

名称 四川省德阳市第五中学2024-2025学年高一上学期10月月考英语试题(含答案,无听力音频有听力原文)
格式 docx
文件大小 41.7KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 通用版
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-10-11 17:53:03



命题人: 审题人:
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分20分)
第一节 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
1.Why does the woman collect those cans
A.To raise money. B.To give them to her mom. C.To protect the environment.
2.What is the woman doing
A.Giving advice. B.Asking for help. C.Making a request.
3.What will the woman do on Saturday night
A.Go somewhere. B.Do her homework. C.Hand in her homework.
4.What is the probable relationship between the speakers
A.Neighbors. B.Colleagues. C.Classmates.
5.How is the man feeling now
A.Disappointed. B.Tired. C.Surprised.
第二节 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
6.What day is it today
A.October 10th. B.October 9th. C.October 8th.
7.What does the man want
A.A TV. B.A dictionary. C.A novel.
8.What does the man’s brother think of Mr. Williams
A.He’s talented. B.He’s strict. C.He’s humorous.
9.What would Mr. Williams like his students to do
A.Talk with native speakers. B.Join the Spanish club. C.Speak Spanish loudly.
10.What will the man do after the talk
A.Sign up for the course. B.Give his brother a call. C.Have a talk with Mr. Williams.
11.What will Joseph do first today
A.Meet his friends at home.
B.Have dinner with his grandparents.
C.Go to a nice restaurant with his parents.
12.How does the woman feel about Joseph’s eating a lot
A.That’s fine. B.That’s unusual. C.That’s worrying.
13.What will the man give the woman
A.A cake. B.A huge box. C.Some candles.
14.What’s the relationship between Hannah and Toby
A.Mother and son. B.Sister and brother. C.Husband and wife.
15.What is the woman’s husband
A.A host. B.A teacher. C.A doctor.
16.When will the summer holidays come
A.In two days. B.In two weeks. C.In two months.
17.What will the woman do during the summer holidays
A.Go surfing. B.Go travelling. C.Go walking.
18.Where is the speaker from
A.Sudan. B.America. C.England.
19.What does the speaker say about reading
A.It is difficult. B.It gives him power. C.It allows him to earn his living.
20.What is the speaker mainly talking about
A.The road to success.
B.The importance of education.
C.The study in Columbia University.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分30分)
Four of the Most Magical Movies from Your Childhood
Whether it was the attractive characters, the memorable scenes or simply because it was the first film your mum or dad took you to, these are the movies that have left the most lasting impressions over the decades.
Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory
“I loved it for two reasons. First, it showed a wonderful, loving extended family. I was fascinated by their kitchen setting and the little corner where the boy Charlie slept. Second, inside the chocolate factory was what all children dreamed of. The whole movie transported me from my childhood worries into a fairyland world.” — Margaret McKee
“For a kid who often felt like he didn’t fit in, and wasn’t good at anything, it was magical to see Dumbo discover his talent and become loved and celebrated.” — Lorraine
The Never-ending Story
“It has to be the most magical movie. The story has everything a young kid can ask for: a great story, a mythical flying dog and an interesting ending. Our family continue to watch it today.” — Aaron Elliott
The Sound of Music
“When I was young, movies were a treat, with candies, friends and a canvas seat. There was a special one that I did adore, and many times I’ve gone back for more. The songs, the scenery and the story line always transport me to another time. It is such a classic that my memories of it are so fantastic.” — Joanne Carter
21.What is “Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory” about
A.A dangerous situation. B.A fairyland world.
C.A mysterious friend. D.An unexpected incident.
22.Which movie may most help children lacking confidence
A.Dumbo. B.The Never-ending Story.
C.The Sound of Music.’ D.Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory.
23.What does Aaron Elliott think of “The Never-ending Story”
A.It is full of unrealistic things. B.It meets all his expectations.
C.It influences people of all ages. D.It is the most meaningful movie.
I’m an immigrant from China, and I found that in Quebec I had to learn French, which was a totally strange language to me. After waiting for half a month, I received a letter from my school, St-luc, and began learning French in a welcome class, which is a class for new immigrants. Even though French was rather hard for me to speak and to understand, I began my secondary five studies the next year.
The first few days were terrible, especially the first class of the first day. Although I had been in St-Luc for one year, I still didn’t know much about the school. The first problem that I had was finding my classroom. Luckily, I met a girl who was in my French class and my chemistry class.
After the bell rang, the teacher, Mme. Zarif, began her class. First, she introduced herself to everyone and then gave us the course outline for the first year. During her class, everyone laughed many times. Although I could only understand a little bit, I could tell that she was very funny.
At the end of her speech, to make sure that we did not forget what we had learned in secondary four, Mme. Zarif gave us a paper with many symbols of elements on it and asked us to write their names in French. I was shocked when I received the paper. Honestly, the only symbol I knew was O. After having started at the paper for a few minutes, I gave up and raised my hand. The teacher came, and I told her that I didn’t know anything.
“You have forgotten everything already ” she said in a surprised tone. “No,” I answered, “I have never learned them in French before. I am from the welcome class.” “Oh,” the teacher said with a look of understanding. “Come here after school. I will teach them to you.”
I agreed. Finally, I handed in the paper with only one answer on it. On the whole, my first day of secondary five was a little embarrassing but, at the same time, interesting.
24.What is the author’s first problem on his first day of secondary five
A.Finding his classroom. B.Introducing himself.
C.Understanding French. D.Taking an exam.
25.What does the author think of Mme. Zarif
A.Quiet. B.Energetic. C.Brave. D.Humorous.
26.Why did the author fail to finish writing chemical elements
A.He forgot to revise chemistry. B.He couldn’t write French at all.
C.He didn’t concentrate on the lesson. D.He didn’t learn them in French.
27.What is the best title of the text
A.A Welcome Class. B.My French teacher.
C.My first Chemistry Class. D.An immigrant from China.
Has your mom or dad ever posted a photo of you on social media that you didn’t want anyone outside your family to see In an age when people often share personal information on sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, many parents usually post photos of their children. According to a recent study, a parent will post almost 1,000 photos of a child online before the child turns 5.
Parents often post photos on social media because they want to share their child’s special moments with friends and family. Some moms and dads do it as a way to connect with other parents. They may have discussions with experienced parents about topics such as how to get kids to sleep, or how to deal with kids’ behavioral problems.
Most parents don’t ask their children for permission before posting photos of them. They feel it is not necessary to consult with their children first because the benefits outweigh any possible risks. Many of them do not fear their kids’ pictures will spread further than intended. Some may even expect unknown people to view and comment on the pictures, and thus meet more new people on the Internet. “The images I post of my children allow me to know a lot of people I wouldn’t necessarily include on my list," said Lauren Apfel, writer and mother of four. “They have helped me create a group on social media.”
Other parents and child experts believe that kids should be consulted. They say that photos can stay online for many years and that kids should have some control over their online photos. Devorah Heitner, an author who runs workshops about kids, is of the same opinion. Allow your children to decide whether you can share their pictures on social media,” she said.
28.What do we know about today’s parents from Paragraph 1
A.They spend too much time online. B.They like posting their kids’ photos.
C.They often post photos of family members. D.They try to protect kids’ personal information.
29.What is a reason why parents share their children’s photos online
A.They share the photos just for fun. B.They hope to introduce their kids.
C.They are in need of parenting advice. D.They want to offer support to their kids.
30.What does Apfel think of sharing kids’ photos online
A.It is likely to be risky. B.It is harmful to children.
C.It makes her online friends bored. D.It helps her to make more friends.
31.What is Heitner’s advice for parents who will post their kids’ photos
A.Get kids’ permission first. B.Try to do it with their kids.
C.Tell kids the photos are theirs. D.Let kids know sharing is helpful.
A new study has found that some of the hottest heatwaves in history happened a long time ago and were not well known. Scientists from the University of Bristol did this research and said that as our world gets warmer, we can expect even hotter heatwaves in the future.
The study found five very hot heatwaves that were not talked about much. Dr. Vikki Thompson, who led the study, said that the heatwave in Canada and the United States was very surprising, but there were even hotter ones in the past. She also said that using what we know about the climate, we can guess that very hot days will get more common in the next 100 years.
Heatwaves can cause a lot of problems. The one in western North America was very bad and caused many disasters. It also started big fires that damaged many things and ruined crops. People will remember this heatwave because it caused so much damage.
Even though the hottest places are not always the ones that have the biggest problems, they are often connected. Knowing more about the very hot days and where they happen can help protect the most vulnerable regions.
Professor Dann Mitchell, who also worked on the study, said that climate change is a big health problem for everyone on Earth. He pointed out that many heatwaves in places that are not very rich were not noticed. When a country gets very hot, it can cause many people to die, especially if the temperature is not normal for them.
The University of Bristol cares about the problems caused by climate change and wants to help fix them. In 2019, it was the first university in the UK to say that there is a climate emergency (紧急情况).
32.What can we expect about heatwaves in the future
A.They will decrease in amount.
B.They will only affect certain regions.
C.They will have no impact on global health.
D.They will increase in degree over the coming century.
33.What does the underlined word “disasters” in paragraph 3 mean
A.Cuts in food production. B.Events resulting in great loss.
C.Activities held by government. D.Something important to environment.
34.Why is it important to understand where the hottest heatwaves have happened
A.To predict where the next heatwave will happen.
B.To find the connection between heatwaves and crop yields (产量).
C.To help take measures to protect the most vulnerable regions.
D.To determine which countries need to reduce their greenhouse gas.
35.What can we know from paragraph 5
A.Climate change has had a great influence on health.
B.The heatwaves outside of the developed world are always noticed.
C.The death rate related to the climate change is expected to be lower.
D.Developing countries are warned of the influences of climate change.
Do you feel nervous when speaking English 36 Many students often have the same feeling as you do. When they want to say something in English, they get too nervous to speak anything. They are afraid of making mistakes or afraid that no one will understand them. 37
But normally a mistake doesn’t stop people from understanding you at all. Instead, they can understand you quite well even with mistakes. 38 As an English learner, your goal of speaking English should be to communicate with others. And you don’t need to say a perfect sentence. Just speak English out. Every time you are able to communicate with someone in English, you will feel better about your English speaking skills. It is important to keep trying.
39 Besides speaking, you’d better pay attention to the following.
Listening: The more you hear, the easier it will be for you to copy what you hear.
Practice: The more you speak, the more comfortable you will feel about speaking. 40 Ask questions at a shop. Say hello to the bus driver. Just open your mouth and talk whenever you can.
A.How can you improve your spoken English as quickly as possible then
B.You are not alone.
C.Where can we learn spoken English
D.Start with easy things.
E.It’s this fear that stops some people from speaking at all.
F.Just repeat what you hear bravely.
G.So don’t be afraid of mistakes!
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分25分)
I’ve heard such a story. On a Friday 41 , a poor young artist stood at the gate of the subway station, playing his violin. The music was 42 , and many people who hurried to go home 43 and put some money into the hat of the young man.
The next night, the young artist took out a large piece of 44 and laid it on the ground. Then he began 45 . The music sounded more pleasant. Some people gathered and they found the 46 on that paper, “Last night, a gentleman put a (n) 47 thing into my hat. Please come to get it back”. When the people saw that, they felt very curious and 48 what it could be. After about half an hour, a man 49 there in a hurry and said, “It can’t be true! You… you…”.
The young violinist asked, “Did you 50 something ” “A lottery ticket(彩票)”, the man answered 51 .
The violinist took out a lottery ticket. “Is it ” he asked.
The man was too 52 to say a word. He 53 a lottery ticket a few days ago. The awards opened yesterday and he won $ 500, 000.So lucky and excited did he feel that he 54 50 dollars and put it into the hat when hearing the music. However, the lottery ticket was also thrown into the hat without being 55 . After the violinist finished his performance, he found the lottery ticket in his hat. Thinking that the owner would probably return to look for it, he came back to where he was given the lottery ticket.
Someone asked the violinist why he returned the lottery ticket to the man. He said, “Although 1 don’t have much money, I live happily; but if I lose honesty, I won’t be happy forever.”
41.A.morning B.afternoon C.noon D.night
42.A.quiet B.beautiful C.shocking D.interesting
43.A.slowed down B.sped up C.passed by D.went away
44.A.paper B.glass C.plastic D.cloth
45.A.working B.sliding C.singing D.playing
46.A.poems B.articles C.words D.texts
47.A.important B.fantastic C.dangerous D.lovely
48.A.talked B.cared C.expected D.guessed
49.A.came B.rushed C.walked D.left
50.A.damage B.discover C.forget D.lose
51.A.proudly B.worriedly C.seriously D.carefully
52.A.tired B.disappointed C.excited D.surprised
53.A.bought B.made C.drew D.sold
54.A.handed out B.took out C.lifted up D.picked up
55.A.destroyed B.noticed C.guided D.caught
第一小题 单句语法填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
56.______ (look) back on my high school life, the most important advice I’d give is these wonderful words from the writer Maya Angelou.
57.The students ______ always actively participate in after- school activities on campus often develop better social skills and team work abilities.
58.His poor ______ (perform) in the exam disappointed his parents.
59.We have trouble ______ (communicate) with people who speak different languages.
60.Whenever the baby cried, I needed to figure ______ the reason: was the little one hungry or did he need sleep
61.English is probably the most widely ______ (speak) language on the planet taking into account native and non-native speakers.
62.Jim ______ (cook) in the kitchen when he heard a knock at the door.
63.On the lunar New Year’s Day, we visited every neighbor in the village and were greeted ______ (warm) at each house.
64.The project is likely ______ (take) a long time to complete.
65.This is the first time that he ______ (argue) with his parents over a decision.
假定你是李华,请以“My First Day at Senior High”为题,写一篇日记。内容包括:
My First Day at Senior High
Monday September 1st Fine
Sal Garfield was having a bad day. He had been busy making cakes since 3 am. And now, his employee(雇员) who should take over the shop for the afternoon had just called in sick(请假).
Sal was an artist in making cakes. No one could make cakes like him, but he wasn’t a person who is good at talking to others. He dealt with several hateful(令人讨厌的) customers that morning, so when Janie, a nine- year- old girl, walked in, he was already very angry. Janie placed her little hands against the glass as she looked at the delicious cakes. “Hey, kid!” Sal shouted. “Don’t put your hands on the glass! I just cleaned it!” Janie jumped back and said sorry. “Everything looks so delicious! My mom says you make the best red velvet(丝绒) cake in the world,” Janie smiled. Sal felt happy about the praise.
“I want to buy a birthday cake,” Janie said and reached out her hand. There were many coins that didn’t come to more than a few dollars. She said she wanted to buy a red velvet cake. But Sal replied. “I hope you have more than those three or four dollars, kid! That cake costs $70!” Janie was shocked, and hoped she could buy just a slice(薄片) since she didn’t have any more money.
“Kid,” Sal answered, “you can’t even afford a slice!” Janie almost cried. She pointed at other cakes, asking whether she could buy one of the cheapest. Sal shook his head.
Janie was so sad. She wanted to buy a birthday cake for her mom, who had got seriously ill. Sal’s red velvet cake was her mom’s favorite. Janie wanted to buy one to surprise and cheer her mom up. Knowing she couldn’t even afford one of any other birthday cakes, Janie started crying, “Please, Sir. You don’t understand…” Sal lost his patience, shouting, “Get out! Try somewhere else!” Janie ran out and sat on a chair outside of the door, crying sadly. Just then, an old lady walked past.
The old lady stopped to ask Janie, “Sweetie, are you OK ”
Hearing their conversation by accident, Sal felt regretful for his behavior just now.
1-5CBBCA 6-10 CABAA 11-15 AACBC 16-20 BCABB
第二部分 阅读
21.B 细节理解题。根据Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory中“The whole movie transported me from my childhood worries into a fairyland world.(整部电影把我从童年的烦恼带入了童话世界)”由此可知,电影Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory和童话世界有关。故选B。
22.A 细节理解题。根据Dumbo中“For a kid who often felt like he didn’t fit in, and wasn’t good at anything, it was magical to see Dumbo discover his talent and become loved and celebrated.(对于一个经常觉得自己格格不入、什么都不擅长的孩子来说,看到小飞象发现自己的天赋、受到爱戴和赞扬,真是不可思议)”由此可知,电影Dumbo也许最能帮助缺乏自信的孩子。故选A。
23.B 推理判断题。根据The Never-ending Story中“The story has everything a young kid can ask for: a great story, a mythical flying dog and an interesting ending.(这个故事有一个小孩子想要的一切:一个伟大的故事,一个神秘的飞行狗和一个有趣的结局)”可推知,Aaron Elliott认为电影The Never-ending Story满足了他所有的期望。故选B。
24.A 细节理解题。根据第二段中“The first problem that I had was finding my classroom.(我遇到的第一个问题是找到我的教室)”可知,作者第一天遇到的第一个问题是找到他的教室。故选A。
25.D 细节理解题。根据第三段中“During her class, everyone laughed many times. Although I could only understand a little bit, I could tell that she was very funny.(在她的课上,每个人都笑了很多次。虽然我只能听懂一点点,但我可以看出她很有趣)”可知,作者认为Mme. Zarif很幽默。故选D。
26.D 细节理解题。根据倒数第三段中“At the end of her speech, to make sure that we did not forget what we had learned in secondary four, Mme. Zarif gave us a paper with many symbols of elements on it and asked us to write their names in French. (演讲结束时,为了确保我们不会忘记四年级学到的东西,扎里夫夫人给了我们一张纸,上面有许多元素的符号,她让我们用法语写下他们的名字)”以及倒数第二段中“I have never learned them in French before.(我从来没学过法语怎么说化学元素)”可知,作者没有写完化学元素因为他在法语里没有学过。故选D。
27.C 主旨大意题。根据最后一段中“Finally, I handed in the paper with only one answer on it. On the whole, my first day of secondary five was a little embarrassing but, at the same time, interesting.(最后,我交了那篇只有一个答案的论文。总的来说,我上中五的第一天有点尴尬,但同时也很有趣)”结合作者是一名来自中国的移民,文章讲述了作者第一天上法语课的经历。可知,C选项“我的第一节化学课”最符合文章标题。故选C。
28-31 BCDA
细节理解题。根据第一段中“In an age when people often share personal information on sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, many parents usually post photos of their children.(在一个人们经常在Facebook、Twitter 和Instagram等网站上分享个人信息的时代,许多父母通常会发布他们孩子的照片)”可知,今天的父母喜欢发布他们孩子的照片。故选B。
细节理解题。根据第二段中“They may have discussions with experienced parents about topics such as how to get kids to sleep, or how to deal with kids’ behavioral problems.(他们可能会与有经验的父母讨论一些话题,比如如何让孩子入睡,或如何处理孩子的行为问题)”可知,父母在网上分享孩子照片的原因是需要养育建议。故选C。
细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中“The images I post of my children allow me to know a lot of people I wouldn’t necessarily include on my list(我发布的孩子们的照片让我认识了很多人,我不一定会把他们列入我的名单)”可知,Apfel认为在网上分享孩子的照片帮助她交到更多的朋友。故选D。
细节理解题。根据最后一段“Allow your children to decide whether you can share their pictures on social media(让你的孩子决定你是否可以在社交媒体上分享他们的照片)”可知,对于那些想要上传孩子照片的父母,海特纳建议先征得孩子们的同意。故选A。
32.D 【解析】细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句可知,预计未来会有温度更高的热浪。
33.B 【解析】词义推测题。根据第三段可知,disaster是名词,是指造成重大损失的事件,意为“灾难”。
34.C 【解析】推理判断题。根据第四段最后一句可知,了解热浪以及它们发生的地方有利于人们提前做好防护工作。
35.A 【解析】推理判断题。根据文章中 Professor Dann Mitchell的话可知,气候变化对人的健康有很大的影响。
36-40 BEGAD
完型填空41-45 DBAAD 46-50 CADBD 51-55 BCABB
56.Looking 57.who / that 58.performance 59.communicating 60.out
61.spoken 62.was cooking 63.warmly 64.to take 65.has argued
第二节 书面表达
Monday September 1st Fine
Today is my first day at senior high. On setting foot on the campus, I fell in love with it, where the friendly teachers and schoolmates welcomed us by leading our way, helping to carry suitcases and introducing something about the school.
However, the most meaningful part today was the class meeting, during which all the students made self-introductions and our head teacher told us many ways of studying as well as how to lead a colorful life at senior high school.
I hold the belief that with such responsible teachers and friendly classmates, I will have a happy and meaningful high school life.
The old lady stopped to ask Janie, “Sweetie, are you OK ” Janie shook her head. She expressed her sadness for not having enough money to buy her sick mom a birthday cake. Hearing what had happened to the girl’s mother, the old lady couldn’t help hugging Janie, comforted her, and decided to do something for her. She reached into her pocket, pulled out some money, and handed it to Janie. Then she led the girl back to the cake store.
Overhearing their conversation, Sal felt regretful for his behavior just now. When Janie walked back in, Sal greeted her with a warm smile this time. “I’m sorry, kid,” Sal said. “You can choose any cake for your mother for free.” Though surprised, Janie’s face lit up and she thanked Sal a lot. Janie walked carefully to the glass window, watching the red velvet cake that she had been looking forward to. Without any delay, Sal packed up the cake beautifully and handed it to Janie, saying, “Best wishes to your mother, kid!” Janie smiled and believed everything would be alright.
【导语】本文讲述了Sal Garfield开了一家蛋糕店,他擅长做蛋糕,但不喜欢与顾客交流。一天,他独自在店里,9岁的女孩珍妮走进店里,她想为生病的妈妈买一个红丝绒蛋糕,但她没有足够的钱,Sal Garfield不想和她浪费时间沟通,就把她赶了出去。女孩很伤心,坐在门外的椅子上哭了起来。
②.决定做某事:decide to do sth./be determined to do sth.
【点睛】[高分句型1].Hearing what had happened to the girl’s mother, the old lady couldn’t help hugging Janie, comforted her, and decided to do something for her.(由what引导的宾语从句作Hearing的宾语)
[高分句型2].When Janie walked back in, Sal greeted her with a warm smile this time.(由when引导的时间状语从句)
M: Hey, Jane, what are you doing with all those cans
W: I’m going to collect them. My mom says I have to help the environment.
W: Excuse me. I’m looking for my hat. It’s white with a big flower on it. I think I left it here earlier.
M: Oh, yes, I’ve seen it somewhere. I remember seeing it on the ground near the lemon tree.
M: It’s Saturday night. Do you want to go somewhere
W: I wanna go, but I have a lot of homework to do. You know, my teachers are very strict. I must hand in my homework on Monday.
W: Time flies. We will graduate next month.
M:Yes. After graduating, do you have any plans
W: I want to go on vacation this summer.
W: Why do you look so serious, Tom
M: I have a flight to Tokyo this morning, but I just received a message from the airline that it was put off.
W:Oh, that’s so unlucky.
W: Oh, October 9th is coming very near.
M: Are you talking about my birthday Yes. Tomorrow is my birthday.
W: What do you want for your birthday
M: Can I ask for a new 60 inches Ultra HDTV It’ll be more fun when I play video games.
W: Can’t you ask for something more educational, like a dictionary or a novel to read
M: They’re boring. And I can have an online version of a dictionary and a novel.
M: Which language will you study this term
W: I prefer Spanish.
M:I hear from my brother that the teacher, Mister Williams, is very strict.
W: But he has a special teaching style.
M: A special teaching style What is it
W: He usually invites native speakers to join the class.
M: It’s good to study foreign languages with native speakers.
W: Yes, many students can speak Spanish well after taking Mister William’s course.
M: I think I will also register for it.
W: That’s good.
M: Hi, Linda. Who are the presents for
W: Hi, Joe, my son, Joseph. Today is his birthday.
M: How old is Joseph now
W: 12 years old.
M: He’s almost a teenager. Are you doing anything special
W: Yeah, he is having a birthday party with his friends at home. Then afterwards, we are meeting my parents for dinner. They want to take him out to a nice restaurant.
M: What a fun day for him. He’s going to eat a lot.
W: Yeah, he can eat a lot these days. He’s a growing boy.
M: Did you make a birthday cake
W: No, I bought one this time. I didn’t have time this year.
M: Don’t forget the candles.
W: No, I forgot to buy some and I don’t have time to go to the stores. The birthday guests are coming soon.
M: I have a brand new pack. There are 12 candles in the box. You can have them.
W: Perfect. Thank you.
M: So, Judy, you are a mother of four. That’s right. What’s the age range
W: Hannah, the oldest, is 20 and Toby, the youngest, is 14.They always fight with each other.
M: I See. Do you find yourself playing the peacemaker or is that more your husband
W: He’s not at home in the evenings quite a bit because he works as a doctor.
M: Well, you are a teacher, so you are working with children all day and then you come home and you’ve got yours to deal with.
W: Yes. It’s June now, so they’ve got exams coming up. Is that difficult making them prepare for their exams
W: Yes, I found it very stressed.
M: So how long until you finish teaching and the children finish their exams
W: Another two weeks.
M: How are you going to celebrate finishing this stressful period
W: Well, the summer holidays are really nice. Instead of going traveling or surfing, I like going for lots of walks.
M: Hope you enjoy your holiday. Thank you.
Hello, I am Mark Toume Abdala from Sudan, born in 2004 in Niala, South Darfur. I have big dreams and I know education is my way to reach them. Each of us can get skills, tools and power to make changes in our lives and in the world through education. A generation needs the power to make changes. And the greatest power that’s ever known to all is the power of knowledge.
When I read books, I feel like I’m no longer in my tiny room without electricity. I feel like I’m confident enough to say that I’m the owner of my life. I’ve been able to travel through books to Cairo, London and all the way to Columbia University in New York. Learning languages makes me feel powerful as it changes my mind. It makes me feel I can communicate with other people, which is important to a connected world.