人教版(2019)选择性必修第一册Unit 3 Fascinating Parks Using Language(1) Listening and speaking(教学设计+学习任务单)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修第一册Unit 3 Fascinating Parks Using Language(1) Listening and speaking(教学设计+学习任务单)
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-10-16 16:27:43


学科 高中英语 年级 高二 学期 秋季
课题 Unit 3 Using Language – Visit a City Park
教科书 普通高中教科书英语选择性必修第一册教材
1. 能够根据方位关键词,听取并理解相关的信息,并结合地图提示,快速确定游玩路线; 2. 能够就方位、地点信息组织语言,开展对话交流; 3. 能够了解并欣赏城市公园,能够从人与社会的角度了解城市公园的主题意义和人文内涵。
教学重点: 1. 帮助学生有条理的表达方位和路线;
2. 帮助学生利用地图,结合自身情况,确定合理的公园游览路线。
教学难点: 1. 对话中的任务谈论方向时,短时间内信息量大,为学生梳理方位信息、画出游览路线造成一定难度。
Lesson Plan for PEP B4U3 Using Language Visit a City Park (1课时) 一、教学内容分析 本课围绕城市公园展开,通过听一段发生在城市公园的对话,结合地图,明确人物所处位置以及游玩路线。该部分为本单元“公园”主题添加城市公园这一类别,同时也旨在激发学生思考城市公园对人们生活的意义。 听力中出现的北京奥林匹克森林公园是亚洲最大的城市绿化景观公园。公园内设有大小型山水景观和休闲娱乐设施,是城市的生态屏障和人们观光娱乐的目的地。这座城市公园是北京的特色和旅游名片,也是人们积极探索城市与自然共生、和谐共处的典范。 听力文本内容是中国学生Yuhui和Linlin带外国朋友Jake到奥林匹克森林公园,参照地图讨论游玩景点和路线。该部分活动均围绕听力文本中的where and what(了解主要的景点和活动)、why(决定参与的活动)、how(计划游览的路线)展开,要求学生掌握地图方位、地点信息并组织语言询问,掌握交流技巧,即对观光客而言的有效游览手段。 二、教学过程(1课时,共20分钟) Activity 1: Pre-listening preparations This activity is designed to prepare for Aim 1. Step 1. Warm-up: ask students about their experience of visiting a park. T: What was your last visit to a park Can you share your experience T: What parks do you know in Hangzhou (展示太子湾公园和西溪湿地公园的图片) Write down City parks on the blackboard. Q: If you are to visit Taiziwan Park, what activities would you like to take part in (展示活动图片和相应表达) 【设计意图】在热身阶段,执教老师利用提问,激活已有的公园游览话题经历,讨论与城市公园相关活动,处理生词,减轻学生后续听力过程中的认知负荷,从而使学生能较流畅地完成后续任务。 Step 2. Pre-listening-learn about Beijing Olympic Forest Park T: Linlin, Yuhui are taking Jake to Beijing Olympic Forest Park. What do you know about this park Let’s watch a video. Q1: After watching the video, guess why this park is built (展示公园内图片) A: Built for the 2008 Olympic Games, Beijing Olympic Forest Park is a leisure site for people to relax. T: Look at the photos taken in Beijing Olympic Forest Park. Match them with activities below. (展示相关活动图片和对应表达) 【设计意图】在听前阶段,执教老师补充北京奥林匹克森林公园相关风景图片和背景知识,并利用活动1的图文匹配题,处理听力生词,帮助学生熟悉公园的建造意图和相关游览活动的表达方式,扫清听力中的语言障碍。 Activity 2: Listening comprehension This activity is designed for Aims 1 and 2. Step 1. Listen and grasp the key information about activities and locations. T: Listen and tick the activities they are going to do. (T shows Ss the answers) T: Let’s observe the map. Can you guess which places they would visit according to the activities and the map Why (展示地图图片) T: Listen and mark the places they will visit on the map. 【设计意图】执教老师提示学生注意游览活动的关键词,在活动1中勾选出人物打算参加的活动,完成听力活动2,训练学生获取关键信息的能力。 Step 2. Listen for detailed information about asking for and giving directions. T: We are going to draw the route that Jake, Linlin, and Yuhui will take. Before listening, what language expressions do we need to pay attention to A: Tips for listening for directions - You could listen for sequence words and direction words. You can also try to form a mental map of where you are going while the other person is talking. Q1: Listen again and draw the route that Jake, Linlin, and Yuhui will take. Q2: Listen and fill in the blanks. Pay attention to sequence words and direction words. Q3: Based on language expressions we’ve learnt in listening, when you visit a park with friends, how to ask for and give directions 【设计意图】执教老师引导学生浏览地图,强调注意顺序词和方位词,训练听取方向的听力策略,完成活动3画出游览路线;再通过精听听力文本、总结回顾语言,帮助学生学习如何进行方向指引的语言表达。 Activity 3: Speaking This activity is designed for Aims 2 and 3. Step 1. Role play and plan a route from the Underwater Corridor to the Wali Lake. T: How can Jake, Linlin and Yuhui go to the Wali Lake Can you continue their conversation and plan a route Take turns to ask and give directions and use sequence words and direction words. 【设计意图】依据活动3的地图,延续听力原文对话内容,引导学生谈论从Underwater Corridor到Wali Lake的途径,练习本课语言功能项目,即问路和指路的相关语言表达。 Step 2. Design a route to visit interesting sites in Taiziwan park. Jake is going to visit Taiziwan Park. Please show him around the park. Q1: What can we do in Taiziwan Park A: have a picnic under windmill, admire Zhulianbi Waterfall, visit Zhangtaiyan Memorial Museum… Q2: Now, you’re at the north entrance, what would you like to do Why How can you get there 【设计意图】执教老师创设游览太子湾公园的情景,引导学生在新语境下,谈论想游览的活动,并使用问路和指路的相关语言表达,为Jake引路,实现语言的迁移和运用。 Step 3. Probe into the significance of city parks. Q1: What are the functions of Beijing Olympic Forest Park and Taiziwan Park Q2: What features do they have in common A: City parks provide access to recreational opportunities, spur local economies, help residents become close to nature and protect cities from environmental impact. 【设计意图】执教老师引导学生通过欣赏了解城市公园,归纳不同城市公园的功能,深入思考城市公园的共性,使学生能够从人与社会的角度了解城市公园的主题意义和人文内涵。 Assignment Practice your conversation in pairs. Use language expressions of asking and giving directions. Search for more information about city parks. Choose one you’re interested in and give an introduction to visitors.学习任务单
学科 高中英语 年级 高二 学期 秋季
课题 Unit 3 Using Language – Visit a City Park
教科书 普通高中教科书英语选择性必修第一册教材
姓名 学校 班级 学号
1. 能够根据方位关键词,听取并理解相关的信息,并结合地图提示,快速确定游玩路线; 2. 能够就方位、地点信息组织语言,开展对话交流; 3. 能够了解并欣赏城市公园,能够从人与社会的角度了解城市公园的主题意义和人文内涵。
1. 查阅北京奥林匹克森林公园的相关知识。
【学习任务一】 1. Look at the photos taken in Beijing Olympic Forest Park. Match them with activities below. A. rent a cycle ____ B. walk through an underwater corridor ____ C. rent a pedal boat ____ D. watch a fountain performance ____ E. go on a children’s ride ____ F . look at flowers ____ 2. Tick the activities they are going to do.
【学习任务二】 Listen and mark the places they will visit on the map. Listen again and draw the route that Jake, Linlin, and Yuhui will take. Listen for details and fill in the blanks. From here, we should ___________, and then _________ and __________________ until we _____________________________. Then we __________________ and _________________ three hundred metres until we _____________________ with a washroom. Then we should ______________________. ____________ 150 metres, we’ll be at the Underwater Wetland Corridor. 【学习任务三】 Role play: Plan a route from the Underwater Corridor to the Wali Lake. Take turns to ask and give directions. Use sequence words and direction words. 【学习任务四】
Brainstorming: What activities can we do in Taiziwan Park 【学习任务五】 Speaking: Now, you are at the north entrance with Jake. What would you like to do Why How can you get there Take turns to ask and give directions to different places in the park. Use sequence words and direction words. 【学习任务六】 Thinking: What are the functions of Beijing Olympic Forest Park and Taiziwan Park What features do they have in common
普通高中教科书英语选择性必修第一册教材Unit 3 Using Language – Visit a City Park (p.30-31) “Capital park held up as green model” in China Daily