

名称 2024-2025学年北京市海淀区北京理工大学附属中学高二上学期10月月考英语试题(含答案)
格式 docx
文件大小 881.5KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 通用版
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-10-10 15:20:20



第一节 单词填空(共8小题,每小题1分,共8分)
1. I know that I wasn’t a ________ student, but I wasn’t slow to learn new things. (自愿的) (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
2. The thing about being a teacher is that you have ________ to children’s minds when they are open and eager to learn. (接近) (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
3. She is very strict and ________ because she wants us to be better learners. I really wish she could be less direct and more encouraging. (要求高的) (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
4. During the face-to-face communication my teacher tells us exactly where our problems are and how we can ________. (提高) (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
5. On the surface, I have an active social life. I attend parties and play sports but I’m always ________. (分心的) (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
6. My friends try to drag me away my phone, but as soon as I’m alone again, I’m ________ to get back to the online world and the intense activity that it provides. (不顾一切的) (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
7. During the final round, as a judge, you would be ________ for listening to all the speeches, noting down any positive or negative aspects for each one. (负责的) (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
8. Competitors should be judged on their pronunciation, clarity and fluency, and also progression of ideas and audience ________. (参与度) (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
第二节 完形填空(共10小题,每小题1. 5分,共15分)
Thursday would be huge. But when coach announced the championship game would be a night game on Thursday, Devin's heart ___9___. The concert was at the same time as the game. And Ms. Poltis had ___10___ Devin to sing a brief solo (独唱). Thinking the soccer team was on the edge of a title and he was a big reason — he ___11___ the league in scoring, Devin frowned (皱眉). He couldn't disappoint his team by ___12___ the game.
That night, Devin lay in bed, staring at the trophies (奖杯) from races, baseball leagues and free-throw contests which ___13___ his shelves. The solo was only four lines in the middle of a song, but the thought of singing ___14___ made him shiver (颤抖). He'd never sung a solo before. Now it was a relief to know he didn't have to. The soccer game was a perfect ___15___. While at the moment Ms. Poltis' words came to his mind "I chose you not because you're the best singer but because you work hard, like the person in the song. And you have a very nice voice. So don't be nervous. Be proud." It was no secret that several other choir members had ___16___ singing voices than he did. But he liked the song, and he ___17___ how kind and inspiring Ms. Poltis always was. Finally Devin made a choice and whispered the solo with ____18____, "no matter how hard the struggle. I will never let you down…"
9. A. bled B. sank C. hurt D. beat
10. A. taught B. allowed C. chosen D. ordered
11. A. led B. won C. joined D. formed
12. A. watching B. playing C. entering D. skipping
13. A. lined B. piled C. covered D. decorated
14. A. loudly B. outside C. alone D. proudly
15. A. platform B. request C. condition D. excuse
16. A. louder B. stronger C. softer D. deeper
17. A. appreciated B. accepted C. confirmed D. praised
18. A. tension B. patience C. sorrow D. confidence
第三节 语法填空(共10小题,每小题1. 5分,共15分)
People from southern China normally buy ____19____ they need for just one or two meals at a time. It’s normal for them to buy just half a Chinese cabbage, two ____20____ (potato) and 25 grams of beef at a time. ____21____, a person may be laughed at if they do this in the north. The difference could be because of the different climates. Food can ____22____ (keep) for a long time in the north, as it’s usually cold and dry there. But southern Chinese people prefer to buy just enough food for one meal or one day due to the hot and wet weather in the south.
阅读下面短文, 根据短文内容填空.在未给提示词的空白处仅填写1个适当的词,在给出提示词的空白处用括号所给词的正确形式填空.
Mrs. Bailey was important in the educational journey ___23___ carried me through school and into my profession. Until I joined her class, I hadn’t believed in my ability as a writer. She persuaded me ___24___ (join) the poetry society and ___25___ (light) in me a fire for literature. She recognized my potential and showed me that I could write with creativity and enthusiasm. Because of the confidence she inspired ___26___ me, I’ve carved out a successful profession as a journalist.
The stability of the developing livestreaming sector has made it an ideal source of jobs for those ___27___ (bear) after 1995 who have a passion for novel and newly emerging industries experts said. A recent report by Zhaopin, an online recruitment platform, and e-commerce giant Alibaba revealed steady growth in the livestreaming sector in the third quarter of the year, with job postings ___28___ (rise) up nearly 12 percent year-on-year. The increase was around 5 percentage points ___29___ (high) on average than for other industries.
第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,30分)
2018 Wildlife Photographer of the Year was South African Skye Meaker, winner of a 45,000 entry competition, just 16 years of age. Skye has been published over the years in print media not just for his photography but also voicing his opinion on conservation in South Africa and the need for more young photographers out there. For Skye, photography is not just about the competitions entered and won but also the platform it affords him to create awareness about our natural world and conserving it in the long term.
Here is part of an interview to Skye from the Rational Perspective.
Host: How do you get to have the ability to see these animals in the wild
Skye: Well I've been fortunate enough that my parents are so passionate about the bush that it's just a by-product of me going on adventures with them that I've been able to pursue my photography because it's not something that every kid will like. I want wildlife photography. So it's quite a unique situation for me. It's something that I have been brought up and something I've been fortunate to experience.
Host: How do you take a good picture of a leopard
Skye: I had been following Limpy (the Leopard) for many years and she holds a special place in my heart. I had grown alongside her. For me, the perfect shot is one where I feel as if I'm not really there. It's one where the animal is comfortable enough to behave as if I'm not there. I like to feel immersed in the moment and capture nature at its most natural. I like to focus on what I would like to see in the moment and what I feel. So in my winning picture I saw the peace and tranquillity of the moment, and that's what I tried to capture.
30. What does Skye think of photography
A. A platform to show needs. B. A way to gain good reputation.
C. A chance to get close to natural world. D. A place to raise awareness of conservation.
31. Which of the following enables Skye to observe wild animals
A. His learning experience. B. Winning the competition.
C. Adventuring with his parents. D. His photography knowledge.
32. What is the real reason for Skype's success
A. He stayed in the wild peacefully. B. He captured the animal to take pictures.
C. He found a special place for the animal. D. He took the photo of the animal in its natural state.
If there is one thing we can conclusively say about Isaac Asimov, it’s that he could write. His body of work extends to over 500 books. To add to that, he was never bound to a specific field. Although most famous as a science fiction writer, he also published on many more topics.
Part of this related to his gifted mind, but a bigger part was that he was well-educated. Many tend to think of being educated as the degrees we earn. Asimov did have a good degree, but his real education was broader than that. It was deeper than what he learned from instruction. It was his curiosity and his drive to push himself that took him from a young immigrant to maybe one of the most beloved US authors. As a young kid, he spent his days lost in his mind asking questions and creating imaginary worlds. He read books, and he loved knowledge.
In his autobiography (自传) It’s Been a Good Life, Asimov tells a story about an encounter he had as a child when his father asked him a question: “How did you learn all this, Isaac ” “From you, Pappa,” Asimov said. “From me I don’t know any of this.” “You didn’t have to, Pappa,” He said. “You valued learning and you taught me to value it. Once I learned to value it, the rest came without trouble.” The mark of educated minds has nothing to do with how much they know. It has everything to do with the way they know and the way they go about knowing.
Also, one thing that many people don’t know about Isaac Asimov is that he actually wasn’t a full-time writer for most of his life. By personal choice, his day-job was as a chemist. One of the things that many polymaths (博学者) naturally do is explore a broad range of non-fiction topics. But something they tend to overlook is the knowledge they can obtain from fiction. Before Asimov fell in love with science, he was already attracted by fiction. It was his love of Greek myth and his reading of 18th and 19th-century classics that led him to become a great writer.
33. According to the passage, Isaac Asimov is a ________.
A. beloved US chemist B. full-time fiction author
C. productive sci-fi writer D. knowledgeable educator
34. Which of the following might the author agree with
A. A good degree reflects one’s real education level.
B. Polymaths tend to look down upon Greek myth.
C. The way to learn is more important than knowledge itself.
D. Non-fiction is not worth reading if one is to become a writer.
35. What is the purpose of this passage
A. To analyze the reasons behind Asimov’s success as a writer.
B. To introduce Asimov’s childhood and his achievements.
C. To emphasize the contributions Asimov has made.
D. To call on the readers to buy Asimov’s books.
How and why, roughly 2 million years ago, early human ancestors evolved large brains and began fashioning relatively advanced stone tools, is one of the great mysteries of evolution. Some researchers argue these changes were brought about by the invention of cooking. They point out that our bite weakened around the same time as our larger brains evolved, and that it takes less energy to absorb nutrients from cooked food. As a result, once they had mastered the art, early chefs could invest less in their digestive systems and thus invest the resulting energy savings in building larger brains capable of complex thought. There is, however, a problem with the cooking theory. Most archaeologists (考古学家)believe the evidence of controlled fire stretches back no more than 790,000 years.
Roger Summons of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology has a solution. Together with his team, he analyzed 1.7 million-year-old sand-stones that formed in an ancient river at Olduvai Gorge in Tanzania. The region is famous for the large number of human fossils (化石) that have been discovered there, alongside an impressive assembly of stone tools. The sand-stones themselves have previously yielded some of the world’s earliest complex hand axes — large tear-drop-shaped stone tools that are associated with Homo erectus (直立人) . Creating an axe by repeatedly knocking thin pieces off a raw stone in order to create two sharp cutting edges requires a significant amount of planning. Their appearance is therefore thought to mark an important moment in intellectual evolution. Trapped inside the Olduvai sand-stones, the researchers found distinctive but unusual biological molecules(分子)that are often interpreted as biomarkers for heat-tolerant bacteria. Some of these live in water between 85°C and 95°C. The molecules’ presence suggests that an ancient river within the Gorge was once fed by one or more hot springs.
Dr. Summons and his colleagues say the hot springs would have provided a convenient “pre-fire” means of cooking food. In New Zealand,the Maori have traditionally cooked food in hot springs, either by lowering it into the boiling water or by digging a hole in the hot earth. Similar methods exist in Japan and Iceland, so it is plausible, if difficult to prove, that early humans might have used hot springs to cook meat and roots. Richard Wrangham, who devised the cooking theory, is fascinated by the idea. Nonetheless, fire would have offered a distinct advantage to humans, once they had mastered the art of controlling it since, unlike a hot spring, it is a transportable resource.
36. All of the following statements can support the cooking theory EXCEPT__________.
A. cooking enabled early humans to invest less in digestive system
B. cooking enabled early humans to devote more energy to building big brains
C. our brain became larger around the same time our digestive system weakened
D. the controlled fire wasn’t mastered until about 790,000 years ago
37. The presence of biological molecules was important because_________.
A. they suggested a possible means of cooking without fire
B. they cast light on how early Homo erectus lived
C. they provided a convenient way of studying stone tools
D. they made studies of pre-historic cultures possible
38. The underlined word “plausible” probably means _________.
A. noticeable B. applicable
C. reasonable D. affordable
39. What may be the conclusion of the study by Dr. Summons and his colleague
A. Early humans were capable of making complex stone tools.
B. Hot springs help explain how human brains got so big.
C. Homo erectus were adaptable to tough and complex territories.
D Human brains are highly advanced as shown by their size.
Benefits of Sports
Doing sports is a physical, mental and social adventure. It’s a great way for children to take a break from academics and release extra energy. It also helps them lead fuller and happier lives as regular sports have proven to improve overall well-being.
The physical benefits of doing sports are probably the most obvious. Regardless of your fitness level when you start playing sports, you’ll notice an increase in your overall fitness once you’re involved. ___40___ Basketball players focus on strength training; football players work on speed while track athletes train through longer runs. The training process helps promote physical fitness and performances in competitions.
___41___ Playing sports contributes to mental health, helping to increase confidence and self-worth. A pat on the back, high-five from a teammate, or handshake after a match really boosts a child’s confidence. Words of praise and encouragement from the coach, parents and other players raise the self-worth. ___42___ So after a game, it’s a better idea to ask “Did you enjoy the game ” rather than “Did you win ”
Children who participate in sports might also benefit from the social aspect, feeling part of a group, building up accountability and leadership. ___43___ Teamwork involves both being dependable as a teammate and learning to rely on your teammates to achieve a positive outcome. Teamwork breeds accountability and challenges you to be responsible for your actions. Being part of a team gives you an opportunity to be a leader.
Discipline is another social advantage. Most organized sports require a strict training and practice schedule. As a student-athlete, you need to balance academics and athletics. ___44___ There is no shortage of reasons to find a sport to get involved in. Are you ready to go Pick one and get moving!
A. It’s not just your body that benefits from sports.
B. Therefore, playing sports is going to make you more fit.
C. If you play group sports, you’ll be part of a team that takes direction from a coach.
D. But remember, a child’s self-worth should not be distinguished by victory or loss.
E. Nearly every sport requires physical activity and the skills needed to be competitive.
F. Among these, learning how to function as part of a team is the most important advantage.
G. Only with strict discipline can you be successful both in the classroom and in the sports field.
Growing up, I idealised independence. I always wanted my own efforts to be enough. When I decided to pursue a postgraduate degree, I wanted to develop a novel research programme and quickly establish myself as an independent scientist. But I was unrealistically optimistic about what I could achieve.
As I began designing experiments, my committee members warned me about the challenges I would face. But my need for independence drove me to push forward with my research plan. As a result, the first four years of my postgraduate career were defined by a series of failures.
During my second year, I failed my comprehensive exam because my proposal was unclear. During my third year, I discovered that after treating thousands of seeds, I obtained just one plant I could use for experiments. By my fourth year, my desperation to succeed overshadowed my desire for independence.
My adviser and I devised (想出) a somewhat unusual solution: I would spend three months in a collaborating (合作的) lab to obtain specialised training. I worked extensively with other students, constantly asked questions, and helped with ongoing projects to learn everything I could. Finally, I conducted an elegant experiment that would not have been possible without the help of the members in the lab.
My adviser saw this experience as a groundbreaking success, emphasising the collaborating skills I acquired. A few months later, when I repeated the experiment in my home lab, I produced more publishable data. By learning when to ask for help, I eventually found myself on the way to becoming an independent scientist.
45. In the beginning, what drove the author to push forward with the research plan
46. What was the solution by the adviser and the author after those repeated failures
47. Please decide which part is false in the following statement, then underline it and explain why.
> The adviser considered the author’s experience in the lab a groundbreaking success because publishable data had been produced.
48. From this story what can you learn about “independence” (In about 40 words)
49. 假设你是红星中学高二学生李华,你校即将举办一场以 “人工智能” 为主题的专家讲座。请你写一封邮件,邀请你的交换生朋友Jim一起参加。
1. 邀请原因;
2. 讲座内容与安排。
注意:1. 词数100左右:
2. 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。
Dear Jim,
Li Hua
第一节 单词填空(共8小题,每小题1分,共8分)
1. I know that I wasn’t a ________ student, but I wasn’t slow to learn new things. (自愿的) (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
2. The thing about being a teacher is that you have ________ to children’s minds when they are open and eager to learn. (接近) (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
【详解】考查名词。句意:当老师的好处是,当孩子们开放、渴望学习的时候,你可以接触到他们的思想。根据汉语提示可知应用名词access,构成have access to表示“接触”。故填access。
3. She is very strict and ________ because she wants us to be better learners. I really wish she could be less direct and more encouraging. (要求高的) (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
4. During the face-to-face communication, my teacher tells us exactly where our problems are and how we can ________. (提高) (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
5. On the surface, I have an active social life. I attend parties and play sports but I’m always ________. (分心的) (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
6. My friends try to drag me away my phone, but as soon as I’m alone again, I’m ________ to get back to the online world and the intense activity that it provides. (不顾一切的) (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
7. During the final round, as a judge, you would be ________ for listening to all the speeches, noting down any positive or negative aspects for each one. (负责的) (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
8. Competitors should be judged on their pronunciation, clarity and fluency, and also progression of ideas and audience ________. (参与度) (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
第二节 完形填空(共10小题,每小题1. 5分,共15分)
Thursday would be huge. But when coach announced the championship game would be a night game on Thursday, Devin's heart ___9___. The concert was at the same time as the game. And Ms. Poltis had ___10___ Devin to sing a brief solo (独唱). Thinking the soccer team was on the edge of a title and he was a big reason — he ___11___ the league in scoring, Devin frowned (皱眉). He couldn't disappoint his team by ___12___ the game.
That night, Devin lay in bed, staring at the trophies (奖杯) from races, baseball leagues and free-throw contests which ___13___ his shelves. The solo was only four lines in the middle of a song, but the thought of singing ___14___ made him shiver (颤抖). He'd never sung a solo before. Now it was a relief to know he didn't have to. The soccer game was a perfect ___15___. While at the moment Ms. Poltis' words came to his mind "I chose you not because you're the best singer but because you work hard, like the person in the song. And you have a very nice voice. So don't be nervous. Be proud." It was no secret that several other choir members had ___16___ singing voices than he did. But he liked the song, and he ___17___ how kind and inspiring Ms. Poltis always was. Finally Devin made a choice and whispered the solo with ____18____, "no matter how hard the struggle. I will never let you down…"
9. A. bled B. sank C. hurt D. beat
10. A. taught B. allowed C. chosen D. ordered
11. A. led B. won C. joined D. formed
12. A. watching B. playing C. entering D. skipping
13. A. lined B. piled C. covered D. decorated
14. A. loudly B. outside C. alone D. proudly
15. A. platform B. request C. condition D. excuse
16. A. louder B. stronger C. softer D. deeper
17. A. appreciated B. accepted C. confirmed D. praised
18. A. tension B. patience C. sorrow D. confidence
【答案】9. B 10. C 11. A 12. D 13. A 14. C 15. D 16. B 17. A 18. D
第三节 语法填空(共10小题,每小题1. 5分,共15分)
People from southern China normally buy ____19____ they need for just one or two meals at a time. It’s normal for them to buy just half a Chinese cabbage, two ____20____ (potato) and 25 grams of beef at a time. ____21____, a person may be laughed at if they do this in the north. The difference could be because of the different climates. Food can ____22____ (keep) for a long time in the north, as it’s usually cold and dry there. But southern Chinese people prefer to buy just enough food for one meal or one day due to the hot and wet weather in the south.
【答案】19. what
20. potatoes
21. However
22. be kept
考查语态。句意:食物在北方可以保存很长时间,因为那里通常又冷又干。主语Food与keep之间为被动关系,所以用被动语态。情态动词can后接动词原形。故填be kept。
阅读下面短文, 根据短文内容填空.在未给提示词的空白处仅填写1个适当的词,在给出提示词的空白处用括号所给词的正确形式填空.
Mrs. Bailey was important in the educational journey ___23___ carried me through school and into my profession. Until I joined her class, I hadn’t believed in my ability as a writer. She persuaded me ___24___ (join) the poetry society and ___25___ (light) in me a fire for literature. She recognized my potential and showed me that I could write with creativity and enthusiasm. Because of the confidence she inspired ___26___ me, I’ve carved out a successful profession as a journalist.
【答案】23. that##which
24. to join
25. lit 26. in
The stability of the developing livestreaming sector has made it an ideal source of jobs for those ___27___ (bear) after 1995 who have a passion for novel and newly emerging industries, experts said. A recent report by Zhaopin, an online recruitment platform, and e-commerce giant Alibaba revealed steady growth in the livestreaming sector in the third quarter of the year, with job postings ___28___ (rise) up nearly 12 percent year-on-year. The increase was around 5 percentage points ___29___ (high) on average than for other industries.
【答案】27. born
28. rising 29. higher
第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,30分)
2018 Wildlife Photographer of the Year was South African Skye Meaker, winner of a 45,000 entry competition, just 16 years of age. Skye has been published over the years in print media not just for his photography but also voicing his opinion on conservation in South Africa and the need for more young photographers out there. For Skye, photography is not just about the competitions entered and won but also the platform it affords him to create awareness about our natural world and conserving it in the long term.
Here is part of an interview to Skye from the Rational Perspective.
Host: How do you get to have the ability to see these animals in the wild
Skye: Well, I've been fortunate enough that my parents are so passionate about the bush that it's just a by-product of me going on adventures with them that I've been able to pursue my photography because it's not something that every kid will like. I want wildlife photography. So it's quite a unique situation for me. It's something that I have been brought up and something I've been fortunate to experience.
Host: How do you take a good picture of a leopard
Skye: I had been following Limpy (the Leopard) for many years and she holds a special place in my heart. I had grown alongside her. For me, the perfect shot is one where I feel as if I'm not really there. It's one where the animal is comfortable enough to behave as if I'm not there. I like to feel immersed in the moment and capture nature at its most natural. I like to focus on what I would like to see in the moment and what I feel. So in my winning picture I saw the peace and tranquillity of the moment, and that's what I tried to capture.
30. What does Skye think of photography
A. A platform to show needs. B. A way to gain good reputation.
C. A chance to get close to natural world. D. A place to raise awareness of conservation.
31. Which of the following enables Skye to observe wild animals
A. His learning experience. B. Winning the competition.
C. Adventuring with his parents. D. His photography knowledge.
32. What is the real reason for Skype's success
A. He stayed in the wild peacefully. B. He captured the animal to take pictures.
C. He found a special place for the animal. D. He took the photo of the animal in its natural state.
【答案】30. D 31. C 32. D
If there is one thing we can conclusively say about Isaac Asimov, it’s that he could write. His body of work extends to over 500 books. To add to that, he was never bound to a specific field. Although most famous as a science fiction writer, he also published on many more topics.
Part of this related to his gifted mind, but a bigger part was that he was well-educated. Many tend to think of being educated as the degrees we earn. Asimov did have a good degree, but his real education was broader than that. It was deeper than what he learned from instruction. It was his curiosity and his drive to push himself that took him from a young immigrant to maybe one of the most beloved US authors. As a young kid, he spent his days lost in his mind asking questions and creating imaginary worlds. He read books, and he loved knowledge.
In his autobiography (自传) It’s Been a Good Life, Asimov tells a story about an encounter he had as a child when his father asked him a question: “How did you learn all this, Isaac ” “From you, Pappa,” Asimov said. “From me I don’t know any of this.” “You didn’t have to, Pappa,” He said. “You valued learning and you taught me to value it. Once I learned to value it, the rest came without trouble.” The mark of educated minds has nothing to do with how much they know. It has everything to do with the way they know and the way they go about knowing.
Also, one thing that many people don’t know about Isaac Asimov is that he actually wasn’t a full-time writer for most of his life. By personal choice, his day-job was as a chemist. One of the things that many polymaths (博学者) naturally do is explore a broad range of non-fiction topics. But something they tend to overlook is the knowledge they can obtain from fiction. Before Asimov fell in love with science, he was already attracted by fiction. It was his love of Greek myth and his reading of 18th and 19th-century classics that led him to become a great writer.
33. According to the passage, Isaac Asimov is a ________.
A. beloved US chemist B. full-time fiction author
C. productive sci-fi writer D. knowledgeable educator
34. Which of the following might the author agree with
A. A good degree reflects one’s real education level.
B. Polymaths tend to look down upon Greek myth.
C. The way to learn is more important than knowledge itself.
D. Non-fiction is not worth reading if one is to become a writer.
35. What is the purpose of this passage
A. To analyze the reasons behind Asimov’s success as a writer.
B. To introduce Asimov’s childhood and his achievements.
C. To emphasize the contributions Asimov has made.
D. To call on the readers to buy Asimov’s books.
【答案】33. C 34. C 35. A
How and why, roughly 2 million years ago, early human ancestors evolved large brains and began fashioning relatively advanced stone tools, is one of the great mysteries of evolution. Some researchers argue these changes were brought about by the invention of cooking. They point out that our bite weakened around the same time as our larger brains evolved, and that it takes less energy to absorb nutrients from cooked food. As a result, once they had mastered the art, early chefs could invest less in their digestive systems and thus invest the resulting energy savings in building larger brains capable of complex thought. There is, however, a problem with the cooking theory. Most archaeologists (考古学家)believe the evidence of controlled fire stretches back no more than 790,000 years.
Roger Summons of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology has a solution. Together with his team, he analyzed 1.7 million-year-old sand-stones that formed in an ancient river at Olduvai Gorge in Tanzania. The region is famous for the large number of human fossils (化石) that have been discovered there, alongside an impressive assembly of stone tools. The sand-stones themselves have previously yielded some of the world’s earliest complex hand axes — large tear-drop-shaped stone tools that are associated with Homo erectus (直立人) . Creating an axe by repeatedly knocking thin pieces off a raw stone in order to create two sharp cutting edges requires a significant amount of planning. Their appearance is therefore thought to mark an important moment in intellectual evolution. Trapped inside the Olduvai sand-stones, the researchers found distinctive but unusual biological molecules(分子)that are often interpreted as biomarkers for heat-tolerant bacteria. Some of these live in water between 85°C and 95°C. The molecules’ presence suggests that an ancient river within the Gorge was once fed by one or more hot springs.
Dr. Summons and his colleagues say the hot springs would have provided a convenient “pre-fire” means of cooking food. In New Zealand,the Maori have traditionally cooked food in hot springs, either by lowering it into the boiling water or by digging a hole in the hot earth. Similar methods exist in Japan and Iceland, so it is plausible, if difficult to prove, that early humans might have used hot springs to cook meat and roots. Richard Wrangham, who devised the cooking theory, is fascinated by the idea. Nonetheless, fire would have offered a distinct advantage to humans, once they had mastered the art of controlling it since, unlike a hot spring, it is a transportable resource.
36. All of the following statements can support the cooking theory EXCEPT__________.
A. cooking enabled early humans to invest less in digestive system
B. cooking enabled early humans to devote more energy to building big brains
C. our brain became larger around the same time our digestive system weakened
D. the controlled fire wasn’t mastered until about 790,000 years ago
37. The presence of biological molecules was important because_________.
A. they suggested a possible means of cooking without fire
B. they cast light on how early Homo erectus lived
C. they provided a convenient way of studying stone tools
D. they made studies of pre-historic cultures possible
38. The underlined word “plausible” probably means _________.
A. noticeable B. applicable
C. reasonable D. affordable
39. What may be the conclusion of the study by Dr. Summons and his colleague
A. Early humans were capable of making complex stone tools.
B. Hot springs help explain how human brains got so big.
C. Homo erectus were adaptable to tough and complex territories.
D. Human brains are highly advanced as shown by their size.
【答案】36. D 37. A 38. C 39. B
Benefits of Sports
Doing sports is a physical, mental and social adventure. It’s a great way for children to take a break from academics and release extra energy. It also helps them lead fuller and happier lives as regular sports have proven to improve overall well-being.
The physical benefits of doing sports are probably the most obvious. Regardless of your fitness level when you start playing sports, you’ll notice an increase in your overall fitness once you’re involved. ___40___ Basketball players focus on strength training; football players work on speed while track athletes train through longer runs. The training process helps promote physical fitness and performances in competitions.
___41___ Playing sports contributes to mental health, helping to increase confidence and self-worth. A pat on the back, high-five from a teammate, or handshake after a match really boosts a child’s confidence. Words of praise and encouragement from the coach, parents and other players raise the self-worth. ___42___ So after a game, it’s a better idea to ask “Did you enjoy the game ” rather than “Did you win ”
Children who participate in sports might also benefit from the social aspect, feeling part of a group, building up accountability and leadership. ___43___ Teamwork involves both being dependable as a teammate and learning to rely on your teammates to achieve a positive outcome. Teamwork breeds accountability and challenges you to be responsible for your actions. Being part of a team gives you an opportunity to be a leader.
Discipline is another social advantage. Most organized sports require a strict training and practice schedule. As a student-athlete, you need to balance academics and athletics. ___44___ There is no shortage of reasons to find a sport to get involved in. Are you ready to go Pick one and get moving!
A. It’s not just your body that benefits from sports.
B. Therefore, playing sports is going to make you more fit.
C. If you play group sports, you’ll be part of a team that takes direction from a coach.
D. But remember, a child’s self-worth should not be distinguished by victory or loss.
E. Nearly every sport requires physical activity and the skills needed to be competitive.
F. Among these, learning how to function as part of a team is the most important advantage.
G. Only with strict discipline can you be successful both in the classroom and in the sports field.
【答案】40. E 41. A 42. D 43. F 44. G
Growing up, I idealised independence. I always wanted my own efforts to be enough. When I decided to pursue a postgraduate degree, I wanted to develop a novel research programme and quickly establish myself as an independent scientist. But I was unrealistically optimistic about what I could achieve.
As I began designing experiments, my committee members warned me about the challenges I would face. But my need for independence drove me to push forward with my research plan. As a result, the first four years of my postgraduate career were defined by a series of failures.
During my second year, I failed my comprehensive exam because my proposal was unclear. During my third year, I discovered that after treating thousands of seeds, I obtained just one plant I could use for experiments. By my fourth year, my desperation to succeed overshadowed my desire for independence.
My adviser and I devised (想出) a somewhat unusual solution: I would spend three months in a collaborating (合作的) lab to obtain specialised training. I worked extensively with other students, constantly asked questions, and helped with ongoing projects to learn everything I could. Finally, I conducted an elegant experiment that would not have been possible without the help of the members in the lab.
My adviser saw this experience as a groundbreaking success, emphasising the collaborating skills I acquired. A few months later, when I repeated the experiment in my home lab, I produced more publishable data. By learning when to ask for help, I eventually found myself on the way to becoming an independent scientist.
45. In the beginning, what drove the author to push forward with the research plan
46. What was the solution by the adviser and the author after those repeated failures
47. Please decide which part is false in the following statement, then underline it and explain why.
> The adviser considered the author’s experience in the lab a groundbreaking success because publishable data had been produced.
48. From this story, what can you learn about “independence” (In about 40 words)
【答案】45. The need to be recognized as an independent scientist.
46. The author would spend three months in a collaborating lab to obtain specialised training.
47. The adviser considered the author’s experience in the lab a groundbreaking success because publishable data had been produced. It is because the author had acquired the collaborating skills by working with others there so that the adviser considered the author’s experience in the lab a groundbreaking success.
48. In the story, success in becoming an independent scientist was ultimately achieved through collaboration, adaptive learning, and resilience in the face of setbacks. From the story, we learn that while independence is initially idealised and pursued passionately, true independence often involves recognizing the value of collaboration and learning than to seek help. (答案言之有理即可)
49. 假设你是红星中学高二学生李华,你校即将举办一场以 “人工智能” 为主题的专家讲座。请你写一封邮件,邀请你的交换生朋友Jim一起参加。
1. 邀请原因;
2. 讲座内容与安排。
注意:1. 词数100左右:
2. 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。
Dear Jim,
Li Hua
【答案】Dear Jim,
I hope this email finds you well. I’m writing to invite you to an exciting event happening soon at our school — an expert lecture on “Artificial Intelligence.”
The reason for inviting you is that I believe this topic will be of great interest to you, given your keen interest in technology and innovation. The lecture will cover the latest development in AI, its applications in various fields, and the future prospects of this technology. It’s scheduled for next Friday afternoon in our school auditorium, starting at 2 PM and lasting about an hour.
I really hope you can join me for this enriching experience Let me know if you can make it!
Li Hua