

名称 湖北云学部分重点高中2024年高三年级10月联考(PDF版,含解析,含听力原文及音频)
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文件大小 54.3MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-10-14 21:12:44


2024 年湖北云学部分重点高中高三年级 10 月联考
听力部分 1—5 CBAAC 6—10 CACBB 11—15 CBACB 16—20ABACA
阅读理解 21-23 CDD 24-27 DBCA 28-31 DBBD 32-35 CADA 36-40 EBFGD
完形填空 41-45 DACBA 46-50 BCBCD 51-55 BDCAB
56. to be listed 57. spans 58. harmonious 59. as prising
61. that/which 62. a 63. formation 64. uniqueness 65. and
A 篇 主题语境:人与自然;主旨大意:介绍苏格兰的三条旅游路线。
21. C. 细节理解题。从第三段内容可以看出:这条铁路线路很长但没有说最长,所以 A不对;
它有和哈利波特故事中一样的线路,但不是开往同样的站点,所以 B不符合;这趟火车在哈
利波特故事中作为 Hogwarts Express出现,所以 C正确;它是受 19世纪蒸汽火车的灵感启发,
但不一定是直接复制,所以 D不符。
22. D. 细节理解题。从最后一段 Travelers can take the train to Fort William, a town offering
castles, distilleries, rugged coastlines. The town is also titled as the “Outdoor Capital” of Scotland.
thrill seekers can go skiing and hiking to their heart’s desire.这两句可以看出 Fort William 是最适
23. D. 细节理解题。这三个地方都靠近海岸线但没有提到是南方,所以 A不准确;只有两个
地方提到了 boating,也没有说这个活动是最受欢迎的,所以 B不对;第三个地方提到了徒步
友好,其他地方没有提到这一点,所以 C不对;依据第一段最后一句话可以看出这三个目的
地都从爱丁堡出发可到达,通过不同火车线路与爱丁堡连接起来,故选 D。
B 篇 主题语境:人与社会。主旨大意:主要讲述了儿科医生 Gellin 夜晚兼任尊巴老师的经
24. D. 细节理解题。由第一段第二句可知 Gellin的尊巴课堂对所有爱好者开放,不仅仅只对
实习医生开放。一周两次课,不是两周一次课,A. B. 不符。由第前两段内容可知 Gellin鼓励
尊巴学生按自己舒适的方式舞动,但课堂上也有一定的运动强度要求,故 C不符,选 D。
2024 年湖北云学部分重点高中高三年级 10 月联考英语试卷评分细则第 1 页(共 9 页)
25. B. 主旨大意题。第三段提到了开始住院医生实习和开始学习尊巴一样都是最困难的时期,
会感觉不适应。因此答案为 B。
26. C. 细节理解题。从文章最后一段可知,Gellin工作重心是教学,大部分时间都用来思考
安全的学习空间是什么,也把这种理念融入了带实习生和教授尊巴当中, 虽然尊巴没有对错,
但医疗过程中会出现错误,不是阻止实习生犯错,而是如果他们出现判断错误,要提供 “safety
nets” 即指导来避免出现严重后果。故而选 C。
27. A. 细节推断题。从文中可知 Gellin过着很积极的生活也能给学生和实习生提供学习的支
持和帮助。所以选 A。
C 篇 主题语境:人与社会。主旨大意:作者提倡在故事创作中使用简单对话标签,突出对话
28.D. 细节理解题。依据第二段内容,Why couldn’t each verb be a tiny sparkling gem in its
own right 可以得知人们认为每个强势动词本身都是闪耀的宝石,足够吸引人。所以选 D。
29. B. 细节理解题。依据第二段最后一句话及第三段内容可知 Dialogue is your diamond. 生动
的对话内容才是一个好故事最重要的,逼真的对话可以让人感知到人物的说话方式。故选 B。
30. B. 推理判断题。根据倒数第二段内容可知,使用强势动词也就是 creative dialogue tag会
打断读者对于故事的沉浸式阅读,所以 A不符合;作者使用多样对话标签会使得读者调整自
小说世界,而不是材料越多越好,故 D不符合;结合文章主要内容和最后一句话,故事中人
物的对话内容才是一个好故事的关键,所以选择 B项。
31. D. 写作手法推断题。文章的第三段作者主要通过比较和举例使用强势动词这种对话标签
D 篇 主题语境:人与自然。主旨大意:本文介绍了蚂蚁被人们忽略的强大的导航能力。
32. C. 细节理解题。从第一段内容可以得知提到鲸鱼和鸟类是为了引出文章的话题--突出蚂蚁
也具备同样出色的导航能力。所以选 C。
33. A. 词义猜测题。本段用了森林蚂蚁和沙漠蚂蚁来举例介绍近期发现的蚂蚁在复杂环境
下一个左上),沙漠蚂蚁(Or note the...)每一个(Each ant uses...)都选择各自的路线,因此
A 个性化的路线为最佳答案(包含相反的路线)。
34. D. 推理判断题。根据第三段内容可知红蚁通过灌木丛依靠视觉线索选择路线,沙漠箭蚁
2024 年湖北云学部分重点高中高三年级 10 月联考英语试卷评分细则第 2 页(共 9 页)
故选择 D.
35. A. 主旨大意类标题题。这篇文章的主旨在第一、二段,告诉我们蚂蚁出色的导航能力还
不为人们所重视。A选项点明了这个主旨;B选项中的 insect范围过于宽泛;C选项与文章强
说哺乳动物被过度保护。因此选 A。
36. E. 段中句。依据上下文:我们容易在细节中迷失和下文介绍的方法得知此空强调要关注
重要的细节。所以选 E。
37. B. 段中句,联系本段小标题和前后句可知:关注细节是批判性思考的第一步,但还要学
会提问。故而选 B。
38. F. 段中句。本段主要介绍了在对话中要关注细微的词和短语,特别是限定性的词语
(qualifying phrases),照应 F选项中薄弱论点之前的词语。所以选 F。
39. G. 段尾句。本段强调要正视自己的偏见,虽然很难,但是花时间去思考相反的观点,大
脑才能更容易注意到偏见。所以选 G。
40. D. 段中句。承接上句并对全文作总结。进行批判性思考无止境,了解更多的知识才能更
好地思考,故选 D。
完形填空: 主题语境:人与自我。主旨大意:“我”作为徒步新手,通过一个四天的徒步行
41. D. 考察动词短语。“我”应该是躺在帐篷里听着外面的声音,故选 D。
42. A. 考察名词。句意同上,“我”睡不着应该是听到帐篷外面的各种嘈杂的声音,故选 A。
43. C. 考察形容词。从后面两句可知“我”是一个妻子和母亲,第一次来尝试徒步,因此不
是一个典型的徒步者。所以选 C。
44. B. 考察动词短语。“我”学会了不依靠帮助自己搭帐篷,根据搭配选 B。
45. A. 考察动词。我在出发前做了充足的准备,研究(research)了要带的必需品,并备好了
所需的东西。所以选 A。
46. B. 考察名词。尽管我准备充分,但是我无法摆脱恐惧,害怕第二天自己的不幸遭遇会被
新闻报道。fear对应 misfortune, 所以选 B。
47. C. 考察动词。根据前后句可知“我”晚上设法入睡了。故选 C。
48. B. 考察名词。根据第一段最后一句害怕自己遭遇不幸,到第二天早上庆祝自己存活的这
2024 年湖北云学部分重点高中高三年级 10 月联考英语试卷评分细则第 3 页(共 9 页)
些时间,所以选 B。
49. C. 考察副词。根据前文作者提到自己是徒步新手,应该没有户外生火的经验,所以很尴
尬地用了很长时间才把火点燃,所以选 C。
50. D. 考察名词。根据下文可知:未来几天当中,“我”的自信增长了,走了更远的路。故
选 D。
51. B. 考察动词短语。碰到在山间小道上盘踞的蛇应是小心翼翼地绕开(navigate around),flee
from 逃离;step on踩到;trip over绊倒。所以选 B。
52. D. 考察名词。经过艰难地徒步后看到美景应该是对个人努力的一种奖励和回报。故选 D。
53. C. 考察动词。依据全文,“我”一开始就不认为自己是一个典型的背包徒步者,所以这
里用 define表示一开始没有将自己定义为真正的徒步者。
54. A. 考察动词短语搭配。emerge from表示从困境或苦难经历中幸存下来。从下文的几个形
55. B. 考察动词。与首段最后一句形成呼应,“我”最终在自己认为格格不入的地方找到了
内心的归属感。因此 B选项最好。
语法填空:主题语境:人与社会。主旨大意:介绍北京中轴线在第 46届世界遗产大会上申遗
成功,成为中国的第 59项世界遗产。
56. to be listed.考察动词不定式的被动形式作补足语。北京中轴线被列为世界遗产,故用被动
57. spans.考察谓语动词。situated at the core of the ancient city of Beijing作后置定语修饰句子主
语,句子缺谓语动词,所以用 spans.
58. harmonious.考察词形变化。形容词作定语,修饰 cluster.
59. as. 考察介词。北京中轴线被归类为建筑综合体。
prising. 考察现在分词短语作状语。建筑综合体由 15个部分组成,故用 comprise现在
61. that/which.考察定语从句。前半句是主句,后半句缺少定语从句的引导词,这里关系代词
代替先行词在从句中作主语,故用 that/which.
62. a.考察不定冠词。北京中轴线是中国传统理念的承载者。与前一句结构并列,故用 a.
63. formation.考察词性变化。北京中轴线见证了北京古代建筑艺术文化的形成,故用 form的
64. uniqueness.考察词性变化。此句话的宾语从句部分缺少主语,故用 unique的名词形式。
65. and.考察连词。此句意为:遗产专家表示,北京中轴线的独特性填补了世界遗产名录中有
关东方城市景观理想和核心建筑群类型方面的空白,具有突出的普遍价值。故填并列连词 and.
2024 年湖北云学部分重点高中高三年级 10 月联考英语试卷评分细则第 4 页(共 9 页)
Dear fellow students,
Today, I stand here to champion the advantages of studying alone. While group study has its
benefits, I firmly believe that studying alone offers unique advantages that can enhance our
academic performance.
Firstly, studying alone allows us to tailor our learning pace to our own needs. Unlike in a group
where we must sometimes slow down or rush to match others, studying alone allows us to study at
our own pace. Moreover, studying alone minimizes distractions, allowing for deeper concentration
and more effective learning.
Let us embrace the power of studying alone, for in the quiet solitude of our own minds, we
find the strength and focus to truly excel.
Thank you. .
本题总分为 15分,按五个档次:第五档:13-15分;第四档:10-12 分; 第三档 7-9分;第
二档 4-6分;第一档 1-3 分。
1.开头或结尾未体现发言稿的句式表达,或离题写成其他文体,酌情扣 2分
2.正文观点和理由不足两点及以上,或未点明发言者立场,酌情扣 2分
We met on Saturday and tried to decide on our pick. After a short period of brainstorming,
Mareya decided to write a talk about her father who gave her courage and support whenever she
needed. I decided on a fifty-fifty split between my mom and my dad. We spent the entire afternoon
practicing our speeches, taking turns playing the audience and the speaker. With each run-through, I
felt my confidence grow. Mareya's encouragement and her belief in me really touched my heart. I
suddenly realized she’s the perfect pick for my talk.
Monday morning came. Mareya was so surprised when I showed Franky to the entire class. I
took a deep breath and began. “The person I’d like to tell you about is the most thoughtful,
understanding, funny friend in the world,” I said, my eyes meeting Maraya’s. “She’s the kind of
friend who believes in me even when I forget to believe in myself. This person I’m so grateful for is
Mareya...” Touched and a little embarrassed, Mareya smiled with tears shining in her eyes. As the
class applauded, I knew that our friendship had grown even stronger through this shared experience.
2024 年湖北云学部分重点高中高三年级 10 月联考英语试卷评分细则第 5 页(共 9 页)
本题总分为 25分,按五个档次进行评分。
3.学生只要作答思路完整,表达准确,卷面整洁也可按照第 5档给高分
2024 年湖北云学部分重点高中高三年级 10 月联考英语试卷评分细则第 6 页(共 9 页)
(Text 1)
W: The game at the sports stadium is going to be great tonight!
M: I know. Let’s get in line at the ticket office before it gets too busy.
W: Oh, no. I almost forgot. My sister asked me to watch her son while she goes out. I agreed.
(Text 2)
W: Excuse me, but could you please call Mr. Alan Jones He’s in room 343 and he’s asked me to
meet him here.
M: Yes, madam, but I just saw him go into the restaurant.
(Text 3)
W: Your total is 12 dollars.
M: OK. Does that include my coffee
W: Oh, I forgot that. That makes it 13 dollars total.
M: All I have is a twenty-dollar bill. Keep two dollars as your tip.
(Text 4)
W: Hi, James. I’m supposed to be leading a weekly meeting in room 302 soon, but I just discovered
that the room is already in use.
M: I’m sorry. It looks like an error with our computer system is to blame for the mix-up.
(Text 5)
M: I heard you were worried about your history final. How did it go
W: Well, the essay part was about what I expected, and the multiple-choice section wasn’t that bad.
I didn’t stay up for nothing.
听下面 5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C三个选
项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5秒钟;听完
后,各小题将给出 5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
听下面一段对话,回答第 6和第 7两个小题。现在,你有 10秒钟的时间阅读这两个小题。
(Text 6)
W: Now, we can take a look at the feedback from the recent diner questionnaire.
2024 年湖北云学部分重点高中高三年级 10 月联考英语试卷评分细则第 7 页(共 9 页)
M: Well, it looks like a majority of guests provided positive comments regarding the layout of our
facility. However, there are several complaints about the attitudes of some of our serving staff.
W: I see. I think it’s best we hold a workshop to discuss the feedback and tell employees how to
improve our service when dealing with customers.
M: That’s a thought. I can even share some great tips from the conference on the food service
industry that I attended last week.
听下面一段对话,回答第 8和第 9两个小题。现在,你有 10秒钟的时间阅读这两个小题。
(Text 7)
M: What a great speech that Dr. Apu just gave. I’m glad I decided to attend it in Room 210.
W: I fully agree with you. His discussion on those new medical procedures was quite instructive.
M: So, uh, what are you planning to do next
W: I’m attending the speech by Dr. Archer in Room 309. He’s a world-famous expert on medicine.
M: That doesn’t appeal to me very much. Instead, I’m going to the lecture being given by Dr.
Probst in room 106. I took a class with him at medical school, so it will be nice to see him
听下面一段对话,回答第 10至第 12三个小题。现在,你有 15秒钟的时间阅读这三个小题。
(Text 8)
M: This fall has been unusually cold. I wonder if that is a sign of how cold winter is going to be. I
should buy a coat pretty soon.
W: I heard that our first snow is going to be this weekend. So you’d better hurry up and get one,
M: What do you think of the coat that young man is wearing I like that style. But I am not sure
how it would look on me. I am tired of all the black colors filling my cupboard and I do hope to
get something brighter like green and yellow. These colors will bring a touch of spring to the
dull winter days.
听下面一段对话,回答第 13至第 16四个小题。现在,你有 20秒钟的时间阅读这四个小题。
(Text 9)
M: Today I’m talking to Janet Wilson, a young comedian specializing in stand-up comedy. Janet,
what is a stand-up comedian and how did you start
W: I go into theaters and stand on stage and tell jokes! I’m completely alone — no actors. Pretty
scary, but that’s part of the appeal. At school I had a ball acting in school plays — I even joined a
2024 年湖北云学部分重点高中高三年级 10 月联考英语试卷评分细则第 8 页(共 9 页)
local drama club. I preferred comedy roles, though I only found out about stand-up itself when I
was taken to a show for a birthday treat. I was drawn in pretty quickly.
M: How did your parents react when you told them what you wanted to do
W: They hoped that I’d do something safe, like computing or medicine. My brother’s a lawyer and
my parents are really proud of him. They’ve never been unsupportive of me but they’d just like to
see a more clearly defined career structure.
M: How do you feel when you’re actually performing
W: It can be hard remembering all my material so that I can be flexible and respond to the audience.
They can be very demanding — they’ve paid money to be entertained and if I don’t make them
laugh, I’ve failed. It’s happened to me: It’s when there’s silence instead of laughter that’s
embarrassing. Anyway, I want to spread happiness, take people out of themselves, and that’s
pretty special.
听下面一段独白,回答第 17至第 20四个小题。现在,你有 20秒钟的时间阅读这四个小题。
(Text 10)
W: Good morning, everyone, and thank you all for coming to help out today. I hope you’re all
wearing comfortable clothes and had a good breakfast, as it’s going to be a big job and you’ll
need lots of energy. We have gloves for everyone; in a minute you can go to that big box over
there and grab a pair in your size, then grab some bags for the rubbish — red for plastic, blue for
metals and glass, and yellow for everything else.
As you can see, the recent bad weather has washed up all kinds of rubbish on the beach and we’ll be
recycling whatever we can, so it’s really important to separate the plastic and other items. Obviously,
if you find any organic waste: like fruit, it can be left where it is, as it does not pollute or harm the
Also, please take care if you come across broken glass or any other sharp items.Although the gloves offer
protection, you could still cut yourselves. There’s a container and digging tool you should use to gather
anything dangerous. If there are any accidents, come to me straightaway. We have a first-aid kit on hand,
just in case, but let’s hope we won’t be needing it.
2024 年湖北云学部分重点高中高三年级 10 月联考英语试卷评分细则第 9 页(共 9 页)2024年湖北云学部分重点高中联盟高三年级10月联考
例:How much is the shirt
1.Why can't the woman go to the game
A.She forgot her ticket at home
B.She doesn't want to wait in line.
C.She has to look after her nephew.
2.Where does the conversation take place
A.At a restaurant.
B.In a hotel.
C.Over the phone.
3.How much change can the man get
A.Five dollars.
B.Seven dollars.
C.Eight dollars.
4.What is the woman's problem
A.A meeting room is occupied.
B.The meeting has been canceled.
C.Some software can't be downloaded.
5.What does the woman mean
A.The essay part was easy.
B.She regretted not studying enough.
C.Her preparation paid off in the exam.
6.What is the conversation mainly about
A.A research project.
B.A company dinner.
C.A customer survey.
7.What does the woman suggest doing
A.Training the staff.
B.Changing some rules.
C.Attending a conference.
8.Where will the woman go
A.Room 106.
B.Room 210.
C.Room 309.
9.Why will the man attend Dr.Probst's lecture
A.He is a world-famous expert.
B.He was a former classmate.
C.He developed a new medical theory.
10.What season is it now
11.What does John say about the young man's coat
A.He doesn't like the color.
B.He thinks it is out of style.
C.He is unsure if it would suit him.
12.What color are most of John's clothes
13.How did Janet get introduced to stand-up comedy
A.By watching a performance.
B.By joining a local drama club
C.By performing in school plays
14.How did Janet's parents react to her career choice
A.They encouraged her to follow her passion.
B.They were unsupportive and discouraged her.
C.They wanted her to follow a more traditional career.