人教版(2019)必修 第二册Unit 5 Music Discovering Useful Structures教学设计(表格式+学习任务单+课后练习)


名称 人教版(2019)必修 第二册Unit 5 Music Discovering Useful Structures教学设计(表格式+学习任务单+课后练习)
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-10-13 15:55:09


学科 英语 年级 高一 学期 春季
课题 必修二第五单元Discovering Useful Structures
教科书 普通高中英语教科书必修第二册
通过复习必修二第四单元语法知识:过去分词做定语和宾语补足语,能够较快地接受并理解过去分词做表语和状语的用法; 能够在课堂上有效使用必修二第五单元词汇进行表达; 能够在具体语境中实现过去分词做表语和状语的正确使用。
1. 复习必修二第四单元语法知识:过去分词做定语和宾语补足语
2. 复习必修二第五单元已学阅读语篇:The Virtual Choir 3. 阅读背诵必修二第五单元词汇:classical-aim
【学习任务一】判断下列句子中加粗的过去分词充当什么状语。 1.A virtual choir is one video online by uploading several videos performed by different people online and putting them together. 2.Uploaded online, a virtual choir is a combination of several videos performed by different people. 3.Several videos performed by different people are uploaded onto the Internet and put together into one video to create a virtual choir. 4.Born in the USA on 2 Jan. 1970, Whitcare created the first virtual choir. 5.He was moved and inspired by virtual choir because it could bring energy to him. 6.He felt excited and energetic every time he joined in a virtual choir. 7.Though we are ordinary people, offered an opportunity to add our voices to those of other individuals, many of us benefit from the virtual choir. 8.The virtual choir is a wonderful way to get the world changed to be a better place. 【学习任务二】选择原因、条件、伴随/方式和让步状语之一参照时间状语进行例句仿写: 状语连接词例句转换成过去分词做状语时间状语when, as, after, before...After he was accepted by the university, he was addicted to online games.Accepted by the university, he was addicted to online games. 原因状语because, as, since...条件状语if伴随/方式状语and让步状语though, although
【学习任务三】基于课堂所学完成填空: Given another hour, I can also work out this problem. _________状语 Lost in thought, he didn't hear the bell. _________状语 Deeply moved, she accepted the gift. _________状语 She accepted the gift, deeply moved. _________状语 Wounded, the brave soldiers continued to fight to search for the trapped in the ruins. _________ 【学习任务四】绘制关于过去分词做表语和状语用法的思维导图
【学习任务五】完成练习1——单句填空 Task 1: Complete each sentence using the correct form of the given word. (Adapted from the textbook P86 Ex.2) Pair Work _________(give) some advice by a famous musician, the young singer was not ________(worry) about his performance any more. Thousands of ___________(excite) fans welcomed the ___________(respect) songwriter, which was quite ____________(excite). The __________(alarm) passengers rushed to help the _________(injure) woman. __________(move) by the peaceful music, he decided to study classical music in university. _________________(form) by some teenagers, the band soon became popular among students interested in hip-hop. The top of the ____________(fascinate) mountain is ____________(cover) with snow for most of the year. Those good old days are _________(go) forever! 【学习任务六】完成练习2——短文填空 Task 2: Complete the passage with proper forms of the verbs. (Individual Work) Well _____1_____(know) as a successful band, the Impact members show quite a few _____2_____(amaze) qualities. They never ever give up. When _____3_____(question) by the media, they are not _______4_______ (discourage) and practise even harder. They are improving themselves by attending several master training classes. They are ____5______(unite). ______6_______(fill with) team spirit, they act as a whole, always aiming for glory. Their _____7______(inspire) story always inspire the youngsters. 【学习任务七】完成练习3——句子改写 Task 3: Rewrite the sentences by using past participles as the adverbial. Exercises: ①Henry was highly interested in music and began to write original compositions when he was in high school. ②They were pleased with his music and songs and finally invited him to perform in the Silver Hall. ③Though he was affected by gradual blindness soon after the performance, Henry was still capable of writing compositions and he found that creating music was a relief and cure for his illness. ④When he got absorbed in his world of music, he felt as if he could “see” the beauty of the world around him, like he had in his previous life. 【学习任务八】完成练习4——对话输出 Task 4: Describe your favorite singer or musician using V-ed form or past participle phrases. (Pair Work) Q: Who’s your favorite singer/musician/band Why What do you know about him/her/them Example: A: Who’s your favorite singer/musician/band Why B: My favorite singer/musician is Jay Chou. Loved by young people, he is definitely the King of Pop music. What about you A: I think Beethoven is no doubt the No.1 in my mind. Known as one the greatest musician in the world, his inspiring life story always inspires me. B:...
1. 人教版普通高中英语教科书必修二第四和第五单元(包括workbook内容)作业练习
学科 英语 年级 高一 学期 春季
课题 必修二第五单元Discovering Useful Structures
教科书 普通高中英语教科书必修第二册
B2U5第5课时跟踪训练Grammar Part 1 Complete each sentence using the correct form of the given word. 1.________(connect) by virtual music, they often perform and write musical compositions together online. 2.The videos soon became popular after they _____________(upload) onto the Internet. 3.Sam was __________(satisfy) with the news that he would _____________(present) with the Player of the Year Award. 4.Once _________(share) with the public, it proved to be wonderful. 5.The song ___________(perform) by so many top musicians sounded different this time. 6.After the long and __________(tire) climb, I slid into bed and fell fast asleep that night. 7._____________(influence) by their beliefs and qualities, we are trying to make a difference. 8.I enjoyed the performance ___________(give) by my favorite hip-hop artist! 9.The director got the singers ___________(position) so that everyone could fit into the picture. 10.Annie was ___________(thrill) to find her name on the list of people invited to the concert. Part 2 Complete each sentence using past or present participles. 1.__________ the opportunities to perform alone on video, I will enjoy the experience. 2.___________by his fans, Whitcare continued with his original compositions. 3.They were __________ to be ________ to volunteer a the music festival. 4.____________to speak in front of so many people, they miss a lot of chances for improvement. 5.We were exhilarated to hear so many types of __________music___________ by singers. 6.The continuous heavy rain had me _____________ at home last week. 7.It’s ____________ to look for the birds ___________ in the trees. Part3Complete the text using past or present participles(A “,” should be added when needed.) Part 4. Introduce your favorite singer/musician using past or present participles. 音乐是沟通的桥梁,是心灵的纽带。假设你是李华,你的外国好友Alice想了解你最喜爱的歌手/音乐家。请你写信向她介绍你最喜爱的歌手/音乐家。要求:60-80词,文中至少3处使用动词的过去分词形式(尽可能多种用法)。开头结尾已给出。 Dear Alice, Hearing that you’re interested in my favorite singer, I can’t wait to share it with you. ________________________________________________________________________________ Now I’m eager to know your favorite singer or musician. Please write to me soon! Yours sincerely, Li Hua 作业参考答案 Part 1 Complete each sentence using the correct form of the given word. Connected 过去分词做伴随状语,意为“由...联系在一起”。 were uploaded 被动语态,意为“被上传到”。 satisfied; be presented 分别为过去分词做表语,意为 “感到满意的”和被动语态,意为“被颁发”。 shared 过去分词做条件状语,意为“被分享”。 performed 过去分词作后置定语,意为“被表演的”。 tiring 现在分词作前置定语,意为“令人疲惫的”。 influenced 过去分词做原因状语,意为“被...影响”。 given 过去分词做后置定语,意为“被给予的”。 positioned 过去分词做宾语补足语,意为“被安置到位的”。 thrilled 过去分词作表语,意为 “感到兴奋的”。 Part 2 Complete each sentence using past or present participles. Given/ Offered/ Gaining/Catching... Supported/Inspired/Encouraged/Loved... excited/thrilled/surprised/exhilarated...; invited/chosen/selected... Frightened/Ashamed... amazing/inspiring...; sung/written/created... trapped/stuck... interesting/exciting/frightening...; hiding/sleeping/trapped/stuck... Part 3 Complete the text using past or present participles(A “,” should be added when needed.) Their videos uploaded onto the Internet (过去分词做后置定语) Uploaded onto the Internet, their videos (过去分词做时间状语) Their videos were uploaded onto the Internet and(被动语态) 2. Moved by(过去分词做伴随状语) After you are moved by(被动语态) 3. The songs performed by them (过去分词做后置定语) The songs which were performed by them (被动语态) Performed by them, their songs (过去分词做伴随状语) 4. Devoted to his works (过去分词做伴随状语) Part 4. Part 4. Introduce your favorite singer/musician using past or present participles. One possible version: Dear Alice, Hearing that you’re interested in my favorite singer, I can’t wait to share it with you. Among all the representative singers in the world, Jay Chou tops the list in my mind. Loved by young people, he is definitely the King of Pop music. Not only is he a singer, he is also a composer. You must have come across the beautiful and amazing songs written and sung by him. I bet you will feel surprised and attracted when hearing his works.(66 words) Now I’m eager to know your favorite singer or musician. Please write to me soon! Yours sincerely, Li Hua教学设计
学科 英语 年级 高一 学期 春季
课题 必修二第五单元Discovering Useful Structures
教科书 普通高中英语教科书必修第二册
1.通过感知例句,发现并总结过去分词作表语和状语的语法功能和使用规律; 2.通过填空、半句填空等练习在具体语境中辨析过去分词作表语和状语的不同用法,并能同过去分词作定语和宾补的情况加以区分。同时,能较好区分情绪类动词转换所得过去分词和现在分词的不同用法; 3.通过调动已有知识和经验,发散创造性思维,积极运用动词过去分词描述自己最喜爱的歌手/音乐家,提升自身的语言表达和运用能力及思维品质; 4.通过讨论学生最喜爱的歌手/音乐家来激发学生的讨论热情,让其在具体且实用的语境中灵活运用过去分词来描述他们最喜爱的歌手/音乐家以及他们对该歌手/音乐家的了解和看法。
教学重点: 引导学生发现并总结过去分词作表语和状语的语法功能和使用规律;
2. 帮助学生掌握过去分词做状语与状语从句之间的转换。 教学难点: 1. 帮助学生掌握过去分词做状语的语法功能和使用规律; 2. 帮助学生过去分词做状语与状语从句之间的转换
该板块的教材设计体现“感知—发现—总结—练习—运用”的学习过程。活动1要求学生观察句子,发现句中的过去分词,初步感知过去分词的功能。活动2-3要求学生使用过去分词改写句子,通过对比改写前后的句子,进一步感知过去分词的功能。活动4要求学生灵活运用目标结构,实现语境、语篇和语意的高度结合。因此,结合该单元阅读板块内容以及学生已学相关语法知识,设置以下教学过程: Step 1 Lead-in & Explore the structures Ss are asked to answer the questions related to the reading passage in the unit. In students’ answers, words they’ve learnt in the previous reading passage will be shown. 为了实现教学目标1,课堂导入环节教师通过提问与单元主篇阅读文章话题相关的问题,且设计的问题答案均源于阅读文本,不仅帮助学生回顾已学知识以及新单元词汇,同时通过填空的方式让学生先行做好学习过去分词新用法的准备。 基于学生回答,结合话题图片,教师复现单元主课文的重点新学词汇,如energy, virtual choir, opportunity, perform, ordinary等。同时,教师自然呈现目标语法结构(改编自课本p54 Ex.1,并结合Reading and Thinking语篇内容),让学生初步感知语言。具体句子如下: Q1: What is a virtual choir A virtual choir is one video online by uploading several videos _________(perform) by different people online and putting them together. ___________(upload) online, a virtual choir is a combination of several videos ___________(perform) by different people. Several videos ___________(perform) by different people are __________(upload) onto the Internet and ________(put) together into one video to create a virtual choir. Q2: Who created the first virtual choir _________(bear) in the USA on 2 Jan. 1970, Whitcare created the first virtual choir. Q3: Why did he do that He was __________(move) and ________(inspire) by virtual choir because it could bring energy to him. He felt __________(excite) and energetic every time he joined in a virtual choir. Q4: What could a virtual choir bring us Though we are ordinary people, _________(offer) an opportunity to add our voices to those of other individuals, many of us benefit from the virtual choir. The virtual choir is a wonderful way to get the world ___________(change) to be a better place. 接着,教师引导学生同伴合作讨论,得出上述8个例句中过去分词的语法功能及使用规律。然后,教师带领学生一起分析并理清例句结构和意义:明确各句中过去分词形式充当的成分。最后学生通过思维导图自行整理归纳语法规则,使之印象深刻,从而落实教学目标1。值得一提的是,过去分词作表语和被动语态的形式是一样的,但是内涵却是不同的。过去分词作表语,强调主语的特点或所处的状态,此时过去分词往往是情绪类动词转换来的,相当于形容词,如excited;而被动语态中,主语是动词所表示动作的承受者。因此,在上述例句中,也设计了被动语态情况来帮助学生加以区分。如下图所示:
二、然后教师引导学生根据上述例句分析过去分词作表语和状语的情况。 状语: Uploaded online, a virtual choir is a combination of several videos performed by different people. Born in the USA on 2 Jan. 1970, Whitcare created the first virtual choir. Though we are ordinary people, offered an opportunity to add our voices to those of other individuals, many of us benefit from the virtual choir. 由于以上三个例句中以上中红色标记的过去分词均充当状语,教师引导学生思考分别是什么状语。引导学生探究过去分词做状语与逻辑主语之间的关系: 以上标红的过去分词和句子的主语是逻辑上的_被动_关系,表示_被动_或_完成_ 由此回顾状语从句的类别并进行过去分词做状语和状语从句的转换练习。此过程教师以时间状语的例子为例,向学生说明两点:1. 过去分词做状语相当于一个状语从句。2. 状从的省略:当主从句主语一致时,将从句的主语和be动词一起省略。其后,由学生进行自由创作,选择其中的一种状语造句(状语从句和对应的过去分词做状语) 状语连接词例句转换成过去分词做状语时间 状语when, as, after, before...After he was accepted by the university, he was addicted to online games.Accepted by the university, he was addicted to online games. 原因 状语because, as, since...Because they were greatly moved by the film, they all cried. Greatly moved by the film, they all cried.条件 状语ifIf they are grown in rich soil,these seeds can grow fast.Grown in rich soil, these seeds can grow fast.伴随/方式状语andHe walked up and down the room, and he was lost in thought. He walked up and down the room, lost in thought. 让步 状语though, althoughAlthough they were defeated this time, they continued to work hard.Defeated this time, they continued to work hard.
由此,学生对于过去分词做状语的情况以及其和状语从句的转换就会有非常清晰的了解。此时,再让学生分析下述句子中过去分词分别充当什么状语来帮助学生巩固本节课所学。 Uploaded online, a virtual choir is a combination of several videos performed by different people.(伴随状语) Born in the USA on 2 Jan. 1970, Whitcare created the first virtual choir.(伴随状语) Though we are ordinary people, offered an opportunity to add our voices to those of other individuals, many of us benefit from the virtual choir.(时间状语) Ex. Given another hour, I can also work out this problem. _条件_状语 Lost in thought, he didn't hear the bell.___原因___状语 Deeply moved, she accepted the gift. ___原因_______状语 She accepted the gift, deeply moved. __伴随__状语 Wounded, the brave soldiers continued to fight to search for the trapped in the ruins. ___让步___状语 表语: Several videos performed by different people are uploaded onto the Internet and put together into one video to create a virtual choir. He was moved and inspired by virtual choir because it could bring energy to him. He felt excited and energetic every time he joined in a virtual choir. 教师引导学生总结过去分词做表语和被动语态的区别: 过去分词作表语,强调主语的特点或所处的状态; 而被动语态中,主语是动词所表示动作的承受者。 1) This shop is now closed. 这家商店现在已经关门了。(表语,表状态) 2) This shop is closed at 6 pm everyday.这家商店每天6点关门。(被动语态,强调关门的动作) 1)This novel was written in 1976.(被动语态,强调“写”的动作) 2)This novel is well written.(表语,表示特征) 三、学生整理思维导图: 四、其后,为了检验学生对于动词过去分词形式表语和状语的语法功能的掌握情况,教师将本单元阅读语篇中出现的所有动词过去分词形式列出来。让学生加以区分。必要时学生可以选择进行小组内的讨论。教师根据实际情况进行引导。 These videos are uploaded onto the Internet, and then they are out together into one video that you can see online-- a virtual choir.(被动语态) Whitacre’s next effort was the Virtual Youth Choir for UNICEF, which was first seen on stage on 23 July 2014 in the UK.(被动语态) Born in the USA on 2 January 1970, Whitacre began studying music at the University of Nevada in 1988.(伴随状语) Moved by this music, he said, “It was like seeing color for the first time.”(伴随/时间/原因状语) Inspired, he asked his fans to make videos, which he then joined together into one performance.(原因/时间状语) Step 2 Practice & Consolidate the structures 考虑到此课时为动词过去分词形式,若只考查学生对动词过去分词形式的使用,则会使得部分学生产生惰性,不加思索便认为所有习题答案都是动词的过去分词。那么后续的练习及输出运用都将流于形式。 此前学生已经学过过去分词作定语和宾补的情况,但是还没有系统地学习现在分词的具体使用。但是鉴于学生对情绪类的动词转换所得的过去分词和现在分词的区别有了一定的认识,因此练习巩固环节以及语言运用环节都将适当结合相关内容。这样一方面可以对已学知识进行回顾复习,一方面可以真正做到考查学生本课时知识的掌握情况。 教师设计不同类型活动,从句子到语篇,先pair work帮助基础较弱的同学,再过渡到individual work,从全控制性操练逐步升级到半开放表达,由易到难,引导学生在主题意义引领下的具体语境中练习语法结构。具体练习活动如下: Task 1: Complete each sentence using the correct form of the given word. (Adapted from the textbook P86 Ex.2) Pair Work _________(give) some advice by a famous musician, the young singer was not ________(worry) about his performance any more. Thousands of ___________(excite) fans welcomed the ___________(respect) songwriter, which was quite ____________(excite). The __________(alarm) passengers rushed to help the _________(injure) woman. __________(move) by the peaceful music, he decided to study classical music in university. _________________(form) by some teenagers, the band soon became popular among students interested in hip-hop. The top of the ____________(fascinate) mountain is ____________(cover) with snow for most of the year. Those good old days are _________(go) forever! Possible answers: Given(过去分词做时间状语) ; worried (过去分词做表语) excited(过去分词做定语); respected(过去分词做定语); exciting(现在分词做表语) alarmed(过去分词做定语); injured(过去分词做定语) Moved(过去分词做原因状语) Formed(过去分词做时间状语) fascinating(现在分词做定语); covered(被动语态) gone(过去分词作表语) 学生自主填完后,同伴相互校对并探讨正误,促进合作学习。然后教师一起校对答案。 Task 2: Complete the passage with proper forms of the verbs. (Individual Work) 教师用图片创设真实情境,帮助学生在语境中更好地运用所学语言结构。 Well _____1_____(know) as a successful band, the Impact members show quite a few _____2_____(amaze) qualities. They never ever give up. When _____3_____(question) by the media, they are not _______4_______ (discourage) and practise even harder. They are improving themselves by attending several master training classes. They are ____5______(unite). ______6_______(fill with) team spirit, they act as a whole, always aiming for glory. Their _____7______(inspire) story always inspire the youngsters. Possible answers: 1. known 2. amazing 3.questioned 4. discouraged 5. united 6. Filled with 7. inspiring Task 3: Rewrite the sentences by using past participles as the adverbial.(Individual Work) Exercises: ①Henry was highly interested in music and began to write original compositions when he was in high school. ②They were pleased with his music and songs and finally invited him to perform in the Silver Hall. ③Though he was affected by gradual blindness soon after the performance, Henry was still capable of writing compositions and he found that creating music was a relief and cure for his illness. ④When he got absorbed in his world of music, he felt as if he could “see” the beauty of the world around him, like he had in his previous life. Possible answers: ①Highly interested in music, Henry began to write original compositions when he was in high school. ②Pleased with his music, they finally invited him to perform in the Silver Hall. ③Affected by gradual blindness soon after the performance, Henry was still capable of writing compositions and he found that creating music was a relief and cure for his illness. ④Absorbed in his world of music, he felt as if he could “see” the beauty of the world around him, like he had in his previous life. Optional task: Would you like to make more sentences using V-ed form to share with us what you know about your favorite singer or musician 其中上述活动3改写句子练习的主要目的是突破学生对于过去分词做状语的用法难点。同时,让学生进一步感知过去分词做状语与状语从句之间的转换关系。半开放填空表达则能激发学生的创造性思维,模仿运用目标语言结构,且促使学生使用与单元相关的词汇表达,进一步巩固本单元相关语言表达的掌握。 在以上教学活动之后,学生基本能较熟悉动词过去分词形式作状语和表语的使用规律。为了更深层次地激发学生的创造性思维,培养学生灵活运用动词过去分词作状语和表语的能力,教师围绕本课活动主题设置了以下主题活动——描述你最喜爱的歌手/音乐家。 Task 4: Describe your favorite singer or musician using V-ed form or past participle phrases. (Pair Work) T: Everyone has his/her favorite singer/musician. Choose your favorite singer/musician and share what you know about him/her with your partner by making a dialogue using V-ed form. The following are some famous celebrities for you to choose or you can have your own ideas. Q: Who’s your favorite singer/musician/band Why What do you know about him/her/them Example: A: Who’s your favorite singer/musician/band Why B: My favorite singer/musician is Jay Chou. Loved by young people, he is definitely the King of Pop music. What about you A: I think Beethoven is no doubt the No.1 in my mind. Known as one the greatest musician in the world, his inspiring life story always inspires me. B:... 由教师带头示范讲述自己最喜欢的歌手后,学生之间进行同伴对话交流分享,从而将动词过去分词形式有效运用于真实情境,在这种全开放性表达实践中,学生的语言能力和思维品质都得到了有效训练和提升。