人教版(2019)选择性必修 第二册 Unit 5 First Aid Using Language(2) Reading and Writing课件(共21张PPT,内镶嵌视频)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修 第二册 Unit 5 First Aid Using Language(2) Reading and Writing课件(共21张PPT,内镶嵌视频)
格式 pptx
文件大小 11.5MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2024-10-18 14:29:41



Unit 5 First Aid(Reading and Writing)
Learning objectives
In this class, we will
read for the main idea of a story and master the operation steps of Heimlich manoeuvre;
analyse the structure of the text;
study the structure and language features of a narrative essay;
write a narrative essay that shares a story about providing first aid;
learn to be a helpful person to help those who are in trouble.
1.What is young Sheldon suffering from
2.How is he finally saved
Heimlich manoeuvre
[ ha m.l k m nu v r]
Task 1
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It is a way to help the________________(窒息患者). C________ can be very dangerous. _____________
(为了解决这个问题), Henry Heimlic c______ the Heimlich manoeuvre in 1974.
What is the Heimlich manoeuvre
choking victims
To solve the problem
How is it performed
Is it easy to learn
Read the article and put A-E in the correct places in the text.
Look at the blanks, could you find anything in common about their position
First sentence
as topic sentence of the paragraph
What are the functions of the first sentence
or to link up ideas between paragraphs
Task 2
Read and put A-E
A. Choking victims usually have only about four minutes before they collapse and sometimes die.
B. If you see someone choking, first call the emergency services.
C. Chen wasted no time.
D. With choking victims, every minute counts.
E. Doing the Heimlich manoeuvre on a small child is not recommended.
Task3 Read for structure
A ______of choking incident
An ___________ of theHeimlich manoeuvre
The ______________ _ of the story
Part 1 (Para1-2)
Part 2 (Para3-5)
Part 3 (Para6)
who, what, where, how, result
What’s the main idea of each part
Three factors of a narrative essay
Like all good stories, it has three parts: the set-up, the conflict/climax, and the conclusion. The set-up tells you about who, what and where. The conflict always involves a challenge or difficulty that the characters face. The conclusion is the end of the story, where the problem in Part 2 has been solved.
The set-up Who __________, a high school student in Beijing and __________, a _______________at a restaurant.
What Zhang Tao was _________
some steak over dinner.
The climax Chen Wei performed the _________
The end The food was__________, and Zhang began to_______ again.
Chen Wei
Zhang Tao
a fellow diner
choking on
Heimlich manoeuvre
forced out
At a restaurant
What type of writing is the first part
Argumentative writing 议论文
Narrative writing记叙文
C. Expository writing说明文
D. Advertising writing广告文
Task4 The 1st part in detail
the story of choking incident
Part Two : the introduction of the Heimlich manoeuvre
How to perform the Heimlich manoeuvre on adults Para 4
Circle verbs
_______ behind her
__________ with one hand
______it in the upper part
of her stomach
make a fist
Act it out!
___________ with your other hand tightly
Grab your fist
_______and into her stomach in one motion
push up
How to help children who are suffering from choking
lay the child face down
head lower than his/her body
give firm slaps to his/her upper back
What purpose does the quote serve
With choking victims, every minute counts. You cannot just stand by and do nothing. Luckily, Chen had learnt how to give first aid in school. Seeing Zhang choking, he remained calm and reacted immediately. Chen later said about the incident, “How could I justify sitting there and doing nothing We are all humans and we all have a responsibility to look after one another’s welfare.”
Summarize(总结) the essay
Tell the readers about Chen Wei’s emotions and opinions
Give unique insight into his character
If you were Chen Wei, would you choose to help Zhang Tao
It was his quick a________, k____________ of first aid and r__________ to help that saved Zhang Tao’s life.
It’s a great honour to save a life.
-- Leigh Bardugo
Review: three factors/ elements of a story
Who, what, where
The steps of performing Heimlich manoeuvre.
Zhang was saved in time.
What order
time order
the simple past tense
the simple past continuous tense
Task5 Choose a proper title for the story.
1. The Importance of First Aid--the Heimlich Manoeuvre
2. Help Choking Victims
3. Doing First Aid
4. The Heimlich Manoeuvre Saved a Life
The Heimlich Manoeuvre Saved a Life
·show its topic or main idea
·attract readers' attention
·reflect the genre of the article
假设上周日你和 Tony 去公园野餐,在路上 Tony 不小心扭伤了左脚,恰好你在学校学过这方面的急救知识,及时对 Tony进行了急救。请就此事写一篇短文。内容包括:
1.拨打 120 求救;
2.把 Tony 的左脚放在一个较舒适的位置;
注意:1.词数100 左右;
写作要点:the set-up+the process+ the end+ comments
accident, first aid, sprain, bleeding, swollen, victim, injury, pain, panic, medical emergency, vital sign, urgent, rescue, ambulance, bandage, hospital,in urgent situations, stay calm
Useful expressions
Key points
Last Sunday, I went to the park with Tony for a picnic. Unfortunately, Tony's left foot got injured on our way to the park.
Luckily, I'd just learned about first aid in our school. So I dialed 120 immediately and performed first aid before the doctor came. First, I put his left foot in a more comfortable position. Then I rushed to a shop nearby and fetched bags of ice, and carefully applied the ice to the injury. Fifteen minutes later, the swelling seemed to have gone down a little. And I covered the injury with a clean and dry bandage. Ten minutes later, an ambulance arrived and took Tony to the hospital.
Only then was I aware of what a difference a basic knowledge of first aid could make, especially in such a case.
Finish your writing after class and exchange your draft with your partner. Use the checklist on P57 to help you revise the draft. Then take back your draft and revise it using your partner’s comments.
Is the narrative essay clear
Does it have three parts
Does the first part tell you about who, what and where
Does the second part show a conflict
Does the third part give the conclusion
Is there a good quote to sum things up
Are the details of the story easy to understand
Thanks for your listening!