人教版(2019)必修第二册 UNIT 1 CULTURAL HERITAGE Project教学设计+课件(2份打包)


名称 人教版(2019)必修第二册 UNIT 1 CULTURAL HERITAGE Project教学设计+课件(2份打包)
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-10-14 14:20:11


学科 高中英语 年级 高一年级 学期 秋季
课题 Unit 1 Cultural Heritage — Project
教科书 《英语必修第二册》(人教版)
1. 学生将能够理解非物质文化遗产的概念及其重要性。 2. 学生将能够识别并描述至少两类非物质文化遗产及其特征。 学生将能够详细描述所选类别的特点,包括其历史背景、文化价值和现存形式。 3. 学生将能够认识非物质文化遗产在现代社会中的传承与创新方式。 4.学生将能够参与并展示对特定非物质文化遗产的理解和研究。
教学重点: 1.鼓励学生创造性地思考如何保护并将非物质文化遗产融入现代生活。 2.确保学生理解非物质文化遗产的实际应用及其长远影响。 教学难点: 1.激发学生创造力和创新思维,探索非物质文化遗产在当代社会中的保护与融合策略。 2.通过实践活动和讨论,引导学生思考非物质文化遗产如何在现代生活中发挥作用,以及如何创新地进行保护和传承。
Activity 1: Activating background knowledge related to intangible cultural heritage(ICH). Welcome to today s class, where we embark on a unique journey to explore the world of ICH. ICH is not just a witness to history but also a symbol of cultural diversity, recording every step of human civilization. We will delve into the definition of ICH, its impact on our lives, and how we can collectively protect and pass on these valuable cultural legacies. 设计意图:通过视觉刺激和提问,激发学生的好奇心和探究欲,为深入学习打下基础。激发学生对非物质文化遗产的兴趣和背景知识。 Activity 2: Concept of intangible cultural heritage(ICH). Intangible cultural heritage, or ICH, includes those intangible cultural manifestations passed down through generations, continuously innovating and evolving over time. ICH encompasses oral traditions, performing arts, social practices, rituals, festive events, and the knowledge and skills associated with them. 设计意图:通过具体问题,培养学生的深入理解和逻辑思维能力,帮助他们全面理解非物质文化遗产。 Activity 3: Rich Categories of ICH Oral traditions and expressions Performing arts Social practices, rituals, and festive events Knowledge and practices concerning nature and the universe Traditional crafts Cultural spaces related to the above 设计意图:通过具体问题,培养学生的深入理解和逻辑思维能力,帮助他们全面理解非物质文化遗产的丰富种类。 Activity 4: Significance of ICH: Bridging Tradition and Modernity Cultural and Historical Value of ICH The inheritance of ICH is not only a respect for the past but also a responsibility for the future ICH is not only a carrier of culture but also a witness to history, helping us understand how people in different cultural contexts live, think, and express themselves. The protection and transmission of ICH are crucial for maintaining cultural diversity and promoting cultural exchange and understanding. ICH provides a way to converse with the past, allowing us to draw wisdom from history to inform future development. 设计意图:通过探讨非物质文化遗产(ICH)的意义,强化学生对传统文化和历史的尊重与责任,促进文化多样性认识,增强文化交流与理解,以及从历史中汲取智慧,指导未来发展。 Activity 5: Challenge and opportunity ICH faces In the process of globalization and modernization, ICH faces many challenges but also infinite opportunities. However, through innovative means, we can integrate ICH into modern life, allowing it to flourish in a new era. 设计意图:通过这个过渡活动,引导学生思考全球化与现代化背景下,非物质文化遗产(ICH)面临的挑战与机遇。 Activity 6: Innovative Protection and Inheritance. Consider how the ICH project can maintain vitality in modern society through modern design, technology, or new media. 1. Education and ICH: The Power of Education School education is a vital avenue for cultivating young people s interest in ICH. 2.Young People and ICH: Inspiring the Passion of the Young Generation Young people possess innovative thinking and vitality, capable of engaging in the protection and inheritance of ICH in various ways. The involvement of young people, as the future of society, is crucial for the protection and inheritance of ICH. 3. Technology and ICH Modern technology, especially digital technology, offers new possibilities for the dissemination of ICH. 4. Cultural Activities and ICH Engaging in Cultural Activities Encourage young people to participate in various cultural activities, such as ICH festivals, craft markets, and traditional music concerts. 5.Social Media and ICH: Influence of Social Media Social media is a primary platform for young people to access information and express themselves. 设计意图:该教学活动旨在引导学生打开思路,进行批判性思考,各小组通过brainstorming的形式探讨利用教育、科技、文化活动及社交媒体等多渠道,促进ICH在现代社会的保护与传承,利用现代设计、技术、新媒体等创新手段,激发年轻一代对非物质文化遗产(ICH)的兴趣与热情。 Activity 7: Group Discussion Task: Exploring ICH in Groups We will conduct group discussions, with each group selecting a specific ICH project for in depth research. 1. Key Elements for ICH Research Origin: Background and historical development of the ICH project Characteristics: Unique style and core features of the ICH project Significance: Importance of the ICH project in culture, society, and history 2.Modern Integration: How the ICH project can be creatively protected and passed on in modern life 设计意图:该教学活动通过小组讨论,深入研究特定非物质文化遗产(ICH)项目,后续进行班级展示。 Activity 8: Preparing Your Presentation Select a group member as the representative to consolidate the group s discussion outcomes. Prepare a 3 5 minute presentation to showcase your findings and viewpoints. 设计意图:该教学活动通过小组讨论和展示,深入研究特定非物质文化遗产(ICH)项目,探索其起源、特点、意义及现代融合方式,旨在培养学生对ICH的深入理解与创新传承意识。 Activity 9: Presentation 1.Structure Suggestions: Introduction: Briefly introduce the background of the ICH project Body: Detail the origin, characteristics, and significance of the ICH Innovative Integration: Show how the ICH is integrated into modern life Conclusion: Summarize the importance of the ICH project and your group s viewpoint 2. Encouraging Innovative Thinking We encourage each group to showcase their innovative thinking and unique insights in their presentation. Do not be afraid to propose new perspectives or solutions; this is a process of learning and growth. 设计意图:该教学活动通过结构化展示,鼓励学生呈现非物质文化遗产(ICH)项目的背景、特点及现代融合,激发创新思维,提出新观点与解决方案,促进学习与成长。 Activity 10: Conclusion: The Future of ICH is in Our Hands Through today s learning and discussion, we hope each student gains a deeper understanding and appreciation of ICH. The protection and inheritance of ICH require our collective effort; let us work together to contribute to the future of our cultural heritage. 设计意图:该教学活动旨在通过学习与讨论,加深学生对非物质文化遗产(ICH)的理解与珍视,共同承担保护与传承文化遗产的责任,并且明白我们作为个体,在非遗保护中责无旁贷。(共17张PPT)
高中英语 (人教版)
physical objects, touch, feel
Cultural heritage

Intangible cultural heritage
oral traditions, performing arts,
social practices, rituals, festive events, knowledge and skills associated with them
a carrier of culture
a witness to history
how people in different cultural contexts live, think, and express themselves
crucial for maintaining cultural diversity and promoting cultural exchange and understanding
provide a way to converse with the past, allowing us to draw wisdom from history to inform future development
globalization and modernization
protection and inheritance of ICH
globalization and modernization
protection and inheritance of ICH
Keeping the right balance between progress and the protection of cultural sites can be a big challenge.
Big challenges, however, can sometimes lead to great solutions.
found a path to the future
not run over the relics of the past
countries to work together to build a better tomorrow
taken down piece by piece,
moved and put back together
recording and collecting digital images
a meeting point for various cultures
a key stop along the Silk Road
increase knowledge and appreciation of cultural heritage
If a problem seems too difficult for a single nation, the global community can sometimes provide a solution.
Group discussion: Innovative Protection and Inheritance of ICH
Collective efforts
Digital technology
Innovative Protection and Inheritance
Only if we appreciate, can we cherish.
Only if we cherish, will we preserve.
Only if we preserve, shall the heritage of our ancestors be sustained for future generations.
The inheritor have not only mastered the traditional techniques of making cloisonne, but also continuously innovate by integrate modern design elements into the traditional craftsmanship.
Social media is a primary platform for young people to access information and express themselves
Encourage young people to participate in various cultural activities, such as ICH festivals, craft markets. Let’s take the lacquer fan as an example.
Modern technology, especially digital technology, offers new possibilities for the dissemination of ICH. The Mogao Cave is an excellent example.
Forms groups of four. Select a specific ICH project for in-depth research. Discuss for 5 minutes and then each group choose a representative to do a brief presentation.
Key elements to be covered:
Characteristics: Unique style and core features of the ICH project.
Origin: Background and historical development of the ICH project
Significance: Importance of the ICH project in culture, society, and history.
Modern Integration:
How the ICH project can be creatively protected and passed on in modern life.
Group discussion: Innovative Protection and Inheritance of ICH
We encourage each group to showcase your innovative thinking and unique insights in your presentation.
Do not be afraid to propose new perspectives or solutions; this is a process of learning and growth.
Heritage is our legacy from the past,
what we live with today and
what we pass on to future generations.
Bridging Tradition and Modernity
Help preserve our cultural legacy
Encourage the transmission of traditional skills
Raise awareness about the importance of intangible cultural heritage
Instill respect for cultural diversity
Teach the younger generations about their cultural roots
Active participation in cultural events and practices
Guard against the loss of cultural expressions
Empower communities to protect their own heritage
Visit museums, libraries and browse the internet to get a deeper understanding about ICH and better protect and inherit them. Bellow are some websites for reference:
Thank you for your attention!