Unit3 Diverse Cultures Assessing Your Progress课件(共14张)+课后练习+教学设计


名称 Unit3 Diverse Cultures Assessing Your Progress课件(共14张)+课后练习+教学设计
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版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-10-14 21:27:38


Unit 3 Diverse Cultures
Assessing Your Progress
Learning Objectives
In this class, you will
1. Further consolidate some key
vocabulary you have learnt in this unit.
2. Strengthen the application of
grammar “Ellipsis” in this unit.
3. Reflect on what you have learned
in this unit.
vocabulary part of speech meaning different forms important phrase
admit v.
claim vt.&n.
diverse adj.
downtown adv.
fold vt.&vi.
mild adj.
be admitted into/to
claim to do/have done sth
It is claimed that......
the diversity of
in the downtown
fold one’s hands
fold a letter
accept truth
say sth is true
to cause sb’s death
very different from each other and of various kinds
in or towards the centre of a city
to bend sth, epecially
paper or cloth
not severe or strong
vocabulary part of speech meaning different forms important phrase
mission n.
occur vi.
select vt.
settle vt.&vi.
suit n.&vt.
super adj.&adv.
an important official job that a person or group of people is given to do
to exist or be found somewhere
It occurs/occurred to sb that......
choose sb/sth from
a group of people or things
select sb/sth to do sth
to put an end to an argument or a disagreement
settle down
settle down to (doing) sth
a set of clothes
made of the same cloth
suit sb
be suitable for sb/sth
extremely good
1. Complete the following sentences using the correct forms of the words in the box.
admit claim diverse downtown fold mild mission occur select settle suit super
(1) The population of this district is quite ________ with immigrants from many countries ________ here.
(2) When Columbus landed in the New World, he ________ the land for Spain.
(3) The famous bar street is located in the ___________ area of the city. A large number of restaurants and cafes have opened along the street since 2000.
(4) I don’t think a man’s main ________ in life is to earn as much money as possible. My dream is to live a more meaningful life.
(5) It was confirmed that a ______ earthquake _________ at 6:37 p.m. on Saturday evening in Hebei Province, causing no damage.
(6) She really did a _______ job. I must _______ that she is the best designer I have ever met.
(7) We have a range of gifts to _____ all tastes, and we also have a programme that can make it quicker and easier for you to _______ from our products.
(8) He arranged all the books in a neat row and then put his _______ clothes away.
Go for Assessment
with sth/sb doing;with sth done;with sth to do
suit one's taste
the fallen leaves
the appointed time
e.g. 1.Why do you not say hello to him
Why not say hello to him
2. --He hasn't finished the task yet.
--Well, he ought to have(finished the task).
--Well, he ought to have.
3. --Have you finished your work
--(I have) Not (finished my work) yet.
2. Simplify the underlined sentences using ellipsis. Then role-play the conversation.
Pay attention to how ellipsis is used.
A: We’ve got to write a paper on music in the US. Do you have any ideas about what kinds of music are popular there I only know hip-hop seems popular.
B: Yeah. Hip-hop is generally popular in the US, but different parts of the country listen to different types of music.
A: Can you give an example of this
B: Well, for example, in southern US, they have their own culture.
A: So, do you mean they have something like a subculture
B: Right. The history in that region has given them a different identity.
Any ideas What’s popular there
For example / Like what
You mean a subculture / So, like a subculture
Go for Assessment
2. Simplify the underlined sentences using ellipsis. Then role-play the conversation.
Pay attention to how ellipsis is used.
A: Country music is popular there, right
B: Well. Not only is country music popular in the south, but blues, rock and roll, bluegrass, and jazz are popular in the south as well.
A: Ah, of course they are popular! I forgot about New Orleans jazz!
Not only country music, but blues, rock and roll, bluegrass, and jazz as well.
Ah, of course!
Go for Assessment
Role-play the conversation.
A: We’ve got to write a paper on music in the US. Any ideas what’s popular there
I only know hip-hop seems popular.
B: Yeah. Hip-hop is generally popular in the US, but different parts of the country
listen to different types of music.
A: For example / Like what
B: Well, for example, in southern US, they have their own culture.
A: You mean a subculture / So, like a subculture
B: Right. The history in that region has given them a different identity.
A: Country music is popular there, right
B: Well. Not only country music, but blues, rock and roll, bluegrass, and jazz as well.
A: Ah, of course. I forgot about New Orleans jazz!
American food
the history and culture of San Francisco
the Chinese experience in America
ethnic minority cultures in China
San Francisco's Chinatown
make a travel brochure for tourists coming to visit China
Cultural Diversity
What did you learn about cultural diversity in this unit
What else would you like to know about different cultures around the world
What was the most interesting thing that you learnt in this unit
What problems did you have in learning this unit
Overall, I thought this unit was ○interesting ○useful ○so-so ○ difficult
Your homework is attached to the exercise sheet.
Thank you!作业练习
学科 英语 年级 高一 学期 春季
课题 Book3 Unit3 Diverse cultures Assessing your Progress
教科书 普通高中教科书 英语 必修 第三册
一、按括号中的要求翻译下列经典句式(共5小题;每题4分,满分20分) 1. 现在很多大学生去大城市如北京、上海谋出路,而有些大学生更喜欢呆在二级城市。(seek one’s fortune) ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 让他妈妈感到兴奋的是他被重点大学录取了。(what引导的主语从句; be admitted to/into) ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 同时,我们会做各种美食,从鱼肉、猪肉到蔬菜不等。(range from......to......) ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 这里有众多美丽的古建筑,一些坐落于大山之巅。(独立主格结构) ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 我们国家有很多的风景名胜,其中大部分都因历史悠久而闻名。(非限制性定语从句) ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 二、语法填空(文中加黑词汇为本单元的重点词汇)(共15小题;每题2分,满分30分) You know the feeling - your ears start to warm up, your tongues go numb, you start sweating and starting taking deep breaths. You’re just eaten something ① (spice), knowing it would be painful, and yet, you chose to do it anyway. We are now ② (definite) used to diverse spicy foods, ③ (range) from mildly spicy to extra spicy. However, it hardly ④ (occur) to us that Columbus, ⑤ great explorer, enriched the menus by bring chilli pepper from America to Spain. Columbus’ decision to sail west to reach the East was based on his belief __⑥___the earth was round. He got ___⑦___ (finance) support from the King of Spain and headed westwards. His mission was to find a new route to India ⑧ produced spices. Previously, Europeans imported a series of goods like china and pepper from the east. Apart from a carefully folded letter to the Khan of India, Columbus also brought some _ ⑨__ (select) presents and souvenirs. When Columbus’ boots landed on the beach of the West Indies, it meant chilli pepper would find its way worldwide. The sailors received a warm welcome from a group of natives who wore fancy clothing and accessories ⑩ (make) of gold. Afterwards, Columbus claimed the land for Spain. Columbus collected some unusual items, and went back home. Columbus’ exploration did not promote the construction of the local economy. However, Columbus had an encounter with chilli pepper first hand on his second voyage. In a journal he wrote, “There is a kind of red pepper ...” This ingredient that was to change the menus contains piperine (胡椒碱). It is believed that the Zhejiang residents were the first to get access to chill. Instead of using it an ingredient, people treated this (herb) material as a garden plant. The ethnic minorities in Guizhou district were among the first (have) a taste of chilli. They used it as a replacement of salt. Now a (percent) of 75 percent of the world use chilli as a basic material of food. Mapo Tofu, Spicy Mushroom Rice, Mexico food, to name but a few. From the neat super restaurants to the smoky downtown jazz bar, there is spicy food (suit) everyone’s taste. We must admit that no one can escape the temptation (诱惑) of spicy foods. (提高题) Make a mind-map of the content you have learnt in this unit. 参考答案: 一、按括号中的要求翻译下列经典句式(共5小题;每题4分,满分20分) 1. 现在很多大学生去大城市如北京、上海谋出路,而有些大学生更喜欢呆在二级城市。(seek one’s fortune) Now a great many college graduates(1分) seek their fortune in the big city(1分), such as Beijiang and Shanghai(1分), while others prefer to stay at secondary city(1分). 2.让他妈妈感到兴奋的是他被重点大学录取了。(what引导的主语从句) What made his mother excited(2分) was that(1分) he was admitted into a key university(1分). 3.同时,我们会做各种美食,从鱼肉、猪肉到蔬菜不等。(range from......to......) Meanwhile(1分), we will cook diverse delicious foods(1分), ranging(1分)from fish, pork to vegetables(1分). 4.这里有众多美丽的古建筑,一些坐落于大山之巅。(独立主格结构) There are (1分)so many beautiful old buildings(1分), many sitting(1分) on top of big hills(1分). 5.我们国家有很多的风景名胜,其中大部分都因历史悠久而闻名。 There are many places of interest(1分) in our country, most of which(1分) are(1分) famous for their long history(1分). 二、语法填空(文中加黑词汇为本单元的重点词汇)(共15小题;每题2分,满分30分) You know the feeling - your ears start to warm up, your tongues go numb, you start sweating and starting taking deep breaths. You’re just eaten something spicy, knowing it would be painful, and yet, you chose to do it anyway. We are now definitely used to diverse spicy foods, ranging from mildly spicy to extra spicy. However, it hardly occurred to us that Columbus, a great explorer, enriched the menus by bring chilli pepper from America to Spain. Columbus’ decision to sail west to reach the East was based on his belief that the earth was round. He got financial support from the King of Spain and headed westwards. His mission was to find a new route to India which produced spices. Previously, Europeans imported a series of goods like china and pepper from the east. Apart from a carefully folded letter to the Khan of India, Columbus also brought some selected presents and souvenirs. When Columbus’ boots landed on the beach of the West Indies, it meant chilli pepper would find its way worldwide. The sailors received a warm welcome from a group of natives who wore fancy clothing and accessories made of gold. Afterwards, Columbus claimed the land for Spain. Columbus collected some unusual items, and went back home. Columbus’ exploration did not promote the construction of the local economy. However, Columbus had an encounter with chilli pepper first hand on his second voyage. In a journal he wrote, “There is a kind of red pepper ...” This ingredient that was to change the menus contains piperine (胡椒碱). It is believed that the Zhejiang residents were the first to get access to chill. Instead of using it as an ingredient, people treated this herbal material as a garden plant. The ethnic minorities in Guizhou district were among the first to have a taste of chilli. They used it as a replacement of salt. Now a percentage of 75 percent of the world use chilli as a basic material of food. Mapo Tofu, Spicy Mushroom Rice, Mexico food, to name but a few. From the neat super restaurants to the smoky downtown jazz bar, there is spicy food to suit everyone’s taste. We must admit that no one can escape the temptation of spicy foods.教学设计
学科 高中英语 年级 高一年级 学期 春季
课题 Book3 Unit3 DIVERSE CULTURES Period 6 Assessing Your Progress
教科书 英语必修第三册
1. Consolidate and check what students have learnt in this unit when it comes to vocabulary. 2. Consolidate and check what students have learnt in this unit when it comes to grammar. 3. Help students summarize and reflect the content of this whole unit and have a deeper understanding of the diverse cultures in this world.
教学重点: 1.Enable students to proficiently master the usage of some important vocabulary in this unit. 2 2. Enable students to proficiently master the usage of ellipsis. J教学难点: 1.Ask students to proficiently master the usage of some important vocabulary and strengthen the application of Grammar "Ellipsis" in this unit. 2. Help students summarize and reflect the content of this whole unit and have a deeper understanding of the diverse cultures in this world.
Step1 Lead-in In this unit, we have learnt about and discuss cultures and how they shape people. As a Chinese, it’s our duty to promote Chinese culture and tell the Chinese story Well, in this process, we should master some specific words, let’s grasp the usage Of some important words. Step2 Teaching Task One 1. According to the words and its part of speech, say out its meaning, different forms and pay attention to important phrases.
vocabularyPart of speechmeaningDifferent formsImportant phraseadmitv. claimvt.&n.diverseadj.downtownadv.foldvt.&vi.mildadj.missionn.occurvi.selectvt.settlevt.&vi.suitn.&vt.superadj.&adv.
2. Go for Assessment Complete the following sentences using the correct forms of the words in the box. (1) The population of this district is quite ________ with immigrants from many countries ________ here. (2) When Columbus landed in the New World, he ________ the land for Spain. (3) The famous bar street is located in the ___________ area of the city. A large number of restaurants and cafes have opened along the street since 2000. (4) I don’t think a man’s main ________ in life is to earn as much money as possible. My dream is to live a more meaningful life. (5) It was confirmed that a ______ earthquake _________ at 6:37 p.m. on Saturday evening in Hebei Province, causing no damage. (6) She really did a _______ job. I must _______ that she is the best designer I have ever met. (7) We have a range of gifts to _____ all tastes, and we also have a programme that can make it quicker and easier for you to _______ from our products. (8) He arranged all the books in a neat row and then put his _______ clothes away. Step3 Teaching Task Two 1. Using the Mind Map to go over the application of Grammar "Ellipsis" in this unit. e.g. 1.Why (do you) not say hello to him Why not say hello to him 省略主谓语或主谓语的一部分。 2. --He hasn't finished the task yet. --Well, he ought to have(finished the task). --Well, he ought to have. 如果宾语是be动词或完成时态时,须在to之后加上be或have。 3. --Have you finished your work --(I have) Not (finished my work) yet. 同时省略几个成分。 2. Go for Assessment Simplify the underlined sentences using ellipsis. Then role-play the conversation. Pay attention to how ellipsis is used. A: We’ve got to write a paper on music in the US. Do you have any ideas about what kinds of music are popular there I only know hip-hop seems popular. B: Yeah. Hip-hop is generally popular in the US, but different parts of the country listen to different types of music. A: Can you give an example of this B: Well, for example, in southern US, they have their own culture. A: So, do you mean they have something like a subculture B: Right. The history in that region has given them a different identity. A: Country music is popular there, right B: Well. Not only is country music popular in the south, but blues, rock and roll, bluegrass, and jazz are popular in the south as well. A: Ah, of course they are popular! I forgot about New Orleans jazz! Step4 Teaching Task Three
Reflecting 1.What did you learn about cultural diversity in this unit The theme of this unit is cultural diversity in this world. Students begin by diving into American food, then learn something about the history and culture of San francisco and the Chinese experience in America. After that, they will be briefly introduced ethnic minority cultures in China. After reading an introduction to San Francisco's Chinatown, they will make a travel brochure for tourists coming to visit China. It is hoped that students will not just learn about other countries, but will learn how to better understand, appreciate, reflect on, and describe their own country from the examples provided in the unit. 2.what else would you like to know about different cultures around the world 3.what was the most interesting thing that you learnt in this unit 4.What problems did you have in learning this unit Overall, I thought this unit was ○interesting ○useful ○so-so ○ difficult Step 5: Assignment 一、按括号中的要求翻译下列经典句式(共5小题;每题4分,满分20分) 1.现在很多大学生去大城市如北京、上海谋出路,而有些大学生更喜欢呆在二级城市。(seek one’s fortune) ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2.让他妈妈感到兴奋的是他被重点大学录取了。(what引导的主语从句; be admitted to/into) ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3.同时,我们会做各种美食,从鱼肉、猪肉到蔬菜不等。(range from......to......) ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4.这里有众多美丽的古建筑,一些坐落于大山之巅。(独立主格结构) ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5.我们国家有很多的风景名胜,其中大部分都因历史悠久而闻名。(非限制性定语从句) ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 二、语法填空(文中加黑词汇为本单元的重点词汇)(共15小题;每题2分,满分30分) You know the feeling - your ears start to warm up, your tongues go numb, you start sweating and starting taking deep breaths. You’re just eaten something __①____(spice), knowing it would be painful, and yet, you chose to do it anyway. We are now ______②______(definite) used to diverse spicy foods, ___③_______(range) from mildly spicy to extra spicy. However, it hardly ____④_______ (occur) to us that Columbus, ___⑤____ great explorer, enriched the menus by bring chilli pepper from America to Spain. Columbus’ decision to sail west to reach the East was based on his belief __⑥_____the earth was round. He got _____⑦______ (finance) support from the King of Spain and headed westwards. His mission was to find a new route to India ____⑧___produced spices. Previously, Europeans imported a series of goods like china and pepper from the east. Apart from a carefully folded letter to the Khan of India, Columbus also brought some _____⑨___ (select) presents and souvenirs. When Columbus’ boots landed on the beach of the West Indies, it meant chilli pepper would find its way worldwide. The sailors received a warm welcome from a group of natives who wore fancy clothing and accessories __⑩____ (make) of gold. Afterwards, Columbus claimed the land for Spain. Columbus collected some unusual items, and went back home. Columbus’ exploration did not promote the construction of the local economy. However, Columbus had an encounter with chilli pepper first hand on his second voyage. In a journal he wrote, “There is a kind of red pepper ...” This ingredient that was to change the menus contains piperine (胡椒碱). It is believed that the Zhejiang residents were the first to get access to chill. Instead of using it ___ ____an ingredient, people treated this ___ _____ (herb) material as a garden plant. The ethnic minorities in Guizhou district were among the first ___ ___ (have) a taste of chilli. They used it as a replacement of salt. Now a __ ________ (percent) of 75 percent of the world use chilli as a basic material of food. Mapo Tofu, Spicy Mushroom Rice, Mexico food, to name but a few. From the neat super restaurants to the smoky downtown jazz bar, there is spicy food _____ ________ (suit) everyone’s taste. We must admit that no one can escape the temptation (诱惑) of spicy foods. 附加作业: Make a mind-map of the content you have learnt in this unit.