人教版(2019)选择性必修 第二册Unit 5 First Aid Using Language(2) Reading and Writing学习任务单+教学设计+课后作业


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修 第二册Unit 5 First Aid Using Language(2) Reading and Writing学习任务单+教学设计+课后作业
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版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-10-18 14:24:38


学科 英语 年级 高二 学期 秋季
课题 Unit 5 Using Language (2): Reading and Writing
教科书 普通高中教科书英语选择性必修第二册
1. 通过梳理全文的篇章结构,掌握文章大意,了解Heimlich manoeuvre,掌握急救知识; 2. 把握文章中句子、段落文字间的关联性,初步完成空白选项填空。
预习本课文章,掌握文章大意,上网查询Heimlich manoeuvre,掌握急救知识; 2. 解读文章中句子、段落文字间的关联性,初步完成空白选项填空。
【学习任务一】 Task 1: Preview the following passage and fill in the blanks.
Chen Wei, a high school student, was having dinner when he heard someone screaming from another table. A fellow diner,Zhang Tao,was choking on something. He was holding his throat with his face turning red,while his desperate friends were slapping him on the back. ________________________. He rushed to Zhang's table at once. With the help of Zhang's friends,he was able to help Zhang to his feet. Then,standing behind Zhang,Chen did the Heimlich manoeuvre. The food was instantly forced out,and Zhang began to breathe again. __________________________________________,leaving no time for an ambulance to arrive. To solve this problem,in 1974,an American doctor,Henry Heimlich,created the Heimlich manoeuvre,saving thousands of lives around the world. Doing the Heimlich manoeuvre is quick,practical,and easy. It is so easy,in fact,that almost anyone can learn how. _________________________________________. Then,make sure the victim is really choking:A choking person cannot speak. Slapping the victim's back will often force out the obstruction. If this does not work,you can perform the Heimlich manoeuvre by standing behind him and wrapping your arms around his waist. Make a fist with one hand and place it in the upper part of his stomach. Grabbing your fist with your other hand tightly,push up and into his stomach in one motion. Continue doing this until the obstruction is forced out. ________________________________________.You can't just sit there and do nothing. Luckily,Chen had learnt how to give first aid in school. Seeing Zhang choking,he remained calm and reacted immediately. Chen later said about the incident, “How could I justify sitting there and doing nothing?We are all humans,and we all have a responsibility to look after one another's welfare.” Choking victims usually have only about four minutes before they collapse and sometimes die If you see someone choking,first call the emergency services Chen wasted no time With choking victims,every minute counts Doing the Heimlich manoeuvre on a small child is not recommended
Task 2: Write based on the given information and the evaluation. Last Sunday, I went to the park with Jason for a picnic. Unfortunately, Jason’s left foot got sprained on our way to the park. Luckily, I’d just learned about first aid in our school. So I dialed 120 immediately and performed first aid before the doctor came. ________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________
Task 3: Exchange your writing with your partner, evaluate and revise it on the following rules. Is the narrative essay clear Does it have three parts Does the first part tell you about who, what and where Does the second part show a conflict Does the third part give the conclusion Are there vivid adj., adv and verbs in the details of the story
学科 英语 年级 高二 学期 秋季
课题 Unit 5 Using Language (2): Reading and Writing
教科书 普通高中教科书英语选择性必修第二册
today’s homework. 1. Finish the rest of the story and add a proper title to it. 2. Exchange your article with your partner. 3. Polish your article with the help of the checklist on page 57. Last Sunday, I went to the park with Jason for a picnic. Unfortunately, Jason’s left foot got sprained on our way to the park. Luckily, I’d just learned about first aid in our school. So I dialed 120 immediately and performed first aid before the doctor came. ____________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________
________________________________________________________________________________ Reference 参考答案 Last Sunday, I went to the park with Jason for a picnic. Unfortunately, Jason’s left foot got sprained on our way to the park. Luckily, I’d just learned about first aid in our school. So I dialed 120 immediately and performed first aid before the doctor came. First, I put his left foot in a more comfortable position. Then I rushed to a shop nearby and fetched bags of ice, and carefully applied the ice to the injury. Fifteen minutes later, the swelling seemed to have gone down a little. And I covered the injury with a clean and dry bandage. Ten minutes later, an ambulance arrived and took Jason and me to the hospital when we all heaved a sigh of relief. “What a difference a basic knowledge of first aid could make, especially in such a case!” murmured Jason to me. Now I have a deeper insight into the knowledge learned in the school. The checklist for students’ works is listed below. Is the narrative essay clear Does it have three parts Does the first part tell you about who, what and where Does the second part show a conflict Does the third part give the conclusion Is there a good quote to sum things up Are the details of the story easy to understand 教学设计
学科 高中英语 年级 高二 学期 秋季
课题 Unit 5 Using Language (2): Reading and Writing
教科书 普通高中教科书英语选择性必修第二册
1. 通过梳理全文的篇章结构,掌握文章大意,了解Heimlich manoeuvre,掌握急救知识; 2. 通过解读句子、段落文字间的关联性,分析问题本质,培养逻辑思维能力; 3. 通过研读词、短语、句式和过去进行时,熟悉话题核心词汇,学习如何生动地描写叙事性文章; 4. 通过深入解读文章,掌握记叙文篇章特征, 运用话题核心词汇,仿写急救故事。
教学重点: 1. 解读句子、段落文字间的关联性,分析问题本质,培养逻辑思维能力; 2. 熟悉话题核心词汇,学习Heimlich manoeuvre的急救方法; 3. 深入解读文章,掌握记叙文篇章特征, 运用话题核心词汇,仿写急救故事。 教学难点: 1. 学习如何生动地描写叙事性文章; 2. 学习如何运用话题核心词汇,仿写急救故事。
Task 1: Brainstorming T: What table manners do your family have Do you know the reason S: We should wash hands before meals to avoid bacteria. We should chew the food with mouth closed in order to well digest and politely act. We do not speak with a mouth of food to avoid choking. T: How to rescue someone who are choking Heimlich manoeuvre can help choking victims to breathe normally again. Do you know what is Heimlich manoeuvre Henry Heimlic created the Heimlich manoeuvre in 1974. It is a useful first-aid way to help these choking victims. Do you want to know more about it OK, let’s take a look at today’s passage. Task 2: Predict the story. T: According to the three pictures and their introductions, what do you think the writer may introduce in this passage (1) Who is Zhang Tao (2) What happened to him (3) Why did his friend do that (4) Did it work (5) Who is Chen Wei (6) How did he perform the Heimlich manoeuvre T: Observing the third picture, we can see the Heimlich manoeuvre is performed on a small child differently. Do you have any questions about this picture (7) Why should we perform the Heimlich manoeuvre on a small child in a different way (8) How to perform the Heimlich manoeuvre on a small child (The teacher writes down all the questions on the blackboard.) T: We have predicted what the writer may talk about in this passage by the eight questions listed on the blackboard. Now you have ten minutes to read by yourself and find the answers to those questions. Task 3: Read the passage for the answers to these questions. T: Time is up. Before we check the answers, take a look at the tips on page 57, and we can find this passage is a narrative one. Firstly let’s know something about the narrative essay. It has three parts: the set-up, the conflict, and the conclusion. The set-up tells us about who, what and where. Divide this passage into 3 parts and find the narrative part in this passage. T: Now we can find part 1 is the story of choking accident as well as the narrative part. Part 2 is the introduction of the Heimlich manoeuvre while part 3 serves as the conclusion — also the comments on the choking accident. Task 4: Read para 1 and study the story conflict and details. T: Read the first paragraph and let’s find the basic information and the answers to the former five questions. S: It is about Chen Wei, Zhang Tao and Zhang Tao’s friend. They were all the customers, who were having dinner when the accident happened. They were at the restaurant. It was Zhang Tao who was choking on some steak. Task 5: Find how Chen Wei performed first-aid process. T: This time we will go deeper into the passage for more detailed information and find the answer to the latter three questions. How did Chen perform the Heimlich manoeuvre on Zhang Tao Read Para 2 and circle the key words. (The teacher wrote down the key verbs on the blackboard: got up and ran to, helped to his feet, stood behind, did the Heimlich and forced out) T: we can find this paragraph uses a series of verbs introducing how Chen helped Zhang in time order. So we put option C here. Task 6: Fill in the blanks. T: Observing these blanks, we can find the first sentences in the middle paragraphs are all missing. So what role does the first sentence play in each paragraph S: They can be the topic sentence or the transitional sentence. T: Good. We have finished the first blank. Let’s come to the second part, the introduction of Heimlich manoeuvre. As for its function, this sentence can link up ideas between paragraphs, making the article coherent. T: Now let’s check the answers. The second blank firstly mentions a problem and the creative doctor, so we put A here. The third blank introduces how to rescue the choking victims specifically through a series of steps, so we put B here, the first step. Behind the forth blank is the reason why we shouldn’t perform Heimlich manoeuvre on a small child, so we put E here. The last paragraph shows the importance of Heimlich manoeuvre, so we put D here. Task 7: Act out the different ways of performing the Heimlich manoeuvre. T: Thanks to the Heimlich manoeuvre, Zhang Tao was saved. So, what is the Heimlich manoeuvre How is it performed Please go to part 2 and find out the answers. (The teacher asks two students to show and explain it.) T: According to the picture, firstly you should stand behind her and wrap your arms around her waist. Then you make a fist with one hand and place it in the upper part of her stomach. Then grab your fist with your other hand tightly. Push up and into her stomach in one motion. But it is a different way to perform the Heimlich manoeuvre on small child. Do you know why S: You got it. Because the victim is very likely to be injured if performed the Heimlich manoeuvre, for example the victim may get his bones broken, let alone a small child. So how can we do first-aid to a small choking child Firstly lay the child face down and then make his head lower than his body. Finally give firm slaps to his upper back. T: After reading the rescue process, let’s reach a conclusion about how to describe an urgent situation vividly. S: We can use various adj., adv. verbs including the past continuous tense and specific sentence structures to make our description more vividly. T: You are so smart. Let’s observe the last paragraph. Why did the writer use a quote in the last paragraph S: It can summarize the essay, tell the readers about Chen Wei’s emotions and opinions and give unique insights into his characters. T: What good qualities can we find in Chen Wei In conclusion, it was his quick action, knowledge of first aid and willingness to help others that saved Zhang Tao’s life. Just like the motto by Leigh Bardugo “It’s a great honor to save a life.” Task 8: Choose a proper title for the story. T: In this passage, besides five sentences, what else is also missing The title is also missing. Can you think of a suitable title for this story Please choose the best title from the four options and tell your reasons. T: We choose “The Heimlich manoeuvre saved a life” as the title, because a good title can show its topic or main ideas, attract readers’ attention or reflect the genre of the article. Task 9: Write according to the given information. T: After reading today’s story, would you like to try to write your own story of first-aid experience Well, I'd like to share a piece of recent news about first-aid with you. It is also about my performing first aid to a friend. Last Sunday, I went to the park with Jason for a picnic. Unfortunately, Jason’s left foot got sprained on our way to the park. Suppose you were me, what would you do to rescue him T: Before the continuous writing, let’s analyze its genre, theme, tense, person and key points. It is a narrative writing themed a first-aid experience. The first and third person are used in this passage. The key point of this story includes the set-up, the process, the end and the conclusion. Using what you've learnt in this lesson, let’s finish the following part. Meanwhile, you can adopt a series of adj. and verbs to make the story more vivid and accurate. You can refer to the useful expressions in the box or the article. Now you have ten minutes to finish your draft. (The teacher showed a sample.) First, I put his left foot in a more comfortable position. Then I rushed to a shop nearby and fetched bags of ice, and carefully applied the ice to the injury. Fifteen minutes later, the swelling seemed to have gone down a little. And I covered the injury with a clean and dry bandage. Ten minutes later, an ambulance arrived and took Jason and me to the hospital when we all heaved a sigh of relief. “What a difference a basic knowledge of first aid could make, especially in such a case!” murmured Jason to me. Now I have a deeper insight into the knowledge learned in the school. T: Good, all of us have finished the draft of the first-aid experience. I’d like to show my own sample. Pay attention the key point and transitional words I used in this sample. In my writing, I add some expressions to show the time order and make the writing more coherent such as “first, then, fifteen minutes later and ten minutes later”. I also use a quote in the last part to show our deeper thought about first-aid knowledge, which also served as a persuasive conclusion of the story. T: Let’s make a conclusion of today’s lesson. By reading the passage about Heimlich manoeuvre, we learned some practical knowledge on how to give first aid to the choking victims; By analyzing the passage structure and main ideas, we learned the characteristics of narrative writing. By analyzing the specific descriptions of emergent situations like adj., adv. verbs and expressions, we learned how to write narrative passages about first aid vividly. Homework Here is today’s homework. 1. Finish the rest of the story and add a proper title to it. 2. Exchange your article with your partner. 3. Polish your article with the help of the checklist on page 57. The checklist is listed below. Is the narrative essay clear Does it have three parts Does the first part tell you about who, what and where Does the second part show a conflict Does the third part give the conclusion Is there a good quote to sum things up Are the details of the story easy to understand The blackboard design (1) Who is Zhang Tao (2) What happened to him (3) Why did his friend do that (4) Did it work (5) Who is Chen Wei (6) How did he perform the Heimlich manoeuvre (7) Why should we perform the Heimlich manoeuvre on a small child in a different way (8) How to perform the Heimlich manoeuvre on a small child A narrative essay: genre, theme, tense, person, key point