人教版(2019)选择性必修第一册Unit 4 Body Language Video Time课件(共16张)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修第一册Unit 4 Body Language Video Time课件(共16张)
格式 pptx
文件大小 2.2MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-10-11 16:17:14



Unit 4 Body Language
Video Time
By the end of this section, you will be able to:
1. make inference to guess the content of the video.
2. watch the film and understand the background information and conflict by the body language in the video.
Learning objectives
Background Information
1889年4月16日卓别林出生于下伦敦南沃克区东沃尔沃斯大街。由于父亲的职业的关系,少年时的查理加入了当时的一个少年剧团。1900年的圣诞节,这个名叫兰开夏的剧团得到了在舞剧《灰姑娘》中演出厨房中的动物们的机会。在这场戏中,年幼的卓别林装扮成一只猫,并第一次有机会通过表演来引人发笑 。[1]
1901年的春天,查理离开了兰开夏剧团。同年的5月9日,他的父亲去世,年仅37岁,无法再继续对他的幼子提供任何形式的帮助了。 在接下来的两年时间里,小查理做过各种各样的工作:卖花童、理发店小工、医生的小工,还有报童。1903年5月,他的哥哥西德尼出海归来,打算凭借他在船上学会的娱乐表演登上舞台。在西德尼的鼓励之下,年仅14岁的查理鼓起勇气向伦敦西区的代理人毛遂自荐,并且很快在一个巡回剧团的剧目《侦探福尔摩斯》中得到了比利-佩吉这个角色。他在舞台剧《吉姆,安乐乡中的浪漫史》中扮演一个报童。在两年多的时间里他在多家公司的舞台剧中扮演过比利这个角色。之后查理加入到了有西德尼参加的喜剧舞台剧《修复》的表演阵容中.
Background Information
1906年5月,他加入了另一部舞台剧《凯西的宫廷马戏团》并为该剧目表演了一年多。在17岁时,查理已经开始在喜剧剧目中出演主要角色了 。[1]
1908年2月21日,卓别林与英国的杂耍戏院经理弗雷德·卡尔诺(Fred Karno)签了约,又在1910年的9月续了3年的约。查理在卡尔诺的剧目《戴面具的鸟》和《足球队与大胆的吉米》中出演主角 。[2]
Background Information
1912年9月,他被选中参加卡尔诺剧团在美国的巡回演出。这次巡回从1910年的9月一直持续到1912年的6月。与他一同参加巡演的还有兰开夏剧团的一名年轻喜剧演员史丹利·杰弗逊,也就是后来的斯坦·劳瑞尔。剧团在从纽约到加利福尼亚横跨美国巡演之后,回到欧洲呆了4个月的他迎来了第二次去美国巡演的机会,那是1912年的10月。1913年的春天,卓别林被要求与启斯东电影公司的纽约总公司克塞尔和鲍曼公司联系。双方于1913年的9月23日签订了一年的工作合约 。[2]
1914年,卓别林的处女电影《谋生》上映。之后又拍摄了《20分钟的爱》(Twenty Minutes of Love)和《美宝的婚姻》(Mabel's Married Life)等多部电影 。
Background Information
1931年因为《城市之光》的首映卓别林来到伦敦,转年才返回,他的下一部影片是1936年的《摩登时代》。四年之后他拍摄了《大独裁者》 ,他在片中分别扮演犹太理发师和希特勒。1947年他拍摄了《凡尔杜先生》。[5]
1952年,他的电影《舞台生涯》上映,同年他移居瑞士。1957年的《纽约王》被认为是对这段生活的写照。1967年他拍摄了最后一部影片《香港女伯爵》。英国女王伊丽莎白二世1975年授予已经86岁的卓别林爵士封号。1977年12月25日圣诞节早上,卓别林在其家中睡眠时安然去世,享年88岁 。[6]
Background Information
Charlie Chaplin acts as an immigrant who is unused to life in a different country.
The Immigrant
What do you think an immigrant is
1. Look at the photos from the film The Immigrant and
discuss the questions.
1. What these characters' body language mean
2. what is the story about
Before you watch
Watch the Video
In the film The Immigrant, Charlie Chaplin acts as an immigrant who is unused to life in a different country.
The Immigrant
The Immigrant was a 1917 film written and directed by Charlie Chaplin (1889-1977), who appeared in the film with the frquent co-star of many of his early films, Edna Purviance (1895-1958). In the film, Chaplin plays the Tramp, who in this case has taken a ship to immigrate to the United States. Much of the film involves his adventures during his voyage, where he meets and falls in love with Purviance.
The latter half of the film revolves around Chaplin losing his money without realising it, going to a restaurant to eat (where he is joined by Purviance), and then discovering that he cannot pay his and her bill. All ends happily, however, and Chaplin carries Purviance into the marriage license office so they can wed.
1. Why does Chaplin keep putting money into the woman's pocket and taking it out
2. Where does Chaplin get the money to eat at the restaurant
Think about the answers to these questions.
He wants to give her some money, but cannot decide if he wants to give her all of his money, or keep some of the money for himself.
He finds a coin on the ground.
While you watch
3. Why does the waiter become angry with Chaplin
4. Why does the man sitting next to Chaplin become angry with him
5. Can Chaplin pay the restaurant bill in the end
Because Chaplin has not taken off his hat.
Because of Chaplin's sloppy eating habits.
We don't know from the video clip.
1. Write a script, assign roles, and “dub” the sense
2. Discuss if the film is better dubbed or silent.
3. Discuss what you think will happen next in the film. Write it down.
Work in groups. Finish the following activities.
After you watch