Unit 5 Working the LandReading and Thinking课件(共16张)+教学设计课后练习+学习任务单


名称 Unit 5 Working the LandReading and Thinking课件(共16张)+教学设计课后练习+学习任务单
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-10-16 14:20:16


学科 英语 年级 高二 学期 秋季
课题 Unit 5 Working the Land——Reading and Thinking: A Pioneer for All People
教科书 新人教版
主题语境: 本文隶属于“人与社会”-“科学与技术”-“农业”这一话题。 语篇类型: 本文属于记叙文(narration),以人物介绍的形式介绍了袁隆平院士为中国乃至世界的农业和农民做出巨大贡献却淡泊名利的故事。 3、语篇研读: 【what】 (1)内容板块的活动主题是“Get to know a famous agricultural scientist”。 本文的内容由三部分组成:第一部分(para.1)是概述,介绍了袁隆平公认的“科学家”和自评的“农民”两种身份,并点明了他为农民奉献一生。第二部分(para.2-4)是文章的主体部分,讲述袁老“择业-研究-收效”,这一超级稻研发收效的过程。第三部分(para.5-6)讲述袁隆平名利双收之后仍然挂心农业、不断开拓的精神。 明线暗线 1)明线:以时间线为牵引的袁隆平“总体介绍-择业为农-潜心钻研-成果显著-奉献逐梦”的人生轨迹 2)暗线:袁隆平终生为农民和农业的奉献精神 【why】 通过描叙“杂交水稻之父”袁隆平的生平、主要贡献和梦想,激发学生学习他50多年来,不畏艰难,不懈探索,始终在农业科研第一线辛勤耕耘,为人类运用科技手段战胜饥饿带来绿色的希望和金色的收获;学习他与时俱进、勇攀高峰的创新精神,执着追求的坚强意志,严以律己、淡泊名利的高尚情操。他的卓越成就,不仅为解决中国人民的温饱和保障国家粮食安全做出了贡献,更为世界和平和社会进步树立了丰碑。 【how】 (1)文章结构 本文为一篇“总-分”结构的记叙文,“总”的部分是作者的总述,提纲挈领地讲述了袁隆平院士的“双重身份”和对农民的终身奉献;“分”的部分是袁老为农民农业奉献一生的轨迹。 (2)语言特点 为介绍袁老“一心为农”的精神,文中使用了一般过去式讲述袁老的职业选择和技术克难。使用现在完成时来表述他的研究成果和影响。使用对比和比喻的手法讲述了他的“先锋精神”和“心系天下”。且本文含有大量的介绍性语块和择业克难、收效显著、淡泊名利、持续追梦的语块,它们既是理解文章的重点,也是学生进行语言输出时的重要支架。
通过本节课的学习学生能够: 通过连线的方式获取每段的段落大意的关键词,依据关键词,画出思维导图,并依据思维导图进行口头复述,内化信息; 分析与判断作者为何在标题中使用 “pioneer”并寻找证据; 评价袁隆平的品格并用合适的形容词进行描述,分析推断作者的写作意图(介绍),和写作技巧(列数字list numbers、作比较by contrast);
教学重点: 1.通过阅读获取每段的段落大意,并依据思维导图进行口头汇报,内化信息; 2. 分析与判断作者为何在标题中使用 “pioneer”并寻找证据,即why和how; 教学难点: 评价袁隆平的品格并用合适的形容词进行描述,分析推断作者的写作意图(介绍),和写作技巧(列数字list numbers、作比较by contrast)。
教学目标活动步骤活动意图层次形式时间Activity 1: Lead-in 1. ask students to look at the opening page carefully to discuss the follow three questions: Q1: What do you see in the photo Q2: Where was it taken Q3: Have you ever been to a place like this Ss read the quote on the opening page and tell what they know about Yuan and his hybrid rice.激发背景知识,从开篇页南方稻田入手,带学生初步感知农业文明。朗读袁隆平的格言可让学生思考并崇拜袁老的精神高度。感知与注意 2 mins Activity 2: Prediction Ss predict what will the passage talk about Yuan according to the title and the picture. And Ss’ Qs may be as follows: Q1: Why is Yuan called a pioneer for all people Q2: How did he become a pioneer Q3: What kind of person is he 从标题和插图让学生对文本内容进行头脑风暴预测,提升其读前预测能力。 感知与注意 3 mins通过连线的方式获取每段的段落大意的关键词,依据关键词,并根据时间线和表格梳理关键信息,据此引导学生基于事实性信息深入理解袁隆平被封为先锋人物的过程,即回答how he has become a pioneer.Activity 3: Match the main idea and summarize into one key word Ss skim the passage and match the main idea with each para and summarize into one key word.引导学生获取段落大意获取与梳理7 minsActivity 4: Scan for Yuan’s identities in para. 1 Ss read carefully to find out Yuan’s identities. Q: What does Yuan consider himself Why 引导学生获取文章的重点细节性事实信息获取与梳理2 minsActivity 5: Scan for more details by completing the timeline in para. 2-6. Ss fill in the missing blanks in the table in time order.引导学生借助时间线梳理文本信息概括与整合8 minsActivity 6: understand how Yuan has become a pioneer. Ss share their own opinions according to the table.引导学生基于事实性信息深入理解袁隆平被封为先锋人物的过程。推理与论证,批判与评价3 mins分析人物性格品质,了解对比写作手法Activity 7: Understand the comparison technique Ss find more comparison technique(words) in the passage with an example first given by T. Q: What writing techniques does the author use to exhibit Yuan Longping's qualities 引导学生关注并理解文章无处不在的“对比”的写作手法和丰富的表达“对比”的词汇,从而了解袁隆品伟大品质,凸显文本主题意义。推理与论证,批判与评价5 mins引导学生关注列数字手法的运用并思考袁隆平的杂交水稻对于中国甚至世界农业的意义和农业科技的发展的意义。 Activity8: Understand the number-listing technique Ss share their understanding of the contributions of Yuan Long ping. Q: What writing techniques does the author use to exhibit Yuan Longping’s contributions in para. 4 引导学生关注列数字手法的运用并思考袁隆平的杂交水稻对于中国甚至世界农业的意义和农业科技的发展的意义。分析与判断3 mins分析判断人物性格特征Activity9: Understand Why is Yuan called a pioneer for all people and what kind of person is Yuan 分析判断人物性格特征,激发学生的想象能力和表达能力。 迁移与创新5 minsSummary &Homework Option 1: Make a poster about Dr. Yuan Longping to show how and why he became a pioneer. Option 2: Write a short passage about your dream and share the ideas about what qualities of Yuan inspire you in the pursuit of your dreams.引导学生充分运用所学知识进行迁移创新,并完成思维品质的塑造。想象与创造2 mins作业练习
学科 英语 年级 高二 学期 秋季
课题 Unit 5 Working the Land——Reading and Thinking: A Pioneer for All People
教科书 新人教版
【基础作业】 Ⅰ 单词拼写 1.I am ________ (确信) that he has learned from his mistakes. 2.Marty ________ (克服) a lot of difficulties and got some achievements. 3.In order to ________ (增加) my knowledge of Tianjin, such as its history, tradition and food, I spend every spare moment I have in the library. 4.At first glance, ________ (有机的) farming looks much more expensive for the farmer. 5.He said that he would ________ (致力于) all his life to educating children. 6.It is ________ (估计,估算) that total cost for treatment will go from $9,000 to $12,500. 7.The ________ (缺少) of water has become a challenging problem. 8.The company is suffering from a loss of about $250 million a month because of the latest financial ________ (危机). 9.She was satisfied to see that her twin sons both ________ (获得) 5 “A” grades in their exams. 10.In other words, ideal life doesn't always consist with the ________ (现实). ●Ⅱ 单句填空 1.I found his speech ________ (convince) and he would call on more people to take regular exercise. 2.He was worried about the news that the injured were facing food ________ (short). 3.________ made her ashamed was that her husband was caught smoking in the museum. 4.________ (devote) to his scientific work, he has no time to care for his family affairs. 5.My conclusion was based on the ________ (assume) that house prices would remain steady. 6.The castle is ________ (comprise) of different components, which appeals to many children. 7.From now on, you're going to have to stay away from ________ (salt) food. 8.________ (expand) your knowledge by reading more books is a wise choice. 9.________ (give) that the price is appropriate, we'll buy everything you produce. 10.Deep ________, it is believed that hard work will lead to success, so we should go ahead and devote ourselves ________ our work. ●III 补全句子 1.His company ______________________________ after ten years of hard work. 经过十年的艰苦努力,他的公司已经扩展成了一个大公司。 2.________________________ will have a lasting effect on my future career. 你所说的话会对我未来的事业产生持续的影响。 3.He is determined to ________________________________________________. 他决心把毕生精力奉献给教育事业。 4.________________________ 80% of all conversation in English is small talk. 据估计,英国人80%的英语会话是闲聊。 5.Yuan Longping, ________________ “the father of hybrid rice”, is one of China's most famous scientists. 袁隆平,被誉为“杂交水稻之父”,是中国最著名的科学家之一。 6.I believe honesty is important. It will contribute to building a warm and harmonious society. →I ________________________ the importance of honesty, ________________________________ building a warm and harmonious society. (定语从句) 【创新作业】 Make a poster about Dr. Yuan Longping to show how and why he became a pioneer.
Ⅰ. convinced; overcame; expand; organic; devote; estimated; shortage; crisis; attained; reality.
Ⅱ. convincing; shortage; What; Devoted; assumption; comprised; salty; Expanding; Given; down, to.
III. 1. has expanded into a large corporation; 2. What you said; 3. devote his life to the cause of education; 4. It is estimated that; 5. known as ; 6. am convinced of; which will contribute to
Unit 5 Working the Land
Opening Page & Reading and Thinking
Learning objectives
In this class, you will :
learn about agricultural scientist Yuan Longping and identify his great contributions to China and the world;
analyze the main idea and structure of this passage;
understand how and why Yuan Longping is called a pioneer for all people.
folk houses
terraced rice field
south China
1. What do you see in the photo
2. Where was it taken
3. Have you ever been to a place like this
My lifelong pursuit is to keep all the people away from hunger.
—Yuan Longping
What do you know about Yuan Longping
A Pioneer for All People
A person who is the first to study a new area of knowledge.
Prediction: What will this passage talk about

Who is the pioneer
What did he do
What kind of person is he
How did he become a pioneer
Why is he called a pioneer for all people
What will this passage talk about
Yuan conducted research and
developed hybrid rice.
Yuan worked hard to fulfil his dreams.
Yuan considered himself a farmer.
Yuan decided to study agriculture.
Yuan’s innovation has helped to feed more people.
Yuan cared little for fame or fortune.
Para. 1
Para. 2
Para. 3
Para. 4
Para. 5
Para. 6
Yuan considered himself a farmer.
Yuan decided to study agriculture.
Yuan conducted research and
developed hybrid rice successfully.
Yuan’s innovation has helped to feed more people.
Yuan cared little for fame or fortune.
Yuan worked hard to fulfill his dreams.
Skim and match the main idea with each paragraph, then use one word to summarize.
Yuan is the “father of hybrid rice”, China’s most famous scientist and a farmer.
Q2: What does Yuan consider himself Why
He considered himself a farmer because he continually works the land in his research.
He has devoted all his life to Chinese farmers.
Read Para. 1 and find out Yuan’s identities.
Read Para. 2-6 and complete the timeline, so as to understand how he became a pioneer.
My lifelong pursuit is to keep all the people away from hunger.
—Yuan Longping
Although his parents wanted him to pursue a career in science or medicine, concerning farmers poor harvests and serious shortage of food and being eager to ______________, he ____________________________________________________________________
Yuan Longping ________________________.
in 1930
After graduating,_______________________________
Yuan overcame enormous technical difficulties to ______________________________
Yuan was still ____________________________________________________
he ______________________________________________________________________
____________________________________He ____________________the kind of rice.
“seawater rice” also became a ________, and potentially opened up nearly ________ __________________of salty land in China for rice production.
was born in Beijing
tackle this crisis
he worked as a researcher
develop the first hybrid rice
that could be used for farming
young at heart and full of vision
and each grain of rice as huge as peanut.
envisioned rice plants as tall as sorghum, with each ear of rice as big as broom,
chose to study agriculture and received an education at Southwest Agricultural College in Chongqing.
in 1953
in 1974
in his later years
People think ___________________________________but_____________________ _______________________________________
he would have retired to a life of leisure
or money, and made large donations ...
he cared little for celebrity
long ago
succeeded in producing
later vision
1 million km2
benefit a lot from
People all around the world __________________ his hybrid strains and innovation.
benefit a lot from
By listing numbers
What writing techniques does the author use to exhibit Yuan Longping’s contributions in para. 4
father of hybrid rice VS farmer
his parents' wish VS his own decision
the general assumption VS his belief
retire to a life of leisure VS continue to work the land as a man of the soil
What writing techniques does the author use to exhibit Yuan Longping's qualities
By contrast
Why is he called a pioneer for all people
He studied agriculture, which is the basis of life and all human activities.
He developed
hybrid rice.
2. He curbed world famine by increasing the yields of rice, which is the staple for half the world.
3. He researched seawater rice to fight against world hunger.
What kind of person do you think Yuan is
Yuan is a/an_________(adj.) pioneer because…
Eg: Yuan is a modest and hardworking pioneer because he considers himself a farmer and continually works the land in his research.
Option 1:
Make a poster about Dr. Yuan Longping to show how and why he became a pioneer.
Option 2:
Write a short passage about your dream and share the ideas about what qualities of Yuan inspire you in the pursuit of your dreams.
Thank you for your attention!学习任务单
学科 英语 年级 高二 学期 秋季
课题 Unit 5 Working the Land——Reading and Thinking: A Pioneer for All People
教科书 人教版
1. read about agricultural scientist Yuan Longping. 2. summarize the process of hybrid rice. 3. learn from Yuan’s spirit in his research.
Words review pioneer__________ shortage__________ crisis__________ convince__________ assumption__________ characteristic__________ output__________ consumption__________ leisure__________ in crisis _______________ pursue a career_________ far from______________ work the land_________ be comprised of________ deep down ___________ devote__________ tackle__________ boost__________overcome__________ expand__________ domestic__________ generate__________ celebrity__________ vision__________ grain__________ attain__________
【学习任务一】Read the theme picture and answer questions. (P. 49) 1. What do you see in the photo 2. Where was it taken 3. Have you ever been to a place like this 4. What do you know about Yuan
【学习任务二】Predict what will the passage talk about Yuan according to the title and the picture. 【学习任务三】Fast-reading Match the main idea and summarize into one key word. Scan for Yuan’s identities in para. 1 What does Yuan consider himself Why Scan for more details by completing the timeline in para. 2-6. 【学习任务四】Thinking: How did Yuan become a pioneer. 【学习任务五】Language analysis What writing techniques does the author use to exhibit Yuan Longping's qualities What writing techniques does the author use to exhibit Yuan Longping’s contributions in para. 4 【学习任务六】Thinking Why is Yuan called a pioneer for all people and what kind of person is Yuan
文章源自美国《华盛顿邮报》——深切缅怀,国之伟人 Scientist Yuan Longping, whose rice research helped feed people in many countries, dies at 91. Yuan Longping, a Chinese scientist who developed higher-yield rice varieties that helped feed people around the world, died Saturday at a hospital in the southern city of Changsha, the Xinhua News agency reported. He was 91. Yuan spent his life researching rice and was a household name in China, known by the nickname “Father of Hybrid Rice.” Worldwide, a fifth of all rice now comes from species created by hybrid rice following Yuan’s breakthrough discoveries, according to the website of the World Food Prize, which he won in 2004. On Saturday afternoon, large crowds honored the scientist by marching past the hospital in Hunan province where he died, local media reported, calling out phrases such as: “Grandpa Yuan, have a good journey!” It was in the 1970s when Yuan achieved the breakthroughs that would make him a household name. He developed a hybrid strain of rice that recorded an annual yield 20% higher than existing varieties — meaning it could feed an extra 70 million people a year, according to Xinhua. His work helped transform China from “food deficiency to food security” within three decades, according to the World Food Prize, which was created by Nobel Peace Prize laureate Norman Borlaug in 1986 to recognize scientists and others who have improved the quality and availability of food. Yuan and his team worked with dozens of countries around the world to address issues of food security as well as malnutrition. Even in his later years, Yuan did not stop doing research. In 2017, working with a Hunan agricultural school, he helped create a strain of low-cadmium indica rice for areas suffering from heavy metal pollution, reducing the amount of cadmium in rice by more than 90%.