

名称 重庆市拔尖强基联盟2025届高三上学期10月联合考试英语试题(PDF版含答案,无听力音频有听力原文)
格式 pdf
文件大小 40.9MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 通用版
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-10-10 12:21:15



(Text 1)
(Text 7)
W:And did you have to sing aloud in your history exams
M:Hi,Amy.The music festival begins this month on the 28th and tickets
W:So how did you like the new sports center
M:Not aloud!But I did use to sing in my head.And I always got good
go on sale on the 6th.Are you interested
M:Well,there's a wide choice of things to do ..It's just that their
marks for history.
W:Sure.The organizer will come to our school four days after the sale
advertisements said "something to suit all the family".I wish they
W:Any more tips,Charles
starts.I'd like to get more information from him before I buy tickets.
had water games for the under-fives.There was nothing really
M:Yes!5I've saved the best one till last.It's particularly relevant for
(Text 2)
suitable for them.But you can learn to windsurf or sail,and you have
any students who have tuned in.Teach whatever it is that you want
M:I should have stayed at home last night.
the freedom to go anywhere in the lake ..
to remember.So,if you're studying for an English exam,teach the
W:Why That was an exciting movie,and what a joyful ending!
W:Isn't that a bit dangerous
concepts to someone else.It really works because in order to teach
M:You call that joyful I have a completely opposite view.
M:Not really.Nobody's allowed in the water without a life jacket,and
something you need to digest it first.
(Text 3)
a rescue boat is on hand all the time
M:How much is the fuel bill please
(Text 8)
W:Thank you,Charles.Now,BI think we've got time for a couple of
W:That's E20.50 please.
W:May I help you,Sir
questions from our listeners.
M:Thank you.By the way,do you sell newspapers
M:Yes.OI want to sell a bookshelf,and I'd like to put an advertisement
(Text 10)
W:Yes,over there next to the magazines.
in the newspaper,please.
W:Thanks for inviting me tonight.As you know,my main interest is in
(Text 4)
W:OK.What's your name,please
conservation and I'm lucky enough to work with lots of different
M:Sarah,I've finished the book on Egyptian writing you lent me.Its
M:Bill Martyn.
wildlife organizations
details inspired me for our history project.
W:OK.Then you can pay the advertisement bill through online
I'd been fascinated by all kinds of bears,but it was the Spectacled
W:Great,Alex!We could also use photos from the museum's Egyptian
Bear that really attracted me.Its name comes from the yellowish fur
exhibit for it.I'm going there this Saturday.
M:That's great.I don't bring much cash with me.
around the bear's eyes like glasses.It's the only survivor of a type of
M:Count me in!Let's meet at the cafe tomorrow to plan.
W:OK.We'll charge you for the advertisement by the inch,not by the
bear that once ranged across America during the last Ice Age.We
(Text 5)
word.So,using short words might save you some money.
thought that it was only found in certain places in Venezuela and
W:I heard you had great fun during the winter holiday.
M:Oh,that's a good idea.have everything written out here,but I'll
Chile,but some reports suggest there might be a very small number
M:Yeah,we stayed by a lake so there was the chance to go skating.My
just check it over before I give it to you.Maybe I can use some shorter
of the bears also living in northern parts of Argentina and eastern
performance was pretty awful
Panama.2Their habitats can range from dry coastal deserts to high
W:But you were only a beginner.It takes time to make progress
W:OK.You can use that table over there.Just bring it back to me when
mountain areas above 4,000 meters.It's been estimated that there are
(Text 6)
you are ready.
M:As this is your first visit here,I'll show you around.
only about 2,400 Spectacled Bears still around.The bears are
(Text 9)
W:Thank you,sir.
W:Charles,can you give us some advice about improving our ability to
endangered not so much because they are hunted by other animals,
M:As you can see,shelves are clearly classified according to subjects.
but what I find really sad is the fact that humans destroy their habitats
Most books you may take home with you but some,such as foreign
M:Yes!Try to visualize an image that is connected to the thing you
The bears are primarily vegetarian.On rare occasions though they
language dictionaries over there behind the computers must be used
need to remember.For example,you can use several images to
eat honey,which I thought was just something in children's books.
remember a list of ingredients for a recipe
It's quite surprising that although they rarely eat meat they have
W:OK.I know
W:Yes,that makes sense.
extremely strong jaws and wide,flat teeth.
M:It's best if you take them to the desks by the window and study them
M:Singing can help with memorization too.It is one of the earliest
We're really trying to make people more aware of the bears.I hope
there.And you can use these armchairs near the door if you'd like
memory tricks that are used for learning new concepts.I used to "sing'
everyone will support our efforts to help these fascinating creatures!
to take a break.
lists of historical facts and dates.It works.