

名称 四川省绵阳市南山中学集团学校2024-2025学年高三上学期10月联考英语试题(含答案,有听力音频有听力原文)
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文件大小 14.2MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 通用版
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-10-16 15:23:17


班级 姓名 学校
注意事项 准考证号
2 [ 0 ] [ 0 ] [ 0 ] [ 0 ] [ 0 ] [ 0 ] [ 0 ] [ 0 ] [ 0 ] [ 0 ] [ 0 ].客观题答题,必须使用2B铅笔填涂,修改时用橡皮擦干净。
3 [ 1 ] [ 1 ] [ 1 ] [ 1 ] [ 1 ] [ 1 ] [ 1 ] [ 1 ] [ 1 ] [ 1 ] [ 1 ].主观题必须使用黑色签字笔书写。
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缺考 违规
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第1页 共2页

She pulled her coat collar around her neck, murmuring “I can't afford shoes.”

F rank waited until everyone else had emptied off.

第2页 共2页绵阳南山中学集团学校高2022级10月联考
英 语 试 卷
第一部分 听力 (共两节,满分30分)
听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。 每段对话仅读一遍。
1. What will the speakers eat tonight
A. Italian food. B. Indian food. C. Chinese food.
2. What does the man want to do
A. Take exercise every day.
B. Become a member of the gym.
C. Invite Janet to the gym after work.
3. How many cups of ingredients will the woman need in total
A. Six cups. B. Five cups. C. Four cups.
4. Where does the conversation most likely take place
A. At home. B. In the office. C. In a restaurant.
5. What is the man’s suggestion
A. Arriving early. B. Sitting at the back. C. Booking tickets in advance.
第二节 (共15小题,每小题1.5分,满分22.5)
听第6段材料, 回答第6 、7 题。
6. What are the speakers talking about
A. The advantages of healthy eating.
B. The ways to keep a balanced diet.
C. The risk of developing health issues.
7. How can a diet rich in fruit, vegetables, and whole grains help according to the map
A. It can reduce depression.
B. It can make us more intelligent.
C. It can improve our concentration.
听第7段材料, 回答第8至10题。
8. Where may Sarah be found on weekdays
A. At a book store. B. At the food bank. C. At an animal shelter.
9. How does Sarah balance her life and volunteer work
A. By doing small things only.
B. By getting her neighbors’ help.
C. By managing time successfully.
10. What do we know about the man
A. He lacks interest in voluntary work.
B. He often helps neighbors in need.
C. He would begin to do voluntary work.
听第8段材料, 回答第11至13题。
11. What does the woman think of the headset
A. She is tired of it. B. She is frightened of it. C. She is optimistic about it.
12. What is the main feature of the headset
A. It senses brain movements.
B. It creates realistic situations.
C. It sends people to a new world.
13. What will the man do next
A. He will study the headset. B. He will pay for a headset. C. He will try a headset on.
听第9段材料, 回答第14至17题。
14. What does the woman want to know
A. Methods of learning a language.
B. Approaches to improving memory.
C. Apps to develop communication skills.
15. What does the man suggest the woman do first
A. Take classes. B. Find a partner. C. Join a learning community.
16. What could the recording of speeches be used for according to the man
A. Memorizing new words. B. Making a comparison. C. Communicating with others.
17. How can the man’s advice be described
A. Helpful. B. Unreliable. C. Confusing.
听第10段材料, 回答第18至20题。
18. What is an advantage of the clean energy
A. Changing the climate. B. Decreasing greenhouse emissions. C. Saving more money.
19. How have cities like Beijing reduced air pollution
A. By investing a great deal.
B. By stopping destroying forest.
C. By turning to international support.
20. Which is an efficient way to improve air quality
A. Protecting energy resources.
B. Signing global climate agreements.
C. Developing electric vehicle industry.
第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
Would you like to spice up your daily routine School clubs are an awesome way to focus on your interests while also providing a much-needed break from homework and studying. Even if your school doesn’t offer many different clubs, you may still be in luck. As long as you’re willing to put the work, you can start a club of your very own.
Create a club that matches your interests.
Your new club can be just about anything, as long as it doesn’t break your school’s rules. You might start a sports club, like badminton or ultimate frisbee, or an academic-themed club, like Model UN, mock trial, or chess. You could even focus on a really specific interest, like anime, gaming, or gardening. Choose a topic that really appeals to you, and that other students might be interested in joining.
Ask a faculty member on board to supervise your club.
The schools will require your new club to have a faculty adviser, who can help guide the group. Chat with a teacher or staff member who you’re really friendly with, and who has some background in your club’s topic. Ask if they’d be willing to support and sponsor your club.
Submit an official application.
Pick up a club application form from your school administration. The schools will ask you to include a list of potential club members, along with a copy of your club’s by-laws. You may have to create a budget for your club if necessary. Fill out the form with your fellow club members and faculty adviser so the application is as detailed and accurate as it can possibly be.
21. What is the aim of the school clubs
A. To develop your people skills. B. To break your daily routine.
C. To promote your academic performance. D. To offer you relief from your studies.
22. Which of the following must be included in your official application
A. A list of club supervisors. B. A copy of your club’s regulations.
C. An annual budget for your club. D. A form of your potential members’ signatures.
23. What is the text most probably
A. A guide. B. A notice. C. A report. D. A commercial.
In my early years at school, I was struggling with some subjects. I used to be a mischievous boy in class and get really bad grades. It came as no surprise that I would get an F and that would make me really scared. So what I used to do was cover those grades up—I would turn the F into a B just to please my parents. Well, it didn’t work out. After that, I knew I had to accept that failure and learn from it, and something good actually came from it. I started doing better with my grades. That F turned into a B naturally, and that B turned into an A.
Since we were little, we have been constantly taught to believe failure is really a shame and that we must drown ourselves in sorrow and guilt when we fail. Consequently, we endeavor to achieve commonly- believed success and stay away from failure.
Nevertheless, this is an entirely wrong approach. Life is full of ups and downs. From being a kid to transitioning into an adult, you will fail at many things in life. So it is unlikely to ignore it. It is okay when failure happens. Actually, it only tells you about yourself. You get to learn about your true capabilities, what you are good at, and what you are not.
Whenever you face a failure, never think that you are never going to recover from this. You must think of ways to better yourself. Did you know it took Thomas Edison 10,000 attempts to perfect the light bulb Bill Gates failed many times. Even his first company was a complete wreck. J. K. Rowling encountered a lot of rejections before her Harry Potter took off. All is proof that you must learn from your failures, not run from them!
As Winston Churchill puts it, success is not final, failure is not fatal. And it is the courage to continue that counts.
24. Why does the author mention his schooling experience in the first paragraph
A. To introduce the topic of the passage. B. To highlight the significance of failures.
C. To indicate his great efforts in school. D. To clarify his attitude towards success.
25. What does the common belief assume
A. Failures have been treated in an unfair way.
B. Failures should be just overlooked in our life.
C. We should feel ashamed and guilty of failures.
D. We should drown our sorrows triggered by failures.
26. How does the author mainly present his opinion according to the text
A. By making comparisons. B. By listing examples.
C. By challenging the traditions. D. By quoting celebrities’ mottoes.
27. What is probably the best title of the passage
A. Failure and Success, Intimate Friends
B. The More You Fail, the More You Succeed
C. From Failure to Success: Removing Barriers to Your Goal
D. From Setbacks to Comebacks: Uncovering the Path to Success
Climate change is reshaping the U.S., as journalist Jake Bittle explains in his new book, The Great Displacement: “Each passing year brings disasters that disfigure new parts of the United States, and these disasters alter the course of human lives, pushing people from one place to another, destroying old communities and forcing new ones to emerge.”
The first section of Bittle’s book focuses on the Florida Keys. Bittle profiles Patrick Garvey, who bought a neglected grove(疏于打理的小树林) on Big Pine Key, and fixed it up into“a real community resource” that grew fruits rare in the continental U.S. Then came Hurricane Irma. Patrick and some friends decided to stay on the island during the storm, and ended up sheltering at a nearby school. They survived—a dozen people in the Keys didn’t—but the grove wasn’t as lucky.
Patrick’s story is a heartbreaking one. Bittle strikes a pessimistic note about the future of the Keys’ ability to sustain human life. “Many of the islands in the archipelago (群岛),perhaps all of them, could go underwater altogether by the end of this century,” he writes. Some Keys residents decided to stay after Irma; others, unable to bear the thought of going through that kind of trauma again, left.
In his book, Bittle covers the people whose lives have been altered by climate change with real sympathy. He takes a deep dive into the factors that go into people’s decisions to stay or to leave once their neighborhoods have been affected by climate change, explaining why economic inequality makes many people unable to relocate, even if it were easy for them to simply pack up and leave behind the places where they’ve spent their whole lives. He’s an empathetic writer, but also one with a real gift for explaining the tough issues—economic, scientific and political—that make the climate crisis and its effect on the population so complex.
Climate change is affecting not only the U.S., but the whole world, and if you are itching for more on the situation, this book really is a must-read.
28. What does the underlined word alter mean in the first paragraph
A. Change. B. Better. C. Complete. D. Ruin.
29. Which of the following best describes Bittle’s attitude to the future of the islands
A. Neutral B. Supportive C. Skeptical D. Negative
30. What contributes to people’s decision to stay at the place
A. Their deep love for this place. B. Their great unwillingness in relocating.
C. Their tough financial situation. D. Their being accustomed to the life there.
31. What’s the author’s purpose in writing the text
A. To show sympathy for the islanders.
B. To recommend a book on climate change.
C. To honor an environmentalist on climate change.
D. To alert people to the tough situation of an island.
Imagine hopping on a school bus and being transported to an immersive (沉浸式的) educational tour of the inside of the human body — and no, not on a fictional episode of The Magic School Bus. This is the kind of experience that Meta hopes to enable for students, digitally, through its Quest virtual reality (VR) headsets.
Bringing VR into more classrooms could enable new kinds of learning opportunities. For example, it may allow drama students in Royal Academy of Dramatic Art to feel like they're having an immersive, real-time experience watching Shakespeare's work performed at the Globe Theatre in the 17th century. New Mexico University is using the headsets to teach criminal justice students to investigate virtual crime scenes, and Morehouse College has developed a “digital twin campus”to teach students a range of subjects through VR, both through a partner program with Meta to test educational applications of the technology.
But VR also creates thorny questions about digital safety and the potential harm to humans who are having more digital interactions and fewer in-person ones. Moreover, the cost of incorporating VR headsets in the classroom could be a hurdle to adoption for the many schools already struggling with limited resources. While cheaper than some other headsets on the market, Meta's Quest 3 devices still start at $499 each. Most importantly, it remains unclear just how useful virtual reality is in helping students learn better.
“I think that VR is one area where additional research is necessary, ” said Vincent Quan, an education researcher and co-executive director of the Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab. “With technology, sure, it can have a lot of promise, but at the same time, there can also be a lot of exaggeration, and I think it's important to carefully evaluate these types of technologies. Sometimes you don't know if it's just innovative and cool versus actually impactful.”
32. How does the author lead in the topic in the first paragraph
A. By creating an appealing scene. B. By describing a fictional TV series.
C. By presenting a new mode of transport. D. By engaging people in an educational tour.
33. Why does the author mention three schools in the second paragraph
A. To promote the sales of VR devices.
B. To give examples of VR’s global popularity.
C. To stress new learning chances brought by VR.
D. To encourage more teachers to try VR in learning.
34. What can be inferred about VR from the third paragraph
A. VR devices are more cost-effective than the other headsets.
B. VR can be a heavy burden for financially struggling schools.
C. People are pessimistic about VR’s usefulness in students’ learning.
D. People are concerned about VR’s potential harms to students in school.
35. What can we conclude about VR in education according to Vincent Quan
A. VR promises to be creative and helpful in students’ learning.
B. VR technology has been underestimated in benefiting teaching.
C. VR needs more relevant researches to assess its impact on learning.
D. VR has become a well-developed technology in promoting learning.
第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2.5 分, 满分 12.5 分)
Rising Above Fears: Tips to Overcome Our Fear
All of us are afraid of something in life—starting a new job, getting into a relationship, or even a trip to the dentist. 36 Here are the necessary steps to follow which will help us overcome our fear .
* Notice how we feel. We need to be able to talk about our emotions, no matter how hard it is. This is the first step that we can take to overcome our fears. 37 Do we experience trouble breathing, a sweaty body, or even a stomachache We need to practice reading these physical cues, and we shouldn’t let them carry us away!
* Breathe properly. When our fear kicks in, we often hear people say, “Take A Deep Breath”. 38 Whenever we engage in deep and mindful breathing it activates our parasympathetic nervous system which helps us relax. Mindfulness breathing can deactivate the body’s stress responses and help us calm down.
* 39 When we set our goals, what is the biggest fear that we will face The fear of failure! It is very destructive but inevitable. We should only learn and grow from it. Actually, failure is a bigger motivator than success because it allows us to be better next time.
Apparently, fear is unpleasant but it is carried in our genes. It means that our survival instincts are working as they should be. When we are able to manage our fears, we will end up being happy. Our careers will flourish. 40
A. Get rid of failure.
B. Find acceptance in failure.
C. This strategy actually works whether we believe it or not.
D. Being afraid is totally okay but we must learn to overcome it.
E. A deep breath can in the short run leave us unaware of our fears.
F. And in the end we will surely become the best versions of ourselves.
G. We also need to identify the feelings that give us clues about our emotional state.
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
Sophie, who was diagnosed with severe aplastic anemia (再生障碍性贫血) in September 2022. There was only one option for a 41 : a bone marrow transplant. After searching for a match, the Cromer family’s prayers were 42 . Fuselier, who had 43 to be a donor three years prior, was found to be a 44 . Fuselier recalls the moment she 45 the news. “I’m so glad I said yes.”
In January 2023, Sophie received her transplant, and after nearly two years of 46 , she’s finally able to enjoy the simple 47 of childhood again. Her mother, Candace Cromer, expressed her 48 for the life-saving procedure, noting that Sophie has even started her first dance class this fall—something she wasn’t able to do 49 due to her illness.
A heartwarming reunion took place on Wednesday at Children’s Hospital, where 8-year-old Sophie Cromer finally 50 her bone marrow donor, Maycie Fuselier. The 51 moment left both in tears. The 52 shared a long-awaited embrace, a meeting that 53 not just the end of a life-saving journey but the beginning of a lasting bond.
The reunion between Sophie and Fuselier was filled with emotion. Dr. Hilary Haines, Sophie’s physician, 54 the impact of moments like these: “These are the days that keep us going through the 55 parts.”
41. A. promotion B. permit C. cure D. reward
42. A. answered B. approved C. heard D. replaced
43. A. dressed up B. held up C. turned up D. signed up
44. A. follower B. match C. winner D. tool
45. A. reported B. spread C. watched D. received
46. A. research B. recovery C. cooperation D. exercise
47. A. joys B. sunshine C. delicacies D. friendship
48. A. sympathy B. pride C. anxiety D. gratitude
49. A. previously B. regularly C. recently D. occasionally
50. A. comforted B. saved C. met D. blamed
51. A. emotional B. sensitive C. urgent D. sensible
52. A. family B. crowd C. team D. pair
53. A. explained B. marked C. admitted D. changed
54. A. predicted B. summarized C. admired D. discussed
55. A. glorious B. violent C. rough D. lucky
People like to find peace of mind in the rural fields. In China, pastoral complex(田园情节) 56 (root) in our hearts over the past thousands of years. However, in modern society, urban life contrasts with the rural landscape, 57 (leave) people who live in the city for a long time sighing deeply. The quiet natural environment becomes difficult to reach. 58 people’s renewed love for traditional culture at present, the pursuit of pastoral living has 59 (gradual) become the life trend of contemporary young people. Courtyard, as a kind of space form that best 60 (fit) the living habits of Chinese people, is a place to meet the needs of material life 61 a kind of living concept seeking nature and authenticity.
In ancient China, many 62 (celebrity) were closely associated with rural life. During his exile to Yongzhou, Liu Zongyuan often ventured out of the city and into remote areas, 63 he wrote numerous short essays and gained much 64 (please) from pastoral scenes to soothe his sorrows. Tao Yuanming is undoubtedly a well-known literary giant and the peach blossom land 65 (describe) by him has evolved into a symbol of idyllic and comfortable life.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
假如你是校学生会主席,你校定于10月20日开展“一木环保(One More Green)”公益活动,捐出自己的废旧书本,请你用英文写一封倡议信向学校英文报投稿,号召大家积极参与。
内容包括: 1. 活动内容; 2. 活动的意义。
An Initiative for “One More Green”
Dear fellow schoolmates,
As president of the student union, I am writing to appeal to all the students to get engaged in the “One More Green” activity. _______________________________________________________
The Student Union
Oct. 9, 2024
Reaching Out to a Stranger
Frank Daily stared down at the frozen ground. He kicked chunks of snow, blackened with car exhaust, to the side when waiting for the number 10 bus. It had been another cold, gray day just a month ago in November when his world had come crashing down around him. He knew that his basketball skills were as good as the other boys’. His mom used to call him “the athlete of the season.” He smiled at the memory.
Frank climbed aboard the bus and flopped down in the back,with his hands stuffed in the center of his belt. The bus was heading west on Blue Mound Road when the driver made a sudden turn. Frank instinctively braced(撑住)his Nikes against the floor. It was especially hard for Frank to start a new school because he had been a star athlete in all the sports in elementary school. Now, it seemed, he was nothing.
Frank rubbed his own eyes. He still remembered his stomach chilling into a frozen knot as he approached the locker room last month. He had read the team list posted on the locker room door, hoping, searching madly for his name. It hadn’t been there. It was missing. He had felt suddenly as if he had ceased to exist. He became invisible.
The bus made a sudden stop at the County Institutions grounds. The bus driver called to some noisy boys at the back to settle down. Frank glanced up at the driver, who had been nicknamed: “Kojak” because of his bald head.
A very pregnant woman hung onto the silver handrail(扶手)and slowly pulled herself onto the bus. As she fell backward into the seat behind the bus driver, her feet kicked up, and Frank saw that she was in stocking feet.
Kojak drove the bus back into traffic, yelling over his shoulder, “ Where are your shoes, lady It ain’t more than 10 degrees out there.”
Para1: She pulled her coat collar around her neck, murmuring “I can't afford shoes.”
Para2: Frank waited until everyone else had emptied off. __________________________
题型 题号 满分 能力板块 能力层次 预测难度
I选择题 1 1.5 短对话>细节信息 理解 0.8
2 1.5 短对话>细节信息 理解 0.7
3 1.5 短对话>推理判断 分析 0.72
4 1.5 短对话>细节信息 理解 0.6
5 1.5 短对话>推理判断 分析 0.64
6 1.5 长对话>归纳总结 分析 0.75
7 1.5 长对话>细节信息 理解 0.72
8 1.5 长对话>细节理解 理解 0.70
9 1.5 长对话>推理判断 分析 0.75
10 1.5 长对话>细节信息 理解 0.75
11 1.5 长对话>细节理解 理解 0.68
12 1.5 长对话>细节信息 理解 0.70
13 1.5 长对话>推理判断 分析 0.70
14 1.5 长对话>推理判断 分析 0.65
15 1.5 长对话>细节信息 理解 0.66
16 1.5 长对话>细节信息 理解 0.68
17 1.5 长对话>推理判断 分析 0.62
18 1.5 独白>细节理解 理解 0.65
19 1.5 独白>细节信息 理解 0.65
20 1.5 独白>细节信息 理解 0.64
21 2.5 阅读理解>细节信息 理解 0.78
22 2.5 阅读理解>细节信息 分析 0.75
23 2.5 阅读理解>推理判断 评价 0.72
24 2.5 阅读理解>推理判断 分析 0.72
25 2.5 阅读理解>细节信息 理解 0.62
26 2.5 阅读理解>归纳总结 分析 0.68
27 2.5 阅读理解>主旨大意 归纳 0.62
28 2.5 阅读理解>猜测词义 理解 0.68
29 2.5 阅读理解>观点态度 理解 0.65
30 2.5 阅读理解>细节信息 分析 0.65
31 2.5 阅读理解>推理判断 评价 0.68
32 2.5 阅读理解>细节信息 理解 0.65
33 2.5 阅读理解>推理判断 分析 0.62
34 2.5 阅读理解>推理判断 分析 0.60
35 2.5 阅读理解>推理判断 分析 0.55
36 2.5 七选五>行文逻辑 分析 0.62
37 2.5 七选五>行文逻辑 分析 0.72
38 2.5 七选五>行文逻辑 理解 0.65
39 2.5 七选五>行文逻辑 归纳 0.66
40 2.5 七选五>行文逻辑 分析 0.76
41 1 完型填空>句内 名词辨析 0.71
42 1 完形填空>句际 动词辨析 0.62
43 1 完型填空>句内 动词短语辨析 0.68
44 1 完形填空>句际 名词辨析 0.72
45 1 完形填空>句内 动词辨析 0.76
46 1 完形填空>句内 名词辨析 0.74
47 1 完型填空>句际 名词辨析 0.66
48 1 完型填空>句内 名词辨析 0.78
49 1 完型填空>句内 副词辨析 0.71
50 1 完形填空>句内 动词辨析 0.78
51 1 完型填空>句际 形容词辨析 0.77
52 1 完型填空>句际 名词辨析 0.62
53 1 完形填空>句内 动词辨析 0.71
54 1 完形填空>句内 动词辨析 0.67
55 1 完型填空>句内 形容词辨析 0.72
Ⅱ非选择题 56 1.5 短文填空 动词时态语态 0.65
57 1.5 短文填空 非谓语 0.76
58 1.5 短文填空 介词 0.62
59 1.5 短文填空 形容词变副词 0.82
60 1.5 短文填空 动词时态 0.82
61 1.5 短文填空 连词 0.68
62 1.5 短文填空 名词复数 0.75
63 1.5 短文填空 定语从句 0.72
64 1.5 短文填空 动词变名词 0.63
65 1.5 短文填空 非谓语 0.75
应用文写作 15 倡议信 应用 0.72
读后续写 25 人与人之间的温情 应用 0.62绵阳南山中学集团学校高2022级10月联考
第一部分 听力
1-5:AACBA 6-10:AABCC 11-15:CBCAA 16-20:BABAC
第二部分 阅读理解
21-23:DBA 24-27:ACBD 28-31:ADCB 32-35:ACBC
第三部分 语言运用
41-45:CADBD 46-50:BADAC 51-55:ADBBC
56. has been rooted 57. leaving 58. With 59. gradually 60. fits 61. and 62. celebrities 63. where 64. pleasure 65. described
第四部分 写作
An Initiative for “One More Green”
Dear fellow schoolmates,
As president of the student union, I am writing to appeal to all the students to get engaged in the “One More Green” activity. It is scheduled to be held on October 20. In this activity, we are expected to donate our books that are no longer in use. In this way they can be given a new life.
This activity is of vital significance. Firstly, it can cultivate our sense of social responsibility and our awareness of environmental protection as students. Secondly, we are motivated to cherish the limited resources and take good advantage of resources available. Moreover, it can also inspire more people to get involved in environmental protection.
Let’s make joint efforts and contribute our share to a better environment and a better world.
The Student Union
Oct. 9, 2024
Possible version
Para1:She pulled her coat collar around her neck,murmuring "I can't afford shoes," Kojak scratched his bald head, on the point of saying something when the woman continued timidly"My eight kids all got shoes, so there's not enough left for me." A heavy silence blanketed the bus, and all eyes rest on the helpless lady whose socks were torn and coat, missing buttons, hung open around her stomach. Instantly, the word "invisible" popped into Frank’s mind again--an invisible person, marginal, forgotten by society, but for a different reason. It was then that he made a quick decision.Ultimately, the bus stopped at the end of the line.
Para2:Frank waited until everyone else had emptied off. Casting one last look at his new Nike shoes, without delay, Frank removed them and made his way quickly to the woman."Here, lady, you need these more than I do." Frank said in a silky tone, then hurried to the door and stepped down. Fixing her eyes on the shoes, the lady exclaimed “they fit me just perfect” with heartfelt gratitude, eyes glistening with held-back tears. A bright smile spread over Frank’s face despite another three blocks to go in the snow. It seemed to him that the grayness had lifted. On the way home, he hardly felt the cold beneath his feet at all. It is the act of reaching out to a stranger to give pleasure to a single heart that warms the freezing winter.
Text 1
W: What should we have for dinner tonight We had Chinese dishes last week, and I don’t really feel like Indian ones.
M: How about trying that new Italian place downtown
W: Good idea. (1) They close at 10:00 p.m. Shall we make a reservation
Text 2
M: You always look so fit, Janet. ①Do you work⌒out everyday
W: Yes, I hit the gym at 6:00 a.m. I find it keeps me energetic for the day.
M: Maybe I should have a try. (2) At the moment I just go there occasionally after work.
Text 3
W: I’m making biscuits.I need two cups of sugar and three cups of flour.
M: That’s a lot of sugar. Are you sure we should be eating things like that
W: Well, I can reduce the sugar by half. (3)
M: That’ll be better.
Text 4
W: What will you do after finishing your project Go back home and have a rest
M: I’ll be taking a long walk in the park to clear my mind at first. Then we could go for a meal together near our office. (4)
Text 5
M: I love going to the theater. It is so enjoyable.
W: Me too. Let’s make sure we get a good seat with a great view.
M: Good idea. We don’t want to arrive just before the curtain goes up. (5)
Text 6 (第 6 题为总结题)
M: Have you ever concentrated on eating healthily
W: Of course. Eating a balanced diet has many advantages. First, it improves your energy level. When we fuel our bodies with nutritious food, we have more energy for daily activities.
M: It can also improve your mental health. A diet rich in fruit, vegetables, and whole grains can positively reduce the risk of depression. (7)
W: That’s a clever idea. ② Another benefit is weight management. Healthy eating helps us maintain a healthy weight, reducing the risk of being overweight and related health issues.
M: And it’s good for our long-term health too. Anyway, it does good for our bodies in different aspects.
Text 7
W: Did you hear about Sarah (8) (9) She’s been doing a lot of good things after work lately.
M: What does she do
W: She volunteers at the local animal shelter every weekend, ③and she also helps⌒out at the food bank during the week. (8)
M: That’s what I’d like to do, but I never seem to have the time.
W: Sarah says it’s all about finding small ways to help, like holding the door for someone or helping an elderly neighbor with their groceries. It doesn’t have to be big to make a difference.
M: But how does she manage to do so much volunteer work and still have time for herself (9)
W: She’s really good at time management. (9) She schedules volunteering around her work and personal life. Plus, she says it’s so rewarding that it’s worth the effort.
M: It must be. I’ll definitely start looking for opportunities to do volunteer work too. (10)
★ 食品银行(food bank)通常是非营利组织,收集捐赠的食品并将其分发给有需要的人。
Text 8 (第 13 题为推断题)
W: The new virtual(虚拟的) reality headset is making a hit among my classmates. (11)
M: Everyone in my class is talking about it too. (11) It offers an incredible experience. It makes you feel like you are somewhere else. Do you think that’s possible
W: I’ve tried it and it really does so. When you put it on, it’s like you’ve suddenly been transported to a whole new world. And the pictures are so realistic. (12) Some people may be frightened by it but I love it.
M: Wow. That sounds absolutely amazing. But isn’t it expensive
W: It is, but as with anything, you get what you pay for. I do think it’s worth the investment if
you’re into virtual reality experiences.
M: I’m curious to know how it works.
W: Well, it uses sensors(传感器) to track your movements and translate them into the virtual
world. Plus, the displays provide a very clear view.
M: I’ve just got to try it.
Text 9 (第 17 题为推断题)
W: Hey, I’m thinking about learning English. It’s such a useful language and it can open up a lot of career opportunities. Do you have any tips on the ways to go about it (14)
M: Absolutely. Learning a new language can be exciting. ④ I’d suggest starting with a structured course, either in person or online. (15) That way, you get a solid foundation in grammar and vocabulary.
W: That makes sense. What about practice How do I actually use the language to improve my skills
M: Take every opportunity to use it. Try watching movies or reading books in English. If possible, find a language exchange partner or join language learning communities to practice speaking.
W: That sounds like a good idea. But isn’t memory a big part of it
M: Yes, it is. Repetition apps and regular practice will all help you remember the language. Also, try to start thinking in English, even if it’s just basic thoughts.
W: And what about pronunciation
M: Practicing with native speakers or using language learning apps with pronunciation guides can help. Recording your speaking and comparing it to native speakers ’ is another useful way to learn. (16)
W: Thanks for the advice. I’m eager to get started.
M: Communicating in English can be great fun and learning a new language is a great way to improve your mind.
Text 10
China has taken significant steps in recent years to protect its environment and fight pollution and climate change. One of the central plans is the development of renewable energy sources.
This shift toward clean energy has not only reduced greenhouse gas emissions but also created millions of green jobs. (18) The Chinese government has also introduced strict environmental laws to reduce air and water pollution. The country has invested heavily in improving air quality, with cities like Beijing seeing a notable decrease in pollution levels. (19) Additionally, tree planting programs have been launched, aiming to increase forest coverage. China’s commitment to protecting the environment extends to international efforts as well, as the country has played an important role in global climate agreements like the Paris Agreement. China has made a serious promise to stop the rise in its carbon emissions by 2030. China’s electric vehicle industry is rapidly growing, with strong government support, innovative technology, and a growing market share, positioning the nation as a global leader in EV production and adoption. (20)
★ 《巴黎协定》(Paris Agreement)是由全世界 178 个缔约方共同签署的气候变化协定,是对 2020 年 后全球应对气候变化的行动作出的统一安排。其长期目标是将全球平均气温较前工业化时期上升 幅度控制在 2 摄氏度以内,并努力将温度上升幅度限制在 1.5 摄氏度以内。