

名称 2024-2025学年四川省眉山市东坡区校际联考高三上学期9月月考英语试题(含答案,无听力音频无听力原文)
格式 docx
文件大小 92.5KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 通用版
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-10-08 12:55:34



第I卷(选择题 95分)
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
1.What did the man do last weekend
A. He took a trip. B. He watched a game. C. He played basketball.
2. What does the man need now
A. Ice cream. B. Milk. C. Water.
3 How does the man go to work
A. By bus. B. On foot C. By car.
4. Why is the woman unwilling to dance
A. Her feet hurt. B. She is bad at dancing C. She dislikes dancing in public.
5. What will the speakers do this weekend
A. Go to a new restaurant. B. Watch a French movie. C. Stay at home.
6. Whom is the party for
A. Lisa. B. Jane. C. Ted.
7. What does the man advise the woman to do
A. Play some games. B. Bring Jane along. C. Watch a video.
8. What does the man think of his study
A. Exciting. B. Easy. C. Boring.
9. What is the woman
A. A professor. B. A student. C. A manager.
10. What was wrong with the woman
A. She injured her leg. B. She hurt her back. C. She had shoulder pain.
11. What will the man probably do next
A. Talk to his golf teacher. B. See a doctor. C. Play golf with the woman.
12. What’s the relationship between the speakers
A. Teacher and student. B. Friends. C. Doctor and patient.
13. What makes it hard to get the ticket
A. The holiday. B. The heavy rain. C. Reduced trains.
14 What does the woman advise the man to do at first
A. Wait at the station. B. Buy a ticket online. C. Change a phone.
15. Who is the man
A. A guide. B. A student C. A teacher.
16. When will the man take the train
A. This afternoon. B. Tomorrow. C. The day after tomorrow.
17. How long does the tour last
A. One hour. B. Two hours. C. Three hours.
18. What does the speaker say about her houseboat
A. It is large. B. It is small. C. It is the most expensive.
19. What is the speaker’s new book about
A. Travel safety rules.
B. People’s lifestyle in the city.
C. The history of houseboats in Seattle.
20. What is the speaker mainly talking about
A. A book. B. A houseboat tour. C. Her travel experience.
Discover the fascinating history of ancient Egypt and explore one of the most iconic spaces in the Museum before it opens to the public.
In the Egyptian sculpture gallery (Room 4), you can see impressive statues of kings and gods, monumental tomb architecture and ancient tomb reliefs (浮雕) spanning 3,000 years. These include the grand statues of Ramesses II and the Gayer- Anderson Cat.
Learn about the importance of large- scale sculpture in ancient Egyptian temples, tombs and much more in this special guided tour.
Opening: 8: 50 am — 10: 00 pm,9th Apr. 2024 —10th May 2024
● 33
● 30 (Members)
● 30 (Students, jobseekers, disabled visitors)
● 16.50 ( Ages 5 — 15 years)
●Free for under 5s and disabled visitors’ assistant (no booking required)
More details:
●The tour will begin at 9: 00 am and will last 60 minutes.
●Please meet at the Main entrance on Great Russell Street (WC1B 3DG) at 8: 50 am with your email confirmation.
●This tour is limited to a maximum of 20 places per session. If you would like to bring a group of 10 or more people or arrange a special out- of- hours tour, please email traveltradebookings @ britishmuseum.org to discuss your options.
●To ensure a safe and enjoyable visit, face coverings are required for the protection of yourself and others. Please be considerate of people and exercise social distancing where you can —— especially in smaller spaces. Hand sanitiser stations can be. found throughout the Museum and we recommend washing or sanitising your hands regularly. See the Visit Page for more information.
1. Who are most likely to be interested in the exhibition
A. Followers of painting. B. Lovers of modern Egypt.
C. Enthusiasts of sculpture. D. Fans of ancient mythology.
2. How much should a disabled adult and his assistant pay
A. 33. B. 30. C. 63. D. 66.
3. What is a must for tourists
A. Washing their hands regularly. B. Booking tickets online in advance.
C. Arriving 20 minutes earlier before the tour begins. D. Wearing a facial mask the whole time.
Last Saturday, as my then-9-year-old son, Leopold, and I were preparing for a mom-son ski trip. I came up with a rule: We would say yes to everything. Leopold is hesitant to try new things, and he has phobias (恐惧), including heights, spiders and the dark.
I was hoping to find a way to encourage him without resorting to worm-out sayings like “If you don’t try it, you’ll never know if you like it.” So I borrowed the idea of a Yes Day, something our family has done a handful of times since watching the movie of the same name. Before the trip, Leopold and I agreed we would say yes to everything, including food and experiences — especially new ones.
After we got settled at our hotel, I took Leopold to meet his snowboarding instructor. While he was in snowboarding school, I skied by myself. On the first day, I played it safe and stuck to the long and winding easy green run. On the second day, I thought of Leopold, who, the day before, had kept to our bargain and faced his fear of heights to learn how to ride a chairlift. I challenged myself to ski, an intermediate blue run, diligent S-tums, and I made it. I was proud of myself for trying something new.
Later that afternoon when Leopold and I were reunited back at the lodge, he asked if we could go in the outdoor hot tub (热水澡). When I started to refuse, Leopold kept to our agreement. But it was also exciting to feel the cold air on my skin, and the warm water of the hot tub felt that much better once we got in. Getting out was a different story, but the experience was a delight as Leopold and I braved it together.
We had so much fun saying yes to everything that Leopold and I decided we should get the rest of the family — his dad and sister — on board during our spring break trip.
4. What did the author expect to do through the mom-son ski trip
A. To learn ski skills. B. To inspire her son.
C. To give themselves a break. D. To establish a close bond.
5. What does “Yes Day” idea mean to the author and her son
A. Following tough family rules. B. Learning much from old sayings.
C. Doing something challenging to them. D. Reviewing a movie of the same name.
6. Which of the following best describes the author
A. Sensitive and timid. B. Kind and humorous.
C. Caring and outgoing. D. Brave and adventurous.
7. What do we know from the text
A. The author behaves better than her son. B. The family welcome the game of a Yes Day.
C. The rest of the family will take a boat trip. D. Leopold becomes willing to try new things.
Many experts have praised AI’s groundbreaking potential to help people become way more efficient at their jobs, and a lot of educators have been trying it out for themselves, including me.
I’ve used ChatGPT, an AI-powered tool that can instantly answer seemingly any instruction, in my job. Of course, there are potential downsides to the new technology. It can produce inaccurate or one-sided responses based on faulty data it collects, and it has the potential to cause huge data privacy problems. Despite those risks, I have used such AI-powered tools to plan lessons, provide feedback on student assignments, and respond to parent emails. And I’m looking for other ways to use the technology to make my job easier.
Take two other teachers, for example. Mike Kerr, a high school English teacher in Tennessee, uses ChatGPT to reduce Lexile levels-the measure of an individual’s reading ability and the difficulty of a text -for his students. High school students are often required to read relatively complex classic novels. The reading homework “can be a real big task for an English learner in their first couple of months here”. To help them, Kerr uses ChatGPT to give summaries of works of literature, which saves him from having to read all the assigned literary works, so he can have more time to better guide them through the text.
April Edwards, a 6th grade social studies teacher in Texas, shares ways that she uses AI in her instruction on a social media platform. “I use AI to help create lesson plans, presentations, to write emails, and to create checklists.AI is a great resource to use as a starting point for a task or to give you ideas,” Edwards said. She has not introduced AI to her students, because she wants to fully understand it before allowing students to use it in the classroom. “My goal is to show them how to use AI responsibly and effectively and demonstrate that to my students. If I am using AI irresponsibly, then so will they,” Edwards said.
8. How does the author regard ChatGPT
A. It is of high accuracy. B. It is undervalued.
C. It brings some convenience. D. It often misleads users.
9. What does Mike Kerr use AI to do
A. Reduce teaching pressure. B. Help with students’ homework.
C. Summarize English lessons D. Go through the complex classics.
10. What is April Edwards’ attitude towards students’ using AI
A. Supportive. B. Worried. C. Opposed. D. Cautious.
11. Which can be the best title of the text
A. Can AI improve instruction B. Why is AI changing education
C. Should teachers apply AI to teaching D. How can ChatGPT encourage study
Millions of teenagers are in danger of putting their health at risk by getting hooked on e-cigarettes, experts warn. Leading health researchers say they are “very concerned” by the growing number of youngsters trying the devices.
E -cigarettes have been marketed as a healthier alternative to smoking conventional cigarettes. But previous research shows e- cigarettes generate poisonous chemicals similar to those found in tobacco and may harm the lungs and immune system.
Worryingly, researchers at Liverpool University discovered 16% of teenagers who have used e- cigarettes had never previously smoked. The experts also found e -cigarettes were “strongly related” to drinking among teenagers. Study author Prof. Mark Bellis said, “Our research suggests that we should be very concerned about teenagers accessing e- cigarettes. While debate on e- cigarettes has focused largely on whether or not they act as a gateway to tobacco cigarette use, e- cigarettes themselves contain a highly addictive drug that may have more serious and longer lasting impacts on children because their brains are still developing.”
Researchers surveyed 16,000 students aged 14 to 17 in the North West of England and asked them about their alcohol and tobacco use. They found that one in five answered yes to the question: “Have you ever bought or tried electronic cigarettes ” More males than females said they had.
Of the teenagers that had accessed e -cigarettes, 16% had never smoked, 23% had tried smoking, 12% only smoked when drinking, and 14% were ex- smokers. The research also found teenagers who drank alcohol were significantly more likely to have accessed e- cigarettes than non -drinkers.
Among those who had never smoked, it was found that those who regularly have excessive (过多的) drinking were four times more likely to access e -cigarettes than those who never drink. In all of those that drink, regardless of smoking status, e- cigarette access was associated with excessive drinking and involvement with violence after drinking. The researchers said their findings suggest that teenagers who use e- cigarettes are most susceptible to other forms of substance use and risk- taking behaviors.
12. How have e- cigarettes been promoted in the market
A. As a healthier substitute for traditional cigarettes.
B. As a device meeting the mental needs of smokers.
C. As a product preventing smokers from using tobacco products.
D. As a new device promoted among youngsters.
13. What do we learn from the survey made in the North West of England
A. E-cigarettes are now widely available and heavily promoted.
B. E -cigarette access is linked to excessive drinking and violence after it.
C. Teenagers are very knowledgeable about alcohol and tobacco use.
D. The number of adult cigarette smokers is dropping at present.
14. Which of the following can replace the underlined words “susceptible to” in the last paragraph
A. greatly interested in
B. commonly accustomed to
C. deeply disappointed at
D. easily influenced by
15. What’s the main idea of the passage
A. Experts are concerned about excessive drinking in teenagers.
B The harm of the e- cigarettes is greater than that of alcohol.
C. Teenagers are in danger of risking their health on e- cigarettes.
D. Researchers are aware of smoke -related health harm.
Breaking the boundaries
Back in 2014, Deepa Singh followed a set routine. ___16___ Then she would wait for her sister to throw some clothes and a pair of shoes from the window. She’d walk to a school, change into a loose T-shirt and trousers and practise breaking — a street dance style.
This routine lasted for a year until she participated in competitions and showed videos to her parents. “ ___17___ Seeing my skills, they realised that I was serious about my career choice,” says Singh, 23, whose stage name is B-Girl Flow Raw. Last year, she represented India at Queen 16, a breaking festival in Germany with participants from Spain, Russia and Korea.
In India, many women shy away from breaking, says Singh. Every move — from simple movements to backflips — is physically demanding.” ___18___ Both boys and girls look awkward when dancing, but it’s usually the girls who feel more out of place. This builds up the pressure and they give it up, so only a minority of young girls practice the dance,“ adds Johanna Rodrigues, also known as B-Girl Jo, 23.
For the B-Girls, breaking is not just about competing but a journey of self-expression and self- exploration. They all think that it is rewarding. Amita Vighe, 27, an engineer who has been moonlighting as B-Girl Amy since 2009, says, “___19___”
There’s less competition and more connections among the dancers. Early this year, when Rodrigues won a competition against a B-Boy from Mumbai, she received messages from women breakers from across India. She concludes, “___20___”
A. It was a victory for all of us.
B. It takes a year to perfect the basics.
C. Boys do better than girls in breaking.
D. My parents have been supporting my decision.
E. Every evening, she would secretly leave her home.
F. They believed that breaking was only meant for boys.
G. Breaking has built my confidence, helping me stand out in my career.
As a first-generation Asian immigrant(移民)who had grown up in poverty, I knew I was beyond ___21___ to be admitted into Harvard. I loved books, but it never crossed my mind to become a(n) ___22___ of any sort. I didn’t ___23___ to have unrealistic dreams.
Still, something ___24___ me. My deskmate had ___25___ our friendship recently. There wasn’t a dramatic fight or disagreement. He had ___26___ moved on to new friends. I felt an ache in my chest that ___27___ night. I started doodling(涂鸦)on my notepad and then, suddenly, my hand started writing words. I’d written a poem about him. There and the page was the truth about how much it hurt to ___28___ him.
That tiny poem was a ___29___ that rooted in my heart. I realized I could possibly become a writer and from that moment on. It was all I ____30____ to do. So I changed my field of study to English. I ____31____ my first short story while I was still a student. I went on to write my first novel, Girl in Translation, which became an international ____32____ and is taught in schools around the world.
That night, I learned that art isn’t a ____33____ . It’s at the core of what makes us human. Although I’d believed that immigrants couldn’t ____34____ to be creative. I understood then that we had always been the ultimate artists. ____35____ ourselves again and again as we try to adapt to a new landscape.
21. A. innocent B. fortunate C. dependent D. voluntary
22. A. surgeon B. lawyer C. artist D. engineer
23 A. regret B. expect C. agree D. refuse
24. A. bothered B. inspired C. interested D. satisfied
25. A. adapted to B. shown off C. broken off D. referred to
26. A. unwillingly B. cautiously C. helplessly D. simply
27. A. lonely B. peaceful C. happy D. fancy
28. A. marry B. lose C. upset D. desert
29. A. romance B. seed C. secret D. shadow
30. A. hesitated B. resolved C. declined D. denied
31. A. bought B. borrowed C. priced D. published
32. A. bestseller B. effort C. challenge D. gap
33. A. necessity B. reality C. game D. luxury
34. A. pretend B. offer C. fail D. afford
35. A. rescuing B. recovering C. recreating D. relaxing
A group of children in Zimbabwe, a country in southeast Africa, are closely following a series of martial arts (武术) movements ___36___ (perform) in a slow and focused manner accompanied by deep breathing, ___37___ their eyes fixed on their Chinese tai chi master.
Actually, ___38___ group of tai chi enthusiasts are enjoying the power of concentration under the guidance of their instructor, 45-yeat-old Zhu Wei, ___39___ is the captain of the Chinese medical team in Zimbabwe.
“Tai chi increases focus and makes students, from school children to college students, ___40___ (concentration) on studies.” he says.
Tai chi is a mind-body exercise rooted in multiple Chinese traditions, including martial arts, ___41___ (tradition) Chinese medicine and philosophy. It emphasizes a mind-body connection ___42___ (use) gentle movements, meditation (冥想) and deep breathing.
Martial arts ___43___ (recognize) as a fitness practice, with a wide range of health benefits. Zhu says tai chi provides mental health benefits like improved focus, as well as decreased stress, anxiety and depression. In addition, it can improve a ___44___ (child) confidence and physical strength.
Organizer of the children’s events Abraham Matuka says keeping youngsters busy and entertained with activities like tai chi ____45____ (help) meet challenges of drug and other teenager crimes in low-income townships.
46. 学校英文报正在开展以Water pollution为题的讨论,请使用图表中的调查结果写一篇英文报道,内容包括:
1. 水污染的原因描述;
2. 水污染的危害;
3. 你的建议。
With the development of society, water pollution is getting more and more serious.
47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
“It’s been potatoes all week, mom! Can’t we go to the diner for a burger and an ice cream That’s all I want for my birthday!” Eve’s 8-year-old threw his little arms around her shoulders and looked at her with puppy eyes. In her heart, she wanted to hold Dylan the biggest birthday party ever. But in reality, she could afford none of that after being let go from the third temporary job.
When Dylan saw tears rising in his mother’s eyes, he quickly changed his tone. The boy had seen her working hard to make ends meet and could not bear to hurt her. “Actually, mom, that potato salad looks delicious!” he said gently.
After the meal, the mother and son took a nap (小睡) that afternoon. But Dylan didn’t fall asleep and had something else in mind. While his mother was asleep, he carefully took out an envelope from his little pot. His mother didn’t know this, but he had saved a few dollars from the lunch money she had given him over the past few years.
He counted the money in the pot. “$28!” Dylan’s eyes lit up. “I’m sure we can get a good meal for $28!” He carried the money and left the house secretly. He took a short walk to the next block, where he almost cried with excitement as he saw the food truck that he had expected.
“Sir! Please give me everything I can get for $28!” the boy said cheerfully. But Martin, the owner of the food truck, frowned and replied, “I’m so sorry, kid. We’re out of everything!” “It’s my birthday, and I can’t even treat my mother to a nice meal. She does so much for me...I thought, for once, I would do something nice for her...” The boy kept talking out loud to himself, giving in to his urge to cry.
Seeing this, Martin walked out of his food truck.
The next day, Eve was woken up by a knock on the door with a voice, “Hello! It’s Martin.”
第I卷(选择题 95分)
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
1.What did the man do last weekend
A. He took a trip. B. He watched a game. C. He played basketball.
2. What does the man need now
A. Ice cream. B. Milk. C. Water.
3. How does the man go to work
A. By bus. B. On foot C. By car.
4. Why is the woman unwilling to dance
A. Her feet hurt. B. She is bad at dancing C. She dislikes dancing in public.
5. What will the speakers do this weekend
A. Go to a new restaurant. B. Watch a French movie. C. Stay at home.
6. Whom is the party for
A. Lisa. B. Jane. C. Ted.
7. What does the man advise the woman to do
A. Play some games. B. Bring Jane along. C. Watch a video.
8. What does the man think of his study
A. Exciting. B. Easy. C. Boring.
9. What is the woman
A. A professor. B. A student. C. A manager.
10. What was wrong with the woman
A. She injured her leg. B. She hurt her back. C. She had shoulder pain.
11. What will the man probably do next
A. Talk to his golf teacher. B. See a doctor. C. Play golf with the woman.
12. What’s the relationship between the speakers
A. Teacher and student. B. Friends. C. Doctor and patient.
13. What makes it hard to get the ticket
A. The holiday. B. The heavy rain. C. Reduced trains.
14. What does the woman advise the man to do at first
A. Wait at the station. B. Buy a ticket online. C. Change a phone.
15. Who is the man
A. A guide. B. A student C. A teacher.
16. When will the man take the train
A. This afternoon. B. Tomorrow. C. The day after tomorrow.
17. How long does the tour last
A. One hour. B. Two hours. C. Three hours.
18. What does the speaker say about her houseboat
A. It is large. B. It is small. C. It is the most expensive.
19. What is the speaker’s new book about
A. Travel safety rules.
B. People’s lifestyle in the city.
C. The history of houseboats in Seattle.
20. What is the speaker mainly talking about
A. A book. B. A houseboat tour. C. Her travel experience.
听力答案1-5 ACCCA 6-10CBCCB 11-15 ABABB 16-20AABCB
Discover the fascinating history of ancient Egypt and explore one of the most iconic spaces in the Museum before it opens to the public.
In the Egyptian sculpture gallery (Room 4), you can see impressive statues of kings and gods, monumental tomb architecture and ancient tomb reliefs (浮雕) spanning 3,000 years. These include the grand statues of Ramesses II and the Gayer- Anderson Cat.
Learn about the importance of large- scale sculpture in ancient Egyptian temples, tombs and much more in this special guided tour.
Opening: 8: 50 am — 10: 00 pm,9th Apr. 2024 —10th May 2024
● 33
● 30 (Members)
● 30 (Students, jobseekers, disabled visitors)
● 16.50 ( Ages 5 — 15 years)
●Free for under 5s and disabled visitors’ assistant (no booking required)
More details:
●The tour will begin at 9: 00 am and will last 60 minutes.
●Please meet at the Main entrance on Great Russell Street (WC1B 3DG) at 8: 50 am with your email confirmation.
●This tour is limited to a maximum of 20 places per session. If you would like to bring a group of 10 or more people or arrange a special out- of- hours tour, please email traveltradebookings @ britishmuseum.org to discuss your options.
●To ensure a safe and enjoyable visit, face coverings are required for the protection of yourself and others. Please be considerate of people and exercise social distancing where you can —— especially in smaller spaces. Hand sanitiser stations can be. found throughout the Museum and we recommend washing or sanitising your hands regularly. See the Visit Page for more information.
1. Who are most likely to be interested in the exhibition
A. Followers of painting. B. Lovers of modern Egypt.
C Enthusiasts of sculpture. D. Fans of ancient mythology.
2. How much should a disabled adult and his assistant pay
A. 33. B. 30. C. 63. D. 66.
3. What is a must for tourists
A. Washing their hands regularly. B. Booking tickets online in advance.
C. Arriving 20 minutes earlier before the tour begins. D. Wearing a facial mask the whole time.
【答案】1. C 2. B 3. D
Last Saturday, as my then-9-year-old son, Leopold, and I were preparing for a mom-son ski trip. I came up with a rule: We would say yes to everything. Leopold is hesitant to try new things, and he has phobias (恐惧), including heights, spiders and the dark.
I was hoping to find a way to encourage him without resorting to worm-out sayings like “If you don’t try it, you’ll never know if you like it.” So I borrowed the idea of a Yes Day, something our family has done a handful of times since watching the movie of the same name. Before the trip, Leopold and I agreed we would say yes to everything, including food and experiences — especially new ones.
After we got settled at our hotel, I took Leopold to meet his snowboarding instructor. While he was in snowboarding school, I skied by myself. On the first day, I played it safe and stuck to the long and winding easy green run. On the second day, I thought of Leopold, who, the day before, had kept to our bargain and faced his fear of heights to learn how to ride a chairlift. I challenged myself to ski, an intermediate blue run, diligent S-tums, and I made it. I was proud of myself for trying something new.
Later that afternoon, when Leopold and I were reunited back at the lodge, he asked if we could go in the outdoor hot tub (热水澡). When I started to refuse, Leopold kept to our agreement. But it was also exciting to feel the cold air on my skin, and the warm water of the hot tub felt that much better once we got in. Getting out was a different story, but the experience was a delight as Leopold and I braved it together.
We had so much fun saying yes to everything that Leopold and I decided we should get the rest of the family — his dad and sister — on board during our spring break trip.
4. What did the author expect to do through the mom-son ski trip
A. To learn ski skills. B. To inspire her son.
C. To give themselves a break. D. To establish a close bond.
5. What does “Yes Day” idea mean to the author and her son
A. Following tough family rules. B. Learning much from old sayings.
C. Doing something challenging to them. D. Reviewing a movie of the same name.
6. Which of the following best describes the author
A. Sensitive and timid. B. Kind and humorous.
C. Caring and outgoing. D. Brave and adventurous.
7. What do we know from the text
A. The author behaves better than her son. B. The family welcome the game of a Yes Day.
C. The rest of the family will take a boat trip. D. Leopold becomes willing to try new things.
【答案】4. B 5. C 6. D 7. D
Many experts have praised AI’s groundbreaking potential to help people become way more efficient at their jobs, and a lot of educators have been trying it out for themselves, including me.
I’ve used ChatGPT, an AI-powered tool that can instantly answer seemingly any instruction, in my job. Of course, there are potential downsides to the new technology. It can produce inaccurate or one-sided responses based on faulty data it collects, and it has the potential to cause huge data privacy problems. Despite those risks, I have used such AI-powered tools to plan lessons, provide feedback on student assignments, and respond to parent emails. And I’m looking for other ways to use the technology to make my job easier.
Take two other teachers, for example. Mike Kerr, a high school English teacher in Tennessee, uses ChatGPT to reduce Lexile levels-the measure of an individual’s reading ability and the difficulty of a text -for his students. High school students are often required to read relatively complex classic novels. The reading homework “can be a real big task for an English learner in their first couple of months here”. To help them, Kerr uses ChatGPT to give summaries of works of literature, which saves him from having to read all the assigned literary works, so he can have more time to better guide them through the text.
April Edwards, a 6th grade social studies teacher in Texas, shares ways that she uses AI in her instruction on a social media platform. “I use AI to help create lesson plans, presentations, to write emails, and to create checklists.AI is a great resource to use as a starting point for a task or to give you ideas,” Edwards said. She has not introduced AI to her students, because she wants to fully understand it before allowing students to use it in the classroom. “My goal is to show them how to use AI responsibly and effectively and demonstrate that to my students. If I am using AI irresponsibly, then so will they,” Edwards said.
8. How does the author regard ChatGPT
A. It is of high accuracy. B. It is undervalued.
C. It brings some convenience. D. It often misleads users.
9. What does Mike Kerr use AI to do
A. Reduce teaching pressure. B. Help with students’ homework.
C. Summarize English lessons D. Go through the complex classics.
10. What is April Edwards’ attitude towards students’ using AI
A. Supportive. B. Worried. C. Opposed. D. Cautious.
11. Which can be the best title of the text
A. Can AI improve instruction B. Why is AI changing education
C. Should teachers apply AI to teaching D. How can ChatGPT encourage study
【答案】8. C 9. B 10. D 11. A
Millions of teenagers are in danger of putting their health at risk by getting hooked on e-cigarettes, experts warn. Leading health researchers say they are “very concerned” by the growing number of youngsters trying the devices.
E -cigarettes have been marketed as a healthier alternative to smoking conventional cigarettes. But previous research shows e- cigarettes generate poisonous chemicals similar to those found in tobacco and may harm the lungs and immune system.
Worryingly, researchers at Liverpool University discovered 16% of teenagers who have used e- cigarettes had never previously smoked. The experts also found e -cigarettes were “strongly related” to drinking among teenagers. Study author Prof. Mark Bellis said, “Our research suggests that we should be very concerned about teenagers accessing e- cigarettes. While debate on e- cigarettes has focused largely on whether or not they act as a gateway to tobacco cigarette use, e- cigarettes themselves contain a highly addictive drug that may have more serious and longer lasting impacts on children because their brains are still developing.”
Researchers surveyed 16,000 students aged 14 to 17 in the North West of England and asked them about their alcohol and tobacco use. They found that one in five answered yes to the question: “Have you ever bought or tried electronic cigarettes ” More males than females said they had.
Of the teenagers that had accessed e -cigarettes, 16% had never smoked, 23% had tried smoking, 12% only smoked when drinking, and 14% were ex- smokers. The research also found teenagers who drank alcohol were significantly more likely to have accessed e- cigarettes than non -drinkers.
Among those who had never smoked, it was found that those who regularly have excessive (过多的) drinking were four times more likely to access e -cigarettes than those who never drink. In all of those that drink, regardless of smoking status, e- cigarette access was associated with excessive drinking and involvement with violence after drinking. The researchers said their findings suggest that teenagers who use e- cigarettes are most susceptible to other forms of substance use and risk- taking behaviors.
12. How have e- cigarettes been promoted in the market
A. As a healthier substitute for traditional cigarettes.
B. As a device meeting the mental needs of smokers.
C. As a product preventing smokers from using tobacco products.
D. As a new device promoted among youngsters.
13. What do we learn from the survey made in the North West of England
A. E-cigarettes are now widely available and heavily promoted.
B. E -cigarette access is linked to excessive drinking and violence after it.
C. Teenagers are very knowledgeable about alcohol and tobacco use.
D. The number of adult cigarette smokers is dropping at present.
14. Which of the following can replace the underlined words “susceptible to” in the last paragraph
A. greatly interested in
B. commonly accustomed to
C. deeply disappointed at
D. easily influenced by
15. What’s the main idea of the passage
A. Experts are concerned about excessive drinking in teenagers.
B. The harm of the e- cigarettes is greater than that of alcohol.
C. Teenagers are in danger of risking their health on e- cigarettes.
D. Researchers are aware of smoke -related health harm.
【答案】12. A 13. B 14. D 15. C
Breaking the boundaries
Back in 2014, Deepa Singh followed a set routine. ___16___ Then she would wait for her sister to throw some clothes and a pair of shoes from the window. She’d walk to a school, change into a loose T-shirt and trousers and practise breaking — a street dance style.
This routine lasted for a year until she participated in competitions and showed videos to her parents. “ ___17___ Seeing my skills, they realised that I was serious about my career choice,” says Singh, 23, whose stage name is B-Girl Flow Raw. Last year, she represented India at Queen 16, a breaking festival in Germany with participants from Spain, Russia and Korea.
In India, many women shy away from breaking, says Singh. Every move — from simple movements to backflips — is physically demanding.” ___18___ Both boys and girls look awkward when dancing, but it’s usually the girls who feel more out of place. This builds up the pressure and they give it up, so only a minority of young girls practice the dance,“ adds Johanna Rodrigues, also known as B-Girl Jo, 23.
For the B-Girls, breaking is not just about competing but a journey of self-expression and self- exploration. They all think that it is rewarding. Amita Vighe, 27, an engineer who has been moonlighting as B-Girl Amy since 2009, says, “___19___”
There’s less competition and more connections among the dancers. Early this year, when Rodrigues won a competition against a B-Boy from Mumbai, she received messages from women breakers from across India. She concludes, “___20___”
A. It was a victory for all of us.
B. It takes a year to perfect the basics.
C. Boys do better than girls in breaking.
D. My parents have been supporting my decision.
E. Every evening, she would secretly leave her home.
F. They believed that breaking was only meant for boys.
G. Breaking has built my confidence, helping me stand out in my career.
【答案】16. E 17. F 18. B 19. G 20. A
As a first-generation Asian immigrant(移民)who had grown up in poverty, I knew I was beyond ___21___ to be admitted into Harvard. I loved books, but it never crossed my mind to become a(n) ___22___ of any sort. I didn’t ___23___ to have unrealistic dreams.
Still, something ___24___ me. My deskmate had ___25___ our friendship recently. There wasn’t a dramatic fight or disagreement. He had ___26___ moved on to new friends. I felt an ache in my chest that ___27___ night. I started doodling(涂鸦)on my notepad and then, suddenly, my hand started writing words. I’d written a poem about him. There and the page was the truth about how much it hurt to ___28___ him.
That tiny poem was a ___29___ that rooted in my heart. I realized I could possibly become a writer and from that moment on. It was all I ____30____ to do. So I changed my field of study to English. I ____31____ my first short story while I was still a student. I went on to write my first novel, Girl in Translation, which became an international ____32____ and is taught in schools around the world.
That night, I learned that art isn’t a ____33____ . It’s at the core of what makes us human. Although I’d believed that immigrants couldn’t ____34____ to be creative. I understood then that we had always been the ultimate artists. ____35____ ourselves again and again as we try to adapt to a new landscape.
21. A. innocent B. fortunate C. dependent D. voluntary
22. A. surgeon B. lawyer C. artist D. engineer
23. A. regret B. expect C. agree D. refuse
24. A. bothered B. inspired C. interested D. satisfied
25. A. adapted to B. shown off C. broken off D. referred to
26. A. unwillingly B. cautiously C. helplessly D. simply
27 A. lonely B. peaceful C. happy D. fancy
28. A. marry B. lose C. upset D. desert
29. A. romance B. seed C. secret D. shadow
30. A. hesitated B. resolved C. declined D. denied
31. A. bought B. borrowed C. priced D. published
32. A. bestseller B. effort C. challenge D. gap
33. A. necessity B. reality C. game D. luxury
34. A. pretend B. offer C. fail D. afford
35. A. rescuing B. recovering C. recreating D. relaxing
【答案】21. B 22. C 23. B 24. A 25. C 26. D 27. A 28. B 29. B 30. B 31. D 32. A 33. D 34. D 35. C
A group of children in Zimbabwe, a country in southeast Africa, are closely following a series of martial arts (武术) movements ___36___ (perform) in a slow and focused manner accompanied by deep breathing, ___37___ their eyes fixed on their Chinese tai chi master.
Actually, ___38___ group of tai chi enthusiasts are enjoying the power of concentration under the guidance of their instructor, 45-yeat-old Zhu Wei, ___39___ is the captain of the Chinese medical team in Zimbabwe.
“Tai chi increases focus and makes students, from school children to college students, ___40___ (concentration) on studies.” he says.
Tai chi is a mind-body exercise rooted in multiple Chinese traditions, including martial arts, ___41___ (tradition) Chinese medicine and philosophy. It emphasizes a mind-body connection ___42___ (use) gentle movements, meditation (冥想) and deep breathing.
Martial arts ___43___ (recognize) as a fitness practice, with a wide range of health benefits. Zhu says tai chi provides mental health benefits like improved focus, as well as decreased stress, anxiety and depression. In addition, it can improve a ___44___ (child) confidence and physical strength.
Organizer of the children’s events Abraham Matuka says keeping youngsters busy and entertained with activities like tai chi ____45____ (help) meet challenges of drug and other teenager crimes in low-income townships.
【答案】36. performed
37. with 38. the
39. who 40. concentrate
41. traditional
42. using 43. are recognized
44 child’s
45. helps
46. 学校英文报正在开展以Water pollution为题的讨论,请使用图表中的调查结果写一篇英文报道,内容包括:
1. 水污染的原因描述;
2. 水污染的危害;
3. 你的建议。
With the development of society, water pollution is getting more and more serious.
With the development of society, water pollution is getting more and more serious. There are many reasons contributing to this problem.
As can be easily seen from the chart, half of the water pollution is caused by factories. 35% comes from agriculture while only 5% is from our families. Other reasons which result in this pollution account for 10%. Polluted water bodies not only do harm to animals and plants, they also have a long-lasting effect on humans.
We should take some measures to fight against water pollution. First of all, we must draw public attention to the problem. Besides, more strict laws should be passed to help reduce water pollution. All in all, only when everybody takes action to stop the pollution will the problem be solved.
47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
“It’s been potatoes all week, mom! Can’t we go to the diner for a burger and an ice cream That’s all I want for my birthday!” Eve’s 8-year-old threw his little arms around her shoulders and looked at her with puppy eyes. In her heart, she wanted to hold Dylan the biggest birthday party ever. But in reality, she could afford none of that after being let go from the third temporary job.
When Dylan saw tears rising in his mother’s eyes he quickly changed his tone. The boy had seen her working hard to make ends meet and could not bear to hurt her. “Actually, mom, that potato salad looks delicious!” he said gently.
After the meal, the mother and son took a nap (小睡) that afternoon. But Dylan didn’t fall asleep and had something else in mind. While his mother was asleep, he carefully took out an envelope from his little pot. His mother didn’t know this, but he had saved a few dollars from the lunch money she had given him over the past few years.
He counted the money in the pot. “$28!” Dylan’s eyes lit up. “I’m sure we can get a good meal for $28!” He carried the money and left the house secretly. He took a short walk to the next block, where he almost cried with excitement as he saw the food truck that he had expected.
“Sir! Please give me everything I can get for $28!” the boy said cheerfully. But Martin, the owner of the food truck, frowned and replied, “I’m so sorry, kid. We’re out of everything!” “It’s my birthday, and I can’t even treat my mother to a nice meal. She does so much for me...I thought, for once, I would do something nice for her...” The boy kept talking out loud to himself, giving in to his urge to cry.
Seeing this, Martin walked out of his food truck.
The next day, Eve was woken up by a knock on the door with a voice, “Hello! It’s Martin.”
Seeing this, Martin walked out of his food truck. With kindness in his heart,he asked patiently in a soft voice, knew what was the intention of the little boy who only got $28 and began to take him go outside to purchase some fresh cooking materials for the big meal which was prepared for Dylan’s mother. Dylan was thankful to express his gratitude by giving all his money to the food truck owner.
The next day, Eve was woken up by a knock on the door with a voice, “Hello! It’s Martin.” Opened the door, confused with all the delicious food in the food truck, Eve couldn’t believe her eyes and felt like a dream. “It was your son Dylan who prepared all these food for you. Enjoy it.” With a man’s voice appearing, she knew it was real. Touched by these words, tears welled up in her eyes. They sat together and enjoyed the meal. After it, there was a note with $28 under a plate reading “Filial piety is priceless.”