Unit 1 Teenage life Reading for Writing 课件(25页) 2024-2025学年高一英语人教版(2019)必修第一册


名称 Unit 1 Teenage life Reading for Writing 课件(25页) 2024-2025学年高一英语人教版(2019)必修第一册
格式 pptx
文件大小 9.8MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-10-09 18:10:30



Unit 1 Teenage Life
Reading for Writing
At the end of this lesson, students are able to:
1.Study the organization and language features of a letter of advice;
2.Master the method of writing a letter of advice;
3.Obtain the structure of a letter of advice;
4.Use words and expressions to give advice about problems faced with the senior high students;
5.Write a letter of advice successfully.
Learning objectives
Game Addiction
Lack of support from family
Puppy love
What problems do you have in your daily life
Facing these problems, how will you seek for help
ask advisers for help
write a letter to a professional adviser
talk to reliable friends with previous experiences
sign up for school clubs
Susan Luo, an adviser for teenagers, has
received a letter asking for some advice.
1. Read her reply and get
the structure of the letter.
You wrote that you are very worried about your friend, Chen Lei. I understand quite well that you are anxious and feel terrible. You think that your friend plays computer games too often and spends too much time online.
1. What is Worried Friend’s problem
Worried Friend is worried that his or her friend, Chen Lei, plays computer games too often and spends too much time online.
Read the reply and discuss the questions.
l recommend that you talk to your friend about his behaviour. It is not unusual for teenagers of your generation to be attracted to computer games and the online world. But spending too much time online is unhealthy and makes it very difficult to focus on other things in life. Some students even become addicted to the Internet and cannot concentrate on school and family life. I think you should encourage your friend to try new hobbies. Why not discuss the problem together I am sure he will listen to you, since you are his good friend.
1. What are Susan Luo’s suggestions
Talk to your friend; try to have a new hobby
2. What are Chen Lei ’s problems
Spend too much time online (difficult to focus on others); become addicted to the Internet (unable to concentrate on school and family life).
3. Do you think Ms. Luo’s advice is useful Why or why not
Perhaps the advice is useful, because it is always good to talk to a friend about his or her problems and offer advice.
4. What other kinds of advice would you give
I would tell Chen Lei that he should spend his time more productively with an eye on his future. For example,instead of playing computer games,he could learn computer programming. Who knows He might become a great figure in that field when he’s older.
Find and mark the parts of the letter that match the following points.
A. I know what the problem is.
B. I understand how you feel.
C. This is my advice and reason(s).
D. I think my advice will help.
Study the organisation
What expressions does Ms. Luo use to make suggestions
Study the language features
Find out what expressions Ms. Luo use to describe the problem, make suggestions and express hope. And think of more expressions to express understanding and make suggestions.
1) Useful expressions used in the letter:
I understand quite well that…
I recommend that…
I think you should…
Why not…
I am sure…
2) More expressions to express understanding:
I’m sorry to hear/know/learn that…
I know how it feels to…
I know you didn’t mean to…
It happens to everyone.
Everyone will have one of those periods when things seem to be going wrong.
3) More expressions to make suggestions:
You’d better…
Why don’t you…
How about…
I’d like to suggest…
What do you think…
My advice is / would be…
It might be a good idea to…
British English: day, month, year
American English: month, day, year
Dear + object (friend / Sir / Mr.Smith)
All the best
Good luck
Best wishes for you
Looking forward to your early reply
... ...
A letter of advice
How to write a letter of advice
1. I know what the problem is.
2. I understand how you feel.
3. This is my advice and reason (s).
4. I think my advice will help.
My parents won't listen.
I always feel lonely.
There is a girl I like in my class.
Name Suggestion Reason
Activity 1: Use what you have learnt to write a letter of advice to one of the teenagers below.
1. Work in groups. Choose one of the teenagers and discuss his/her problem. List possible suggestions and reasons.
Try listening to your parents.
Invite them out for something to eat.
That they aren’t listening to you is perhaps because you don’t listen to them.
This will give you a chance to speak to them without distractions(不分心地;专心致志地)
Name Suggestion Reason
Xu Ting
Join a volunteer group.
Connect with your parents online.
This will give you a chance to be around other people, and help you realize that other people have problems, too.
Just because they are far away, it doesn’t mean that you can’t talk to them.
Name Suggestion Reason
Min Ho
Ask a mutual friend (一个共同的朋友) to introduce you to her.
Find chances to get together in groups where she is a group member.
Your friend will be able to help you break the ice (破冰, 打破沉默, 打破僵局) with her and provide encouragement to you.
If you are in a group,it takes all the pressure off (消除所有压力), and you can interact with her in a relaxing setting.
Activity 2: Draft your letter according to the outline below.
10 September 2024
Dear Eric,
You wrote that ____________________________________________(不愿意听你讲话). I understand quite well that (你感到有些失望). You think that (父母不能理解你).
I recommend that ___________________________________________ (多于父母沟通你的期望). When you want to tell them something,______________________(你需要尊重他们). Although it is not unusual that
(父母与青少年之间有代沟), sharing ideas among family members is very important.
your parents won't listen when you tell them things
you feel a little disappointed
your parents can’t understand you
you talk to your parents about your expectations
there is a generation gap between parents and teenagers
you need to respect them
A possible version:
I think you should tell them_____________________________________
(你已经长大,可以自己做决定了). I am sure _____________
( 他们会听你的)since _______________(他们是你的父母,他们所做的一切都是为了你好).
Looking forward to your reply.
All the best,
Li Hua
you are old enough to make a decision on
they will listen
they are your parents and what they do
to you
your own
is for your good
One possible version:
10 September 2018
Dear Xu Ting,
You wrote that you always feel lonely after school because your parents work in another city. I understand how you feel. It is common for teenagers to feel lonely when they live away from their parents.
I think you can try joining a volunteer group that helps other people. This will give you a chance to meet and be around others. It will also help you realize that you are not alone in having problems and that many other people have problems, too. Helping other people also makes us feel better. You can also connect with your parents online. Just because your parents are far away,it doesn’t mean you can’t talk to them. I am sure that you’ll make new friends and get a chance to speak to your parents more often. This will help drive away your loneliness.
Best wishes,
Susan Luo
Are all the parts of a letter included and organized in a good order
Does the writer give reasons for the advice
Does the writer use proper expressions to give suggestions
Does the writer use commas and stops correctly
Is the handwriting easy to read
The checklist
注意:1.词数 80 左右;