Unit 6 Work quietly! Part A Let’s talk 教学设计(表格式)


名称 Unit 6 Work quietly! Part A Let’s talk 教学设计(表格式)
格式 docx
文件大小 20.1KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(PEP)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-10-09 19:51:02



Unit 6 Work quietly Part A Let’s talk
1. 学生能够听、说、读、写句型:What are they doing They are eating lunch. What’s the little monkey doing It’s playing with its mother.
2. 能够在情景中运用句型 What are they doing?They are...询问并回答某人正在做某事。
1.能够在真实情境中运用句型 What are they doing?They are... 询问并回答某人正在做某事;
2.能理解并表演 let’s talk 的交际内容。
学生能够运用现在进行时的句型 What are you doing 进行交际对话。教学方法情境教学法;任务型教学法。
环节 师生互动
I. Warming up复习热身 1. Free talk T: Hello! Everyone. This class we'll talk about animals .Do you like animals T: And me too. I like pandas. They are black and white. They are very cute. So what about you What animals do you like 学生回答(I like ......Its.../ they’ re ......) 活跃课堂氛围 2. Let’s sing T: Let’s enjoy a song about animals and then tell me what animals do you see 【设计意图:通过歌曲的方式复习一些动物,让学生对现在进行时有个整体的感知】 3.Look and say Look at the...It’s .../They’re... 【设计意图:复习形容动物的句型。】
II. Presentation呈现新知 1.Let’s try T: Now where can we see these animals OK we can see these animals in the zoo.(出示动物园图片) T: Look !who are they? ( 出示 Mike 和 Chen Jie 头像) T: They like animals very much. So they are in the zoo. And do you know what animals do they see Now let's listen the dialogue and then tell me the answers. please listen carefully. 学生听对话 Q1:What animals do they see 学生回答 T: Yes. We can hear the birds and the tiger.(出示鸟和老虎) T: So what are the animals doing Are the birds sleeping or flying Is the tiger running or swimming Let's listen again and take on your book. please turn to page fifty five。(学生再次听对话) Q2: What are the animals doing T: Who can tell me the answers: What are the birds doing and What’s the tiger doing (学生回答) T:OK. The birds are flying. The tiger is running.教读 They are flying. It is running. 2.Let’s learn Q1:What other animals do they see (学生猜一猜) T: Now let’s listen and watch.(出示课本对话) T: What other animals do they see 学生回答出示动物图片What are the animals doing?出示句子: a. What’s the little monkey doing b. What are the pandas doing c. What’s the elephant doing 讲授 a: What are the pandas doing Listen and watch 学生回答:They are eating lunch.教授eating lunch T: What are the pandas like What do you want to say to the panda 出示一只熊猫 T: What’s the panda doing S: It’s eating . T: What food do the pandas like S: They like bamboo. 教授 bamboo.出示图片: T: What are they doing. S: ...讲授: b. What’s the little monkey doing Look ! What’s the little monkey doing (学生观看视频回答问题)出示猴子图片 T: Who's mother Cat’s mother Dog’s mother S: Monkey’s mother. T:OK. Its mother.(小猴子移到大猴子身边)教读its T: What’s the little monkey doing 学生回答, It's playing with its mother.教读,It's playing with its mother.个读,齐读,全班读.出示小长颈鹿 T: What’s this T: What’s the little giraffe doing S: ... 出示大象图讲授: c. What’s the elephant doing出示大象被覆盖图片 T: Do you see any elephants (No!)出示大象And do you see any elephants (Yes!) T: What’s the elephant doing 学生回答, T: It's drinking water.教读 drinking water T: Do you like drinking water (Yes!) T: Drinking more water is healthy for us. So we should drink water every day. 3.Look and say in pairs A: look at the .. B: What’s...doing or what are ...doing A: It’s.../They’re..
III. practice 练习巩固 1.Listen and watch 看视频,听音正音。 2.Listen and follow.听音跟读。 3.Read by yourself.学生自由朗读。 4.Read in roles.分角色朗读 5. Act it out 同桌合作表演对话
IV.输出运用 1.Make a new dialogue. 2.Wonderful animals
V.检测提高 1.Read this dialogue and recite it. 2.Introduce animals in nature to your family in English.
三、【板书设计】 Unit 6 A Let’s talk What are they doing They are eating lunch. What’s the little monkey doing It’s playing with its mother. What are you doing I am... What is she/he/it doing She/He/It is.
What are they doing They are eating lunch.
What’s the little monkey doing It’s playing with its mother.