人教版(2019)必修 第三册Unit 4 Space Exploration课后练习(练习+教案 2份)


名称 人教版(2019)必修 第三册Unit 4 Space Exploration课后练习(练习+教案 2份)
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-10-14 20:22:36


学科 英语 年级 高一 学期 春季
课题 UNIT 4 Space Exploration *Project: Give a presentation on China’s space exploration
教科书 高中英语必修第一册
Ⅰ. 阅读理解 (23-24高一下·河北沧州·阶段练习)Fans of Star Wars might remember Luke Skywalker’s home planet. Called Tatooine, the planet orbits two stars. A new study suggests similar planets might be the best focus in the search for places that can host life outside our solar system. Many suns come in pairs called binary stars. Lots of these should have planets orbiting them. That means there could be more planets orbiting around binary stars than around lone stars like our sun. But until now, no one had a clear idea about whether those planets could host life. New computer models suggest that in many cases planets like Tatooine could be fit for life. The researchers ran computer models of binary stars arranged in thousands of ways. Each had an Earthlike planet orbiting the two stars. The team modeled different sizes and shapes of the stars’ orbit around each other. They then tracked the movement of the planets for up to a billion years of simulated (模拟) time. That showed whether the planets would stay in orbit over timescales that might develop conditions to start life. They also checked to see if the planets stayed in a habitable zone. That’s the region around a star where an orbiting planet’s temperatures are never extremely hot or cold, and water could stay liquid (液态). “An atmosphere and oceans could make a great difference,” says Mariah MacDonald, who took part in the new modeling work. Plentiful air and water could change the picture. Adding atmospheres to the modeled planets should increase the number of stars that could host life. She hopes to build more advanced models in coming months. “Models of planets orbiting binary stars could guide future efforts to look for them with telescopes,” says Jason Wright, who studies the physics of stars at Pennsylvania State University. “This is an under-explored population of planets. There’s no reason why we can’t go after them,” he says. “And it might be worthwhile to try.” 1. Why does the author mention Tatooine in Star Wars A. To attract movie lovers. B. To introduce the topic. C. To remember an old friend. D. To present a newfound planet. 2. What does the third paragraph mainly tell us about the modeling work A. Its preparation. B. Its application. C. Its process. D. Its finding. 3. What does Mariah MacDonald hope to do A. Improve the study. B. Lead a peaceful life. C. Start another project. D. Travel into outer space. 4. What is Jason Wright’s attitude towards the models A. Doubtful. B. Positive. C. Concerned. D. Uncaring. Ⅱ. 完形填空 (23-24高一上·江苏连云港·期中)It is well-known that China has made clear plans to send astronauts to land on the Moon before 2030 and is steadily 5 . However, China has done many things besides that. Many countries are interested in Mars (火星). So far, about 50 Mars missions have been 6 globally. But nearly half of them have 7 to get there. The 8 about failure went with Tianwen1, China’s first Mars exploring probe, which was launched on July 23, 2020. After around 10 months of travelling, the craft landed 9 on the surface of the planet on May 15, 2021. The good news that we made 10 met with both relief and celebration in the country and the concern disappeared. The success marks that China has become one of the leading 11 of outer space. It also reveals that China has got breakthroughs (突破) in the development of space exploration technologies as they are all entirely developed 12 . Why can China do this without any outside help It is the can-do spirit. The Chinese people use wisdom and courage to 13 all the difficulties. In the early 1960s, when the country 14 a poor and backward country, the government decided to 15 rocket and space technologies: With the correct direction and continuous efforts, we get to where we are today step 16 step. On April 29, 2021, China sent Tianhe Core Module (天和核心舱) into space, 17 the construction of China’s space station. Two weeks ago, three astronauts took Shenzhou-17 to the station and began their 6 months of working and living there. China has been devoted to the peaceful use of outer space and has made many 18 to it. In some of the space missions, China welcomes the 19 who have the same belief. Let’s expect what China will achieve in the future! 5. A. putting off B. slowing down C. pushing forward D. stepping back 6. A. carried out B. carried away C. carried off D. carried on 7. A. failed B. begun C. succeeded D. attempted 8. A. loss B. concern C. awareness D. ignorance 9. A. obviously B. calmly C. suddenly D. successfully 10. A.it B. that C. which D.one 11. A. applicants B. officials C. explorers D. judges 12. A. independently B. definitely C. quickly D. fortunately 14. A. get back B. get over C. get along D. get up 14. A. measured B. accounted C. remained D. attracted 15. A. remove B. exchange C. regret D. develop 16. A. on B.in C.by D. about 17. A. starting B. counting C. suffering D. cutting 18. A. advances B. contributions C. mistakes D. efforts 19. A. partners B. workers C. teachers D. enemies Ⅲ. 语法填空 (23-24高一下·河北邢台·阶段练习)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。 China’s space exploration has been helping unlock a deeper understanding of the universe, from Earth to the moon; from Mars 20 the infinite universe. Wang Yaping has become the first Chinese woman 21 (perform) a spacewalk. Wang’s dream of becoming 22 astronaut was inspired by Yang Liwei’s 2003 space flight. In 1997, Wang was encouraged to register for the pilot recruitment (征募) program by her classmates. Thanks to her 23 (strong)and ability to stay calm under pressure, Wang passed all the tests. Wang realized her space dream in 2013 as part of the Shenzhou-10 mission. During her mission, she 24 (teach) China’s first live physics lesson from space. In 2020, a team of Chinese university students 25 (specialize) in aerospace, art, architecture 26 music translated cosmic (宇宙的) rays into music, some of 27 said they had watched Wang’s live space lecture when they were teenagers. So far, China 28 (make) remarkable achievements in pursuit of the aerospace dream and will make steadier steps in 29 (it) future space exploration. Ⅳ. 应用文写作 学校英文报征稿:给中国太空站(Tiangong Space Station)宇航员们的一封信。假设你是李华,准备为学校英文报投稿,内容包括: 1. 对他们为太空事业做出的成就感到骄傲; 2. 询问太空站上生活、工作情况; 3. 表达关心和祝愿。 注意:1. 写作词数80左右; 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。 Dear astronauts, ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Yours faithfully, Li Hua 答案 Ⅰ. 阅读理解 1-4 BCAB Ⅱ. 完型填空 5-9 CAABD 10-14 ACABC 15-19 DCABA Ⅲ. 语法填空 20. to 21. to perform 22. an 23. Strength 24. taught 25. specializing 26. and 27. whom 28. has made 29. its Ⅳ. 应用文写作 【参考范文】 Dear astronauts, I'm writing with great excitement to tell you how proud l am for your remarkable accomplishments made in China's space expeditions. With my curiosity about your life and work in Tiangong space station, I am writing to enquire about your current situation. Have you adapted to the weightless environment lf you miss your families, is it possible for you to make video calls on a regular basis Additionally, impressed by your interaction with us students in “Tiangong Class, I cannot help admiring your pioneering work, wondering what it takes to be a qualified astronaut. I sincerely wish China's space industry a vigorous development. Yours faithfully, Li Hua教学设计
学科 英语 年级 高一 学期 春季
课题 UNIT 4 Space Exploration *Project: Give a presentation on China’s space exploration
教科书 高中英语必修第一册
学生通过本课时的学习,能够: 1. 分析并结构化新闻语篇,将其主要内容概括呈现在表格中; 2. 设计口头展示评价量表,用该量表指导并改进小组展示和汇报。
本课时的项目活动主题是“展示中国的太空探索成就”,要求学生合作完成对中国太空探索历史的调查研究,将重要的太空任务、事件及相关成就进行全方位展示和汇报。 教学重点: 1. 分析结构化新闻语篇;
2. 设计口头展示的评价量表。
教学难点: 基于评价量表改进和评价口头展示和汇报。
Activity 1: Context Create a Thematic Contexts for students: Imagine your group are invited to join an International Youth Camp in New Delhi, India next month and you are asked to give a presentation on the development of China’s space exploration. What will you talk about 设计说明:通过创设项目实施的语境,增加语言产出的真实性和提升学生的表达动机。 Activity 2: Review Have a quick review of the passage in P.41 and answer the question: what achievements have China made in space exploration Find out the information and fill in the following table. China’s Space MissionMissionsLaunch TimeLaunch VehiclesAstronautsMission GoalsShenzhou 5Shenzhou 6Shenzhou 7Tiangong 2Tianzhou 1
设计说明:通过回顾本单元Reading and Thinking语篇,激活学生已有认知并在此基础上引导学生探索新知。 Activity 3: Discussion 1. Work in group of four, discuss and try to finish the table as much as possible about China’s Space Missions in P.47. 2. After discussion, watch a short video about the development of China’s space exploration. While viewing, students should catch important information, such as the launch time, astronauts and mission goals. 3. After finishing the table, ask students what is the latest development in China’s space exploration. (It is Shenzhou-18 mission.) 设计说明:通过小组讨论,学生之间共享知识,可以帮助促进已知和填补未知;通过多媒体视频,学生可以更直观地了解中国太空发展历程,感受人类为探索浩瀚宇宙所付出的努力,从而坚定文化自信,增强爱国情怀和民族自豪感。 Activity 4: Research 1. Read news about Shenzhou-18 and answer the following questions: When was Shenzhou-18 launched (April 25th, 2024) What is its launch vehicle (Long March-2F carrier rocket) Who are the astronauts included in the mission (Ye Guangfu, Li Cong and Li Guangsu) How long will the mission last (six months) What are the mission contents and their corresponding goals and significance 2. Analyze para.5-12, find out the contents, goals and significance of main missions and sub-missions. Then, complete the following table. Shenzhou-18 MissionMain missionsSub-missionscontentgoalssignificancecontentcontent
设计说明:提供学生有关神州十八号的最新消息(来源于China Daily), 基于问题引导学生分析语篇,使其结构化,概括神州十八号的主任务和次任务及其对应的具体任务内容、任务目标和任务意义。 Activity 5: Assessment Ask students what are the attributes in an effective oral presentation. content a clear main topic; related supporting ideas (general + detailed); pictures / videos (from news). organization opening: catch audience’s interest; Sequence: easy to follow; use transition words; Conclusion: wrap up the topic; satisfy audience. delivery Body language: maintain eye contact and natural countenance; use gestures and movement to enhance the meaning. Expression: vary voice level and intonation to emphasize meaning; articulate clearly for better understanding; speak at a pace to keep audience engaged; avoid repeatedly using filler words (uh, um, and…). 设计说明:通过带领学生共同构建口头展示的评价标准,学生能够明确在此任务中应达到的目标的程度和质量水平,从而及时有效地采用不同的学习策略并调控自己的学习进程。 Assignments 1. Search online for information (news, pictures, videos) about China’s achievements in space exploration, especially the important technological breakthroughs and space missions. Then, choose one as main topic. 2. Based on the checklist and the information, work in group of four and prepare a slide presentation you are going to give in the International Youth Camp. Then, present it in the next class. 设计说明:每小组选定中国太空探索历史上的一项任务作为汇报主题,小组成员分工合作,基于评价量表制作演示文件并用英语进行汇报和说明,完成汇报后,再进行自评和互评。这个过程中,学生利用评价量表指导自己的学习过程并评价自己的学习结果,能够充分培养学生的自主学习能力。