四川省成都外国语学校2024-2025学年高三上学期10月月考试题 英语(含答案,含听力原文及音频)


名称 四川省成都外国语学校2024-2025学年高三上学期10月月考试题 英语(含答案,含听力原文及音频)
格式 zip
文件大小 13.7MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-10-17 16:18:21


第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分)
第一节(共5小题:每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5分)
听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
1. What does the woman need to hire
A. A computer repair specialist. B. A web developer. C. A sales manager.
2. What would the woman prefer in her tea
A. Honey. B. Sugar. C. Milk.
3. What is the woman’s best subject
A. Art. B. Science. C. Math.
4. What did the man do yesterday
A. He went to the zoo. B. He watched TV. C. He adopted a pet.
5. What is the probable relationship between the speakers
A. Teacher and student. B. Doctor and patient. C. Mother and son.
第二节(共15小题:每小题 1.5 分,满分22.5分)
听下面 5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5秒钟:听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
6. What does the woman primarily use the device for
A. Reading books. B. Watching films. C. Writing articles.
7. What are the speakers mainly talking about
A. The wide usage of electronic products.
B. A book with a meaningful topic.
C. Ways to form new habits.
听第 7段材料,回答第8至10题。
8. What is the woman’s nationality
A. Australian. B. British. C. American.
9. How did the man learn about the woman’s home country
A. From travel. B. From videos. C. From relatives.
10. Why do most people in the woman’s home country live 50 kilometers from the coast
A. The country has a severe climate.
B. It’s convenient to take road trips.
C. They want to enjoy surfing and beaches.
11. When did the man get to the office today
A. At 6:00 a. m. B. At 7:45 a. m. C. At 8:45 a. m.
12. Why did the woman invite the man to join her
A. He’s a department manager. B. He’s a marketing expert. C. He’s a reliable friend.
13. How will the man help the woman
A. By editing her marketing plans. B. By making her a coffee. C. By inspiring her ideas.
听第9段材料,回答第14至17 题。
14. How did the man feel in the beginning
A. Grateful. B. Worried. C. Motivated.
15. Where does the conversation probably take place
A. At school. B. In an office. C. At home.
16. What is the man’s initial motivation in language learning
A. To know about different peoples.
B. To have more work opportunities.
C. To understand movies in other languages.
17. What is the first step in language learning according to the woman
A. Appreciating cultures.
B. Gaining interest in languages.
C. Understanding the benefits of languages.
听第 10 段材料,回答第18至20 题。
18. What does the speaker usually write about
A. Community relations. B. Economic trends. C. Medical care.
19. Where did the speaker learn the tips
A. From online articles. B. From his doctor. C. From a book.
20. What will the speaker share next
A. Further explanations of the topic.
B. A list of his favorite books.
C. An expert on emotional health.
第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分 50 分)
第一节(共15小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5分)
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21. What is the aim of Be My Eyes
A. To explore new video and AI applications. B. To promote global communication.
C. To facilitate help for the visually challenged. D. To increase the sales of official goods.
22. Adopting Be My AI, businesses can ___________ .
A. tailor products to customers' needs B. improve efficiency at a lower cost
C. gain more experienced specialists D. conduct automatic team training
23.What can readers do to support Be My Eyes
A. Purchase its service. B. Spread native languages.
C. Upload live video. D. Recommend the app.
When I was in middle school, my mom confirmed that I was, indeed, a baked good. “Children are like bread”, she explained one night at the kitchen table. “You choose the ingredients when they're young and shape them as the dough rises. But once they're in the oven, it's out of your hands.”
“You're already in the oven,” she said, “It's all you now.”
Growing up, I was always involved in Mom's baking kitchen, especially on our monthly Baking Days. I would help with party treats. But my most important job was to pay attention and absorb her every word. The kitchen was part of my homeschooling.
“Always roast nuts before adding them to the batter(面糊).” “This is how I learned from my grandmother, Natalic.” “Remember, you're in charge, not the tools.”
Years later, after I moved out for college, Baking Days became rare. But her bread metaphor became a touchstone for me, a reminder of why some habits feel unchangeable. But I also wrestle with her theory, wondering if I can still change and evolve. Have I not fundamentally changed since I was a girl at her elbow, measuring flour “Don't worry,” she once said, “you can always add a little egg wash later.”
Now, at 35, I realized her bread metaphor was about her parenting philosophy. She poured her stories, pain, strength, and joy into me, her only child, folding each piece with care. She gave me the freedom to rise and take shape, trusting her work and letting go.
Tonight, we sit at her kitchen table, drinking tea and eating her homemade cookies. I tell her about my week, the projects I'm working on, the meals I'm creating, the friends I have gathered. She holds a cookie mid-bite, looking at me with pride and admiration. She sees the adult I've become, shaped with the ingredients she lovingly provided.
24. What does the mother mean by saying “You're already in the oven.”
A. You are as hot as a baking bread. B. You are mature enough to fly alone.
C. You are already a baking master. D. You are bound to change yourself.
25. Why were the monthly Baking Days meaningful
A. They were a way for the author to learn new recipes.
B. They were a chance for the mother to teach life lessons.
C. They were an occasion for the family to try new desserts.
D. They were the only time the author got to listen to her mother.
26. Which statement shows the mother's metaphor change over time
A. “You can always add a little egg wash later.”
B. “Remember, you're in charge, not the tools.”
C. “This is how I learned from my grandmother.”
D. “Always roast nuts before adding them to the batter.”
27. What is the best title for the passage
A. Kitchen Memories B. The Art of Bread Making
C. The Story of Dough D. Mother's Baking Philosophy
Scientists already knew African gray parrots are particularly clever, with large brains and exceptional problem-solving skills. But they wondered if these birds, separated from great apes by some 300 million years of evolution, also possess advanced social abilities, like helping one another. Corvids, another group of so-called “intelligent” birds that includes crows, have so far failed to demonstrate this ability, according to Désirée Brucks, a Swiss biologist.
“Parrots had not been tested yet,” says Brucks. “So, it remained an open question whether or not the ability to help each other actively may have evolved within birds.” Brucks and his colleague placed many paired combinations of eight African grays into glass enclosures(围栏), with a hole cut in a dividing wall that allowed the two birds to interact. The scientists then trained the parrots to trade coins to a person through another hole in exchange for nuts.
When one parrot had all the coins, it would assist its coinless partner by gifting some of them through the dividing wall. The parrots tended to give more coins to friends and family, but would also help parrots they had never met. Importantly, the parrots didn't help when their partner was blocked from accessing the experimenter, suggesting they could recognize when their assistance was needed, or even useful.
This behavior, detailed in their study, published this week in the journal Current Biology, is possibly a consequence of evolving in giant, moving groups where an altruistic reputation is important. Katherine Cronin, a zoologist in Chicago, approves the study for ruling out simple playfulness as an explanation for passing the coins. “We can be pretty confident that the African gray parrots are considering the benefits available to their partners,” Cronin says. She points out the research adds to growing evidence of selflessness across the animal kingdom--and reminds us it is not unique to humans.
28. What is the study mainly about
A. The living habits of African gray parrots.
B. The social abilities of African gray parrots.
C. The problem-solving skills of African gray parrots.
D. The comparison between African gray parrots and crows.
29. How did the researchers test the parrots' ability to help each other
A. By setting up the parrots enclosures.
B. By observing parrots work in groups.
C. By creating a situation for parrots to share coins.
D. By assessing the parrots' intelligence separately.
30. What does the underlined word “altruistic” in paragraph 4 probably mean
A. Selfless. B. Impressive. C. Fearless. D. Professional.
31. Where is this article most likely taken from
A. A nature guidebook. B. A pet care magazine.
C. A scientific journal. D. A bird-watching newsletter.
Many people have wondered why children believe in things like Santa Claus or the Tooth Fairy, thinking that children's minds are easily fooled. However, developmental psychology offers a different perspective.
A study published in Developmental Psychology explores how children react to ideas that go against what they usually think and if they check these ideas against what they expect. This way of checking, known as the “empirical stance,” is evident by the time children reach elementary school.
The study involved nearly 200 children aged 3 to 8 from Chinese schools. Each child was presented with five differently-sized objects made from painted Russian dolls. The children naturally assumed that the smallest doll was the lightest and the largest the heaviest. When asked to identify the heaviest object, most children chose the largest one. An adult then either agreed with the children's choice or made a claim that the smallest doll was the heaviest. The researchers observed whether the children would change their minds or test the adult's claim by comparing the weights of the dolls.
Initially, children seemed to trust the adult's word, with only a small percentage insisting on their original belief. However, when given the opportunity to explore the dolls, elementary school children who had received the surprising claim systematically tested it by comparing the smallest and largest dolls. This exploration allowed them to generate evidence that could contradict the adult's claim.
These findings suggest that while children are willing to trust an adult's surprising claims, their acceptance is temporary. By elementary school, they systematically test such claims by seeking new evidence, which they then use to update their beliefs. The study's implications extend beyond childhood. Most adults accept complex concepts, such as the existence of electrons, based on the testimony (证词) of others rather than personal experience.
So, while children may learn about the magic of Santa Claus from adults, adults might similarly have something to learn from elementary school children: most of us would do well to adopt an empirical stance more often than we currently do.
32. What is Paragraph 3 mainly about
A. The methodology of the study. B. The conclusion of the study.
C. The significance of the study. D. The theoretical basis of the study.
33.Which child’s response matches the empirical stance
A. Taylor believes what the teacher says no matter what.
B. Jordan thinks the earth is flat because his father says so.
C. Emma assumes the watermelon is sweet and then tastes it.
D. Maya suspects there are monsters living in trees as the story says.
34. What lesson could adults learn from children
A. Rejecting complex concepts. B. Never trusting anyone.
C. Learning from their own experience. D. Counting on others' testimony.
35.What is the main purpose of the text
A. To highlight the importance of adult's role in children's education and growth.
B. To advocate for a more empirical approach to belief formation across all ages.
C. To clarify a misunderstanding about elementary school students’ learning ability.
D. To persuade adults to help children rid themselves of wrong ideas about the world.
第二节(共5小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5分)
Have you ever had a staring contest It can be difficult to keep your eyes open for long periods of time because of the natural tendency to blink. But why do we need to blink
There are two main reasons. First, blinking clears away dust from the eyes. ______36______. It might be under the eyelid or something that blew in.
Second, blinking lubricates (润滑) the eye-balls. The eyes need a smooth surface for light to properly focus on, so vision becomes clear. Blinking releases a tear film - which mostly consists of water , oil and mucus - to keep the surface of the eyeball smooth. _____37_____. The tear film also supplies oxygen to the eye. The film also helps prevent the eye from becoming infected.
Blinking happens naturally. It takes the average person 400 milliseconds to blink. Most people blink somewhere between 10 and 20 times per minute, usually around 15 or 16 times. ______38_____.
For example, you may blink more frequently if there’s something in your eye. Certain conditions can make it feel like there’s something in your eye, which makes you blink more.
Some people have habitual involuntary movements that lead them to blink frequently. ______39______. If you have uncorrected vision problems, you may blink more often because your eyes are naturally trying to correct the unclear vision.
If there is damage to the facial nerve, which is responsible for closing the eyelid, a person may blink more slowly or less often. Tiredness and some medications can cause a similar effect. ______40______. For example, when reading, people tend to blink at the end of a sentence rather than in the middle.
A.It prevents the eye from drying out.
B.If there’s a foreign body, it helps get rid of it.
C.And stress and anxiety can make you blink more, too.
D.Blinking more often than needed can give brain extra stress.
E.Pink eye and other types of infection can also cause damage on eyes.
F.However, there are some circumstances that make people blink more or less often.
G.Focusing on something like watching a movie, you may blink less to strengthen your focus.
第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分 30 分)
第一节 完形填空(共15小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15分)
Sixteen-year-old Corion Evans made a daring rescue to save three teenage girls. The 16-year-old was hanging out with two ____41____ in a parking area near the Pascagoula River in July when a ____42____ with three teenage girls inside propelled off a boat ramp (斜坡) and into the river. It came to rest some 20 feet from land, then sank. Actually, the driver had ____43____ followed wrong directions from her GPS.
It was around 2:30 a.m. by the time Evans and brothers Karon and Caleb got to the river’s ____44____. In the darkness, they could barely ____45____ the girls holding onto the roof, the only part of the car still, ____46____ water. But they could hear ____47____.
Evans took off his shirt and ____48____, threw his phone down, then ____49____into the water, a river he knew crocodiles called home. He helped the first girl he saw and, ____50____ her head above water, led her ashore.
Just then, Police Officer Garry Mercer ____51____. He dived into the river to help another of the ____52____. But halfway back to shore, she ____53____and went underwater, pulling Mercer down with her.
Evans jumped back in the water and helped them get to the shore until they could stand. “If he hadn’t been there, who knows ” Mercer told the Washington Post.
There was still one girl in the water. Cora Watson, 19, could not swim. She was choking on water, ____54____, struggling to stay afloat. “I heard her screaming ‘Help!’ and then I grabbed her.” Evans told the Washington Post later.
The three girls and Officer Mercer were taken to the hospital and finally released. They’re alive because Corion Evans ____55____ his life to save them.
41.A.friends B.brothers C.classmates D.students
42.A.truck B.boat C.car D.motorbike
43.A.blindly B.strongly C.generally D.foolishly
44.A.area B.centre C.mouth D.edge
45.A.make out B.shout to C.calm down D.turn down
46.A.inside B.under C.above D.over
47.A.whispering B.quarreling C.screaming D.sobbing
48.A.shoes B.sweater C.socks D.scarf
49.A.dropped B.dived C.ran D.sank
50.A.pushing B.forcing C.keeping D.managing
51.A.approved B.remained C.recovered D.arrived
52.A.boys B.drivers C.rescuers D.teenagers
53.A.dismissed B.panicked C.swam D.emerged
54.A.wounded B.shocked C.abandoned D.scared
55.A.conducted B.followed C.risked D.realized
第二节 语篇填空(共10小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15分)
Four astronauts returned to Earth in a SpaceX capsule on Friday, _____56_______ (end) their nearly six-month space station mission with a splashdown in the Atlantic.
Wet and windy weather across Florida delayed their homecoming. SpaceX and NASA ______57______ (final) declared it safe on Friday, and then the three Americans and one Italian ______58______ (depart) the International Space Station, their residence.
The capsule parachuted ______59______ the ocean, just off Jacksonville, Florida, about five hours after it left the space station. It carried NASA astronauts Kjell Lindgren, Bob Hines and Jessica Watkins, the first Black woman ______60______ (complete) a long-term space flight, and the European Space Agency’s Samantha Cristoforetti. SpaceX delivered their replacements last week.
Before checking out, the astronauts said they couldn’t wait to have ______61______ cold drink with ice, eat some pizza and ice cream, take a shower, ______62______ of course, be reunited with their families. NASA planned to send them to Houston once they were off SpaceX’s ______63______ (recover) ship and back on solid ground.
“Getting the first few ______64_______ (hug) when we get back is really going to be awesome,” Hines told reporters earlier in the week. Remaining aboard the space station ______65______ (be) three Americans, three Russians and one Japanese.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分 40 分)
第一节 (满分15分)
假如你是李华,近日来你校英文报征稿,请以 “My View on AI”为题写一篇文章投稿。要点如下:
第二节 (满分25分)
The sun was setting over the school's football field, casting a golden glow on the last day of the annual track and field meet. The students of Crestwood High were gathered, their eyes fixed on the track where the final event of the day was about to take place—the 4x400m relay race. The race was highly anticipated and the school's pride was attached to this game.
The competition was fierce, and the race was expected to be a nail-biter. The first three legs of the relay were about to begin, and the team's star runner, Jake, was set to run the anchor leg(最后一棒). However, as the starting gun fired, a gasp went through the crowd. Jake had tripped at the starting line, falling hard and scraping his knee.
Coach Harris rushed to Jake's side, his face a mask of concern. Jake was in pain, but his eyes were filled with determination. "I can still run," he insisted, but Coach Harris knew better. The race was too important to risk injury.
As the first runner from Crestwood took off, Coach Harris turned to the team. "We need a substitute for Jake," he announced. The team members exchanged glances, but no one stepped forward. They were all aware of the pressure and the responsibility that came with running the anchor leg.
Then, from the sidelines, a figure emerged. It was Emily, the team's equipment manager, who had never been part of the race team before. She was known for her dedication to the team, but her athletic abilities were untested. "I'll do it," she said, her voice steady despite the uncertainty in her eyes. Coach Harris looked at her, surprised but grateful. "Are you sure " he asked. Emily nodded, her gaze resolute. "I've been training with you guys every day. I know I can do this."
1.ending 2.finally 3.departed 4.into 5.to complete 
6.a 7.and  8.recovery  9.hugs  10.are 
优势 4分 劣势 4分
应对措施 4 分
恰当结尾2 书写1分
My View on AI
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a game-changer, yet it comes with pros and cons. On one hand, it automates boring tasks, boosting productivity and accuracy. For instance, AI in healthcare can help diagnose diseases more swiftly. On the other hand, there’s no denying that it poses risks such as unemployment. What’s more, the reliance on large amounts of data can raise privacy issues if not handled properly.
To make better use of AI's benefits, we must address its drawbacks. Education should focus on skills that complement AI, preparing us for new job opportunities. Regulations are needed to protect our data and ensure AI's ethical use. By keeping a balance, we can enjoy AI's advantages without being backfired on.
In summary, AI is a powerful ally, but we must be vigilant. With the right approach, we can cope with its complexities and use it to enhance our lives responsibly.
Emily接棒后的内心活动 5分
追赶对手的拼搏过程(不一定要夺得第一) 5分
观众/队员的反应 5分
撞线描写 5分
点明主旨 (“面对巨大差距的勇气和坚持”或 “默默的努力后出乎意料的胜利” )4分
书写 1分
As the third runner handed off the baton to Emily, she was in fourth place, with a significant gap between her and the leading runner. But as she took the baton, a spark ignited in her eyes. The air was thick with the scent of victory and the undercurrent of doubt. Gripping the baton, Emily’s heart pounded in her chest. She could feel the weight of the team's hopes resting on her shoulders. As she kept running, she could feel the wind whipped past her ears, and the cheers of the crowd became a distant roar. Emily's determination fueled her steps. She could see the other runners’ figures growing larger as she closed the gap.
The crowd was on its feet now, the cheering deafening as Emily inched closer to the leader. It was a neck-and-neck race, the two runners so close that it was impossible to tell who would cross the finish line first. With one last, desperate lunge, Emily crossed the finish line first.The audience erupted in cheers and applause. Emily's teammates rushed onto the track, their faces a mixture of shock and pride. They lifted her onto their shoulders, celebrating their unexpected victory. Emily, the quiet equipment manager, had become the hero of the day, proving that sometimes, the greatest victories come from the most unlikely places.
Text 1
W: Our sales and marketing departments are so strong. But I must find a computer programmer to make us a website. Do you know of any
M: Not personally. But I’ll show you some sites online where you Can find profiles for computer programmers and engineers.
Text 2
M: Hello, Miss. Are you enjoying your meal
W: Indeed I am, sir, except that this tea is a bit too sweet. Would you mind bringing another cup of tea with only milk instead of sugar or honey
M: Of course. One cup of non-sweetened tea---coming right up!
Text 3
M: I got As in my math and science tests.
W: That’s amazing! Well done!
M: Need any study tips Practice is the key, you know.
W: I would have a try next time. Math and science are not my strengths. I’m more of an art person.
Text 4
W: Did you see that wildlife documentary on TV last night
M: Yeah, it was amazing, wasn’t it Those baby pandas were particularly adorable.
I W: I wanted to take one home. But the baby lion and the baby tiger were cute as well.
Text 5
W: When did you start feeling ill, Danny
M: My teacher said I looked unwell, so visited the school nurse. She asked me to call home and get picked up.
W: I see. Now I’1l bring you home and make you some hot soup.
Text 6
M: Are you watching social media videos on your iPad
W: This device is my new Amazon Kindle. You can visit websites, watch films, or type on it. But I mainly use it for downloading great books to read.
M: What’re you reading now
W: It’s called Atomic Habits. Dad mentioned the power of creating strong routines and how it could help you perform better in every aspect of life. Then I found this book about the same topic.
M: What did you learn from the book
W: That we’re the average of our typical habits, interests, and emotions. Plus, the path to a better life is creating positive, loving, and grateful habits.
Text 7
W: When people think of Australia, they mostly think of kangaroos. But really, it’s full of diverse wildlife and landscapes.
M: Interesting. I’ve never been there before. Is the landscape quite different from here in the US
W: I’m from a dry and hot area of the country. But you can see many other wet coastal, cold mountainous, and mild city landscapes there on travel videos.
M: I have some relatives who live in Gold Coast, Australia. They’ve told me something I never knew about the country. But that area is mainly famous for surfing and beaches.
W: True. Around 85% of Australians live 50 kilometers from the coast because of the country’s rough climate. Still, many drive private trucks or vans through the country to experience the intense beauty.
M:I'd rather visit urban areas like Sydney or Melbourne. But an Australian road trip sounds cool!
Text 8
W: Thanks for coming in early today, Bill. I’m so behind on my recent tasks. I really need your help.
M: No problem! I wake up at 6:00 a.m. every day and usually get to the office at 8:45 a.m. So, I’m
M: No problem! wake up at 6:00 a.m. every day and usually get to the office at 8:45 a.m. So, I’m only coming into the office an hour earlier than usual today.
W: Still, I appreciate you being here for me.
M: Well, I am not an expert in marketing, but I hope I can be of some help to you.
W: I have a lot of faith in you as a friend, Bill. That’s why I’ve come to you. We have about an hour until our managers and directors get in. Would you like a cup of coffee first
M: No, thanks. Let’s get started. Can I start by reviewing or editing your work
W: I don’t even have a marketing plan yet. Now, I still need to brainstorm ideas. You're great at coming up with good ideas. Can you assist me with this
M: No problem.
Text 9
W: Max, class has already finished. Don’t you have another class to attend
M: Hey, Mrs. Blank. I’m a little anxious. The rest of the class seems so motivated to follow your instructions. But I’m struggling to learn French. I can’t make excellent sentences or score highly.
W: You know, Max. Now I can speak English, French, Chinese, and Italian. But I had trouble learning even a second language when was young.
M: Really How did you do that
W: It’s simple. I realized that languages aren’t just about memorizing words. They’re about improving your communication and cultural understanding skills. Speaking other languages improves your brain health, problem-solving abilities, and overall intelligence!
M: Interesting, I guess I’m interested in films or music in other languages.
W: That’s a perfect start! The initial step isn’t always loving a language but understanding all the incredible benefits and opportunities of learning other languages. Then, you’ll naturally start appreciating the new cultural communication style.
M: Thanks for the advice.
W: No problem at all. You can come to my office if you need any help. Learning a new language opens doors to an entirely new world. It’s a journey worth taking!
Text 10
Fans of my articles know my writing is mostly about evaluating trends in business and economics. Data is how I view and analyze the world. But now I’m researching a very different topic--human health and well-being. I searched thousands of articles to find the top three most popular health tips from authors, doctors, and psychologists. I’ll briefly introduce this topic by sharing some language information I’ve learned from a Latin language book. It said the root of the word “disease” means feeling not at ease or comfortable. Likewise, the source of the word “health” is related to “whole” or “complete”
So, considering physical, mental, and emotional well-being, let’s look at the top health tips I’ve discovered on the Internet. First off, develop a good diet and exercise routines. I’ve found healthy foods and sports that I love—I’d recommend this to everyone! Second, have a positive community. This is easier in your childhood or pre-teen years. And I must admit that I didn’t understand this lesson about community until I was in my 30s. And feeling and sharing love with family and friends is a powerful way to support well-being. The last tip is being grateful and self-aware. To explain this theme better, I’ll quote another writer and expert on emotional health...