人教版(2019)必修 第二册Unit 2 Wildlife protection Video Time课件(共22张PPT+教案)


名称 人教版(2019)必修 第二册Unit 2 Wildlife protection Video Time课件(共22张PPT+教案)
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-10-13 20:39:53


Unit2 Wildlife Protection(Video Time)
Learning Objectives
Information Acquisition and Analysis:
To learn to collect information about wildlife protection through video.
To understand the perspectives and behaviors of the characters in the videos.
Critical Thinking and Expression:
to analyze the relationship between whisperers and elephants.
To assess and express your own views on wildlife protection.
Innovative Practice and Presentation:
To propose innovative solutions for wildlife protection as students .
Leading in
Elephants are being killed cruelly by human beings poaching for their ivory, making these magnificent creatures endangered.
Leading in
A young elephant refused to leave the side of its dead mother.
Before you watch
The elephant whisperers
What do you think elephant whisperers do
The elephant whisperers are the elephant keepers who work for a programme in Kenya. The organization aims to rescue and raise orphan elephants, and then return them to the wild. So far, it has helped hundreds of baby elephants.
Before you watch
Guess whether the statements are true (T) or false (F).
1. The elephants’ mothers left them alone.
2. The baby elephants all come from different areas of Kenya.
3. The native environment of the elephants is the forest.
4. The keepers have to feed the elephants every four hours, day and night.
5. The keepers have to sleep with the elephants.
Before you watch
While you watch
Check your answers.
1. The elephants’ mothers left them alone.
While you watch
Their mothers have been killed by people.
Others have been died because of no food…
others because of diseases
2. The baby elephants all come from different areas of Kenya.
They are not from the same area. They are from the whole country.
3. The native environment of the elephants is the forest.
While you watch
Keepers stay with the elephants in their native environment, also known as“the bush.”
We stay with them because we have to feed them every 3 hours, day and night.
4. The keepers have to feed the elephants every four hours, day and night.
5. The keepers have to sleep with the elephants.
While you watch
We have to sleep with them because when we leave them alone, they cry.
Check your answers.
While you watch
Watch again. Arrange the following items in the order you see them in the video. Write numbers 1-7 on the lines.
A Two elephants make friends. ____
B The elephant keepers lead the elephants into the forest. ____
C A keeper sings to the elephants. ____
D The elephants play football. ____
E An elephant keeper feeds an elephant some leaves. ____
F The keepers put the elephants to bed. ____
G The keepers feed the elephants milk using bottles. ____
While you watch
A Two elephants make friends. ____
B The elephant keepers lead the elephants into the forest. ____
C A keeper sings to the elephants. ____
D The elephants play football. ____
E An elephant keeper feeds an elephant some leaves. ____
F The keepers put the elephants to bed. ____
G The keepers feed the elephants milk using bottles. ____
While you watch
Check your answers.
While you watch
Summary: an elephant whisperer’ day
up at 5:30
elephants some leaves.
elephants to the forest
elephants and with them
elephants to bed
to elephants
Life Care
Survival Training
Emotional Comfort
After you watch
Answer the question using information from the video.
What’s the relationship between elephants and elephant whisperers
After you watch
If you love them, they will love you too.
we human beings
can live in with wildlife
Why is it significant for human beings to protect wildlife
What can we students do to help protect wildlife
Why is it significant for human beings
to protect wildlife
1. Ecological Balance
2. Scientific Research
3. Economic Value
4. Cultural Significance
Protect Wildlife, Protect Ourselves.
Saving Wildlife, Securing Our Future.
What can we students do to help protect wildlife
1. Learn and Educate
2. Sustainably Consume
3. Participate Actively
4. Advocate for Policy

We can make a big difference for wildlife and the planet.
1. Create a multimedia presentation that educates others on the importance of wildlife protection.
2. Prepare a role-play or debate on the balance between human interests and wildlife protection.作业练习
学科 英语 年级 高一 学期 秋季
课题 Unit2 Wildlife Protection(Video Time)
教科书 普通高中英语教科书英语必修第二册
Guess whether the statements are true or false in Before You Watch. 1.. The elephants’ mothers left them alone. ( ) 2. The baby elephants all come from different areas of Kenya. ( ) 3. The native environment of the elephants is the forest. ( ) 4. The keepers have to feed the elephants every four hours, day and night. ( ) 5. The keepers have to sleep with the elephants. ( ) 2. Arrange the following items in the order you see them in the video. Write the numbers 1-7 on the lines. A Two elephants make friends. ____ B The elephant keepers lead the elephants into the forest. ____ C A keeper sings to the elephants. ____ D The elephants play football. ____ E An elephant keeper feeds an elephant some leaves. ____ F The keepers put the elephants to bed. ____ The keepers feed the elephants milk using bottles. ____ 3.Answer the questions using information from the video: What do elephant whisperers do for elephants What’s the relationship between elephants and elephant whisperers Discuss about the following two questions: Q1.Why is it significant for human beings to protect wildlife Q2.What can we students do to help protect wildlife 5: Homework Use what you have learned and put forward more innovative ways for humans to keep the balance between human interests and wildlife protection so that we can live in harmony with wildlife. 1. Create a multimedia presentation that educates others on the importance of wildlife protection. 2. Prepare a role-play or debate on the balance between human interests and wildlife protection. 参考答案: 1.Guess whether the statements are true or false in Before You Watch. 1.. The elephants’ mothers left them alone. ( F ) 2. The baby elephants all come from different areas of Kenya. ( T ) 3. The native environment of the elephants is the forest. ( T ) 4. The keepers have to feed the elephants every four hours, day and night. ( F ) 5. The keepers have to sleep with the elephants. ( T ) 2. Arrange the following items in the order you see them in the video. Write the numbers 1-7 on the lines. A Two elephants make friends. 3 B The elephant keepers lead the elephants into the forest. 2 C A keeper sings to the elephants. __7__ D The elephants play football. 4 E An elephant keeper feeds an elephant some leaves. 1 F The keepers put the elephants to bed. 6 The keepers feed the elephants milk using bottles. 5 3.Answer the questions using information from the video: What do elephant whisperers do for elephants What’s the relationship between elephants and elephant whisperers We have already got what the whisperers do for the elephants. The whisperers rescue them, raise them, feed them, play with them and company them. Therefore, to the elephant, the whisperer is just like a mother, a protector, a friend, and a companion. So, the elephants also love the whisperers. 4.Discuss about the following two questions: Q1.Why is it significant for human beings to protect wildlife First,Ecological Balance: Wild animals play a vital role in maintaining the delicate balance of ecosystems. Their interactions with other species ensure the stability of our natural environment, and their disappearance can trigger a chain reaction that ultimately affects human habitats. Second.Scientific Research: Wildlife represents a significant part of biodiversity, which is crucial for scientific inquiry. Besides,Economic Value: Many wild animals possess economic importance, serving as sources of food, medicine, and tourism attractions. In addition,Cultural Significance: Wildlife holds deep cultural value for humanity.Protecting them helps preserve our cultural heritage, enriching our shared human experience. Just as the slogans say: Protect Wildlife, Protect Ourselves. Saving Wildlife, Securing Our Future. Q2.What can we students do to help protect wildlife As students, you can make a difference in wildlife protection through these four actions: First, we students should Learn and Educate. We can gain knowledge about wildlife issues and educate others. Second,we need to Consume Sustainably : Choose products and practices that are environmentally friendly. Avoid purchasing or using products made from wildlife, such as ivory, fur, or other animal parts. Third. Participate Actively: Join or initiate conservation projects and volunteer opportunities.Plus,Advocate for Policy: Support and promote policies that favor wildlife protection. 5: Homework Use what you have learned and put forward more innovative ways for humans to keep the balance between human interests and wildlife protection so that we can live in harmony with wildlife. Create a multimedia presentation that educates others on the importance of wildlife protection. For our multimedia presentation, we aim to educate our peers about the critical importance of wildlife protection. We will start by highlighting the ecological balance and how each species plays a unique role in the health of our ecosystems. We'll use images, videos, and infographics to illustrate the devastating effects of wildlife loss, such as the disruption of food chains and the decline of biodiversity. We will also discuss the economic benefits of wildlife conservation, including tourism and the natural resources that support various industries. Moreover, we'll emphasize the cultural and ethical reasons for protection, showcasing how wildlife is an integral part of our global heritage. Finally, we will suggest practical steps everyone can take to contribute to wildlife protection, such as supporting conservation organizations, reducing waste, and spreading awareness. Prepare a role-play or debate on the balance between human interests and wildlife protection. In our role-play or debate, we will explore the complex balance between human interests and wildlife protection. On one side, we'll present the argument that economic development and human needs can sometimes conflict with the preservation of natural habitats. We'll role-play stakeholders such as local communities, businesses, and conservationists, each with their own perspectives on how to manage wildlife resources. For example, we might discuss the challenges of balancing agricultural expansion with the need to protect endangered species' habitats. On the other hand, we'll advocate for sustainable development and the integration of wildlife conservation into urban planning. We'll argue that protecting wildlife is not only a moral imperative but also essential for the long-term health of our planet and the well-being of human societies. Our debate will aim to find common ground and propose solutions that respect both human interests and the imperative to protect our natural world for future generations.教学设计
学科 英语 年级 高一 学期 秋季
课题 Unit2 Wildlife Protection(Video Time)
教科书 书 名:普通高中英语教科书英语必修第二册
Information Acquisition and Analysis: To learn to collect information about wildlife protection through video. To understand the perspectives and behaviors of the characters in the videos. Critical Thinking and Expression: to analyze the relationship between whisperers and elephants. To assess and express your own views on wildlife protection. Innovative Practice and Presentation: To propose innovative solutions for wildlife protection as students .
教学重点: Understanding the role of elephant whisperers and their impact on wildlife conservation. Encouraging students to reflect on the significance of human-animal relationships. 教学难点: Ensuring students can accurately sequence the daily activities of elephant whisperers and elephants as depicted in the video. Facilitating a deep understanding of the emotional and conservational aspects of wildlife protection.
Ⅰ. Warming up: Activity: Presenting the harsh reality of elephants being killed for ivory and the emotional image of a young elephant with its dead mother. 【设计意图:利用震撼的图像呈现大象遭受非法猎杀的残酷现实以及幼象对母亲的依恋,唤起学生的同情与共情,自然引出课程主题,培育学生的情感态度与价值观,体现英语学科的人文关怀。】 Ⅱ. Before watching: 从大象濒危急需被保护,引出 the elephant whisperers,思考the elephant whisperer 会是什么样的人。教师展示课本上的图片和简介,引导学生提取who、where、why基本信息。 Get the key information from the introduction: Who are the elephant whisperers Where are they Why do they work for the program 教师引导学生通过本课上图片和简介,让学生预测视频内容。学生判断课本第 24 页五个句子正误。 Guess whether the statements are true [T] orfalse [F]. 【设计意图:通过引导学生收集和分析信息,以及参与预测活动,锻炼学生的推理与批判性思维技能,为深入理解和分析视频内容打下坚实基础,体现英语学科的思维品质素养。】 Ⅲ. While watching: 1. 学生观看无字幕视频,核对之前的判断是否准确;教师提供解释说明。 2. 学生再次观看有字幕视频,并按照视频提供的信息把课本 24 页 句子 A-G 按时间顺序排列。核对后,教师引导学生关注象语者的每日工作流程,并完成表格的填写。教师再引导学生深入思考象语者为小象的周到幸苦的付出,life care、survival training、mental comfort面面俱到,就像照顾一个人类小孩一样,倾注了对小象的爱和对生命的尊重。 思考总结象语者和大象之间的关系,得出“If you love them, they love you.” 升华视频主题到“爱”可以让人类和动物和谐共处,爱让世界更美好。 【设计意图:通过视频观看和信息排序活动,增强学生的信息综合处理技能,提升英语学科的学习能力。深入剖析大象低语者的日常,凸显其对大象全面的关爱与培养,引导学生领悟人与动物和谐共处的深远意义,深化主题理解,强化思维品质的塑造。】 IV. After watching 教师引导学生思考讨论以下问题。 Why is it significant for human beings to protect wildlife What can we students do to help protect wildlife 【设计意图:通过小组讨论,探讨野生动物保护的重要性及学生可参与的实际行动,以此提升学生的批判性思维和语言表达技巧。鼓励学生多角度审视问题,激发创新思维和解决问题的能力。同时,通过情感教育,培育学生的生态保护意识和积极的社会责任感。】 V. Homework 1. Create a multimedia presentation that educates others on the importance of wildlife protection. 2. Prepare a role-play or debate on the balance between human interests and wildlife protection. Design Intent: To apply knowledge creatively and prepare students for active participation in the next class. 【设计意图:通过作业任务,巩固和深化课堂所学,同时培养自主学习和团队协作能力。激励学生创作有关野生动物保护的多媒体演示或参与角色扮演和辩论,通过这些创新性任务,鼓励学生将理论知识应用于实际情境,提升创新和实践技能,展现英语学科对创新精神的培养。】