人教版(2019)必修 第二册Unit 3 The internet Listening and Talking课件(共17张PPT+教案)


名称 人教版(2019)必修 第二册Unit 3 The internet Listening and Talking课件(共17张PPT+教案)
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版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-10-13 20:36:22


Unit 2 The Internet
Listening and Talking
Learning objectives
In this class, you will
1. Practice listening for general information and detailed information of a conversation about choosing apps;
2. Identify useful patterns and words to express predictions, guesses, and beliefs;
3. Introduce an app from the aspects of purposes, functions and expectations.
What is an “app”
In computing, an application is a piece of software designed to carry out a particular task.
What kinds of apps do you usually use
What can we do with these apps
1. Learning apps
2. Shopping apps
3. Entertainment apps
4. Exercise apps
Listening Task 1
Laura and Xiao Bo are talking about apps. Listen to the conversation and find out what apps they want.
Xiao Bo is looking for a(n) _______ app to help him get in shape.
Laura would like an app for getting _______ and another that will make her _______ better.
keep fit
Purposes of using apps
Listening Task 2
Listen again. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)
1. Both of Xiao Bo’s apps keep track of the steps he takes.
2. Xiao Bo’s second app can help him make a fitness plan.
3. Laura needs an app that will help her get discounts.
4. Laura needs an app that will add money to her bank account.
Listening Task 2
Listen again. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)
1. keep track of the steps
2. make a fitness plan
3. help her get discounts
4. add money to her bank account
Functions of apps
Listening Task 2
Listen again. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)
1. Both of Xiao Bo’s apps keep track of the steps he takes.
2. Xiao Bo’s second app can help him make a fitness plan.
3. Laura needs an app that will help her get discounts.
4. Laura needs an app that will add money to her bank account.
Xiao Bo’s first app can
Listening Task 2
Listen again. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)
3. Laura needs an app that will help her get discounts.
Xiao Bo: Yes, sure. Look at this one. It helps you find discounts and the best price for whatever you’re looking for.
Laura: I suppose that’d be good but I need an app that adds some oink to my piggy bank.
doesn’t need
Xiao Bo: Oink to your piggy bank What does that mean
Laura: Ha-ha, sorry! I mean I want to add some money to my savings.
Listening Task 2
Listen again. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)
1. Both of Xiao Bo’s apps keep track of the steps he takes.
2. Xiao Bo’s second app can help him make a fitness plan.
3. Laura needs an app that will help her get discounts.
4. Laura needs an app that will add money to her bank account.
Xiao Bo’s first app can
doesn’t need
What does Xiao Bo think the two apps can help him do
Xiao Bo: Well, there’s an app that counts every step you take during the day. It might help me walk more, but I don’t think it’d be enough. Here’s another one. It keeps track of how much you exercise and what you eat. It also helps you make a fitness plan. I imagine this app would help me get fit faster.
Listening Task 3
___ It might help me walk more.
___ My guess is that it wouldn’t work.
___ I imagine this app would help me get fit faster.
___ I suppose that would be good.
___ I guess you could save a little with this app.
___ I suppose there would be some problems, too.
___ I believe this app could help me get thinner.
Underline the words used to express predictions, guesses and beliefs.
Listen once more and tick the sentences you hear.

Expectations of apps
Talking task 1
Look at the descriptions of the two apps.
Which app do you think would be more popular or useful
Talking task 1
A: I imagine that TV Me would be more popular. Everyone watches TV and I think lots of people imagine themselves as actors in the TV shows, so putting the two together would be great. What do you think
B: My guess would be Hear It First because it’s both interesting and useful. You could find out more about the stories you like and make sure that you don’t miss anything important. I believe both the young and old would like it.
Example conversation
Talking task 2
Choose an app that you like and talk about the reasons why you prefer this app.
Tips for talking
When choosing the best app, please consider...
Purposes of using apps
Functions of apps
Expectations of apps
Why do you need this app
What can this app do for you
Your predictions/ guesses/ beliefs ...
It might ... / My guess is ...
I imagine ... / I suppose ...
I guess ... / I believe ... /...
1. Introduce your favorite app to your partner from the aspects of purposes, functions and expectations.
2. Make a post for your favorite app.
Choose Carefully
Use Wisely
学科 高中英语 年级 高一 学期 秋季
课题 人教版必修二 Unit 2 The Internet Listening and Talking
教科书 英语必修第二册
In the end of this class, students will practice listening for general information and detailed information of a conversation about choosing apps. identify useful patterns and words to express predictions, guesses and beliefs. introduce an app from the aspects of purposes, functions and expectations.
教学重点: Improve students’ listening skills to better understand the main idea and details of the conversation. Lead students to focus on expressions used to show predictions, guesses and beliefs.
教学难点: 1.Lead students to identify detailed information from the listening materials. 2. Lead students to express their ideas on the two given apps by using what they have learned from the listening materials.
Step 1: Warming-up Tell students that this period’s topic is “choose the best app”. Q 1: What is an app In computing, an application is a piece of software designed to carry out a particular task. Q2: What kinds of apps do you usually use Q3: What can we do with these apps [设计意图]:直接引出本课话题“应用程序”;通过激活学生已有的知识,激发学习的学习兴趣,师生一起回忆日常生活中常用的应用程序。 Step 2: Listening Activity 1-purposes of using apps Ask students to listen to the conversation. Before listening, ask students to read the two sentences and find out what they should pay attention to when listening. After listening to the conversation, students find out personal purposes when choosing apps. Q: What app does Xiao Bo/Laura want Activity 2-functions of apps Ask students to listen to the conversations again and decide whether the four sentences are true or false. Q1: Before listening, can you find out the key words of each sentence Q2: Looking at these key words, what do they talk about - functions of apps Check answers together. Students may find it difficult to decide whether the third sentence is true or false. The teacher asks students to listen to a part of conversation again and find out the correct answer. Q3: Do you know the meaning of “adds some oink to my piggy bank” If not, don’t worry, we can guess its meaning from the context. Let’s listen to another part of conversation. Q4: What does Xiao Bo think the two apps can help him do Q5: What do “might, imagine and would” show Activity 3-expectations of apps Ask students to read the following four sentences and underline the words to express predictions, guesses and beliefs. Ask students to listen once more and tick the sentences they hear. [设计意图]:第一遍听力活动重点训练学生获取主旨的能力,同时引导学生关注对方选择应用程序时各自的目的。第二遍听力活动是判断信息正误,在听力活动前,让学生提取四个句子的关键词,找出关键词共同点,发现第二个听力活动的重点在于获取应用程序的功能,这样学生带着目的去听力,更有侧重点,更加容易获取听力信息。在第二听力材料中,培养了学生通过上下文猜测词义的能力。第三遍听力活动重点引导学生学习对话中表示“预测、猜测及相信”的功能意念项目,同时引导学生关注选择应用程序时个人的预期。 Step 3:Talking Activity 1 Ask students look at the descriptions of the two apps and discuss in pairs and make a dialogue. Q1: What do the descriptions of the two apps tell us Q2: Which app do you think would be more popular or useful Ask students to look at the example conversation and find some clues to help them make their own dialogue. sentence patterns like “I imagine that...; My guess would be...” give reasons to support your idea Activity 2 Ask students to choose an app that they like and talk about the reasons why they prefer this app. Give students tips for talking that are summarized from listening material. [设计意图]:输出活动一需要学生用听力材料中所学到的“预测、猜测和相信”的句式编写对话,强化了学生们对于“预测、猜测及相信”功能意念项目的认知。此外,学生在编写对话的过程中也意识到用“原因”去支撑自己观点的重要性。在输出活动二中学生们需要推荐一个他们最喜欢的应用程序。此活动再次回归真实情境,鼓励学生将课堂所学知识进行迁移创新,从“目的”、“功能”和“个人预期”三个方面出发,推荐合适的应用程序。 Step 4:Homework Introduce your favorite app to your partner from the aspects of purposes, functions and expectations. Make a post for your favorite app.