

名称 河南省南阳市六校联考2024-2025学年高一上学期10月月考英语试题(PDF版,含解析,含听力原文无音频)
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 通用版
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-10-11 20:29:33


2024 年秋期六校第一次联考
听力 1-5 AABBC 6-10 CACAA 11-15 CBABC 16-20 BCBBC
阅读 21-25 BBDCD 26-30 ACDCD 31-35 DADBC 36-40 EBADG
完形 41-45 DBADA 46-50 DBCDA 51-55 CCABC
56.heaviest 57. mainly 58. who/that 59. begins 60. a 61.It
62. organized/organised 63. skills 64. to improve 65. between
Dear Li Hua,
I'm sorry to learn that you are lonely in your new school. I'm writing in the hope of offering
you some tips.
To begin with, if you plan to make friends soon, you should show to others your friendliness
and kindness. Besides, greeting words to teachers and classmates will be an ideal idea whenever
you meet them on campus. As far as I'm concerned, it will be wise of you to express your ideas in
class and take an active part in after-class activities, in which you will have more chances to
communicate with people around you.
If there are any, please let me know about your problem as early as possible.
Best wishes to you!
One possible version:
Paragraph 1:
After listening to the story, Tom’s eyes opened wide and smiled. He looked happily at his
teacher and said, “I now understand! When I am doing something, I am always not paying attention
and I am easily disturbed by the things around me. So my mind is always in constant unrest. If I
focus my attention on the things that I am doing, I will not care about whatever happens in the
world around me and I will control my five senses and control my mind.” “Yes, that’s right,’’ the
teacher nodded with satisfaction.
Paragraph 2:
From that day on, he paid his attention to whatever he was doing. In class, his attention was
completely fixed on what the teacher was saying, and he didn’t talk with his deskmate any more,
which made his deskmate amazed. When he was doing his homework, he was not affected no
matter what was going on outside. His parents were surprised at his change and asked what had
happened to him. He told the story about the fly and the elephant to them. Because of his efforts, he
made great progress in the final examination.
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21. B。细节理解题。根据文章第一段中的描述,这些路线是由资深徒步旅行者推荐,并且是
答案是 B。
22. B。细节理解题。第二段提到威尔士是“the only country in the world that has an official
walking path covering its whole borders”,说明威尔士海岸小径覆盖了整个国家边境。因此,
正确答案是 B。
23. D。推理判断题。虽然每条路线都有其独特之处,但它们共同的特点是都沿着海岸线行走。
第一段提到了“discovered through hiking”,第二段提到了“along the coastline”,第三段提
到了“from the Irish Sea to the North Sea”,第四段提到了“explore both the North York Moors
and the county's world-famous coastline”,这些都是与海岸相关的描述。因此,正确答案是
语境内容 文章通过第一人称叙述了作者毕业时所面临的困境,包括就业难题和学生贷款的

24. C。 细节理解题。根据第二段最后两句话 what I thought.... ever closer可知,作者担心的
案是 C。
25. D。 细节理解题。作者在第三段中提到,他通过写作来维持理智,并且将挫败感转化为
是 D。
26. A。单词猜测题。第四段中划线的单词是“perseverance”,结合上下文,作者强调了即使没
在这里指的是“意志力”或“毅力”。因此,正确答案是 A。
27. C。主旨大意题。文章通过作者的个人经历传达了一个信息:即使在最艰难的时刻也不要
答案是 C。
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28. D。细节理解题。根据第一段的内容,科学家们发现“enriched environment”对鱼是有益的,
即丰富的环境对鱼的生活是有好处的。因此,正确答案是 D。
29. C。推理判断题。根据 Victoria Braithwaite的解释,许多鱼一旦被放归野外就无法生存,
答案是 C。
30. D。细节理解题。在实验中,饲养在富含植物的鱼缸中的鱼在尝试逃离迷宫时犯了更少的
地学会了解决迷宫难题。因此,正确答案是 D。
31. D。细节理解题。Braithwaite的结论是,与环境的互动可以影响大脑中的基因表达。这说
明环境对鱼类的基因表达有影响。因此,正确答案是 D。
语境内容 文章介绍了人工智能(AI)的当前发展和未来可能的影响。通过 Siri和 Watson

的例子,说明了 AI的日益增长的能力,并探讨了超级智能可能带来的风险和挑战。
或播放歌曲,因此正确答案是 A。
33.D。细节理解题。作者通过提及Watson在 Jeopardy!节目中击败人类冠军的例子,来表达
AI正变得越来越聪明的观点,因此正确答案是 D。
34.B。细节理解题。Nick Bostrom在《超级智能》一书中表达了对超级智能可能带来的后果
的担忧,他的态度是谨慎的,因此正确答案是 B。
35.C。推理判断题。文章最后一段的疑问句提示了答案.故选 C.
所以 E项“Here are four tips on how to create better phone habits”(以下是四个关于如何创建
更好手机使用习惯的提示)适合作为小标题,故选 E。
37.B。设空处是对睡前使用手机的建议。B项“Put your phone somewhere where you can’t see
呼应,故选 B。
把它放在手里”,A 项“This is especially important when you drive”(尤其重要的是当你开
车的时候)与此建议相呼应,强调了开车时将手机放在看不见的地方的重要性,故选 A。
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39.D。设空处应建议设定无手机时间。D 项“Have set times when you are away from your
一致,故选 D。
40.G。设空处是对手机使用习惯的进一步建议。G项“Perhaps a key reason for your texting
habit is the phone’s portability”(也许你的短信习惯的一个关键原因是手机的便携性)与上
文提到的将手机视为座机的建议相呼应,故选 G。
【分析】这是一篇记叙文。讲述了一个父亲在圣诞节前几天,因为错怪了 5岁的女
41.考查动词词义辨析。句意:圣诞节前几天,父亲惩罚了自己 5岁的女儿,因为他知道她
用光了家里仅有的一卷昂贵的金色包装纸。A. praised表扬;B. encouraged鼓励;C. thanked
感谢;D. punished惩罚。根据前文“who worked very hard just to keep food on the table for his
family”和后文“she had used up the family’s only roll of expensive gold wrapping paper”可知,家
境并不富裕的父亲因为女儿使用了家里的贵重的东西而惩罚女儿。故选 D项。
42.考查动词词义辨析。句意:圣诞节前几天,父亲惩罚了自己 5岁的女儿,因为他知道她
用光了家里仅有的一卷昂贵的金色包装纸。A. promising答应;B. learning学习,了解到;C.
admitting承认;D. agreeing同意。根据语境和下文“ she had used up the family’s only roll of
expensive gold wrapping paper.”可知,父亲因为知道了女儿使用了家里的贵重的东西而惩罚女
儿。故选 B项。
饰一个鞋盒时,他变得更加生气了。A. decorate装饰;B. draw绘画;C. buy购买;D. measure
测量。根据语境以及前文“she had used all of the gold paper”可知,女孩用金纸装饰一个鞋盒。
故选 A项。
44.考查名词词义辨析。句意:他也很关心她从哪里弄来的钱买了鞋盒里的东西。A. time时
间;B. advice建议;C. space空间;D. money钱。根据后文“buy what was in the shoebox”可知,
此处指弄到“钱”来买东西。故选 D项。
“爸爸,这个送给你!”A. filled with充满;B. ready for准备好;C. different from和……不同;
D. related to和……相关。根据语境以及后文“brought the gift box to her father”和“This is for you,
Daddy!”可知,圣诞节前,女儿要送给父亲礼物,所以是“满怀兴奋”的。故选 A项。
儿的所作所为。A. thinking思考;B. forgetting遗忘;C. ensuring确保;D. regretting后悔,遗
憾。根据语境以及前文“brought the gift box to her father”可知,当父亲知道女儿要送给自己礼
物时,后悔原来对女儿的做法。故选 D项。
47.考查动词词义辨析。句意:但是当他打开鞋盒时,他发现里面什么也没有。A. closed关
闭;B. opened打开;C. accepted接受;D. found发现。根据后文“he found there was nothing”
可知,父亲打开鞋盒,发现什么也没有。故选 B项。
盒子里应该是有东西的!”A. delightedly 高兴地;B. anxiously焦虑地;C. angrily生气地;D.
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shyly羞怯地。根据前文“when he____the shoebox, he found there was nothing”以及后文“when
you give someone ____, there’s supposed to be something inside the package!”可知,父亲很生气。
故选 C项。
子里应该是有东西的!”A. hand手,帮助;B. lecture讲座;C. solution解决方案;D. gift礼物。
根据前文“The next morning the little girl,______excitement, brought the gift box to her father”可
知,父亲说的是给人礼物时,盒子不应该是空的。故选 D项。
低声说:“爸爸,它不是空的。我向它飞吻,直到把它装满。”A. looked up at抬头看;B. caught
up with赶上;C. look down upon 看不起;D. made up for弥补。根据常识和后文“whispered”
以及“He fell on his knees”可知,5岁的小女孩抬头看着高大的父亲对父亲说话。故选 A项。
51.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我向它飞吻,直到把它装满。A. empty空的;B. broken破
碎的;C. full满的;D. colorful丰富多彩的。根据前文“it’s not empty”以及“I blew kisses into it”
可知,小女孩认为自己用飞吻把盒子装满了。故选 C项。
A. love爱;B. hate恨;C. forgive原谅;D. defend保卫。根据前文“Daddy, it’s not empty. I blew
kisses into it until it was ___.”可知,父亲听到女儿的话之后,知道自己错怪了女儿,所以恳请
女儿的原谅。故选 C项。
53.考查动词词义辨析。句意:据说这位父亲一生都把这个小小的金盒子存放在床边。A. kept
保持,保存;B. observed观察;C. used使用;D. searched搜查。根据语境和后文“this little gold
box by his bed for all his life”可知,父亲一生都保存着这个装满爱的鞋盒子。故选 A项。
个假想的吻,想起女儿对他的爱。A. interested感兴趣的;B. discouraged心灰意冷,气馁的;
C. surprised吃惊的;D. terrified极度惊慌的。根据后文“faced difficult problems”和“he would
open the box, take out an imaginary kiss, and ____ his daughter’s love.”,结合选项可知,当这位
父亲感到心灰意冷或遇到困难的时候,就会打开盒子,寻求力量。故选 B项。
一个假想的吻,想起女儿对他的爱。A. share分享;B. refuse拒绝;C. remember记住;D. remove
移除。根据语境以及前文“Whenever he was ____ or faced difficult problems”以及下文“ his
daughter’s love”可知,每当他遇到困难,就会想起女儿对他的爱。故选 C项。
56. heaviest。考查形容词最高级。“weight”是名词,表示“重量”,前面需要形容词来修饰,
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57. mainly。考查副词。“main”是形容词,副词形式为“mainly”,用来修饰动词“tests”,表
58. who/that。考查关系代词。“who”用来引导定语从句,修饰前面的“weightlifters”。句
59. begins。考查动词的第三人称单数形式。“begin”是动词,这里需要用第三人称单数形
式“begins”,因为主语“the athlete with the lightest weight”是单数。句意:如果最轻量级的
60. a。考查冠词。“a”是不定冠词,用于修饰“maximum”,表示“一个”。句意:每次比赛
61. It。考查强调句型。强调句型 It was ...that...属于固定结构。句意:在 21世纪初,女子
62. organized/organised 考查过去分词作定语。“organize”是动词,过去分词形式为

63. skills。考查名词复数。“skill”是名词,需要用复数形式“skills”来表示多种技能。句意:
64. to improve。考查不定式作目的状语。“improve”是动词,这里需要用不定式“to improve”
65. between。考查介词。“between”表示“在...之间”。句意:力量训练和比赛之间的分界
第四部分 写作(共两节, 满分 40分)
Dear Li Hua,
I'm sorry to learn that you are lonely in your new school. I'm writing in the hope of offering
you some tips.
To begin with, if you plan to make friends soon, you should show to others your friendliness
and kindness. Besides, greeting words to teachers and classmates will be an ideal idea whenever
you meet them on campus. As far as I'm concerned, it will be wise of you to express your ideas in
class and take an active part in after-class activities, in which you will have more chances to
communicate with people around you.
If there are any, please let me know about your problem as early as possible.
Best wishes to you!
One possible version:
Paragraph 1:
After listening to the story, Tom’s eyes opened wide and smiled. He looked happily at his
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teacher and said, “I now understand! When I am doing something, I am always not paying attention
and I am easily disturbed by the things around me. So my mind is always in constant unrest. If I
focus my attention on the things that I am doing, I will not care about whatever happens in the
world around me and I will control my five senses and control my mind.” “Yes, that’s right,’’ the
teacher nodded with satisfaction.
Paragraph 2:
From that day on, he paid his attention to whatever he was doing. In class, his attention was
completely fixed on what the teacher was saying, and he didn’t talk with his deskmate any more,
which made his deskmate amazed. When he was doing his homework, he was not affected no
matter what was going on outside. His parents were surprised at his change and asked what had
happened to him. He told the story about the fly and the elephant to them. Because of his efforts, he
made great progress in the final examination.
1. Where are the speakers going
A. The airport. B. The park. C. The bus station.
【原文】W: How about going to the airport by car
M: It’ll take ages to park. Let’s take the bus.
W: The bus is too slow. We have to take the train. It only takes 45 minutes.
M: OK then.
2. What will the weather be like on Friday
A. Sunny. B. Cloudy. C. Rainy.
【原文】M: What does the weather forecast say
W: On Friday, we can expect more of this lovely hot weather with bright sunshine. Saturday and
Sunday will be cooler and cloudier, but it will stay dry without any rain.
3. What is the probable relationship between the speakers
A. Host and guest. B. Teacher and student. C. Sister and brother.
【原文】W: Donald, may I ask why you don’t have your homework
M: I left it on the table at my house after I finished it yesterday. and my sister found it. She drew a
picture on it using a big black marker. It made my homework impossible to read.
4. What is the man
A. A salesman. B. A doctor. C. A teacher.
【原文】M: Hello, Mrs. Black, what can I do for you
W: I didn’t feel well these days. I’m always worn out after a day’s work in the office.
M: I think you should have a rest first and then we can tell.
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5. When is the first piano class
A. On 22nd. B. On 26th. C. On 29th.
【原文】W:When is our first piano lesson Is it on the twenty-second of June
M: No. The teacher can’t come that day so we will begin on the twenty ninth of June.
第二节(共 15小题;每小题 1.5分,满分 22.5分)
6. How does Martin feel about the coming exam
A. Relaxed. B. Confident. C. Stressed.
7. What does the woman advise Martin to do
A. Watch TV. B. Have a sleep. C. Continue reviewing.
【答案】6. C 7. A
【原文】W: Hi, Martin. What are you doing
M: I’m reviewing for my history exam.
W: How’s it going
M: Oh, you know—badly.
W:Why What’s wrong
M: Nothing’s wrong. It’s just that, and I know I’m going to fail. It’s a really important exam. I’m
worried about it.
W: Oh Martin! Come on! Put the exam out of your mind. Let’s watch TV and then you’ll feel
8. When did the woman go camping
A. Last Wednesday. B. Last Friday. C. Last Saturday.
9. What did the woman like doing during her camping trip
A. Building a campfire. B. Listening to stories. C. Looking for insects.
10. Who will the man go camping with
A. His classmates. B. His father. C. The woman.
【答案】8. C 9. A 10. A
【原文】W: Hi, Mike. Are you going to go camping
M: Yes, but I don’t know what to expect. Did you enjoy your time camping
W: Yes. I had a camping trip with my cousin last Saturday. It was a great experience. But I did not
like everything about it.
M: What didn’t you like
W: Well I found some insects in my sleeping bag and the stories my cousin told really frightened
M: That sounds not very nice. What kinds of things do you really like about camping
W: I love building a campfire and cooking over it. That’s my favorite part of it. By the way, when
are you going camping
M: I was going to go with my parents this Wednesday, but it was cancelled, because my father will
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be in London on business that day. Now I’m going to go with my classmates this Friday.
11. Why does the woman change the time of her dance lessons
A. To swim. B. To shop in the town. C. To study with Evan.
12. What will the woman do with her friends this Wednesday
A. See a film. B. Go to the park. C. Visit the zoo.
13. What does the woman want to buy
A. A skirt. B. A ticket. C. A dancing dress.
【答案】11. C 12. B 13. A
【原文】W: Dad, can you drive me into town on Monday
M: OK. Where do you need to go
W: I have a dance lesson at 7 o’clock.
M: I thought your dance lessons were on Tuesday.
W: They were, but I’m going to the Monday class now. On Tuesday I’m studying at the library with
M: That’s good. And are you going swimming on Wednesday
W: No, the pool is closed this week, so I’m going to the park with my friends.
M: OK. Are you meeting them on Thursday too
W: Yes, we’re going to the cinema. Can I go shopping on Friday
M: Of course. What do you want to buy
W:A new skirt for the school trip. We’re going to the zoo on Saturday with Miss Morgan.
14. Where are the speakers
A. At a post office. B. In a street. C. At a theater.
15. What is the building next to the theater
A. New World Store. B. The City Hall. C. The Great Hotel.
16. What does the man want to do next
A. Go to a bank. B. Do some shopping. C. Walk to the Rich Hotel.
【答案】14. B 15. C 16. B
【原文】M: There is a lot of traffic here on Marie Street. Is this the shopping center
W: Yes, it is. There are a lot of stores, office buildings and theaters near here.
M: Oh, that’s a beautiful theater on the corner. What do all the signs in front of it mean
W: There’s a new play there tonight. Henry Fonda is playing in Mister Robers. The building next to
the theater is the Great Hotel.
M: Is that the post office across from this street
W: No. that’s the City Hall. The post office is on Mission Road. It’s between the bus station and the
Rich Hotel.
M: I see. Oh, what is the largest building on the left
W: That’s New World Store. They sell clothing, furniture, food—almost everything.
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M: Do you buy everything in the same store That saves a lot of time. I need some clothes.
W: There’s a men’s clothing store next to the bank building on the right. It’s very popular.
M: Is it far from here
W: No, it’s only five minutes’walk.
M: OK, let’s go there then.
17. How does the speaker suggest going to the zoo on weekends
A. By bus. B. By car. C. By underground.
18. How much should an adult pay for the entrance ticket
A. 3 pounds. B. 7 pounds. C. 15 pounds.
19. How can you book a school trip to the zoo
A. On the Internet. B. By phone. C. Through emails.
20. What does the speaker mainly talk about
A. Animals. B. A terrible storm. C. The reopening of a zoo.
【答案】17. C 18. B 19. B 20. C
【原文】W: And now for some very good news. After the terrible storm in September. East Anglia
Zoo is going to be ready for visitors again on the second of October. That is a week later. And if
you haven’t visited the zoo yet. you should! The zoo has a wonderful collection of African animals,
including lions, elephants and giraffes. It’s easy to get there by car, only 10 kilometers from the
town center. But if you haven’t got a car. you can take a bus. The No. 82 stops right outside and
there’s a bus every half hour. But on weekends, you’d better take the underground to avoid the
traffic jam. Entrance to the zoo is seven pounds for adults. Entrance for children is three pounds
fifty on Fridays and weekends but it’s free from Monday to Thursday. There are special prices for
school groups. If you’d like to organize a school trip to the zoo, call 072855398 and someone will
help you. We don’t accept group visit booking on the Internet or through any mails.
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