人教版(2019)选择性必修第一册Unit 5 Working the Land Reading and Thinking课件(共17张)+教学设计


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修第一册Unit 5 Working the Land Reading and Thinking课件(共17张)+教学设计
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-10-16 14:23:24


Unit 5 Working the Land
Reading and Thinking
What problem is mentioned
Hunger problem around the world
Rice: an important crop for feeding more people
To design a brochure about Yuan Longping, including brief introduction, life experiences and comments.
Recently, the editorial office of “China’s Memory”
is collecting designs of a brochure for foreign guests about Yuan Longping.
Task setting
pioneer noun
/ pa n (r)/
/ pa n r/
1 a person who is the first to study and develop a particular area of knowledge, culture, etc. that other people then continue to develop.
Read for structure
What is the text type
date of birth
life experiences
good qualities
... ...
Read for details (para.1-2)
Yuan Longping, known as the “father of hybrid rice”, was one of China’s most famous scientists. Yet, he considered himself a farmer because he continually worked the land in his research. Indeed, his slim but strong body was just like that of millons of Chinese farmers, to whom he had devoted his life.
Yuan Longping was born in 1930 in Beijing. His parents wanted him to pursue a career in science or medicine. However, what concerned him most was that farmers often had poor harvests and sometimes even had a serious shortage of food to eat. To tackle this crisis, he chose to study agriculture and received an education at Southwest Agricultural College in Chongqing.
date/place of birth
educational background
What does “this” refer to
reason/ motivation
Why is Yuan called a pioneer for all people (good qualities)
humble/ modest;
serious problem
deal with
After graduating in 1953, he worked as a researcher. Yuan Longping realised that larger fields were not the solution. Instead, farmers needed to boost yields in the fields they had. How this could be done was a challenging question at the time. Yuan was convinced that the answer could be found in the creation of hybrid rice. A hybrid is across between two or more varieties of a species. One characteristic of hybrids is that they usually attain a higher yield than conventional crops. However, whether it was possible to develop a hybrid of self-pollinating plants such as rice was a matter of great debate. The common assumption then was that it could not be done. Through intense effort, Yuan overcame enormous technical difficulties to develop the first hybrid rice that could be used for farming in 1974. This hybrid enabled farmers to expand their output greatly.
Read for details (para.3)
How did Yuan develop hybrid rice
worked as a researcher in 1953
realized larger fields× boost yields √
convinced the creation of hybrid rice
overcame enormous technical difficulties
developed hybrid rice in 1974
(What did he do )
Today, it is estimated that about 60 percent of domestic rice consumption in China is comprised of crops generated from Yuan’s hybrid strains, and his strains have allowed China’s farmers to produce around 200 million tons of rice per year. Yuan’s innovation has helped feed not just China, but many other countries that depend on rice as well, such as India and Vietnam. Because of his invaluable contributions, Yuan Longping received numerous awards both in China and abroad.
Read for details (para.4)
How has the hybrid rice helped China and other countries (focus on numbers)
60 percent domestic rice consumption
produce around 200 million tons of rice per year
feed many other countries
invaluable contributions+
numerous awards
Read for details (para.5)
Given that Yuan’s hybrids made him quite wealthy, one might think he would have retired to a life of leisure. However, this is far from the case. Deep down, Yuan was still very much a farmer at heart. As a man of the soil, he cared little for celebrity or money. Instead, he made large donations to support agricultural research.
in other people’s eyes
his real life
a wealthy man
retire to a life of leisure
a ________ at heart
donations to support ___________ research
Why is Yuan called a pioneer for all people (good qualities)
generous; selfless; indifferent to fortune; focused...
Read for details (para.6)
What impressed people most about Yuan Longping was his ongoing ability to fulfill his dreams.Long ago, he envisioned rice plants as tall as sorghum, with each ear of rice as big as a broom, and each grain of rice as huge as a peanut. He succeeded in producing a kind of rice that could feed more people at home and abroad. His latest vision for “seawater rice” also became a reality, and potentially opened up nearly one million square kilometres of salty land in China for rice production. Even in his later years, Yuan Longping was still young at heart and full of vision, and everyone was always excited to see what he would dream up next.
What were Yuan’s two dreams Did they all come true
imaginative; optimistic; creative...
Why is Yuan called a pioneer for all people (good qualities)
Date/place of birth
... ...
Yuan Longping 袁隆平
Brief introduction
Problem to solution
“The Father of Hybrid Rice”;
One of China’s most famous scientists;
The Medal of the Republic (共和国勋章);
Passed away in May, 2021;
Worked as a researcher in 1953;
Realized larger fields boost yields;
Convinced the creation of hybrid rice;
Overcame enormous technical difficulties;
Developed hybrid rice in 1974;
A Pioneer for All People
indifferent to fortune
... ...
What have you learnt fromYuan
As a student, I think Yuan is a ... ... person who/because...
What I have learnt from Yuan is ... ...
Besides, his achievements also inspired me, for example, ... ...
Therefore, I will be more ... ...to study, to be... ...and... ...
... ...
My lifelong pursuit is to keep all the people away from hunger.
——Yuan Longping
Opening page
Search for a respectable person on the Internet, design a brochure and share with the whole class next time, including brief introduction, life experiences, comments and so on.
学科 英语 年级 高二 学期 秋季
课题 Unit5 Working the Land Reading and Thinking
教科书 英语选择性必修第一册 教材
1. To get students to understand the structure and contents of the text, especially his contributions as a pioneer for all people. 2. To help students conclude some good qualities of Yuan Longping and learn from him.
教学重点: 了解传记的文本特征和包含内容,掌握文本结构。
2. 归纳总结袁隆平的优良品质,理解pioneer的含义。
教学难点: 1. 通过深入阅读文本,分析袁老成为全人类先驱者的优秀品质;
2. 通过分享有关袁老个人事迹和优秀品质的感悟和启示,激发对农业科学家以及其他先驱者,伟人的崇敬之情,同时做到语言、思维和文化的融合。
Activity 1: Introducing the topic by talking about hunger 1. Watch a video about hunger. 2. Talk about the video watched. Q1: What problem is mentioned Q2: How to solve the hunger problem 【设计意图】学生通过观看相关视频,激活背景知识,并开始思考饥饿问题以及解决方法。 Activity 2: Setting the task of today’s class Look at the task of today’s class. Q1: How to design a brochure about Yuan 【设计意图】通过介绍本节课任务,使学生对本节课教学目标更清晰,明确传记特征以及文本结构。 Activity 3: Reading for structure. Read the whole text quickly and answer the questions. Q1: What does “pioneer” mean Q2: What is the text type Activity 4: Reading para.1-2 and try to find key information . Find the brief introduction about Yuan. Q1: what’s the title of Yuan Q2: What does“this”refer to Q3: What’s his title, career, appearance and educational background Read para.3-6 in detail and answer questions. Q1: How did Yuan develop hybrid rice Q2: How has the hybrid rice helped China and other countries (focus on numbers) Q3: Why is Yuan called a pioneer for all people (good qualities) Q4: What were Yuan’s two dreams Did they all come true 【设计意图】围绕how和why,从主体段中搜寻信息,支撑观点,以此培养学生的信息梳理、归纳能力,并深入感知袁隆平的美好品质。 Activity 5: Summarizing the content of biography and going back to the opening page. Conclude the whole text and answer the questions. Q1: What aspects should be included in a biography Pay attention to the opening page and answer the questions. Q1: Guess where is the picture taken 【设计意图】学生自己总结传记包括哪些部分,对文本结构特征有更清晰的认识;单元复现让学生关注本单元主题,提高对中国伟人,先驱者的崇敬。 Assignment Search for a respectable person on the Internet, design a brochure and share with the whole class next time. Please write about: his/her brief introduction; his/her life experiences; his/ her good qualities; ... ...