人教版(2019)选择性必修 第二册Unit 5 First Aid Assessing Your Progress教学设计+学习任务单+课后练


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修 第二册Unit 5 First Aid Assessing Your Progress教学设计+学习任务单+课后练
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版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-10-18 14:25:25


学科 英语 年级 高二 学期 春季
课题 Unit 5 First Aid Assessing Your Progress
教科书 普通高中教科书英语选必第二册
At the end of this lesson, you’re supposed to: 1. Review, check and consolidate the words and expressions you have learnt in this unit. 2. Review and consolidate the usage of the -ing form. 3. Summarize and reflect your learning experience of this unit.
Go over what you have learned in each period: reading,listening, speaking, writing, project and video time.
【学习任务一】Vocabulary: Words Revision 1. Remove any clothes using scissors if necessary, unless you see the fabric sticking to the burnt skin. 2. Cover the burnt area with a loose clean cloth. 3. It also helps control your body temperature, prevents your body from losing too much water. 4. We are all humans and we all have a responsibility to look after one another’s welfare. 5. What can we do to help prevent elderly people from taking unnecessary risks 6. Your skin act as a barrier against disease, toxins, and the sun’s rays. 7. You can get burnt by a variety of things: hot liquids, steam, fire, radiation. 8. He was now holding his throat with his face turning red, while his desperate friends were slapping him on the back. 9. Examples include mild sunburn and burns caused by other minor household incidents. 10. Once, we gave first aid to a victim of a traffic accident before rushing him to the hospital. 11. Grabbing your fist with your other hand tightly, push up and into his stomach in one motion.
【学习任务二】Vocabulary: Match the words with correct meanings accident a narrow line of light, heat or other energy. desperate a serious or violent event, such as a crime or an attack. ray feeling or showing that you have little hope and are ready to do anything without worrying about danger to yourself or others. incident an unpleasant event, especially in a vehicle, that happens unexpectedly and cause injury or damage. grab to take a firm hold of sth/sb. elderly to take or hold sb/sth with your hand suddenly, firmly or roughly. grasp (rather formal) used as a polite word for “old” the elderly. radiation powerful and very dangerous rays that are sent out from radioactive substances. cloth material made by waving wool, cotton, silk, etc, used for making clothes, curtains, bags etc. and for covering furniture. loose (clothes) not fitting closely. welfare the general health, happiness and safety of person, an animal or a group. fabric material made by waving or knitting cotton, wool, silk, etc. that is used for making clothes. 【学习任务三】Vocabulary: Circle the correct word in each sentence. The cloth/fabric of this bag is soft and light. What is it made of 2. The Red Cross is looking for volunteers who are concerned about the welfare/happiness of their fellow men. 3. When Lisa noticed the fire, she rushed to grab/grasp the fire extinguisher outside the door of the flat. 4. These trousers are too loose/lose-I’m having trouble keeping them up. 5. After the theft, the police were called to investigate the accident/incident. 6. I heard desperate/serious cries for help when I walked past that old building. I reacted quickly by rushing into the building. 7. John’s alarm didn’t go off, so he slept in and was awoken by the radiations/rays of sunlight coming in through his window. 8. We should always do what we can to take care of the elderly/old and any others who might be in need. 【学习任务四】Grammar: Underline the -ing form and analyze its function After a long day at the office, Jane was on her way home and looked forward to relaxing with a cup of tea. While driving, she noticed that there was a car pulled over at the side of the road and a crowd had started to gather around someone lying on the ground. Jane pulled over to see if she could do something. Describing the scene she saw, she said, “A young girl called Jenny was lying there. It turned out that she had been hit by a car and flew over her bike, landing on her head and shoulders. I was worried because she had not been wearing a helmet when she got knocked down. Fortunately, having checked her over, I felt confident that she had escaped relatively unharmed. Even so, with time going by, the amount of pain the girl was in was growing. Not wanting her to go into shock, I kept her talking to keep her mind off the pain.” Soon, the ambulance came and rushed the girl to the hospital. Thinking back, Jane said, “Knowing that in a small way I helped that girl is all the reward I need. I felt great to know that I’d make a difference.” 【学习任务五】Grammar: Complete the passage with the correct forms of the verbs __________for long hours every day in an office for several years, Nancy Jones felt that she was getting out of shape and decided that she needed to get some exercise. So, instead of going to and from work every day by bus, she started riding a bike because ___________was an enjoyable activity for her. One night she had to work till late and it was foggy outside when she left the office. Her bike did not have a light, so __________home by bike would be dangerous. __________(not)to risk having her bike stolen, however, she decided to ride it home anyway.The first few kilometers had plenty of streets, but__________onto a side road in the suburbs she found herself in the dark.__________down, she tried to see in front of her, but it was impossible. Then without warning, her bike hit a rock,__________her to the ground. ___________to get up, she discovered that her ankle was broken. Unable to stand or walk, she found herself in alarming pain. Fortunately, she was able to call an ambulance with her mobile phone, and they took her to a hospital. However, it was several months before her ankle recovered and she found easy again. ___________a gym membership near her office, Nancy decided that there were other ways of keeping fit. Questions to ponder: Why did the accident occur How should we try to avoid accidents in life 【学习任务六】Reflecting: Mind map making and sharing based on following questions 1.What did you learn about first aid that you didn’t know before 2.What do you think we should be like if we want to work as a first-aid doctor or volunteer 3.What could we do to warn people of various dangers and to prepare them for different emergencies 4. Has the unit encouraged you to want to look after the welfare of others Why (A mind map for reference)
学科 英语 年级 高二 学期 春季
课题 Unit 5 First Aid Assessing Your Progress
教科书 高中教科书英语选必第二册
1. Complete the passage with the appropriate words in the box. cloth fabric welfare happiness grab grasp loose lose accident incident desperate serious radiations rays elderly old
The skin is the largest organ of our body. It act as a barrier against disease, toxins, and the sun’s _______. If your skin is burned by________or acids, you feel much pain. Burns are no minor_________.You can wrap the burnt area with a _______clean________. What do you do if an_________man falls onto the ground, with his________grandson crying helplessly or________your hands for help How could we justify standing by We have a duty to look after our fellow’s _________. After all, it’s a great honor to save a life. 2.Finish exercise 3 in workbook on page 90. (Edit the story by correcting any mistakes regarding the use of the -ing form. What can you learn from the story ) Last night there was a big storm, brought high winds and blowing roofs off houses. By morning, however, the storm had passed and the streets were dry. While goes to school, Peter noticed a young boy lie in the road near a downed power line. Not moved, the boy looked dead and his face was turning blue. Peter was walking over to help the boy, when he heard a man shouting “ Stop! Don’t move!” Peter turned and saw a man running towards him with a serious face. “Don't touch him! You could get killed!” the man shouted. “Call an ambulance!” Peter ran to a shop nearby to call for help. Went back into the street, he saw the man uses a long piece of wood to move the power line away from the boy. Having freed of the power line, the boy was picked up and carried a safe distance away. “ Stop people from coming near the power line!” the man told Peter. The man then started doing CPR on the boy. A crowd began To grow, and Peter tried his best to keep them away from the power line. Finally, an ambulance and the fire brigade arrived. The medics began looking after the boy while five fighters took care of the power line. Unable to see what was happening, Peter was quite worried about the boy. After twenty minutes, Peter felt happy when he saw the medics lifting the boy, now is talking, into the ambulance. 3.Finish, improve your mind map and consolidate your weak parts by self-study. (A mind map for reference) Answers for reference: 1.rays; radiation; incidents; loose; cloth; elderly; desperate; grabbing; welfare 2. 1)Last night there was a big storm, bringing high winds and blowing roofs off houses. 2)While going to school, Peter noticed a young boy lying in the road. 3)Not moving, the boy looked dead. 4)Going back into the street, he saw the man using a long piece of wood. 5)Having been freed of the power line...... 6)Peter felt happy when he saw the medics lifting the boy, now talking....... We can learn that we should stay away from downed power lines. From this story, we also know that if someone has been electrocuted, we should move him from the source of the electricity by something which does not conduct electricity, such as wood. Besides, we know that this person may need CPR.教学设计
学科 英语 年级 高二 学期 春季
课题 Unit 5 First Aid Assessing Your Progress
教科书 普通高中教科书英语选必第二册
At the end of this lesson, students are supposed to: 1. Review, check and consolidate the words and expressions students have learnt in this unit. 2. Review and consolidate the usage of the -ing form. 3. Summarize and reflect their learning experience of this unit.
教学重点: 1. Help students review, check and consolidate the words and expressions they have learnt in this unit effectively and summarize some tips for word usage. 2. Assist students to review and consolidate the usage of the -ing form and conclude its function. 3. Lead students to summarize and reflect their learning experience of this unit, and help them strengthen their weak parts on their own. 教学难点: How to help students effectively understand and summarize the usage principles of new words and expressions in concrete context.
2. How to instruct students to comprehend the -ing function, and make use of it correctly. 3.How to arouse students awareness of protecting themselves in daily life in this class.
Step one: Vocabulary: Words Revision 设计目的:基于本单元主题与语境,复习、回顾、温故知新学生已学习的相关词汇、短语,。 Step two: Vocabulary: Match the words with correct meanings 设计目的:引导学生精确、明晰词汇意义,让学生意识到字典查询在英语学习中的重要作用。 Step three: Vocabulary: Circle the correct word in each sentence 设计目的:在具体语境中,带领学生区分易混词汇。 Step four: Vocabulary: Summarize 设计目的:引导带领学生归纳英语词汇学习的有效、适用的小技巧,提醒学生要时刻归纳总结词汇意义与用法,举一反三。 Step five: Grammar: Underline the -ing form and analyze its function 设计目的:基于单元First Aid主题,带领学生欣赏Jane对受伤陌生人的暖心救助的故事,在此语境下,引导学生留意v-ing 形式,带领学生分析其功能和意义。 Step six: Grammar: Summarize 设计目的:引导学生分析文中v-ing形式的功能和表示意义,有效地进行归纳总结。 Step seven: Grammar: Complete the passage with the correct forms of the verbs 设计目的:基于First Aid 主题,带领学生反思Nancy 发生意外的原因,并引导学生思考在日常生活中,应该如何规避此类意外的发生,同时引导学生熟练应用v-ing形式并进一步巩固。 Step eight: Reflecting: Mind map making and sharing 设计目的:基于问题链的引导,学生以思维导图的形式,全面、系统、形象地将本单元所学内容显影于纸上,以思维导图为依托,回顾单元所学。在小组分享环节,学生也能明晰自己单元学习上的不足,在课后进行及时的查漏补缺。 Step nine: Homework 设计目的:作业是评价的重要环节。在本次作业中,学生可以巩固本节课所学词汇与语法结构,在润色完善思维导图过程中,查露补缺单元内容所学,进而加深对本单元内容的理解与掌握。