Unit 4 Body Language Learning About Language (1) Vocabulary课件(共16张PPT+教学设计+课后练习+学习任务单)


名称 Unit 4 Body Language Learning About Language (1) Vocabulary课件(共16张PPT+教学设计+课后练习+学习任务单)
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文件大小 210.4KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-10-16 15:11:36


学科 高中英语 年级 高二 学期 秋季
课题 Unit 4 Body Language Learning About Language: Build up your vocabulary
教科书 普通高中教科书 英语 选择性必修第一册
After leaning, students will be able to: 1. recognize key words through revision 2. examine words of different forms 3. distinguish different parts of speech of the same word 4. apply correct words and parts of speech to passages
教学重点: 1. 词形变化,通过添加后缀改变词性和词义
2. 同一个词不同词性的不同意义和用法
教学难点: 1. 在语境中运用正确的词、词性及词形
Outline: Step 1: Go through the keys words while reviewing the reading text, and expose students with different forms of words at the same time. Step 2: Explain Exercise 1 and 2 on Book P40. Step 3: Summarize what has been learnt through practicing. 【总体思路】:基于英语学习活动观和“扶放”的理念,通过问题链的方式使学生在主题语境下学习重点词汇,并在教师示证下思考如何使用不同词性来进行回答。在掌握词汇动词好名词的不同用法和不同词形的同时,提升表达能力,并通过练习加深对肢体语言的理解和构词法的认知,最终实现教学目标。 Process in details: Step 1: In this step, students will be asked four questions and finish one exercise based on what has been reviewed. 1. How do we express our thoughts and opinions Possible answer: We use both words and body language to express our thoughts and opinions in our interactions with other people. In other words: We rely on both words and body language to express our thoughts and opinions when interacting with other people. In other words: Neither words nor body language is reliable enough in interaction. 【设计意图】通过回答本问题,回顾课文内容,并回顾关键词interaction的用法。通过同义词替换和用不同词性替换,回顾关键词组rely on以及interaction的动词用法。并通过词性变化,促使学生继续思考rely的形容词形式,以提升学生对词形变化的敏锐度。 2. Is body language same in each culture Possible answer: No. It varies from culture to culture. In other words: There is variation in body language across different cultures. 【设计意图】通过回答本问题,回顾课文内容,并回顾关键词vary的用法。通过进一步提问,促使学生思考vary的名词形式。同时,通过对不同词形进行不同颜色的标记,以及对词组已经下划线标记,给学生提供足够的支架,使学生能够更为顺利地完成课本40页第一题的内容。 3. What gestures mean differently Possible answer: Gesture for “ok” and gestures for “yes” and “no” mean differently. In other words: They have different meanings. In other words: They differ around the world. Additional question: What is the difference in the meanings of in different countries Possible answer: It can mean money in Japan, zero in France, showing no offence. By contrast, it is considered impolite in Brazil and Germany. In other words: Brazilians and Germans do not approve of this gesture. Therefore, we should not use it in Brazil and Germany to avoid embarrassment. 【设计意图】通过问题链,帮助学生在回顾课文内容的同时,复习重点单词及词组的用法,包括by contrast, approve of以及differ的不同词形和embarrassed的名词形式。 4. Does body language display identical feelings all the time? Possible answer: No. Some body language displays various meanings, for instance, smiling. A smile can demonstrate that: we are embarrassed; we need help; we want to apologise; we would like to greet someone; we want to break down the barriers between each other. 【设计意图】通过对课文最后一部分提问,在帮助学生回忆课文内容和相关文化内涵的同时,复习重点单词demonstrate和词组break down,并复现vary的词形变化,以及embarrass的形容词形式。 Exercise: We rely on both words and body language to interact with other people. Body language varies from culture to culture and there are different types of body language, but not all gestures are approved of everywhere, which means some gestures may cause embarrassment. 【设计意图】通过填空练习,在回顾课文概要的同时,完成对已复习单词的再运用。 Step 2: in this step, students will go through two “did you notice ” parts and finish exercise 1 and 2 on book P40. Answers will be checked and noun variations of “vary” will be explained in details. 【设计意图】通过提示学生注意我们在前面回答问题过程中回顾的词及词形变化以及不同颜色标志的词形,提升学生对后缀改变词形和词义的认知,并借助词典完成书40页的第一题。通过本单元课文和第三单元课文中“display”不同词性的用法的回顾,使学生考虑40页第二题每句话中同一个词不同词性的意义区别。总体实现学生对构词法中词性、词形两部分认知的提升。 Step 3: A comprehensive practice for students to summarize and check what has been learnt. Practice: Body language plays a crucial role in our interaction with others, often conveying emotions and intentions more effectively than words. For instance, a person’s frown might display discomfort or disapproval, signaling a lack of agreement. In social settings, people find non-verbal clues reliable for producing reactions and make variations in their responses accordingly. A blush on someone’s face can indicate embarrassment. Conversely, A relaxed posture may suggest confidence and approval. Individuals who rest their hands calmly during a conversation usually appear more trustworthy and open. 【设计意图】通过填空的方式帮助学生复习和运用本节课所学,加强学生的输出能力,练习词汇学习的策略。 Homework: 1. Review the words and finish Book P40.3 2. Review word formation and finish Workbook P82.1 3. Translation: use the words in the brackets作业练习
学科 高中英语 年级 高二 学期 秋季
课题 Unit 4 Body Language Learning About Language: Build up your vocabulary
教科书 普通高中教科书 英语 选择性必修第一册
1. Review the words and finish Book P40.3 Read the passage about body language. Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the following expressions: by contrast, by comparison, break down, interaction, demonstrate, approve of, clue, gesture. When we think about nonverbal behavior, or body language, we think about communication. When we think about communication, we think about ___1___. So what is our body language ___2___ to others Social scientists have spent a lot of time looking at the effects of our body language. We make assessments and inferences from body language. And according to those judgments we ___3___ one person and dislike another. So body language provides external ___4___ that are influenced by internal thoughts and feelings. Scientists have found that when we feel proud and powerful, we usually straighten up to make ourselves bigger. ___5___, when we feel powerless, we tend to slump, making ourselves smaller. It is obvious that our minds can influence our bodies. But is it also true that our bodies can affect our minds Scientific experiments show that if we make powerful ___6___ long enough, we may actually feel more powerful. People who remember to use positive body language are more likely to feel positive ___7___, so some scientists suggest that we use our bodies to try power posing to help ___8___ our feelings of shyness and powerlessness. 2. Review word formation and finish Workbook P82.1 Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the following words: reliable, difference, low, assessment, inquiry, adjust, compare, angry. The teacher should make some ___________ so that the students will not get bored. The twin brothers are alike in appearance but _______ greatly in personality. Seeing the boy so upset, the mother called the teacher to __________ what was going on at school. In ____________with big cities, these places are less modern but more natural. People ________ heavily on the Internet to keep in touch with one another. The test was to _________ the level of students' self-respect rather than their academic achievement. The young man managed to hold back his _________and avoid a serious conflict. In class, students tend to _________their heads when the question is too hard for them. 3. Translation: use the words in the brackets 1) 他们捉到了一条鱼,然后决定再钓几条。(fish) 2) 他选择了亮色油漆,然后开始粉刷墙壁。(paint) 3) 他们进行了激烈的辩论,并同意稍后再讨论这个问题。(debate) 4) 他们的访问很短暂,但他们答应很快再来。(visit) 5) 她赢得了比赛,但因为一些误解对结果提出了质疑。(contest) 6) 因为相关调查提供了有价值的数据,他们计划再次调查参与者。(survey) 7) 价格上涨迫使他们增加预算。(increase) 8) 她火速给了一个答案,然后去接电话。(answer) Keys: 1. 1) interaction 2) demonstrating 3) approve of 4) clues 5) By contrast 6) gestures 7) by comparison 8) break down 2. 1) adjustments 2) differ 3) inquire 4) comparison 5) rely 6) assess 7) anger 8) lower 3. 1) They caught a fish and then decided to fish for more. 2) He chose a bright paint and began to paint the wall. 3) They had a lively debate and agreed to debate the issue again later. 4) Their visit was brief, but they promised to visit again soon. 5) She won the contest and decided to contest the results due to a misunderstanding. 6) The survey provided valuable data, so they planned to survey the participants again. 7) The increase in prices forced them to increase their budget. 8) She gave an answer quickly and then went to answer the phone.(共16张PPT)
Unit 4 Body Language
Learning About Language: Build up your vocabulary
Learning objectives:
recognize key words through revision
examine words of different forms
distinguish different parts of speech of the same word
apply correct words and parts of speech to passages
Review the text and practise vocabulary by answering the following questions:
How do we express our thoughts and opinions
Is body language same in each culture
What gestures mean differently
Does body language display identical feelings all the time?
How do we express our thoughts and opinions
We use both words and body language to express our thoughts and opinions in our interactions with other people.
↓ ↓
We rely on both words and body language to express our thoughts and opinions when interacting with other people.

Neither words nor body language is reliable enough in interaction.
2. Is body language same in each culture
No. It varies from culture to culture.

There is variation in body language across different cultures. [C; U]
3. What gestures mean differently
Gesture for “ok” and gestures for “yes” and “no” mean differently.

They have different meanings.

They differ around the world.
What is the difference in the meanings of in different countries
It can mean money in Japan, zero in France, showing no offence. By contrast, it is considered impolite in Brazil and Germany.
→ Brazilians and Germans do not _____________ of this gesture.
→ Therefore, we should not use it in Brazil and Germany to avoid embarrassment.
4. Does body language display identical feelings all the time
No. Some body language displays various feelings, for instance, smiling.
A smile can demonstrate that…
we are embarrassed.
we need help.
we want to apologise.
we would like to greet someone.
we want to break down the barriers between each other.

Please use the words we have reviewed to finish the summary of our text.
We ______________ on both words and body language to ______________ with other people. Body language ______________ from culture to culture and there are ______________ types of body language, but not all gestures are ______________ of everywhere, which means some gestures may cause ______________.
Did you notice
vary (v.)
various (adj.)
variation (n.)
differ (v.)
different (adj.)
differently (adv.)
difference (n.)
part of speech
Noun Verb Adjective Adverb
P40.1 Fill in the table with different forms of the words.
Noun Verb Adjective Adverb
difference differ different differently
variation/variable/ variability/variance vary variable/various/ varied variously/variably
reliance/reliability rely reliable reliably
interaction interact interactive interactively
approval approve approving/ approved approvingly
embarrassment embarrass embarrassing/ embarrassed embarrassingly
variation: n. a change
The dial records very slight variations in pressure.
variable: n. a situation, number or quantity that can vary or be varied
With so many variables, it is difficult to calculate the cost.
variability: n. the fact of something being likely to vary
The changes were attributed to natural climatic variability.
variance: n. the amount by which something changes
variance in temperature
Did you notice
For example, making eye contact – looking into someone’s eyes – in some countries is a way to display interest.
In Unit 3 Theme Parks: Fun and More than Fun
Then at night, see the splendid Journey of Lights Parade and firework display.
P40.2 Work out the meanings of the coloured words in the sentences below, AND list more.
I rest my head on the desk to get some rest.
The child displayed great interest in the huge fireworks display.
Most students favour the plan, while their teachers are not in favour of it.
Jeremy witnessed the whole incident and was expected to be the key witness at the trial.
His lack of eye contact when talking with people shows that he lacks confidence.
When he noticed a slight frown on his twin sister’s face,
he frowned as well.
v. to place or put
n. relaxation, sleep or nap
v. to show
n. a show
v. to prefer or like
n. approving of
v. to see something
n. a person who gives evidence
n. absence
v. to not have
n. a facial expression that shows disapproval
v. to make a facial expression showing disapproval
Can you list more of the same kind
He handed me a piece of cake with his dirty hands.
The government promised to house the poor in the public houses.
Valued at $100,000, the house has doubled in value.
Body language plays a crucial role in our interaction with others, often conveying emotions and intentions more effectively than words. For instance, a person’s frown might display discomfort or disapproval, signaling a lack of agreement. In social settings, people find non-verbal clues reliable for producing reactions and make variations in their responses accordingly.
A blush on someone’s face can indicate embarrassment. Conversely, A relaxed posture may suggest confidence and approval. Individuals who rest their hands calmly during a conversation usually appear more trustworthy and open.
Review the words and finish Book P40.3
Review word formation and finish Workbook P82.1
Download and complete the class assignment学习任务单
学科 高中英语 年级 高二 学期 秋季
课题 Unit 4 Body Language Learning About Language: Build up your vocabulary
教科书 普通高中教科书 英语 选择性必修第一册
After learning this lesson, you will be able to: 1. recognize key words through revision. 2. examine words of different forms. 3. distinguish different parts of speech of the same word. 4. apply correct words and parts of speech to passages
1. Review the passage Listening to How Bodies Talk in the previous section.
2. Preview the section: Learning About Language.
T:Please review the text and practice vocabulary by answering the following four questions. 1. How do we express our thoughts and opinions * What phrase can be used to replace “use” * What is the verb form of the word “interaction” * Do you know the adj. of the word “rely” 2. Is body language same in each culture * What is the noun form of the word “vary” 3.What gestures mean differently * What is the adjective of “differently” * How about its verb form * What is the difference in the meanings of in different countries 4. Does body language display identical feelings all the time → Use the words to fill in the summary of the text.
Did you notice Previously we used different colours to mark different forms of words. → Finish P40.1 (You may refer to a dictionary if necessary)
【学习任务三】 Did you notice Does body language display identical feelings all the time For example, making eye contact – looking into someone’s eyes – in some countries is a way to display interest. (Unit 4 Listening to How Bodies Talk) Then at night, see the splendid Journey of Lights Parade and firework display. (Unit 3 Theme Parks: Fun and More than Fun) → Finish P40.2 You may write down more examples here: 【学习任务四】 Use the words we’ve reviewed and words we’ve learnt to fill in the blanks. The first letter is given. Body language plays a crucial role in our i_________ with others, often conveying emotions and intentions more effectively than words. For instance, a person’s f_________ might d_________ discomfort or disapproval, signaling a l_________ of agreement. In social settings, people find non-verbal clues r_________ for producing reactions and make v_________ in their responses accordingly. A blush on someone’s face can indicate e_________. Conversely, A relaxed posture may suggest confidence and a_________. Individuals who r_________ their hands calmly during a conversation usually appear more trustworthy and open.
普通高中教科书 英语 选择性必修第一册 Workbook, Unit 4 Expanding Your World: Being Funny Without Saying a Word (Page 87-88)