

名称 广东省广州市第六中学2024-2025学年高三上学期10月阶段训练英语试题(含答案)
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 通用版
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-10-10 16:16:54


本试卷共8页,共 47小题,满分120分。考试用时120分钟。
1. 答卷前,考生务必将自己的班级、姓名、考生号、填写在答题卡上。用 2B 铅笔在答题卡相应位置上填涂考生号。因笔试不考听力,试卷从第二部分开始,试题序号从“21”开始。
2. 作答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡对应题目选项的答案信息点涂黑;如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案。答案不能答在试卷上。
3. 非选择题必须用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔作答,答案必须写在答题卡各题目指定区域内相应位置上;如需改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新答案;不准使用铅笔和涂改液。不按以上要求作答无效。
4. 考生必须保持答题卡的整洁。
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
第一节(共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分 37.5分。)
Living-Learning communities at The university of Tampa
The Living-Learning communities are designated (指定的) residential environments intentionally focused on promoting student learning and a stronger connection with the campus community. Our living-learning communities each have a unique experience for first-year residential students to engage with dedicated faculty and staff early on in their academic careers in their residence hall.
First-year wellness
The First-year wellness community will promote activities that enable students to commit to their own health and wellness. Most community members will participate in a wellness-themed first-year experience course. Through participation in academic activities and residential curriculum events, residents will learn about health practices to personally develop their own physical, emotional and social wellness. First-year wellness is housed in Jenkins Hall.
Honors Program
Created for students enrolled in the Honors Program, this community is designed to provide an academically enriching environment. Students on these floors have access to special events and programs that enhance academies, build community and promote engagement. Past events have included coffee conversations with famous authors, book talks with award-winning scientists, sand volleyball games and much more. Applicants must be current members of the Honors Program and maintain that membership to live in McKay Hall.
Living Well
The Living Well Community is an opportunity for students who prefer to live in a community where the effects of alcohol and tobacco are reduced to the lowest possible level. Members of this community are committed to their own health and wellness by quitting drinking and smoking. Through participation in academic activities and residential curriculum events, residents will learn about wellness-related resources and practices. Living Well is housed in Jenkins Hall.
New students can apply by checking one of these options on the housing application. For more information on living-learning communities, please contact the Office of Residence Life at reslife@ or (813) 253-6239.
21. What is special about the Honors Program community
A. Candidates must be in the Honors Program. B. It is a community for students in Jenkins Hall.
C. Its members have access to wellness programs. D. It is created for all first-year residential students.
22. What do Living Well and First-Year Wellness have in common
A. They provide housing for all students. B. They are in the same residence hall.
C. They are both non-smoking communities. D. They offer chances to meet celebrities.
23. How can new students choose to live in these communities
A. By emailing the Office of Residence. B. By participating in special programs.
C. By submitting their housing application. D. By engaging with professional staff early.
Several decades ago, finding and writing to a pen pal was a regular thing and it was an exciting way to make friends in different parts of the country. Over time, our world became “smaller,” and the practice became unnecessary and uncool. It’s so easy to communicate with people across the globe through social media platforms. However, as Peter Allen’s 1974 song reminds us, “everything old is new again.”
Teachers at Pearson’s Corner Elementary School (PCES) in Mechanicsville, Virginia, introduced their students to the old tradition and added a new meaning on it in the process. PCES staff paired students with residents at Hermitage Richmond Senior Living, and the students and their senior friends have exchanged letters since September.
“Community connections and looking out for one another is as important as the air that we breathe and so it does so much,” said the President of PCES, Kamryn Cummins.
Hermitage resident Daylon McCarty and eight-year-old Yosha Sreeraj met for the first time during the school’s unique field trip. Daylon, who is seven decades older than her pen pal, is a former kindergarten teacher. She expressed her excitement for the project, saying, “I used to teach kindergarten. So I love to see them writing. It just helps them build their writing skills. And they asked me questions, and I asked them what they’ve been doing.”
When they met face-to-face, Yosha—clearly, an energetic and curious little lady—learned, among other fun facts, that Daylon once lived on the beach. There is so much that the young and old can teach one another!
Wearing their PCES Panther T-shirts, students sang “Take Me Out to the Ball Game” before reading to the seniors, playing games, and visiting. This was the second year the school’s second graders developed friendships with Hermitage residents. And it’s been great for both young and old.
Jennifer Norton, Hermitage’s Director of Lifestyle and Wellness, said, “They have been writing each other back and forth since September. And so now they get to meet each other in person. And it’s a special and precious experience.”
24. What does the author think of writing to a pen pal
A. It is an old and gradually reborn practice. B. It has been widely adopted by schools.
C. It is an entirely new connecting way. D. It is an outdated and unnecessary tradition.
25. Why did PCES introduce students to the tradition of having pen pals
A. To teach them about other cultures. B. To pair them with international pen pals.
C. To help them bridge the generation gap. D. To get them involved in community connections.
26. What do we know about Daylon McCarty from the text
A. She lives on the beach now. B. She is energetic and curious.
C. She has retired and enjoys teaching. D. She has never had a pen pal before.
27. What is Jennifer Norton’s attitude towards the pen pal program
A. Indifferent. B. Opposed. C. Doubtful. D. Appreciative.
It’s a dog, it’s a fox, it’s a wolf... it’s a robot A new dog-like robot has entered the field. Created to help keep airplanes and animals safe by acting as a predator (捕食者), the Aurora, as it is known, will soon begin its important work at the Fairbanks airport in Alaska.
Though not often discussed, the issue of airplane-animal collisions (相撞) at airports is not trivial. In 2023, 92 animal collisions were reported to the FAA at airports near Alaska. And that’s just Alaska. Trying to ease this problem without harming wildlife requires some creative thinking. And that is where Aurora comes in. Aurora is a headless robot, about the size of a hunting dog. Aurora can climb rocks and stairs, and even do a little dance.
It is these movements that its creators, Boston Dynamics, hope will be part of a strategy to keep runways clear of wildlife, especially migratory birds in the autumn. Silly as it may seem, Aurora can do these movements of predators such as foxes and wolves, which hopefully will create a fear response in the birds and other wildlife.
Aurora is just the latest in a long line of rejected potential solutions to the bird and wildlife problem at airports. One suggestion that was suggested in Alaska was flying drones throwing a deterrent (威慑物) that included grape juice, but it was believed too risky.
And yet, despite the fact that Aurora costs about $ 70,000, according to Ryan Marlow, Aurora’s robot handler, the robot is still preferable to a dog: “A border dog requires food, training, warmth, but doesn’t collect data for us.”
There is something about Aurora that has great fun. Maybe it is the dancing, or just the very concept of a robot chasing birds around. Whatever the case, comparing to other solutions it seems that Aurora can make airports just a bit more safe for people and animals alike.
28. What does the underlined word “trivial” mean in paragraph 2
A. Serious. B. Unimportant. C. Incredible. D. Appealing.
29. How does Aurora intend to keep runways clear of wildlife
A. By producing chemical substances. B. By modelling after predators’ behaviors.
C. By using sound waves to drive animals away. D. By directly removing animals from the area.
30. Why does Ryan Marlow consider Aurora preferable to a real dog
A. It is cheaper in the long run. B. It requires food and training.
C. It can climb rocks and stairs. D. It can gather data for analysis.
31. What does the author imply about the Aurora robot in the last paragraph
A. It is not as effective as expected. B. It has brought entertainment to the airport.
C. It has made airports the safest places for all. D. It is a more practical solution than other options.
“There’s nothing more truly artistic than to love people,” said the famous painter Vincent van Gogh. The spirit of that comment might support new research findings that show spending just 30 minutes in an arts and culture museum has a number of positive mental health benefits, including measurably reducing the stress hormone (激素).
Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania reviewed more than 100 studies that explore the emotional experience of visiting a museum, and Katherine Cotter, a postdoctoral fellow, concluded that museum visits yield mental health benefits. “When we enter a museum, we’re entering it with an intention,” Cotter told the PBS station.
Visiting a museum, she added, draws us away from the time and place where we live and pulls us into the experience of seeing the world through another person’s eyes.
“We engage different mindsets and different cognitive (认知的) processes,” she said. “Once we get into the center of the museum visit, we see ourselves more concerned communally (共同地), thinking about how things are interrelated in the world more broadly.”
Walking through an art museum, large or small, is about more than spending time in a cool, quiet and interesting space. Notably, Cotter identified a reduction in feelings of loneliness as one of the mental health benefits of visiting art museums.
Part of the reason for this could be the communal experience of observing artworks together with other like-minded individuals. But it is also the art itself that brings us into a feeling of connection with other human beings—creators, thinkers, observers—who remind us that each of us has a point of view, something to say and something to teach and learn from the world around us.
And so we return to van Gogh’s observation. Perhaps we benefit from expanding our view of the world by exploring art and culture, in part, because the experience of being human is in itself just that—an art form.
32. What can we learn from the first paragraph
A. Vincent van Gogh was a famous writer. B. 30 minutes is enough for visiting a museum.
C. Visiting museums is a way to relieve pressure. D. People visit museums for different purposes.
33. How did researchers at the University of Pennsylvania conduct the research
A. By doing psychological experiments. B. By reviewing previous studies.
C. By visiting different museums. D. By concluding mental health benefits.
34. According to Katherine Cotter, what happens when we visit a museum
A. We observe the world in different views. B. We stop thinking about our daily lives.
C. We become more self-centered. D. We show great interest in art and culture.
35. What is the best title of the text
A. Museum Visit Is the Best Emotional Experience
B. Changing Your Worldview Can Change Your Life
C. Visiting an Art Museum Is Good for Mental Health
D. Museums Create Environments for Better Learning
Valuable Life Lessons Learned From Remember The Titans
I have seen a lot of movies till now, can’t even begin to count them but there are some movies that take your emotions on a roller coaster. 36 You become a part of them as they become a part of you. Remember the Titans is that kind of movie and here are some life-changing lessons that we can learn from it.
You can be a good person deep inside, but if your attitude doesn’t reflect that, you won’t get very far in life. Trust me when I say this, attitude creates long-lasting impressions, and these impressions can last for a lifetime. You don’t want to become Negative Nancy, do you Once you lose the respect of others, it is already game over!
Friendship is key
38 If there is one thing that we can actually learn from Remember The Titans, it is the absolute need for friendship. This is the kind of bond that can change hearts. Friends will always hold you accountable (负有责任的), even if you doubt yourself. Make beautiful friendships in this world, this is the key to an amazing life.
Never be afraid to stand out
Have you ever turned your back away from an opportunity, only because you were different than others Remember The Titans shows us that standing out from others is a blessing, it isn’t a curse (祸根). Yes, people might look at you in a funny manner, they may even doubt you but you have to fight that. 39
Teamwork makes the dream work
Always remember that there is no “I” in a team. 40 Everyone needs to play a part, that is how you can achieve success. It doesn’t matter if you win or lose, you just have to give the best of yourself as a team.
A. Attitude is everything
B. Leave others a good impression
C. They are more than movies actually.
D. Remember no one is you and that is your superpower.
E. In order to win, you have to rely on your teammates.
F. It is essential to learn how to deal with them efficiently.
G. As you can only get so far in life alone, the need for a friendly relationship is real.
第二部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
I went out to dinner at a chain restaurant. I’m blind but I didn’t want to trouble anyone. Out of 41 , my walking stick was beside my right hand. The restaurant had braille (盲文) menu—most chains do—so I 42 asked for one.
I was truly amazed by the thoughtful 43 given to me. The waitress took my hand and guided me to sit at the table. Then she got everything for me, and 44 while I read the list for what I wanted.
Then, as I 45 my steak, politely and without any feeling of 46 , she asked if I wanted my steak to be 47 . I can use knife—not well, but I can do this. I have never felt so 48 in my life.
This also included how she led me to the restroom as a sighted 49 . I grabbed her arm, walking half a 50 behind her. She even placed my hand on my chair when we got back.
Unfortunately, not all of us are greeted warmly when we go to a dining spot. I once experienced a particularly 51 service, for which my heart 52 a little. Now I was deeply moved and started crying. She placed her hand on my shoulder in a 53 manner.
I made sure the woman’s manager was informed about how 54 she was. I tipped her, but she wouldn’t take it. I ended up 55 it gently into her hand.
41. A. schedule B. habit C. concern D. custom
42. A. impatiently B. cautiously C. casually D. politely
43. A. field B. course C. program D. service
44. A. waited B. left C. apologized D. checked
45. A. cooked B. prepared C. ordered D. delivered
46. A. embarrassment B. loneliness C. gratitude D. enthusiasm
47. A. sent off B. paid back C. cut up D. packed away
48. A. respected B. rewarded C. discouraged D. confused
49. A. manager B. customer C. guest D. guide
50. A. spot B. step C. route D. minute
51. A. doubtful B. sympathetic C. unpleasant D. optimistic
52. A. shone B. cooled C. warmed D. broke
53. A. regretting B. comforting C. forgiving D. upsetting
54. A. wonderful B. intelligent C. generous D. confident
55. A. lifting B. leading C. pressing D. throwing
Lu Xun (1881-1936), known as the “father of modern Chinese literature,” once 56 (write) that the beauty of Chinese characters is present in three aspects: their meaning enlightens the mind, their sound touches the ear, and their appearance appeals 57 the eye.
Chinese characters, dating back more than 3, 000 years, originated as a pictographic writing system, 58 (borrow) the shape of the sun, the moon, birds and beasts, among others. 59 (improve) aesthetics (美学) and efficiency of use, multiple writing styles were developed over the passage of time, such as zhuanshu, lishu, caoshu and kaishu. Their beauty is 60 (extreme) visible in calligraphy to this day. Many characters not only bear meanings and carry 61 (culture) connotations (内涵) but also indicate their pronunciation. As 62 whole, characters are a symbol of Chinese civilization, bridging the past, present and future.
According to the Ministry of Education’s Center for Language Education and Cooperation, more than 30 million people around the globe are learning Chinese. The language 63 (teach) in more than 190 countries and regions, among 64 85 have included Chinese lessons in their national education systems.
As a growing number of 65 (foreign) start to learn Chinese, the genes of Chinese culture are likely to be better and more widely recognized.
第四部分 写作(共两节, 满分40分)
第一节 (满分15分)
假定你是李华, 为庆祝国庆节、丰富同学们的课外活动,上周你校举行了歌唱比赛。请给你的笔友Tom写一封信,分享其中的故事。内容包括:
1. 写作词数应为80左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Dear Tom, Yours sincerely, Li Hua
I had appendicitis (阑尾炎) when I was twelve. It ended up getting serious, and I was in the hospital for the better part of the summer. For the first week or so, I was so miserable that I didn’t really do anything but sleep, but as I started feeling better, I wanted to keep occupied. I read too quickly for my mom to keep me in books and wasn’t really interested in television even then, so my mom was desperate.
This being the early 2000s, she eventually hit on one of the most popular trends of the time: bead (珠子) keychains. She bought me some threads, a bag of beads in every color of the rainbow and a book that taught me how to make all different types of animals. I mastered the making process of it pretty quickly, and it kept me happily engaged in between books.
One day, one of the nurses came in and saw me working on one and exclaimed over how cute it was. She was one of my favorite nurses, so I immediately offered her one, and she immediately attached it to her ID badge (徽章). A nursing assistant asked for one, so I gave him one too, and then my doctor... and then it seemed like everyone wanted one!
I started spending most of my time making lizards (蜥蜴), snakes, and a turtle in the color combinations requested. My mom said she felt bad that it was turning from a hobby into a chore, but I genuinely enjoyed it and wanted to make something for everybody who’d been so nice to me when I was sick.
What I didn’t find out until some time later was that one of the officers supervising the hospital saw one of my nurses and criticized her for the lizard hanging on her badge and the officer said that the lizard was “out of uniform” and therefore against regulations.
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Apparently, several nurses had received criticism. After that, I continued to make different animals with beads.广州六中2024-2025学年上学期高三英语10月阶段训练
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分 50 分)
第一节 阅读理解
21-23 ABC 24-27 ADCD 28-31 BBDD 32-35 CBAC
第二节 阅读填空
36-40 CAGDE
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分 30 分)
第一节 完形填空
41-45 BDDAC 46-50 ACADB 51-55 CDBAC
第二节 语法填空
56.wrote 58.borrowing 59.To improve 60.extremely
61.cultural 62.a taught 64.which 65.foreigners
第四部分 写作(共两节, 满分 40 分)
Dear Tom,
Last week, a singing contest was held on campus to celebrate the National Day and enrich our extracurricular activities, which was truly an inspiring event!
Students from different grades participated enthusiastically in it, singing patriotic songs that celebrated our country’s glory and history. The atmosphere was electric as everyone sang with passion and pride. I performed a song that my grandfather used to sing, which made me feel connected to our heritage.
I learn that expressing patriotism can take various forms, and music is one of the most beautiful ways to do so. It is a heartwarming experience that I will always treasure. Do you have similar experience Looking forward to your sharing.
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua
Apparently, several nurses had received criticism. They all felt very upset until one of them, or possibly one of my doctors, explained to the officer that the small animals were gifts from a very sick child-patient and that it not only made the patient smile to see them proudly wearing them on their badges, but it made the other patients smile as well. It was eventually decided that they could keep them hanging on their badges when they interacted with child-patients.
After that, I continued to make different animals with beads. And more nurses and doctors asked for the lovely presents. They kept hanging them on their badges when I saw them, which made the hospital full of smile. Soon I got recovered from the disease. I thought the story ended as I got released from the hospital but it turned out to be beyond my imagination.When I was visiting someone in the hospital about six months later, I was moved to see all of the nurses still had the bead animals hanging on their badges.
A 篇
21-23 ABC
21.A 细节理解题。由Honors Program下文可知,这里是为参加 Honors Program的学生创建的,旨在提供一个丰富的学术环境。该段最后表达,申请人必须是荣誉项目的当前成员,并且保持该会员资格才能在McKay Hall居住。
22.B 细节理解题。根据First-Year Wellness下文信息First-Year Wellness is housed in Jenkins Hall.和 Living Well下文信息Living Well is housed in Jenkins Hall.可知,他们的共同点是位于同一个宿舍楼。
23.C 细节理解题。文章最后一段可知,新生可以在住房申请中选择其中一项进行申请。由此可知,新生选择住 在这些社区要提交住房申请。
本文是一篇记叙文,讲述 PCES的老师向学生介绍了一项旧传统,并在这个过程中为其添加了新的含义,将 学生与Hermitage Richmond Senior Living的居民配对,学生和他们的老年朋友通过信件交流。
24-27 ADCD
24.A 推理判断题。文章首段叙述,几十年前,找到笔友并给笔友写信是很常见的事情。随着时间的推移,我们 的世界变得“更小”,这种做法变得不必要和不酷。通过互联网和社交媒体平台与全球各地的人们交流非常容易。转折后作者强调,正如彼得·艾伦1974年的歌曲提醒我们的那样,“一切旧的都会变成新的。”由此推断,作者认为这是一种古老而又焕发新生的做法。
25.D 细节理解题。由第三段“Community connections and looking out for one another is as important as the air that we breathe and so it does so much,”said the President of PCES, Kamryn Cummins.可知,PCES向学生介绍拥有笔友的传统是为了帮助他们参与社区联系。
26.C 细节理解题。根据第四段Daylon,who is seven decades older than her pen pal, is a former kindergarten teacher.... 可知,Daylon比她的笔友大70岁,以前是一名幼儿园老师,喜欢教孩子们。
27.D 推理判断题。最后一段Jennifer Norton 叙述 “They have been writing each other back and forth since September.And so now they get to meet each other in person.And it's a special and precious experience.”由此可知,Jennifer Norton 对笔友项目是支持态度。
28-31 BBDD
28.B 词义猜测题。划线词下句举例说明,203年阿拉斯加附近的机场向美国联邦航空局报告了92起动物碰撞事件。那还只是在阿拉斯加。由此可知,飞机与动物在机场相撞频繁发生。所以该句表达,虽然不常被讨论,但飞机与动物在机场相撞的问题并不是微不足道、不重要。
29.B 细节理解题。第三段叙述,Aurora的创造者希望这些行为可以将跑道上的野生动物清除,尤其是秋季的候鸟。尽管看起来很滑稽,但Aurora可以做狐狸和狼等捕食者的这些动作,这有望在鸟类和其他野生动物中产生恐惧反应。由此可知,Aurora靠模仿捕食者行为保持跑道上没有野生动物。
30.D 细节理解题。倒数第二段叙述,据Aurora的机器人管理员Ryan Marlow说,尽管Aurora售价约7万美元,但机器人仍然比狗更可取:“边境犬需要食物、训练和温暖,但是不会为我们收集数据。”由此推断,Ryan Marlow 认为机器人比狗更可取是因为机器人可以收集数据进行分析。
31.D 推理判断题。文章最后一段叙述,Aurora有一些非常有趣的地方。也许是舞蹈,或者只是机器人追逐周围 鸟类的概念。无论如何,相比其他措施,看起来Aurora能让机场的人和动物都更加安全一点。由此可知,作者认为机器人Aurora是一个比其他选择更实用的解决方案。
32-35 CBAC
32.C 推理判断题。文章第一段叙述,著名画家文森特 ·梵高说:“没有什么比爱别人更具艺术性了”。这一评论 的精神可能支持一些新的研究发现,即在艺术和文化博物馆即使呆10分钟也对心理健康有许多积极的好处,包括显著降低压力激素。由此可知,“参观博物馆是减轻压力的一种方式”。
33.B 细节理解题。文章第二段叙述,宾夕法尼亚大学的研究人员回顾了100多项探索参观博物馆情感体验的研究,Katherine Cotter得出结论,参观博物馆对心理健康有益。由此可知,研究者的研究方式是综合分析以前的研究。
34.A 细节理解题。由文章第三段Visiting a museum, she added, draws us away from the time and place where we live and pulls us into the experience of seeing the world through another person's eyes...可知,Katherine Cotter 认为参观博物馆会让我们用不同的眼光观察世界。
35.C 主旨大意题。文章首段提出话题,新的研究发现,在艺术和文化博物馆即使呆10分钟对心理健康也有许多 积极的好处。下文对此进行详细介绍。由此可知,“参观艺术博物馆有益于心理健康”与文本所述一致,适合作文章标题。
36-40 CAGDE
36.C 过渡句。上文叙述,到目前为止,我已经看了很多电影,甚至不知从哪儿开始数,但有些电影会让你的情绪 像过山车一样。该空承接上文“实际上,它们不仅仅是电影。”下文接着说明,你成为它们的一部分,就像它们成为你的一部分一样。《铭记泰坦》就是这样一部电影,这里有一些改变人生的教训,我们可以从中吸取。所 以,C项符合上下文逻辑关系。
37.A 主题句。下文叙述,你可以在内心深处成为一个好人,但如果你的态度不能反映这一点,你的生活就不会走得很远。相信我,当我这么说的时候,态度会产生持久的印象,这些印象可以持续一生。你不想变成消极的南希,是吗 一旦你失去了别人的尊重,游戏就已经结束了!由此可知,该段主要讲述“态度决定一切”。
38.G 细节句。该段主要讲述“友谊是关键”。该空“因为你一个人只能走这么远,所以真正需要的是友谊”。下文举例叙述,如果说我们真的可以从《铭记泰坦》中学到什么的话,那就是绝对需要友谊。这种纽带可以改变人心。即使你怀疑自己,朋友也会一直对你负责。在这个世界上建立美好的友谊,这是美好生活的关键。所以,G项符合上下文逻辑关系。
39.D 细节句。上文叙述,人们可能会以一种有趣的方式看着你,他们甚至可能怀疑你,但你必须与之抗争。该句进一步说明“记住没有人会成为你,这就是你的超能力。”
40.E 过渡句。上文叙述,永远记住,团队中没有“我”。该句承接上文“为了获胜,你必须依靠你的队友”。下文补充说明,每个人都需要发挥作用,这就是你取得成功的途径。输赢并不重要,作为一个团队,你只需要全力以赴。
41-45 BDDAC 46-50 ACADB 51-55 CDBAC
41.B 考查名词。上文叙述,作者是盲人,去了一家连锁餐厅吃饭但不想麻烦任何人。由此可知,出于习惯,作者把手杖放在右手边。
42.D 考查副词。上文叙述,这家餐厅有盲文菜单,大多数连锁店都有;下文叙述,作者点牛排时,礼貌且没有任 何尴尬。由此可知,作者礼貌地要了一份菜单。
43.D 考查名词。下文叙述,服务员拉着作者的手,引导作者坐在桌子旁,然后准备好一切等作者点餐。由此可 知,女服务员服务非常周到。
44.A 考查动词。根据上下文语境语意可知,女服务员准备好一切,等作者看菜单点想要的东西
45.C 考查动词。上文叙述,女服务员准备好一切,等作者点餐。此处叙述,作者点牛排时……。
46.A 考查名词。根据上文I'm blind but I didn't want to trouble anyone.可知,作者是盲人但很独立。所以该处表达,作者点牛排时,礼貌而且没有任何尴尬。
47.C 考查动词短语。下文叙述,作者会用刀——不太好,但能做到。由此可知,作者点牛排时,女服务员问要不要把牛排切成小块。cut up把某物切成小块,切碎。
48.A 考查动词。根据上文可知,由于女服务员的体贴照顾,作者应该是感慨一生中从未如此地受到尊重。
49.D 考查名词。上文叙述,从进餐厅到点餐,女服务员无微不至照顾作者。该句引出另一事例,作为一个向导,女服务员领作者去洗手间。
50.B 考查名词。根据句意可知,作者抓住女服务员的胳膊,慢半步跟在她身后。
51.C 考查形容词。Unfortunately引出句意的转折,作者曾遇到不愉快的服务。
52.D 考查动词。对应下文Now I was deeply moved可知,遇到不愉快的服务时,作者有点伤心失望了。
53.B 考查形容词。上文叙述,作者非常感动,哭了起来。此处表达,女服务员轻抚作者的肩膀以示安慰。
54.A 考查形容词。全文叙述女服务员对盲人的体贴照顾。由此可知,作者确保让服务员的经理知道她有多棒。
55.C 考查动词。根据句意可知,作者给了服务员小费,但她不肯接受。最后作者轻轻地把它塞到了服务员的手里。
56.wrote 58.borrowing 59.To improve 60.extremely
61.cultural 62.a taught 64.which 65.foreigners
56.wrote 考查动词。此处write作谓语,应用过去式。 考查介词。appeal to 吸引。
58.borrowing 考查现在分词。writing system与 borrow 之间为主动关系,应用现在分词作状语。
59.To improve考查不定式。此处为不定式作目的状语。
60.extremely 考查副词。此处修饰形容词 visible应用副词。
62.a 考查冠词。as a whole 总的来说。 taught 考查时态语态。language与 teach 之间为被动关系且表达现在的情况。
64.which 考查定语从句。引导非限制性定语从句且用于介词之后,用which。
65.foreigners 考查名词。a growing number of后接名词复数。
Dear Tom,
Last week, a singing contest was held on campus to celebrate the National Day and enrich our extracurricular activities, which was truly an inspiring event!
Students from different grades participated enthusiastically in it, singing patriotic songs that celebrated our country’s glory and history. The atmosphere was electric as everyone sang with passion and pride. I performed a song that my grandfather used to sing, which made me feel connected to our heritage.
I learn that expressing patriotism can take various forms, and music is one of the most beautiful ways to do so. It is a heartwarming experience that I will always treasure. Do you have similar experience Looking forward to your sharing.
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua
Apparently, several nurses had received criticism. They all felt very upset until one of them, or possibly one of my doctors, explained to the officer that the small animals were gifts from a very sick child-patient and that it not only made the patient smile to see them proudly wearing them on their badges, but it made the other patients smile as well. It was eventually decided that they could keep them hanging on their badges when they interacted with child-patients.
After that, I continued to make different animals with beads. And more nurses and doctors asked for the lovely presents. They kept hanging them on their badges when I saw them, which made the hospital full of smile. Soon I got recovered from the disease. I thought the story ended as I got released from the hospital but it turned out to be beyond my imagination.When I was visiting someone in the hospital about six months later, I was moved to see all of the nurses still had the bead animals hanging on their badges.
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