。A. hunt捕猎;B. feed喂养;C. protect保护;D. track追踪。
根据下文“tracking”可知,作者和朋友是要去山上追踪看棕熊。故选 D。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:见第 1题。A. made做;B. changed改变;C. cancelled取消;
D. quit放弃。根据下文“arrangements to go the following week.”可知,这里指作者他们为
了去山上追踪棕熊做了一些计划和安排。故选 A。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:这次旅行非常成功!A. deal交易;B. danger危险;C. success
成功;D. regret遗憾。根据下文“I had never experienced anything like that before. If I hadn’t
had to go back to school, I would happily have stayed on for several more weeks.”可知,作者
对这次旅行非常满意。故选 C。
屋通常是为公园管理员保留的。A. safe安全的;B. comfortable舒服的;C. remote遥远
的;D. beautiful美丽的。根据上文“We walked for hours”可知,这是他们步行几个小时才
到的地方,所以应该是离得很远。故选 C。
研究计划,并将佩戴 GPS发射器跟踪熊的运动。A. recommended推荐;B. explained解
释;C. admitted承认;D. reported报道。根据下文“to us that we would be fully integrated(融
入) into their research programme and would be tracking the ____46____ of bears wearing
GPS transmitters.”可知,这是导游向作者他们解释的具体安排。故选 B。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:见第 5题。A. habits习惯;B. leftovers剩余物;C. photos照
片;D. movements移动,活动。根据下文“of bears wearing GPS transmitters”可知,他们
佩戴 GPS发射器应该是跟踪熊的活动。故选 D。
了森林。A. throwing on匆匆穿上;B. tidying up整理;C. paving for为…铺路;D. taking
off起飞。根据上文“we were woken up at sunrise”可知,这里指作者他们早上醒来之后的
行为,应该是穿上暖和的衣服。故选 A。
考查副词词义辨析。句意:我们的向导走得很快,我们很难跟上他。A. cautiously谨慎
地;B. rapidly快速地;C. steadily稳定地;D. casually随意地。根据下文“we had trouble
keeping up with him”可知,作者他们很难跟上向导,所以他应该是走得很快。故选 B。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:突然他冲过一座小山。A. moved移动;B. wandered想知道;
C. paced调整节奏;D. dashed冲。根据上文“Our guide walked very ____48____ and we had
trouble keeping up with him.”可知,向导走得很快,所以应该是冲过一座小山。故选 D。
消失在灌木丛中。A. disappeared消失;B. looked看;C. broken打破;D. turned转弯。
根据下文“Later in the week, though, we did manage to observe several bears feeding on
berries.”可知,作者他们第一次去的时候应该是没有看到熊。故选 A。
考查介词短语辨析。句意:然而,我们并没有急于拍照,而是屏住呼吸,呆在大约 30
米远的地方,看着它们。A. due to因为;B. instead of而不是;C. apart from除了;D. as
for至于。根据下文“just watched them”可知,作者他们除了观察着熊,其他的什么都没
有做。故选 B。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:见第 11题。A. ceased停止;B. held握住;C. released释放;
D. obtained获得,赢得。根据上文“We were so excited.”和下文“our breath”可知,作者他
们发现了熊很激动,所以屏住呼吸,专注地看。故选 B。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:导游坚持要我们和熊保持距离,以免打扰它们。A. intention
意图;B. fear恐惧;C. bravery勇敢;D. distance距离。根据上文“stayed about 30 meters
away and just watched them”可知,他们和熊之间有一段距离。故选 D。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:见第 13题。A. attack攻击;B. train训练;C. disturb打扰;
D. feed喂养。根据上文“Our guide insisted that we should keep our ____53____ from the
bears”可知,作者他们和熊保持距离,应该是为了不打扰它们。故选 C。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:在熊的自然栖息地观察熊真的很有趣。A. fascinating迷人
的,极有吸引力的;B. boring枯燥的;C. exhausting令人筋疲力尽的;D. challenging有
高兴再呆几个星期。”可知,作者认为这次旅行很有趣。故选 A。
最近建立了一个 3D数据库,用于绘制长城的数字地图。文章对此进行了详细介绍。
考查副词。句意:为了更好地保护长城,甘肃省山丹县政府最近建立了一个 3D数据库,
用于绘制长城的数字地图。此处修饰动词应用副词 digitally表示“数位”作状语。故填
信息,并形成了几段长城的毫米级高精度 3D图像。动词 collect意为“收集”,和谓语之
间没有连词,和逻辑主语 information构成被动关系,且动作已完成,所以应用过去分词
作后置定语。故填 collected。
集的所有信息,并形成了几段长城的毫米级高精度 3D图像。image 意为“图像”,为可
数名词,根据“of several sections of the Great Wall”可知,此处是指一些图像,所以应用
复数形式。故填 images。
考查定语从句。句意:山丹长城大部分建于汉代或明朝,绵延 200多公里,被认为保存
完好。在非限制性定语从句中缺少主语,且先行词为 The Shandan section,所以应用关
系代词 which。故填 which。
200多公里,被认为保存完好。此处描述客观事实,所以应用一般现在时。动词 consider
意为“认为”,和主语构成被动关系。主语 The Shandan section为第三人称单数。故填 is
恢复峡口段,并于 2021年启动了数字化项目。根据“During the past years”可知,此处应
用现在完成时。主语 the local government为第三人称单数。故填 has carried。
2021年启动了数字化项目。根据前文“The local government in Shandan County, Gansu
Province recently built a 3D database(甘肃省山丹县政府最近建立了一个 3D数据库)”可
知,此处是指前文中已提到的数字化项目,所以应用定冠词 the表示特指。故填 the。
地区的照片,覆盖面积约 25平方公里。根据“used UAV photography and remote sensing
mapping technologies”和“photos of the Great Wall and the surroundings”可知,此处是指使
用无人机摄影和遥感测绘技术是为了拍摄长城及其周边地区的照片,所以应用 to do不
定式作目的状语。故填 to take。
区的照片,覆盖面积约 25平方公里。动词 cover意为“覆盖”,和谓语之间没有连词,和
句子构成主动关系,所以应用现在分词形式。故填 covering。
会了解资源丰富的历史文化内涵。have access to意为“具有使用某物或接触某人的权利
或机会”,为固定搭配,所以此处应用介词 to。故填 to。