【学霸提优】Unit 5 What does he do 知识清单(语音+词汇+句型+语法+练习)(含答案)


名称 【学霸提优】Unit 5 What does he do 知识清单(语音+词汇+句型+语法+练习)(含答案)
格式 docx
文件大小 437.2KB
资源类型 试卷
版本资源 人教版(PEP)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-10-14 12:15:34



Unit 5 What does he do
语音 知道英语句子中停顿的标志。 如: He is good at football//, ping-pong// and basketball. If you like sports//, you can be a coach//,a sports reporter// or a PE teacher.
必记单词 四会 factory 工厂 worker工人 postman邮递员 businessman 商人; 企业家 police officer警察 fisherman渔民 scientist科学家 pilot 飞行员 coach教练
三会 country 国家 head teacher校长 sea 大海 stay保持 university 大学 gym体育馆 if如果 reporter记者 use使用 type打字 quickly 迅速地 secretary 秘书
常考短语 police officer警察 head teacher校长 taxi driver出租车司机 football player足球运动员 factory worker 工厂工人 work at sea在海上工作 work on a boat在船上工作 work in/ at a university在大学里工作 a healthy life健康的生活 stay healthy 保持健康 go to work去工作 study hard 努力学习 be good at 擅长 use a computer使用电脑
必会句型 1.询问某人职业的句型及答语: —What do/ does+主语+ do —主语+ be动词+a/ an+职业名词. —What does your mother do 你的妈妈是做什么的 —She's a head teacher.她是一位校长。 2.询问某人工作地点的句型及答语: —Where do/ does+主语+ work —主语+ work/ works+表示地点的介词短语. —Where does she work 她在哪里工作 —She works at a university.她在一所大学工作。 3.询问某人去上班的交通方式的句型及答语: —How do/ does+主语+ go to work —主语+ go/ goes to work+交通方式. —How does he go to work 他怎么去上班 —He goes to work by bike.他骑自行车去上班。 4.描述某人打算成为什么的句型: 主语+ be动词+ going to be... I'm going to be a businessman!我打算成为一名商人!
核心语法 1.职业名词的构成: 有些动词后面加-er或-or就变成了名词。 act 表演—actor 演员 write写—writer作家 teach教—teacher教师 2.一般疑问句与特殊疑问句: 一般疑问句用 yes 或 no作答;特殊疑问句以疑问词开头,对句中某一成分进行提问。 —Do you want to be a head teacher 你想要成为一名校长吗 —yes,I do./ No, I don't.是的, 我想。/不, 我不想。 —What does your uncle do 你的叔叔是做什么工作的 —He is a businessman.他是一个商人。
[考点1] 职业名词的构成
1.动词+-r/ er,如:
teach教—teacher老师; farm耕种—farmer农民; work工作—worker工人;
clean打扫—cleaner清洁工; play玩—player运动员; write写—writer作家;
drive开车—driver司机; dance跳舞—dancer舞蹈家; sing唱; 唱歌—singer歌唱家;歌手
music 音乐; 乐曲—musician 音乐家
4. 名词+ man/ woman,如: police警方—policeman 男警察/ policewoman女警察
student学生 conductor售票员
soldier战士;士兵 nurse护士
doctor医生 cook厨师
shop assistant售货员;店员
提分练 一、看图填单词,补全句子。
1. I want to be a ________ in the future.
2. Mr Yang is a ________. He is always busy.
3. Jack is a________. He works at a university.
4. Peter's father is a ________. He works in a gym.
5. My uncle is a ________. He works at sea.
提分练 二、用所给单词的正确形式填空,补全句子。
1. Our English ________( teach) is very kind and never gets angry.
2. The bus ________( drive) asks all the people to sit well before the bus starts.
3. An ________( act) should learn to show his feelings by using body language(语言).
4. He is a famous ________( art). He can draw great pictures.
5. My grandfather is a________( farm). He grows many fresh vegetables.
提分练 三、对画线部分提问。
1. Her aunt is a businesswoman.
2. The cook is cooking yummy food in the kitchen.
3. Diandian wants to be a pilot.
4. The nurses are helping the doctor.
5. That worker's cap is yellow.
[考点2] 一般疑问句与特殊疑问句
1.定义:用yes或 no作答的疑问句叫一般疑问句。
陈述句中没有be动词、助动词或情态动词时,句首加助动词 do的相应形式( do, does, did),且句中的谓语动词用原形。
★要点提示:1.陈述句中主语为第一人称,改为疑问句时,主语常常要改为第二人称。如: I usually have lunch at 12:00.我通常在12点吃午饭。 →Do you usually have lunch at 12:00 你通常12点吃午饭吗 2.陈述句中有 some,改为疑问句时,往往要将 some 改成 any。
(1) what(什么):对事物、职业、人的外貌、性格以及天气等提问。
(2) what colour(什么颜色):对颜色提问。
(3) who(谁):对人提问。
(4) whose(谁的): 对物的所属人提问,若有名词,必须紧跟 whose后。
(5) which(哪一个):对人或者物提问,表示选择。
(6) when(什么时候):对时间提问。
(7) where(什么地方):对地点提问。
(8) how(怎么样):对形容词或副词、交通路线及交通方式提问。
(9) how old(多大):对年龄提问。
(10) how many(多少):对可数名词的数量提问。
(11) how much(多少):对不可数名词的量或价格提问。
(12) why(为什么):对原因提问。
(3)疑问词+ be动词+主语+其他
提分练 一、选词填空,补全句子。(填序号)
A. Do B. Does C. Can D. Is E. Would
1. ________ he like doing word puzzles and going hiking
2. ________ you like to drink some juice
3. ________ Robin speak English and French
4. ________ there a car in front of the house
5. ________ you want to be a singer
A. When B. What C. Why D. Who E. How F. Where
1.—________ does your father do
—He is a businessman.
2.—________ do you come to school
—On foot.
3.—________ does your uncle live
—In Beijing.
4.—________ do you like summer
—Because I can swim and eat ice cream.
5.—________ does your mother go to work
—At 7 o'clock in the morning.
6.—________ has an English-Chinese dictionary
提分练 二、单项选择。
( )1.—________
—Yes, she can. She likes the sport very much.
A. Can Alice swim B. Can you swim C. Can Alice sing
( ) 2.—Where are you going tonight —________
A. I'm going to read stories. B. I'm going to the zoo. C. I'm going there by plane.
( ) 3.—Would you like some water, Tim
—________I'm thirsty.
A. No, thanks. B. Some cakes, please. C. yes, please.
( ) 4.—Does Jim live in Canada
—No, he ________. He ________ in China now.
A. doesn't; lives B. doesn't; live C. does; lives
( )5.—Where are you going next Sunday —________
A. To the gym. B. Next Sunday. C. By taxi.
( ) 6.—Do you want to buy ________ toys
—No,I don't. I have ________ new toy cars.
A. some; some B. some; any C. any; some
( ) 7.—________ is your birthday party
—It is great fun.
A. How B. What C. When
( )8. ________ it often ________ and cold in winter in your hometown
A. Is; wind B. Does; windy C. Is; windy
提分练 三、按要求完成句子。
(一) 改为一般疑问句。
1. He likes playing football.
2. Diandian likes taking photos.
3. There is a bookstore near here.
4. Mike is going to see a film next week.
5. He wants to go to Shanghai.
1. My father will go to Beijing tomorrow.
2. My uncle is a pilot.
3. She goes to work on foot.
4. I often play football at 5 o'clock in the afternoon.
5. The music room is on the second floor.
(1) 职业名词的构成
一、1. pilot 2. businessman 3. scientist 4. coach 5. fisherman
二、1. teacher 2. driver 3. actor 4. artist 5. farmer
解析:该题考查动词或名词变成相应的职业名词。teach 和 farm变职业名词, 在词尾加-er; drive变职业名词, 在词尾加-r; act变职业名词,在词尾加-or; art变职业名词, 在词尾加-ist。
三、1. What does her aunt do
2. Who is cooking yummy food in the kitchen
3. What does Diandian want to be
4. Who are the nurses helping
5. Whose cap is yellow
一、(一)1. B 2. E 3. C 4. D 5. A
(二)1. B 解析:由 businessman 可知询问的是对方父亲的职业,故疑问词用 What。
2. E 解析:由“ On foot.”可知询问对方上学的方式,故疑问词用 How。
3. F 解析:由“ In Beijing.”可知询问的是对方的叔叔住在哪里,故疑问词用 Where。
4. C 解析:根据 Because 可知询问的是对方为什么喜欢夏天,故疑问词用 Why。
5. A 解析:根据“ At 7 o’clock in the morning.”可知询问的是对方的妈妈什么时候去上班,故疑问词用 When。
6. D 解析:根据“ Diandian.”可知对方询问的是谁有一本英汉词典,故疑问词用 Who。
二、1. A 解析:由答语“ Yes, she can.”可排除B,根据 sport 可知, 动词为 swim, 故选 A。
2. B 解析:Where 提问去哪里, 选项中只有B 是地点,故选 B。
3. C 解析:根据答语中“I'm thirsty.(我渴了。)”可知, Tim需要水, 故选C。
4. A 解析:否定回答 no 与 not(n’t)前后需一致; he 后动词用第三人称单数形式,故选A。
5. A 解析:where 提问地点, 故选 A。
6. C 解析:本题考查 some和 any的用法; 疑问句中用 any, 肯定句中用 some, 故选C。
7. A解析:根据答语句意“它很好玩儿。”可知,问句提问生日聚会怎么样,故选 A。
8. C 解析:介绍天气用“ be动词+形容词”结构, 故选 C。
三、(一)1. Does he like playing football
2. Does Diandian like taking photos
3. Is there a bookstore near here
4. Is Mike going to see a film next week
5. Does he want to go to Shanghai
(二)1. When will your father go to Beijing
2. What does your uncle do
3. How does she go to work
4. When do you often play football
5. Where is the music room
21世纪教育网 www.21cnjy.com 精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)