人教版(2019)必修 第三册Unit 2 Morals and Virtues Video Time教学设计(表格式)+任务单


名称 人教版(2019)必修 第三册Unit 2 Morals and Virtues Video Time教学设计(表格式)+任务单
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文件大小 85.5KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-10-15 13:54:33


学科 高中英语 年级 高一年级 学期 春季
课题 Unit2 Morals and Virtues Video Time
教科书 普通高中英语教科书英语必修第一册
根据句子填空题,简单推测视频内容和关键信息,激发学生对孔子儒家学说的兴趣。 通过视听,提取视频主要信息,了解孔子的主要思想以及“仁”的基本信息,提高学生获取信息的能力。 通过剖析“仁”的内涵,使学生辩证地思考“仁”对个人以及对当今社会的作用和影响,提高其分析和表达能力,做到批判地思考问题。
教学重点: 1. 观看视频,获取关于“仁”的基本信息。
2. 分析儒家思想尤其是“仁”对社会和个人的影响
教学难点: 1. 熟悉生词,克服复杂句式,在泛听中提取关键细节信息。
2. 辩证思考关于儒家思想的现实意义。
Step I Warm-up Activity 1: Guess the meanings of two sentences Ask students to read the two sentences in LunYu and guess the meanings Is it not a pleasure to meet friends coming from afar Learning without reflection leads to confusion. 【设计意图】在观看视频之前,让学生在原有的知识层面上,说出两句论语中的内容,引入孔子,激活学生对孔子的已有认知, 提高学习的兴趣。 Step II Lead-in Activity 2: Story and question Ask students to read the following story: Confucius’ barn was burned down when he was at work. When he returned, he asked if anybody was hurt. But he didn’t ask about his horses. Q: What value does this story suggest 【设计意图】通过孔子救人的故事,阐述孔子以人为本的精神,初步引入“仁”的概念。 Step III Before Watching Activity 4: Prediction Go through the sentences on Page 24 in Before You Watch with students and inspire students to guess the possible answer of each blank The teachings of Confucius have been an important part of Chinese culture for _____________ years. His teachings are all about the most basic ______________ of life. Confucius thought that ________ was the most important moral principle. According to Confucius, this highest principle begins with love for __________. Confucius said: “ Whatever you don’ t like done to yourself, don’ t _____________.” 2.Ask students to predict the answer for a few minutes. 【设计意图】通过填空形式,使学生对视频的关键信息进行预判,提前熟悉视频关键信息有助于学生的后续试听练习。 Step Ⅳ While Watching Activity 5: Watch the video Activity 6: Check answers in Before You Watch Ask students to check the answers of the previous Suggested answers: 1. The teachings of Confucius have been an important part of Chinese culture for 2000 years. 2. His teachings are all about the most basic values of life. 3.Confucius thought that Ren was the most important moral principle. 4. According to Confucius, this highest principle begins with love for parents. 5. Confucius said:“ Whatever you don’ t like done to yourself, don’ t do it to others.” 【设计意图】 观看视频,在观看中对猜测练习进行更正,更准确了解儒家思想的基本信息,锻炼看视频获取信息的能力。 Activity 7: Watch for details Ask students to circle the correct words to complete the sentences below. 1. Confucian thought is still greatly valued in China and in other East/Southeast Asian countries. 2. If students really understood Confucian ideas, it could change society/their lives. 3. In English, only a few/many different words can be used to translate Confucius's highest moral principle. 4. Mencius/Zigong explained this principle as “loving one's parents, loving people, loving everything in the world”. 5. Confucius taught Zigong that the one single concept to take as a guide for all actions in life is happiness/fairness. 【设计意图】抓取更多的关键信息,巩固对儒家思想的基本信息,拓展儒家思想对社会的深远影响。 Activity 8: Watch and Answer 1 Watch the video again and answer the following questions. 1. What is Ren according to the video Use other words to describe Ren. 2. What is the meaning of Ren based on the written character of “仁” ? 3. To whom should we show Ren first And why Possible Answers 1. love, kindheartedness, goodness, humanity, benevolence 2. 人means a person or a human being, 二 means the number two. 仁means relationships between individuals, or with all the society 3. Ren begins with love to one’s parents. Because if someone cannot love his own parents, he also cannot love other people. 【设计意图】对“仁”的含义进行深层次的分析和理解 Activity 9: Watch and Answer 2 Watch part of the video and find some facts about another great thinker 1. How does Mencius explain Ren? 2. What is the single concept that we can take as a guide for all actions? 3. What does the concept mean Possible Answers: 1.loving ones parents, loving people, loving everything in the world 2. Fairness 3. Whatever you don’t like done to yourself. don’t do it to others. 【设计意图】了解另一位儒家思想的学者孟子,以及对公平的概念和阐释 Step Ⅴ After Watching Activity 10: Thinking Ask students three questions about Confucian thought 1. In what ways do you think Confucian thought still influences education and society in China 2. Do you think that your life would change if you understood and practices Ren every day 3. How would Confucian idea of fairness change society around you if everyone started practiced fairness in everything? 【设计意图】学生尽量能用英语表达自己的观点,探讨儒家思想对社会的影响,激发学生对儒家思想的进一步思考。以问题为导向,将所学知识进行内化和运用。 Activity 11: Further Thinking Let students to have a group discussion on “Do you think Confucius’ teachings are necessary in modern society ” 【设计意图】结合对儒家思想的理解和对“仁”的理解,讨论儒家思想对现代社会的意义和重要性,将“仁”的思想运用实践到生活中。学习任务单
学科 高中英语 年级 高一年级 学期 春季
课题 Unit2 Morals and Virtues Video Time
教科书 普通高中英语教科书英语必修第一册
单推测视频内容和关键信息,带着兴趣探索儒家思想。 提取视频主要信息,了解孔子的主要思想以及“仁”的基本信息,锻炼获取信息的能力。 能够分析“仁”的内涵,辩证思考“仁”对个人以及对当今社会的作用和影响 锻炼沟通和表达能力,能够独立阐述对儒家思想的思考
1. 复习第二单元单词。 2. 回顾本单元的语篇,归纳总结本单元所涉及到的品质美德。
【学习任务一】Guess the meanings of the two sentences Is it not a pleasure to meet friends coming from afar Learning without reflection leads to confusion. 【学习任务二】Read the story and answer What value does this story suggest ______________________________________________________________________________ 【学习任务三】Complete each sentence with your best guesses 1. The teachings of Confucius have been an important part of Chinese culture for _____________ years. 2. His teachings are all about the most basic ______________ of life. 3.Confucius thought that ________ was the most important moral principle. 4. According to Confucius, this highest principle begins with love for ____________. 5. Confucius said:“Whatever you don’t like done to yourself, don t ______________________.” 【学习任务四】 Circle the correct words to complete the sentences below. 1. Confucian thought is still greatly valued in China and in other East/Southeast Asian countries. 2. If students really understood Confucian ideas, it could change society/their lives. 3. In English, only a few/many different words can be used to translate Confucius's highest moral principle. 4. Mencius/Zigong explained this principle as “loving one's parents, loving people, loving everything in the world”. 5. Confucius taught Zigong that the one single concept to take as a guide for all actions in life is happiness/fairness. 【学习任务五】 Watch the video again and answer the following questions. 1. What is Ren according to the video Use other words to describe Ren. ______________________________________________________________________________ 2. What is the meaning of Ren based on the written character of “仁” ? 人 _________________ 仁 ___________________ 二 __________________ 3. To whom should we show Ren first And why Love 【学习任务六】 Watch part of the video and find some facts about another great thinker How does Mencius explain Ren? ______________________________________________________________________________ 2. What is the single concept that we can take as a guide for all actions? ______________________________________________________________________________ 3. What does the concept mean ______________________________________________________________________________ 【学习任务七】 Thinking In what ways do you think Confucian thought still influences education and society in China ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Do you think that your life would change if you understood and practices Ren every day ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 3. How would Confucian idea of fairness change society around you if everyone started practiced fairness in everything? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 【学习任务八】 Discussion Do you think Confucius’ teachings are necessary in modern society
必修三Workbook P72 五种美德 从百科全书中阅读更多关于孔子的儒家理念。