人教版(2019)选择性必修第二册Unit 1 Science and scientists Words and expressions 课件(共33张PPT)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修第二册Unit 1 Science and scientists Words and expressions 课件(共33张PPT)
格式 pptx
文件大小 905.7KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-10-08 16:21:36



UNIT 1 Science and Scientists
1. severe
① 严重的 (serious) severe disease severe shortage
② 严厉的 (strict/tough)be severe with her students
③ 恶劣的 (bad)severe weather
2. frustrate vt. 使沮丧 (disappoint); 阻止
frustrating adj. 令人沮丧的(disappointing)
frustrated adj. 沮丧的(disappointed)
frustration n. 沮丧 (disappointment)
3. once and for all
finally ; ultimately ; eventually; lastly
at last; in the end
② 彻底地 completely
4. contradictory adj. 矛盾的,对立的
contradiction n. 矛盾
5. infection n. 传染 virus infection 病毒感染
infectious adj. 传染的 infectious disease 传染病
infect v. be infected with 被感染……
6. germ 细菌 (bacteria)
7. subscribe v.
① 订阅 subscribe to the Reader’s Digest
②定期捐款 subscribe to the fund (基金会)
③ 同意 subscribe to the second theory
subscriber 订阅者,捐赠者
subscription 订阅 cancel your subscription 取消订阅
renew your subscription 续订
solid proof 确凿的证据
waterproof 防水 windproof 防风
disease-resistant 抗病 fire-resistant 耐火
anti-aging 防衰老 antitheft 防盗 antiwar 反战的
8. proof n. 证据(evidence),证明
prove v. 证明是,结果是 ,原来是
-proof 抗,防(-resistant 抗…,耐…)
(anti- 防止,反对)
multi- 多的 multicoloured多色的
multicultural 多元文化的
multiply v. ①增加,②繁殖,③乘
9. multiple adj. 数量多的,多种多样的
multiple choices 多项选择
multiple injuries 多处受伤
10. pump
n. 泵 water pump 水泵
v. ①输送 The heart pumps blood around the body.
pump out poisonous gases
11. household
① n. 家庭,家人 household chores 家务活
average household 一般家庭
② adj. 家用的 (domestic)
household appliance 家用电器
a household name 家喻户晓
12. suspect
v. 怀疑 suspect him of lying to me 怀疑他对我撒谎
n. 嫌疑人 crime suspect 犯罪嫌疑人
→ suspicious 怀疑的 (doubtful, skeptical)
→ suspicion 怀疑,感觉
13. blame
v. 指责 blame sb. for sth.=blame sth. on sb.
charge sb. with sth. 因……指责某人
accuse sb. of sth.
be to blame 应受指责
n. 指责,责备,责任
take the blame for 为……承担责任
14. handle
v. ① 处理,应付 handle the crisis
②拿,搬动 handle with care 小心轻放
③ 驾驶,操纵 handle the machine
n. 把手,手柄 turn the handle 转动把手
the handle of a knife 刀把
15. intervene v. 介入,干涉intervene personally 亲自介入
intervention n. 介入,干涉 government intervention
16. link
①v. 连接 link the mouse to/with the computer
联系 be linked to / with sth 与……有关
②n. 联系,关系,纽带
17. raw ①生的 raw meat 生肉
②未加工的 raw material 原材料
18. pure adj. 纯的 pure cotton 纯棉
纯净的 pure water
→purify v. 净化 purify the soul 净化心灵
19. substantial 重大的 a substantial change重大变化
大量的 a substantial profit 可观的利润
20. decrease 减少,降低 (drop/decline;反义increase)
decrease by 减少了 decrease to 减少到
21. thanks to 幸亏,由于(owing to, due to, because of)
22. statistic 数据 (data)official statistics 官方数据
23. transform v. 改变,转变
transform into a prince 变成王子
transformation n. 转变,变化
trans- 变化, transplant 移植 transport 运输
transfer 转移,换乘
24. microscope 显微镜
micro- 微小的 microwave 微波
25. critical thinking 批判性思维
independent thinking 独立思考
26. be rich in protein 富含蛋白质
27. cell division 细胞分裂
28. amazing finding 惊人的发现
29. initial stage 最初阶段
initially 起初 (at the beginning; at first, originally)
initiator 创始人,发起者
30. framework 框架,结构
theoretical framework 理论框架 steel framework
31. solid
①固体 solid , liquid, gas 固体、液体和气体
②可靠的,确凿的 solid proof 确凿的证据
③出色的 solid performance 出色的表现
32. cast
① 扔;掷;抛 cast a stone into the river
② 投射 cast your answer on the screen;
cast envious looks
③ cast/throw light on sth. 使…更容易理解,阐明
④ be cast down 沮丧,不高兴
33. shadow 影子,阴影 cast shadow on the screen
shadow play
shade 阴凉处,树荫
34. rainbow 彩虹
35. pour 倾倒 pour boiled water
Tears poured down his cheeks.
下大雨 It's pouring outside.
36. concrete
① n. 混凝土 concrete road
②adj. 具体的 (specific) a concrete example
确实的(solid) concrete evidence
37. mechanical 机械的 a mechanical failure 机械故障
mechanic (=mechanical engineer) 机械师;修理工
38. break out (战争、疾病)爆发 breakout n.
39. defend ① 保护,保卫 defend sb. from/against sth.
(同义词:protect, guard, shelter, conserve, preserve )
② 辩护 ③ 派生n. defence in defence
派生adj. defensive measures
40. assist v. 帮助 assist sb. in doing/with sth.
assistance n. come to one’s assistance
assistant n. 助手
(-ant 指人的后缀 applicant, participant)
41. missile 导弹
42. charge
v. 收费 charge 49.9 for the set menu (套餐)
指控,指责 charge me with my rudeness
充电 charge my phone/the battery
猛冲 charge down the stairs
赋予…职责 be charged with important mission
n. 费用 free of charge an admission charge
主管,负责 in charge of the project
in the charge of our monitor
电荷,充电 positive charge on charge
控告, 指控 drop the charge
43. leadership 领导(能力)
44. trace ① n. 踪迹 disappear without trace 无影无踪
② v. be traced to=date from=date back to可追溯到
45. outstanding 杰出的,优秀的,明显的
46. gifted (talented) be gifted/talented in
have a gift/talent for
e down with 患病
48. abstract 抽象的 (反义:specific, concrete)
49. steady 稳定的 steady income
持续的 steady progress/growth
50. astronomer 天文学家 astronomy 天文学
51. besides 除……之外还有
另外,而且 (what's more, furthermore,
moreover, in addition, additionally, plus, also)
52. brilliant 聪明的, 才华横溢的
53. above all 最重要的是
after all 毕竟,终究
in all 总计
54. fault 过错 ; 缺陷 → faulty adj. 错误的,有缺陷的
find fault with 找茬
55. shift
v. ①改变(switch/transform/change)
shift one’s ground 改变立场
②转换,转移 shift your attention 转移注意力
n. ①轮班 night shift 夜班
②改变, 转换 sudden shift 突变
shift key 转换键
56. vivid discription 生动的描述
vivid colors 鲜明的颜色
vivid memories 清晰的记忆
vivid imagination 生动的想象力