人教版(2019)必修第一册Unit 4 Natural disasters Listening and Talking课件(共34张PPT,内镶嵌视频和音频)


名称 人教版(2019)必修第一册Unit 4 Natural disasters Listening and Talking课件(共34张PPT,内镶嵌视频和音频)
格式 pptx
文件大小 9.4MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-10-11 16:51:22



Listening and Talking
To listen to the safety instructions for earthquakes
To develop a positive attitude in the face of natural disasters and discuss disaster safety measures
To cooperate to report on the preparations of natural disasters
Learning objectives
What should we do to protect ourselves in the earthquake Give your advice.
Warming up
Ways to protect ourselves in an earthquake:
In an earthquake, we can…
drop onto our hands and knees
protect our head and neck from harm
cover our body
hold onto something secure.
stay in place during the earthquake
use the surroundings

Mrs Fors is a rescue worker. She and her dog, Lucky, are visiting a senior high school. Listen to the conversation and complete the table.
Before an earthquake Make a safety list of ___________, __________ and _____________.
During an earthquake (in a building) Remember to “________, ________ and ________”.
what to do
where to go
who to contact
hold on
During an earthquake (outdoors) Go to a(n) ________ space away from ________, ________ or power lines.
After an earthquake (if you’re trapped) Use a(n) _________ to get help.
Tap on a pipe or _________ or whistle for help.
cell phone
a wall
Listen to the conversation again and fill in the blanks.
Student 1: Mrs Fors, I think you're a hero. And Lucky is
very cute. I'd like to know what we can do to
prevent natural disasters.
Ms Fors: Well, there's no way to prevent earthquakes and
storms. But if we prepare, we can keep
them from becoming disasters that kill or injure
people. To be ready, __________ make a safety list
of what to do, where to go, and who to contact.
we should
Student 1: So what should we do if there's an earthquake
Ms Fors: ______________ “drop, cover, and hold on”.
______________ onto your hands and knees,
cover your head with your hands, and
______________ from glass, windows, or
anything that could fall. ______________
find cover under a desk or table. Hold on to the
desk or table so it doesn't move away from you.
Teacher: What should we do if we're outside when an
earthquake happens
Remember to
Drop down
stay away
You could
Ms Fors: ______________ an open space away from
buildings, trees, or power lines.
Student 2: And what about after an earthquake
Ms Fors:Well, if you're trapped, ______________ use a cell
phone to call or text for help. ______________ also tap on a pipe or a wall, or whistle for help. That way Lucky and I can find you!
Go to
you can
You can
What do you know about rescue dog
Sniffer dogs or detection dogs are used for all kinds of situations. Some are used only in natural disasters to find survivors; others are used in public places like airports, train stations, etc., to find drugs or terrorists. Some are used in crime scenes to find clues and some are even used to search for dangerous wildlife in forests or on coasts.
Let’s watch a video.
Choose a disaster and prepare a list of safety instructions.
tornado tsunami earthquake wildfire flood
First/First of all, you should…
Cover your…
Call an emergency number.
Stay calm.
Listen to the news.
Stay away from…
Don’t drive or walk outside.
Move to a safe place. Make sure…
Collect water and food if you can.
Finally,… Stay indoors.
Giving instructions
adj.镇静的; vt.使平静
First of all, you should stay calm if you’re in a tornado. Cover your ears if the noise is too loud. Stay indoors and get to a low place. Stay away from windows. Don’t drive or walk outside in a tornado.
Know where you can take shelter in the house, for example, bathroom, storage rooms, get away from the windows.
Store protective coverings, like sleeping bags, thick blankets, etc.
Make sure the safety supplies are handy.
Turn on TV and radio, stay alert for warnings.
If you are outdoors, run into shopping center, hospital, stadiums, or any safe and nearby shelter area.
If you hear tsunami warning, evacuate at once.
Go as high and as far as you can —at least to a spot 30 meters above sea level or 2 miles away.
Take your emergency kit.
Drop, cover, and hold on to protect yourself from the possible
Avoid downed power lines and stay away from buildings and bridges from which heavy objects might fall during an aftershock.
Prepare a basic disaster supplies kit and find a safe place.
Drop down immediately.
Take cover under a desk, table and hold on.
Cover your head and neck with your hands. Stay away from windows, or furniture that can fall on you.
If you are outdoors, find a clear spot away from trees, buildings, and power lines; drop to the ground and cover head and neck.
Gather emergency supplies.
If trapped, call 119, give your location and turn on lights to help rescuers find you.
Use masks or wet towels to help you breathe and keep smoke outside.
Gather emergency supplies.
Leave areas subject to flooding: low spots.
Avoid driving through flooded areas and standing water.
Turn off all main power switch and gas.
Having an emergency kit prepared is also very important. Look at the emergency supplies below. Discuss with a partner what else you would add.
Prepare An Emergency Kit
water food radio flashlight
cell phone knife gloves matches
Other items
Emergency Supplies
first aid kit
How to prepare emergency food supply
Plan to have at least a 3-day supply of food.
Have a long storage-life.
Require no cooking, water, or refrigeration.
Meet the needs of babies, pets, or other family members who are on special diets.
They are not very salty or spicy, as these foods increase the need for drinking water.
Select 6 items into your emergency kit and explain why it is necessary to your partner.
When a disaster happens, I can use…
I need a whistle in my emergency kit. If I am trapped in a destroyed building, I can use it to get help. I need water and food for three days. The city could be damaged, and we might not be able to get water or food in the supermarket…
Report to the class the safety instructions you listed and then explain what emergency supplies people should keep on hand.
If you find yourself in danger from a forest fire, first of all, stay calm. Cover your face with… Then go to a safer place if you can…
Now for our emergency supplies, we would suggest always having on hand enough water and food for three days, a radio…
Prepare a flashlight in your emergency kit is also important, because…
1. Go to an open space away from buildings, trees, or power lines.
e.g. The ship was helpless against the power of the storm.
Make sure the power is switched off first.
After the accident she lost the power of speech.
Workers had little political power.
power n. electricity; a natural or special ability to do something; the physical strength or effect of something; the ability or right to control people or events 电力;能量;力量;控制力;权力
strength, force, energy & power
strength 人的体力、力气、强度、优点。尤指承受重物的力量
force 武力;暴力;力量:指人或事物撞击所用的力;复数形式:兵力,军队
energy 人的精力,活力
power 人的某种能力;机器的动力;人、国家或某个机构的权力。
e.g. He pushed against the rock with all his strength.
The force of the wind closed the door.
The manager listened carefully to Jack’s plan and admired him for his energy and enthusiasm.
After the serious disease he lost the power of speech.
A car needs a lot of power to go fast.
1) It is beyond my _________ to help you.
2) I don’t have the _________ to deal with it right now.
3) The soldiers took the prisoners away by _________.
4) Tolerance is one of her many _________.
2. Stay calm.
calm vt. to make someone become quiet and relaxed
(使)平静; (使)镇定
adj. relaxed and quiet, not angry, nervous, or upset
镇静的; 沉着的
calm oneself 使自己平静下来
calm down 平静,镇静,安静
stay/keep/remain calm 保持镇静
e.g. The high wind passed and the sea was calm again.
Shelly was unable to calm herself because she lost her keys.
Calm down, man. What’s the trouble
Although his bike was broken, he tried to keep calm about it.
1) 请努力保持镇静,医生很快就到。
Please try to stay calm. The doctor will be here soon.
2) 大海今天看起来更平静。
The sea looks much calmer today.
3) 她深吸了一口气,使自己平静下来。
She took a deep breath to calm herself (down).
I. 从方框内选择合适的单词并用其正确形式填空。
1. The plane is carrying _________ supplies for people in the earthquake-stricken area.
2. From the bottom of the garden I recognized my father's ________.
3. A woman in the street saw that he was in trouble and came to his ________.
4. Everything was going well until suddenly _________ struck.
5. Many buildings were badly ________ during the tornado.
damage, disaster, aid, whistle, emergency
A. hide in any building you come across
B. get close to a pool or river C. leave its doors unlocked
D. move to a place E. stay calm
Wildfire Safety Instructions
Wildfires can be both natural and man-made. They spread at an amazing speed and destroy everything in their way.
If you are caught in a wildfire, first of all, 1. ______. Use a wet cloth to cover your nose and mouth to make sure that you can breathe. Try to stay upwind of the fire at all times and 2. _______.
II. 选用方框内合适的选项完成下面短文(每项限用一次)。
If there is no water nearby, 3. __________ which has already burned out and is less likely to spark up again. Stay low and cover yourself with wet clothing or a blanket (毯子) until the fire passes. If there are no other choices, 4. __________. Remember to close all the doors, windows and vents (通风孔) in the building but 5. __________ so that firefighters can save you.
A. hide in any building you come across
B. get close to a pool or river C. leave its doors unlocked
D. move to a place E. stay calm
Gather information from the Internet and make a poster in pairs to introduce the disaster safety measures and your emergency supplies.