

名称 山东省威海市乳山市银滩高级中学2024-2025学年高二上学期9月月考英语试题(PDF版含解析,无听力音频有听力原文)
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文件大小 437.3KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 通用版
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-10-10 14:45:43



to one’s heart’s content 尽兴地 immerse v. 沉浸在 pile up堆积
be sourced from来自于 persistence n. 坚持不懈 siblings n. 兄弟姐妹
听下面 5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题, 从题中所给的 A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。
听完每段对话后, 你都有 10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
1. What will the woman do during the vacation
A. Visit the man’s hometown. B. Keep her family company. C. Work part-time.
2. What did the man do yesterday
A. He went swimming. B. He walked in the park. C. He did some reading.
3. Which of the following lakes does the man like best
A. Lake Ontario. B. Lake Superior. C. Lake Michigan.
4. What are the speakers mainly discussing
A. The man’s job. B. The woman’s boss. C. Their health problems.
5. How does the woman sound
A. Troubled. B. Disappointed. C. Considerate.
听下面 5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题, 从题中所给的 A、B、C三个选项中选
出最佳选项, 听每段对话或独白前, 你将有时间阅读各个小题, 每小题 5秒钟: 听完后, 各小题
将给出 5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
听第 6段材料, 回答第 6、7题。
6. Why is the man unwilling to buy the first item
A. Its design isn’t to his taste.
B. He doesn’t think it’s worth the price.
C. His wife has got one.
7. What will the man’s wife receive
A. A necklace. B. A watch. C. A bag.
听第 7段材料, 回答第 8、9题。
8. Where is Sally’s cellphone
A. In her handbag. B. On the table. C. Near the bed.
9. What time will Sally probably head for the train station
A. At 7:10 a.m. B. At 7:30 a.m. C. At 8:00 a.m.
听第 8段材料, 回答第 10至 13题。
10. Where is the man
A. In the office. B. In the street. C. On the bus.
11. When will the man get home
A. Around 5:00 p.m. B. Around 5:30 p.m. C. Around 6:30 p.m.
12. What do we know about the woman
A. She works from home. B. She has only one child. C. She didn’t take a nap today.
13. What is the woman likely to do next
A. Do the laundry. B. Wash the dishes. C. Go to a school.
听第 9段材料, 回答第 14至 17题。
14. Why does Amanda come to the lecture
A. She was told the lecturer was quite humorous.
B. She is interested in the topic of the lecture.
C. She has met the lecturer a few times and likes him a lot.
15. What is probably Amanda’s mother
A. A doctor. B. An engineer. C. A businesswoman.
16. In which city are the speakers
A. Austin. B. Houston. C. Dallas.
17. What are the speakers going to talk about after the lecture
A. Their family members. B. Their major choices. C. Some fun places.
听第 10段材料, 回答第 18至 20题。
18. Who is the youngest
A. Soleiny. B. Cristin. C. Tien Norie.
19. What did the Colombian army find at the crash site
A. A bottle. B. Some baby food. C. Some big footprints.
20. What did officials think got the children out of trouble
A. Their unity. B. Lesly’s wisdom. C. The army’s persistence.
二、阅读理解 (共 15小题; 每小题 2.5分, 满分 37.5分)
At the core of ever-evolving technology industry, there are a few key individuals who have left a deeper mark
and changed the lives of many, giving them motivation and the will to persevere to the end.
● Sunder Pichai—the current CEO of Google
Sunder Pichai was not born with a silver spoon in his mouth. However, his story never fails to remind all that
with determination and hard work, one can beat the odds. During his time as CEO, Pichai led the launch of Google
Chrome, Google Drive and Google Maps, which are features that have revolutionized modern lifestyle.
● Steve Jobs—the late CEO of Apple
The life of Steve Jobs can be compared to that of a rollercoaster. He was fired from the company that he
co-founded (known as Apple now), then he went on to start up two other successful companies, before returning to
Apple, where he created the iPhone, a most significant invention of this century.
● Elon Musk—the founder of Spacex and Tesla
Elon Musk used to be a major shareholder in PayPal and was also its CEO but was dismissed due to
disagreements with the company leaders. He left PayPal and went on to establish Spacex and Tesla, both of which
turned out to be successful companies. Currently, he has set his sights on ways to reduce global warming, including
keeping a lookout for new sources of renewable energy, and has an exciting ambition to establish a human colony in
● Sal Khan—the pioneer of online education provider
He may not be as famous, but his contribution to education deserves as much credit. Using his website, anyone
can have unlimited access to educational videos that teach just about anything for free without attending a formal
course. In fact, it was not an easy process. There were a lot of dying moments when he was stressed out, but anyway
he made it.
1. Who is currently paying attention to eco-friendly cause
A. Sunder Pichai. B. Steve Jobs. C. Elon Musk. D. Sal Khan.
2. What do we know about the four tech giants
A. Elon Musk established PayPal, Spacex and Tesla.
B. Sal Khan was the first to launch formal courses online.
C. Sunder Pichai had the ambition to change modern lifestyle.
D. Steve Jobs was once dismissed by the company he founded.
3. What does the text convey to readers
A. Every cloud has a silver line. B. Failure is the mother of success.
C. A friend in need is a friend indeed. D. Success is not served on a silver platter.
For many people, catching a smell of freshly cut grass is a pleasant sign that warmer weather is here to stay. For
the grass, however, this scent signals an entirely different story.
The smell we associate with freshly cut grass is actually a chemical SOS, one used by plants to beg nearby
creatures to save them from attack. After all, when danger strikes —whether it’s gardening equipment or a hungry
caterpillar— plants can’t lift their roots and run. They must fight where they stand. To protect themselves, plants
employ a string of molecular (分子 ) responses. These chemical communications can be used to poison an enemy,
warn surrounding plants of dangers or attract helpful insects to perform needed services.
Clearly, plants can communicate. But does that mean they can feel pain According to some researchers, plants
release gases that are the equivalent of crying out in pain. Using a laser-powered microphone, researchers have picked
up sound waves produced by plants releasing gases when cut or injured. Although not audible to the human ear, the
secret voices of plants have revealed that cucumbers scream when they are sick, and flowers cry when their leaves are
There’s also evidence that plants can hear themselves being eaten. Researches show that plants understand and
respond to chewing sounds made by caterpillars dining on them. As soon as the plants hear the noises, they respond
with several defense mechanisms.
For some researchers, evidence of these complex communication systems — giving out noises via gas when in
pain— signals that plants feel pain. Others argue that there cannot be pain without a brain to register the feeling. Still
more scientists infer that plants can exhibit intelligent behavior without possessing a brain or conscious awareness.
As they grow plants can change their paths to avoid obstacles or reach for support with their tendrils (卷须). This
activity comes from a complex biological network distributed through the plants’ roots, leaves and stems. This
network helps plants reproduce, grow and survive.
4. What does the smell of freshly cut grass signal
A. Warmer weather. B. Being poisonous. C. Cry for help. D. The need of services.
5. How do plants convey their pain
A. By giving out gases. B. By changing the color of their leaves.
C. By producing audible sound waves. D. By sharing it through the root systems.
6 What makes plants’ intelligent behavior possible
A. Their tendrils. B. Their biological network.
C. Their communication systems. D. Their conscious awareness.
7. What is the best title for the text
A Do plants feel pain B. How plants protect themselves
C. Do plants communicate D. How plants grow and reproduce
On 11 March,2011, a terrible earthquake shook Japan at 14:46, which immediately generated waves high enough
to flood towns along the coasts. Onagawa was one of them. The wave not only left the town flattened, but took the
lives of 827 people out of a population of 10,014.
Ten years on, more than 10,400 people now live in a town that has rebuilt itself with a bold approach. It decided
to “adapt” to the tsunami that Mother Nature generates.
From any point in Onagawa, you can see the cove (海湾), the very point that brought waves into the town ten
years ago. Instead of covering it with a concrete wall as a tide-preventive breakwater, which the neighboring town has
adopted, in Onagawa the view to the ocean is wide open. The town decided that it wants to not only live with the
beautiful view of the ocean, but also be able to see the wave with their own eyes when it transforms itself into a
frightening tsunami, so that they know which way to run.
The town also moved its centre to the coast where the ground is raised with an embankment (筑堤 ). A
comfortable outdoor shopping mall was built, and the school, city hall and work places are located just few metres
higher. The structure allows the whole town to act as one, guiding them toward a newly secured path that will save
their lives on higher ground, instead of scattering in all directions.
Strong leadership brought the town to what it is today. Onagawa’s young mayor played a vital role in keeping the
spirit of the people up. But it came down to other individuals, too, said Toshihiko Abe, former head of the recovery
division of the city hall. “The town is small enough to make everyone play a role, leading in one way or the other. No
one is left behind. We also make sure that those over 60 stand back and let the younger generation take the lead.”
8. What does Paragraph 1 mainly tell us about the tsunami in Ongawa
A. Its effects. B. Its causes. C. The responses to it. D. The lessons from it.
9. What might the underlined “bold” mean in Paragraph 2
A. Typical. B. Daring. C. Complicated. D. Sustainable.
10. What may help Onagawa against tsunamis
①the tide-preventive breakwater
②the all-in-one town structure
③the wide open view to the ocean
④the safety path extending in all directions
A.①② B.①③ C.②④ D. ②③
11. What can we infer about the recovery of Onagawa
A. Old people should give way. B. Young generation plays a vital role.
C. Everyone makes a difference. D. Strong leadership means good governance.
With greater climate catastrophe (气候突变 ) on Earth, it is natural for us to make every effort to stop the
potential floods, snowstorms, and alarming reports from scientists. For many of us (myself included), part of that
means running out to buy reusable straws, organic cleaners, and packaging-free products.
However, before you rejoice in “green” purchases, take a second to consider the results of a new study from
Arizona University. By comparing the shopping habits, mental health and environmental impact of young people, the
researchers reaffirmed a principle: Buying less beats buying ”green” stuff without effort. And that is true whether you
are looking at the impact that your purchases have on the Earth or on your own happiness.
It should not come as a shock that simply consuming less is better for the planet. After all, every new item a
factory yields requires some resources to produce. Take plastic bag bans for instance. If your city is getting rid of
single-use shopping bags, it can be tempting to pay for a fashionable organic cotton bag hanging in the check-out line
of your local supermarket. However, experts insist that growing cotton is actually no better for the Earth than
producing the conventional plastic bags. Your best bet for carrying your groceries if you care about sustainability
Any bag you already own. This is true of many kinds of “green” products.
It is not just the Earth that will be happier if you buy less. You will feel more contented too, according to the new
study. “People believe that they might well be self-satisfied about becoming environmentally conscious through green
buying patterns, but it doesn’t seem to be that way”, said the lead researcher Sabrina Helm. “Reduced consumption
has effects on increased well-being and decreased psychological distress, but we don’t see that with green
“Owning every new green product on the market might make you feel contented, but if you relieve yourself of
that burden of ownership, most people report feeling a lot better,” said Helm.
12. Why does the writer mention green shopping habits
A. To call on a green lifestyle. B. To praise people’s green efforts.
C. To introduce a social trend. D. To present a half true ”green truth”.
13. What’s the main idea of Paragraph 3
A. The plastic bag bans are of no effect. B. Using any bag you have is the best bet.
C. Reduced consumption is better for the Earth. D. Growing cotton is actually far worse for the Earth.
14. What does the underlined “that” in Paragraph 4 refer to
A. The sense of achievement. B. The sense of happiness.
C. Psychological pressure. D. Environmental awareness.
15. What might be the best title for the text
A. Less is More B. The Greener, The Happier
C. Happiness Guarantee D. What Are Really Green Products
三、七选五 (共 5小题; 每小题 2.5分, 满分 12.5分)
Looking for something new to read Check out the English writer W. Somerset Maugham. Maugham has lately
gotten popular on Chinese social media. 16 That makes sense. Maugham’s words are easy to relate to. They are
even easier to understand. For example, “There are three rules for writing a novel. Unfortunately, no one knows what
they are.” With the above line, Maugham says nobody knows how to write a novel. 17
Maugham’s most famous work is the novel of Human Bondage. It’s about a young man searching for the
meaning of life and finding that the world is cruel. 18 It is The Moon and Sixpence which is based on the life of
French painter Paul Gauguin.
Young readers may prefer his many short stories. 19 According to Britannica (大英百科全书), Maugham
believed that people are unpredictable and forever trapped with their emotions. By joking about life’s troubles, his
stories mix the silly and the serious.
20 He had a lot of unusual life experiences. He grew up as an orphan. He was a doctor until his first novel
became a hit. He then became a famous playwright. During World War I, he worked as a spy. Later, he traveled around
Southeast Asia. All of these things would appear in his novels.
A. Not even himself, a famous novelist!
B. Chinese people like many of his writings.
C. They show the unpredictability of human actions.
D. Why are Chinese attracted by Maugham’s novels
E. Chinese readers have fallen in love with another novel.
F. In many of Maugham’s novels the surroundings are international.
G. Where did Maugham get this uncommon way of looking at the world
四、完形填空 (共 15小题; 每小题 1分, 满分 15分)
I went to the beach nearby for some quality time with myself. After a rough week, it was a 21 time
watching families come and go for a warm weekend. Kids joyfully playing in the water, paddle boating, building
sandcastles and sharing meals with their families.
After a few hours, I decided to get to my car on the other side as I was 22 . As I was near the end, I noticed a
girl playing by herself. She built a little sandcastle with a 23 and was now trying to fill it with water.
Unfortunately, there was no 24 around to carry water. She had to go to the waves, 25 her hands and then
walk back to her little castle. 26 , not much of the water was making it to the canal. But she kept trying and was
still smiling and 27 . I so wished I could help her out. Realizing that I had a bottle of water in my bag, Id quickly
took it out, and walked over to 28 it to her.
29 at first, she smiled but 30 her head shyly, saying no. I reassured her that it would make getting the
water much 31 . She smiled widely and finally took it from my hands. Seeing her running over to the sea happily,
equipped with a 32 in hand, I and walked off the beach with a big smile.
Although it was a tiny 33 , yet I know that when the girl notices that someone needs help in her life, maybe,
she would 34 this little act of kindness by a stranger. And maybe that would make her more likely to jump in
and help 35 a little gentler world around her.
21. A. busy B. lovely C. lonely D. memorable
22. A. swimming B. watching C. leaving D. relaxing
23. A. garden B. fence C. bridge D. canal
24. A. channel B. soul C. pipe D. container
25. A. cup B. cross C. raise D. spread
26. A. Strangely B. Sadly C. Initially D. Unexpectedly
27. A. graceful B. grateful C. hopeful D. peaceful
28. A. lend B. fetch C. hand D. return
29. A. Confused B. Worried C. Disturbed D. Annoyed
30. A. held B. turned C. lowered D. shook
31. A. faster B. farther C. cleaner D. safer
32. A. jar B. bin C. box D. bottle
33. A. gesture B. greeting C. blessing D. desire
34. A. recall B. notice C. mention D. perform
35. A. enter B. create C. change D. discover
五、用单词的适当形式完成短文 (共 10小题; 每小题 1.5分, 满分 15分)
阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入 1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
Stewart stepped outside a store and spotted a homeless man sitting against the building with a small dog 36
(seat) in his lap. Stewart, a vet, noticed its scratched-off fur— signs of an allergic reaction to fleas (跳蚤 ). He
approached the man and offered to bring flea medication for the dog, a gift the man 37 (ready) accepted.
When returning one and a half 38 (week) later, Stewart happily found that the dog’s hair was coming back,
and the rash (疹子) was gone.
Stewart has his own practice in town, yet he still finds time for street pets. He 39 (help) about 400 animals
since 2011. There’s 40 desperate need for his help. About 25% of Modesto’s homeless population own a pet,
41 there are few health-care options available. To fill that blank, Stewart can often 42 (find) wandering
anywhere the homeless might be. He carries his medical bag, 43 contains treatments for the cases he encounters.
There are some people 44 (question) whether the homeless should have pets. However, Stewart thinks the
homeless, more than anybody, need a pet. Because, the owner is the pet’s home. There’s one more pressing reason for
the homeless 45 (have) their pets: their animals are their reason for getting up in the morning.
六、应用文 (满分 15分)
46. 你校正在举行主题为“Hi-tech in My Life”的英语作文比赛, 请你结合自身经历写一篇短文参赛, 谈谈新科
1. 词数 80左右;
2. 不得透露学校、姓名等任何个人信息。
七、读后续写 (满分 25分)
47. 阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。续写的词数应为 150
Navratri (九夜节) was almost here! Deepa couldn’t wait for the party in the dance hall. she’d wear her special
two-piece dress with tiny bells on the edge. she’d jump and skip and turn around just to hear those bells (铃铛) jingle
“I think you should try it on,” Mom said, handing Deepa the skirt. “you’ve grown a lot this year. It may not fit.”
Deepa stepped into her skirt and tried pulling it up. She yanked, wiggled, and twisted. She even tried pulling the skirt
down over her head. However, It’s too small.
Deepa’s throat tightened.
Last year, Deepa and Mom had flown to India to visit her aunt, Masi, for Navratri. Masi had taken Deepa
shopping for a holiday dress. Deepa had loved the way the bells on Masl’s anklets (脚镯 ) jingled as they walked
through the market. When Deepa found a dress that jingled, too, she cried, “That one!”
For nine nights, she and her aunt had laughed and danced in the village with their sparkling skirts. And now the
dress no longer fit.
That afternoon, Deepa and her mom went to an Indian store in the mall and picked out a dress covered with little
mirrors. It didn’t feel special. But it fit. Deepa tried getting into the holiday spirit as they drove to the Navratri party.
But her dress was too quiet.
In the parking lot, Mom opened the car trunk to put away her purse. Deepa noticed a familiar bag. “Is that my
dress ” she asked. “I forgot to put it away,” Mom said, closing the trunk. No one will ever see it again, Deepa thought
As they neared the dance hall, Deepa heard drums beating, people laughing, bells jingling. Inside, hundreds of
dancers clacked colorful sticks together in a circle. The room felt warm and alive.
Paragraph 1: A lady swayed past and her little girl followed, hopping along holding sticks tied with bells.
Paragraph 2: Deepa tapped Mom’s arm and whispered, “I can help the girl.”
高二 9月月考题参考答案
【答案】1. C 2. D 3. D
【1题详解】细节理解题。根据 Elon Musk—the founder of Spacex and Tesla部分的“Currently, he has set his sights
on ways to reduce global warming, including keeping a lookout for new sources of renewable energy, and has an
exciting ambition to establish a human colony in Mars. (目前, 他已将目光锁定在减少全球变暖的方法上, 包括
密切关注可再生能源的新来源, 并有一个令人兴奋的雄心壮志, 即在火星建立人类殖民地。)”可知, 在关注环
保事业的是 Elon Musk, 故选 C。
【2题详解】细节理解题。根据 Steve Jobs –– the late CEO of Apple部分的“He was fired from the company that he
co-founded (known as Apple now), then he went on to start up two other successful companies, before returning to
Apple, where he created the iPhone, a most significant invention of this century. (他被自己联合创立的公司 (现在被
称为苹果公司) 解雇, 然后他又创办了另外两家成功的公司, 然后回到苹果公司, 在那里他创造了 iPhone, 这
是本世纪最重要的发明。)”可知, 史蒂夫·乔布斯曾经被他创建的公司解雇。故选 D。
【3题详解】推理判断题。根据 Sunder Pichai–– the current CEO of Google部分的“Sunder Pichai was not born with
a silver spoon in his mouth. However, his story never fails to remind all that with determination and hard work, one
can beat the odds (桑德尔·皮查伊并不是含着金汤匙出生的。然而, 他的故事始终提醒人们, 只要有决心和努力,
就能战胜困难。)”, Steve Jobs –– the late CEO of Apple 部分的”The life of Steve Jobs can be compared to that of a
rollercoaster. (史蒂夫·乔布斯的一生可以比作过山车。)”, Elon Musk—the founder of Spacex and Tesla 部分的
“Elon Musk used to be a major shareholder in PayPal and was also its CEO but was dismissed due to disagreements
with the company leaders. (埃隆·马斯克曾是 PayPal 的大股东, 也是其首席执行官, 但因与公司领导层意见不合
而被解职。)”及 Sal Khan—the pioneer of online education provider部分的“There were a lot of dying moments when
he was stressed out, but anyway he made it. (他有很多濒临死亡的时刻, 因为他压力太大了, 但无论如何他都挺
过来了。)”可知, 四位关键人物都经历了困难和挫折, 后来才战胜困难取得成功, 因此本文给读者传达的信息
是成功不是人拱手送上的, 而是自己努力奋斗得来的, 即 Success is not served on a silver platter, 故选 D。
【答案】4. C 5. A 6. B 7. A
【分析】这是一篇说明文。主要介绍了当植物被伤害时, 植物可以感受到疼痛。
【4题详解】细节理解题。根据第二段中“The smell we associate with freshly cut grass is actually a chemical SOS,
one used by plants to beg nearby creatures to save them from attack. (我们联想到的新割的草的气味实际上是一种
化学物质 SOS, 植物用这种气味乞求附近的生物, 使它们免受攻击)”可知, 新割的草的气味是草的呼救声。故
选 C。
【5题详解】细节理解题。根据第三段的“According to some researchers, plants release gases that are the equivalent
of crying out in pain. (据一些研究人员称, 植物释放的气体相当于疼痛时的哭泣)”可知, 植物表达它们的疼痛是
通过释放气体。故选 A。
【6 题详解】细节理解题。根据最后一段的“This activity comes from a complex biological network distributed
through the plants’ roots, leaves and stems. This network helps plants reproduce, grow and survive. (这种活动来自分
布在植物根、叶和茎的复杂的生物网络。这个网络帮助植物繁殖、生长和生存)”可知, 让植物的智能行为成为
可能的是分布在植物根、叶和茎的复杂的生物网络。故选 B。
【7 题详解】主旨大意题。根据第三段的“Clearly, plants can communicate. But does that mean they can feel pain
According to some researchers, plants release gases that are the equivalent of crying out in pain. (很明显, 植物是可
以交流的。但这是否意味着它们能感觉到疼痛呢 据一些研究人员称, 植物释放的气体相当于疼痛时的哭泣)”
以及再结合整篇文章的主旨大意可知, 整篇文章一直在围绕植物是否能感受到疼痛而展开。故选 A。
【答案】8. A 9. B 10. D 11. C
【8 题详解】主旨大意题。根据第一段“On 11 March,2011, a terrible earthquake shook Japan at 14:46, which
immediately generated waves high enough to flood towns along the coasts. Onagawa was one of them. The wave not
only left the town flattened, but took the lives of 827 people out of a population of 10,014. ” (2011年 3月 11日 14时
46分, 一场可怕的地震震动了日本, 立即产生了足以淹没沿海城镇的巨浪。Onagawa就是其中之一。海啸不仅
使该镇夷为平地, 还夺走了 1014人中 827人的生命。) 可知, 关于 Onagawa的海啸, 第一段主要告诉我们它的
影响。故选 A项。
【9题详解】词义猜测题。根据文章第二段“Ten years on, more than 10,400 people now live in a town that has rebuilt
itself with a bold approach. It decided to ”adapt” to the tsunami that Mother Nature generates.” (十年过去了, 现在有
10400多人生活在一个以……的方式重建的小镇上。它决定“适应”大自然产生的海啸。) 可知, 想生活在这个
城镇上, 就得“适应”大自然产生的海啸, 所以这里的人们必须有足够的胆量, 所以划线词语是“大胆的”意思。
故选 B项。
【10 题详解】细节理解题。根据第三段第二句“Instead of covering it with a concrete wall as a tide-preventive
breakwater, which the neighboring town has adopted, in Onagawa the view to the ocean is wide open.” (在 Onagawa
镇, 人们没有用混凝土墙作为防潮防波堤来覆盖它 , 而是可以看到开阔的海景。) 及第四段第三句“The
structure allows the whole town to act as one, guiding them toward a newly secured path that will save their lives on
higher ground, instead of scattering in all directions.” (这座建筑使整个城镇成为一个整体, 引导他们走向一条新
的安全道路, 这条道路将在更高的地面上拯救他们的生命, 而不是分散在各个方向。) 可知, 一体化的城镇结
构和大海的开阔视野可以帮助 Onagawa抵御海啸。故选 D项。
【11 题详解】推理判断题。根据文章最后一段“Strong leadership brought the town to what it is today. Onagawa’s
young mayor played a vital role in keeping the spirit of the people up. But it came down to other individuals, too, said
Toshihiko Abe, former head of the recovery division of the city hall. ”The town is small enough to make everyone
play a role, leading in one way or the other. No one is left behind…”” ( 强有力的领导使该镇达到了今天的水平。
Onagawa 的年轻市长在保持人民精神方面发挥了至关重要的作用。但市政厅恢复部门前负责人 Toshihiko Abe
说, 这也取决于其他个人。“这个小镇很小, 每个人都可以发挥作用, 以这样或那样的方式发挥领导作用。没有
人落后……”) 可知, 关于 Onagawa的复苏, 我们能推断出每个人都能发挥作用。故选 C项。
【答案】12. D 13. C 14. B 15. A
【分析】这是一篇说明文。主要介绍了无论是对地球的影响还是对自己的幸福感而言, 减少消费比绿色消费更
好。【12题详解】推理判断题。根据第一段“For many of us (myself included), part of that means running out to buy
reusable straws, organic cleaners, and packaging-free products.” (对我们许多人 (包括我自己) 来说, 其中一部分
意味着要去买可重复使用的吸管、有机清洁剂和无包装产品。) 以及第二段“By comparing the shopping habits,
mental health and environmental impact of young people, the researchers reaffirmed a principle: Buying less beats
buying “green” stuff without effort.” (通过比较年轻人的购物习惯、心理健康和环境影响, 研究人员重申了一个原
则: 少买比不费力地买”绿色”的东西要好。) 可知, 作者提到绿色购物习惯是为了呈现一种不太正确的绿色理
念。故选 D项。
【13 题详解】主旨大意题 根据第三段“It should not come as a shock that simply consuming less is better for the
planet.” (简单地减少消费对地球更好, 这不应该让人感到震惊。) 可知, 第三段主要讲述了减少消费对地球更
好。故选 C项。
【14 题详解】词句猜测题。根据第四段“Reduced consumption has effects on increased well-being and decreased
psychological distress, but we don’t see that with green consumption.” (减少消费对增加幸福感和减少心理痛苦有
影响, 但我们在绿色消费中看不到这一点。) 可知, 减少消费对于增加幸福感有影响, 但是我们看不到绿色消
费对幸福感的影响, 所以划线单词 that指代“幸福感”。故选 B项。
【15题详解】主旨大意题。通读全文, 文章主要介绍了无论是对地球的影响还是对自己的幸福感而言, 减少消
费比绿色消费更好, 所以“少即是多”可以作为文章标题。故选 A项。
第二节 (共 5小题; 每小题 2.5分, 满分 12.5分)
【答案】16. B 17. A 18. E 19. C 20. G
【16题详解】上文“Maugham has lately gotten popular on Chinese social media. ” (毛姆最近在中国社交媒体上大
受欢迎。) 说明毛姆的作品受到中国人的欢迎, B项“中国人喜欢他的许多作品。”符合题意。故选 B。
【17题详解】上文“With the above line, Maugham says nobody knows how to write a novel.” (伴随着上边这些话,
毛姆表示没有人知道怎样写小说。) 说明毛姆认为没有人知道怎样写小说, A项“甚至连他自己, 一位著名的小
说家都没有! ”说明毛姆将自己也包含在内, 符合题意。故选 A。
【18 题详解】下文“It is The Moon and Sixpence which is based on the life of French painter Paul Gauguin.” (它是
《月亮和六便士》, 取材于法国画家保罗·高更的生平。) 说明了另一部小说的相关内容, E项中 another novel
是关键词, E项“中国读者爱上了另一部小说。”符合题意。故选 E。
【19 题详解】下文“According to Britannica, Maugham believed that people are unpredictable and forever trapped
with their emotions.” (根据《大英百科全书》, 毛姆认为人是不可预测的, 永远被他们的情绪所束缚。) 说明人
是不可预测的, C项中 unpredictability是关键词, C项“它们显示了人类行为的不可预测性。”符合题意。故选 C。
【20题详解】下文“He had a lot of unusual life experiences.” (他有很多不同寻常的人生经历。) 说明毛姆有很多
不同寻常的经历, 解释了毛姆形成不寻常世界观的原因, G项“毛姆是从哪里得到这种不寻常的世界观的 ”符合
题意。故选 G。
第三部分 语言知识运用 (共两节, 满分 30分)
【答案】21. B 22. C 23. D 24. D 25. A 26. B 27. C 28. C 29. A 30. D 31. A 32. D 33. A 34. A 35. B
【分析】本文是一篇记叙文。讲了作者给一个小女孩提供了一个小小的帮助, 从而引发的思考。
【21题详解】考查形容词词义辨析。句意: 辛苦了一周后, 看着家人回来度过一个温暖的周末, 真是一段美好
的时光。A. busy 忙碌的; B. lovely可爱的; 令人愉快的; C. lonely 孤单的; D. memorable难忘的, 值得纪念的。
根据下文“go for a warm weekend”可推知看到家人们回来度过温暖的周末是令人愉快的时光。故选 B。
【22 题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意: 几个小时后, 我决定到车的那一边去因为我将要离开。A. swimming
游泳; B. watching 观看; C. leaving 离开; 留下; D. relaxing 放松。根据前文“I went to the beach nearby for some
quality time with myself. ”及下文“I and walked off the beach with a big smile.”可知此处指作者将要离开。故选 C。
【23题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意: 她建了一个小小的沙堡, 里面有一条运河, 现在正试着往里面灌水。
A. garden花园; B. fence篱笆; C. bridge桥; D. canal水道; 运河。根据下文“was now trying to fill it with water”及
语境可知小女孩在城堡旁边挖了一条水道, 此时她把水填满到水道里。故选 D。
【24题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意: 不幸的是, 当时没有装水的容器。A. channel频道; B. soul灵魂; C. pipe
管子, 管道; D. container容器; 集装箱。根据下文“to carry water”及语境可知此处指没有容器装水。故选 D。
【25题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意: 她不得不走到海浪中, 用她的手当做杯子装水, 然后走回她的小城堡。
A. cup用杯子装; B. cross穿过; C. raise举起; 抚养; 筹集; D. spread传播。根据前文小女孩没有容器装水的细节
可知小女孩只能用自己的手装水。故选 A。
【26题详解】考查副词词义辨析。句意: 可悲的是, 没有多少水流入水道。A. Strangely奇怪地; B. Sadly 伤心
地; C. Initially 开始, 最初; D. Unexpectedly 意想不到地。根据下文“not much of the water was making it to the
canal”可知小女孩用手装水, 再走到水道跟前已经就没有多少水了, 这令人感到心疼又悲伤。故选 B。
【27题详解】考查形容词词义辨析。句意: 但她一直在努力, 仍然面带微笑, 充满希望。A. graceful优美的, 优
雅的; B. grateful感谢的, 感激的; C. hopeful充满希望的; D. peaceful和平的。根据上文“But she kept trying and
was still smiling and”可知虽然用手装水到最后都没剩多少, 但小女孩依然不放弃, 充满希望。故选 C。
【28题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意: 意识到包里有一瓶水, 我赶紧把它拿出来, 走过去递给她。A. lend借
出; B. fetch 取回; C. hand 递给; D. return 返回。根据前文“I so wished I could help her out. Realizing that I had a
bottle of water in my bag,”及语境可知作者把自己包里的这瓶水递给小女孩, 希望能帮助她。故选 C。
【29题详解】考查形容词词义辨析。句意: 起初她很困惑, 她笑了, 但害羞地摇了摇头, 说不。A. Confused疑
惑; B. Worried担心; C. Disturbed焦虑的, 烦恼的; D. Annoyed恼怒的, 烦恼的。根据语境可知当作者把水瓶递
给小女孩时, 她起先有点疑惑。故选 A。
【30题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意: 起初她很困惑, 她笑了, 但害羞地摇了摇头, 说不。A. held举; 拿; B.
turned使旋转, 使转动; C. lowered减少, 降低; D. shook摇动。根据下文“saying no”可知小女孩摇头表示不要。
故选 D。
【31 题详解】考查形容词词义辨析。句意: 我向她保证, 这样打水的速度会快得多。A. faster更快; B. farther
更远; C. cleaner更干净; D. safer更安全。根据语境可知用瓶子装水会更快填满水道。故选 A。
【32题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意: 看到她兴高采烈地跑向大海, 手里拿着一个瓶子, 我笑着离开了海滩。
A. jar 罐子; B. bin 垃圾桶; C. box 盒子; D. bottle 瓶子。根据前文“She smiled widely and finally took it from my
hands. ”可知小女孩最终拿了瓶子去装水。故选 D。
【33题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意: 虽然这只是一个小小的举动, 但我知道, 当女孩注意到她的生活中有
人需要帮助时, 也许, 她会想起一个陌生人的小小善举。A. gesture 手势, 姿势; 举动; B. greeting 问候; C.
blessing幸事, 福祉; D. desire 愿望, 欲望。根据前文作者把水瓶送给小女孩装水的细节可知此处指这个善意的
举动。故选 A。
【34题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意: 虽然这只是一个小小的举动, 但我知道, 当女孩注意到她的生活中有
人需要帮助时, 也许, 她会想起一个陌生人的小小善举。A. recall记起, 回想起; B. notice注意; C. mention提到;
D. perform表演。根据下文“this little act of kindness by a stranger” 及语境可知此处指小女孩回想起作者对她的
帮助。故选 A。
【35题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意: 也许这能让她更愿意投身其中, 帮助她创造一个更温和的世界。A. enter
进入; B. create创造; C. change 改变; D. discover发现。根据下文“a little gentler world around her”及语境可知此
处创造一个更加温和的世界。 故选 B。
第二节 (共 10小题; 每小题 1.5分, 满分 15分)
【答案】36. seated 37. readily 38. weeks 39. has helped 40. a 41. but 42. be found 43. which 44. questioning 45. to
【解析】【分析】这是一篇记叙文。主要记叙了 Stewart帮助流浪动物的事情。
【36题详解】考查非谓语。句意: Stewart走出一家商店, 看到一个无家可归的人靠着大楼坐着, 腿上坐着一只
小狗。固定搭配 be seated in“坐在某处”, seat在这句话中作非谓语, 故填 seated。
【37题详解】考查副词。句意: 他走近这名男子, 提出给狗带去跳蚤药, 这名男子欣然接受了。accept“接受”
是动词, 副词可以修饰动词。故填 readily。
【38题详解】考查名词。句意: 一周半后, 当 Stewart回来时, 他高兴地发现狗毛又回来了, 皮疹也消失了。此
空前是 one and a half“一个半”修饰可数名词的复数。故填 weeks。
【39题详解】考查现在完成时。句意: 自 2011年以来, 他已经帮助了大约 400只动物。时间状语 since 2011, 该
句的谓语需要用现在完成时, 句子的主语是 he是第三人称。故填 has helped。
【40题详解】考查冠词。句意: 非常需要他的帮助。此处的 need“需要”是可数名词, desperate “急切的”是以辅
音音素开头的形容词。故填 a。
【41题详解】考查转折连词。句意: 大约百分之二十五的Modesto的无家可归者有一只宠物, 但几乎没有医疗
保健选择。根据句意可知, 上下文是转折关系。故填 but。
【42题详解】考查被动语态。句意: 为了填补这一空白, Stewart经常被发现在无家可归者可能在的任何地方游
荡。Stewart和 find是被动关系, 又因空前由情态动词 can。故填 be found。
【43题详解】考查非限制性定语从句。句意: 他带着他的医疗包, 里面装着他遇到的病例的治疗方法。先行词
是 his medical bag, 从句里缺少主语。故填 which。
【44题详解】考查非谓语。句意: 有些人质疑无家可归者是否应该养宠物。在 there be句型当中, question与其
逻辑主语 some people是主动关系。故填 questioning。
【45题详解】考查非谓语。句意: 无家可归者养宠物还有一个更紧迫的原因: 他们的动物是他们早上起床的理
由。在 there be句型中不定式作所修饰名词的后置定语。故填 to have。
第四部分 写作 (共两节, 满分 40分)
第一节 (满分 15分)
46. 【答案】Possible versions:
Nowadays, hi-tech has been impacting on our daily life greatly.
Take visiting museums for example. They are not merely places of looking and learning any longer. Thanks to
modern technology, they allow visitors to participate and interact with exhibits, instead. Last summer, I went on a visit
to the Shanghai Natural History Museum, where I experienced its immersive multi-media display for the first time. I
really got a kick out of walking into history, experiencing the rise and fall of human civilization in person. Apparently,
it is the advance of technology that is making static exhibits more interesting and attractive. [2]
The boom of new technologies has been bringing us a lot more convenience in our lives. What has impressed me
most is the way of communication. I used to keep in touch with foreign friends mostly via e-mails. Take Kathleen, the
good friend I made when I took a summer camp in America, for example. Generally we keep writing emails to each
other monthly. Thanks to WeChat, we are now able to keep a much closer bond, exchanging messages any time and
making a video chat every weekend across the Pacific!
[3]With the rapid development of modern technology, our life has changed a lot. Instead of paying in cash while
shopping, I now mostly pay for everything with my smart phone. By scanning and clicking, I can buy what I need in a
blink. And I don’t have to carry paper money or heavy coins any longer. Nor do I worry about losing my wallet.
Non-cash payment has brought my life much convenience. I enjoy the new chapter modern technology has
revealed in my life.
[4]I couldn’t help falling in love with mobile payment the first time I used it. It is convenient and safe, which has
greatly changed my life.
Taking buses is my daily routine. I had so much trouble finding coins for bus fare that I even missed the bus for
once or two. Presently, mobile payment can not only solve the problem but also reduce chances of losing wallets.
I do hope mobile payment will benefit more people like me with its advantages and I’m sure mobile payment
will gain more popularity and recognition.
Thanks to the increasing development of science and technology, great advances have been made in all fields,
including people’s daily life.
Studying at school, I have access to digital library where I can find whatever I want in a second. The tedious
manual procedures of borrowing books have been simplified to facial scanning. That is true of dining at the school
cafeteria. During my leisure time, some hi-tech devices like a smart watch are making my work-out much easier.
Technology is advancing so fast that the life in the near future may be beyond imagination!
【分析】本篇书面表达属于记叙文, 要求考生结合自身经历写一篇短文参加你校正在举行的主题为“Hi-tech in
My Life”的英语作文比赛, 请你谈谈新科技带来的变化。
【详解】1. 词汇积累
影响: influence →impact
仅仅: only →merely
多亏: owing to →Thanks to
参加: take part in →participate in
2. 句式拓展
原句: Thanks to modern technology, they allow visitors to participate and interact with exhibits, instead.
拓展句: It is modern technology that allows visitors to participate and interact with the exhibits.
【点睛】[高分句型 1] Last summer, I went on a visit to the Shanghai Natural History Museum, where I experienced
its immersive multi-media display for the first time. 这句话运用了 where引导的非限制性定语从句。
[高分句型 2] Apparently, it is the advance of technology that is making static exhibits more interesting and attractive.
第二节 (满分 25分)
A lady swayed past and her little girl followed, hopping along holding sticks tied with bells. Deepa smiled. It was
like watching herself with Masi. Later, paper plates thick with potato curry were served. The girl squeezed past Deepa,
gripping a plate. “Be careful, my darling,” the lady warned. Suddenly, someone backed into the girl. Deepa cried,
“Watch out! ” But it was too late. Sauce splashed onto the girl’s skirt. “My favorite dress!” the girl sobbed. My
favorite dress. The words stuck.
Deepa tapped Mom’s arm and whispered, “I can help the girl.” They hurried to the car. Deepa scooped out
her dress, and the bells jingled in the wind. She carried it to the girl. “I want you to have this.” “I love it! Thank you!”
the girl cried. After changing into the dress, she hugged Deepa and offered her the jingle sticks. Deepa laughed as they
jumped, skipped, and twirled their way into the dance circle. Navratri was more fun with a little jingle. And a new
【分析】本文以人物为线索展开, 讲述了作者和她的漂亮的裙子的故事。
【详解】1. 段落续写:
①由第一段首句内容“一位女士摇晃着走过, 她的小女孩跟在后面, 手里拿着绑着铃铛的棍子蹦蹦跳跳地走着。”
可知, 第一段可描写作者回想起了Masi, 以及这个女孩不小心把自己的裙子弄脏了。
②由第二段首句内容“Deepa轻轻地拍了拍妈妈的胳膊, 低声说: ‘我可以帮助女孩。’”可知, 第二段可描写作者
把自己的裙子送给了这个小女孩, 大家成为了朋友。
2. 续写线索: 想起了Masi——裙子弄脏了——Deepa把自己的裙子送给小女孩——双方成为朋友
3. 词汇激活行为类
①. 挤过去: squeeze past/push past②. 拥抱: hug/embrace
①. 微笑: smile/beam on②. 哭泣: cry/weep
【点睛】[高分句型 1] Deepa laughed as they jumped, skipped, and twirled their way into the dance circle. (运用了 as
[高分句型 2] Navratri was more fun with a little jingle (运用了形容词 fun的比较级)
英语听力模拟试题 20
1-5BCAAC 6-10BCCAB 11-15 CACAA 16-20 BCBAB
Text 1暑假计划
M: I’ve got a part-time job offer, so I’ll be working during this summer vacation. What’s your plan
W: I’ll just go back to my hometown and stay with my parents.
Text 2昨日活动
W: I swam to my heart’s content yesterday. What did you do
M: I got immersed in a fascinating novel in the library and lost track of time. Eventually, I didn’t have time
to walk in the park.
Text 3北美五大湖
W: Jonathan, have you ever been to the Great Lakes of North America
M: Yes. Lake Ontario is the smallest, but compared with the other lakes, it attracts me the most.
W: For me, I prefer Lake Michigan and Lake Superior.
the Great Lakes of North America: 北美五大湖, 是位于加拿大与美国交界处的五个大型淡水湖泊, 按面积从大
到小分别为苏必利尔湖 (Lake Superior)、休伦湖 (Lake Huron)、密歇根湖 (Lake Michigan)、伊利湖 (Lake Erie)
和安大略湖 (Lake Ontario)。除密歇根湖全属于美国之外, 其余的湖为加拿大和美国共有。
Text 4工作忙
W: You are as busy as a bee, and 1 can see that your work has affected your health.
M: I really wish I could reduce my workload, but the demands just keep piling up.
W:Maybe you can talk with your boss about this.
Text 5语言学习
M: I felt like a fish out of water during the class activity yesterday, Everyone could speak Spanish but me. Miss Ellis
must have been disappointed in me.
W: Don’t be too hard on yourself. You’re new to Spain. And it takes time to learn a new language.
Text 6买纪念品
W: Good morning. How can I help you
M: ⑦I’d like to get a souvenir for my wife.What do you recommend
W: ⑥Um, how about this pearl necklace The pearls are locally sourced from the nearby sea.
M:⑥Oh, the price is way too steep. I’m not going to pay $700 for something like that.
W:Alright. How about this nice watch It’s on sale. It’s only $450.
M: But she already has a watch
W: OK then.⑦what about this red bag It has traditional designs and it’s only $300.
M:⑦It looks special. I’ll take it.
Text 7收拾行李
M: ⑧ Have you packed everything you need for your business trip, Sally Check your luggage before you go to
the train station.
W: OK. My ID card, my project report, the contract, and...⑧Oh, where’s my phone It’s not in my bag.
M: Did you leave it on the table when you washed your bands
W: No.⑧Ah, it’s charging at the bedside.
M:⑨Well, it’s 7:00 a.m. now. Your train leaves in an hour. You’d better go now.
W: Don’t worry.⑨I’ve called a taxi. It’ll be here in 10 minutes.
Text 8迟点到家
W: Hello.
M: Honey It’s me
W:⑩Where are you It’s already 5:30 p.m.
M: ⑩At the bus station. But I was just told that the bus won’t stop here today because of the road repairs, so
I’ve decided to go home by shared bike.
W: I see. What time do you think you’ll be home
M: In about an hour. Anyway, how was your day
W: Well, I wrote reviews for 2 books, and then I got sleepy, so I took a nap.
M: You’re so lucky to work from home. I can’t take a nap in the office, you know.
W: But I also did the laundry and the dishes. You don’t have to do these things in the office.
M: That’s true.
W: Well, I’d better hang up and get ready to collect the kids.
M: See you later.
Text 9讲座开始前的闲读
M: Hi. My name’s Robert.
W: I’m Amanda. Nice to meet you.
M: Nice to meet you, too. Do you know what this professor is like I just know the lecture is about computer
W: I’m not quite clear. The primary reason I’m here is that I heard he could make people laugh a lot. This is
my first year, by the way.
M: I’m also a freshman. What’s your major
W: I hope to follow my mother into the medical profession, so I’m majoring in Medicine. How about you
M: My father advised me to study Business Administration, but I finally got into Electrical Engineering according to
my own interest. Anyway, where were you born
W: My birthplace is Austin. But my family moved to Dallas later. And you
M: I’ve been here in Houston since my birth.
W: Since you’re a native here, you must know where to hang out, right
M: Sure, the most visited...Oh, the professor is coming. Let’s continue our topic after the lecture.
W: Okay.
Text 10生还奇迹
M: What can be described as a miracle In today’s News Around the World, let’s focus our attention on 4 children
from Colombia, who were rescued after being lost in the Amazon rainforest for 40 days. On May 1st, 2023,
13-year-old Lesly, 9-year-old Soleiny, 4-year-old Tien Norie and 11-month-old Cristin were flying with their
mother to the town of San José del Guaviare. Midway through the journey, their small airplane suffered an engine
failure and crashed in a remote part of the Colombian Amazon jungle.
Due to bad weather, the Colombian army could not get to the crash site until May 16th, 2023. When they
arrived, they found the bodies of the mother, the pilot and another adult. However, the 4 children were missing.
The only clues to their presence were a baby bottle, some small shoes and tiny footprints near the crash site.
On June 9th, 2023, 40 days after the plane crashed, a local rescue team finally found the children. They huddled
together just 3 miles away from the crash site.
Officials credited the kids’ survival to Lesly. The resourceful 13-year-old had been taught the skills to survive
in the jungle. She used her extensive knowledge of the jungle to seek out edible fruits to feed her siblings.