人教版2019选择性必修第一册Unit 5 Working the Land Assessing Your Progress & Project课件(共23张)


名称 人教版2019选择性必修第一册Unit 5 Working the Land Assessing Your Progress & Project课件(共23张)
格式 pptx
文件大小 13.2MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-10-11 16:29:19



Unit 5 Working the Land
Assessing Your Progress & Project
Assessing Your Progress
By the end of this section, you will be able to:
1. check and consolidate what you have learnt in this unit when it comes
to vocabulary, such as be comprised of, depth, and essential;
2. check and consolidate what you have learnt in this unit when it comes
to grammar, like subject clause;
3. have a better understanding of the importance of Qi Min Yao Shu in
our agricultural history;
4. improve your ability of self-evaluation and reflection.
Learning objectives
Read and complete the passage with the correct forms of the words and phrases in the box. Then answer the questions.
attain be comprised of depth diverse
essential for instance output soil
Jia Sixie was a government official from Shandong Province who conducted a lot of agricultural research in the sixth century. In his travels, he observed that some farmers had much better ______ than others, so he decided to investigate the best ways of _________ good harvests. After retiring, he wrote a book, Qi Min Yao Shu, which _______________ sound advice and practices for people doing agricultural work. In one piece of advice, __________, he told farmers to clear weeds from the ground before planting crops. They could either let the animals eat the weeds or turn the ____ over so that the weeds were covered. Then he gave advice on ploughing, suggesting
was comprised of
for instance
that the autumn ploughing should be at a greater _____ than the spring ploughing. He also suggested changing crops to get better harvests every year. Finally, he suggested that farmers grow a ______ range of crops next to each other in the fields. Although it has been centuries since Jia Sixie died, Qi Min Yao Shu is still considered a(n) ________ book in China s agricultural history.
1. Why did Jia Sixie investigate good ways of farming
2. What makes Qi Min Yao Shu an important book in China s agricultural history
attain be comprised of depth diverse
essential for instance output soil
1. He was an official who wanted to help people.
2. Because it was comprised of sound advice and practice for people doing agricultural work.
Sample Answer
1. __________________ the research centre is to be set up has not been decided.
2. ______ many countries still face food shortages remains a big problem.
3. ______ impressed me most was that the hybrid rice enabled farmers to expand
their output greatly.
4. ______________ the plan is to be carried out still needs discussing.
5. _________ the new chemical pesticide is effective remains to be seen.
6. ______ will join in the research team will be announced tomorrow.
7. ______ he quit his high-paying job is not difficult to understand. He wanted to
start up his own business.
Fill in the blanks with that, whether, or wh- question words to complete the sentences.
What did you learn about agriculture that you did not know before
What interested you most about agriculture in this unit Give your reasons.
What other important aspects of agriculture do you want to know about
Overall, I thought this unit was interesting useful so-so difficult.
1. He managed to _________ the judge of his innocence. (convince, convinced)
2. If you are _________ that something is true, you feel sure that it is true. (convince, convinced)
3. A hundred years ago, several writers __________ a future in which robots would do more work. (vision, envisioned)
4. Although his ______ has not come true yet, he will continue working hard to achieve it. (vision, envision)
5. The whole food chain has been affected by the overuse of ___________ in agriculture. (chemistry, chemicals)
Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.
6. Organic ____________ is considered to have originated in the early 19th century.
(chemistry, chemicals)
7. Government support will be ________ if the project is to succeed.
(essential, essentials)
8. She packed a few _________ and headed for the countryside.
(essential, essentials)
Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.
1.The school board plans to have a(n) ________ built to the library.
2. The new film _____________ a lot of excitement, and ticket sales were way
beyond our expectations.
3. Unable to ________ his shyness, he stood there without saying anything.
4. Foreign trade ____________ greatly in the past few years.
5. It __________ that the project will last more than ten years.
Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the words in the box.
expand overcome estimate generate extension
has expanded
is estimated
5. 在大城市,自行车正在成为替代私家车出行的短途交通工具。(alternative, means of transport)
Translate the sentences into English using the words and phrases in brackets.
1. 我们需要通过大量的调研来验证这个假设是否成立。(assumption)
2. 妈妈困惑的问题是小宝宝消化不良。(why, digest)
3. 严格禁止考试作弊。(prohibit)
4. 我们需要找到实现目标的最佳途径,所以向王教授寻求建议(attain, turn to)
We need a lot of investigation to prove this assumption.
The mother wonders why her baby is not digesting well.
Cheating in exams is strictly prohibited.
We need to find the best way to attain our goal, so we are turning to Professor Wang for advice.
In big cities, bicycles are replacing private cars and becoming analternative means of short-distance transport.
By around 3000 BCE, the Egyptians had begun to use oxen to pull ploughs. The use of animals greatly improved agricultural production and reduced ___________ humans to perform the heavy labour. Horses, donkeys, mules, and water buffaloes were all used for farm work. With today’s technological developments, the _____________ of machines has largely replaced animals in farm work. These machines can carry out ___________ tasks such as ploughing and planting, fertilising and irrigating, harvesting, and managing pest, weed, and disease control. Farm machinery has ____________________ of agriculture, and _____________ greatly. For example, ____________ that one farmer on a cotton-picking machine can harvest as much in a day as 100 people working by hand.
Use the correct forms of the expressions in the box to complete the passage. What other agricultural changes do you know about
a diversity of it is estimated the need for
increase output widespread use boost the development
the need for
widespread use
a diversity of
boosted the development
increased output
it is estimated
Project: Make a poster of your favourite dish, from field to plate
By the end of this section, you will be able to:
1. make a poster of your favourite dish, from field to plate based on
teacher’s instruction;
2. explain where ingredients of food come from and how they are
produced during making your poster;
3. improve your ability of evaluation and appreciation during displaying your poster.
Learning objectives
In groups, discuss this line of poetry, “Every single grain on your plate is the result of hard work.”
What does this line mean to you
How should this knowledge affect your daily life
Brainstorm a list of your favourite dishes. Each dish should be comprised of five or more ingredients. Choose one dish from your list that everyone in your group likes. Find a list of its ingredients from a recipe or a product label.
EXAMPLE: Kung Pao Chicken is made with chicken, peanuts, onions, red peppers, Sichuan peppercorns, ginger, garlic, oil, cooking wine, salt, soy sauce, vinegar, etc.
Assign team members to research where and how each of these ingredients is produced.
EXAMPLE: Peanuts are planted in April or May. It takes around 120 to 160 days for them to be ready for harvesting. This is usually done by hand. The farmer pulls the peanut plants out of the ground and leaves them in the field to dry. The peanuts are then collected and separated from their vines. They are dried for some more time and then taken to the market for sale.
planting season
growth cycle
harvesting and processing
Work together to make a poster about your favourite dish. Each team member should explain where at least one ingredient comes from and how it is produced. Use the following table to help you.
Basic element in this research report Useful expression
Introduce your choice of the dish (name and ingredients, taste, reason for your choice) be comprised of
be known as/for
Describe your research procedure and methods to begin with, then, after that, finally; conduct a survey/an interview; surf the Internet; refer to
State your research findings according to ...
Our research shows/indicates/reveals ...
demonstrates that ...
Share your inspirations What we have learnt from the research is that ...
What the research has inspired us is that ...
Making a poster
Present your poster to the class. And use the following table to evaluate others posters.
Group presentation checklist
Logic Clear Yes No
Organised Yes No
Inclusive Yes No
Language Fluent Yes No
Abundant in vocabulary Yes No
Using the target grammar of this unit Yes No
Inspirational Yes No
Delivery Proper voice and emotion Yes No
Good interaction (eye contact) with the audience Yes No
Cooperation Showing good teamwork Yes No
Our Favourite Food: Spaghetti!
Spaghetti is made of noodles, canned tomatoes, garlic, salt, spices, cheese, and beef.
Canned tomatoes: Tomato seeds are planted by machine in late March and early April. By late June and early July, the tomatoes are ready for harvest. This is usually done by machine. After harvesting, the tomatoes are taken to a factory. They are cleaned. The peel is taken off and they are cut up. They are then put in cans which are sealed shut. These cans are then cooked at a high temperature.
Sample Answer
Revise the words and grammar of the unit based on your self-evaluation.
According to the teacher’s and classmates’ evaluation, polish your poster.