人教版(2019)必修 第二册Unit 2 Wildlife protection Assessing Your Progress课件(共14张PPT+教案+学习任务单)


名称 人教版(2019)必修 第二册Unit 2 Wildlife protection Assessing Your Progress课件(共14张PPT+教案+学习任务单)
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版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-10-13 20:41:53


学科 高中英语 年级 高一 学期 秋季
课题 Unit 2 Wildlife Protection Assessing Your Progress
教科书 普通高中英语教科书英语必修第二册
By the end of the class, students will be able to: 1. Review the key words and phrases related to wildlife protection in this unit. 2. Consolidate the present continuous passive voice, then use it properly in speaking and writing. 3. Enhance the awareness of wildlife protection.
1. Review the words, phrases of unit 2.
2. Review the structure and application of the present continuous passive voice.
Think about as many phrases as possible related to wildlife protection, and then make sentences by using die out, die of, put up, put out respectively.
adapt _______ die _______ be concerned _________ search _______ put _______ be aware _____________
Use the above phrases to finish the passage. The World Wide Fund For Nature (WWF) _________________ the many species of plants and animals that _____________ around the world. The WWF wants more people to ___________ the problem, so they will stop hurting wildlife and ______________ solutions. Very few people in modern society actually intend to harm animals. Most people do not realise that many animal species cannot _____________ the changes brought about by modern civilisation. It is for this reason that the WWF constantly _________ information to stir up public interest in the welfare of the planet. 【学习任务三】 1. Look! The baby ______________________(take care of) by her aunt. 2. Forests _________________ (cut down) to make way for crops or farm animals, especially in less developed countries. 3. A Christmas party _________________ (hold) tonight. 4. —Do you know what Smith is doing —He is ill.He may ____________________ (examine) by the doctor. 5. 汤姆总是受到老师的表扬。 【学习任务四】 Read and complete the passage with the present continuous passive voice of the verbs. It may seem that protecting wildlife is something far from the life of a high school student, but in fact, a lot ________________ (do) by young people around the world. In Washington State, USA, wolverines (貂熊) ________________ (study) by scientists in an effort to learn how to preserve the population. However, during the winter, it is difficult to attract the animals to cameras hidden in snowy forests. A group of students heard about the problem and created a special device which __________________ (test) deep in a snowy forest now. Their invention ________________ (use) to send out a certain smell near the cameras. The shy animals are attracted by the smell and coming around the cameras. They __________________ (observe) by a conservation researcher. 【学习任务五】 What do you think of the invention (think from the perspective of animals and researchers.) 【学习任务六】 What touched you the most in this unit, and why Which part of this unit do you think is the most useful, and why Which part of this unit do you think is the most difficult, and why Overall, I thought this unit was ○wonderful ○good ○so-so ○too hard
必修二Unit 2 workbook。(共14张PPT)
Unit 2 Wildlife Protection
Assessing Your Progress
Unit 2 Wildlife Protection
Assessing Your Progress
Learning Objectives
By the end of the class, you’ll be able to:
Review the key words and phrases related to wildlife protection in this unit;
Consolidate the present continuous passive voice, then use it properly in speaking and writing;
Enhance the awareness of wildlife protection.
How much do you know about WWF
Our mission is to conserve nature and reduce the most pressing threats to the diversity of life on Earth.
World Wide Fund For Nature
Warming Up
Think about as many phrases as possible related to wildlife protection
die out
be aware of
make progress
be concerned about
adapt to
watch over
search for
mass extinction
nature reserve
put up
endangered animals
die of
put out
建造; 举起
熄灭; 发布
Human beings may die out one day if they continue to destroy the environment.
I think my frisky cat would die of fright if I had that thing hanging in my room.
A new supermarket will be put up in this neighborhood next year.
Careless people forget to put out their barbecue fires.
Read & Complete
The World Wide Fund For Nature (WWF) _________________ the many species of plants and animals that _____________ around the world. The WWF wants more people to ___________ the problem, so they will stop hurting wildlife and ______________ solutions. Very few people in modern society actually intend to harm animals. Most people do not realise that many animal species cannot _____________ the changes brought about by modern civilisation. It is for this reason that the WWF constantly _________ information to stir up public interest in the welfare of the planet.
about for of out to up
adapt _______ die _______ be concerned _________
search _______ put _______ be aware _____________
is concerned about
are dying out
be aware of
search for
adapt to
puts out
What does the WWF do to protect wildlife
Why does the WWF do such things
They’ve realized that animals are being threatened.
present continuous tense
passive voice
active voice
be (am/ is/ are) + doing
be (am/ is/ are) + being + done
Look! The baby ______________________(take care of) by her aunt.
Forests _________________ (cut down) to make way for crops or farm animals, especially in less developed countries.
A Christmas party _________________ (hold) tonight.
—Do you know what Smith is doing
—He is ill.He may ____________________ (examine) by the doctor.
is being taken care of
are being cut down
is being held
Tom is always being praised by the teacher.
be being examined
Do you feel that protecting wildlife is closely related to your teenage life
Read & Think
It may seem that protecting wildlife is something far from the life of a high school student, but in fact, a lot ________________ (do) by young people around the world. In Washington State, USA, wolverines (貂熊) ________________ (study) by scientists in an effort to learn how to preserve the population. However, during the winter, it is difficult to attract the animals to cameras hidden in snowy forests. A group of students heard about the problem and created a special device which __________________ (test) deep in a snowy forest now. Their invention ________________ (use) to send out a certain smell near the cameras. The shy animals are attracted by the smell and coming around the cameras. They __________________ (observe) by a conservation researcher.
is being done
are being studied
is being tested
is being used
are being observed
What do you think of the invention
From the perspective of animals
From the perspective of researchers
There will be less human intervention in the natural life of the animal.
It’s efficient to observe the behaviors of wildlife and helps people know more about the rare animals.
Read & Think
Watch & Share
How do you feel about animal protection
Human love, hope and fear are no different from animals. They are like sunshine, coming from the same origin and landing on the same ground.
-- John Moore
Think about the following questions
What touched you the most in this unit, and why
Which part of this unit do you think is the most useful, and why
Which part of this unit do you think is the most difficult, and why
Overall, I thought this unit was
○wonderful ○good ○so-so ○too hard
Search more information on the Internet about the conditions and problems faced by wildlife.
Write a short composition in 80 words sharing your thoughts or practical measures for wildlife protection.
Thank you作业练习
学科 高中英语 年级 高一 学期 秋季
课题 Unit 2 Wildlife Protection Assessing Your Progress
教科书 普通高中英语教科书英语必修第二册
【单句语法填空】 1. This is why it is important to think before you speak and not to make promises you don't have any _____ (intend) of keeping. 2. I _____ (attack) by a dog when I was a child. 3. His father threatened _____ (throw) him out, but he knew it was an empty threat. 4. My dog is _____ (unusual) fond of chocolate. 5. Love, joy, hate and fear are all _____ (emotion). 6. The church tower which (restore) will be open to tourists soon. The work is almost finished. 7. It is a (harmony) community where pupils are happy and industrious. 8. Privately-owned kindergartens also have come into (exist) since 1980s. 9. If sales continue to recover, they can hire more workers and still make (profit). 10. After a joyous and restful three days, I left this ( beauty ) city. 11. __________(observe) say the events of the weekend seem to have increased support for the opposition. 12. I have made a ( reserve) for a double room in your hotel. 13. Drivers who park their cars ( illegal )should be punished. 14. That suddenly reminded her she had promised to ring them up. 15. I can see why you believed my letters (threaten) but I never meant them to be. 【完成句子】 1.Only when he told me the news . 只有当他告诉我这个消息时,我才知道发生了什么事。 2.We each have a memory. we can still remember things after a long time. 我们每个人都有记忆,那就是为什么过了很长一段时间我们仍记得事情。 3. it is a good idea for you to do more reading. 似乎多阅读对你来说是个好主意。 4. not where you come from or what you are. 重要的是做事的能力而不是你来自哪里或者你是干什么的。 5.I've decided to learn photography . 我决定学摄影以便更好地欣赏自然的美。 Suggested Answers 【单句语法填空】 1.intention 2.was attacked 3.to throw 4.unusually 5.emotions 6.is being restored 7.harmonious 8.existence 9.profits 10.beautiful 11.Observers 12.reservation 13.illegally 14.that 15.were threatening 【完成句子】 1. did I know what had happened 2. That's why 3. It seems that 4. It is the ability to do the job that matters 5. in order that I may better appreciate the beauty of nature教学设计
学科 高中英语 年级 高一 学期 秋季
课题 Unit 2 Wildlife Protection Assessing Your Progress
教科书 普通高中英语教科书英语必修第二册
By the end of the class, students will be able to: 1. Master the key words and phrases related to wildlife protection in this unit. 2. Consolidate the present continuous passive voice and use it properly when expressing opinions. 3. Enhance the awareness of wildlife protection.
教学重点: 1. Review the topic-related phrases in Unit 2.
2. Review the target grammar – present continuous passive voice.
教学难点: 1. Reinforce the present continuous passive voice tense to help students enrich their expressions.
2. Help students organize words, phrases, and grammar in this unit.
Step 1: Warming Up T uses the logo of the WWF to arouse Ss’ learning interest and naturally leads in the topic of this class. By raising a question – how much do you know about the WWF to encourage Ss take part in the class. T introduces wildlife protection to make a natural transition to the second activity, reviewing phrases related to the topic. Step 2: Presentation&Practice Activity 1: Brainstorm Ss are encouraged to think about as many phrases as possible related to wildlife protection. T provides some possible answers and presents one tip: Some phrases can use different prepsitions giving slightly different meanings. While presenting the two sets of phrases: die out, die of; put up, put out, Ss are also asked to make sentences to enhance their understanding of these two sets of phrases. Activity 2: Read&Complete Ss are asked to complete the short passage by using the phrases they’ve reviewed just now. after completing the passage, T raises some questions to help Ss better understand the WWF. Q1: What does the WWF do to protect wildlife Q2: Why does the WWF do such things A: They’ve realized that animals are being threatened. By presenting the above sentence to guide Ss to review the important grammar in this unit – present continuous passive voice. Firstly, review the structure of it. Then Ss are asked to do some practice to review and consolidate the use of grammar. Activity 3: Read&Think From the grammar review to passage understanding, T raises a question to move on to a new activity. Ss are asked to complete the passage with the present continuous passive voice of the verbs. Q: Do you feel that protecting wildlife is closely related to your teenage life Step 3: Production Activity 1: Critical Thinking By thinking the question, the critical thinking can be trained and Ss can enhance the responsibility of protecting wildlife as a teenager. Q: What do you think of the invention (think from the perspective of the animals and researchers) Activity 2: Watch&Share Ss are asked to watch a video calling for animal protection and talk about their views on animal protection. After sharing, T shares a sentence with Ss: Human love, hope and fear are no different from animals. They are like sunshine, coming from the same origin and landing on the same ground. -- John Moore Step 3: Self-reflection Ss are asked to think about the following questions to reflect their learning in unit 2. What touched you the most in this unit, and why Which part of this unit do you think is the most useful, and why Which part of this unit do you think is the most difficult, and why Overall, I thought this unit was ○wonderful ○good ○so-so ○too hard Step 4: Assignments 1. Search more information on the Internet about the conditions and problems faced by wildlife. 2. Write a short composition in 80 words sharing your thoughts or practical measures for wildlife protection.