人教版(2019)必修 第二册Unit 5 Music Reading for Writing教学设计(表格式)+学习任务单


名称 人教版(2019)必修 第二册Unit 5 Music Reading for Writing教学设计(表格式)+学习任务单
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版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-10-13 15:28:15


学科 英语 年级 高一 学期 秋季
课题 Unit 5 Music — Reading for Writing
教科书 《英语必修第二册》(人教版)
1.厘清音乐对Sarah的影响; 2.分析和总结演讲稿的结构和语言特征; 3.分析修辞手法在演讲稿中的运用; 4.创作、修改和检查有关音乐改变人生的演讲稿。
预习Unit 5 Music — Reading for Writing部分
【学习任务一】 Talk about how music can benefit our life (orally) 【学习任务二】Talk about the picture (orally) Where is she What is she doing What will music bring her 【学习任务三】Read for the structure Part 1 Part2 Part3 Part4 【学习任务四】Read for detailed information Read paragraph 2 and make a timeline about Sarah’s personal experience 2.Read paragraph 3-4 and answer two questions: What did music bring to Sarah What is her advice to others 【学习任务五】Study the language features Match the names of rhetorical devices to the lettered sentences in the speech.(P56) 【学习任务六】Summarize the features of a good speech 【学习任务七】Write a speech about how music has changed your life by using the structures and rhetorical devices. Hello, my name is ___________, and I'm here to talk about _______________________________________________________,______years ago, _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________. Answer: 【学习任务一】口头练习,答案略 【学习任务二】口头练习,答案略 【学习任务三】Read for the structure Part1:Welcome the audience,introduce yourself and propose the topic Part2 Share personal experience about music Part3 Share your feelings about music Part4 Give advice to the audience and thank the audience 【学习任务四】Read for detailed information 1.Read paragraph 2 and make a timeline about Sarah’s personal experience 2.Read paragraph 3-4 and answer two questions: 1.What did music bring to Sarah Happiness. Strength and relief. Hope and satisfaction. Friendship and Encouragement. 2.What is her advice to others Her advice is to use music to help you when you have problems. 【学习任务五】Study the language features Match the names of rhetorical devices to the lettered sentences in the speech. 【学习任务六】Summarize the features of a good speech 【学习任务七】Write a speech about how music has changed your life by using the structures and rhetorical devices. 范文 Hello! My name is John, and I'm here to talk about the power of music over words. Two years ago, my grandmother passed away, and music has helped me cope since then. Sometimes words cannot describe what we are feeling, but music can. As Hans Christian Andersen once said, “Where words fail, music speaks.” Music is like a special language that everyone can understand. Have you ever heard a piece of music and remembered an important time in your life Perhaps when something important happened, or when you felt really happy or sad. I feel this way about a piece of classical music by Eric Satie called“Gymnopedie No.1”. It reminds me of my grandmother. It is like an old friend comforting me when I hear it. This music helps me remember how much I miss her. It helps me remember all the great times we had. And music helps me be grateful for that time together. If you struggle to find the words to help you, music can be your guide.
学科 英语 年级 高一 学期 秋季
课题 Unit 5 Music — Reading for Writing
教科书 《英语必修第二册》(人教版)
通过本堂课的学习,学生能够: 读懂Sarah的演讲稿,体会音乐对她的影响; 了解演讲稿的基本结构和语言特征; 学习在演讲稿中使用修辞手法; 写一篇有关音乐改变人生的演讲稿。
教学重点: 1. 通过阅读和分析,了解演讲稿的基本结构。 2. 通过语言学习, 掌握明喻、暗喻、引用、拟人、重复、设问等修辞手法的特征,并将其应用到演讲稿的写作中。 教学难点: 1. 如何将课上所学到的关于演讲稿的结构和语言等知识运用到写作中。 2. 如何巧妙地运用修辞手法,使演讲稿更生动、更有感染力。
Activity 1 Talk about how music can benefit our life 【设计意图】通过问题引导学生展开联想,引出语篇主题,激发学生兴趣。 Activity 2 Talk about the picture 让学生看教材插图预测主人公背景信息。 Look at the picture and predict. 1. Where is she She is in hospital. 2. What is she doing She is lying on a hospital bed, listening to music and doing the victory gesture. 【设计意图】通过观察插图,让学生预测语篇的内容,发现主人公和音乐的联系,为后续阅读打下基础。 Activity 3 Read for the structure 【设计意图】阅读理解语篇内容,感知文本结构,理解与建构演讲稿的基本框架。 Activity 4 Read for detailed information Para3-4 1.What did music bring to Sarah Happiness. Strength and relief. Hope and satisfaction. Friendship and Encouragement. What is her advice to others Her advice to others is to use music to help when you have problems. 【设计意图】阅读理解语篇内容,获取细节信息,深入理解Sarah的经历和音乐对她的深刻影响。 Activity 5 Study the language features Analyse the rhetorical devices in the speech. Match the names of rhetorical devices to the lettered sentences in the speech. 【设计意图】通过深入阅读语篇,分析六种修辞手法的特点和作用,让学生感受合理使用修辞能让演讲更有感染力。 Activity 6 Summarize the features of a good speech 【设计意图】通过总结,让学生明确一篇好的演讲稿应该是结构清晰、主题集中、语言生动、有感染力的,为演讲稿的写作奠定基础。 Activity 7 Write a speech Think of ways that people experience music, and how music can help people. Think about your experience with music and how it has changed your plete the sentences with some of the rhetorical devices you want to use in your speech. 1.(Rhetorical question)Have you ever faced a time when you ______________________________________________. 2.(Metaphor)Music was ______,which made me __________. 3.(Simile)____suggested that I listen to music, which is like ____in my heart, inspiring me all the time. 4.(Quote)_______,one of my favorite writers/actors/teachers,said, “Music is _____________________________________.” 5.(Personification)Music really encouraged/inspired me, like a ___________. 6.(Repetition)Music gives me___________; music gives me____________; music gives me plete the outline and use it along with rhetorical devices to draft your speech. Hello, my name is ___________, and I'm here to talk about __________, ______ years ago, _______________________. 【设计意图】通过思考和分析,让学生建立个人经历和音乐之间的关联,进而创作一篇音乐影响自己人生的演讲稿。 Activity 8 Revise the draft Revise the draft according to the checklist: 【设计意图】对照检查单,让学生修改自己的习作,加深对演讲稿的结构、语言的运用。 Activity 9 Appreciate the sample writing Hello! My name is John, and I'm here to talk about the power of music over words. Two years ago, my grandmother passed away, and music has helped me cope since then. Sometimes words cannot describe what we are feeling, but music can. As Hans Christian Andersen once said, “Where words fail, music speaks.” Music is like a special language that everyone can understand. Have you ever heard a piece of music and remembered an important time in your life Perhaps when something important happened, or when you felt really happy or sad. I feel this way about a piece of classical music by Eric Satie called“Gymnopedie No.1”. It reminds me of my grandmother. It is like an old friend comforting me when I hear it. This music helps me remember how much I miss her. It helps me remember all the great times we had. And music helps me be grateful for that time together. If you struggle to find the words to help you, music can be your guide. 【设计意图】通过欣赏一篇范文,让学生分析范文的结构特征和语言特点,并对照语篇,进一步明确演讲稿的写作要点。 Assignment 1.Review the speech on P56, and summarize the features of a good speech. 2. Find and remember the useful expressions for writing a speech. 3. Polish your speech based on the checklist. If possible, deliver the speech in class. 【设计意图】让学生复习课堂所学内容,参照语篇和范文重新修改自己的作品,试着联系将演讲稿演绎出来,体会演讲稿应该在语言上更生动、富有感染力才能与听众产生共鸣。