人教版(2019)选择性必修 第一册Unit 5 Working the Land Listening and speaking课件(共19张PPT+教学设计+学习任务单)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修 第一册Unit 5 Working the Land Listening and speaking课件(共19张PPT+教学设计+学习任务单)
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-10-16 10:48:33


Unit 5 Working the Land
Using Language(1): Listening and speaking
图片来源 https://www.globalhungerindex.org/
People are suffering from extreme hunger/ massive starvation.
Activity1:Look &Discuss
What can you see in the photos
How do you think each photo relates to world hunger
Either a river or a lake bed has been exposed by receding waters, leaving behind cracked soil.
A child is pouring water onto the ground.
When there is drought, crops cannot grow and animals may die.
Hunger often comes with war, as often people cannot farm, or they cannot work to earn money to buy food.
Even if people had money to buy food during the war, the markets might be empty or closed.
The child in the photo, whose arm and hand are so thin, is a victim of famine.
Famine is when the crops do not grow and there is not enough food for everyone to eat.
Famine can be caused by drought, insects or diseases that destroy the crops, or extreme weather.
Activity2: Listen to a radio interview and get the main idea.
A host of a radio show is interviewing _________(whom)from
(organization) about_________ of world hunger and ______ to alleviate world hunger.
the causes
Food and Agriculture Organization
alleviate: v. make (sth.) less severe; ease
Activity3: Listen for details.
1. What is FAO’s mission
2. What can seriously affect crop production
3. What does the FAO think about nutritious food
4. What is the FAO doing to alleviate world hunger
5. What does the FAO suggest countries do
6. What can individuals do to make a difference
1. What is FAO’s mission
Its aim is to ___________________________.
2. What can seriously affect crop production
___________________________________ can seriously affect crop production.
3. What does the FAO think about nutritious food
The FAO believes everyone should ___________________
eliminate(消除) world hunger
Droughts, floods, and climate change
have the right to get
healthy food
Listen and answer the following questions.
4. What is the FAO doing to alleviate world hunger
The FAO runs a project called , which helps countries to_____________________________.
5. What does the FAO suggest countries do
Every country needs to focus on ________________________ in agriculture too, which can often _________ the whole world.
develop sustainable agriculture
making new achievements
Climate-Smart Agriculture
6. What can individuals do to make a difference
Individuals should buy food that and
to make a difference.
supports the environment
never waste food
Listening strategies
Identify Supporting Evidence
When people present important facts, they usually give some evidence to support their claims. The evidence is usually mentioned at the start of a sentence. Listen out for key words like report, research, studies, figures, findings, etc.
Activity4: Listen again and identify how the speaker supports his facts. Match the supporting evidence with the facts.
1 According to our latest figures, ...
2 There is strong evidence to suggest that ...
3 Our research indicates that ...
A wars can heavily affect food production and transportation.
B (world hunger) stands at around 11% of the world's population.
C many people just can't afford to eat well.
Activity5: Work in pairs and discuss.
1. What are all the possible causes of world hunger that you can think of
2. What can people and countries do to help alleviate these causes
Possible cause
Possible solution
climate change
new forms of agriculture & drought-resistant crops
the building of dams
economic development
international cooperation
reduce CO emission & protect the environment
Activity6: Work in groups to prepare a speech for the coming WFD, appealing people to help alleviate the problem of the world hunger.
With the World Food Day approaching, I have a feeling that it is time that we attach great importance to world hunger problem. It’s a pity that millions of people are still suffering from hunger today.
My belief is that we should leave no one behind. As individuals, we should buy food that supports the environment and save water in our life. We should never waste food because very single grain is the result of hard work.
Polish your speech and share your speech with your friends.
1. The present situation of world hunger
2. Causes behind the problem
3. Appeal to tackle the problem
学科 英语 年级 高二 学期 秋季
课题 Unit 5 Working the Land Using Language(1): Listening and speaking
教科书 英语选择性必修第一册
1. 使学生听懂并理解电台访谈的关键信息。能够在听的过程中,借助对话的访谈技巧(提问及追问)理解语篇信息。 2. 学生能够分辨观点与事实,听懂因果关系的解释和说明。 3. 学生了解世界粮食危机的成因并提出倡议。
教学重点: 1. 提高学生获取采访类语篇获取信息的能力。
2. 帮助学生理解世界饥饿问题与全球粮食生产问题。
教学难点: 1. 如何指导学生在访谈类语篇中获取有效信息。 2. 如何启发学生积极思考,完成有意义的语言理解和口语输出, 形成有逻辑的演讲稿。
StepⅠ:Lead-in (2mins) 1. Present a map of world hunger index. Q: What can you find out from it What may be the possible causes [设计意图]:通过一张世界饥饿指数的地图开始课堂教学, 引出世界饥饿问题这一话题。同时通过观察地图,学生对饥饿问题的严重性有了视觉上的认识。在图片的铺垫下,引导学生思考造成饥饿问题的原因。 StepⅡ: Pre-listening (3mins) Activity1:Look &Discuss Observe the three pictures on P54, and think: How does each photo relate to world hunger [设计意图]:通过对三张照片的观察,引发学生思考这些现象与饥饿问题发生的联系,该活动设计调动了学生“看”和“说”的技能,并通过学生的视觉冲击力激发学生的同理心,通过讨论训练学生的分析、比较、推理等思维技能。 同时,图片的观察是对接下来听力训练中内容的一个背景铺垫。之后配上文字描述创造语境,学生通过识图、看句子,能够激活头脑中drought、famine、victim等词汇。 StepⅢ:Listening (8mins) Activity2: Listen to a radio interview and get the main idea. [设计意图]:本次听力训练的内容是电台的一段访谈节目。活动2旨在培养学生对访谈对象和主旨大意的掌握,对世界粮农组织有一个初步的认知。同时对造成饥饿问题的原因和应对方式有初步了解。 Activity3: Listen for details. [设计意图]:活动3需要学生认真复听,提出了六个与粮农组织和世界饥饿问题相关的问题,通过听和记笔记把握细节。同时在于帮助学生拓宽视野,思考世界饥饿问题。培养学生能够在听的过程中,借助对话的访谈技巧(提问及追问)理解语篇信息。 Activity4: Listen again and identify how the speaker supports his facts. [设计意图]:活动4旨在训练学生的听力策略。通过识别支撑性证据,了解在访谈或对话中对观点的有力阐述方式,即运用数据和研究成果等来展现思维的逻辑性。 StepⅣ:Speaking (7mins) Activity5: Work in pairs and discuss. 1. What are all the possible causes of world hunger that you can think of 2. What can people and countries do to help alleviate these causes [设计意图]:通过对世界饥饿问题原因以及可行的解决方法的讨论,旨在培养学生的批判性和逻辑思维能力。这一活动既是听力训练内容上的延续,也对学生在认识问题和了解世界等方面提出了更高的要求。同时,也可以让学生站在人类命运共同体的角度思考问题,培养了文化意识和国际视野。 Activity6: Work in groups to prepare a speech for the coming WFD. 1. Appeal people to help alleviate the problem of the world hunger. 2. Use the expressions to help communicate with group members. [设计意图]:世界粮食日的介绍符合了本课探索世界饥饿问题的主题,呼应了访谈开始时提到的“世界粮食日”主题活动。活动6旨在培养学生的语言运用能力,通过小组讨论,分享观点,策划世界粮食日活动。激发学生的创新型思维。 StepⅤ: Assignment Polish your speech and share your speech with your friends. [设计意图]:通过前期的听力训练和口语表达,学生已经基本形成了对世界饥饿问题的认识,具有了一定的储备知识和思辨能力。在讨论的基础上,结合自身的认识和语言能力,学生可以完善自己的演讲并和同伴分享。学习任务单
学科 英语 年级 高二 学期 秋季
课题 Unit 5 Working the Land Using Language(1): Listening and speaking
教科书 英语选择性必修第一册
1. 听懂并理解电台访谈的关键信息。能够在听的过程中,借助对话的访谈技巧(提问及追问)理解语篇信息。 2. 了解世界粮食危机的成因并提出倡议。
1. 预习本单元词汇。 2.了解世界饥饿问题的相关背景。
【学习任务一】 Observe a map of world hunger index and think: 1. What can you find out from it 2. What may be the possible causes 【学习任务二】 Observe the three pictures on P54, and discuss: How does each photo relate to world hunger The first photo represents the idea of . The second photo represents the idea of . The third photo represents the idea of . 【学习任务三】 Listen to a radio interview and get the main idea. 1. A host of a radio show is interviewing _________(whom)from (organization) about_________ of world hunger and ______ to alleviate world hunger. 2. FAO stands for F A O . 【学习任务四】 Listen and answer the following questions. 1. What is FAO’s mission Its aim is to ___________________________. 2. What can seriously affect crop production ___________________________ can seriously affect crop production. 3. What does the FAO think about nutritious food The FAO believes everyone should ________________________________. 4. What is the FAO doing to alleviate world hunger The FAO runs a project called which helps countries to_________________. 5. What does the FAO suggest countries do Every country needs to focus on ____________________ in agriculture too, which can often _________ the whole world. 6. What can individuals do to make a difference Individuals should buy food that and to make a difference. 【学习任务五】 Match the supporting evidence with the facts. 【学习任务六】 Work in pairs and discuss. 1. What are all the possible causes of world hunger that you can think of 2. What can people and countries do to help alleviate these causes Possible causePossible solution
【学习任务七】 Work in groups to prepare a speech for the coming WFD, appealing people to help alleviate the problem of the world hunger. 【学习任务八】 Polish your speech and share your speech with your friends.
1. 普通高中教科书英语选择性必修一 Unit5