

名称 2024-2025学年四川省成都市石室中学高三上学期10月月考英语试题(含答案,无听力原文,无音频)
格式 zip
文件大小 65.1KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 通用版
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-10-10 20:26:52


第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)
1. When will the woman meet the staff manager
A. At 9:30. B. At 11:00. C. At 12:40.
2. Why hasn’t the woman seen the man for a long time
A. He went traveling. B. He moved to Glasgow. C. He was ill.
3. Where does the conversation take place
A. At a restaurant. B. At a supermarket. C. At home.
4. How does the man feel now
A. Excited. B. Regretful. C. Refreshed.
5. What is the man doing
A. Offering a favor. B. Serving a customer. C. Showing the way.
6. What are the speakers talking about
A. Making an outing plan.
B. Entertaining some friends.
C. Working on a car.
7. What does the woman ask the man to do
A. Cancel his plan to meet Frank.
B. Invite Frank to join them.
C. Ignore their guests.
8. What is the woman shopping for
A. Envelopes. B. A camera. C. Art supplies.
9. What additional service does the man mention
A. Photo printing. B. Online purchasing. C. In-store mailing.
10. What does Grace need Jack to do
A. Fix the copy machine.
B. Attend a staff meeting.
C. Print some documents.
11. What do we know about the copy machine
A. It is under repair.
B. It is in poor condition.
C. It has broken down three times.
12. Where is Jack heading next
A. A branch office. B. A copy shop. C. A repair shop.
13. What is the job about
A. Guest reception. B. Hotel decoration. C. Building construction.
14. How long will it take to finish the job
A. Five days. B. Four days. C. Three days.
15. Who will tell the client about the update
A. Richard. B. The man. C. The woman.
16. Why does the woman want the job to go smoothly
A. To attract more workers.
B. To get more job opportunities.
C. To shorten the working period.
17. When did Britt want to build a website originally
A. After university. B. At university. C. At high school.
18. Why did Britt change the name of her website
A. The original name wasn’t suitable.
B. She wanted to include other games.
C. The website wasn’t successful at first.
19. What can we learn about the content of the website
A. It’s wide-ranging.
B. It’s old-fashioned.
C. It’s student-targeted.
20. What is the main focus of the website
A. Make-up and fashion. B. Computer games. C. Team sports.
第二部分 阅读理解 (共两节,满分50分)
第一节 (共15小题,每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项 (A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
Introduction to American Law
Term: Harvard Summer School 2024
Part of Term: PreCollege session III
Format: On Campus
Section Status: Open
Instructor Info
Christopher Taggart, Doctor of Juridical Science
Senior Lecturer, Law, University of Surrey
Meeting Info
Mon.- Fri. 8:30am-11:30am (7/22 to 8/2)
Participation Option: On Campus
This course introduces students to the US legal system by considering several procedural and substantive aspects of American law. Included among the topics covered are the basic structure and function of US legal institutions; basics of subject matter and personal jurisdiction of American courts; the interaction of state and federal law in the American system of federalism; selected doctrines of constitutional law; selected topics about the American criminal and civil justice systems; and trial by jury.
Students need to attend every class in its entirety to receive a passing grade of “Met All Requirements.”
Program Cost
Noncredit: $5550
All Sections in this Term
21. How long was the course
A. Five weekdays B. Ten weekdays C. One semester D. A summer vacation
22. What information do we know about the instructor
A. His degree B. His publications C. His schedule D. His contact information
23. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage
A. Full attendance isn’t a must for the completion of the course.
B. Students can finish the course online and offline alternatively.
C. The course prepares students for basics of American law.
D. Students can’t pay for the course by credit card.
I first fell in love with my husband when we would sit and talk in the living room of my old apartment in front of the ceiling-to-floor windows with the long, white curtains, drinking cups of scalding, black coffee. We would just sit and talk—sometimes until sunrise. I was so completely thrilled to have finally found that one special person.
However, it was not long after our honeymoon when my husband climbed into the tomb called “the office” and wrapped his mind in a shroud of paperwork and buried himself in clients, and I said nothing for fear of turning into a nagging wife. It seemed as if overnight an invisible wall had been put up between us. He just lay beside snoring like a hibernating bear unaware of my winter.
When our daughter was born, she quickly became the center of my world. I watched her grow from infant to toddler, and I no longer seemed to care that my husband was getting busier and spending less time at home. Somewhere between his work schedule and our home and young daughter, we were losing touch with each other. That invisible wall was now being hardened by the mortar(砂浆) of indifference.
Then tragedy struck our lives, when my husband’s younger brother was killed on September 11, 2001, along with thousands of other innocent people. He made it out okay and spoke to his wife to say he was going back in to help those that were still trapped. He was identified only by the engraving on the inside of his wedding ring.
Attending our brother’s memorial service was an eye-opening experience for both of us. For the first time, we saw our own marriage was almost like my in-laws. At the tragic death of the youngest son they could not reach out console one another. It seemed as if somewhere between the oldest son’s first tooth and the youngest son’s graduation they had lost each other. Their wedding day photograph of the young, happy, smiling couple on the mantle of their fireplace was almost mocking those two minds that no longer touched.
Later one night, my husband told of his fear of dying. Until then he had been afraid to expose his naked souls. I spoke of trying to find myself in the writings of my journal. It seemed as if each of us had been hiding our soul-searching from the other.
We are slowly working toward building a bridge—not a wall, so that when we reach out to each other, we do not find a barrier we cannot penetrate or retreat from the stranger on the other side.
24. From the second paragraph, we can learn that the author’s husband _________.
A. didn’t show any affection for her B. was fully occupied with his work
C. preferred his work to his family D. got tired of his nagging wife
25. What does the underlined word in Paragraph 5 refer to
A. The author’s husband’s parents. B. The author’s husband’s brothers-in-law.
C. The author’s husband’s brothers. D. The author’s husband’s sisters-in-law.
26. What can be inferred from the passage about the couple
A. Their brother’s death triggered their reflection on marriage.
B. Attending the memorial service worsened their relationship.
C. The fear of dying prevented the husband from reaching out.
D. Communication was a most effective means to break the barrier.
27. Which of the following best describes the author
A. Sympathetic and emotional. B. Hardworking and ambitious.
C. Sensitive and sensible. D. Independent and critical.
Many of the major supermarket chains have come under fire with accusations of various immoral acts over the past decade. They’ve wasted tons of food and they’ve contributed to excessive plastic waste in their packaging, which has had its impact on our environment.
But supermarkets and grocers are starting to sit up and take notice. In response to growing consumer opposition to the huge amounts of plastic waste generated by plastic packaging, some of the largest UK supermarkets have signed up to an agreement promising to transform packaging and cut plastic wastage. In a pledge to reuse and recycle all plastic wastage by 2025, supermarkets are now beginning to take some responsibility for the part they play in contributing to the damage to our environment, with one major supermarket announcing their plan to eliminate all plastic packaging in their own-brand products by 2024.
In response to criticisms over food waste, some supermarkets are donating some of their food surplus. However, charities estimate that they are only accessing two per cent of supermarkets’ total food surplus, so this hardly seems to be solving the problem. Most supermarkets operate under a veil of secrecy when asked for exact figures of food wastage, and without more transparency it is hard to come up with a systematic approach to avoiding waste and to redistributing surplus food.
Some smaller companies are now taking matters into their own hands and offering consumers a greener option. Shops like Berli’s Original Unverpakt and London’s Bulk Market are plastic-free shops, encouraging customers to use their own containers or degradable bags. Online grocer Farmdrop eliminates the need for large warehouses and the risk of huge food surplus by delivering fresh produce from local farmers to its customers on a daily basis via electric cars, offering farmers the lion’s share of the retail price.
There is no doubt that we still have a long way to go in reducing food waste and plastic waste. But perhaps the major supermarkets might take inspiration from these smaller grocers and gradually move towards a more sustainable future for us all.
28. Some of major UK supermarkets promise to reduce plastic waste, because _________.
A. they want to take the responsibility for environmental damage caused by others
B. they promised to eliminate all plastic packaging in their own-brand products by 2024
C. an increasing number of people want supermarkets to reduce plastic waste they produce
D. the policy issued by the authority serves as supervision to decrease plastic waste
29. What does the author imply in the third paragraph
A. Supermarkets are still denying that food waste can cause damage to our environment.
B. Supermarkets are making every effort to take measures to cut down on food waste.
C. Charities are to blame as they only obtain limited access to supermarkets’ total food surplus.
D. Supermarkets are unlikely to avoid waste unless they disclose the exact figures of food wastage.
30. What do the underlined words “take matters into their own hands” mean
A. Take the risk of completing difficult tasks.
B. Deal with problems yourself after others fail to do so.
C. Take the initiative to address problems.
D. Settle problems in collaboration with others.
31. What is author’s attitude towards the major supermarkets’ current action
A. Unsatisfied B. Indifferent C. Favorable D. Uncertain
Imagine accessing traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) services with just a tap on your smartphone. What once required a hospital visit—often leading to long waits and considerable inconveniences, especially for the elderly—is now available at your fingertips.
The innovative mini-program “Wang She Wen Shan” (Tongue Diagnosis and Dietary Guidance) is transforming TCM consultations. Users can now receive a detailed health report in under two minutes simply by taking a quick snapshot of their tongue. More than that, this AI-powered tool also provides personalized dietary and wellness recommendations.
According to the mini-program’s developers, this transformation has been made possible through the seamless integration of the traditional TCM tongue diagnosis method with cutting-edge AI image recognition technology. The program has been trained on over 20,000 clinical tongue images, enabling it to provide accurate and convenient health assessments.
Since July 2023, Guangzhou has been at the forefront of piloting TCM services with AI assistance. A research team from the South China University of Technology developed an AI-powered TCM Constitution Identification Device based on machine learning models. Trained by TCM doctors from local hospitals, this device has “learned” to identify users’ constitution types through facial and tongue images and provide personalized health recommendations. By October 2023, this smart device had been adopted in 11 communities across Guangzhou, serving over 12,000 residents. In addition, other AI-driven innovations, such as prescription systems, pulse signal acquisition systems, acupuncture robots, and massage robots, are making their way into public use, bringing a high-tech touch to traditional medicine.
Despite the progress made, the integration of AI into TCM is still in its early stages. One of the primary hurdles is the lack of theoretical standardization within TCM. For the same illness, different schools and experts may recommend varying treatment plans.
Another challenge lies in the integration of medical and engineering technologies. Although computer applications in TCM date back to the 1980s, early systems relied on pre-programmed standards that often fell short due to the complex nature of patient symptoms. The unpredictability and variability of these symptoms pose significant difficulties for AI’s deep learning processes.
Anyway, there is every reason to believe that the integration of AI into TCM will profoundly revolutionize healthcare by making TCM more accessible and efficient. It holds significant promise for underserved areas with limited medical resources. Nevertheless, as the journey is only beginning, it is crucial to acknowledge its current limitations in clinical settings. While AI offers substantial potential for TCM, accurate diagnosis still relies heavily on the expertise of physicians. AI is intended to complement—not replace—human doctors.
32. What do we know about “Wang She Wen Shan”
A. It provides invariable dietary and wellness suggestions for users.
B. It requires users to take a photo of their tongue for consultation.
C. It has been trained on abundant tongue images of medical staff.
D. It fails to function properly without facial recognition technology.
33. What’s the main idea of the fourth paragraph
A. A glimpse of the development of AI-driven TCM innovations.
B. An introduction to an AI-powered device developed by doctors.
C. An insight into the potential use of AI-driven devices in TCM.
D. A comparison between different AI-powered TCM innovations
34. Who might benefit most from the mini-program
A. Folks in places with few experienced doctors.
B. Patients with symptoms rarely seen or reported.
C. Physicians with great diagnostic capabilities.
D. Senior citizens with difficulty using smart phones.
35. What can be a suitable title for the text
A. AI: The Future of TCM B. Doctors at Your Fingertips
C. Modernized TCM with AI D. Integration of AI into Medicine
第二节(共5小题; 每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)
People who experience loneliness may assume that they are unlovable, which may cause profound shame and injure self-esteem. 36 We all feel lonely at times just like we all feel hunger or thirst. There is no reason to be ashamed of being human. Here are a few ways to work through the shame and find or reestablish connections.
Develop your relationships. You can be surrounded by people and still feel lonely if what you want or expect from your relationships is different from what you perceive. 37 A few minutes of honest, authentic human connection can transform how we feel. If you’re accustomed to texting friends or relatives, try a phone or video call instead. It doesn’t need to last long, but it may rekindle a friendship and lift your mood.
Look for commonalities. We each have unique ways of finding friends, initiating communication and maintaining our relationships. “If you’re a bookworm, don’t expect your next best buddy at a party.” said Louise Hawkley, a research scientist who studies loneliness. “ 38 ”
39 Volunteering is a way to broaden your social networks. In a study of 10,000 volunteers in Britain, about two-thirds agreed that volunteering had helped them feel less isolated. Some organizations can help you find opportunities in your area.
Taking a small step toward building social connections can help your confidence. If you’re finding it difficult to initiate contact with someone or you’re feeling socially isolated, don’t hesitate to tell someone that you’re struggling. 40 “Lonely people have more control over the situation than they think they do if you reach out.” Hawkley said.
People are not necessarily to be struck by someone like them.
Effort and honesty are crucial to strengthening those connections.
Don’t abandon yourself to loneliness.
You have to look for people who share your interests and values.
But the truth is loneliness is a universal human experience.
Offer support to someone else.
It could be a relative, a friend, a therapist or a health care provider.
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
第一节 完形填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)
After moving into her new home, the mistress hadn’t finished tidying up yet. Boxes and furniture were 41 up in various corners of the house, creating a chaotic scene.
She was busy organizing when, all of a sudden, the 42 went out, plunging the entire room into darkness. Frantically, she groped around, trying to find the candles and matches she had placed nearby, hoping to 43 the darkness with a flicker of light.
Just then there was a knock at the door from outside. Opening the door, she found it was a small girl who 44 her little face and asked, “Auntie, is there a candle in your home ”
Internally, she pondered, “ 45 could this be On the first day I moved in, the neighbor sent their child to borrow something. Weren’t they 46 the newcomer Today, if I lend them a candle, maybe they would come to borrow onions or garlic. No, that can’t be.”
So the hostess said, “Oh dear, 47 , your aunt just moved here and didn’t prepare the candle.” After that, she was about to close the door.
“Auntie, look! My mum asked me to send it.” The small girl, like a 48 , drew her hand from 49 and raised high two thick candles.
Facing the 50 eyes of the girl, the hostess was shocked, weakly 51 against the door and covering her face with her hands, unable to 52 the girl’s gaze.
The story reminds us not to easily doubt the 53 of others, nor 54 bias against them
based on past experiences. Sometimes kindness and sincerity do 55 , and we should learn to accept and trust this act of kindness rather than overly doubting or rejecting it.
41. A. piled B. packed C. stored D. thrown
42. A. mistress B. power C. strength D. hostess
43. A. defeat B. enhance C. shorten D. illuminate
44. A. rubbed B. hid C. lifted D. flushed
45. A. How B. Why C. What D. Who
46. A. comforting B. bullying C. treating D. amusing
47. A. unexpectedly B. unavoidably C. unluckily D. unpredictably
48. A. solider B. general C. mechanic D. magician
49. A. before B. behind C. above D. below
50. A. crystal clear B. navy blue C. shiny silver D. charcoal grey
51. A. knocking B. banging C. leaning D. sitting
52. A. meet B. accept C. see D. avoid
53. A. generosity B. goodwill C. integrity D. honesty
54. A. hold B. extend C. question D. deliver
55. A. vanish B. fade C. exist D. persevere
第二节 语法填空(共10小题,每小题1.5分,共15分)
The xiao, also known as the dongxiao, is a traditional representative wind instrument and one of the top ten traditional musical instruments in ancient China, 56 it is jointly called the “bamboo grove double jade” along with the flute.
The history of the xiao is long and distant, 57 (originate) in the Zhou Dynasty. The shape and manufacturing techniques of the xiao have continuously improved and diversified in the thousands of years of inheritance, forming 58 (variety) types such as the dongxiao and the qinxiao. It is not only a tool for playing music but also regarded as the companion of refined scholars for self-cultivation and emotion 59 (express). The xiao has long carried profound implications and 60 (become) the embodiment of the aesthetic concept of “purity, harmony, mildness, and elegance” 61 association with mountains, waters, and moonlit nights .
In contemporary times, the xiao is 62 essential part of intangible cultural heritage, 63 has received attention and protection from the state and society. Conservatories offer relevant courses 64 (foster) a new generation of performers and makers; folk artists and enthusiast groups are also 65 (active) inheriting and promoting this century-long musical form.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
第一节 (满分15分)
假如你是学生会主席李华,学校将为高三的同学举办“成人礼”(Coming-of-age Ceremony),请你以学生会名义发一则英文通知,欢迎全校师生参加。包含以下内容:
1. 活动目的及时间地点;
2. 主要环节;
3. 注意事项。
The Students Union
第二节(满分 25 分)
It was hard to say goodbye to a pet, especially for children. Nancy Lowe, 5 years old, from Walton-on Thames, England, experienced the loss of her beloved cat, Tintin, earlier this year. She died from heart failure and Nancy had been struggling to adjust to life without her best friend. Concerned and anxious, Nancy’s mom, Tamara, said, “Nancy and Tintin were best friends, and they had a really close bond. Whenever they saw each other, the two of them were so happy.”
Nancy desperately missed Tintin and she was worried the cat would be lonely, so she decided to write a letter to her cat up in heaven. She was warned by her mother, who told her that heaven might be too far away and that Tintin might have found a new friend, but Nancy insisted on writing the letter. When she was asked what she had written, she showed the letter to her mother generously. It read, “Dear Tintin, I miss you. Have you found a new friend in heaven ” Tamara was touched by her daughter’s sincere love and kindness. She didn’t want to disappoint her daughter, so they posted the letter together.
Before they put the letter in a post box, once again Tamara tried to let her know she probably wouldn’t receive a reply, but Nancy addressed the envelope to “heaven” and mailed it anyway.
Tamara said, “When we sent the letter, I didn’t expect anything to comeback and I don’t think Nancy did, either. But it was important for her to say a proper goodbye. Getting a response was the last thing we expected.” Tamara and Nancy didn’t know a postman named Clive Edwards was on duty that day and he saw the letter addressed to heaven and wanted to help Nancy find some comfort in her loss.
To their surprise, they received a letter from “Tintin” just a week later! ________________________
Tamara shared the story on the Internet hoping to find the sender. _____________________________
听力: 1-5 CACBA 6-10 BAACC 11-15 BABBC 16-20 BCAAC
阅读: 21-23 BAC 24-27 BADC 28-31CDBA 32-35 BAAC
七选五: 36-40 EBDFG
完形: 41-45 ABDCA 46-50 BCDBA 51-55 CABAC
56. and 57. originating 58. various/varied 59. expression 60. become/ has become
61. in 62. an 63. which 64. to foster 65. actively
With the graduation season approaching, our school will hold a Coming-of age Ceremony with an aim to celebrate Senior 3 students’ stepping into adulthood and remind them of the responsibility they are supposed to shoulder as adults. All members on campus are warmly welcome to attend.
Scheduled on April 23, the ceremony will open with the principal’s address, followed by speeches delivered by the representatives of students and parents respectively. Then every Senior 3 student will be presented with a booklet of constitution, after which they’ll be conducted to make a vow to follow the items and try to become a qualified citizen and a better individual. Ultimately, the ceremony will end with some entertaining activities.
Given that the ceremony will be held on the playground, keep in mind that some precautions against intense sunlight are necessary. Besides, don’t litter casually. Make sure you leave nothing but your cheers at the venue.
Thanks for your attention. Looking forward to your participation.
The Students’ Union
To their surprise, they received a letter from “Tintin” just a week later! Surprised and thrilled, Nancy unfolded the letter that read “Dear Nancy, thank you for sending me your letter. I’m OK in heaven and being looked after well by the angels. I know you are sad that I’m not there with you but please don’t be...” Nancy finished reading the comforting words, tears welling up in her eyes. Seeing that the letter lifted her daughter up, Nancy decided to look for the one who wrote to her as if he was “Tintin” and extended sincere gratitude .
Tamara shared the story on the Internet hoping to find the sender. The heartwarming story soon went viral online, and thanks to the efforts of those sharing her post, she got in touch with Clive. Tamara conveyed sincere thanks to him as he provided Nancy with an opportunity to absorb shock and accept loss. Relieved and delighted, the kind-hearted postman Clive responded that he just did what anyone else would have done. Sometimes, a small act of kindness may be powerful enough to make others’ day.