人教版(2019)选择性必修 第一册Unit 2 Looking into the Future Reading and Thinking教学设计(表格式)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修 第一册Unit 2 Looking into the Future Reading and Thinking教学设计(表格式)
格式 docx
文件大小 22.5KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-10-17 11:50:17



学科 英语 年级 高二 学期 秋季
课题 Unit2 Reading and Thinking: Smart Homes to Make Life Easier
教科书 英语选择性必修第一册
1.根据文章标题和小标题预测文章内容,判断文本类型和结构、写作对象、写作意图等。 2.运用梳理、归纳等策略,总结智能家居的功能和好处。 3.体会作者对智能家居的态度,并聚焦板块标题及单元主题,探讨对智能家居及科技的态度。
教学重点: 1.了解说明性文本的特征,掌握文本结构。
2. 归纳总结智能家居如何为生活带来便利,理解smart的深层含义。
教学难点: 1.归纳总结智能家居如何为生活带来便利。
2. 体会作者对智能家居的态度,并结合实际表达自己的态度。
Activity 1: Introducing the topic by talking about smart devices 1. Watch a video about a day’s life in a smart home. 2. Talk about the smart devices in your life. Q1: Can you name some smart devices in your life What functions do they have What do you think of them Q2: What does it mean when we say that something is “smart” 【设计意图】学生通过分享生活中的智能产品,激活相关背景知识,并开始思考smart的含义。 Activity 2: Scanning to find the text type and structure. Look at the title and subtitles. Q1: What is the text about Q2: What is the structure of the text Q3: What type of writing is it What’s the writing purpose Who are the target readers 【设计意图】通过文章标题及文内的小标题预测文本内容,判断文本类型和结构、写作对象、写作意图等,培养学生的预测能力及对文本类型的判断能力。 Activity 3: Reading para.1 to get the main idea and structure. Read para.1 and answer the questions. Q1: What’s para.1 about and how does the writer develop it Q2: What are the benefits of smart homes Activity 4: Reading para.2-4 and analyzing the features and benefits of smart homes. Find the topic sentences for each paragraph and analyze the writing technique. Q1: How does the writer develop the three paragraphs Q2: Is there a topic sentence Q3: How does the writer support the idea Read para.2-4 in detail and fill in the form. Q1: How do they make life easier (benefits) Q2: In what ways are they smart (features) Things mentionedBenefitsFeaturesIntelligent controlsRegular health checksNo more disasters
【设计意图】围绕标题中的smart和easier两个核心词,从主体段中搜寻信息,支撑观点,以此培养学生的信息梳理、归纳能力,并深入体会smart的含义。 Activity 5: Reading para.5 to discuss attitude towards smart homes and technology. Read para.5 and answer the questions. Q1: What’s the writer's attitude towards smart homes Q2: Why will it take some years for the new technology to be popular Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of smart homes. Q: What is your attitude towards smart homes Do you prefer traditional homes or smart homes Why 【设计意图】结合最后一段,学生体会作者对智能家居的态度,并思考其缺陷和暂时不能普及的原因。在理解文本主旨的基础上,学生结合自身经验和感受,谈谈对科技的态度以及人类与科技的关系,以培养其批判性思维能力。 Assignment If you can design a smart device for your home/classroom, what will you design Please write about: the name of the device; a general introduction; examples illustrating its function; its benefits. (draw a picture if necessary)