

名称 2024-2025学年山东省济宁市第一中学高二上学期第一次月考英语试题(含答案)
格式 docx
文件大小 63.9KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 通用版
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-10-10 22:41:16



第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)
1. What did Sara do yesterday
A. She swam in the lake.
B. She did some sunbathing.
C. She dived under the water.
2. Where did Harry see Jane’s brother yesterday
A. At the supermarket. B. In the park. C. On a plane.
3. What are the speakers probably going to do
A. Borrow a musical. B. Go on a picnic. C. Watch a video.
4. What is the probable relationship between the speakers
A. Teacher and student. B. Mother and son. C. Doctor and patient.
5. What are the speakers talking about
A. Their experience. B. An interviewee. C. A magazine.
第二节 (共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)
6. Where are the speakers
A. At a bakery. B. At a restaurant. C. At a supermarket.
7. What should the woman pay for
A. A cheese pizza. B. A glass of milk. C. A chocolate cake.
8. What is the man going to attend
A. A wedding. B. A business event. C. An anniversary party.
9. What does the man agree to adjust
A. The color of his jacket
B. The style of his shirt buttons.
C. The sleeve length of his jacket.
10 Why is the man unhappy
A He made a serious mistake at work.
B. He quarreled with Mr. Scott.
C. He missed a hiking trip.
11. What does the woman think of the man
A. Mean. B. Careless. C. Impolite.
12. What will the man do next
A. Call Mr. Scott. B. Make a complaint. C. Contact his customer.
13. Why did the man go to Maria’s school last Friday
A. To interview her headmaster.
B. To visit the library.
C. To attend a speech.
14. When will Maria go shopping
A. This afternoon. B. Tomorrow morning. C. Tomorrow afternoon,
15. What is the man bus y doing
A. Doing the housework. B. Preparing for a party. C. Writing a report.
16. What will Maria probably do next
A. Have fun with Tina. B. Clean the living room. C. Invite friends to the party.
17. When was the 44th contest held
A. In 2016. B. In 2017. C. In 2018.
18. What role does Safeway play in the contest
A. It reaches pumpkin growers.
B. It judges the pumpkins.
C. It provides the prizes.
19. What is the requirement for the maximum prize in 2018
A. Being larger than the others.
B. Being over 2,624 pounds.
C. Being the prettiest.
20 How much did Steven Deltas get in 2018’s contest
A. $15,190. B.$19150. C.$30,000.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
第一节 (共 15小题,每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
This wild fish oil is a top quality, sustainably sourced formula containing the omega-3 fatty acid EPA and DHA to support overall wellbeing.
Heart Health
Omega-3 fatty acids support a healthy heart system.
Brain & Nervous System Health
DHA helps support brain health and maintain a healthy nervous system, the communication center responsible for sending messages around the body.
Eye Health
High concentrations of DHA are found in the pupil of the eye. DHA helps maintain eye health.
Anti-inflammatory (抗炎) & Joint Health
Omega-3 fatty acids have anti-inflammatory properties. Studies show that fish oil helps relieve mild joint pain and inflammation.
Healthy Mood Balance
Fish oil helps support healthy mood balance.
Children’s Development Support
Omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA support development of a healthy brain and eyes for children up to 12 years old of age.
Directions for Use
Adult Dosage (剂量) General Health: One capsule daily. Brain Health & Nervous System Support: One capsule daily. Cardiovascular health: Two capsules daily. Eye Health: Three capsules daily. Mood balance: Three capsules, twice daily. Healthy blood lipids: Seven capsules daily. Joint support: Five capsules, twice daily. Child Dosage 1-12 years: Two capsules daily. Squeezed into juice or milk, or as directed by a health care professional.
Do’s and Don’ts
If symptoms(症状) persist, talk to your health professional.
Store below 25℃ in a cool, dry place. Do not use if a capsule is broken.
1. What can this wild fish oil help with
A. Liver failure. B. Hearing loss. C. Vision decline. D. Mental illness.
2. How many capsules should one take every day for healthy joints
A. Six. B. Seven. C. Five. D. Ten.
3. What is the text
A. A healthy recipe. B. A health research paper.
C. Health product directions. D. A commercial advertisement.
For people who never complain about the cold, can take or leave showers and would get used to noises, ideal jobs have come up. A heritage charity is advertising vacancies at the bottom of the world. Based in Antarctica, successful applicants will have to adapt to near-constant daylight, subzero temperatures and no flushing toilet or running water. But what incredible upsides: penguins and breathtaking landscapes in the polar area.
The UK Antarctic heritage Trust said it was seeking“ passionate adventurers ready to take on the challenge of a lifetime” in jobs that included managing a museum, post office and gift shop as well as conducting penguin counts. Those selected will live and work at Base A at Port Lockroy on Goudier Island.
Bridie Martin-West, a 33-year-old midwife, is the current base leader. She said. “We get the wonder of seeing humpback and minke whales go past. On one side of the island we have the most majestic mountain range and on the other side we’ve got a glacier with icebergs. It is really raw nature and stunningly beautiful.”
The team arrived on the island at the same time as gentoo penguins for their breeding season. The penguins are known for their loud, head-back trumpet call, but Martin-West said, “Having come from living in London it is still much quieter here…”
A typical evening might be watching films, playing board games or carrying on an Antarctic tradition of people giving presentations on subjects they know something about.
Applications were opened yesterday to UK residents, with training beginning in August. There will be interviews and selection events before then. Martin-West recalled being asked to put up tents blindfold while wearing oven gloves. She said, “The training was like a cross between boot camp and a reality TV show. It is very full on. It is a lot of work, some of which is quite physical.”
4. What is the meaning of the underlined word “upsides”
A. Changes. B. Advantages. C. Opportunities. D. Challenges.
5. What can you learn from Paragraph 4
A. Martin-West preferred to stay in London.
B. London is a noisy place compared to the island.
C. Martin-West struggled to get used to life at Base A.
D. The noise in Antarctica is unbearable for Martin-West.
6. Which word best describes the job mentioned in the text
A. Respectable. B. Profitable. C. Effortless. D. Demanding.
7 What does the text mainly tell us
A. Adventurers are called on to enjoy endless fun.
B. Antarctic jobs concerning penguins are easy.
C. Unique Antarctic Jobs with highlights are waiting for adventurers.
D. The chance has come for people to explore the cold and wild world.
The launch of a tool to record a vanishing Greek dialect drew attention back this week to one of the great extinctions of the modern world: nine languages are believed to be disappearing every year. Romeyka, which is spoken by an ageing population of a few thousand people in the mountain villages near Turkey’s Black Sea coast, separated from modern Greek thousands of years ago. It has no written form. For linguists, it is a “living bridge” to the ancient Greek world, the loss of which would clearly be a blow.
But some languages are in even bigger trouble, with 350 that have fewer than 50 native speakers and 46 that have just one. A cooperation between Australian and British institutions paints the situation in distinct colours, with a language chart, designed to illustrate the accelerating drop in each decade between 1700 and today, Its authors predict that between 50% and 90% of the world’s 7,000 languages will be extinct by 2150. Even now, half of the people on the planet speak just 24 of them.
The history of languages has always been linked to colonialism (殖民主义) and political persecution (迫害), which spread populations as well as controlling them. However, a common misconception is that dialects in large cities are fewer in number, as it is often believed that with urbanization and modernization, dialects get replaced by standard languages. Yet, the Endangered Languages Alliance (ELA) has mapped hundreds of dying languages in New York, which is an unexpected discovery. Of 700 surviving speakers of Seke, which originated in a cluster of mountain villages in Nepal, more than 150 can be traced to two apartment buildings in Brooklyn district of New York.
From Sami reindeer herders to Australia’s Indigenous (土著的) peoples, the ways in which people express themselves hide secret messages about ancient ways of living in nature. By simply honouring their existence, linguists play an important role. Ken Hale, an activist who is strongly for preserving endangered languages famously argued that losing any language was “like dropping a bomb on the Louvre”.
8. What does “Romeyka” in Paragraph 1 refer to
A. An extinct ancient Greek language.
B. A disappearing dialect related to ancient Greek.
C. A popular dialect loved by the young generation.
D. A recently discovered language with a rich written history.
9. Why are the numbers used in Paragraph 2
A. To conclude the diversity of the dialects.
B. To explain different ways to protect dialects.
C. To illustrate the tendency of fast dying dialects.
D. To argue for the necessity of creating standardized dialects.
10. What can we infer from Paragraph 3
A. People assume fewer dialects exist in big cities.
B. Nepal and New York were twin cities many years ago.
C. ELA is not surprised to trace an original Nepal dialect to Brooklyn.
D. ELA mapped dying languages worldwide, with New York having the most.
11. What does Ken Hale’s quote mean
A. Bombing Louver is a disaster to any language.
B. Languages are to survive simply by honoring them.
C. The extinction of a dialect is a great loss for humans.
D. The Louvre is a museum that collects all endangered languages.
Have you ever worried that you might smell bad Well, you do have a smell, but not in the way you think. The human body releases hundreds of chemical compounds into the air every day, and these compounds reveal much more than just our health habits; they can also indicate our health situations.
In 1971 chemist Linus Pauling identified 250 different gaseous chemicals in our breath, known as VOCs. These VOCs originate from the body’s metabolic (新陈代谢) processes and are excreted (排泄) through skin glands. While sweat contributes to these VOCs, it only accounts for a small portion of them.
VOCs can reveal a lot about our health. For example, a sweet-smelling breath could be a sign of diabetes. Besides breath, VOCs are also released from our skin, and feces (粪便). A notable case involved Joy Milne, who noticed a change in her husband’s scent 12 years before he was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. Known as “the woman who can smell Parkinson’s,” Joy has been using her keen sense of smell to help scientists develop a simple swab test to diagnose the illnesses.
Animals with advanced sense of smell, like dogs, have demonstrated they can detect various types of cancer in humans. Although these scents are often undetectable to the human nose, they provide evidence that our bodies emit different scents when something is wrong.
The relationship between VOCs, and our health is still being studied. Studies have already shown that they can predict a person’s age within a few years based on their skin VOC profile. In one interview, Professor Morin stated, “We are at a relatively early stage in this research area, but we have already distinguished males from females based on the acidity of skin VOCs. We believe skin VOCs can reveal aspects of who we are, such as nutrition, health and stress. These signatures likely contain markers that can be used to diagnose disease.”
So, who knows—maybe one day we will be able to detect diseases simply by breathing into a device.
12. What do we learn about the VOCs according to the text
A. The VOCs are primarily composed of sweat.
B. Skin VOCs reveal more about our health habits.
C. Our body’s metabolic processes are the source of VOCs.
D. VOCs only released from our skin indicate health status.
13. Why does the author mention animals in paragraph 4
A. To argue we should rely more on animals.
B. To show the superior intelligence of animals.
C. To highlight VOCs’ potential as diagnostic markers.
D. To illustrate VOCs have the capability to cure cancers.
14. What future technology might arise from the understanding of VOCs
A. Devices that can breathe out disease-causing VOCs.
B. Equipment that can analyze VOCs to diagnose diseases.
C. Personalized perfumes that can mask disease-related VOCs.
D. Advanced facilities that can use VOCs to cure diseases.
15. Which can be a suitable title for the passage
A. The Role of Sweat in Human Health B. Linus Pauling’s Contributions to VOCS
C. Smell of Body Contributing to Diseases D. Detecting Diseases through Body Scents
第二节 (共5 小题;每小题2.5分,满分 12.5分)
One of Pulitzer Prize-winning journalists Charles Duhigg published a new book, in which he concluded common characteristics of “supercommunicators”— people who are consistently able to create authentic connections with others just by listening and talking. ____16____ Here is a set of skills recommended by Duhigg that can help you.
____17____ If you are having a practical conversation, be ready to give good advice. If you are engaging in emotional discussions seeking empathy, you may show your support by being a good listener. If you’re in a social dialogue reflecting how we see others and how other people see us, be mindful of the different perspectives each person brings to the table and seek common ground.
Prove we’re listening. There are plenty of ways to appear like you’re listening, like making eye contact or nodding intently. But proving to someone that you’re listening is the quickest road to making someone feel heard. ____18____ Next, repeat back in your own words what they just told you. Lastly, ask your conversation partner if you got what they said correct.
Ask the right questions. Ask follow-up questions that signal to the other person that you’re interested in the conversation, like “So did you make it on time ” or “What happened next ” Ask questions like people’s values, beliefs or experiences and spark an opportunity for emotional connection. ____19____ When in doubt, just ask “why.’ People love to talk about how they see the world.
Aim to understand. The goal of a discussion isn’t to impress someone, convince someone or wait for their turn to speak. It’s to genuinely comprehend someone else’s point of view and share your own views accordingly. If people know you want to understand them, they’re going to want to understand you. ____20____
A. Realize what are the real questions.
B. Do you want to be a supercommunicator
C. These deep questions get people to open up.
D. It is not that easy to be a supercommunicators.
E. Know what kind of conversation you’re having.
F. That is actually the most magical thing that can happen.
G. Ask someone a question first and then listen to their response.
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
Tired and sleepy, we got off the night train, stepping foot on new territory: Berlin. Night trains have never been my thing. We arrived at the hotel before it was ___21___, so we sat at the park across the street.
Shortly after 9 a.m. we walked into the office where a (an) ___22___ man was working on his computer. We assumed we were too early to check in, but were hoping to ___23___ our bags and then find a coffee shop somewhere. However, he ___24___ us kindly and, perhaps taking pity on the ___25___ under our eyes, worked some magic and took us into a cute hotel room early. With many thanks, we slid into our beds and ___26___ until the afternoon.
When I woke up, I realized my most prized ___27___, my DSLR camera, was missing. ___28___, I searched the room, but it was nowhere to be found. Near tears, I ___29___, heading towards the park, thinking I may have left it there. But no ____30____. When I saw the hotel worker, who seemed ____31____ to see me, a sense of annoyance flooded me.
He waved me to his ____32____ while saying, “You left something behind.” Then he handed me the camera. “I figured you might ____33____ this,” he added. I nearly burst into tears of ____34____, thanking the youth over and over again for all of his ____35____ today.
21. A. popular B. open C. locked D. occupied
22. A. intelligent B. odd C. young D. determined
23. A. pack up B. drop off C. sort out D. look for
24. A. comforted B. encouraged C. informed D. greeted
25. A. bags B. eagerness C. tears D. anxiety
26. A. chatted B. waited C. studied D. slept
27. A. gift B. reminder C. possession D. resource
28. A. Fortunately B. Crazily C. Confidently D. Typically
29. A. looked up B. stood up C. raced out D. reached out
30. A. response B. wonder C. luck D. signal
31. A. delighted B. confused C. satisfied D. embarrassed
32. A. office B. vehicle C. agency D. bedroom
33. A. purchase B. need C. repair D. share
34. A. gratitude B. pride C. sympathy D. frustration
35. A. company B. efforts C. help D. words
第二节 单词拼写 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
36. Usually an _________ (有效率的) learner has a good learning plan and can manage his or her time well. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
37. We should _________(分析) what they said and not just agree with everything. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
38. It’s not the score you’ve got, but the attitude you choose that determines our _________ (评价) of your work. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
39. Suddenly, her mom gave her a _________ (温柔的) pat on the shoulder and brought her back to reality. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
40. When travelling by train, some people prefer reasonably-priced _________ (速食的) noodles to expensive pre-packed meals. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
41. As is known to all, we should put e_________ on developing fitness by exercising and training. (根据首字母单词拼写)
42. One of the worst c_________ of smoking for a long time is that you may suffer from lung cancer. (根据首字母单词拼写)
43. He’s been informed that he isn’t qualified for the scholarship because of his a_________ performance. (根据首字母单词拼写)
44. From these reports, we can draw a c_________ that it is necessary to use design pattern in this system. (根据首字母单词拼写)
45. After the earthquake, the local government tried their best to make food and water a_________ to the survivors. (根据首字母单词拼写)
第三节 单句语法填空(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)
46. I can’t meet you at nine tomorrow. I ___________________ (have) a meeting. (所给词的适当形式填空)
47. Circumstances changed in 1933, _______ Hitler came to power in Germany. (用适当的词填空)
48. Nevertheless, it will take some years ___________ most new homes begin to use this new technology.(用适当的词填空)
49. This makes the volunteers aware of the fact that there are too many extremely lonely people in his community, most of _________ are easy targets of cheating. (用适当的词填空)
50. The beautiful scenery, _________(combine) with pleasant weather and delicious food, made our visit to Yunnan pleasant and unforgettable. (所给词的适当形式填空)
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
第一节 (满分15分)
51. 最近,你在某英文论坛上看到一个帖子,内容是“Will human teachers be replaced by AI teachers ”。请你对该帖子发表自己的看法。内容要点包括:
1. AI 教师的优势;
2. AI 教师的劣势;
3. 你的看法。
注意:1. 词数 100 左右; 2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
52. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
My great-grandmother, my grandmother, and my mother are teachers, and so are all my family. My mother had a fixed idea that I would become a teacher, too. Although I respected her and was indeed skilled at teaching something to my little cousins, I didn’t agree that I should naturally follow in my mother’s footsteps.
When I was a teenager, my mother happened to take me to a hospital which was run by one of her friends. It was the first time I had seen a busy medical environment in real life in person. Finding that I was curious about treating patients, my mother’s friend Dr. Lee offered me an opportunity to shadow him (跟他实地参观) for a day. I eagerly accepted his offer! Observing the doctors and nurses in action, I felt a mix of anxiety and excitement. Seeing the healing (治愈) process and the impact of medical care on patients was a profoundly moving experience. I figured being a doctor would be the most rewarding career in the world. From that day, a thought formed in my mind that I wanted to become a doctor, but I doubted whether my mother would support me. After all, it was a completely different path from what she had planned for me. Therefore, I kept the thought to myself, because I knew she would still insist on holding onto her previous idea.
Anyway, besides discussing with my mother about teaching, I would often visit Dr. Lee’s hospital. Gradually, I got familiar with the medical equipment and procedures, and I learned a lot about healthcare, such as how to take vital signs (测生命体征), how to assist in minor surgeries, and so on. But what I had learned in the hospital just left me wanting more, so I decided to go to college to become a professional doctor.
1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡相应位置作答。
This time I would not hide my desire any more.
At the graduation ceremony, with my mother present, I, as “Excellent Graduate”, had to deliver a speech.
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)
1. What did Sara do yesterday
A. She swam in the lake.
B. She did some sunbathing.
C. She dived under the water.
2. Where did Harry see Jane’s brother yesterday
A. At the supermarket. B. In the park. C. On a plane.
3. What are the speakers probably going to do
A. Borrow a musical. B. Go on a picnic. C. Watch a video.
4. What is the probable relationship between the speakers
A. Teacher and student. B. Mother and son. C. Doctor and patient.
5. What are the speakers talking about
A. Their experience. B. An interviewee. C. A magazine.
第二节 (共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)
6. Where are the speakers
A. At a bakery. B. At a restaurant. C. At a supermarket.
7. What should the woman pay for
A. A cheese pizza. B. A glass of milk. C. A chocolate cake.
8. What is the man going to attend
A. A wedding. B. A business event. C. An anniversary party.
9. What does the man agree to adjust
A. The color of his jacket
B. The style of his shirt buttons.
C. The sleeve length of his jacket.
10. Why is the man unhappy
A. He made a serious mistake at work.
B. He quarreled with Mr. Scott.
C. He missed a hiking trip.
11. What does the woman think of the man
A. Mean. B. Careless. C. Impolite.
12 What will the man do next
A. Call Mr. Scott. B. Make a complaint. C. Contact his customer.
13 Why did the man go to Maria’s school last Friday
A. To interview her headmaster.
B. To visit the library.
C. To attend a speech.
14. When will Maria go shopping
A. This afternoon. B. Tomorrow morning. C. Tomorrow afternoon,
15. What is the man bus y doing
A. Doing the housework. B. Preparing for a party. C. Writing a report.
16. What will Maria probably do next
A. Have fun with Tina. B. Clean the living room. C. Invite friends to the party.
17. When was the 44th contest held
A. In 2016. B. In 2017. C. In 2018.
18. What role does Safeway play in the contest
A. It reaches pumpkin growers.
B. It judges the pumpkins.
C. It provides the prizes.
19. What is the requirement for the maximum prize in 2018
A. Being larger than the others.
B. Being over 2,624 pounds.
C. Being the prettiest.
20. How much did Steven Deltas get in 2018’s contest
A. $15,190. B.$19150. C.$30,000.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
第一节 (共 15小题,每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
This wild fish oil is a top quality, sustainably sourced formula containing the omega-3 fatty acid EPA and DHA to support overall wellbeing.
Heart Health
Omega-3 fatty acids support a healthy heart system.
Brain & Nervous System Health
DHA helps support brain health and maintain a healthy nervous system, the communication center responsible for sending messages around the body.
Eye Health
High concentrations of DHA are found in the pupil of the eye. DHA helps maintain eye health.
Anti-inflammatory (抗炎) & Joint Health
Omega-3 fatty acids have anti-inflammatory properties. Studies show that fish oil helps relieve mild joint pain and inflammation.
Healthy Mood Balance
Fish oil helps support healthy mood balance.
Children’s Development Support
Omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA support development of a healthy brain and eyes for children up to 12 years old of age.
Directions for Use
Adult Dosage (剂量) General Health: One capsule daily. Brain Health & Nervous System Support: One capsule daily. Cardiovascular health: Two capsules daily. Eye Health: Three capsules daily. Mood balance: Three capsules, twice daily. Healthy blood lipids: Seven capsules daily. Joint support: Five capsules, twice daily. Child Dosage 1-12 years: Two capsules daily. Squeezed into juice or milk, or as directed by a health care professional.
Do’s and Don’ts
If symptoms(症状) persist, talk to your health professional.
Store below 25℃ in a cool, dry place. Do not use if a capsule is broken.
1. What can this wild fish oil help with
A. Liver failure. B. Hearing loss. C. Vision decline. D. Mental illness.
2. How many capsules should one take every day for healthy joints
A. Six. B. Seven. C. Five. D. Ten.
3. What is the text
A. A healthy recipe. B. A health research paper.
C. Health product directions. D. A commercial advertisement.
【答案】1. C 2. D 3. C
For people who never complain about the cold, can take or leave showers and would get used to noises, ideal jobs have come up. A heritage charity is advertising vacancies at the bottom of the world. Based in Antarctica, successful applicants will have to adapt to near-constant daylight, subzero temperatures and no flushing toilet or running water. But what incredible upsides: penguins and breathtaking landscapes in the polar area.
The UK Antarctic heritage Trust said it was seeking“ passionate adventurers ready to take on the challenge of a lifetime” in jobs that included managing a museum, post office and gift shop as well as conducting penguin counts. Those selected will live and work at Base A at Port Lockroy on Goudier Island.
Bridie Martin-West, a 33-year-old midwife, is the current base leader. She said. “We get the wonder of seeing humpback and minke whales go past. On one side of the island we have the most majestic mountain range and on the other side we’ve got a glacier with icebergs. It is really raw nature and stunningly beautiful.”
The team arrived on the island at the same time as gentoo penguins for their breeding season. The penguins are known for their loud, head-back trumpet call, but Martin-West said, “Having come from living in London it is still much quieter here…”
A typical evening might be watching films, playing board games or carrying on an Antarctic tradition of people giving presentations on subjects they know something about.
Applications were opened yesterday to UK residents, with training beginning in August. There will be interviews and selection events before then. Martin-West recalled being asked to put up tents blindfold while wearing oven gloves. She said, “The training was like a cross between boot camp and a reality TV show. It is very full on. It is a lot of work, some of which is quite physical.”
4. What is the meaning of the underlined word “upsides”
A. Changes. B. Advantages. C. Opportunities. D. Challenges.
5. What can you learn from Paragraph 4
A. Martin-West preferred to stay in London.
B. London is a noisy place compared to the island.
C. Martin-West struggled to get used to life at Base A.
D. The noise in Antarctica is unbearable for Martin-West.
6. Which word best describes the job mentioned in the text
A. Respectable. B. Profitable. C. Effortless. D. Demanding.
7. What does the text mainly tell us
A. Adventurers are called on to enjoy endless fun.
B. Antarctic jobs concerning penguins are easy.
C. Unique Antarctic Jobs with highlights are waiting for adventurers.
D. The chance has come for people to explore the cold and wild world.
【答案】4. B 5. B 6. D 7. C
The launch of a tool to record a vanishing Greek dialect drew attention back this week to one of the great extinctions of the modern world: nine languages are believed to be disappearing every year. Romeyka, which is spoken by an ageing population of a few thousand people in the mountain villages near Turkey’s Black Sea coast, separated from modern Greek thousands of years ago. It has no written form. For linguists, it is a “living bridge” to the ancient Greek world, the loss of which would clearly be a blow.
But some languages are in even bigger trouble, with 350 that have fewer than 50 native speakers and 46 that have just one. A cooperation between Australian and British institutions paints the situation in distinct colours, with a language chart, designed to illustrate the accelerating drop in each decade between 1700 and today, Its authors predict that between 50% and 90% of the world’s 7,000 languages will be extinct by 2150. Even now, half of the people on the planet speak just 24 of them.
The history of languages has always been linked to colonialism (殖民主义) and political persecution (迫害), which spread populations as well as controlling them. However, a common misconception is that dialects in large cities are fewer in number, as it is often believed that with urbanization and modernization, dialects get replaced by standard languages. Yet, the Endangered Languages Alliance (ELA) has mapped hundreds of dying languages in New York, which is an unexpected discovery. Of 700 surviving speakers of Seke, which originated in a cluster of mountain villages in Nepal, more than 150 can be traced to two apartment buildings in Brooklyn district of New York.
From Sami reindeer herders to Australia’s Indigenous (土著的) peoples, the ways in which people express themselves hide secret messages about ancient ways of living in nature. By simply honouring their existence, linguists play an important role. Ken Hale, an activist who is strongly for preserving endangered languages famously argued that losing any language was “like dropping a bomb on the Louvre”.
8. What does “Romeyka” in Paragraph 1 refer to
A. An extinct ancient Greek language.
B. A disappearing dialect related to ancient Greek.
C. A popular dialect loved by the young generation.
D. A recently discovered language with a rich written history.
9. Why are the numbers used in Paragraph 2
A. To conclude the diversity of the dialects.
B. To explain different ways to protect dialects.
C. To illustrate the tendency of fast dying dialects.
D. To argue for the necessity of creating standardized dialects.
10. What can we infer from Paragraph 3
A. People assume fewer dialects exist in big cities.
B. Nepal and New York were twin cities many years ago.
C. ELA is not surprised to trace an original Nepal dialect to Brooklyn.
D. ELA mapped dying languages worldwide, with New York having the most.
11. What does Ken Hale’s quote mean
A. Bombing Louver is a disaster to any language.
B. Languages are to survive simply by honoring them.
C. The extinction of a dialect is a great loss for humans.
D. The Louvre is a museum that collects all endangered languages.
【答案】8. B 9. C 10. A 11. C
Have you ever worried that you might smell bad Well, you do have a smell, but not in the way you think. The human body releases hundreds of chemical compounds into the air every day, and these compounds reveal much more than just our health habits; they can also indicate our health situations.
In 1971, chemist Linus Pauling identified 250 different gaseous chemicals in our breath, known as VOCs. These VOCs originate from the body’s metabolic (新陈代谢) processes and are excreted (排泄) through skin glands. While sweat contributes to these VOCs, it only accounts for a small portion of them.
VOCs can reveal a lot about our health. For example, a sweet-smelling breath could be a sign of diabetes. Besides breath, VOCs are also released from our skin, and feces (粪便). A notable case involved Joy Milne, who noticed a change in her husband’s scent 12 years before he was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. Known as “the woman who can smell Parkinson’s,” Joy has been using her keen sense of smell to help scientists develop a simple swab test to diagnose the illnesses.
Animals with advanced sense of smell, like dogs, have demonstrated they can detect various types of cancer in humans. Although these scents are often undetectable to the human nose, they provide evidence that our bodies emit different scents when something is wrong.
The relationship between VOCs, and our health is still being studied. Studies have already shown that they can predict a person’s age within a few years based on their skin VOC profile. In one interview, Professor Morin stated, “We are at a relatively early stage in this research area, but we have already distinguished males from females based on the acidity of skin VOCs. We believe skin VOCs can reveal aspects of who we are, such as nutrition, health and stress. These signatures likely contain markers that can be used to diagnose disease.”
So, who knows—maybe one day we will be able to detect diseases simply by breathing into a device.
12. What do we learn about the VOCs according to the text
A. The VOCs are primarily composed of sweat.
B. Skin VOCs reveal more about our health habits.
C. Our body’s metabolic processes are the source of VOCs.
D. VOCs only released from our skin indicate health status.
13. Why does the author mention animals in paragraph 4
A. To argue we should rely more on animals.
B. To show the superior intelligence of animals.
C. To highlight VOCs’ potential as diagnostic markers.
D. To illustrate VOCs have the capability to cure cancers.
14. What future technology might arise from the understanding of VOCs
A. Devices that can breathe out disease-causing VOCs.
B. Equipment that can analyze VOCs to diagnose diseases.
C. Personalized perfumes that can mask disease-related VOCs.
D. Advanced facilities that can use VOCs to cure diseases.
15. Which can be a suitable title for the passage
A. The Role of Sweat in Human Health B. Linus Pauling’s Contributions to VOCS
C. Smell of Body Contributing to Diseases D. Detecting Diseases through Body Scents
【答案】12. C 13. C 14. B 15. D
第二节 (共5 小题;每小题2.5分,满分 12.5分)
One of Pulitzer Prize-winning journalists Charles Duhigg published a new book, in which he concluded common characteristics of “supercommunicators”— people who are consistently able to create authentic connections with others just by listening and talking. ____16____ Here is a set of skills recommended by Duhigg that can help you.
____17____ If you are having a practical conversation, be ready to give good advice. If you are engaging in emotional discussions seeking empathy, you may show your support by being a good listener. If you’re in a social dialogue reflecting how we see others and how other people see us, be mindful of the different perspectives each person brings to the table and seek common ground.
Prove we’re listening. There are plenty of ways to appear like you’re listening, like making eye contact or nodding intently. But proving to someone that you’re listening is the quickest road to making someone feel heard. ____18____ Next, repeat back in your own words what they just told you. Lastly, ask your conversation partner if you got what they said correct.
Ask the right questions. Ask follow-up questions that signal to the other person that you’re interested in the conversation, like “So did you make it on time ” or “What happened next ” Ask questions like people’s values, beliefs or experiences and spark an opportunity for emotional connection. ____19____ When in doubt, just ask “why.’ People love to talk about how they see the world.
Aim to understand. The goal of a discussion isn’t to impress someone, convince someone or wait for their turn to speak. It’s to genuinely comprehend someone else’s point of view and share your own views accordingly. If people know you want to understand them, they’re going to want to understand you. ____20____
A. Realize what are the real questions.
B. Do you want to be a supercommunicator
C. These deep questions get people to open up.
D. It is not that easy to be a supercommunicators.
E. Know what kind of conversation you’re having.
F. That is actually the most magical thing that can happen.
G. Ask someone a question first and then listen to their response.
【答案】16. B 17. E 18. G 19. C 20. F
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
Tired and sleepy, we got off the night train, stepping foot on new territory: Berlin. Night trains have never been my thing. We arrived at the hotel before it was ___21___, so we sat at the park across the street.
Shortly after 9 a.m. we walked into the office where a (an) ___22___ man was working on his computer. We assumed we were too early to check in, but were hoping to ___23___ our bags and then find a coffee shop somewhere. However, he ___24___ us kindly and, perhaps taking pity on the ___25___ under our eyes, worked some magic and took us into a cute hotel room early. With many thanks, we slid into our beds and ___26___ until the afternoon.
When I woke up, I realized my most prized ___27___, my DSLR camera, was missing. ___28___, I searched the room, but it was nowhere to be found. Near tears, I ___29___, heading towards the park, thinking I may have left it there. But no ____30____. When I saw the hotel worker, who seemed ____31____ to see me, a sense of annoyance flooded me.
He waved me to his ____32____ while saying, “You left something behind.” Then he handed me the camera. “I figured you might ____33____ this,” he added. I nearly burst into tears of ____34____, thanking the youth over and over again for all of his ____35____ today.
21 A. popular B. open C. locked D. occupied
22. A. intelligent B. odd C. young D. determined
23. A. pack up B. drop off C. sort out D. look for
24. A. comforted B. encouraged C. informed D. greeted
25. A. bags B. eagerness C. tears D. anxiety
26. A. chatted B. waited C. studied D. slept
27. A. gift B. reminder C. possession D. resource
28. A. Fortunately B. Crazily C. Confidently D. Typically
29. A. looked up B. stood up C. raced out D. reached out
30. A. response B. wonder C. luck D. signal
31. A. delighted B. confused C. satisfied D. embarrassed
32. A. office B. vehicle C. agency D. bedroom
33. A. purchase B. need C. repair D. share
34. A. gratitude B. pride C. sympathy D. frustration
35. A. company B. efforts C. help D. words
【答案】21. B 22. C 23. B 24. D 25. A 26. D 27. C 28. B 29. C 30. C 31. A 32. A 33. B 34. A 35. C
第二节 单词拼写 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
36. Usually an _________ (有效率的) learner has a good learning plan and can manage his or her time well. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
37. We should _________(分析) what they said and not just agree with everything. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
38. It’s not the score you’ve got, but the attitude you choose that determines our _________ (评价) of your work. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
39. Suddenly, her mom gave her a _________ (温柔的) pat on the shoulder and brought her back to reality. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
40. When travelling by train, some people prefer reasonably-priced _________ (速食的) noodles to expensive pre-packed meals. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
41. As is known to all, we should put e_________ on developing fitness by exercising and training. (根据首字母单词拼写)
【详解】考查名词。句意:众所周知,我们应该强调通过锻炼和训练来发展体质。根据单词首字母和句意可知,此处应用名词emphasis“强调”作宾语,put emphasis on是固定搭配,意思为“强调,认为……是重要的”。故填emphasis。
42. One of the worst c_________ of smoking for a long time is that you may suffer from lung cancer. (根据首字母单词拼写)
【详解】考查名词。句意:长期吸烟最严重的后果之一就是你可能会患上肺癌。根据首字母提示和“smoking for a long time”可知,名词consequence“结果”符合题意,one of 后加可数名词复数,该空用复数形式作主语。故填consequences。
43. He’s been informed that he isn’t qualified for the scholarship because of his a_________ performance. (根据首字母单词拼写)
44. From these reports, we can draw a c_________ that it is necessary to use design pattern in this system. (根据首字母单词拼写)
45. After the earthquake, the local government tried their best to make food and water a_________ to the survivors. (根据首字母单词拼写)
【详解】考查形容词。句意:地震后,当地政府竭尽所能使幸存者能够获得食物和水。根据首字母以及句意可知,空处需要形容词available“可获得的”。(be) available to“为…可获得的”,在句中作宾语补足语。故填available
第三节 单句语法填空(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)
46. I can’t meet you at nine tomorrow. I ___________________ (have) a meeting. (所给词的适当形式填空)
【答案】will be having
【详解】考查动词时态。句意:我明天九点不能见你。我要开个会。根据时间状语at nine tomorrow表示那段时间一直做某事,应用将来进行时。用will be doing。故填will be meeting。
47. Circumstances changed in 1933, _______ Hitler came to power in Germany. (用适当的词填空)
48. Nevertheless, it will take some years ___________ most new homes begin to use this new technology.(用适当词填空)
【详解】考查连词。句意:然而,大多数新家庭开始使用这项新技术还需要几年的时间。根据句意可知此空处为固定句型“it will take …… before…”表示“还需要……才能……”。故填before。
49. This makes the volunteers aware of the fact that there are too many extremely lonely people in his community, most of _________ are easy targets of cheating. (用适当的词填空)
【详解】考查定语从句。句意:这使志愿者们意识到,在他的社区中有太多极度孤独的人,其中大多数是容易被欺骗的目标。“most of”后的定语从句缺少宾语,应用关系代词宾格whom指代前面的people,故填whom。
50. The beautiful scenery, _________(combine) with pleasant weather and delicious food, made our visit to Yunnan pleasant and unforgettable. (所给词的适当形式填空)
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
第一节 (满分15分)
51. 最近,你在某英文论坛上看到一个帖子,内容是“Will human teachers be replaced by AI teachers ”。请你对该帖子发表自己的看法。内容要点包括:
1. AI 教师的优势;
2. AI 教师的劣势;
3. 你的看法。
注意:1. 词数 100 左右; 2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
Will human teachers be replaced by AI teachers
While AI teachers have several advantages, such as personalized learning experiences, 24/7 availability, and instant feedback, there are also notable disadvantages. For instance, AI lacks the emotional intelligence and empathy that human teachers possess. Additionally, the social aspect of learning, which is facilitated by human teachers, cannot be replicated by AI.
In my view, AI teachers can complement human teachers by handling repetitive tasks and providing personalized learning paths, but they cannot completely replace the unique qualities and interpersonal skills of human educators.
52. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
My great-grandmother, my grandmother, and my mother are teachers, and so are all my family. My mother had a fixed idea that I would become a teacher, too. Although I respected her and was indeed skilled at teaching something to my little cousins, I didn’t agree that I should naturally follow in my mother’s footsteps.
When I was a teenager, my mother happened to take me to a hospital which was run by one of her friends. It was the first time I had seen a busy medical environment in real life in person. Finding that I was curious about treating patients, my mother’s friend Dr. Lee offered me an opportunity to shadow him (跟他实地参观) for a day. I eagerly accepted his offer! Observing the doctors and nurses in action, I felt a mix of anxiety and excitement. Seeing the healing (治愈) process and the impact of medical care on patients was a profoundly moving experience. I figured being a doctor would be the most rewarding career in the world. From that day, a thought formed in my mind that I wanted to become a doctor, but I doubted whether my mother would support me. After all, it was a completely different path from what she had planned for me. Therefore, I kept the thought to myself, because I knew she would still insist on holding onto her previous idea.
Anyway, besides discussing with my mother about teaching, I would often visit Dr. Lee’s hospital. Gradually, I got familiar with the medical equipment and procedures, and I learned a lot about healthcare, such as how to take vital signs (测生命体征), how to assist in minor surgeries, and so on. But what I had learned in the hospital just left me wanting more, so I decided to go to college to become a professional doctor.
1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡相应位置作答。
This time I would not hide my desire any more.
At the graduation ceremony, with my mother present, I, as “Excellent Graduate”, had to deliver a speech.
This time I would not hide my desire any more. Determined to follow my heart, I explained to my mother how I felt. I told her that I wanted to go to college to learn to be a doctor instead of being a teacher. After saying this, I waited nervously for her reaction. To my surprise, she approved of my request, and she told me she was moved by my perseverance. With her support and my efforts, I was admitted into my ideal college.
At the graduation ceremony, with my mother present, I, as “Excellent Graduate”, had to deliver a speech. In my speech, I shared with the audience my story about how a teenager realized her dream. Faced with difficulties, I took a path that led me to do something that needed passion, training and practice. I also owed my success to my mother’s support. Without her understanding, I couldn’t have pursued my dream. At the end of my speech, I spotted my mother’s watery eyes, and said, “Mom, I made it!” Her face lit up with pride.