

名称 安徽省江南十校2024-2025学年高三上学期第一次综合素质检测英语试题(PDF版含答案,含听力原文)
格式 pdf
文件大小 5.2MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 通用版
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-10-11 11:34:17



江南十校 2024 年新高三第一次综合素质检测
1-5 ACBAB 6-10 CABAC 11-15 BCABA 16-20 BCCAB
21-23. CBD 24-27. DCDC 28-31. BCBB 32-35. DADC 36-40. GCAFE
41-45 BCABC 46-50 BDADA 51-55 CDCBA
56. has been 57. to relieve 58. shaped 59. aiming 60. in
61. where 62. itself 63. global 64. a 65. recognition
第一节 范文
Dear Sir/Madam,
In response to your inquiry about how my classmates and I spent our summer vacation, I am delighted
to share my findings.
The survey revealed a vast variety of activities undertaken by our classmates. Notably, the majority of
students, an impressive 45%, chose to learn a new skill, reflecting a strong desire for personal growth. This
was closely followed by 30% who opted to preview the upcoming academic year’s courses. Additionally,
15% embarked on travel adventures, while 10% dedicated their time to physical fitness.
As for me, I chose to learn a new skill - programming. I believe proficiency in programming can not
only broaden my horizons but equip me with a valuable skill set for the future. The process of learning has
been both challenging and rewarding, fostering a sense of accomplishment.
I hope this summary gives you a glimpse into the summer experiences of us. If you have any further
questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out.
Warm regards,
Li Hua
第二节 范文
The summer went by when one morning Charlie wasn’t waiting at his usual stop. When he wasn’t
there the next day and the day after that, we started wondering if he was sick or - hopefully - on holiday
somewhere. When we came nearer to the centre for senior citizens, one of the passengers asked the driver to
wait. We all held our breaths when she went to the door. Yes, the staff said, they knew who we were talking
about. The elderly gentleman was fine, but his girlfriend had died at the weekend and he hadn’t been
coming to the centre that week.
Hearing the news, we all remained silent the rest of the way to work. How could he survive the great
loss Could he get back on his feet and come back to us again Nobody knew. One Monday, to everyone’s
great relief, Charlie was seen again, waiting at the stop. He seemed to have shrinked again, stooping a bit
more, and without a tie. Inside the bus was a silence similar to that in a church. Even though no one had
talked about it, all those of us, who he had made such an impression on that summer, sat with our eyes filled
with tears and a bunch of wild flowers in our hands. Those flowers on the bus dangled a little but shone
with the brilliance of humanity.
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第一部分 听力(听力材料附后)
第二部分 阅读理解答案及解析
A篇 【答案】 21. C 22. B 23.D
【21题详解】细节理解题。根据第三自然段“For the most solitude, we recommend visiting during weekdays,
morning hours and late afternoons.”可知最佳的游玩时间为工作日上午或傍晚,故选 C。
【22题详解】细节理解题。根据 Shuttle(往返巴士) Fare一段中“It runs during the spring and summer and
adult fare is $5 (free for youth ages 15 and under).”一句信息及 Entry Fee中“Entry Fee is required - $3 per
Adult (17 and older). Free for children aged 16 and under.”,可知总费用为$5X3+$3X2=$21,故选 B。
【23题详解】归纳推理题。根据 Shuttle(往返巴士) Fare及 Entry Fee 两段信息可知公园对 15岁及以下
青少年是经济实惠的。故选 D。
B篇 【答案】 24. D 25. C 26. D 27. C
【24题详解】细节理解题。 根据第一段“High school students in Ohio, US, are making hygiene(卫生)
education fun.”及第二段“In February, students from Scott High School’s Medical Technology Program(MTP),
a hygiene education program, visited Riverside Elementary to educate the students on the importance of hygiene”
可知答案为 D。
【25题详解】细节归纳题。 根据第三段“educate them about the significance of flossing (用牙线清洁) and
brushing their teeth twice a day”这一信息,可归纳答案应为 C。
【26题详解】细节理解题。 根据“I feel like if you come with energy, they’ll come with energy,”及“They want
some excitement. They want some fun.” 两处信息可知答案应该选 D。
【27题详解】推理判断题。根据最后一段,尤其是“the program’s benefits go beyond hygiene education. Some
students learn how to be more hygienic and become more confident and out-going.”可知道这一项目影响是深
远的,故选 C。
C篇 【答案】 28.B 29.C 30.B 31.B
起。故选 B。
【29题详解】词意猜测题。根据第三段中“women are less likely to have chest pains, which are considered as a
typical symptom of heart attacks.”可知胸痛等是心脏病的典型症状,而女性心脏病患者则有着“非典型症状
(atypical symptoms)”。故选 C。
【30题详解】细节理解题。根据第三段最后一句“As a result, many women were initially given a mistaken
diagnosis, delaying access to the right treatment and increasing the fatality rate.”说明女性更不容易出现典型的
胸痛症状,导致误诊和延误治疗,进而死亡率增加。故选 B。
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(disadvantaged groups)。故选 B。
D篇 【答案】 32. D 33. A 34. D 35. C
【32题详解】细节理解题。根据第三段中“When there is a traffic jam, the car automatically replans routes and
switches to the most convenient path. I think there is no difference between this driverless car and cars with
drivers.”可知,车辆能自动规划路线和处理交通状况,说明其具备智能自动化的特性。故选 D。
【33题详解】细节理解题。根据第五段中“---and is likely to revolutionize urban transport due to their greater
efficiency and lower costs”可知,自动驾驶技术的广泛商业化可能会“革命性地改变城市交通”,使其
更高效、成本更低。故选 A。
【34题详解】推理判断题。根据第七段中“China has taken the lead in the research and development as well as
application of autonomous driving technology, and has introduced a series of policies to promote the
commercialization of self-driving vehicles in recent years.”和第八段中“The Ministry of Industry and
Information Technology selected 20 cities, including Beijing, Shanghai and Chongqing, earlier this month to
participate in a pilot program on “vehicle-road-cloud integration” for intelligently connected vehicles.”可知,
府的支持。故选 D。
【35题详解】归纳推理题。根据文章大意和第八段中“The move aims to connect intelligent vehicles with
environmental and cloud-based control systems, paving the way for enhanced safety and efficiency in
autonomous driving technology. ”可知,政府正在推动“车路云一体化”试点项目,旨在将智能车辆与环
境及云系统连接,以提高安全性和效率。故选 C。
【答案】36.G 37.C 38.A 39.F 40.E
【36题详解】空格位于段中。空格前讲述了处理情况的重要性,空格后引出建议。G选项中的 it指代上
文的 each situation, 详述每种情况可能指的是你的爱情生活,也可能是一次生活难事。起到顺承上文,衔
【37题详解】空格位于段尾,总结上文。空格前提出建议“draw a mental line”,C选项解释提出这条建
【38题详解】空格位于段首。根据文本的整体结构,判断 38题是提出建议。参照其他建议得知他的语言
特点,这一题应该是祈使句。所以,在 A和 B之间选择。A选项的 others是本段第一句话的原词再现。B
选项的 strangers与原文不符。
【39题详解】空格位于段中。这一题的干扰项是 D,但 D选项的意思是“放手不是你不再关心某个人了。”
其中 someone与下一句的 them 和 they 不符。F选项 negative feelings与下一句的 them,they 和 mentally
认了他们的做法。所以,第 40题提出了建议和正确做法,故选 E。
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【41题详解】B,考察动词。work hard与第二段的开篇 hard work 对应,本句是对强森的成功的一个总结,
【42题详解】C,考察名词。本文讲述的是有关“成功”的故事,这在第 53题总结里有呼应。
【43题详解】A,考察动词。cut one’s losses表示“割肉止损,减少损失”,和后面的 change direction也
【45题详解】C,考察动词。shift和后面的 to搭配,表示“将注意力转移到一个不同的领域—职业摔跤”。
【46题详解】B,考察动词。settle for an unremarkable life表示“接受一个平凡的人生”。settle for表示
“勉强接受;满足于”,与 unremarkable呼应。
【47题详解】D,考察动词。refocus表示“重新聚焦;改变重点”,所以,refocus oneself表示“重新调
【49题详解】D,考察名词。drive表示“干劲;驱动力”和上文的 enthusiasm也是一致的。
【50题详解】A,考察动词。reinvent oneself (as sth)表示“以...样的新形象示人”,呼应下文“create a figure...”。
【51题详解】C,考察形容词。popular 表示“受欢迎的”,这个词说明了强森的成功。
【52题详解】D,考察动词。expand into 表示“扩展到”, 指强森的事业扩展到制作和写作。
【53题详解】C,考察形容词。inspiring表示“激励的”,强森的故事是励志的,这在 because 后面也有
蹴而就的”。下一句话解释了第 54题。
【55题详解】A,考察动词短语。add up 表示“加起来”,这句话的意思是“所有的努力累加起来(最后
【56题详解】has been, 考查谓语动词。描述数千年来针灸一直是治疗方法,应该用现在完成时,且
“acupuncture”是单数名词,因此填 has been。
【57题详解】to relieve, 考查非谓语动词。这里是描述古代中国人使用石器缓解疼痛,前面有“used”,
说明需要用动词不定式表示目的,因此用 to relieve。
逐渐形成的,空格前面有连词“and”,因此应该填 shaped。
【59题详解】aiming,考查非谓语动词。描述针灸的目的,因此应使用现在分词形式 aiming。
【60题详解】in,考查介词。本句是描述针灸的治疗原则符合中国传统医学的哲学概念,常用短语是 in line
的是描述他们操作针灸方法的谓语动词,所以需要关系副词引导的定语从句,关系副词作状语,故填 where。
【62题详解】itself,考查反身代词。这里是描述针灸促进身体的自我疗愈,因此需用反身代词 itself。
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的治疗方法,因此应使用形容词 global。
【64题详解】a,考查冠词。指 2019年的一份世卫组织报告,应用不定冠词 a。
一个名词形式,因此填 recognition。
Text 1
M: Jerry quit his job as a reporter. Now he’s a popular video blogger on a famous social platform.His
success speaks for itself.
W: Yeah. I’ve watched all his videos where he presents the beauty of rural China. His story was reported in
the press and on television.
Text 2
M: I joined the school soccer club for the thrill of scoring goals. And it’s a great way to build up my body.
W: I joined the mountaineering club just for extra credits. But unexpectedly, I also made some friends.
Text 3
W: I’ve finally completed this project! Ouch! My back is really hurting me today.
M: You’ve been sitting for three hours. You’d better move around the office for a while and enjoy some
Text 4
M: Did you finish the report last night
W: No. I totally forgot that. I went swimming instead.
M: Really I spent the evening going over the project details. We need to catch up on the process tonight.
W: All right.
Text 5
W: How do you preserve food
M: I use sealed containers for storing things. And I often use freezer bags to refrigerate the leftovers. And
W: I store items in a cool and dry place. Sometimes I make canned food after getting ingredients at the
grocery store.
Text 6
W: Mike, how was your day at the basketball club
M: Awesome! We started with a warm-up session focusing on stretching. The coach introduced a new
training method of shooting and we worked on it for 60 minutes.
W: Nice! Anything else special
M: Yeah, we worked on individual skills in small groups. I concentrated on ball-handling drills for half an
W: Sounds productive. Well, you can take a break first. We will have dinner at 8 o’clock.
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M: It’s 7:40 now. I’m going to play with my dog for a while.
Text 7
M: Hey, Emily! What are you doing with all those young trees
W: Hi, Tom! I’m planting trees for our school’s eco-project.
M: That’s fantastic! I once helped plant trees in our community, trying to make a small contribution to the
environment. Do you mind if I join you
W: Not at all! The more hands the better.
M: Oak trees have hard wood and they are long-lasting. What’s more, they are easy to take care of. Good
W: Well, oak trees play a key role in supporting wildlife, both as a habitat and as a crucial food source.
M: That sounds cool. Where should we plant these young oak trees
W: Let’s pick a spot with good sunlight and enough space for the roots to grow.We’ll make our own little
M: Awesome! Let’s get started.
Text 8
M: Jane, have you ever dreamt of exploring the sea
W: Absolutely! The mysteries beneath the ocean’s surface are fascinating. Imagine diving into the depths
and discovering unknown sea life.
M: Yeah. It’s like entering a whole new world. The possibility of exploring historic sites is thrilling to
W: And there’s so much we haven’t seen—new species and underwater landscapes. Hey, I’d like to go
diving one day! Do we need special training for scuba diving
M: Yeah, divers need to learn how to use special equipment. With a tank of compressed air called a scuba
tank on their backs, and a mask to see underwater clearly, divers can breathe and swim freely.
W: I once saw a video that showed divers using hand signals for communication.
M: Yeah, that’s necessary. And divers often encounter unique sea life. I once saw a parrotfish when I
went diving with my uncle, although I expected to see playful dolphins and graceful sea turtles.
W: Cool. Can you teach me how to dive I can’t wait to see a school of fish.
Text 9
W: Hey, Brian! Can you believe the day after tomorrow is New Year’s Day How have you been this year
M: Hey, Alice. Time flies! I moved to a new house and it’s been refreshing. In terms of work, I switched to
a new project.
W: Great. I’ve been experiencing some changes too. I was promoted. It brought more responsibilities but
also exciting challenges. Besides, I took up painting as a hobby.
M: That’s fantastic to hear. As for me, I picked up photography and traveled to some amazing places.
W: Well, do you have any plans for the coming year
M: Sure. I’m looking forward to learning the ropes in my work and exploring more photography skills.
How about you
W: I hope to enhance my leadership skills and maybe take a trip somewhere.
M: Sounds good. By the way, looking back, we haven’t caught up on each other’s lives for almost a year.
We should definitely have more class reunions like this next year.
W: You said it! Here’s to another year of growth and new experiences!
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M: Cheers to that!
Text 10
W: Sammie Vance knows there’s nothing worse than feeling left out. For years, she’s been helping
kids who feel lonely make friends. She is running the Buddy Bench program. She got the idea for the
Buddy Bench program at a summer camp in 2017. The idea was that anyone at school who was feeling
lonely could sit on the “buddy bench”. That let other kids know someone needed a friend. “It’s really
helpful to have other people notice you,” Sammie says. The idea quickly caught on.
To reduce costs and be eco-friendly, Sammie decided to make the bench out of recycled materials. So
she gathered her community to collect bottle caps. She even got caps from people in Germany, the
Netherlands, and other countries. In the end, she collected more than 1200 pounds of bottle caps.
Sammie says the effort has helped her learn to acknowledge her shortcomings and take breaks when
working on a big project.
Before long, Sammie was helping other schools acquire benches. She has donated more than 200
benches to schools and parks around the country, and in Mexico and Australia.Her work continues to spread
kindness far and wide. “We recently got a bench in Ghana, Africa,” she says. “That was cool.”
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