

名称 湖北省新八校协作体2024-2025学年高三上学期10月联考英语试题(PDF版,含解析,含听力原文无音频)
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文件大小 624.1KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 通用版
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-10-11 11:05:08


2024年湖北省新八校协作体高三 10月联考
1—5 CBAAC 6—10 CAABA 11—15 CBCBB 16—20 ACBCB
21—23 CBD 24—27 ACAB 28—31 DBBC 32—35AADD
36—40 EDCBG
56. a 57. to make 58. where 59. was given 60. desirable
61. coating 62. Artists 63. equally 64. flexibility 65. as
Possible version:
Dear Eric,
Knowing from your last letter that you are stuck in choosing the club, I’m writing to recommend
the traditional Chinese painting club to you.
Rated as one of the Best Clubs of Year 2023, the traditional Chinese painting club enjoys wide
popularity among us students. This club organizes various activities, ranging from the visit to
Chinese painting galleries to the lecture on how to sharpen your artistic skills. What’s more, learning
traditional Chinese painting can cultivate your patience and imagination as well as get easier access to
our excellent history and culture.
You just can’t miss the chance to join the traditional Chinese painting club. If you are interested,
just fill in the application form in the Students Union office before October 23rd. Good luck!
Li Hua
That evening, Takehito sat at the dinner table with his mother. Hesitant at first, he finally shared,
“Mom, Mrs. Klein asked what I’d perform at the talent show, and I said I’d breakdance. But I’ve never
danced before.” His mother looked at him with a mixture of surprise and pride. “Breakdancing, huh
That sounds exciting! Let’s find you a dance class. You’ll get better with practice.” The following week,
Takehito began attending dance classes. The sessions were tough; his muscles ached, and he often
stumbled over the moves. But he remembered Mrs. Klein’s encouragement and his mother’s faith in him.
He kept pushing through, dedicating himself to mastering each step.
The three months slipped by in a flash, and the day of the talent show was finally here. Takehito
stood backstage, feeling a mix of excitement and nerves. When his turn finally came, Takehito stepped
onto the stage, his heart pounding with anticipation. As the music started, he let the rhythm guide him,
his movements flowing with confidence. His energetic performance was a burst of spins, flips, and
powerful freezes, captivating everyone in the audience. With every move, the crowd grew more
enthusiastic, their cheers growing louder. By the end of his act, the audience was almost on their feet,
roaring with applause. Takehito’s face beamed with joy as he felt the infectious excitement of the crowd,
knowing he had truly set the stage on fire.
英语答案(共 9 页)第 1 页
第一部分 阅读(共两节,满分 50分)
文章来源 https://www./tours/retracing-charles-darwins-travels-across-north-
文章大意:本文是一篇应用文。主要推介探索威尔士的自然风光,重走查尔斯·达尔文 1831
年和 1842年的威尔士旅行路线。
21. C 细节理解题 根据第一段 Uncover the best of Wales…. and discover the story of Charles
Darwin's 1831 and 1842 tours of Wales. 这句可知,本次旅行路线的焦点是追随达尔文的科学
考察之旅。因此,选项 C符合。
22. B 细节理解题 根据倒数第二段最后一句话 With its own plant life and distinctive, fossil-filled
boulders (巨石), Cwm Idwal helped to spark Darwin’s understanding of rock movements and deep
time. 可知,Cwm Idwal 的独特植物群和充满化石的巨石帮助激发了达尔文对岩石运动的理
解。因此,选项 B符合。
23. D 推理判断题 根据第三段 On the way, stop off at a number of sites where Darwin was taught
to “read the rocks and landscapes” by geologist Adam Sedgewick.和第 5 段 ...but a research has
uncovered plenty of evidence to suggest that he accompanied Cambridge professor Adam
Sedgwick to the island. 可知,Adam Sedgewick 在达尔文的科学生涯中起着重要的作用。因
此,选项 D符合。
文章来源 https://www.upworthy.com/school-responds-to-book-complaint-by-reading-it-to-whole-
文章大意:本文是一篇记述文。讲述了一位家长对学校推荐读物 Ron’s Big Mission的投诉。
学校和其他家长支持书中的抗击种族歧视故事,校长最终通过 Zoom向全校学生朗读了这本书,
24. A 推理判断题 根据文章第一段的描述 Diverse backgrounds mean that schools can’t please
everyone all the time, ... 可知,由于家庭背景的不同,学校不可能满足所有人的需求。因此,
选项 A符合。
25. C 推理判断题 根据家长的投诉内容和文章倒数第二段最后一句话 If there’s any other
possible reason than racism, I can’t think of one. 可知,家长投诉的焦点在于学校推荐的这本
书的内容,家长不认同,觉得不适合自己的孩子。因此,选项 C最符合。
26. A 观点态度题 根据文章对 Ron’s Big Mission这本书内容的介绍,可以知道该书讲述了 Ron
McNair 的真实故事。他在 1959 年因种族原因在图书馆遭遇歧视,并最终通过坚决抗争赢
得了借书权,并最终成为宇航员的鼓舞人心的故事,因此选项 A最符合。
27. B 细节理解题 根据文章最后一段 And the school responded in the best possible way. The next
day, the principal read the book to the whole students body via Zoom. 可知,校长最终通过
Zoom向全校学生朗读了这本书,以回应家长的投诉。因此,选项 B最符合。
文章来源 https:///2024/06/12/the-cement-that-could-turn-your-house-into-
英语答案(共 9 页)第 2 页
文章大意:本文是一篇说明文。这篇文章介绍了 MIT 的 Damian Stefaniuk 和团队开发了一
28. D 细节理解题 根据文章第二段 Supercapacitors are highly efficient at storing energy but differ
from batteries in some important ways. They can charge much more quickly than a lithium battery
and don’t suffer from the same levels of degradation in performance. 可知,超级电容器在储能
度较低,随着时间的推移能继续有效工作。因此,选项 D最符合。
29. B 推理判断题 根据第五段的描述,超级电容器有两个潜在的应用场景:一是创建能够储
器的应用。因此,选项 B最符合。
30. B 细节理解题 根据最后一段的描述,目前这种混凝土超级电容器每立方米能储存不到
300 瓦时的能量,相当于能为 10瓦的 LED 灯泡提供 30 小时的电力,与传统电池相比,储
存能量看起来较低。因此,选项 B最符合。
31. C 推理判断题 根据文章第三段 Yet according to Stefaniuk, carbon-cement supercapacitors
could make an important contribution to efforts to decarbonise the global economy. “If it can be
scaled up, the technology can help solve an important issue—the storing of renewable energy,” he
says. 可知,碳水泥超级电容器在全球经济脱碳的努力中可能发挥重要作用。如果这种技术
能够规模化应用,它将有助于解决可再生能源储存这一重要问题。文章最后一段“Given the
widespread use of concrete globally, this material has the potential to be highly competitive and
useful in energy storage.”也可知,考虑到水泥在全世界的广泛使用,以其为主要原材料的超
文章来源 https://nautil.us/the-unpredictability-of-life-729462/
文章大意: 本文是一篇说明文。研究发现,尽管算法能预测某些结果,但预测孩子未来的
32. A 词义猜测题 根据文章第一段的内容可知,在今天的数字世界中,算法能够预测患者的
员开始探讨这种分析是否也能帮助预测孩子的未来。因此,选项 A最符合。
33. A 细节理解题 根据文章第二段的描述 The findings suggest that the shortcomings in
predicting outcomes wasn’t just about a lack of data or computational limits. Rather, that there is a
fundamental limit on our ability to foretell the complexities of life. 研究结果表明,预测结果的
们在能力上是有限的。因此,选项 A最符合。
英语答案(共 9 页)第 3 页
34. D 细节理解题 根据文章第四段 But when there are too many variables, sometimes algorithms
can learn the wrong pattern, says Lundberg. 当变量过多时,算法可能会学习到错误的模式。
因此,学习误差的根本原因是过多变量的存在。因此,选项 D最符合。
35. D 推理判断题 根据最后一段的描述 The new findings also highlight the value of qualitative
research — conducting interviews and talking with human beings can yield insights that a
quantitative approach can’t. 新的发现强调了定性研究的价值——进行访谈和与人交谈可以获
得定量方法无法提供的见解。因此,选 D最符合。
文章来源 https://www.inc.com/jeff-haden/want-to-feel-youre-living-a-longer-fuller-life-
36. E 考查段尾句的选择。第一段以具体的事例引出话题,描述了个人对时间感知的变化。第
二段首句提供了科学解释,说明了这种变化的背后原因。因此选项 E. Time seems to pass
more quickly as we age, and for good reason. 起着承上启下的作用,最符合。
37. D 考查段中句的选择。根据 37 空后面的信息 as you age and encounter fewer new things, your
brain processes less, and time seems to speed up.随着年龄的增长,你接触到的新事物减少,大
你的大脑需要处理更多的信息,这使得时间的流逝感觉更长。因此,选项 D最符合。
38. C 考查段首句的选择。第三段主要是就如何延缓时间的流逝给出的第一条建议。去从事超
所以选项 C. Immerse yourself in challenging activities. 就是建议大家从事有挑战性的活动。
challenging和 push you beyond your comfort zone 前后呼应。因此,选项 C最符合。
39. B 考查段中句的选择。第二条建议是运用心理学中的“前瞻性时间”策略,即预测未来结
待时间感觉更长,同时增加期待的愉悦感。39 空内容和前后句都是并列关系,列举的具体
事例。因此,选项 B在日历上标注日期,也是运用了“前瞻性时间”策略。
40. G 考查段中句的选择。正如 Eagleman 所说:“做一些新事物,或者简单的改变,比如换一
来的好处具体是什么呢?就是选项 G,让你觉得你是在延长时间。These actions就是指前一
句的具体做法。紧接着解释原因,前后逻辑自洽。因此,选项 G最符合。
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分 30分)
文章来源 https://heroicstories.org/assistance-icy-ground/
本文为记叙文。主要描述了在一个寒冷的 11月,一位摩托车骑士出事故受伤。一位护士迅
41. D 考查动词。由上下文可知,发生车祸,“a crowd of people surrounding him” 表示一群人围
英语答案(共 9 页)第 4 页
42. A 考查动词。受害者正经历呼吸困难的情况,“struggling to breathe” 更符合描述他在呼吸方
面的困难,而不是“stand” (站立), “focus” (集中注意力), 或 “move” (移动),而且根据 49 空
43. B考查动词短语。 “a car pulled up” 指的是一辆车停靠在事故现场,然后一位女士下车来帮
44. D 考查名词。“bystanders” 指的是在现场的围观者,他们遵循指示提供帮助。
45. A 考查名词动化。“flag the ambulance” 表示引导救护车到达。
46. C 考查形容词。“useful”最符合描述他们的感激之情,因为“useful” 意味着这些人的帮助是
47. C 考查动词。“assessed” 表示对受害者的情况进行评估,这是护士对患者进行初步检查和
处理的常见步骤。相比之下,“persuaded” (劝说)、“interrupted” (打断) 和 “identified” (识别)
48. B 考查名词。“attack” 表示急性发作的情况。
49. A 考查动词。由于受害者的情况因为使用吸入器得到改善,“improve” 最适合,它表示健
50. A 考查名词。救护车来了之后,这名护士将受伤者的照护移交给救援人员。
51. D 考查动词。 “overheard” 表示我无意中听到了护士给受伤者妻子的对话。
52. B 考查介词短语。“to her feet”指的是帮助她站起来。其他选项如“on her back” (在她背上)
或“against the wall” (靠在墙上) 并不合适。
53. D 考查动词。“struggled” 描述她在走路时面临困难的情况,与她需要帮助才能走路照应。
54. C 考查形容词。“constant” 描述了她因为脊椎受伤,身体处于持续疼痛状态。
55. C 考查形容词。因为脊椎受伤,所以她在寒冷的地面上跪着救援,对她的身体状况来说是
文章来源 8, July 31 2024 China Daily
56. a 考查冠词。走进一座竹林。
57. to make 考查非谓语动词。“He would later use the bamboos to make the ribs of folding fans.”
58. where 考查定语从句。
59. was given 考查时态语态。 父亲教他关于竹子的知识是在他 20多岁的时候,所以用一般过
60. desirable 考查动词变形容词。
61. coating 考查非谓语动句。蜡质的物质覆盖在竹子上,substance和 coat是主谓关系。
62. Artists 考查名词变复数。
63. equally 考查形容词变副词。
64. flexibility 考查形容词变名词
65. as 考查介词。think of sth/sb...as
英语答案(共 9 页)第 5 页
第二部分 写作(共两节,满分 40分)
I. 审题
类型: 推荐信、建议信
时态: 一般现在时
人称: 以第二人称为主
话题: 兴趣爱好
II. 构思大纲
Para 1: 写信背景+推荐社团
Para 2: 介绍社团(+推荐理由)
Para 3: 再次推荐/祝福+告知申请方式
III. 头脑风暴
This club has an edge/ advantage over the other two for the following reasons.
Nothing beats the … club if you want to…
(eg: Nothing beats the ... club if you want to explore the glamour/ charm/ mystery of ...)
competitions(竞赛)/ contests(比赛)
salons(沙龙)/ seminars/ workshops(研讨会)/ letures(讲座)
sessions(会议) / discussions(讨论)/ presentations(展示/展示会)
1. 满足兴趣
quench one’s thirst for… 满足某人对...的渴望
satisfy one’s interest in… 满足某人在...方面的兴趣
2. 提升技能
enhance/ strengthen/ promote (提升) / update (更新) one’s skills in…
3. 交友交流
strike up friendships with like-minded people 与志同道合的人建立友谊
bounce around your ideas with like-minded people与志趣相投之人进行思想的碰撞
Possible version:
Dear Eric,
Knowing from your last letter that you are stuck in choosing the club, I’m writing to recommend
the traditional Chinese painting club to you.
Rated as one of the Best Clubs of Year 2023, the traditional Chinese painting club enjoys wide
popularity among us students. This club organizes various activities, ranging from the visit to
Chinese painting galleries to the lecture on how to sharpen your artistic skills. What’s more, learning
traditional Chinese painting can cultivate your patience and imagination as well as get easier access to
our excellent history and culture.
You just can’t miss the chance to join the traditional Chinese painting club. If you are interested,
just fill in the application form in the Students Union office before October 23rd. Good luck!
英语答案(共 9 页)第 6 页
Li Hua
That evening, Takehito sat at the dinner table with his mother. Hesitant at first, he finally shared,
“Mom, Mrs. Klein asked what I’d perform at the talent show, and I said I’d breakdance. But I’ve never
danced before.” His mother looked at him with a mixture of surprise and pride. “Breakdancing, huh
That sounds exciting! Let’s find you a dance class. You’ll get better with practice.” The following week,
Takehito began attending dance classes. The sessions were tough; his muscles ached, and he often
stumbled over the moves. But he remembered Mrs. Klein’s encouragement and his mother’s faith in him.
He kept pushing through, dedicating himself to mastering each step.
The three months slipped by in a flash, and the day of the talent show was finally here. Takehito
stood backstage, feeling a mix of excitement and nerves. When his turn finally came, Takehito stepped
onto the stage, his heart pounding with anticipation. As the music started, he let the rhythm guide him,
his movements flowing with confidence. His energetic performance was a burst of spins, flips, and
powerful freezes, captivating everyone in the audience. With every move, the crowd grew more
enthusiastic, their cheers growing louder. By the end of his act, the audience was almost on their feet,
roaring with applause. Takehito’s face beamed with joy as he felt the infectious excitement of the crowd,
knowing he had truly set the stage on fire.
(Text 1)
M: I’m too tired to cook at home tonight. What would you like to eat
W: Well, I really want pizza and there’s a lovely new place in the high street. It’s quite romantic,
M: Oh, you’ve convinced me.
(Text 2)
M: I’m getting a new desk, and I’ve narrowed it down to these two.
W: I like the three drawers in the brown one. The grey desk only has two. Also, the brown one has a pen
M: Well, I think you’re right.
(Text 3)
M: How’s the big move coming along It’s this weekend, isn’t it
W: Don’t remind me! I’ve still got hundreds of little things to take care of before I can get out of here.
(Text 4)
W: 650 ... 700 ... 750 dollars and your receipt, sir.
M: What about my bankbook
W: We’ll mail it to you. There are some adjustments we need to make.
(Text 5)
W: You really can’t throw very well. I don’t think you can be on the team unless you improve.
M: I’m afraid I’m very bad at playing it.
英语答案(共 9 页)第 7 页
听下面 5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C三个选项
中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,
各小题将给出 5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
听下面一段对话,回答第 6和第 7两个小题。现在,你有 10秒钟的时间阅读这两个小题。
(Text 6)
M: Emily got into trouble at school yesterday.
W: No! You’re joking Whatever for
M: Well, apparently she was accused of breaking a window.
W: No! I don’t believe it. What did she say
M: She denied it, of course, and I think the headmaster believed her story.
W: Well, of course he did. How could anyone suspect Emily of lying She always disciplines herself
and never causes any trouble.
听下面一段对话,回答第 8和第 9两个小题。现在,你有 10秒钟的时间阅读这两个小题。
(Text 7)
W: Have you figured out what’s wrong with it
M: Yes. One of the engine parts is broken and needs to be replaced. I ordered it, but it will take a few
days to come in.
W: Oh, that’s no good. I need to use the car to go to a trade show this weekend.
M: Well, do you have insurance We have some loaner cars that you can use while your car is being
W: Yes, I do. That’s great.
听下面一段对话,回答第 10至第 12三个小题。现在,你有 15秒钟的时间阅读这三个小题。
(Text 8)
M: Oh, Helen, Andy Torino is performing at Orchestra Hall on June 18th. And Angela Ferrero, on June
W: I’d love to see Andy Torino, but that date doesn’t work. My friend is getting married then, and I’ll be
out of town for their ceremony.
M: Wait, let me check. Oh, it looks like Andy Torino will be back for one more night of jazz two weeks
later. Do you want to go then
W: Let me check my schedule. Oh yeah, that’s perfect. Let’s check if anyone else from our office would
like to go and see the concert. I’ll send out an email right now.
听下面一段对话,回答第 13至第 16四个小题。现在,你有 20秒钟的时间阅读这四个小题。
(Text 9)
W: Eason, could you tell us how you got started as a living statue performer
M: Well … it is not actually something I planned to do. It was a fun job I took on while I was at
university to earn a bit of extra money and when I did it actually, it turned out that I was quite good
at it.
W: What do you have to do as a living statue
M: Firstly, you should come up with a creative idea and then you have to practice and find the right
clothes and stuff and do the full body make-up.
W: You won the World Living Statue Championships recently. Could you tell us something about that
M: Um, for the World Championships I was a stone statue and I painted in those tiny marks so that I
looked like a kind of old, almost falling apart statue, and I think the judges really appreciated that.
W: Yep, I get it. So what is the point of doing this job
英语答案(共 9 页)第 8 页
M: The point really is the connection you make with your audience. When you make a tiny movement
they tend to explode with laughter. And it’s that interaction between the audience and the performer
that’s really what it’s all about.
W: And what is the secret of being a good living statue
M: Firstly, never try and perform on an empty stomach. If you get hungry, you can start to feel light-
headed, so you always need to eat something first. Well, good stomach muscles are key, too. You
need to have them to hold those positions.
听下面一段独白,回答第 17至第 20四个小题。现在,你有 20秒钟的时间阅读这四个小题。
(Text 10)
W: Here’s your new library card. It will run out one year later from today and allow you to borrow up to
15 books per month. The library is open from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. every day except Sundays and public
holidays. On the first floor, you’ll find fiction, literature, biography, travel and lifestyle books,
gardening books, and cookbooks. There’s also a photocopier for public use. Copies cost twenty
cents each, but I recommend you buy a monthly copier card for $10, which gives you 60 copies per
month at a reduced price.
On the second floor, you’ll find technology, geography, science books, and children’s books. There’s
a small children’s recreation area there as well, and on Saturdays, we hold a story reading morning
for young kids.
The third floor has history, maps, newspapers, journals, and arts and humanities books.
We have computers with Internet access on the fourth floor. The computers are free to use, but
there’s a two-hour limit. It’s first-come, first-served. Just put your name down on the list if you want
to use one. If you want to use your own computer in the library, we have free wireless access as well.
That’s about it. Do you have any questions
英语答案(共 9 页)第 9 页
{#{QQABTQaEoggAAoAAAQhCEwXoCECQkBAAAQgGwEAAMAAAiQNABCA=}#}2024年湖北省新八校协作体高三 10月联考
命题学校:郧阳中学 命题教师:刘娟 罗芳 梁莉 审题学校:武汉三中 恩施高中
考试时间:2024 年 10 月 9 日上午 8:00-10:00 试卷满分:150 分
2.选择题的作答:每小题选出答案后,用 2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30分)
第一节(共 5小题;每小题 1.5分,满分 7.5分)
听下面 5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选
项。听完每段对话后,你都有 10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
例:How much is the shirt
A.£19.15. B.£9.18. C.£9.15.
答案是 C.
1. What will the speakers probably do next
A. Cook at home. B. Explore a street. C. Eat out.
2. Which desk is the man going to buy
A. The one with two drawers.
B. The one with three drawers.
C. The one with two pen holders.
3. How does the woman describe her move
A. Stressful. B. Smooth. C. Unexpected.
4. Where are the speakers
A. In a bank. B. In a bookstore. C. In a post office.
5. What are the speakers discussing
A. A course. B. An instrument. C. A sport.
第二节(共 15小题;每小题 1.5分,满分 22.5分)
听下面 5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C三个选项
中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,
各小题将给出 5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
听第 6段材料,回答第 6、7题。
6. How does the woman sound at first
A. Amused. B. Relieved. C. Surprised.
7. What is Emily like according to the woman
A. She is reliable. B. She is playful. C. She is troublesome.
8. Where does the conversation probably take place
A. In a repair shop. B. In a car rental company. C. In an insurance company.
湖北省新八校教科研协作体*英语试卷(共 8 页)第 1 页
9. What does the woman decide to do
A. Give up the repairs. B. Borrow a car. C. Take out insurance.
听第 8段材料,回答第 10至 12题。
10. Why will Helen be away from town
A. To attend a wedding. B. To meet Angela Ferrero. C. To watch a concert.
11. When will the speakers see the performance
A. On June 18th. B. On June 25th. C. On July 2nd.
12. What does Helen want to do
A. Purchase tickets immediately.
B. Invite co-workers to join her.
C. Check her work emails.
13. Why did Eason work as a living statue performer
A. To fulfill his dream. B. To satisfy his curiosity. C. To make some money.
14. What did Eason do for the World Championships
A. He practiced several body movements.
B. He designed a realistic stone appearance.
C. He studied previous championship performances.
15. What does Eason cherish most about his job
A. The praise from judges.
B. The interaction with audience.
C. The achievement in competitions.
16. What is the key to being a good living statue according to Eason
A. Physical strength. B. Creative ideas. C. Attractive appearance.
17. What can we learn about the library
A. It will close down one year later.
B. It is open during public holidays.
C. It typically operates 10 hours a day.
18. How much does a copy cost library users without a copier card
A. 10 cents. B. 20 cents. C. 60 cents.
19. Where should history enthusiasts go
A. The first floor. B. The second floor. C. The third floor.
20. What is said about the computer use in the library
A. It has no time limit.
B. It requires registration.
C. It is free only for first-time users.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分 50分)
第一节(共 15小题;每小题 2.5分,满分 37.5分)
阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。
Retracing Charles Darwin’s travels across North Wales
Uncover the best of Wales as you explore the dramatic landscapes of Eryri (Snowdonia) National
Park and discover the story of Charles Darwin’s 1831 and 1842 tours of Wales.
Your journey begins in the welcoming town of Shrewsbury, England, where you will meet at
Darwin’s Townhouse, which will be your hotel for the night. Named after and dedicated to the man
himself, this charming hotel is the perfect springboard for your journey into Wales.
Enjoy breakfast in Shrewsbury before crossing into Wales and following Darwin’s route through
the Clwydian Range. On the way, stop off at a number of sites where Darwin was taught to “read the
湖北省新八校教科研协作体*英语试卷(共 8 页)第 2 页
rocks and landscapes” by geologist Adam Sedgewick. Rounding off the day, you will travel through
Gwydir Forest Park to reach your accommodation for the next few days, Ty’n Rhos. This comfortable,
19-bedroom country house hotel is the ideal place to unwind after the day’s expedition.
Heading out from Ty’n Rhos, the morning’s drive will take you to the Cwm Idwal, the very first
Welsh National Nature Reserve, and an important site in Charles Darwin’s scientific life. With its own
plant life and distinctive, fossil-filled boulders ( 巨 石 ), Cwm Idwal helped to spark Darwin’s
understanding of rock movements.
Today you will be exploring what is now considered part of Darwin’s first tour. No official records
show that Darwin visited the Isle of Anglesey, but a research has uncovered plenty of evidence to
suggest that he accompanied Cambridge professor Adam Sedgwick to the island.
21. What is the primary focus of the journey
A. Exploring historical castles.
B. Hiking through some national parks.
C. Following Charles Darwin’s scientific tours.
D. Visiting some famous landmarks and museums.
22. Why is Cwm Idwal important in Charles Darwin’s scientific life
A. It proved his theory of evolution.
B. It inspired his insights into geology.
C. It was where he first studied animals.
D. It was a site for his botanical research.
23. What can we learn about Adam Sedgewick
A. He stayed at Ty’n Rhos for several days.
B. He was the first to explore the Isle of Anglesey.
C. He taught Darwin to read and write in his early age.
D. He played an important role in Darwin’s scientific life.
Schools often have to walk a fine line when it comes to parental complaints. Diverse backgrounds
mean that schools can’t please everyone all the time, so educators have to judge what’s best for the
whole kids in their care.
Sometimes, what’s best is hard to decide. Sometimes it’s absolutely not.
Such was the case when a parent at a St. Louis elementary school complained in a Facebook group
about a book that was read to her 7-year-old. The parent wrote:
“Anyone else check out The Read a Loud Look on Canvas for 2nd grade today Ron’s Big
Mission was the book that was read out loud to my 7-year-old. I caught this after she watched it because
I was working with my 3rd grader. I have called my daughter’s school. Parents, we have to preview
what we are letting the kids see on there.”
The book in question, “Ron’s Big Mission,” highlights a true story of Ron McNair, who had
experienced discrimination as a child in South Carolina because he was Black. In 1959, 9-year-old
McNair wanted to check out books at the library, but the librarian told him the library didn’t loan books
to “coloreds.” McNair refused to leave the library until he was allowed to check out books. Rather than
give him a library card, the librarian called the police, who ultimately convinced her to just let him
check out books.
Seriously, what issue could this parent possibly take with such an inspiring story of a kid who
stood up to injustice, single-handedly changed a library’s racial segregation (隔离) policy and grew up
to be an astronaut—a genuine, real-life hero. If there’s any other possible reason than racism, I can’t
think of one.
Hearing of the complaints, other parents responded immediately in the book’s defense. They called
McNair a hero and said, “He deserves to be celebrated. His story deserves to be told to our children.”
And the school responded in the best possible way. The next day, the principal read the book to the
whole students body via Zoom.
湖北省新八校教科研协作体*英语试卷(共 8 页)第 3 页
24. What can we learn from the first paragraph
A. It’s hard for schools to satisfy every parent.
B. Parents are always complaining about parenting.
C. Parents of different backgrounds are hard to educate.
D. It’s hard for educators to judge what’s best for the kids.
25. What was the parent’s complaint about the book
A. It was too advanced for second graders.
B. Its subject matter was out of the curriculum.
C. It contained improper content for young children.
D. It was not previewed by parents before being read to students.
26. Which of the following can best describe Ron McNair
A. Courageous and determined. B. Brave and ambitious.
C. Modest and heroic. D. Sympathetic and responsible.
27. What action did the school take in response to the complaint online
A. They replaced the book with a different story.
B. They had the story read aloud to all the students.
C. They instantly removed the book from the curriculum.
D. They arranged a meeting with the parent to discuss the concerns.
Damian Stefaniuk and his colleagues at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have
developed a novel energy storage device—a supercapacitor—using three basic, inexpensive materials:
water, cement, and a soot (煤灰)-like substance called carbon black, a highly conductive substance.
Supercapacitors are highly efficient at storing energy but differ from batteries in some important
ways. They can charge much more quickly than a lithium (锂) battery and don’t suffer from the same
levels of degradation in performance. But supercapacitors also release the power they store rapidly,
making them less useful in devices such as mobile phones, laptops or electric cars where a steady
supply of energy is needed over an extended period of time.
Yet according to Stefaniuk, carbon-cement supercapacitors could make an important contribution
to efforts to decarbonise the global economy. “If it can be scaled up, the technology can help solve an
important issue—the storing of renewable energy,” he says.
He and his fellow researchers at MIT and Harvard University’s Wyss Institute for Biologically
Inspired Engineering, envision several applications for their supercapacitors.
One might be to create roads that store solar energy and then release it to recharge electric cars
wirelessly as they drive along a road. The rapid release of energy from the carbon-cement
supercapacitor would allow vehicles to get a rapid boost to their batteries. Another would be as energy-
storing foundations of houses—“to have walls, or foundations, or columns, that not only support the
structure but also store energy”, says Stefaniuk.
But it is still early days. For now, the concrete supercapacitor can store a little under 300 watt-
hours per cubic metre–enough to power a 10-watt LED lightbulb for 30 hours. The power “may seem
low compared to conventional batteries, but a foundation with 30-40 cubic metres of concrete could be
sufficient to meet the daily energy needs of a residential house”, says Stefaniuk. “Given the widespread
use of concrete globally, this material has the potential to be highly competitive and useful in energy
28. What might be an advantage of supercapacitors
A. They require little care.
B. They are lighter in design.
C. They discharge power in a stable manner.
D. They continue to work effectively over time.
29. How does the author highlight the application of supercapacitors
A. By giving instructions. B. By providing examples.
C. By making comparisons. D. By presenting cause and effect.
湖北省新八校教科研协作体*英语试卷(共 8 页)第 4 页
30. What is the challenge faced by the widespread use of supercapacitors
A. They are not conductive enough for practical use.
B. They store less energy than conventional batteries.
C. They are made from materials that are difficult to obtain.
D. They require highly specialized manufacturing equipment.
31. What is the purpose of this text
A. To present a problem. B. To explain a process.
C. To introduce a solution. D. To advocate an action.
Can the path of a child’s life—things like their future grade point average (GPA)—be predicted
using computer models In theory, this idea isn’t outlandish. In today’s digital world, algorithms (算法)
can predict patient health outcomes and loan repayment likelihood. So researchers wondered whether
this sort of analysis could help predict a child’s future.
In a new study, Lundberg and his colleagues dug into why the earlier study failed to forecast the
kids’ outcomes accurately—zeroing in on GPA. They reconnected with 40 families and interviewed
them extensively to learn more about their lives. The findings suggest that the shortcomings in
predicting outcomes wasn’t just about a lack of data or computational limits. Rather, that there is a
fundamental limit on our ability to foretell the complexities of life.
This failure of prediction can be attributed to two main sources. First is something called
irreducible error. An example of this is an unexpected event that could happen to a child in their
adolescent years that can’t be foreseen—something like a parent’s death, says Lundberg. “In that case,
there’s really no machine learning or computational methods that can make prediction better,” he adds.
The second is learning error: errors within an algorithm’s learning process. The kinds of outcomes
the scientists were trying to measure like grades and family hardships are influenced by a lot of different
variables, which can form patterns that an algorithm can learn and then use to predict an outcome. But
when there are too many variables, sometimes algorithms can learn the wrong pattern, says Lundberg.
This type of learning error can be made smaller with more individuals. But for long-term studies like
this, it’s difficult to get more than a few thousand people to participate.
The new findings also highlight the value of qualitative (定性的) research—conducting interviews
and talking with human beings can yield insights that a quantitative approach can’t. Some qualitative
observations made by sociologists, such as how people interact and form relationships, are hard to
translate into a number, says Sotoudeh, and could also be influencing outcomes. “The answer is not
always more data,” echoes Sotoudeh. “Social outcomes, they’re unpredictable and they’re complex.
And we just have to make peace with this unpredictability.”
32. What does the underlined word “outlandish” mean
A. Strange. B. Practical. C. Normal. D. Familiar.
33. Why couldn’t the kids’ GPA be predicted accurately in the earlier study
A. There’s a basic limit to predicting life’s complexities.
B. There was insufficient participation from the families.
C. The computational models were not powerful enough.
D. The study lacked enough historical data on GPA trends.
34. What can we learn about learning error in paragraph 4
A. It can be avoided by increasing sample size.
B. It is an indicator of how well a model performs.
C. It is helpful for training models and enhancing their performance.
D. It is fundamentally caused by the existence of numerous variables.
35. What does Sotoudeh suggest about qualitative research
A. It is not as valuable as quantitative research.
B. It relies on large amount of data to predict outcomes.
C. It primarily addresses errors in computational models.
D. It helps provide perspectives that numbers alone might miss.
湖北省新八校教科研协作体*英语试卷(共 8 页)第 5 页
第二节(共 5小题;每小题 2.5分,满分 12.5分)
Our Eastern Shore house has a quarter-mile walkway over the water to a dock (甲板 ). The first
time we walked it, there was so much to see, but yesterday, it felt like the walk to the dock took seconds.
Research published in Scientific Reports suggests how you perceive the passage of time is related
to the amount of new perceptual information you absorb. 37 And your brain has more to process.
That makes the passage of time feel longer; as you age and encounter fewer new things, your brain
processes less, and time seems to speed up. So how do we slow the passage of time
38 Engage in hobbies or learning experiences that push you beyond your comfort zone.
This focused engagement not only stimulates your mind but also makes your experiences more
enriching. When you reflect on these activities later, the time you spent will seem more substantial and
Then apply the power of what psychologists call prospective timing. It involves predicting future
outcomes and planning activities. Go on vacation in a month. 39 Stick a note on the fridge.
Looking forward to something can make the wait feel longer and the anticipation sweeter.
As Eagleman says, “Doing new things, or even simple changes like taking a different route to work,
rearranging your office, or brushing your teeth with your non-dominant hand, can be beneficial. 40
This is because you are forcing your brain off its usual routine of doing things in the same way every
Since time is your most valuable resource, why not make it seem to last longer
A. Hold that thought.
B. Put the date on your calendar.
C. Immerse yourself in challenging activities.
D. When you’re young, so many things seem new.
E. Time seems to pass more quickly as we age, and for good reason.
F. As a result, when I look back, my sense of that time is compressed.
G. These actions make it feel as though you are extending your time a bit.
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分 30分)
第一节(共 15小题;每小题 1分,满分 15分)
阅读下面短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
One freezing November day, I drove to the market on an icy road and found a motorcyclist lying
on the ground with his bike partly under a car. I joined the crowd of people 41 him hoping to help.
He was bleeding, his left ankle and leg clearly broken, and perhaps worse, he was struggling to
42 .
Then a car 43 , and a heavy lady with a stick hopped out. She told her husband, “Get my first-
aid kit and blankets.” She put 44 to work: “Direct traffic around us.” “Put out those cigarettes!”
“Go to the intersection and 45 the ambulance.” People were grateful to be 46 .
She knelt on the icy ground and 47 the motorcyclist. He was in the middle of an asthma (哮
喘) 48 , so she helped him use his inhaler (吸入器), calmed him and gave him a sense of safety. I
could see his breathing 49 . She smiled, “I’m a nurse, I’m going to help you. ”
When the ambulance arrived, she handed over his 50 and offered to call the motorcyclist’s
wife to meet him at the hospital. I 51 , “Your husband is OK, no, he’s fine, really, but he’s been in a
little accident...”
When we all began to leave, I saw the nurse’s husband helping her 52 , and supporting her as
she 53 to walk back to her car. As he walked around to his door, I asked her husband if she was
“She has a spinal (脊椎) injury and is in 54 pain, and kneeling on the cold ground is about
the 55 thing for her,” he said. “She’ll be in bed for a week now.”
I asked why she stopped. He responded, “ Well, she’s a nurse. That’s all.”
湖北省新八校教科研协作体*英语试卷(共 8 页)第 6 页
41. A. supporting B. following C. cheering D. surrounding
42. A. breathe B. stand C. focus D. move
43. A. slid down B. pulled up C. set in D. drove off
44. A. cyclists B. doctors C. workers D. bystanders
45. A. flag B. wave C. stop D. tail
46. A. powerful B. unique C. useful D. proficient
47. A. persuaded B. interrupted C. assessed D. identified
48. A. condition B. attack C. impact D. symptom
49. A. improve B. decline C. accelerate D. pause
50. A. care B. analysis C. history D. summary
51. A. suspected B. recorded C. perceived D. overheard
52. A. on her back B. to her feet C. down the street D. against the wall
53. A. hesitated B. determined C. paced D. struggled
54. A. temporary B. slight C. constant D. dynamic
55. A. easiest B. best C. worst D. safest
第二节(共 10小题;每小题 1.5分,满分 15分)
阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
Nearly three decades have passed, but 57-year-old Xu Jiadong still remembers the day when he
first went into 56 bamboo forest with his father to “handpick the ones that he would later use 57
(make) the ribs (骨) of folding fans”.
It was in early January in Anji county of eastern China's Zhejiang province, 58 a special type
of bamboo known as yu zhu, or “jade bamboo”, grows in abundance. That’s where Xu, then in his late
20s, 59 (give) lessons by the old man while breathing in the chilly mountain air.
“For the purpose of fan-making, bamboo can neither be too young nor too old. Generally speaking,
plants that have grown to 5 years old are the most 60 (desire),” Xu says. “One thing my father
always asked me to look for was the natural layer of white, waxy (蜡质的) substance 61 (coat) the
plant.” This is bamboo wax, and when removed off, the green color underneath is revealed—thus it’s
known as “jade bamboo”.
“ 62 (artist) from ancient China, especially those living in difficult times, often painted wind-
swept or rain-slashed bamboo plants, inspired 63 (equal) by their resilience and 64 (flexible),”
says Wang Yimin, an ancient Chinese painting expert from Beijing’s Palace Museum. “It’s also worth
noting that jie, the Chinese character for bamboo joints, also means integrity.”
By the time the folding fan became popular in the country in the 14th century, bamboo had long
entered the Chinese visual and literary tradition, a powerful symbol for those who would like to think of
themselves 65 men of virtue.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分 40分)
第一节(满分 15分)
Eric 不知如何选择,写信向你求助。请你给他回信,内容包括:
1. 推荐某一社团; 2. 告知申请方式。
参考词汇:武术社团 the martial arts club
(1)写作词数应为 80左右; (2)请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Dear Eric,
Li Hua
湖北省新八校教科研协作体*英语试卷(共 8 页)第 7 页
第二节(满分 25分)
Takehito was daydreaming when he heard a voice. “And what performance will you present at the
talent show, Takehito ” Takehito’s fifth-grade teacher, Mrs. Klein, had spoken and was glaring down at
him now.
Takehito had been staring out the window from his desk while Mrs. Klein paced up and down the
rows of desks to ask each student what talent he or she would perform for the show. The rest of the class
and Takehito’s teacher were now staring and waiting for his answer.
Takehito’s face popped beet-red. He didn’t know what to say. Luckily for him, the bell rang,
signaling the end of the school day. Takehito quickly gathered his books and got up to leave, but Mrs.
Klein stopped him.
Actually, Mrs. Klein worried about Takehito. Last year, he and his mother immigrated from Japan
to Chicago. He had not made friends easily. Some of the students in his old class made fun of the way
he looked and the way he spoke. Therefore, as his teacher this year, Mrs. Klein was determined to get
Takehito to perform in the talent show, knowing that if he did, he would establish some friendships
before entering junior high.
“What are you good at ” asked Mrs. Klein.
Takehito, thought for a moment. “I don’t know.”
“What do you mean ” Mrs. Klein continued. “Can you draw Can you play a sport Can you play
a musical instrument Can you sing ...”
Mrs. Klein continued listing talents, but Takehito stopped listening as his gazing wandered to a
poster on the wall. The poster showed a person doing breakdance (霹雳舞).
“Dancing. I will breakdance!” Takehito interrupted.
Mrs. Klein’s eyes lit up with encouragement. “That’s fantastic, Takehito! Breakdancing is a great
choice. I’m sure you’ll do an amazing job.” Her smile was reassuring, and she added, “The talent show
is three months away, so you have plenty of time to prepare. I’ll be here to help you prepare if you need
(1)续写词数应为 150个左右;
That evening, Takehito sat at the dinner table with his mother.
The three months slipped by in a flash, and the day of the talent show was finally here.
湖北省新八校教科研协作体*英语试卷(共 8 页)第 8 页