人教版(2019)必修 第二册Unit 5 Music Reading for Writing课件(共17张PPT+学习任务单+教学设计)


名称 人教版(2019)必修 第二册Unit 5 Music Reading for Writing课件(共17张PPT+学习任务单+教学设计)
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-10-13 15:38:37


学科 英语 年级 高一年级 学期 秋季
课题 Book 2 Unit 5 Reading for Writing – Write a Speech
教科书 《英语必修第二册》(人教版)
1. 通过文本信息梳理,了解音乐的疗愈作用; 2. 通过分析作者阐述演讲主题的方式,掌握演讲稿的主要结构,学会选择合适的演讲内容; 3. 通过梳理文章语言特点,学会用修辞手法和互动性语言写出生动感人的演讲稿; 4. 运用所学内容,写出生动感人的演讲稿,并能对演讲稿进行评价。
复习本单元中已经学过的文本,预习Reading for Writing的部分
【学习任务一】根据课本图片,推测演讲主题。 Your guess: The speech is about how _________ has had an impact on my life. 【学习任务二】阅读文本,找出演讲主题,作者阐述主题的方式及文章的主要结构和内容。
Read and Think: Q1: What is the main topic of the speech Q2: How does Sarah demonstrate her topic Q3: What is her story Q4: What’s her personal feelings about music Q5: Why did Sarah make this speech 【学习任务三】小组讨论让演讲稿具有感染力和说服力的途径。 Group discussion: How did Sarah convince the audience
【学习任务四】阅读文本,找出你认为有感染力的句子,并分析其写作手法。对比其他文体,找出演讲稿与众不同的特点,并在文中找到相应句子。 1. Which sentence impresses you most 2. Match the names of rhetorical devices to the lettered sentences in the speech. metaphor _________ personification ________ simile ______ repetition _______ quote _______ 3. Can you find any interaction with the audience in Sarah’s speech 【学习任务五】总结归纳所学写作技巧,自选主题,根据所给开头结尾写出演讲稿的草稿。 Think: 1.What factors should be included in a speech 2.Can you retell how Sarah made her speech impressive Brainstorm a topic and write a draft of a speech with the given part. Hello, my name is __________. It’s my honour to be here and talk about how _________ has had an impact on my life. _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Thank you! 【学习任务六】根据演讲稿的评价标准,完善自己的演讲稿后,与同伴进行交换互评并及时反馈。 Checklist: □Does the speech have a clear structure □Does the writer convince the audience with his/her own story and own feelings □Does the writer use proper rhetorical devices to make the speech impressive □Is the speech interactive □Is the first word in each sentence capitalized □Does the writer use correct punctuation Assessment from your group member: _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Your feedback: _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________
1.课文音频资源(已附在课件上)。 2.关注学校校本资源库,开展自学。(共17张PPT)
Book 2 Unit 5 Reading for Writing
Write a Speech
Book 2 Unit 5
Reading for Writing
Write a Speech
Guessing game
The speech is about how ________ has had an impact on her life.
Good morning! My name is Sarah Williams. It’s an honour to be here and to share with you the story of how music has had an impact on my life.
Have you ever faced a time when things looked dark and you had no hope at all Two years ago, I was told I had a serious disease which was difficult to cure. My body ached all the time and thus I thought I didn’t have much longer to live. I was very afraid and I felt so alone and discouraged. Then one day, I had to go through a two-hour medical treatment. The doctor wanted me to relax, so he had me listen to some music, and one of the songs was “Happy”. The song made me feel so much better that from then on I began to listen to music all the time. John A. Logan said, “Music is the medicine of the mind.” And it’s true. Music helped me recover.
Music gave me happiness. When I listened to music, it made my spirits fly like a kite in the wind. Music gave me strength and brought me relief. It was the rock I leant on to become strong and to get through those hard times. Moreover, music gave me hope and a sense of satisfaction. It became my best friend. It spoke words of encouragement to the deepest part of my being.
Of course, I hope none of you have to go through the same kind of suffering that I did. At the same time, we all go through various periods when we feel sad or alone. During those times, music can help you in the same way that it helped me. I hope all of you will somehow begin to treasure music and make it a part of your life.
Thank you!
personal anecdote
personal feelings
close the speech
1. What is the main topic of Sarah’s speech
2. How did Sarah demonstrate her topic in her speech
She demonstrated her topic in four parts.
3. What is her story
Music helped her recover from a serious disease.
4. What’s her personal feelings about music
She felt music is very important to her.
5. Why did Sarah make this speech
She wanted to share her opinion with more people.
7. How did she manage that Read the passage again and find out. Discuss in groups of four and share the opinion of your group with us.
6. Do you agree with her opinion Why or why not
Most students agree with her opinion because they think her speech is convincing.
Our group thinks both the content and the language make her speech convincing. For the content, she talked about her own story, which is more convincing than stories from others. And the language she used to express her own feelings is also convincing and impressive.
8. Which sentence in her speech impresses you most
[B] John A. Logan said, “Music is the medicine of the mind.” And it’s true. Music helped me recover.
[C]Music gave me happiness. [D] When I listened to music, it made my spirits fly like a kite in the wind. [C] Music gave me strength and brought me relief. [E] It was the rock I leant on to become strong and to get through those hard times. [C] Moreover, music gave me hope and a sense of satisfaction. [F] It became my best friend. It spoke words of encouragement to the deepest part of my being.
Match the names of rhetorical devices to these lettered sentences.
metaphor _________ personification ________
simile ______ repetition _______ quote _______
direct speech
with like / as
without like / as
with human quality
9. What is the unique character of a speech compared with other text types
A speech should be interactive.
10. Can you find any interaction with the audience in Sarah’s speech
Good morning! My name is Sarah Williams. It’s an honour to be here and to share with you the story of how music has had an impact on my life.
Have you ever faced a time when things looked dark and you had no hope at all Two years ago, I was told I had a serious disease which was difficult to cure. My body ached all the time and thus I thought I didn’t have much longer to live. I was very afraid and I felt so alone and discouraged. Then one day, I had to go through a two-hour medical treatment. The doctor wanted me to relax, so he had me listen to some music, and one of the songs was “Happy”. The song made me feel so much better that from then on I began to listen to music all the time. John A. Logan said, “Music is the medicine of the mind.” And it’s true. Music helped me recover.
Music gave me happiness. When I listened to music, it made my spirits fly like a kite in the wind. Music gave me strength and brought me relief. It was the rock I leant on to become strong and to get through those hard times. Moreover, music gave me hope and a sense of satisfaction. It became my best friend. It spoke words of encouragement to the deepest part of my being.
Of course, I hope none of you have to go through the same kind of suffering that I did. At the same time, we all go through various periods when we feel sad or alone. During those times, music can help you in the same way that it helped me. I hope all of you will somehow begin to treasure music and make it a part of your life.
Thank you!
rhetorical question
second person
What factors should be included in a speech
a clear structure
convincing content
impressive language
interaction with the audience
greeting, introduction, gratitude, a rhetorical question
rhetorical devices
own story, own feelings, a quote
five parts
Brainstorm: How to write a speech on your topic
Hello, my name is __________. It’s my honour to be here and talk about how _________ has had an impact on my life.

Thank you!
Draft your speech with the given opening and closing part.
Does the speech have a clear structure
Does the writer convince the audience with his/her own story and own feelings
Does the writer use proper rhetorical devices to make the speech impressive
Is the speech interactive
Is the first word in each sentence capitalized
Does the writer use correct punctuation
Fulfill your draft according to this checklist.
Hello, my name is Jessie. It’s my honour to be here and talk about how a role model has had an impact on my life.
Have you ever had that person that was a role model in your eyes That person that you thought, “Wow, I want to be just like them”. That person who shoots for the stars and isn’t afraid of failure. That person who stands up for what they believe in and fights the obstacle they face. That person who encourages others to be the best they can be. All these qualities fits the person that in my eyes is a perfect role model - Graham Marchman. She has inspired me to be the best that I can be.
Graham is a common girl as many of us. She went to Heritage and played many sports there. You could call her a natural athlete. Whatever she tried, she was amazing at it. One amazing quality that Graham had was her leadership on and off the playing field. She put others before herself. As a young child growing up in the Heritage Family, Graham was my role model. I wanted to be her.
She was an amazing soccer player, which was my favourite sport. I would always ask to come and watch the Varsity games just to see her play. She inspired me as a young middle schooler to be the best I could be. I wanted to follow right in her footsteps - play soccer at the college level. It was a dream of mine that I’ve always had. I once asked Graham what her greatest accomplishment was, and she said, “My greatest accomplishment this far would probably be never forgetting where I came from and realizing how blessed I have been.” Now I have realized my dream. And I owe this to Graham, my role model. She inspired me to set my goal. She showed me how to overcome difficulties. She encouraged me to achieve my dreams. Without her, I may not be the person I am now. So when you feel less motivated and have no interest in academic, try to find a role model to inspire you and drive you like a guiding light.
Thank you!
Hello, my name is Jessie. It’s my honour to be here and talk about how a role model has had an impact on my life.
Have you ever had that person that was a role model in your eyes That person that you thought, “Wow, I want to be just like them”. That person who shoots for the stars and isn’t afraid of failure. That person who stands up for what they believe in and when things get tough they fight through it. That person who encourages others to be the best they can be. All these qualities fits the person that in my eyes is a perfect role model - Graham Marchman. She has inspired me to be the best that I can be.
Graham is a common girl as many of us. She went to Heritage and played many sports there. You could call her a natural athlete. Whatever she tried, she was amazing at it. One amazing quality that Graham had was her leadership on and off the playing field. She put others before herself. As a young child growing up in the Heritage Family, Graham was my role model. I wanted to be her.
convincing content: personal anecdote
rhetorical question
impressive language: repetition
She was an amazing soccer player which was my favourite sport. I would always ask to come and watch the Varsity games just to see her play. She inspired me as a young middle schooler to be the best I could be. I wanted to follow right in her footsteps - play soccer at the college level. It was a dream of mine that I’ve always had. I once asked Graham what her greatest accomplishment was, and she said, “My greatest accomplishment this far would probably be never forgetting where I came from and realizing how blessed I have been.” Now I have realized my dream. And I owe this to Graham, my role model. She inspired me to set my goal. She showed me how to overcome difficulties. She encouraged me to achieve my dreams. Without her, I may not be the person I am now. So when you feel less motivated and have no interest in academic, try to find a role model to inspire you and drive you like a guiding light.
Thank you!
convincing content: personal feelings
second person
Does the speech have a clear structure
Does the writer convince the audience with his/her own story and own feelings
Does the writer use proper rhetorical devices to make the speech impressive
Is the speech interactive
Is the first word in each sentence capitalized
Does the writer use correct punctuation
Exchange your draft with your group members and assess their drafts according to this checklist. You may share your opinion on the assessment with your group member as feedback.
Here is the assessment and feedback from one of my students.
Polish your speech.
Prepare to deliver it in the next class.
The audio of Sarah’s speech
Find our more on:
Chris Anderson: TED's secret to great public speaking | TED Talk
Simon Lancaster: How to start a speech | TED Talk
学科 英语 年级 高一年级 学期 秋季
课题 Book 2 Unit 5 Reading for Writing – Write a Speech
教科书 《英语必修第二册》(人教版)
通过本堂课的学习,学生能够: 加深对单元主题意义的理解; 通过分析演讲稿的主题和作者阐述主题的方式,掌握演讲稿的结构; 通过分析作者如何达成演讲目的,掌握如何选择演讲稿的内容及演讲稿的语言特色; 通过分析作者的写作手法,了解如何写出生动感人的演讲稿; 运用所学内容,写出生动感人的演讲稿; 了解如何对演讲稿进行评价。
教学重点: 指导学生在了解演讲稿的结构、内容和语言特征的基础上,写出生动感人的演讲稿。 教学难点: 1. 理解语言的功能性,能够根据实际交际中读者的需求选择恰当的语言。 2. 学习运用修辞手法,增加语言的丰富性和感染力,并在语篇仿写中加以运用。
Activity 1: Lead-in 1. Students are asked to guess the topic of the speech. 2. The teacher introduces the picture and guides students to think about the topic and the theme of this unit. 【设计意图】为达成目标1,教师通过课本配图让学生预测演讲主题,并引导学生关注单元主题和该文本之间的关系。 【核心素养提升点】加强学生对于单元主题的理解。 Activity 2: Read for the structure Students read the speech and find out: Q1: What is the main topic of the speech Q2: How does Sarah demonstrate her topic Q3: What is her story Q4: What’s her personal feelings about music Q5: Why did Sarah make this speech Students sort out the structure of the speech by answering these questions. 【设计意图】学生在对文本进行预测后进行阅读,通过对演讲主题的探究,理解文本大意,加深对单元主题意义的理解。为达成教学目标2,教师引导学生通过探究作者如何阐述演讲主题,掌握演讲稿的结构。 【核心素养提升点】培养学生分析、归纳的逻辑思维能力。 Activity 3: Read for the content The teacher asks students whether they agree with the author’s opinion. Students share their opinions and explain their reasons. Students read the speech again and discuss how the author convinces the audience. Students share their opinions in class. 【设计意图】为达成目标3,教师引导学生表达自己对本演讲稿主要观点是否认可以及理由,让学生感受演讲稿的感染力和说服力。同时引导学生通过探究作者如何达成写作目的,掌握使演讲稿具有感染力的途径:选择有感染力的内容和生动且有说服力的语言。 【核心素养提升点】培养学生分析、归纳的逻辑思维能力以及小组合作学习的能力。 Activity 4: Read for language features The teacher asks students which sentence impresses them most. Students share their opinions. The teacher concludes the answers and asks students to match the names of rhetorical devices to the lettered sentences in the speech. Students do the exercise and check the answers. The teacher asks students the following two questions: Q1: Compared with other text types, what is the unique character of a speech Q2: Can you find any interaction with the audience in Sarah’s speech Students learn how to make the speech interactive by answering these questions. 【设计意图】为达成目标4,教师引导学生说出自己对该演讲稿印象最深的句子,让学生将注意力转移到演讲稿的语言特色上。同时引导学生分析演讲稿与其他文体的不同之处,使学生了解演讲稿语言具有互动性的特点,培养学生的读者意识。 【核心素养提升点】培养学生的语言赏析能力、对语言特点的辨别能力和读者意识。 Activity 5: Summarize the criteria and write a draft The teacher asks the following questions: Q1: What factors should be included in a speech Q2: Can you retell how Sarah made her speech impressive Students review what they have learnt in the reading part, brainstorm a topic and write a draft of a speech with the given part. 【设计意图】为达成目标5,让学生所学有所用,教师引导学生总结阅读部分所学到的关于演讲稿的写作要点,为学生下一步写作搭建支架。学生在此基础上确定自己的演讲主题,并进行演讲稿草稿的写作。 【核心素养提升点】提升学生的总结归纳能力,帮助学生对所学知识进行迁移运用。 Activity 6: writing and assessing The teacher shows students the checklist and asks students to assess their draft themselves and then fulfill their draft according to it. When students finished writing, the teacher shows a sample to students and assesses it according to the checklist. Students exchange their drafts with their group members, assess others’ drafts and give feedback on their peer assessment. The teacher shares a sample of peer assessment with students. 【设计意图】为达成目标6,通过评价标准的引入,帮助学生更好地掌握演讲稿的写作要点,使学生会写、会自评、会互评,实现教学评一体化。 【核心素养提升点】培养学生的批判性思维,帮助学生养成反思评价的学习习惯。 Assignment: Polish the draft and prepare to deliver it. The teacher offers students some resources, showing them how to deliver a speech. 【设计意图】帮助学生在课后对演讲稿写作要点进行知识内化。 【核心素养提升点】进一步提高学生的语言能力和思维品质。