Unit 2 Looking into the Future Learning About Language (1) Vocabulary教学设计(表格式+课后练习+学习任务单)


名称 Unit 2 Looking into the Future Learning About Language (1) Vocabulary教学设计(表格式+课后练习+学习任务单)
格式 zip
文件大小 66.9KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-10-17 11:31:49


学科 高中英语 年级 高二 学期 秋季
课题 Unit 2 Looking into the Future Learning About Language (1): Vocabulary
教科书 普通高中英语教科书 英语 选择性必修第一册
After learning this class, students will be able to: 1. consolidate the key words and expressions in this section by reviewing. 2. apply and expand theme-related vocabulary by engaging in theme-based activities. 3. improve learning efficiency by optimizing vocabulary learning strategies. 4. develop a positive attitude to smart technology by exploring the theme further.
教学重点: 通过复习、活动实现对主题相关词汇的掌握、运用和拓展。 通过探究主题系列问题,优化策略、培养思维、提高学习效率和能力。
教学难点: 1.重点词汇在语境中的运用。 2.主题相关词汇的拓展。
Outline: T: To achieve the learning objectives, students will get involved in the discussion and presentation of the following 6 questions in regard to smart technology. Q 1: What makes homes smart Q 2: What can smart technology do for us in modern houses Q 3: How does smart technology make life easier Q 4: What is your attitude to smart technology Q 5: What is your ideal smart home Q 6: How does smart technology benefit us in other aspects
【总体思路】:基于英语学习活动观的理念,用问题链的形式串联学习任务,让学生在主题语境下通过讨论和呈现,学习相关重点词汇。掌握词汇的同时,优化学习策略、提高学习效率;在讨论和表达主题相关的系列问题的同时,培养学生良好的思维品质、树立正确的价值观,最终达到育人的目的。 Process in detail: Question 1: What makes homes smart 【设计意图】通过对单元阅读文本的回顾,引出关键词条 “smart technology”. Question 2: What can smart technology do for us in modern houses (Tip: Review the text and use “verb+noun” phrases to tell what smart technology do for us in modern houses.) 【设计意图】借助阅读文本将智能技术的作用分三方面来回答问题,与此同时,利用tip的形式引导学生使用动宾短语,完成教材活动一的任务。 Question 3: How does smart technology make life easier (Tip: Use proper adjectives to make your ideas more accurate and vivid.) 【设计意图】通过对重点形容词的应用实践,强化学习理解,巩固语言知识的同时,培养语言技能。实践过程中同时完成教材活动二的练习内容,环环相扣。给予学生充分的语料支持和具体的语境以便操练,最后实现词汇学习策略的扩充与优化。 Question 4: What is your attitude to smart technology 【设计意图】从意识与思维角度入手,引导学生辩证地思考智能技术的意义。以对“态度”的提问为载体,帮助学生树立正确的价值观。 Question 5: What is your ideal smart home Work in pairs. One describes some aspects of your ideal smart home, and the other restates it, using different words, phrases and even sentence patterns. (Tip: paraphrase your partner’s ideal smart home.) 【设计意图】学生基于已有知识,在语境下进行“改述”任务,掌握同义、近义词词替换等“改述”技巧。在完成教材活动三的任务的同时,进一步巩固对主题词汇的理解,为词汇学习提供又一策略。这一步骤能够充分调动学生迁移创新的能力,也是对学生多元思维发展的促进。 Question 6: How does smart technology benefit us in other aspects 【设计意图】学生通过这一活动举一反三,从智能家居出发思考智能技术在生活其他领域的应用。同时,完成教材活动四的内容。这一活动是对该单元主题下相关词汇的拓展,也是对学生的语言知识、文化知识的扩充。 Conclusion: T: In this period, we’ve built up our vocabulary and acquired some vocabulary learning strategies. Also We’ve realized smart technology can benefit our life a lot. That is, it can make our life easier. Actually, some smart technology has been already available. As for the technology unavailable yet, as Peter Drucker put it, the best way to predict the future is to create it. I do believe smart technology has a promising future. So young guys, create your smart future. 【设计意图】总体回顾课堂重点,从词汇学习到策略优化再到价值观的树立,层层递进,帮助学生对本课建立系统的认识。此外,这一环节借助单元开篇页引言 “The best way to predict the future is to create it” , 实现了对主题的进一步强化。 Homework: 1. Finish the exercises on Page 68 in the textbook. 2. Download and complete the class assignment from the website.作业练习
学科 高中英语 年级 高二 学期 秋季
课题 Unit 2 Looking into the Future Learning About Language (1): Vocabulary
教科书 普通高中英语教科书 英语 选择性必修第一册
姓名 学校 班级 学号
Fill in the blanks. 1. It's said that the latest instrument inside our laboratory can ________ (察觉) and respond to natural disasters much earlier. 2. Only when modern technology and humanistic care are __________ (结合的) can a better life be created. 3. Relevant information is ___________ (可获得的) on the school network. 4. The company intends to increase its sales by learning the preferences of its________ (潜在的) customers with the help of big data. The air conditioner will go into a/an ___________ (节能的) mode when we leave the room. In the not-too-distant future, we will be living in smart homes that will ____________ (自动地) lock the door and switch off the TV. Paraphrase the sentences using the words and phrases in brackets. Don't download insecure applications, which may keep track of your daily routine. (monitor) I'd rather stay at home, watching and playing interactive TV programs. (prefer) Advanced devices like automatic curtains have really changed the way people live. (switch) By reading the data, the intelligent robot can quickly grasp the owner's living habits and make updates and adjustments. (have a command of) Micro-writing Please pick an aspect of our daily lives and talk about the positive impact that smart technology has had on us. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 参考答案 Answers for reference: I. Fill in the blanks. 1. detect 2. combined 3. available 4. potential 5. energy-efficient 6. automatically II. Paraphrase the sentences using the words and phrases in brackets. Don't download insecure applications, which may monitor your daily routine. (monitor) I prefer staying at home, watching and playing interactive TV programs. (prefer) Advanced devices like automatic curtains have really switched the way people live. (switch) By reading the data, the intelligent robot can have a command of the owner's living habits and make updates and adjustments. III. Micro-writing In our daily lives, smart technology has greatly improved the way we communicate. With smartphones and social media, we can stay connected with friends and family no matter where we are. We can easily send messages, make phone calls, or video chat with others, making our relationships stronger. Smart technology has also made it easier to access information and services on the go, allowing us to stay informed and take advantage of opportunities as they arise.学习任务单
学科 高中英语 年级 高二 学期 秋季
课题 Unit 2 Looking into the Future Learning About Language (1): Vocabulary
教科书 普通高中英语教科书 英语 选择性必修第一册
姓名 学校 班级 学号
After learning this class, you will be able to: 1. Consolidate the key words and expressions in this section by reviewing. 2. Apply and expand theme-related vocabulary by engaging in theme-based activities. 3. Improve learning efficiency by optimizing vocabulary learning strategies. 4. Develop a positive attitude to smart technology by exploring the theme further.
Review the passage Smart Homes to Make Life Easier in the previous section. Preview the contents in the section of Learning About Language.
T: To achieve the learning objectives, you will get yourself involved in the discussion and presentation of the following 6 questions in regard to smart technology. Meanwhile, you are required to finish the exercises in the section. 【学习任务一】
Question 1:What makes homes smart
·Question 2: What can smart technology do for us in modern houses
Tip: Review the text and use “verb+noun” phrases to tell what smart technology do for us in modern houses. ·Finish the exercise on page 16, activity 1. 【学习任务三】 ·Question 3: How does smart technology make life easier Tip: Use proper adjectives to make your ideas more accurate and vivid. ·Finish the exercise on page 16, activity 2. 【学习任务四】 Question 4: What is your attitude to smart technology 【学习任务五】 ·Question 5: What is your ideal smart home (Work in pairs. One describes some aspects of your ideal smart home, and the other restates it, using different words, phrases and even sentence patterns.) Tip: Paraphrase your partner’s statement about his / her ideal smart home. ·Finish the exercise on page 16, activity 3. 【学习任务六】 ·Question 6: How does smart technology benefit us in other aspects ·Finish the exercise on page 16, activity 4. Add more elements in the mind map to build up your vocabulary.
普通高中英语教科书 英语 选择性必修第一册 Workbook, Unit 2 Expanding Your World : Our Greatest Adventure (Page73-74)