

名称 浙江省强基联盟2024-2025学年高三上学期10月联考英语试题(含解析,含听力原文及音频)
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 通用版
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-10-11 19:52:13


浙江强基联盟研究院 命制
1. 本试卷由四个部分组成。满分 150分,考试时间120分钟。
2. 考生作答时,请将答案答在答题卡上。选择题每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑;非选择题请用直径0. 5毫米黑色墨水签字笔在答题卡上各题的答题区域内作答,超出答题区域书写的答案无效,在试题卷、草稿纸上作答无效。
3. 本卷命题范围:高考范围。
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30分)
第一节(共5小题;每小题1. 5分,满分7. 5分)
听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有 10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
1. What is the man mainly excited about
A. Receiving some great grades. B. Being able to meet the president.
C. Becoming the student community leader.
2. How much does a cherry pie cost today
A. $10. B. $6. C. $4.
3. What will the weather be like tomorrow afternoon
A. Rainy. B. Sunny. C. Cloudy.
4. What does the man like to do
A. Play tennis. B. Play basketball. C. Play badminton.
5. What does the woman mean
A. She wears glasses when she swims. B. She doesn't use glasses when reading books.
C. She is not able to see things close to her clearly.
第二节(共15小题;每小题1. 5分,满分22. 5分)
听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
听下面一段对话,回答第6 和第7两个小题。
6. How does the woman mainly feel about her job
A. It's boring. B. It's interesting. C. It's challenging.
7. Who will probably help the woman next
A. Her manager. B. A marketing manager. C. Some website designers.
8. What are the speakers mainly talking about
A. Food history. B. Cooking equipment. C. Restaurant reservations.
9. What surprises the woman
A. That pasta might have its origin in China. B. That pancakes are likely from the Middle East.
C. That noodles were created by European traders.
10. How did the man mainly learn about the topic
A. From his travels. B. From his job. C. From his family.
11. Where are the speakers currently
A. In an office. B. In a forest. C. In a park.
12. What will the woman probably do to help
A. Create new policies. B. Do research about sea levels.
C. Give money to environmental groups.
13. What concerns the man most
A. Damage to homes. B. The risk of forest fires. C. Loss of wildlife habitats.
听下面一段对话,回答第14 至第 17 四个小题。
14. Which university is the man planning to attend
A. Duke University. B. King's College London. C. Johns Hopkins University.
15. Why did the woman decide to study medicine
A. Her volunteer work influenced the decision.
B. Her home is close to a local medical school.
C. Her parents wanted her to be a doctor.
16. What does the man suggest the woman do
A. Attend a college close to her home. B. Do volunteer work at a local hospital.
C. Write essays to apply for scholarships.
17. How was the man able to get a scholarship
A. By having interviews. B. By writing an essay. C. By studying abroad.
18. Where is the talk being given
A. At a charity event. B. At a museum in Xi’an. C. In a new school.
19. In what way is the team's digging strategy different
A. They help experts in science. B. They research ancient statues. C. They study history and culture.
20. Who will speak next
A. A student. B. A soldier. C. A scientist.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
第一节(共15 小题;每小题 2. 5 分,满分 37. 5分)
阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C和D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。
Missing Pieces Project: Add Your Pieces to the Big Picture
All over England are places with stories to tell: from buildings to battlefields, some on your doorstep, others just a day trip away. Their stories are still being written, and they won't be complete until you share your side.
The Missing Pieces Project invites you to share your pictures and stories of the unique, significant and memorable places on the National Heritage List for England. The List is a register of all nationally protected his toric buildings and sites across England. Your view of a place is as unique as you are, so every snapshot and story you add is an important piece of the picture. And the more pieces of the picture we have, the better we can work together to protect what makes these places special. Whether you have a connection to a place already or you' re discovering it for the first time, your views add important new pieces to the picture.
Images: from phone snaps to scans of old photos and architects' drawings, from wide angles to close- ups
Stories: from memories of holidays, school trips and family events to information about grand openings and transformations
Photos must be ones you took yourself, from public land or rights of way, or with permission from the landowner. To add an historic image, you must have the rights to it. See the Missing Pieces Project terms and conditions for more information.
Sign in and make a difference.
21. What is the purpose of the Missing Pieces Project
A. To create fine art pieces. B. To preserve historic places.
C. To promote a story contest. D. To teach photography skills.
22. How can you contribute to the project
A. By scanning a portrait of a great architect.
B. By taking a picture of a newly- built museum.
C. By writing a special story of your trip to France.
D. By sharing memories of a protected English site.
23. What is required for a photo taken on a private land
A. Quality information. B. Public permission.
C. The owner's support. D. A right background.
In medical school and throughout his career as a neonatologist, William Cashore was often asked to read and correct others' work. Little did they know that he was a spelling champion, with a trophy(奖品) at home to prove it. Cashore won the Scripps National Spelling Bee in 1954 at age 14. Now 84, he's the oldest living champi on of the contest, which dates back to 1925. As contestants from this year's competition headed home, he reflected on his experience and the effect it had on him.
Cashore credits his parents for helping him prepare for his trip to Washington, D. C. , for the spelling bee. His mother was an elementary school teacher and his father was a lab technician with a talent for taking words apart and putting them back together.
When the field narrowed to two competitors, the other boy misspelled “uncinate”, which means bent like a hook. Cashore spelled it correctly, then clinched the title with the word “transept”, an architectural term for the transverse part of a cross- shaped church.
Cashore, who was given $500 and an encyclopedia set, enjoyed a brief turn as a celebrity. He didn't br ag about his accomplishment after returning to Pennsylvania, but the experience quietly shaped him in multiple ways. “ It gave me much more self- confidence and also gave me a sense that it's very important to try to get things as correct as possible, ” he said. “I've always been that way, and I still feel that way. If people are careless about spelling and writing, you wonder if they' re careless about their thinking. ”
“Preparing for a spelling bee today requires more concentration and technique than it did decades ago, ” Cashore said. “The vocabulary of the words are far, far more technical. The English language, in the meantime, has imported a great many words from foreign languages which were not part of the English language when I was in eighth grade, ” he added.
24. What can we learn about Cashore from the first two paragraphs
A. He is the best ever spelling champion. B. He prepared alone for the spelling bee.
C. He used his spelling ability to help others. D. He preferred to show off his spelling talent.
25. What does the word “clinched” underlined in paragraph 3 refer to
A. Won. B. Declined. C. Removed. D. Gave.
26. How did the spelling bee competition affect Cashore
A. It helped him start his career. B. It strengthened his confidence.
C. It limited his way of thinking. D. It brought him lasting popularity.
27. What should we do to prepare for today's spelling bee according to Cashore
A. Learn multiple languages. B. Go abroad for language study.
C. Be a remarkable technician. D. Try to improve relevant skills.
There are functioning steam railways in other countries: tourists in France can go for a ride in Brittany; so can visitors travelling to the Dandenong Ranges in Australia. But no other country has a heritage railway sector anywhere near as energetic as the UK's, where more than 170 services cross around 600 miles of track and call at 460 stations.
Just a few years after the first of these railways opened at Talyllyn in north Wales, in1951, a fictional Welsh steam engine became the main character in the children's television serial Ivor the Engine. On lines originally built for slate quarries(石板采石场), north Wales still has the biggest group of steam railways, but they exist in all four nations of the UK, typically operating seasonal timetables in tourist areas. These railways are living museums with stations decorated in period style. Some staff wear costumes too.
Up to 95% of the 18. 5m journeys on heritage railways each year are taken by domestic tourists. They owe their popularity to a combination of nostalgia(怀旧), enjoyment of the countryside and enthusiasm for the old engines.
Railways are expensive to run, and the first steam preservation enthusiasts recognised that they would need volunteers to make their dream of a revival come true. This reliance on volunteers is partly due to cuts in budgets from local authorities and other funders. But heritage railways are a good example of what can be achieved by a combined paid and voluntary workforce. As well as the economic contribution that the railways make to rural areas, there is evidence that volunteering can have beneficial effects on people as well.
The railways will need to respond, like the rest of the society, to environmental policies. The destructive impact of greenhouse gases is an obvious challenge to a sector that trades on an image of coal- powered transport. Electric railway engines are being used for maintenance, to bring emissions down, and some railways are active in wildlife conservation. There will need to be further adaptation down the line. That the railways don't stand still has always been part of their appeal especially on rainy days in the summer holidays.
28. How are the UK's steam railways different from other countries'
A. They are active across the countries. B. They serve as tourist attractions.
C. They are mainly powered by steam. D. They use small amounts of energy.
29. Why does the author mention Ivor the Engine
A. To spread knowledge of the classic serial. B. To introduce the origin of steam engines.
C. To show the popularity of steam railways. D. To share a childhood memory of travelling.
30. What can we infer from paragraph 4
A. Volunteers help to keep heritage railways alive. B. Economic growth depends on individual efforts.
C. People can't afford to travel by heritage railway. D. Local officials don't use old means of transport.
31. What is the author's attitude towards heritage railways
A. Indifferent. B. Doubtful. C. Appreciative. D. Negative.
A new study has revealed that a prehistoric sea cow was the target of two different predators(捕食动物)— an ancient crocodile and a tiger shark, providing rare insights into the complex food chains from millions of years ago. The research, conducted by an international team of scientists and published in the Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, uncovers one of the few known instances where a single prey(猎物) was attacked by many predators.
The sea cow, belonging to the extinct group Culebratherium, was first attacked by a crocodile. Evidence then shows that after the initial attack, the sea cow's remains were searched by a tiger shark, a tooth of which was found near the unlucky animal's neck.
“Have you seen the Batman movie There is a scene where he and Alfred are shooting bullets to try and figure out which specific type of bullet they are trying to find, ” said Benites- Palomino, lead author of the research. “ Our research was conducted in exactly the same way. We have these experiments in the wild where predators are attacking their prey, and then afterwards we try to compare which is the best scene for what we' re finding there. ”
The find is particularly significant as it adds to the limited fossil record of multiple predators interacting with a single prey. Such interactions are common in today's ecosystems, but are rarely documented in the fossil record, making this discovery an important piece of the puzzle in understanding ancient food webs.
“We have been unsure as to which animals would have served this purpose as a food source for multiple predators. Our previous research has identified sperm whales searched by several shark species, and this new research highlights the importance of sea cows within the food chain, ” Benites- Palomino said in a statement.
The digging, directed by Marcelo Sanchez- Villagra, head of the Palaeontological Institute and Museum in Zurich, Switzerland, was both challenging and rewarding. The site was initially discovered by a local farmer who spotted unusual rocks, inspiring the team to investigate further and eventually unearth the sea cow fossils.
32. What do we know about the prehistoric sea cow
A. It reached the top of food chains. B. It is thought to have complex teeth.
C. It belongs to an endangered species. D. It was attacked by two different animals.
33. What does paragraph 3 mainly talk about
A. The scene of animal fights. B. The method of the research.
C. The introduction of a movie. D. The danger of the experiments.
34. What does the importance of the study lie in
A. Challenging the current ecosystems. B. Offering insights into ancient food webs.
C. Clarifying the misunderstanding of sea cows. D. Figuring out the link between man and nature.
35. Which of the following is the best title for the text
A. The Batman Movie Inspired a Research B. A Puzzle in Complex Ancient Food Chains
C. Shark and Crocodile Ate Unlucky Sea Cow D. An Important Biological Discovery of a Farmer
第二节(共5小题;每小题2. 5分,满分 12. 5分)
How to Keep a Pet Bird Quiet
Birds can be excellent companions, but they can also make a lot of noise. Sometimes that noise is unavoidable, but there are a few steps you can take to train your bird out of loud or continuous squawking (尖叫).
36 Most birds tend to make some noise, either by singing or squawking. Birds tend to be most vocal during waking hours in the morning and before going to sleep in the evening. Some birds are more likely to make noise than others, but understand before bringing a bird home that some noise will be unavoidable.
Teach your bird to speak softly. Praise your bird when he whistles or whispers, instead of squawking or yelling. 37 It's often easier to teach them soft- spoken words compared to other types of sounds. Furthermore, it's important to maintain a calm and gentle tone when interacting with your bird. 38 Because this could strengthen the behavior you are trying to discourage.
Avoid quick movements. It's possible that you or someone in your household is moving too quickly around your bird, causing him to feel anxious or over- stimulated. 39 If you have children living at home, teach them not to run through the room your bird is in.
Provide your bird with comfort and security. Birds in the wild participate in “flock calls” as a way of communicating with other birds and ensuring the safety of the flock. If your bird is likely to squawk when you leave the room, it could be his attempt at sending you a flock call. 40
A. Understand bird behavior.
B. Train your bird to be quiet.
C. This may be especially useful for parrots.
D. Give him a treat for quietness to earn your love.
E. Try squawking back to let him know that you' re safe.
F. Do not raise your voice in response to your bird's volume or tone.
G. Move slowly around your bird, and encourage others to do the same.
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
Nestled in the shadows of the Himalayas, villagers face the overwhelming challenge of collecting the highly valued caterpillar fungus(虫草). At an altitude of 4, 700 meters, this pursuit is filled with danger, yet the potential 41 make it a crucial effort for the local community.
One morning in 2019, as the sun's rays painted the landscape, an urgent call 42 the calm. Tenzin Wangyal, an experienced 43 with a mobile clinic, found himself at the front line of a critical situation. An elderly man, weakened by the altitude, had 44 during his search for the precious fungus. 45 the severity of the situation, Tenzin, with over a decade of 46 , sprang into action.
He navigated the steep and winding mountain paths, his medical vehicle being a beacon of hope among the severe landscape. Upon 47 the elderly man, Tenzin's trained hands swiftly assessed the 48 condition—acute mountain sickness had a serious effect. With care, he 49 the man's condition and made the vital decision to take him to the safety of the town below.
The journey down was a 50 of skill and nerve, but Tenzin's steady hand and firm focus saw them through. As they reached the town, an awaiting ambulance signaled the next phase of 51 . The elderly man was smoothly 52 , and the hospital’s expert staff 53 , ensuring his full recovery.
Tenzin's actions that day were a testament to the essential role of mobile clinics in these remote areas. His story serves as a(n) 54 example of resilience(坚韧不拔) and the life- saving impact of medical care, even in the face of nature's 55 .
41. A. risks B. costs C. rewards D. losses
42. A. ensured B. restored C. broke D. kept
43. A. doctor B. patient C. villager D. explorer
44. A. failed B. slept C. died D. collapsed
45. A. Stressing B. Recognizing C. Ignoring D. Mentioning
46. A. search B. marriage C. experience D. adventure
47. A. reaching B. passing C. curing D. knowing
48. A. normal B. critical C. previous D. mental
49. A. admired B. stabilized C. worsened D. suspected
50. A. reminder B. record C. mistake D. test
51. A. care B. climb C. study D. exercise
52. A. interviewed B. invited C. transported D. removed
53. A. gave in B. got away C. set off D. took over
54. A. complicated B. inspiring C. surprising D. ordinary
55. A. benefits B. challenges C. opportunities D. treasures
第二节(共10小题;每小题1. 5分,满分15分)
Personal computers, Sony Play- Station 5 consoles and other derivative products are flying off the shelves in China, fueled by the overwhelming popularity of the 56 (new) launched Chinese- made video game Black Myth: Wukong.
The action role- playing game, inspired by the 16th century classic novel Journey to the West, 57 (catch) the fancy of games when it was launched on Tuesday.
Black Myth: Wukong, 58 allows players to step into the shoes of one of the heroes of the novel, Sun Wukong, and embark on his epic adventures westward, sold more than 10 million 59 (copy) globally within three days of its launch.
“The Chinese novel Journey to the West has been widely adapted overseas, and the image of Wukong 60 (be) popular for a long time. The game has combined both Chinese and international elements, thereby easily 61 (attract) wide global attention, ” said Li Yang, 62 associate professor of marketing at the Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business.
“ 63 (compare) with Chinese books, video games boast a higher market penetration rate among young foreign consumers. The game's premium production and authentic English subtitles help accurately convey the emotions of the 64 (origin) novel. It has helped spread Chinese culture 65 export Chinese games to the world, ” he added.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分 40分)
第一节(满分 15 分)
假设你是李华,上周六你班参观了当地的传统手工作坊(handicraft workshop),请你写一则短文向校英文报投稿。内容包括:
1. 你的经历;
2. 你的收获。
注意:1. 写作词数应为80左右;
2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
A Memorable Visit to a Handicraft Workshop
第二节(满分25 分)
A high- pitched scream stopped Laura Douglas in her tracks. Spinning around on the narrow dirt path, she thought that her cousin Cassie was in danger. Instead, Cassie was knee- deep in flowers that covered the meadow(草地) like a quilt.
“Cassie! You scared me to death! ” Laura scolded, her voice echoing through the meadow. “I am sorry, ” Cassie, absorbed in her photography, didn't notice the thick fog rolling in, consuming the nearby mountains. “ Not again! ” Laura complained, her eyes shifting to the approaching clouds. “We gotta go! ”
Cassie's focus remained on her camera, capturing the short- lived beauty of the moment. Laura tied a red scarf around her hair, “Let's go back to the campsite. ” The girls quickly ran down the winding path, the meadow now covered by a thick fog and a steady, cold rain. The road turned slippery, and they had to move slowly to avoid sliding down.
“It's dangerous! We need shelter now! ” Cassie screamed after a loud crack of thunder, the storm's strength increasing rapidly. Laura's keen eyes found a small cave in the rock face, partly hidden by overhanging branches. It wasn't much, but it offered a chance to escape the rain.
“Cassie, over here! ” Laura called out, her voice barely carrying over the wind.
Cassie, wet and shaking, stumbled towards the place of Laura's voice. As she approached, she could see the shelter. It wasn't perfect, but it was better than nothing.
“Smart thinking, Laura, ” Cassie said, her teeth chattering(打颤) with cold as she pressed her backpa ck close to her chest. The backpack, a tough and waterproof(防水的) model, had been a gift from her father, an experienced hiker who had insisted on its numerous pockets and sections for emergency supplies. Little did they know, his advice would prove invaluable on this day.
1. 续写词数应为 150 左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题纸的相应位置作答。
“Check your backpack, ” Laura instructed, her voice being hopeful.
As night fell, the storm finally began to die down.
Text 1
W: Did you get the results of last week's school election, dear
M: I sure did! I was chosen to be president of our school's student community!
W: Good job, George! You deserve this position!
Text 2
W: Excuse me. Are these cherry pies on sale
M: Yes. We usually sell pies for $ 10 each, but right now, we' re offering a discount of $4 on everything.
Text 3
W: It's a lovely day, isn't it
M: Yes, indeed. It's much better than the rainy day yesterday.
W: What's the weather forecast for tomorrow
M: It says it will be nice most of the time. But there will be a few clouds in the afternoon.
Text 4
M: What do you do on the weekend
W: I like playing tennis in the public park. I play tennis twice a week. I also like to play badminton. How about you
M: I seldom play tennis. I prefer football and basketball.
Text 5
M: I know you like to swim. How can you swim with glasses
W: For swimming, I don't use glasses. I am far- sighted. I only need them for reading.
Text 6
M: Angel, what are you making on your computer
W: Just a design for this site's homepage. I think the current style looks a bit boring. How should I make it more lively
M: Maybe you can try to add more color as well as bigger text and pictures. But I'm a marketing manager, not a designer. So, maybe you should ask someone else.
W: Sure, but thanks for your help. This is the most complicated part of my work, although overall, my job is very exciting and has lots of fun.
M: My pleasure. You and the other website designers are so valuable to our company.
W: Thanks, Mr. Grant.
M: No problem. Now, should I call your manager to assist you with this design
W: Sure, that'd be great.
Text 7
W: I love the famous Italian dish—pasta.
M: Me too. But do you know its country of origin
W: Italy, of course!
M: Actually, stories show that Italian traders might have gotten this food from China. Noodles were introduced to European traders who visited China. And they brought this Chinese cuisine to the West!
W: Which other foods have surprising origins
M: Many! Countries like France, America, and China made their pancake styles world- famous. But this famous dish's origin might be Greece.
W: What about sausages
M: Oh, sausages are the most delicious food. And Germany makes some of the best around. But this food is likely from the Middle East.
W: Wow! You know a lot about food history.
M: I'm a chef. But someday, I hope to explore the world with my parents and discover even more.
Text 8
M: There are five times more climate- related issues now than there were 50 years ago. People don't have to deal with forest fires or droughts here, but as you can see from where the seawater hits the land, this coastline has been badly damaged.
W: Currently, our biggest issues are damage to homes, and the loss of wildlife habitats.
M: Yes. That's why I've invited you to this seaside park today. You and your group of government figures are in a unique position to help. With your assistance, we'll be able to pass new environmental protection policies.
W: I agree, and I'm so glad you invited us here. We've received money for environmental projects but haven't learned the best ways to defend our land from rising sea levels.
M: The most urgent step is creating a policy to build natural barriers to prevent damage to houses. I have researched plans for how to protect our coastline. Through this process, we'll defend many families in our community.
W: Sounds perfect.
Text 9
M: Most people think getting a scholarship is impossible if you don't have top grades or athletic ability. But there are many ways one can get discounts on a college education.
W: This is what I wanted to learn. We only have one more year of high school. I' ve considered applying to Duke University or Johns Hopkins University in the US. But I haven't decided yet.
M: Wow, that's an impressive list. I've already decided to study at King's College London. I just want to attend a college close to my home.
W: I see. I just made a list of the world's top medical schools.
M: Are any of your family members doctors I'm glad you've decided on that major.
W: None of my relatives, actually. I recently picked this subject. I just volunteered at a local hospital— this experience influenced all my plans.
M: That's a perfect experience to use for applying for scholarships. Many programs reward high school students for their volunteer work.
W: So, should I apply by writing essays or having an interview
M: Write about your experience! About eight months ago, I wrote an essay about my career plans. I sent this essay to over five colleges. Then, I was accepted into a scholarship program four months ago!
Text 10
W: Thanks, everyone. I feel so inspired to donate to educational projects. For my speech, I'd like to introduce my work in historical discoveries. This topic is different from other speeches tonight. But it fits the theme of tonight's charity event for children. We'll provide a special history course for all students in the new school we're building using donations. My team focuses on historical digging. We have helped experts in history worldwide make incredible discoveries. I do most of my work outside the United States. In fact, I spent most of my time in Italy. But my most exciting project was researching Terracotta Army in Xi' an, China. Although these ancient statues were first found by farmers decades ago, they quickly became one of the world's most unique historical sites. There, over 8000 well- preserved warriors offer a clear view of what soldiers looked like over 2000 years ago! The most important part of my team's strategy is learning about the land we're investigating. Indeed, researching culture and history was the biggest change to my team's digging strategy. Well, thank you for listening. And let's hear it for our next speaker, a science expert, who'll present her impressive work!
1-5CBCBC 6-10 BAAAB 11-15 CAABA 16-20 CBACC
21. B 文中第二段 “… the more pieces of the picture we have, the better we can work together to protect what makes these places special.” 这表明该项目的目标与保护历史遗迹有关。因此,选项B(To preserve historic places)是正确的。
22. D 文中提到可以分享关于英国国家遗产名录上的地方的照片和故事,这意味着分享的内容必须与名录上的地方相关。因此,选项D(By sharing memories of a protected English site)是正确的。
23. C 最后一段明确指出,如果在私人土地上拍照,需要得到土地所有者的许可。这表明在私人土地上拍摄的照片必须有土地所有者的支持。因此,选项C(The owner's support)是正确的。
24. C 第一段提到了 Cashore经常在医学院和作为新生儿学家的职业生涯中被要求阅读和纠正别人的作品,这表明他使用他的拼写能力来帮助别人。因此,选项C(He used his spelling ability to help others)是正确的。
25. A 第二段中提到,当只剩下两位参赛者时,另一个男孩拼错了 uncinated,而 Cashore正确拼写了这个词,随后用 transept这个词锁定了胜利。在这里,clinched意味着“锁定胜利”,因此选项 A(Won)是正确的。
26. B 文章第三段中 Cashore提到,赢得拼写比赛给了他更多的自信,并且让他意识到尽可能正确地做事是非常重要的。这表明拼写比赛增强了他的信心, 因此选项B(It strengthened his confidence)是正确的。
27. D 最后一段中 Cashore提到,准备今天的拼写比赛需要比几十年前更多的专注和技能,因为单词的词汇量更加技术化。他还提到英语语言从外语中引入了许多新词。这意味着为了准备今天的拼写比赛,我们应该努力提高相关的技能, 因此选项D(Try to improve relevant skills)是正确的。
28. A 第一段提到,英国的遗产铁路部门非常活跃,拥有超过170个车次,覆盖约600英里的轨道,并在460个车站停靠。这表明英国的遗产铁路在全国范围内活跃, 因此选项A(They are active across the countries)是正确的。
29. C 第二段提到了虚构的有关威尔士蒸汽机车的是视连续剧 Ivor the Engine,这是为了说明遗产铁路的流行和吸引力,而不是为了推广电视节目、展示蒸汽机车的普及、分享童年记忆或介绍蒸汽机车的起源。因此,选项C(To show the popularity of steam railways)是正确的。
30. A 第四段提到了遗产铁路依赖志愿者来实现复兴梦想,这部分是由于地方当局和其他资助者的预算削减。这表明志愿者对于保持遗产铁路的活力至关重要,因此选项 A(Volunteers help to keep heritage railways alive)是正确的。
31. C 最后一段提到,遗产铁路需要像社会其他部分一样响应环境政策,并且作者提到了铁路在维护和野生动物保护方面的积极行动。这表明作者对遗产铁路持有赞赏的态度,因此选项C(Appreciative)是正确的。作者并没有表现出对遗产铁路的含糊、怀疑或谨慎态度。
32. D 第一段提到了一种史前海牛(prehistoric sea cow)是两种不同捕食者——古代鳄鱼和虎鲨的目标。这表明这种海牛是被捕食者, 而不是食物链的顶端。因此,选项D(It was attacked by two different animals)是正确的。
33. B 第三段通过比喻提到了研究的方法,将他们的研究比作电影《蝙蝠侠》中的一个场景,其中蝙蝠侠和阿尔弗雷德通过射击子弹来确定子弹的类型。这表明这段主要讨论的是研究的方法,因此选项B(The method of the research)是正确的。
34. B 第四段提到了这项研究的重要性,它增加了有限的化石记录中多个捕食者与单一猎物相互作用的记录。这种相互作用在今天的生态系统中很常见,但在化石记录中很少被记录,使得这一发现成为理解古代食物网的重要部分。因此,选项B(Offering insights into ancient food webs)是正确的。
35. C 本文主要讨论了一项关于史前海牛的研究,这种海牛被两种不同的捕食者捕食,提供了对数百万年前复杂食物链的罕见见解。选项C(Shark and Crocodile Ate Unlucky Sea Cow)直接反映了文章的核心内容, 即海牛被鲨鱼和鳄鱼捕食的情况,因此是最佳标题。
36. A 此段讨论了鸟类在早晨醒来和晚上睡前的活跃时间段内倾向于发出更多的声音。因此,选项A(Understand bird behavior)是正确的,因为它强调了理解鸟类行为的重要性,这是保持宠物鸟安静的第一步。
37. C 此段建议教你的鸟轻声说话,并在它轻声吹口哨或低语而不是尖叫或大喊时表扬它。空格后出现了 easier to teach them, 可知此处填轻声说话的训练可能特别适用于 parrots鹦鹉,因此选项C(This may be especially useful for parrots)是正确的。
38. F 文中提到,与你的鸟互动时保持平静和温和的语气很重要,否则可能会加强你试图抑制的行为(鸟的吵闹)。 因此,选项 F(Do not raise your voice in response to your bird's volume or tone)是正确的。
39. G 文章建议避免快速移动,因为这可能会让你的鸟感到焦虑或过度刺激。因此,选项G(Moveslowly around your bird, and encourage others to do the same)是正确的,因为它强调了在鸟周围缓慢移动的重要性。
40. E 本段首句提到给鸟提供舒适和安全感,这意味着需要采取一些措施来确保鸟感到安全和舒适。选项E(Try squawking back to let him know that you' re safe)建议通过模仿鸟的叫声来回应, 是一种提供安全感的方式,因为它可能被鸟理解为一种群体间的交流,表明它并不孤单。
41. C 空格前的 yet 表明此处应填入与 danger 相对的概念。potential rewards(潜在的回报)与 filled with danger(充满危险)形成对比,说明尽管有危险,但潜在的回报使这项工作对当地社区至关重要。
42. C 空格前的 an urgent call(一个紧急的电话)与 the calm(宁静)之间是打断关系。broke the calm(打破了宁静)符合语境,表示紧急情况的出现。
43. A 空格后的 with a mobile clinic(拥有移动诊所)表明这个人是提供医疗服务的专业人员。doctor(医生)是合适的选择,因为医生是通常与移动诊所相关联的职业。
44. D 空格前的 weakened by the altitude(因高海拔而身体虚弱)与 during his search for the precious fungus(在寻找珍贵真菌的过程中)表明老人出现了健康问题。collapsed(倒下)是合适的动词,描述了老人因高海拔而倒下的情况。
45. B 空格后的 the severity of the situation(情况的严重性)和 Tenzin, with over a decade of _______, sprang into action(拥有超过十年……的 Tenzin立刻采取行动)表明 Tenzin 意识到了情况的紧急性。 Recognizing(意识到)是合适的动词,表示 Tenzin意识到并迅速反应。
46. C 空格前的 over a decade of _______(超过十年的)表明此处应填入一个表示时间积累的名词。experience(经验)是合适的选择, 表示 Tenzin拥有丰富的经验。
47. A 空格前的 Upon _______(在……之后)通常与到达的动作搭配。reaching the elderly man(到达老人那里)是合适的短语,表示 Tenzin到达并开始评估老人的状况。
48. B 空格前的 swiftly assessed(迅速评估了)和 acute mountain sickness had a serious effect(急性高山病有严重影响)表明老人的状况是紧急且严重的。critical(危急的)是合适的形容词,描述了老人的状况。
49. B 空格前的 With care, he _______(他小心翼翼地)和 the man's condition and made the vital decision to take him to the safety of the town below(稳定了老人的状况并做出了带他到山下安全地带的重要决定)表明 Tenzin采取了行动来稳定老人的状况。stabilized(稳定)是合适的动词。
50. D 空格前的 The journey down was a _______(下山的旅程是一次)和 of skill and nerve(技能和勇气的)表明此处应填入一个名词。test(考验)是合适的选择,因为它表示是技术和勇气的考验。
51. A 空格前的 an awaiting ambulance signaled the next phase of _______(等待的救护车标志着下一阶段的)表明此处应填入一个名词,描述救护车到达后的活动。care(护理)是合适的选择,因为它指代了老人在医院接受的治疗。
52. C 空格前的 The elderly man was smoothly _______(老人被平稳地)表明此处应填入一个动词, 描述老人被送往医院的动作。transported(运输)是合适的动词,因为它描述了老人被送往医院的过程。
53. D 空格前的 and the hospital's expert staff _______(和医院的专家工作人员)表明此处应填入一个动词短语,描述医院工作人员接管老人治疗的动作。took over(接管)是合适的选择,因为它表示医院工作人员接替 Tenzin 负责老人的治疗。
54. B 空格前的 His story serves as a(n) _______(他的故事是一个)和 “example of resilience and the life- saving impact of medical care” (坚韧不拔和医疗护理救生影响的例子)表明此处应填入一个形容词,描述故事的性质。inspiring(鼓舞人心的)是合适的选择,因为它描述了故事的积极影响。
55. B 空格前的 even in the face of nature's _______(即使面对自然的)表明此处应填入一个名词,描述 Tenzin在提供医疗护理时所面临的困难。 “challenges” (挑战)是合适的选择,因为它概括了在自然环境中可能遇到的困难。
56. newly 57. caught 58. which 59. copies 60. has been
61. attracting 62. an pared 64. original 65. and
One possible version:
A Memorable Visit to a Handicraft Workshop
Last Saturday, our class went on a journey through time to a local handicraft workshop, where the art of making is not just an exceptional skill, but a living, breathing tradition.
As we stepped into the workshop, the air was filled with the scent of clay and the soft hum of tools at work. Stunned by a wide array of delicate ceramics, I embarked on my first attempt at a vase under the guidance of a seasoned craftsman. With the wheel spinning and clay taking form under my hands, I was overwhelmed with thrill and satisfaction.
This experience has left me with a newfound respect for the art of making and deeper insights into the cultural heritage that the craft represents.
One possible version:
“Check your backpack, ” Laura instructed, her voice being hopeful. “ We might have something that can help us start a fire. ” Cassie nodded, her fingers trembling as she unzipped the side pocket of her backpack. She was relieved to find a flashlight, a compact emergency blanket and a small, waterproof pouch containing waterproof matches. “Bingo! ” she exclaimed, her voice filled with a mix of surprise and relief. They quickly set to work, using the waterproof matches to ignite a small fire with the dry leaves and twigs Laura had collected. The survival blanket was spread out, providing a thin layer of insulation against the cold, damp ground.
As night fell, the storm finally began to die down. The girls, exhausted but determined, decided to make a move. They knew the trail would be risky in the dark, but staying in the shelter wasn't an option either. Using the flashlight, they carefully navigated the slippery path, following the markers they had set earlier. The fog had lifted, and the moon provided just enough light to see by. Hours later, they finally reached the edge of the forest. The lights of the campsite were a welcome sight. Cassie grinned, her teeth no longer chattering, “We made it back. ” Laura nodded, her eyes meeting Cassie’s. Their adventure had been terrifying, but it had also been a test ament to their bond and their survival skills. And as they sat by the fire, sipping hot chocolate, they knew they would never forget the day they had faced the storm together.