

名称 四川省绵阳市南山中学2024-2025学年高一上学期10月月考英语试题(PDF版含答案,有听力音频有听力原文)
格式 zip
文件大小 11.9MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 牛津译林版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-10-12 19:08:07


2024年 10月
绵阳南山中学高 2024 级高一上期 10 月月考试题
英 语
本试卷分为试题卷和答题卡两部分,其中试题卷共 10 页;答题卡共 2 页。满分 150 分,
考试时间 120 分钟。
1.答题前,考生务必在答题卡上将自己的班级、姓名用 0.5 毫米黑色签字笔填写清楚,
同时用 2B 铅笔将考号准确填涂在“考号”栏目内。
2.选择题使用 2B 铅笔填涂在答题卡对应题目标号的位置上,如需改动,用橡皮擦擦干净
后再选涂其它答案;非选择题用 0.5 毫米黑色签字笔书写在答题卡的对应框内,超出答
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分)
第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)
听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C三个选项中选出最
佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有 10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对
1. Where are the speakers
A. In a restaurant. B. In a park. C. At home.
2. Why does the man call the woman
A. To arrange a place.
B. To apologize for being late.
C. To hurry her to the bus stop.
3. What are the speakers talking about
A. When to attend the festival.
B. Whether to work late.
C. How to go home.
4. Why is Tammy in hospital
A. She has a headache. B. Her leg is injured. C. Her back is hurt.
5. What does the man advise the woman to do
A. Talk to her teacher.
B. Take a physics course.
C. Search for some information.
第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)
听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三
个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;
听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
听第 6 段材料,回答第 6、7 题。
6. How often does the man meet his aunt and uncle
A. Once a week. B. Once a month. C. Once a year.
7. What did the man do on his second day in France
A. He read a book.
B. He bought some postcards.
C. He had dinner with his friend.
听第 7 段材料,回答第 8 至 10 题。
8. Where did the woman go on Saturday
A. The cinema. B. The museum. C. The zoo.
9. What did the woman think of the restaurant
A. It was expensive. B. It was noisy. C. It was small.
10. What did the woman do on Sunday afternoon
A. She went swimming.
B. She walked in the forest.
C. She did her history project.
听第 8 段材料,回答第 11 至 13 题。
11. What book has the man’s brother got
A. The one about the Internet.
B. The one about space.
C. The one about animals.
12. Why does the man refuse to buy the book about African wildlife
A. It’s useless for his homework.
B. The photos in it are unclear.
C. It is short of information.
13. What does the man say about reading a history book
A. It’s difficult. B. It’s educational. C. It’s interesting.
听第 9 段材料,回答第 14 至 17 题。
14. What did the man like doing best during the trip
A. Riding the unusual bike.
B. Taking the old train.
C. Driving the special car.
15. What did the man mention about the old chair
A. Its influence. B. Its designer. C. Its age.
16. Where did the man know about the shows
A. From the guidebook. B. From the website. C. From the poster.
17. What is the probable relationship between the speakers
A. Sister and brother. B. Mother and son. C. Classmates.
听第 10 段材料,回答第 18 至 20 题。
18. What is the speaker
A. A teacher. B. An editor. C. A blogger.
19. What surprised the speaker about the passengers
A. Their nationalities. B. The total number. C. Their ages.
20. How did the speaker feel about the journey
A. Satisfied. B. Bored. C. Tired.
第二部分 阅读 (共两节,满分 50 分)
第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5 分)
阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。
It is very challenging when it comes to trying to master the English language.
However, there are some things you can do to improve your English learning. The
following books are an excellent way for people trying to learn English or get better
at it.
English Vocabulary in Use
This is one of the best-selling books by Cambridge University Press. The book
is good for students of the English language of all levels who want to have a wider
vocabulary. You can choose to learn British English or American English.
NTC Vocabulary Builders
Students who are more advanced in the English language will greatly like NTC
Vocabulary Builders. If you want to build your English vocabulary, then this book is
a good choice.
Word Power Made Easy
This useful dictionary provides one of the best ways to learn over 1, 000 of the
words which are most commonly used in English. The book has many interesting
activities and games, and gives tips on avoiding spelling errors.
Oxford Picture Dictionary
This is a great book for those who like to learn things visually. You can use the
pictures to learn many new words each day. There is also a bilingual version for those
who want to learn using their own native language.
Improving your English is one of the best ways to make sure that you will do
great in life. It can open many doors for you. For those who are not native English
speakers, these books will come in handy. With hard work, anyone can be a master of
the English language.
21. Which book provides ways to help you make fewer mistakes in spelling
A. Word Power Made Easy. B. Oxford Picture Dictionary.
C. NTC Vocabulary Builders. D. English Vocabulary in Use.
22. What is special about Oxford Picture Dictionary
A. It offers tips on learning language.
B. It gives learners interesting games.
C. It uses pictures to help learn words.
D. It is designed for advanced learners.
23. What do the four books have in common
A. They help to learn vocabulary. B. They are all for native speakers.
C. They only offer English versions. D. They promise learners a great life.
A little more than a year ago, Malia Martinez was introduced to a sewing (缝纫)
machine, thanks to a thoughtful Christmas gift. “I got a gift, which was to start sewing
lessons,” Martinez said. “I really liked it.”
Later, a campground she often visited held a craft fair (手工品展览会) . Seeing pet
owners and their pets, Malia had an idea that would change lives. Why not create
bandannas, a kind of colorful scarf, for dogs and cats and use them to support animal
shelters (动物收容所)
With great passion and the support of her grandmother, Martinez turned a corner
of their home into a craft room. Her grandmother helped her when she needed to cut
the cloth, or things like that. Together, Martinez and her grandmother made many
lovely bandannas, with different styles and sizes.
But Martinez’s goal went far beyond sewing lovely bandannas. She began giving
away her creations to animal shelters like Forever Paws in Fall River, hoping it would
attract a potential family. “When I went to see the dogs in the animal shelters, it was
kind of sad. So I thought if we got them a bandanna, they would look cuter like ‘Oh
this one is cute. Maybe I can adopt this one, and they would get a home and have the
food they need”, said Martinez. “And I just thought it’d be fun to maybe have an
influence on that.”
Besides giving away bandannas, Martinez began selling them through word-of-
mouth and at pop-up events. Ranging from $3 to $7, money from her sales is now
given away to shelters too. A few weeks ago, she gave more than $ 200 to the Kingston
Animal Shelter. “They were happy and really appreciative, which made me feel really
good inside,” said Martinez. “It makes me happy to see how it’s influenced the people
and dogs.”
24. What caused Martinez to create bandannas
A. A Christmas gift. B. A trip to a craft fair.
C. Her family’s support. D. Her interest in sewing.
25. What did Martinez’s grandmother do to support her
A. She helped with the sewing work.
B. She built a craft room for Martinez.
C. She paid for Martinez’s sewing lessons.
D. She bought Martinez a sewing machine.
26. Why did Martinez give away bandannas to animal shelters
A. To improve the animals’ living conditions.
B. To build a home for the homeless animals.
C. To call on more people to visit the shelters.
D. To increase the chances of animal adoption.
27. Which of the following may best describe Martinez
A. Honest and loving. B. Creative and caring.
C. Brave and outgoing. D. Patient and easygoing.
As much as I love watching Olympic diving, I’ve never understood why athletes
hurry off to the showers and then proceed to relax in a hot tub (热水浴池) after each
dive. They’re already wet. They’re only in the pool for a handful of seconds, so it’s
not like they need to get cleaned up. And doesn’t taking a shower serve the same
purpose as sitting in a hot tub Actually, that’s what Olympic divers usually do
between dives as they know very well about the importance of warm-ups and cool-
downs. So, what’s the actual reason
As it turns out, showers and hot tubs are used pretty interchangeably (交替地) by
the swimming pool. However, there is a need for both. First, let’s start with why divers
need to take a shower between dives. It has to do with body temperature and keeping
their muscles relaxed. As you can imagine, practicing dives in the pool, then having
to keep your body warm in a shower, and then jumping off a 10-meter platform and
into cold water couldn’t be comfortable for anyone. Going back and forth between
these warm and cool temperatures can cause a diver’s muscles to tense or cramp up
(痉挛), which can lead to injuries to the muscles. Showers allow an Olympic diver to
recover and prevent that.
In that way, showers and hot tubs serve the same purpose. A hot tub is generally
used if you have a bit more time between dives and have already stretched. The shower
walls on the pool deck can typically provide enough space for more divers at the same
time, and they’re especially helpful for athletes who need to stretch or who only have
a few minutes between dives. Just like Olympic swimmers depend on thick clothes to
keep their muscles warm, Olympic divers rely on these methods to stay loose. If you
ask me, it’s not a bad way to pass the time!
28. What does the underlined word “proceed” in Paragraph 1 mean
A. Continue. B. Afford. C. Fail. D. Stop.
29. Why do the athletes need showers after diving
A. To fully clean their body.
B. To rest and wait for the results.
C. To lower their body temperature.
D. To avoid possible muscle injuries.
30. What can we learn from the last paragraph
A. Showers are for slow warm-ups.
B. Olympic swimmers relax in hot tubs.
C. Hot tubs are as important as showers.
D. Athletes use hot tubs to pass the time.
31. What is the author’s purpose in writing this text
A. To show how divers warm up and cool down.
B. To explain why divers need showers and hot tubs.
C. To suggest athletes clean their body after each dive.
D. To share what athletes do to win in Olympic diving.
A young Dutch inventor is widening his effort to clean up floating (浮动的) plastic
from the Pacific Ocean. He has developed a floating machine to collect plastic waste
moving into rivers before it reaches the oceans.
Boyan Slat was just 18 years old when he invented a system for catching waste
in the ocean. He also founded an environmental group called “The Ocean Cleanup”.
Its purpose is to develop the system. Last year, Slat showed the next step: a floating
machine which is called Interceptor. It removes plastic out of rivers. The machine is
powered by energy from the sun. “The 1,000 rivers are responsible for about 80% of
plastic going into the world’s oceans,” said Slat. Three of the machines have already
been used. Each machine costs about $775, 660, but the cost might drop as production
Since they were used, the machines have been doing very well, collecting the
plastic bottles and all the rubbish in the rivers. According to Slat, it is necessary to
close “the tap”, which means preventing more plastic from reaching the ocean in the
first place. He wanted to clean them all in the next five years. “This is not going to be
easy, but if we do get this done, we could truly make our oceans clean again”, said
The machine is designed to be safe in rivers. Its nose is shaped to change
directions to keep it away from larger floating things. It works by guiding plastic waste
into an opening in the front of the machine. The waste is then carried inside the
machine where it is dropped into containers. The machine sends a message to local
operators that can come and empty it when it is full.
32. What do we know about Interceptor
A. It is being under test. B. It can help sort waste.
C. It needs solar power to work. D. It is mainly used in the oceans.
33. What does the underlined phrase “the tap” refer to in Paragraph 3
A. The waste. B. The rivers.
C. The oceans. D. The machines.
34. What’s the function of the machine’s nose
A. To empty the waste. B. To send operators messages.
C. To serve as containers. D. To ensure the machine’s safety.
35. Where is the text most likely from
A. A novel. B. A magazine.
C. A diary. D. A guidebook.
第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5 分)
Your teen years are a time to learn about yourself and start thinking about your
future. Doing well in school and leading a healthy social and personal life will make
you happier and more likely to succeed. But you shouldn't get too crazy with success.
36 .
Set realistic academic and personal goals. To feel a sense of achievement about
your school and personal life, set realistic goals for yourself. For example, you might
set a goal to achieve all A’s and B’s this term. 37 , you might plan to get really
good at shooting 3-point shots in basketball or learn how to bake bread.
38 . Go to your school library and check out books that interest you. It can
be anything from poems to storybooks—just get reading! If you don't know where to
start, ask the librarian for suggestions.
Take after-class activities you enjoy. 39 .Whether you're into the film,
theatre, pottery, painting, or playing music, you can find classes at your school or join
clubs that meet your needs.
Look ahead to life after you graduate from high school. Think ahead about what
you will do in the future, whether that's getting a degree, volunteering, or jumping
right into the career of your choice. 40 . Just start to think about what you
might want to do in the future according to your interests, passions and skills.
A. As for personal goals
B. Become a curious reader
C. After you achieve your academic goals
D. Your health is also important for your teen years
E. Instead, remember to have fun and live a life you love
F. Don't worry, as you don't have to choose a job right now
G. Make them a chance for you to relax and express yourself
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
I had always been warmly praised for my basketball shooting ability when I was
in high school. But when I went to Ohio State, I discovered that everyone on the team
was 41 in his hometown.
To win a starting job on the team, I had figured I would have to 42 the
coach with my shooting ability. But it turned out that the team was 43 full of
attacking players and what it needed was someone to 44 on defence (防守).
Unwillingly, I decided to take that role, but didn’t expect the 45 was to make
all the difference to me later.
One day, when we were 46 a game against the Bucks, I was called out by
the coach, Milwaukee, who gave me the 47 to guard our court (球场). Though
feeling a bit 48 , I accepted. Throughout the game, I continued playing the
defence role.
Then, near the end of the game, in a(n) 49 to widen the score gap,
Milwaukee gave me a precious 50 . He asked me to organize an attack. Running
to the center of the court, I 51 the ball. It was a 52 three-point play and the
championship was ours.
Standing there in that circle of cheering audience, I came to 53 the
importance of teamwork. Just as Milwaukee said, “ 54 teams often have one or
two players who stand out; good teams have five who work together. It is amazing
what can be achieved when no one cares who gets the 55 .”
41. A. ordinary B. excellent C. anxious D. inexperienced
42. A. impress B. equip C. bless D. help
43. A. lately B. generally C. already D. eventually
44. A. wait B. call C. focus D. depend
45. A. approach B. decision C. comment D. problem
46. A. preparing for B. looking for C. applying for D. calling for
47. A. potential B. comfort C. responsibility D. turn
48. A. cheerful B. frightened C. satisfied D. disappointed
49. A. mood B. rush C. attempt D. position
50. A. method B. lesson C. suggestion D. opportunity
51. A. kicked B. held C. caught D. shot
52. A. rare B. key C. typical D. possible
53. A. realize B. wish C. advise D. achieve
54. A. Capable B. Professional C. Native D. Poor
55. A. honor B. present C. support D. income
第二节(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)
阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
We've all been there: You totally meant to get that science project finished weeks
ago when it 56. (give) to you, but you, well, didn't. With the deadline
now just hours away, you could carefully finish your project ... or you could spend
time 57. TikTok.
If that sounds like your experience, you're not alone: According to a survey
58. (carry) out by StudyMode, 87% of high school and college students
consider themselves to behave in a way 59. is called procrastination (拖延).
“I find that I'll start to put things off, then feel like I'm losing control,” says
Mya,17. “Somehow that makes it much 60. (easy) to procrastinate. It's
a cycle (循环) that's easy to fall into and 61. (challenge) to get out
of. ”
But here's the thing: Procrastination isn't just about late bedtimes. 62.
(researcher) have found that procrastination leads to increased rates of anxiety (焦虑),
as well as less sleep and lower grades.63. (simple) put, procrastination
holds you back from 64. (achieve) your goals and being your best self
— and that's not OK.
But it is possible to stop putting things off. Break tasks into small steps, make
65. specific schedule and follow it. Remember that determination is the
key to success in dealing with procrastination.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分 40 分)
第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 3 分,满分 15 分)
Example: With butterflies in my stomach, I breathed deeply, saying: “Hi, I'm Meng
New situation: Please describe the situation when you won the first place in the
English competition.
Sample: With excitement in my heart, I laughed out loud, saying to myself: “Good
girl! You made it.”
66. My first impression of my new school was that it’s very beautiful with a woody
New situation: What was your first impression of your head teacher
67. I was looking at the photos on the noticeboard when I heard a voice behind me.
New situation: You were walking along the street and suddenly you ...
68. Turning around, I saw a white-haired man.
New situation: We looked out of the window, and we saw ...
69. With a lot work to do, I can’t go shopping with you.
New situation: You have a lot of things to buy, so you ...
70. The teacher spoke so fast that I couldn’t take everything down.
New situation: Our English teacher explained English grammar very clearly and even
I could ...
第二节(满分 25 分)
假如你是李华,你的好朋友 David 上周五与父母在是否参加社团这件事上发生了争吵,
1. 给予安慰;
2. 给出建议;(至少两条)
3. 表达祝愿。
1. 词数 100 左右;
2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;
3. 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。
Dear David,
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
6-10 CBAAB 11-15 BCCAB 16-20 BABBA
第二部分 阅读(共两节, 满分50分)
第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5 分)
21-25 ACABA 26-30 DBADC 31-35 BCBDB
36-40 EABGF
第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分30分)
41-45 BACCB 46-50 ACDCD 51-55 DBADA
56. was given 57. on 58. carried 59. that/which 60. easier
61. challenging 62. Researchers 63. Simply 64. achieving 65. a
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
66. My first impression of my head teacher was that he/she is kind and humorous.
67. We were walking along the street when we came across our former teachers.
68. Looking out of the window, we saw a bird on the tree.
69. With a lot of things to buy, I went to the supermarket.
70. Our English teacher explained English grammar so clearly that even I could
understand it.
One possible version:
Dear David,
I feel deeply sorry to know that you argued with your parents on whether you
should join the school clubs last Friday. Honestly speaking, it’s understandable that
you feel frustrated but we should make efforts to get along well with them. My
suggestions are listed as follows.
First of all, to help ease the tension, it’s of great importance to have an open-
minded conversation with them, calmly explaining your interest and how it can
1 / 4
benefit you. In addition, consider their concerns and find a compromise (折中方案) if
possible, which is the key to bridging the divide (消除分歧的关键).
I hope you’ll find my suggestions helpful. Best wishes!
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua
(Text 1)
W: They give good service and the music is beautiful. But this pancake is really dry.
M: I don’t like it either. Let’s order some other food.
(Text 2)
M: Hi Fiona. This is Ben. You said you’d meet me at 6:30 p.m. The bus is coming in
5 minutes — we’ll miss the film if you don’t get here soon.
W: Sorry, Ben. I’m coming to the bus stop. Please wait two minutes.
(Text 3)
W: So what about going to the festival on Friday I guess there will be fewer people
than Saturday.
M: I’m not sure as I have to work late.
W: Don’t worry, I can pick you up any time.
(Text 4)
M: Hi. This is Tammy’s father. I’m sorry, but Tammy is in hospital now and won’t
go to school today.
W: Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. Is her back hurt again
M: No. She is having pain in her leg, which she injured in the basketball game
(Text 5)
W: My math teacher wants me to do a math degree.
M: Is that what you want to do
W: Yes. I was thinking about doing physics but I enjoy math more, so I’ve decided
to do that.
M: Great. Why don’t you search different universities and see which offers the best
courses for you
2 / 4
(Text 6)
W: What did you do in the school holidays
M: I went to stay with my aunt and uncle. I want to see them every week if I could,
or at least once a month, but they live in France so we only get to see each other
every summer.
W: Sounds like you had a great time together.
M: We did. The first day I got there, we had a big dinner. And they were pleased
with the gift I got them — a book. Oh, right. A friend of mine in France came to the
dinner, too. On the second day, we went to the Eiffel Tower and bought some
postcards there.
(Text 7)
W: I had a great weekend with my parents, Grandpa. We went to the movies on
Saturday. We watched a film about animals.
M: Did you enjoy that
W: Well, it was a great film. Then we went to a restaurant. There weren’t many
people there. The food was great but eating there cost us a lot.
M: What did you do on Sunday
W: We went to the museum. I took some photos which’ll be perfect for my history
project. Then we went to the swimming pool but we didn’t stay long. After lunch,
we had a walk in the forest. We even saw some rabbits. It was amazing!
M: Fantastic!
(Text 8)
M: Which book would you buy
W: The one about the Internet, I think. What about you
M: My brother has already got the book about space. Maybe I’m not buying a book.
I can’t find the one I want.
W: Come on. The second book is half-price! How about the book about the wildlife
of Africa
M: It looks great, but it’s mainly photos and there isn’t much information. I prefer
books that have more information.
W: Well, you might want to consider the one about world history. It includes a lot of
M: Hmm, that sounds like a good idea. Learning about different cultures and time
periods is interesting.
3 / 4
(Text 9)
W: I didn’t think I’d enjoy this museum but it was great.
M: Me too. The things I saw in the transport part were excellent.
W: You mean the old train
M: No, I mean that old-fashioned bike with unusual wheels. I rode it. That was the
best part.
W: Oh, right. Did you see that big chair with the lion on It’s really old and
M: I read it was designed by a king.
W: And did you see the paintings in the art part They were amazing!
M: Yeah, I liked those too. But it was a pity that we didn’t get to see the show on
ancient civilizations. They also have a new show coming up next month on space.
We can see them together next time.
W: How did you know about the shows here
M: I saw that on their website.
W: I can’t wait to come back and learn more about history and culture.
M: Next time let’s come with Mom. I think she will like this museum.
(Text 10)
I went on my first sea journey last month. I’m an editor for a student magazine,
and a ship company invited me to go on one of their ships because they wanted more
young people to try sea journeys. The ship I went on was huge. I got on the ship and
went straight to my room. I took everything out of my bag and then went to look
around the ship. There were 10 restaurants with fantastic food, as well as swimming
pools, a running track, a gym and exercise classes. There was too much to do! There
were about 2,800 passengers from all over the world. I was surprised because I
couldn’t believe there were so many people on the ship. All in all, that was a great
journey. Before I left, I was worried about being bored on the ship, but I soon found
that being on the ship was a fantastic experience. I will certainly go on a sea journey
4 / 4