Unit 3 Fascinating Parks Using Language(2) Reading and Writing(教学设计+课后练习+学习任务单)


名称 Unit 3 Fascinating Parks Using Language(2) Reading and Writing(教学设计+课后练习+学习任务单)
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-10-16 16:19:04


学科 高中英语 年级 高二 学期 秋季
课题 Unit 3 Workbook – Reading and Writing
教科书 普通高中教科书英语选择性必修第一册
阅读游记信函,帮助学生通过阅读语篇中对景点的描述,欣赏香格里拉的自然美景,掌握从旅游计划、旅游经历到旅游感受的语篇结构发展; 帮助学生从人与自然的角度探寻和理解普达措国家公园和萨勒克国家公园在主题意义和人文内涵的共性; 帮助学生归纳游记信函和旅游明信片的文体特点和写作方法,能模仿语篇结构写一封旅游明信片和游记信函。
教学重点: 1. 帮助学生利用表格厘清游记信函的语篇结构;
2. 引导学生区分学习旅游明信片和游记信函的语篇结构,模仿运用到写作中。
教学难点: 1. 引导学生梳理游记信函的语篇结构发展; 2. 帮助学生通过梳理逻辑关系理解文中个别词汇和语言表达的含义
Lesson Plan for PEP B4U3 Workbook Reading and writing (1课时) 一、教学内容分析 本课是一篇关于香格里拉和普达措国家公园的游记信函(email)。全文围绕Chris向朋友Sis描述自己的香格里拉之行,以时间顺序为逻辑主线,讲述了自身的旅游计划、旅游经历和旅游感受。 此游记信函在第一段和第二段写明了主人公的旅游地点香格里拉(Shangri-La)和出游原因-亲身体验香格里拉(experience the real Shangri-La after having read the book Lost Horizon),在第三到八段,围绕出游时间线,叙述从周一到达香格里拉感到精疲力竭,昨天去普达措国家公园(the Potatso National Park)体验巴士旅行(bus tour)、欣赏多样的生态美景,到期待明天要去虎跳峡徒步旅行,详细呈现亲身的游览经历和感受。 全文通过描述香格里拉和普达措国家公园的游览经历,开拓学生眼界,帮助学生了解旅游明信片和游记信函的写作方式,让学生能联系自身经历,将所学迁移运用到写作中。 二、教学过程(1课时,共20分钟) Activity 1: Self-directed questioning before reading This activity is designed to prepare for Aim 1. Step 1. Ask students about their travelling experience. Q1: What was your last trip Can you share your experience 【设计意图】在热身阶段,执教老师利用提问,激活学生已有的话题经历,为学生后续阅读和写作减轻认知负荷。 Step 2. Self-directed questioning Q1: What type of text is it A: An email. Q2: Skim paragraph 1, what is this email about A: Chris’ travelling experience. Q3: If you were Chris, what would you write about Can you put forward some questions Possible answers: Where did Chris go Why did he go there What did he do How did he feel 【设计意图】在读前阶段,执教老师引导学生明确文体,并通过首段所读预测文章接下来的内容,帮助学生形成清晰的话题导向型预测,从而帮助学生对后文内容进行信息梳理和搜索做好准备,使学生能从宏观视角深入理解语篇内容。 Activity 2: Self-directed reading to probe into the email This activity is designed for Aims 1 and 2. Step 1. Deep learning Direct answers to questions Q1: Where did Chris go Q2: Why did he go there A: He decided to go there because he wanted to experience the real Shangri-La for himself, after having read the book, Lost Horizon. (教师补充Lost Horizon相关背景知识) Q3: What did he do Q4: How did he feel 【设计意图】执教老师通过给学生充分时间阅读,回答自主提问,训练学生快速定位关键信息的阅读能力,同时通过提示学生圈画关键信息,培养学生良好的阅读习惯。 Probe into Chris’ travelling experience and feelings T: What did he do and how did he feel Can you design a form to organize the information T: Read para.3-8 and fill in the chart. Para.3 Q1: What did Chris do at Monday night A: He was so exhausted that he had a quick bite to eat and then crashed. Q2: What does “crashed” mean How do you know that A: Here, “so…that” shows the cause and effect relationship, while the word “and” tells us there is a transition. So, crashed means fell asleep quickly. Para.4-5 Q1: What impressed Chris in the Potatso National Park in paragraph 4 Can you find some adjectives in the text A: wide, large, picture-perfect. Q3: What does “picture-perfect” scenery mean A: It’s a scenery that is perfect and has no flaws. We can guess the meaning based on word-formation. Q4: How did Chris describe the width of the park A: It is such a wide area that he needed to take a bus tour. Also, he described that the park spanned across vast forests, wetlands, lakes, meadows, and several villages. Q5: Why is the mentioning of “forests, wetlands, lakes, meadows, and several villages” is helpful in understanding the size of Potatso A: Because only a large park can include so many different types of places. Q6: How do you understand the title “fun and more than fun” What are the common features between these theme parks A: They are not only fun, but also educational. Q7: What impressed Chris in the Potatso National Park in paragraph 5 Can you find some adjectives in the text A: rich biological diversity Q8: How does the writer describe the biological diversity in the park A: By listing figures like “less than one percent” and “more than 20 percent” and using “but” to make comparisons. Para.6-7 Q1: What did Chris see and feel during the bus tour A: At Shudu Lake, he saw animals and felt delighted. At Bita Lake, he admired tranquil surroundings, or we can say peaceful and quiet surroundings, and thought it was a rejuvenating experience, so we can infer from the text that he felt refreshed. (教师补充the Potatso National Park相关视频) Q2: What are the similarities between the Potatso National Park and Sarek National Park A: They all protect the natural environment and achieve harmony between human and nature. Para.8 Q1: How did Chris feel When he said “fingers crossed that there will be good weather”, what does it mean A: He hoped that there would be good weather. So we can infer from the text that he felt hopeful. 【设计意图】执教老师引导学生梳理游览经历,学会通过上下文语境,逻辑关系和构词法猜测单词和句子意思,关注文字背后隐藏的作者情感,为后续写作做铺垫。同时,引导学生联系之前所学的Sarek National Park,探寻两个国家公园之间的共性,领会国家公园对人与自然和谐共处的重要意义。 Activity 3: Understand the key elements of an email and postcard This activity is designed for Aims 3. Step 1. Find out the similarities and differences between an email and postcard. T: Complete the postcard using the information from the text. (教师校对明信片答案) Q1: Discuss in groups. What is included in both the email and the postcard A: Where he went to and what he did there. Q2: What is in the email, but not in the postcard A: Many details from the email are missing from the postcard. In the email, he explains why he went there, and gives a long description of what he did and how he felt at different times. The postcard, on the other hand, only has brief notes on the most important highlights. 【设计意图】执教老师引导学生完成明信片的填写,通过讨论发现明信片和旅游信函的共性以及不同,帮助学生明确语篇结构,减轻写作负担。 Step 2. Write a postcard about a trip you have taken. Q1: Based on what we learnt, can you write a postcard to a friend or relative about a trip you have taken 【设计意图】执教老师引导学生模仿所学的语篇结构,结合自己的过往旅游经历,写一封明信片,实现迁移和运用。 Assignment Polish your postcard. Write an email about your trip based on the postcard and include more details. Please write about: Where did you go Why did you go there What did you do How did you feel at different times 作业练习
学科 高中英语 年级 高二 学期 秋季
课题 Unit 3 Workbook – Reading and Writing
教科书 普通高中教科书英语选择性必修第一册
姓名 学校 班级 学号
【作业】 Polish your postcard. Write an email about your trip based on the postcard and include more details. Please write about: Where did you go Why did you go there What did you do How did you feel at different times 【参考答案】 Hi Mary, We are having a great time in the Galapagos. The scenery is amazing. The long trip took us 18 hours to get here. Yesterday, we took a boat ride to Bartolome and South Plaza islands. We saw Pinnacle Rock. This morning, we took a walk down to Tortuga Bay. What a beautiful beach! Tomorrow, we are going swimming in the Galapagos Marine Reserve. We have to get some rest. Lots of love, Stan and Marsha Dear Sis, How are you We’re having a great time here on the Galapagos Islands. The place is amazing! And we arrived at the very best time of year to see the wildlife. Getting here took a long time, but after 18 hours and several airplane flights and boat rides, we finally arrived at our hotel. We were so tired by the time we got to our room that our first thought was to crash. But then we looked out of the window and saw the beach, and we knew that we just had to go for a walk. It was so peaceful watching the sunset over the water, and feeling the cool ocean wind against our faces. You may not realise it, but the Galapagos Islands are really one big national park. There are two small airports, a few small villages, and a few hotels, but 97% of the islands have been kept just the way they were when Charles Darwin visited in 1835. Yesterday, we took a boat tour of some of the islands. Most of these islands were formed by volcanoes. This gives them some of the most odd and beautiful scenery in the world. For example, Bartolome Island is covered in fields of black lava. However, it’s most famous for Pinnacle Rock, which is made from lava and sticks straight up from the ocean like a shark's tooth. In many ways, however, South Plaza Island was my favourite. This flat island is covered with a kind of small flower which turns the ground into a bright red colour. They say that the flowers change colours depending upon the season, from green, to orange, and then to purple. This morning, we took a walk down to Tortuga Bay. This is an enormous beach covered with white sand that goes on for kilometres. “Tortuga” means turtle. The beach got its name because this is where sea turtles like to come and lay their eggs. We weren’t allowed to swim there, but the beach was so beautiful and there were so many interesting animals to see that we had a lot of fun anyway. Tomorrow, we plan on going swimming in the Galapagos Marine Reserve. We hope to see some sharks and then play with the sea lions. Let’s keep our fingers crossed that we will have good weather. Well, tomorrow’s going to be a long day, so I guess we need to get some shut-eye. See you soon. Kisses, Stan and Marsha学习任务单
学科 高中英语 年级 高二 学期 秋季
课题 Unit 3 Workbook – Reading and Writing
教科书 普通高中教科书英语选择性必修第一册教材
姓名 学校 班级 学号
阅读游记信函,欣赏香格里拉的自然美景,掌握从旅游计划、旅游经历到旅游感受的语篇结构发展; 从人与自然的角度探寻和理解普达措国家公园和萨勒克国家公园在主题意义和人文内涵的共性; 归纳游记信函和旅游明信片的文体特点和写作方法,写一封旅游明信片和游记信函。
1. 查阅香格里拉和普达措国家公园的相关知识。
If you were Chris, what would you write about Put forward some questions.
Reading: What did Chris do in Shangri-La and how did he feel 【学习任务三】 Read and choose the correct answers. When Chris said that he “crashed”, it means that he___. A. got into an accident in the taxi B. fell asleep quickly C. bumped into something by mistake “Picture-perfect” scenery is scenery that is __. A. often photographed or painted B. perfect and has no flaws C. beautiful in pictures but not in real life The mentioning of “forests, wetlands, lakes, meadows, and several villages” is helpful in understanding the size of Potatso because___. A. most people know the sizes of such places B. only a large park can include so many different types of places C. such places are usually not found inside parks When Chris said “fingers crossed that there will be good weather”, it means that he____. A. knew that there would be good weather B. saw on the news that there would be good weather C. hoped that there would be good weather 【学习任务四】 Complete the postcard using the information from the text. 【学习任务五】 Discussion: What is included in both the email and the postcard What is in the email, but not in the postcard 【学习任务六】 Writing: Write a postcard to a friend or relative about a trip you have taken.
普通高中教科书英语选择性必修第一册教材Unit 3 Workbook – Reading and Writing (p.78-79) “Yunnan’s Potatso National Park enters its most beautiful season” in China Daily “Potatso National Park: Better habitat, better living”