Unit 2 Looking into the Future Using Language(2) Reading and Writing课件(共18张PPT,内镶嵌视频)+教学设计


名称 Unit 2 Looking into the Future Using Language(2) Reading and Writing课件(共18张PPT,内镶嵌视频)+教学设计
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版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-10-17 08:22:43


学科 英语 年级 高二 学期 秋季
课题 Unit2 Using Language: Should We Fight New Technology
教科书 英语选择性必修第一册
1. 通过阅读语篇梳理人们对科技发展的不同态度。 2. 利用标识性语言分析语篇结构,了解驳论文的写法。 3. 讨论对科技发展的态度,并能够在写作中通过有效论证表明自己的观点。
教学重点: 1.引导学生分析语篇结构,熟悉标识性语言。
2. 分析驳论文的写法及如何支撑观点。
教学难点: 1.如何通过标识性语言分析文章结构。
2. 如何通过有效论证表明自己的观点。
Activity 1: Introducing the topic by talking about new technologies 1. Talk about the new technologies in your life. Q1: What are some of the new devices you’ve been using recently Are they helpful or distracting Q2: What’s your point of view on new technology 2. Watch a video about driverless cars and talk about its benefits and the challenges it faces. Activity 2: Scanning to find the structure and introducing signposts. Scan the passage and answer the question. Q: In which paragraph does the author describe the issues, give an opinion, discuss the advantages and disadvantages Find out the signposts. Activity 3: Reading each paragraph and analyzing the main idea and structure. Read para.1 and answer the questions. Q1: Who are mentioned in the first paragraph Q2: What are their attitudes towards driverless cars Read para.2 & 3 and find out the topic sentence and supporting details. Read para.4 and find out the topic sentence and supporting details. Activity 4: Comparing two argumentative writings and analyzing the pare the structure. Q1: How are they different in terms of structure Q2: What effect do they create respectively Activity 5: Appreciating a sample writing. Assignment Write your opinion about new technology in an essay. Exchange your draft with a partner and help each other revise the draft.(共18张PPT)
Unit2 Using Language
Should We Fight New Technology
What are some of the new devices you‘ve been using recently Are they helpful or distracting
What’s your point of view on new technology
What do driverless cars bring to us
The innovation causes controversy.
describe the hot issue
give an opinion
discuss the advantages of technology
discuss the disadvantages of technology
In which paragraph does the author:
describe the issues
Paragraph 1.
give an opinion
Paragraph 4.
discuss the advantages
Paragraph 3.
discuss the disadvantages
Paragraph 2.
Signposts (标识性语言)
Some words and phrases are used as signposts to help show a paragraph’s purpose.
These usually come at the beginning or end of a paragraph
Para.1 introduction
Who are mentioned in the first paragraph
What are their attitudes towards driverless cars
a specific event & different opinions
Should we fight driverless cars Side Attitude Opinion
Various people Yes Some advances in technology were unnecessary and dangerous.
The families of the deceased Yes Apology for the accident was not enough
The car company No Most people would be travelling in driverless cars one day soon.
Para.2&3 advantages and disadvantages
Topic sentence & give examples
the Amish
weather-tracking computer programmes
the Internet
Read para.2 & 3 and find out the topic sentence and supporting details.
Para.4 writer’s opinion
Read para.4 and find out the topic sentence and supporting details.
health monitor
Topic sentence & give examples
Event + different opinions
Advantages & disadvantages
Writer’s opinion
To persuade
To present different opinions
Use what we have learned to express your opinion in an essay about the changes that could be caused by advances in technology.
Advance in technology Advantage Disadvantage
Signpost We should fight new technology We should not fight new technology
hence on the one hand, ... on the other hand moreover personally of course Nevertheless For example ... oppose the idea of ... ... some advances in technology is unnecessary and could even be dangerous We should cease accepting... ... live happily in the absence of new technology ... is better ... rather than living in large polluted cities ... changes the way we live, ... a scary prospect ... provide people with many benefits
... save many lives ...
advocate ...
... make it possible for ...
... have benefited a lot from ...
... help get into the best shape of my life
... look on the positive side of change and accept it rather than resist it
Useful expressions
The other day, I read about a company developing companion robots. These are robots that are supposed to be friends for people who live alone. Some of these companion robots are actually like small pets that a person can talk to and interact with. But unlike real pets, they do not have to feed them or take them for a walk. However, this company is also developing a companion robot that is exactly like a human being. It can walk and talk just like a person does. This all got me to think.
Sample writing
On the one hand, some people could say that a companion robot like this is a good for us. For example, if someone old lives alone and seldom goes out, a companion robot could provide him or her a lot of comfort and enrich his or her life. Further, the robot could help monitor the health condition of that person. For example, if the person falls down and gets injured at home, the robot can call the doctor immediately to come and help.
On the other hand, some people also use this technology to avoid social contact. For example, there was a young man who recently got "married" to an anime character. What if it became common for people to get married to robots rather than human beings in the future The gap between people could further widen due to the development of realistic robots.
Personally, I do not see companion robots as an answer to people's problems. We should be providing each other with true companions and true friendship rather than cold machines.
Write your opinion about new technology in an essay.
Exchange your draft with a partner and help each other revise the draft.