人教版(2019)必修 第二册Unit 4 History and traditions Listening and Talking课件(共20张PPT+教学设计)


名称 人教版(2019)必修 第二册Unit 4 History and traditions Listening and Talking课件(共20张PPT+教学设计)
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版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-10-13 17:10:17


必修二Unit4 History and Traditions
Listening and Talking
Talk about a visit to a historic tourist destination
Learning objectives
In this class, you will
1. obtain key information of Pingyao from the listening material;
2. infer the speakers’ feelings;
3. role-play a conversation about a trip to Pingyao;
4. talk about a visit to a historic destination.
Have you ever been to Pingyao
What is your impression of it
Pingyao is a county in central Shanxi province in China, which is an outstanding example of a Han Chinese(汉民族) city of the Ming and Qing Dynasties. During the Qing Dynasty, Pingyao was a financial centre of China.The ancient city, whose history dates back some 2,000 years and which is famous for its well-preserved city walls, was added to the UNESCO’s World Heritage List on December 31st, 1997.
The city walls of Pingyao were constructed in the 3rd year of the Hongwu Emperor (1370). The walls have six barbican(保护城门或吊桥的外堡) gates. The north and south sides have one gate each. The east and west sides have two gates each. This pattern is similar to that of a turtle (the head, tail and four legs), earning Pingyao the moniker “Turtle City”.
Ming-Qing Street
Ancient Government office
Zhenguo Temple
Rishengchang Bank
Shuanglin Temple
the City Wall
The main scenic spots of Pingyao
During the Ming and Qing dynasties (1367–1912), Ming-Qing Street controlled more than half of the financial institutions in China and was known as the “China’s Wall Street” of that period. Some of the snacks there are amazing.
Rishengchang Bank was the first bank in China. It was established in 1823, in the Qing Dynasty. In the 19th century, Rishengchang Bank controlled almost half of the Chinese economy. Its branches were widespread throughout China’s big cities and capital, Beijing.
Founded in the 6th century, Shuanglin Temple is notable for its collection of more than 2,000 lifelike clay sculptures that are dated to the 12th-19th centuries. It is nicknamed the museum of coloured sculptures.
Wang Family Courtyard
Qiao Family Courtyard
A courtyard refers to the open space surrounded by houses or walls.
The main scenic spots of Pingyao
What aspects are included when you talk about a trip you had in the past
What you had expected
What you saw
What you heard
What you ate
Your feeling
Your comment
Backpacker Paul is talking to a receptionist at an international hostel in Pingyao, China.
Backpacker Paul
A receptionist
A backpacker is a person who goes travelling with a backpack.
Ming-Qing Street Ancient Government Qiao Family Courtyard
Wang Family Rishengchang Bank Mount Mian
the city wall Zhengguosi Temple Shuanglin Temple
1. Listen to the conversation and tick the places mentioned.
2. Listen once plete the sentences to describe how the
speakers felt.
I had expected something different. Paul sounded____________
It was like walking into history. Paul sounded _______
It wasn’t as big as I had expected. Paul sounded __________
Some of the snacks there are amazing. Xiao Yan sounded ________
I had no idea there would be so many tourists. Paul sounded____________
Wow, I can’t believe you didn’t see the wall. Xiao Yan sounded ________
Xiao Yan: Paul: Hi, Paul. I’m sorry to hear you’re leaving tomorrow. So what did you make of Pingyao
Well, to be honest, when I first arrived, I was a little disappointed. I had expected something different. But then I walked into the old city. I was, so amazed! It was like walking into history. So many beautiful buildings from the Ming and Qing dynasties ...
Xiao Yan: Paul: Yes, Pingyao has a long history- over 2,000 years. It used to be a very important banking centre in China.
Yes, so I visited the Rishengchang Bank and learnt all about the Jin Businessmen. I’ve got to say though, it wasn’t as big as I had expected. But it was still interesting to learn about what banks were like almost 200 years ago.
Xiao Yan: Paul: Xiao Yan: Paul: Oh, well, what about the Ming-Qing Street -that’s pretty big. Some of the snacks there are amazing!
Oh, that place, yes. But I had no idea there would be so many tourists! So I decided to leave and ride out to Shuanglin Temple.
Oh, cool, that’s one of my favorite places! It’s so peaceful out there.
Yeah, that place is really quiet. And some of those sculptures一wow! I couldn’t believe how big and lifelike they were.
Xiao Yan: Paul: Xiao Yan: Paul: Yes, they’re amazing. So today you walked along the city wall, right
Unfortunately, no. I just didn’t have the time.
Wow, I can’t believe you didn’t see the wall! You have to stay longer, Paul. There’s so much more of Pingyao’s history to see.
Oh, don’t worry, I’ll be back in Turtle City one day-I just can’t get enough of those beef noodles!
Imagine one of you has just visited Pingyao. Work in pairs and role-play the conversation below.
A: Wow, I’ve just come back from Pingyao. It was amazing!
B: Oh, I loved Pingyao! So did you see the Ming-Qing Street
A: Of course, but I didn’t expect to see so many tourists.
B: Yeah, I know what you mean, but there are some great snacks there. How about the …
Expressing excitement, surprise, and disappointment
I had no idea... I didn’t know...
It was eager/surprised to see/learn/hear that...
It was so much fun! It was a little disappointing.
It wasn’t as good /interesting/ fun as I’d expected.
Continue the conversation using the expressions in the box.
B: Yeah, I know what you mean, but there are some great snacks there. How about the Rishengchang Bank
A: It was so much fun! It wasn’t as big as I had expected, but it was interesting to learn that people actually went to banks hundreds of years ago.
B: Yes, it was amazing. Did you go to Shuanglin Temple
A: Yes, but it was a little disappointing. I was eager to learn something about Buddha, but I didn’t have enough time to explore in the temple. We had to hurry to the next place.
B: Oh, don’t worry. We can go there again together.
A: Good idea!
Take turns telling each other about a historic place that you have been to.
Tips:Discuss something about time, activities you did, buildings, food, local culture, other experiences and feelings etc.
Beijing’s Forbidden City
The Great Wall
The Mogao Caves
Thank you!教学设计
学科 高中英语 年级 高一年级 学期 秋季
课题 必修二Unit4 History and Traditions Listening and Talking Talk about a visit to a historic tourist destination
教科书 普通高中教科书英语必修二教材
1.能够听懂对话录音中平遥古城的背景文化介绍。 2.能够通过说话者的语气语调推断其情感。 3.了解平遥古城后通过角色扮演完成对话。 4.根据实际情况能够将所学的表达情感的句式迁移运用。
教学重点: 了解和谈论平遥古城的相关景点以及所见所闻。 在交际中恰当运用表达兴奋、惊讶、失望等个人情感的功能意念项目。
教学难点: 根据实际情况阐述个人想法。
StepⅠ: Pre-listening Give a brief introduction of Pingyao and the City Wall. Show students some pictures of the main scenic spots of Pingyao and let students tell the names of the places, giving a brief introduction of them if necessary. Discuss what aspects will be included when talking about a trip. StepⅡ: First listening Backpacker Paul is talking to a receptionist at an international youth hostel in Pingyao,China.Listen to the conversation and tick the places mentioned.  Ming-Qing Street  Wang Family Courtyard  the city wall  Ancient Government Office  Rishengchang Bank  Zhengguosi Temple Qiao Family Courtyard  Mount Mian  Shuanglin Temple
Suggested answers: Ming-Qing Street;the city wall;Rishengchang Bank;Shuanglin Temple StepⅢ : Second listening Listen once plete the sentences to describe how the speakers felt. I had expected something different.Paul sounded     It was like walking into history.Paul sounded     It wasn’t as big as I had expected.Paul sounded     Some of the snacks there are amazing.Xiao Yan sounded      I had no idea there would be so many tourists.Paul sounded     Wow,I can’t believe you didn’t see the wall.Xiao Yan sounded      
Suggested answers: disappointed; amazed;disappointed; amazed;surprised;surprised. StepⅣ : Post-listening Have a look at the tapescript, let students pay attention to the sentences expressing the feelings and analyse what aspects are included in the conversation when talking about a trip. StepⅤ: Talking Imagine one of you has just visited Pingyao.Work in pairs and role-play the conversation below.Then continue the conversation using the expressions in the box. I had no idea...I was eager/surprised to see/learn/hear that...I didn’t know...It was a little disappointing.It was so much fun!It wasn’t as good/interesting/fun as I’d expected.
Example: A:Wow,I’ve just come back from Pingyao.It was amazing! B:Oh,I loved Pingyao!So did you see the Ming-Qing Street A:Of course,but I didn’t expect to see so many tourists. B:Yeah,I know what you mean,but there are some great snacks there.How about the... ...... Suggested answers: A:Wow,I’ve just come back from Pingyao.It was amazing! B:Oh,I loved Pingyao!So did you see the Ming-Qing Street A:Of course,but I didn’t expect to see so many tourists. B: Yeah, I know what you mean, but there are some great snacks there. How about the Rishengchang Bank A: It was so much fun! It wasn’t as big as I had expected, but it was interesting to learn that people actually went to banks hundreds of years ago. B: Yes, it was amazing. Did you go to Shuanglin Temple A: Yes, but it was a little disappointing. I was eager to learn something about Buddha, but I didn’t have enough time to explore in the temple. We had to hurry to the next place. B: Oh, don’t worry. We can go there again together. A: Good idea! StepVI : Homework Take turns telling each other about a historic place that you have been to.