Unit 1 Cultural Heritage useful words and expressions课件(共54张)


名称 Unit 1 Cultural Heritage useful words and expressions课件(共54张)
格式 pptx
文件大小 330.6KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-10-18 11:52:22



Unit 1
Useful words and expressions
Translate the phrases.
a piece of amber
in search of
in the fancy style
be decorated with
in fact
be designed for
belong to
in return
装饰以 …
作为报答 / 回报 / 交换
8. serve as
9. add … to
10. shine like
11. be at war
12. remove … from
13. in less than two days
14. put … inside
15. at that time
16. look like
17. be ready for
处于战争状态, 在交战中
从…移动 / 搬开…
看上去像 …
为 ... 做好准备
The building is in typical European
_______ and it’s different from Chinese ones.
2. There are a lot of ________ goods (商品)
in the market that come from abroad.
3. He is always helping people without
expecting anything __________.
dynasty, amaze, fancy, style, troop,
reception, jewel, rare, in return, at war
根据句子意思, 从方框中选出合适的单词或词组, 并用其正确形式填空。
in return
5. Dave ____________ all his friends by
suddenly getting married.
6. There are 24 ____________ and
about 400 emperors in China’s history.
7. These animals are so _________ that
they might die out if we don’t protect
dynasty, amaze, fancy, style, troop,
reception, jewel, rare, in return, at war
dynasty, amaze, fancy, style, troop,
reception, jewel, rare, in return, at war
8. A ___________ is going to be held in
honor of the new director tomorrow.
9. The country has been _________ with
its neighbor for two years.
at war
rare adj. 稀罕的, 稀有的
He suffered from a rare disease
It is rare to find such a genius nowadays.
It's very rare for him to be so late.
He's devoted his whole life to the protection of the rare animals.
rarely adv. 很少;难得
Language points
Does a cultural relic always have to
be rare and valuable
occasional, uncommon, scare, rare这些形容词均含“稀罕的、很少发生”之意。
occasional: 指偶然、不时或间或发生的事,侧重无规律可循。
uncommon: 指一般不发生或很少发生的事情,故显得独特、异常与例外。
scare: 指暂时不易发现、不存在或数量不足,供不应求的东西。
rare: 指难得发生的事或难遇见的人或事,侧重特殊性。
survive vt & vi 幸存
Fortunately he survived the traffic accident.
Camels can survive for many days with no water.
常用搭配有:survive from something /
survive on something
survivor n. 幸存者 survival n. 幸存
2. Is it enough to have survived for a
long time
The helicopter picked up all the ________.
They prayed for the _______ of the sailors.
Only two passengers _________ the air-crash.
If cancers are found early, there’s a high chance of ________.
To complete the sentences with the
correct forms of survive.
除非我们净化我们的环境,否则人类可能将无法生存。(clean up, survive)
Unless we clean up our environment, human beings may not survive.
3. Frederick William I, the King of
Prussia, could never have imagined
that his greatest gift to the …
could have done 表示假设, 与过去的事实相反。
He could have been very rich, but he cared for no money at all.
must have done 一定做过 …
can’t have done 不可能做过 …
should have done / shouldn’t have done
本应该/不应该做 …
needn’t have done
could have done 可能做过 ...
may (might) have done 或许做过 ...
Since the road is wet, it must have rained last night.
He can't have missed the way. I drew him a map.
I can't find my keys. I may / might have left them at the school yesterday.
I was really anxious about you. You shouldn’t have left home without a word.
Translate the sentences, paying attention
to italicized words.
My English-Chinese dictionary has disappeared. Who ____________ have taken it
解析:答案为could。could have done表示对过去情况的推测,意为“可能是……”。
Sorry, I’m late. I ____ have turned off the alarm clock and gone back to sleep again.
解析:might have done sth.的意思是“(过去)可能做某事”,表推测。由句子的意思可知,他可能当时把闹钟关上了,故答案为might。
amazing adj. 令人惊喜的
an amazing achievement / discovery
惊人的成就 / 发现
amazed adj. 吃惊的, 惊奇的
I was amazed at his stupidity.
He was amazed at what he saw.
amaze v. 使吃惊;使惊异
4. … Russian people would have such
an amazing history.
Visitors were _____________ at the _____________ soaring drive of our shipbuilders. (amaze)
It was __________ (amaze) that he knew nothing about the event.
5. The number which was selected had a beautiful yellow-brown colour like honey.
select v. 挑选;选择
He selected a team for the special task.
She selected a diamond ring from the collection
He’s the only student in the class ______ to take part in the Model United Nations conference. (select)
that has been selected
当定语从句的先行词是名词,且前面有the only修饰的时候,要使用的关系代词是that,本句的先行词是the only student是一个单数形式,使用现在完成时的单数形式表示已经被选中。
choose, select, elect, pick, prefer这些动词均含有“选择”之意。
choose: 普通用词,侧重根据个人意愿和判
select: 书面用词,具有庄严、正式的感情
elect: 指按照一定的规章或法律,用投票等
pick: 口语用词,多指从个人角度仔细挑选,
prefer: 强调个人偏爱,不一定有选择的行动。
6. The design of the room was in the
fancy style popular in those days.
design n. 设计;图案;构思
v. 设计;计划;构思
This dress is of the latest design.
The design was to build a new library.
He designed us a beautiful house.
The route was designed to relieve traffic congestion.
fancy adj. 奇特的;异样的
Both of them like fancy clothes.
fancy v. 想象;设想;爱好
Fancy her saying a thing like that!
I don’t fancy walking in the snow.
What do you fancy for dinner
fancy sb. doing sth. 想象某人做某事
in … style / in the style of 以…的风格
He bought a painting in the style of
popular in those days 是形容词短语修饰
the fancy style,相当于一个定语从句,
即 which was popular in those days。
The boys easiest to teach are in his class.
7. …, Frederick William, to whom the
amber room belonged, decided …
belong to (在所有权等方面)属于;是...的成员
The bicycle belongs to Amy.
What political party does he belong to
注意:belong to 没有进行时态,也没有被动语态
8. In return, the Czar sent him a troop of his best soldiers.
in return 回报, 作为报酬
What can we do for them in return for
all the help they have given to us
I gave him some books in return for
his assistance.
in turn 轮流地, 依次; 反过来
by turns 轮流地, 时而…时而…
I sent him a present __________________ ________________________.
in return for his help
9. …, the room served as a small reception hall for important visitors.
serve as 担任;充当;起 ... 的作用
That cup will serve as a sugar bowl.
He served as a witness at the wedding.
In a way, I'm glad you made that
mistake, for it will serve as warning to
serve for 用作…
他房间里的那只大箱子可以当桌子用。(serve as)
The large box in his room can serve as a desk.
这本词典可以当枕头用。 (serve as)
The dictionary can serve as a pillow.
reception n. 接待,招待会,接收
They gave the Prime Minister a cool reception.
Our school gave a reception to our new principal.
A reception was held in honor of the new director.
Reception of TV programmes is unsatisfactory here.
give a reception 举行招待会
cool reception 冷淡的接待
formal reception 正式接待
at a reception 在招待会上
sign in at reception 在接待处签到
10. Later, Catherine II had the Amber
Room moved to a palace outside …
had the Amber Room moved to是have sth. done的结构,意思是“让某物被...”。
I had my bike repaired this morning.
have sb. doing 让某人一直做某事
As he was late, the teacher had him standing in front of the classroom.
have sb. do sth. 让某人做…
have sth. to do 有些事情要做 …
have sth. to be done
He had his leg ____________ (injure) trying to save an eight-year-old boy from a cave-in.
2) I’m not going to have him ___________ (mix) up with this sort of business.
3) I can’t have a child of 5 _____________ (wait) for you in the rain.
11. In 1770 the room was completed
the way she wanted.
the way she wanted是方式状语从句,the way的用法与连词相同,后面常省略that。
I was never allowed to do things the way I wanted.
I did not like the way he talked to me.
12. This was a time when the two
countries were at war.
at war 处于战争状态,在交战中
Those two countries have been at war for a long time.
The two sisters are constantly at war with each other.
介词+名词: 表状态
at work / home / table
on show / duty/ sale / holiday / fire / watch
in trouble / danger / battle / doubt
under repair / discussion / construction
13. …, the Russians were able to remove
some furniture and …
remove v. 移动;搬开;除去
He removed the mud from his shoes.
When the meat is boiling, remove the scum.
That officer must be removed.
removal n. 移动, 搬迁, 除去, 开除
move, shift, transfer, remove这些动词均可表示“从一处移往另一处”之意。
move: 普通用词,指从一处到另一处的 任何距离的转移。
shift: 侧重位置与方向的改变。
transfer: 一般表示转送、移交或迁移,尤指交通运输中的换乘或职务的调动等。
remove: 作“移动”解时,与move可换用,还可指撤职或开除学藉等。
14. There is no doubt that the boxes
were then put …
There is no doubt that …
There is no doubt that education is the foundation of all.
There is no doubt that he is the thief.
There is no doubt that he will come to help you.
There’s no need (for sth / sb) to do …
There’s no question that …
(It’s) No wonder (that)…
15. After that, what happened to the Amber Room remains a mystery.
remain这里是系动词,意思是“继续或保持一种状况或态度” ,后接n. /adj. /介词短语/表位置的adv.
My friend became a boss, but I remained a teacher.
The death of the old man remained unknown.
The problem remains to be discussed.
Ladies and gentlemen, please remain ______________ (seat) until the plane has come to a complete stop.
16. Is it worth rebuilding lost cultural
relics such as the Amber Room …
worth prep. 值得的;相当于…的价值
The question is not worth discussing again and again.
The house is worth a lot of money.
That novel is well worth reading.
worth n. 价值
This research project is of great worth.
He keeps in the safe $3 million worth
of diamonds.
worth, value这两个名词均有“价值”之意。
worth: 与value近义,但前者强调事物本
value: 侧重指使用价值,着重人、物或事
worth, worthy, worthwhile这些词均可表“值得的”之意。
worth: 前置词,后接名词或相当于名词的词,指做某事有一定价值或意义。
worthy: 形容词,与worth同义,但搭配不相同。
worthwhile: 形容词,用作表语或定语,指某事物是值得的,或某事是值得做的。
  be worthy of
This book is worthy of reading.
worthwhile adj. 值得(做)的
Thank you for making my visit so worthwhile.
It proved worthwhile to make the trip.
You'd better spend your time on some worthwhile reading.
The family _____________ (装饰) the
Christmas tree with lights and got
excited about Christmas morning.
2. Of traveling by train and by air, the
f_____________ is cheaper than the
3. He was dreaming of being s_______
for the Chinese National Football
Fill out the correct words.
7. This painting is very v____________
and it is worth more than 100,000
8. Several old buildings in the town have
s_________ the earthquake.
9. When people work with one mind,
they can even r__________ Mount Tai.
那本词典是图书馆的。(belong to)
2. 我认为这部电影值得再看一次。(worth)
That dictionary belongs to the library.
I think the film is worth seeing again.
3. 我去卧室里找眼镜,可就是找不到。(in search of )
4. 我惊奇的是,他在不到一个小时的时间里就完成了工作。(amaze)
I went into my bedroom in search of my glasses, but I couldn’t find them.
I was amazed that he finished the work in less than an hour.
Finish the exercises on P3 and on P42.
2. Preview Grammar on P85 -86.